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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Danica Graves

Location:The streets outside of the PD -> Her Hotel Room
Interacting With: No One

Danica pulls out her phone as it starts tinging away, left and right her followers are streaming her with hits. A small smirk coming to her lips, she knew she could count on them. It was a lot of information and the day was drawing to a close, the last thing she wanted to do was to be stuck on the streets right then. With everything that was going on and everything she had seen that day she hoped that she would be able to get back to the hotel safe and that at she would at least get a little bit of shut eye, granted she wasn't counting on it. As far as she knew the entire city would be swallowed up by the Titans. The real titans, not the Teen Titans.

Sticking her phone back into her pocket she adjusted her back and started heading down the streets. Her eyes darting left and right as she palmed her keys, keeping one of them sticking out from between her fingers. If anyone came near her she was striking to gouge out an eye, or break a nose, or a knee cap, to remove their family jewels. Which ever fit the situation. Like hell she was going to go down without a fight. The world might be coming to an end but damn, as long as a few were still standing she had followers that would want updates come morning and damn it, she would get that blog post up.

Stepping across the street she moved quickly, the light of the motel shining and her room door could be seen off in the distance. A few jumps out of people's way and she was at her door. Looking over her shoulder as she stuck the key in the lock, jiggling it a few times before it finally turned. Stepping inside she locked up tight and very glad she wasn't shot by some deranged woman on the streets. (Yes, I saw what you did there. :P)

Dropping her back on her bed she sat down and let out a long sigh, it had been a hell of a day but it wasn't over yet. Pulling her pack over to herself she started pulling out her things and her phone. It was time to get to work researching as much as she could before she ended up passing out for the evening. If tomorrow came she wanted to get her beauty sleep.

Amy Chang

Location: Ambulance Bay -> Mountain View Cemetery
Interacting With: @Morose

Amy shut the doors of the ambulance and all hell broke loose. "Drive fucker, drive!" she yelled to the ambulance driver before turning her attention back in front of her. She didn't know what was going on but like hell she was going to just stand by right then. Grabbing the salt she took hand fulls of it as it poured out of the spout and tried to throw it at the gruesome ghost. She figured it if helped the detective with his burns it might help keep the ghost as bay.

A trail of salt surrounded the detective now along the edge of the gurney. "Don't fucking move," she told him as the ambulance sped down the streets. Amy doing her best to keep her balance and continuing to toss salt like she was Emeril, the occasional Bam coming out of her mouth. She really watched too many fucking cooking shows. But the salt was her best bet right then, it wasn't like Alton Brown with all his science was going to help her one damn bit right now.

She really wished there was cooking for Witches on the Food Network by then but the only spell she could think of was from Shakespeare. Something along the lines of boil boil toil and trouble. Or was that off a Disney thing? Or did Disney get it from Shakespeare? Yeah, that was probably it. It wasn't exactly like she could start singing right then and make the fucking ghost dance himself to death but that song was catchy. I put a spell on you and now your mine! That would be some seriously useful shit right about then.

As the driver stopped the ambulance in front of the cemetery, the driver hopped out, wanting to get away from the ghost as quickly as possible. He was kind enough to open the damn rear doors for Amy before running off down the street. "Chicken shit! I hope you get eaten by a Manticore!!" she screamed before throwing another handful of salt towards the ghost before yanking the gurney out of the back and looking at the detective. "Which fucking way???"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Amelia glanced down at her phone, void of any decent texts. Most of them came from her former college friends, attempting to convince her that they each had some big hit on the apocalypse to release. She couldn't help but feel disappointed in Liam for pushing the same on her. She had done some research into the Rise of the Witnesses, in which the dead were brought back and mindlessly attacked those who failed to save them. As far as she was concerned, everyone was acting like this was the Walking Dead. Speaking of which...

"Today, many citizens in California are suffering from an unusual virus. The city of Sacramento has been quarantined and the National Guard deployed. This virus, dubbed the Croatoan Virus, appears to turn harmless soccer moms into bloodthirsty cannibals," Amelia summarized, frowning ever so slightly at the next line on the cue cards. "It appears some parents are in desperate need of a...of a snickers bar."

The stills that appeared behind her were only more worrisome. Some of them were true, footage taken from the deadly occurrences. Others were actually taken from the previously mentioned TV show, in order to strike more fear and terror into the minds of their viewers. With the world the way it was, no one seemed to bother with fact checking any more.

"The virus appears to be traveling north," Amelia added, the screen flickering back to her. "It appears to be transmitted by blood to blood contact, and the CDC is currently working on a cure. We here at World News Now advise that you remain at home this evening in order to stay safe. Thank you, my name is Amelia Pilkvist, and good night."

