Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I disagree with your politics.

*stretches for his fight against the whole site*
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 8 days ago

Good lord Milo has the most punchable voice. Anyone that quotes Jurassic Park 2 is punchable.

Also I miss when Joe Rogan was just the guy from Newsradio

Or Fear Factor for you young fucks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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Milo, in general, is a super punchable person.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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edit: also, modern feminism is doing a lot. anti-feminists seem to be pretty willfully ignorant to the things that feminists are doing/trying to do, but thats just me onion.

I wouldn't say that people are willfully ignorant as much as they are just fed up with people like Anita and Lacy Green who've become defacto heads of the modern feminism regardless if people wanted them to be or not; they're by far the most well known and vocal. Its like that McDonalds thing where they had horse meat in their burgers apparently; sure not all of their meat it horse and it might just be a few, but it causes enough of an outcry and gained so much noririty to the point that all McDs burgers were shied away from (at least for a period of time).

I'm as much for actual feminism as the people who are actual feminists and not some SJW idiots. I don't care what you say, telling me how video games "oppresses" women and how people need to be "less triggering" on the internet ain't going to do jack shit for the women who are actually being oppressed and in the slave trade. Good luck on also reprograming human biology the SJW agenda and preaching how society is innately misogynistic; there's biological reasons behind what people do. Men are naturally more aggressive than females as well as better spacial learners (hence why you see more men as soldiers and engineers) and women are more naturally caring and are better emotional thinkers (hence why you see more women as teachers and nurses). Am I saying that a man can't be a nurse or a woman can't be a solider? No, I'm saying that there are biological reasons why people do what they do and it stems from man's animal nature.

Also, how do you expect anyone to take someone who hides away and claims PTSD at the sight of internet trolls and says that they're forever scarred and people need to learn to be more sensitive? There are actual military vets with PTSD who've seen shit that no one should have to see. You want to talk PTSD? Tell me how getting Twitter BS is as scarring as seeing you're best friend getting his legs blown out and your entire squad gunned down at point blank. Also, faux feminists decided that the UN had to listen to their whining and bitching instead of just learning to grow up and deal with it. You want people not to feel endangered or harassed? You make them strong and teach them how to either stand up for themselves or grow a thick hide and give whoever talks crap about them a shit eating face, not censor people and make mandatory "safe spaces". I like to believe that women/minorities/LGBTQ+ are capable of being strong and not as weak to require a "safe space" unless you'd like to disprove me.

Also, explain to me how this isn't complete lunacy? I don't care that you might not see Anita as the leader of modern feminist or just a very vocal minority, she and others like her have become the figurehead of it all and also why people don't like it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


*hit himself another 3 times with his own juggling clubs and falls to the floor*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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Mysaren killjoy

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<Snipped quote by Mysaren>

snip snop

it's almost as if feminism can focus on more than one issue at once, first of all. i do agree that people claiming ptsd from internet trolls is shitty, yes, but what is wrong with having a safe space? how does that affect you in any way shape or form? what, are you triggered by the idea of a safe space? why, how dare people want to have a place where they can safely discuss societal issues without the risk of being literally murdered.

"they're just complaining about nothing! tell them to grow up"
yeah, cause the lgbt+ people and poc need to grow up! who cares if people are getting murdered? who cares if an entire nightclub full of lgbt+ poc got shot up? what do they have to whine about? acting like safe spaces are pointless shows a level of not understanding why people need places to feel safe. why people need to be away from these things. people are literally dying, so who gives a fuck if people want a safe space to voice their opinions without shitty shitty people being able to spread their rhetoric. free speech means the government can't tell you what not to say, doesn't mean people can't call you out for saying shitty things.

also, men may be slightly more genetically likely to commit violence, yes, but acting like that there aren't societal factors in what men or women do is stupid.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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snippy snippers

I should probably restate my point; yes having people getting shot and killed is not a good thing. There is a good purpose behind the idea of having safe spaces but if you're trying to make every where a safe space then that's just getting over the top. I remember one quote from some college protest were someone said, "College is a home, not a place for learning! We have a right to feel safe and comfortable here!" or something like that.

Yes the intent behind having a safer college and select safe spaces on campus is a good thing, but to override the entire point of a higher education institution just because you "don't feel comfortable" isn't exactly the form of logic I can understand. I'm not triggered by these things as i am just annoyed and dumbfounded on such illogicalness can actually exist. Don't matter which side something is on, I see illogical BS I call it out.

