♣ 26 ♣ Female ♫ LUSH DJ ♫ Radio Hostess ♪ 5'8" ♪ 124 lbs ♣ But I don't care what they say, there's no mess that can't be danced away. Together we destroy, together we go down
Appearance: Despite her name, Lìxúe's features aren't entirely Chinese in origin - though she is certainly Chinese in ethnicity. Her skin is a darker shade, some classify it as tan but those in the know would spot it as biracial - and with her rounded, bright blue eyes and the small, button-ish nose it's a fair assumption to make...as well as an accurate one. Lìxúe takes after her mom in the respects that she values most, namely in Lìxúe's rather lustrous shimmering black hair - which even when drenched in the sweat and the rhythms of the night manages to stand out when it shines just right under the spotlight. She attributes the more physical attributes of herself to her mother as well, except for the thin lips which she credits to the doctors that reduced their natural puffiness.
Lìxúe frequently wears clothing that some might consider provocative only because she shows off the skin of her torso. Half-tops, sleeveless numbers, things of that nature - though it's a bit eye catching she doesn't wear anything that would get her the wrong sort of attention. It's because of that, and because of her belief that her thick legs are offputting, that Lìxúe never wears skirts, always going with jeans or pants that are either a tad too tight or require the use of always-stylish belts. Her left arm has a silver bangle and her right has various wrist bands and accessories - matched by the silver and gold earrings she never leaves the house without. Silver on the left, gold on the right.
Beautification is crucial, but never too much. The last thing she wants is for her makeup to run due to the sweat that her main job entails. Her nails are always painted in bright colors - and they are luminescent which makes for a hell of a show when the lights dim at LUSH and ten brightly colored nails spin the records. Lìxúe never wears a different kind of lipstick other than her standard pink and the only time she is out of heels is when she's behind the turntable - because standing for hours in heels is murder.
Lìxúe considers herself a rather attractive sort without coming off as smug about it. She knows what she can show off - namely her arms and torso - and how to make sure that when people are enjoying their nights at LUSH that it's not just the music that has their attention.
☺Personality☻: It's easy to assume Lìxúe is some sort of party animal given her love of the night life, the club scene, and from how she talks about it but that's really selling her short. While she is most certainly a night animal, Lìxúe is a rather boisterous sort, always wanting to engage people - greeting them enthusiastically. A life under lime light can certainly influence a person. It's not unflinching optimism, not truly, just an infectious sort of way of making sure that people are having a good time whenever she happens to be around.
But one facet of Lìxúe's personality is that she harbors a rather distressing side that she tries, desperately, to keep under wraps. Namely that once she's out of the public eye - back at her place or just dipping into a stall at LUSH - her addictions take hold. Surrounded by lights, drinks, noise, body heat and, yes, the occassional party enhancer has given Lìxúe a bit of a substance abuse problem which is only compounded by her easily addicted self. It's not just the substances she struggles with, but she chooses to look for those who will reinforce her positively - codependency. She desperately seeks the approval of others even those who are privy to her other, far more potentially lethal indulgences.
It's not all bad with Lìxúe however, as she possesses a sharp mind - thinking ahead and good under pressure, a useful ability in the high stakes, high pressure, high anxiety world of mixing, spinning, and controlling the vibe of a party. She may not be book smart but hers is a street-wise sort of intelligence. She knows how to talk to people, how to get others to talk to her, how to control a room with her voice and words when her music and hands can't do it. Always cool, calm, and collected except when a hit is needed; From every pore she exudes charisma but her selective ways means that not everyone gets a chance to get to know Lìxúe. It's not all a mask, but her desire for approval colors her interactions considerably.
♫History♫: Lìxúe's story starts with her parents, specifically her mother who was, at one point, a known name in the HK Cinema scene. While not ever breaking into the Western market, she enjoyed a bit of fame in her home country. But fame is a fleeting mistress and a scandal surely didn't help matters. Lìxúe's mother was married to a producer and things seemed rather happy between the two. And yet how happy could they have been if Lijuan, that being Lìxúe's mother, found solace in the arms of an American tourist? It was three nights, a fling, with a handsome gentleman with a deep voice and a large personality. He was on a tour of China. She was bored and desperate. When the media heard that Lijuan Zhang was pregnant they had a field day - congratulations were everywhere. And then Lìxúe was born and she did not resemble her father much at all. Then the rumors started. Then the blood test confirmed. Then Lijuan Zhang never worked in the media again and, in disgrace, fled the country with Lìxúe - not wanting her daughter to be unfairly stigmatized by her mistake.
Lìxúe only discovered the truth of her heritage after reading about her mother's career following her mother's death. Lìxúe was only thirteen when Lijuan was killed by a drunk driver. Lìxúe got in contact with her father, her biological father, who, as it turned out, was an audio engineer. Lìxúe took to him almost immediately and it was through him and his work that Lìxúe developed a love for music herself. By the time she was seventeen she had been ruining her dad's vinyl records by trying to scratch and spin for three years and decided to spend her allowance and saved up holiday and birthday money to invest in a turntable of her own. It was slow going, of course it was, but her first big break happened at age twenty two.
Lìxúe had been putting her remixes and mixes on the internet and a rather obscure little night club needed someone to bring a crowd. Lìxúe volunteered, submitting her mixes as a resume. She got the gig and spent the better half of a year spinning and styling in the club. People recording and distributing her sets earned her more opportunities and gigs until eventually she was signing a contract at LUSH in Shine City for exclusivity rights. The pay was good, the venue was great, and they didn't forbid her from doing house shows - she just couldn't work for any other club for a few years.
Relocating to Shine City was a much easier adjustment than she thought, but then she had always been a fan of the urban noise that a city brought with it. Lìxúe even found another paying gig - this one just guesting on an afternoon radio show. She got to promote her own gigs and interact with fans on a more personal basis, it was a win-win as far as she was concerned.
But with her reliance on substances how long can she keep it going? After all, if there's one thing the Zhang women have experience with it's the fleeting star of fame.
Also she goes by 'Licks' when behind the table because she got tired of people mispronouncing her name.
Likes: ↑ Pastries, specifically little cute ones with strawberry and chocolate
↑ Chocolate and strawberry - including chocolate covered strawberries
↑ A bit of Irish in the coffee in the morning
↑ Making her own remixes and songs
↑ Sleeping until noon
↑ Loud music, preferably played by her
↑ Chai tea
↑ Magical realism fiction novels
Dislikes: ↓That feeling of needing a fix
↓ Waking up before the sun
↓ Spicy foods of any sort
↓ Decaf coffee - why does it even exist?
↓ Meat and chicken. She is a pescatarian.
↓ Action movies - she's a fan of the romantic dramas
↓ Science fiction novels
↓ Dogs - she's a cat person for life
Party Trick: Without knowing the ingredients of any given cocktail, she can tell you what's in said cocktail after a sip - two if it's particularly heavy. If you give her enough time she might even be able to list off the brand that went into it.
Theme Song: 'Dreams are what I like. Travel through the night
I'm invincible once I close my eyes. Can't take the pressure, escape to my dream. Sometimes this world is better' - Dreamer by Maya Jane Coles