snippy snippers
I should probably restate my point; yes having people getting shot and killed is not a good thing. There
is a good purpose behind the idea of having safe spaces but if you're trying to make every where a safe space then that's just getting over the top. I remember one quote from some college protest were someone said, "College is a home, not a place for learning! We have a right to feel safe and comfortable here!" or something like that.
Yes the intent behind having a safer college and select safe spaces on campus is a good thing, but to override the entire point of a higher education institution just because you "don't feel comfortable" isn't exactly the form of logic I can understand. I'm not triggered by these things as i am just annoyed and dumbfounded on such illogicalness can actually exist. Don't matter which side something is on, I see illogical BS I call it out.
Interesting thing about Free Speech, it works both ways. Going on a bit of a side note here, but for every person who says that we need more safe spaces and gay rights, there's someone else whose spouting how gays are sinners and deserve to die. By the constitution, both people have a right to say their own words, no matter what anyone else thinks. Do I approve of this? No but its something I've learned to live with. The constitution in general has several things that I feel are horrible ideas/decisions or aren't enforced enough but oh well, se la ve.
Also, I haven't mentioned anything of the nightclub massacre, I never said anything about just letting people die. Did you imply that from what I said? Maybe, but I didn't directly state "who gives a fuck about all dem people yo", at least not on purpose with intent. I can't help but feel that if that nightclub was full of straight people, there would be less of a fuss about it (I realize what I'm saying is harsh but this is just about the only way I can put it without sugar coating it); I feel the same way if that club was full of LGBTQ+'s or not, that's something I call "Equal Thinking" (again, not the best term for it, I know), close to Equal Rights. I'm not going to prioritize another group of people over another in an incident since that's not exacting thinking of them as equal, its giving preferred treatment.
And yes, I realize there's social and economic factors that play into peoples lives, but biology is still there. There are people who are more predesoptioned to certain things. But if I was to go into a group of normal woman that I found while walking around on the street, how many of them do you thing would have something like soldier or engineer as their first job of choice? If I did that same thing on men, how many of them would you think would have fashion designer or nurse as their first job of choice? Am I saying that there is no such thing as people liking other things than what their "gender designated them to"? Hell no.