@Nallore: Believe it or not, this was the lucky option you got. As Sam curls up in the back of the truck, no more creepy voices or visions appear. Instead, she can notice Jessica Sorreast stumbling along, her eyes as dark as night. It's the way someone moves if advised to "act like a robot or alien parasite in a human body for the first time." She doesn't seem to notice you, however. Do you go and talk with her, see if she needs help? Or do you stay clear of her? Probably just a meth head, right?

@Pundii: Liam's allowed to sleep, thankfully, even with Sylvia concluding next door she's got to kill him. Sariel appears quietly, sitting at the desk, an angel blade with her -- identical looking to the one Howard has. Liam may notice her, but Sancho is all snuggled up with him, and do you really wanna disturb a comfy cat while in bed? But then again, Liam'll probably realize that he isn't alone in the room...Wonder how well he'll sleep with a stranger looking over him, right?

@Lady Amalthea: Danica makes it home safely, and as the Inn isn't all too big, her room's window happens to face out into the street, first floor and everything. This mangy black dog is jumping up at the window, barking its head off. Seems it thinks that Danica is a tasty treat. Aren't black dogs omens of death or something? You know, could belong to someone who left town as well...Definitely harmless, right? Maybe it's Beast Boy, the Teen Titans could be here after all!

@Witch Cat: There's no rest for the wicked, apparently. Sylvia's phone buzzes, it's one of those news alert apps. If she reads on, it turns out that CIA Agent Scarlett Warrington released a statement minutes ago. Unusual levels of sulfur were found on the body of Vivian Adder. But being the witch you are, that shouldn't surprise you very much. Demons tend to leave sulfur around. But you know what's even funnier? A petrified nurse named Mary also released a statement to the police, about how Dr. Sorreast totally flipped out on everyone, smelling of rotten eggs. Guess there's more than one demon in town, right?


Location: Number 3 Grant Road
Interacting With: Daniyal Lohi @Witch Cat

Seeing Daniyal raise the finger, Mephistopheles' face curled into a smile. It had been ages since a witch tried that trick with him, and he fondly thought back to the simpler days of the 1700s. Those were the days! Back then, a demon could do anything, and gain a decent audience for it. The horror, the shock, the applause! But now? Their work was scoffed at, explained away. The humans forgot in them.

"I see you've gone back to your roots, Daniyal," Mephistopheles observed coolly, his eyes shifting from white to black rapidly. "Now Daniyal, my dear boy, what else did witches do back then beyond raise their finger?"

Mephistopheles paused, waving his hand slightly as he waited for his question to be answered. And as much as he enjoyed the dramatic effect, the impatience began to get to him. His eyes shifted towards his fellow demons, snapping his fingers as he whispered, "they burned."

Instantly, flames erupted around Daniyal. They engulfed him, growing hotter and with more intensity each time he struggled. Mephistopheles walked around him, eyeing his victim. The fire had already begun to catch to the house, but it hardly bothered the demons. Fire didn't harm them the way that it did mortals. Very few things could kill them and hardly anything could stop them properly.

"Your mother screamed when she died," Mephistopheles observed, watching Daniyal in his death throws. "Will you?"

Detective Hanson

Location: Altsoba Methodist ---> Mountain View Cemetery
Interacting With: Amy Chang @Lady Amalthea, John Moses

Hanson craned his neck, seeing John Moses' bastard face looming over him. He spat up towards him, blood flying towards the ghost, and falling straight on through. The ghost reached his hands forward, wrapping them around Hanson, and boils began to appear in addition to the burns. Hanson's hand flailed around, looking for salt or iron, only for Amy's salt to cause Moses to vanish.

"You learn fast," Hanson observed, wheezing slightly. The boils were disgustingly pus filled, and they looked as if they were touched in the slightest, they'd burst. At that moment, he had no future in modeling. His hands were increasingly swollen, to the point he couldn't have picked up hardly anything, let alone his sidearm.

Fortunately, Mountain View Cemetery wasn't too far off. They arrived there with little hassle, no cars running into them, no crazy street preachers claiming that Amy Chang was the vessel of Lucifer. Perhaps the driver had the right idea, however, but it seemed that John Moses wasn't appearing again. The two of them were safe, for now. Hanson weakly raised a hand, pointing towards the far left corner of the cemetery.

"John fucking Moses is buried there....Six feet under..." Hanson managed to say, even his tongue swelling now. From his knowledge on ghost sickness, Hanson figured he was lucky if he had half an hour left, before death finally claimed him for its own. He glanced around, half expecting to see a reaper there, only to see the dark sky above them. "You gots to torch it...Gasoline and a lighter...'ll do the trick."