Interesting thing about Free Speech, it works both ways. Going on a bit of a side note here, but for every person who says that we need more safe spaces and gay rights, there's someone else whose spouting how gays are sinners and deserve to die. By the constitution, both people have a right to say their own words, no matter what anyone else thinks. Do I approve of this? No but its something I've learned to live with. The constitution in general has several things that I feel are horrible ideas/decisions or aren't enforced enough but oh well, se la ve.

Also, I haven't mentioned anything of the nightclub massacre, I never said anything about just letting people die. Did you imply that from what I said? Maybe, but I didn't directly state "who gives a fuck about all dem people yo", at least not on purpose with intent. I can't help but feel that if that nightclub was full of straight people, there would be less of a fuss about it (I realize what I'm saying is harsh but this is just about the only way I can put it without sugar coating it); I feel the same way if that club was full of LGBTQ+'s or not, that's something I call "Equal Thinking" (again, not the best term for it, I know), close to Equal Rights. I'm not going to prioritize another group of people over another in an incident since that's not exacting thinking of them as equal, its giving preferred treatment.

And yes, I realize there's social and economic factors that play into peoples lives, but biology is still there. There are people who are more predesoptioned to certain things. But if I was to go into a group of normal woman that I found while walking around on the street, how many of them do you thing would have something like soldier or engineer as their first job of choice? If I did that same thing on men, how many of them would you think would have fashion designer or nurse as their first job of choice? Am I saying that there is no such thing as people liking other things than what their "gender designated them to"? Hell no.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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<Snipped quote by Mysaren>
snip snop

Fair enough. Maybe college isn't the right place for it, but at the same time, people do pay like, way too fucking much for college. You'd think there'd be some degree of safety there.

Also, I can't really speak for other people on what they wanna do. You can't assume what people wanna do. I think society determines that much more than genetics though.

As for the night club thing, that's an example of why we need safe spaces. People would probably care more if it was a bunch of straight white people, because then it would be much more of "THEM MOOSLEMS ATTACKING OUR GOOD CHRISTIAN VALUES!" either way, acting like everything is fine and we don't need to maybe look out for some people more than others is kinda ignorant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Snippy Snippers

College is over the top expensive for most people but there is protection in the form of campus guards as well as local police depending on where you are. Is this a perfect system? No, but it does prevent mass public demonstrations against people said mass don't like and random lynchings that blacks suffered in the south some few generations ago. I also have hope that people are smart enough and creative enough to create their own sort of comfort group/room wither that be in someone's dorm or a rec area. Personally I find a few of those to be enough to suffice for safe spaces but then again I'm not an expert on what exactly a safe space needs and how many there needs to be.

Fair enough, society can do weird things to you like turning you bi or make you cynical. I remember something about some old woman cursing out a guy with tattoos only to find out that said man was a doctor in a hospital.

There's more too the whole thing than just a lack of safe spaces. I'm pretty sure even if you had a hundred of them in the local area, extremists still wouldn't have given much of shit and still done what he did. Sure there's value in inciting change but the way some people go about aren't exactly the way I'd recommend them doing it to put it lightly.

In the end, I just find the way modern feminism and social justice handles itself to be very distasteful; surely there's a better way to fight actual female oppression than pointing out that you can see Tracer's ass and everywhere needs to be a safe space for things to improve.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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<Snipped quote by Mysaren>
snippity do dah

Fair enough. We aren't gonna agree and that's fine. I just think that people can focus on more than one thing at once :P Talk about smaller acts of misogyny while also focusing on the big stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Snickers Snippers

Fair enough, good talk btw =p
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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I think Leafy is cute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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...you manosphere types:

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

Fair enough. We aren't gonna agree and that's fine. I just think that people can focus on more than one thing at once :P Talk about smaller acts of misogyny while also focusing on the big stuff.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

i hate to be a disappointment but it's pretty civilized so far :(

You're lying. I'm a red pilled misogynist so I started throwing bricks and calling you a feminazi.

What did you expect, lol. I'm pretty civil, despite being a 'manly man'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Men in the MRA movement aren't Alpha Males they are hyper-sensitive, reactionary, passive aggressive man-children

Men in the feminist movement aren't Chivalrous they are sexually frustrated, pandering, white knight cuckolds.

Real men make up their own damn minds about how to live their life, without joining some meme soaked E-treehouse club.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hilary is best waifu.

You said this as a joke

But to be honest

Its kind of fucking true <3
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

FUCK, brown bread. Shit. Man. I don't want nuts and shit in my bread, the whole motherfucking point is that I put in it what I want. The sandwich was the first customizable content, man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Assassin's Creed 3 was enjoyable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The recent attacks in my country DEFINITELY have something to do with Islam.

And it's a sh*t ideology, takes the cake for worst religion.
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