I love how you make collabs scapegoats for lack of time or commitment where you need no scapegoat at all. I don't see how waiting for one guy or skipping his turn in is any different in a collab or IC. We got two, three teams back form the mission and the IC ain' looking any more active than before. The holidays are usually no help with that whatsoever, mostly the opposite form my experience
I personally have had no free time / will power to post in the last week, because I had 12 hour night shifts so I have either been working or sleeping. That's the story, and I ain' ashamed of it. Quit making excuses, having other things to do in real life, writer's block or just general lack of motivation is normal, human. If you're bothered by lack of activity, quit complaining about it and propose solutions.
I for one think that getting completely rid of the deadlines is biting us in the ass now. Yes, the last one was far too early, but people were at least working on the missions. That seems to have ground to a halt form what I read here, so I propose we give <instert commonly acceptable time here, a month?> to finish and move on. Any seconds?
I'll be here for as long as at least one other player will, I don't care how long they have to take off or that the RP isn't constantly on the top of my subscription list, I have attention span longer than a goldfish.
Also, Diamond always open for interaction. If I don't want to be interrupted, guess what - I do a collab.