His head fell flat on the gurney, his strength rising and falling faster than a pregnant woman's mood swings. Luckily for Amy, there wouldn't be any major issues with digging up the stiff. All of it would be in there, and luck seems to indeed be a lady tonight, as the corpse'll light easily. Whether that'll actually help Hanson? Only time will tell...

Aloise Zamora

Location: On the Road in Idaho
Interacting With: The Radio

Aloise frowned a bit, hearing the radio broadcast of Late Night with Seth Meyers. The endless jokes about the apocalypse, while informative, were starting to get to her. She wasn't the type to joke around with tragedy. She flickered through the radio dial, attempting to find something decent to listen to. Instead, all she could find was that Halestorm garbage. Shutting the dial off, Aloise began to sing her favorite song, her smile wide with pride.

♫ "From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea!
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean.
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine" ♫

Howard Brighton

Location: Forgotten Relics - The Shopping District
Interacting With: Darren Andrews @Pundii, Mitsukuri Katsumi, and Zachary Carpenter@BlueSky44

Howard smiled, taking a sip from his own drink as Darren pushed down Katsumi's gun. The entire gun was such an ineloquent weapon, it tended to bother him slightly. With katanas, there was a certain...grace to them. With a gun, one just had to pull the trigger and look in the general direction of their opponent. There was no style to it, no beauty. In truth, he pitied the dead girls on the ground for such a bland death.

"Do you see something that interests you?" Howard inquired, seeing Darren's watchful eye. He smiled pleasantly at the man, setting down the angel blade, and picking up the Book of the Damned once more. He opened it carefully, running his fingers lightly over the symbols and texts. Few in the world were qualified to read it, but perhaps Danica, Sylvia, or Liam could. "According to legend, a nun locked herself away and wrote this on human skin, using her own blood as ink...They say she was possessed by the devil, but saw all of his secrets and tricks, and recorded it all for generations to come in the fight against Satan."

He paused, his eyes glancing up at Katsumi, Darren, and Zachary. He doubted that they had much interest in it, and he shut the spell book, folding his hands neatly on the counter by his drink. "Though I must ask: what brings you to my shop, hmm?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Jessica Soreast

Samantha took out her phone as she started to head over to any recent news, which of course there was some outbreak in Sacramento California she played the news story video. She cringed slightly at the thought of the news story with some mom's going completely Walking Dead on people and eating other people. She sighed slightly as she decided to flip to some music on her phone and closed her eyes as she started to listen to it, her mind started to wonder towards the weird events that had happened during the day. As well as what the hell that voice was in her room, which really did freak her out, Samantha didn't want to go into that room again, but all of her things were also in her room and she needed her camera to do her job as well.

Samantha then caught movment in the corner of her eye and turned her head slightly and looked out the window to see Jessica walking as if she was a zombie, she wasn't sure what was wrong with her. Maybe she was on drugs or something along those lines, she wasn't really sure but it looked like that the woman was in some sort of trouble. Same then decided to see if she was alright, Sam slowly opened the car door and got out, but she left the door open she was still very cautions about it. "Is everything okay ma'am?" Sam asked as she kept herself close to her car.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Mountain View Cemetery
Interacting With: @Morose

"I don't get paid enough for this shit," Amy muttered as she looked around. There was no gas can about in the ambulance but there was rubbing alcohol and lots of it. She grabbed every bottle she could get her hands on and the two tanks of oxygen. Searching through the cab she found on of the EMT's lighters and shoved it in her pocket before she wheeled the detective up the hill and over by a crypt.

Glancing around she found a shovel, hey it's there. This is a graveyard after all and they aren't burying those bodies with their bare hands. Well maybe someone is but not her. She has a trusty shovel now. Slamming the tip of the thing into the ground she started to dig as quickly as she could. She wanted to get out of there and get a drink as soon as possible because even if it did blind her she was really considering those bottles of rubbing alcohol right then.

"Okay, I want my parking tickets taken care of a handicap sticker for my fucking car when I get done with this shit. I ain't walking anywhere anymore. Front parking, that's right. I want front fucking parking," she muttered as she dug. That and a lot of other things but they were mostly just a slew of cuss words that were enough to make a sailor blush in multiple languages.

Once she hit the casket she opened it up and grunted at the smell. "Christ on a cracker that stinks," she said as she hopped out of the grave and grabbed the alcohol. Opening the bottles she poured it over the body and then tossed in the oxygen tanks on top of it after turning them on full release. Lighting the lighter she pulled out a wad of cotton and lit it on fire before tossing it in and running over to the side of the crypt and ducking down next to the detective.

"Big fucking boom," she warned as she cupped her hands over his head and placed her body over his just in case they got rained down by something. Granted they were on the other side of a large building made of stone and marble, it had a large over hang, and the boom would happen six feet down but better safe than sorry right?

Danica Graves

Location:Her Hotel Room
Interacting With: No One

Yeah, you see that bird that Danica is flipping in her image? That is her mindset right now. Sure she might not be cramping, sure everything is calm but she ain't stupid. That ain't Lassie out there and even if it was and even if Timmy had fallen down a well she isn't moving but her happy spot on her bed. She has no bone to throw the dog, unless you count the ones she is currently using you know to stay alive. So yeah, fuck that dog, fuck him to hell and back because Danica is staying right where she is. It's sleeping time anyways right? Bad omen her ass, the whole town is a bad omen and what happened the last time someone saw the Grimm? Yeah, Harry we remember that shit! And I seriously doubt that is Danica's Godfather coming to help her kill one who must not be named.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter and Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Howard Brighton @Morose and Darren Andrews @Pundii

The sheriff looked over at Howard, and snatched the glass that Howard had handed to Katsumi. He already was having problems with a minor owning a gun, he wasn't about to let the kid drink alcohol too. He watched Darren push down Katsumi's gun, wondering who were these people. He looked to Darren to answer the question, for he didn't really know what they were after either.

"Well, he knows more of what we're looking for then I do. Don't know why the kid's here, she just kind of popped up," he said, looking to the other two.

Kat looked over at Howard, and started getting annoyed. She didn't like the way he was smiling, and he wasn't exactly upset about the two dead bodies nearby. She didn't care about what the others who were with her thought, she hated this guy. She put her gun away and instead punched Howard in the jaw.

"I'm here because I was wondering what the heck these guys were up to. Get that stupid grin off of your face." she said, and she started to pull back for another swing. Zachary managed to stop her, just barely though. He had caught her arm when she pulled it back, and almost had to yank on it to stop her. He looked at her with a weird face. Just where did this kid come from? he thought to himself, before he spoke out loud.

"You are one strange kid aren't you?" he said, giving a slightly apologetic look towards Howard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Sariel @Morose

Liam, oblivious to the murderous woman just a room over, settled in to finally get some sleep, comfortably tucked into bed with Sancho sitting curled up at his feet, purring quietly as the animal let sleep take it, oblivious to the horrible goings-on of the outside world. However, Liam's comfortable sleep was not to be, as he felt a pair of eyes watching him, it wasn't exactly the most relaxing of feelings, even if they might've belonged to an angel. Liam concluded that he wasn't exactly going to be able to sleep while she was there like that. Sorry Sancho.

Letting out a sigh, he pushed himself to sit up again, disturbing Sancho somewhat as he was awoken, standing up and stretching its legs in a typical fashion before wandering around the bed looking for a non-disturbing spot to sleep. Gently running his hand over the cat's fur in an apologetic show of affection, Liam turned his gaze over to Sariel, watching her for a moment or two and letting his eyes glance over the blade in her hand as he sat there. Sighing, he cleared his throat as he spoke up. "I'm just going to assume it's normal for you to sit there and watch whoever you're 'protecting' sleep, right?"

The fact that it was the end of the world wasn't enough to stop Liam from trying to force out at least a little humour, being a supposed prophet of god wasn't enough to stop him, and in fact, the archangel sitting by his bed encouraged it more than anything. Though he wasn't quite sure how well she'd take his humour, or if she'd even understand it. He didn't exactly know how cultured in the way of humans angels were, until a day or two ago he'd assumed they didn't exist.

Darren Andrews

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Howard Brighton, @Morose Zachary Carpenter, Mitsukuri Katsumi @BlueSky44

Darren's eyes flicked up from the blade and toward Howard's when his staring was called out. Forcing a somewhat awkward half-smile, he shrugged his shoulders simply. "Just curious what it is, is all." He'd comment simply, watching as Howard moved to retrieve the book, listening to his explanation of what exactly it was. It could have been useful, but he didn't understand a word of any of it as he looked over the pages Howard flicked through. The question got his attention again, something actually relevant to Darren's goal there, he'd almost forgotten it in the grim events which had taken place.

He glanced back toward Jade briefly, letting out another sigh as Zachary held back the girl from socking Howard in the jaw more than once. He shook his head when he looked back over, he didn't know what to make of any of them, but he kept his mouth shut on that regard, at least for now, as he looked back up to Howard. "We're looking for a spell book." He'd say plainly, as if to gauge Howard's reaction before he continued speaking.

"Specifically, one details how to stop a phenomenon called 'The Rise of the Witnesses'." He explained as he watched the man, he figured if anywhere nearby was going to have the kind of book he needed it would be this store, he just hoped that was indeed the case, and he hadn't recklessly wasted Jade's life for absolutely nothing.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

Some of the best things -- people, even -- are accidents. Without any method of knowing the outcome, little miracles can occur, blessings void of any disguise. Such was the case at Number 3 Grant Road, in which Daniyal, a witch damned to burn in hell, performed a small miracle. Rather than die in vain, the boy decided to right his wrong, to sacrifice himself.

Unwittingly, Daniyal fulfilled the requirements of an ancient spell. Most call it the spell of virgin sacrifice, a spell that not only banishes demons, but destroys them. It requires that the heart be cut out, yet that's the thing with spells, they're slippery and likely designed by attorneys, filled with loopholes. Daniyal's heart was cut out with the death of his mother.

And even more miraculously, the spell reached a range of one mile. The explosion blew out the windows of each and every house in the residential area, the noise traveling and echoing throughout the entire town. In small towns, they say news travels fast--explosions travel even faster. To an observer, it would be like a spreading ring of purifying fire, freeing those within a mile radius from demonic possession. Are you able to feel that, the momentary pause in an onslaught of evil? Or are you oblivious to the brief respite?

But will it have been enough, my children? Midnight has struck, and the darkness grows thicker with each and every passing moment. Some of you will survive the rest of this horrid night--others will be found days later, their bodies rotting and swarmed with insects. Take care, my dears, and know that it is not without reason the fear the darkness...

<<Once you've posted for this round, please send a PM to Morose detailing what, if anything, your character gets up to between your post for this round and the next morning. This'll help us save time when transitioning to the next day.>>

@Pundii: Sariel smiles softly, not raising her eyes at all. As the explosion faintly echoes from Daniyal's spell, she finally moves. "A blow has been dealt to the demons, Prophet. Record your visions and rest, for all you see shall come to pass." She doesn't seem to be opposed to answering your questions, but she hasn't moved either. Sancho, for one, doesn't like the angel stalker. Funny that.

@Nallore: Whatever sacrifices you made to LLA must have worked, as Sam lucked out! The instant she approaches Jessica, she gets a better glimpse of her. There's definitely something wrong going on there. The demon doesn't attack Sam, however, and instead simply vanishes. Teleporting, beam me up Scotty level of shit. It's now just you and a barking dog, standing in the parking lot of Aunt Sue's Inn.

@Lady Amalthea: The dog is still barking, but after a soft knock on the room and a brief moment's pause, Mrs. Hudson comes in with a fresh cup of tea. She looks at the window with dismay, recognizing the dog. "I'm so sorry, dear, I've tried calling her owner but she won't pick up the phone...Adriana must be caught up on one of her tours." She continues to prattle on, talking about how Adriana let her dog roam while she was working, as she was a tour guide at the Haunted in Seattle Underground tour. She hadn't been quite herself since her reporter friend, John, died as well. Something's haunting the poor thing, Mrs. Hudson concludes.

@Witch Cat: The explosion from Daniyal's death is echoing throughout the town, and while it may be fainter at Aunt Sue's, the echoes are loud enough. Belial locks the door and shuts the blinds, before giving Sylvia an almost comforting warmth. It's an unnatural sweetness from her spirit guide, but the intent behind it is obvious. The witch, the supposed prophet that Sylvia wanted to track down, had perished.

Aloise Zamora

Location: On the Road in Oregon
Interacting With: The Radio

Aloise had made her way through most of the armed forces' songs, ending with her personal favorite: The U.S. Air Force. Had she not been a marine, she would've joined the Air Force, purely for the whimsy she felt each time she sang that song. Of course, that wasn't to say that her singing voice was a particularly good one. It had the prowess and expertise of a child at their first recital, belting Hot Cross Buns at the top of their lungs.

However, rather than the sweeping arms of a conductor cutting her off, it was the static of the radio. Aloise began to slow the car, reaching for the shotgun in the seat next to her, the machete by its side. Her eyes flickered around the car, expecting some ghost or some phantom. Instead, she could only hear static coming from the radio. Banging her hand against it, the static only remained just as prominent. Biting her lip, Aloise brought the car to a halt, putting on the parking break. She strained her hearing, only to make out a single word this time, amongst the static.

"Beware." Frowning slightly, she did a quick visual inspection of the car, seeing no sudden changes in lighting or cold spots. "What do you mean, beware?" Aloise asked simply, her grip on the shotgun tightening.

The radio shut off.

"What are you trying to warn me about?" Aloise asked, clicking the safety off. There was no reply. She sighed, salting the majority of her car for good measure, and checking for any EMF readings. Nothing was there. Doubting it was all in her head, she came to the conclusion that something didn't want her to go to Altsoba.

That, or her hatred of road trips was starting to mess with her head.

Detective Hanson

Location: Mountain View Cemetery
Interacting With: Amy Chang @Lady Amalthea

Truthfully, the day hadn't gone how Hanson expected it to. He had been waiting for it eagerly to come, having spent months, years even, preparing for it. Old books translated by those with no understanding of any language besides English could only get you so far, and his contact had been banished earlier that day. It had been a genius move on their part, setting her up inside of Vivian.

No one noticed the difference when the bitch was possessed. She practically stayed the same. And now, here he was, squished beneath a surgeon. John Moses had turned out to be more than a complication for the detective, especially with his bitch running around. "Sure, sure," Hanson agreed, grunting slightly when the explosion shook the air. Of course, it was only a minute later when another explosion rocked the bitter night air, caused by Daniyal's dying curse.

The burns on the detective stopped to appear, the bursting boils stopping in their advance. However, they didn't heal. He remained the decidedly most disgusting slightly burnt curly fry in existence. "I'll get you a police escort whenever you want," Hanson muttered, chuckling slightly in his pain. "Mind patchin' me up? No more voodoo required."

Had Amy made the correct decision in saving Detective Hanson?

Howard Brighton

Location: Forgotten Relics - The Shopping District
Interacting With: Darren Andrews @Pundii, Mitsukuri Katsumi, and Zachary Carpenter@BlueSky44

Howard's eyes twinkled, running his hands lightly over the book once more. It was in the same manner a stereotypical villain would stroke a cat, right before revealing their diabolical plan. Not that Howard was evil at heart, of course. He had a natural tendency to come off a bit creepy and he always smiled in a way that inspired those around him to punch him. Blinking, he recoiled at Katsumi decked him, rubbing his face gingerly.

"You certainly do know how to pack a punch!" Howard remarked, finishing off his drink. "What's your story, little one? You must have one, everyone's got one...But I sense yours is one worth telling."

At Darren's words, however, Howard hardly batted an eye. Many of his volumes were supposedly books of deep and ancient magic, not that he ever cared to enact a spell himself. He merely enjoyed having the wealth of human ingenuity at his fingertips, by far the best collection he ever had set eyes upon. Not many were interested in Howard's line of work, after all. He had heard one person collecting similar texts in Chicago, of course, but he hadn't cared to get into contact with the assuredly charming young woman.

"The Rise of the Witnesses..." Howard murmured, thinking through it. Certainly, it was a term he'd come across many times in his readings. It was a fascinating idea, one that he'd spent a good portion of time wondering who came up with the theory. He wasn't a religious man by any means. "I'm familiar with that event, but there isn't a spell to stop it, as far as I'm aware...It ends when they complete their slaughter, you see." He smiled, almost cruelly, but he merely enjoyed to bask in his own wit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Jessica Soreast

Just as the woman had turned around Samantha caught a glimpse of those black looking demonic eyes that the woman had, causing Sam to stumble backwards. She certainly had enough of all of this crazy shit for one day. the weird Qareen like creature, then that voice in her head after she had reviewed the footage that she had caught earlier in the day. Then as quickly as she caught the possessed woman's attention she had up and disappeared like something out of some Star Trek like show. She quickly turned around and made her way back to her car.

Sam quickly got back inside of it and closed the door, and made sure that all of the windows to her car as well as all of the doors were closed and locked shut. All she could hear from the safety of her car was the dog barking in the distance she assumed was somewhere in the parking lot. "I think I had enough for the day.." Sam said to herself as she turned off the lights inside of her car as well, and crawled into the back seat of her car. She curled up on the seat and looked up at the ceiling of her car letting out a sigh she certainly had seen some weird shit today, and she needed to go back into her room and continue to try and work on her story.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Mountain View Cemetery
Interacting With: @Morose

A moment after things calmed down, well calmed down more than they had been she stood up straight and glanced around. "Well wasn't that a fucking adventure...." she muttered under her breath before looking back at the detective. Nodding she grabbed the gurney and rolled it back down towards the ambulance. Hauling it inside before shutting the door and having a seat next to him on the bench within. Taking a deep breath she wiped her face with the back of her hand before cracking her knuckles and looking at him once again.

"Yeah, I'll do some here and then get you back to the burn unit at the hospital," she said as she got to work cutting away what remained of the seared garment to expose his skin. It was horrible but she guessed it could have been worse, he could be dead. Granted some with such burns might wish they were instead. The pain would last, burns could plague people for years, nerve damage caused by the burns could last a life time. Then there was the physical appearance and mental trauma.

Once he was patched up enough she secured the gurney and climbed into the front of the ambulance. Pushing the safety glass that had been blown away out of the seat she was glad to see the paramedic had left the keys. She tried to start it and it didn't at first butt a little gas and a few more times the engine roared to life. Hitting the gas she drove cautiously back towards the hospital.

Danica Graves

Location:Her Hotel Room
Interacting With: An Intruder

Danica looked up suspiciously as she heard a knock at her door, she wasn't expecting anyone and with everything that had happened she was not taking any uninvited guests well. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her pocket knife and clicked it open as the door opened. Seeing the woman with the tea her eyes widened. "What in the hell kind of place is this? I didn't order any tea. It is the middle of the night and you just walk into a room that was locked?" she snapped as she stood up, the woman prattling on about a damn dog and people.

Walking, or more like storming to the door she grabbed the knob and pointed outside. "You are lucky I didn't stab you after the shit I have seen today. Get the fuck out!" she demanded as she stood there. "And don't say another word. You want to ramble on, go do it elsewhere! I am paying for a room; not tea, not company, not a dog barking at my door but at least he has more manners than you. He at least barked and waited for me to open the door instead of just waltzing in. The dog is welcome at his point, you are not. Now, get out!" she said snatching the door open and whistling.

"Come on pooch! Get her out of here and you can have the other bed for the night," she said as her eyes narrowed and she looked back over towards the woman who was Mrs. Hudson. (Granted she didn't know her name and really didn't care at that point.) Looking out the door as she felt something cut through the air she shook her head, that couldn't have been good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut → Altsoba
Interacting With: No one

Weary grumbles floated in the air along with the smoky air that hung around in the forest. A fine mist blended with the white smoke that billowed from a rotten hut, veiling everything in this icy, grey peracense.

“I feel it coming, man..”

The shrunken head groaned as it was hung on the brass, and rusted doorknob to the home. ”Shut yer’ trap, devil woman.” The hunched crone spat at the disgusted sneer of the shriveled head. ”You been saying that for the past week, and what happens? Nothin’. Now be quiet before I throw you out for the dogs.”

The witch, hunched, wrinkly, and draped in drags stood over the soot-blackened cauldron. Muttering catnips into the stinking stew as her thundercloud like hair hung at her shoulders. The thickened skin of her hands grasping the ladle, which was more splinter than wood at this point was stirring the poisonous concoction within she called “dinner.”

“I’m just trying to help you, Eudora, when will you listen?” The head mumbled thoughtfully, but her words fell on deaf ears. “Oh it’s definitely coming, just you wait…”

Eudora waved off the head of the voodoo queen. All the years cooped up in her own hut breathing in wood smoke and potions surely has made the head mad. The last time Eudora felt any magic stirring near that town was when a demon attacked. Probably some knucklehead goth kids wanting to mess with demons. ”Good”, Eudora thought to herself, ”One less idiot in the world.”

Eudora’s life has been monotonous to the max lately, she no longer can tell the passage of time as she silently sits mending her worn clothes or staring into the mist trying to do a bit of divination. Sometimes minutes go by, sometimes days. Most people would’ve gone mad at this point, but Eudora was actually pretty content. All her memories were meshed together in an unholy mess of light and sound, she didn’t bother deciphering them. Eudora would much prefer watching go life by peacefully then torture herself trying to remember what happened all those years ago.

Nowadays, all she’d do was stir a pot and scold the shrunken head. Everyday she felt a bit more of magic disappearing for good, everyone was growing more and more blind to the magical and fantastical world around them. Eudora didn’t want to return to a place like that.

All that was left for her to do now was lock herself up in her rotten down cottage, occasionally moving from forest to forest. Eudora felt as if only nature could truly understand her. Even the newborn fauna she’d she scampering around knew of the invisible wonders that humans, with all their supposed intellect, couldn’t see. So she’d talk.

Talk to the trees that bore her her fruit. Or to the animals that would occasionally pass her home, or even her dead cat Coal. Elders tend to enjoy talking your ears off. None of the life around her would answer her back, save for that bastard head, but they always understood. Eudora just knew they did.

In short, Eudora was content. She was content when she woke up this morning, and she was content as she flipped through her cookbook-

Eudora snapped up right, an involuntary grin spread on her face, revealing her yellowing teeth. “I told you. I told you!” the head whined with joy, but Eudora didn’t pay attention. She stood there, motionless and blinking. A wave of calm spread through her as she immediately let go of her ladle. The handle seeping below the thick liquid as she hurried out.

“Where ya’ going, man?” the head shouted after Eudora before the door slammed after her with a mystical crack of Eudora’s wrist. The hunched back of the witch hobbled over to town, a sense of purpose spreading through her as she exclaimed happily. ”I found it!”

Sylvia Strange

Location:Grant Road
Interacting With: Police

The wind howled past Sylvia’s ears as faint rumble echoed through the empty streets. The night had been surprisingly warm and the moon shone full in the inky sky. Sylvia couldn’t help but to feel giddy as she strolled down Grant road. The boy would most likely be a little confused, scared perhaps, as to why a voodoo priestess is visiting him at this time of night. But witches always dealt with the strange, she doubt the Prophet would be that shocked.

She neared the Prophet's home, the stench of sulphur no longer wafted about the area, only a warm force that spread through the town. It felt almost pleasant. So, with hands in her pockets and whistling a tune, she walked on.

And stopped.

She sniffed the air, smoke. Perhaps that warm feeling wasn’t just a coincidence. Sylvia quickened her steps, the smell, no stench, of burnt wood filled the air and surrounded a particular home. Fire! Shit.

Sylvia fished out her phone, fingers flying over digits and it rang. The fire must’ve been going for a while, she saw no cause or survivors. Just a gaping black void of soot where a doorway once stood.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Sariel @Morose

There was something a little unsettling about the way Sariel smiled at Liam, and even more unsettling, or rather uncomforting about the sound of the explosion which sounded through the town, unfortunately giving Sancho quite a scare as he leapt off the bed, hissing loudly. Turning his gaze over to Sancho for a moment, Liam frowned as the cat found a spot to hide under the bed-side table, turning back to Sariel as she spoke toward him. Part of him really wished she'd speak in a way that made sense, but again, he figured she wasn't used to talking to humans.

He did understand her though, and while her suggestion of him getting some sleep was probably not a bad one, he figured his chances of actually getting any real rest that night, especially with the angel just sitting by his bed, were fairly slim. Sighing, he sat up properly and leaned back. "So what exactly is a prophet, like... What do I do?" He questioned, watching her closely, figuring that he'd have plenty of questions to ask throughout the night.

Darren Andrews

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Howard Brighton, @Morose Zachary Carpenter, Mitsukuri Katsumi @BlueSky44

Listening closely to Howard as he began to respond to Darren's query, the Hunter sighed. He was almost certain such a spell existed, hell in his experience a spell existed for just about anything. Darren however, didn't particularly have time to argue specifics, he figured if such a spell existed, they'd find it in at least one of the books in that store. "Right, well, considering that 'slaughter' would involve me, let's skip to the part where we all agree I know more and start lookin', huh?"

As he finished speaking, Darren moved elsewhere in the store, allowing the others to join him in his search or continue talking about whatever, he was on a mission now, he had to find that book, and then he had to undertake a different task, one far more personal. For a moment he glanced back toward Jade's body toward the entrance, sighing as he let his gaze linger on her for a moment or two before looking back to the shelves, continuing to look over them as he picked up the occasional book and flicked through it, searching carefully for anything that might fit.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter and Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Darren Andrews @Pundii and Howard Brighton @Morose

Kat glared at Howard, and coming up with more reasons to hate him. He is a self-centered idiot who doesn't care about anyone else but himself. He has that stupid smile, he's nosy, he needs to learn how to stop pretending he knows everything. Ugh, I wish that he would keep quiet, and stop it with the smile already. She looked over at the sheriff, he was eyeing her, and she knew that unless she wanted to be arrested, she had to calm down. The other guy they were with, he clearly knew what he was doing, compared to the other two people in the room. Katsumi decided to listen to him and block out everyone else in the room.

The sheriff was listening to Howard, and Kat needed to distract herself from Howard. She finally got a good look at the shop they were in, and started looking at the shelves that were lined with books. Pacing along the shelves, she saw a few titles that she recognized, but many she did not.

Zachary looked over as Katsumi looked at the shelves, but soon returned his attention to Howard and Darren. He understood what Darren was thinking. The stranger seemed to know more about this than most of the townsfolk, perhaps he did know more than Howard.

"Well Howard, I'm honestly willing to look through every book in this shop for a solution. Even if I don't really know what I'm looking for. There has to be something that can be done, and I personally won't accept that there is no hope." he said, and followed Darren lead and starting towards the book shelves.

There were strange titles on the books, he didn't even know what half of them meant. He understood the supernatural, but not enough for this. He doubted that he would be any help, having no knowledge except for the basics.

Kat was still dawdling along the shelves, pulling out the occasional book and flipping through it. She had overheard what Darren was looking for, so she just kept on looking for something that could be of use. She glanced over at Zachary, who looked lost and just stared at the books. She giggled a little, and continued onward in her search.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After Midnight

Location: The Crossroads
Interacting With: Darren Andrews & Crossroads Demon

Glancing over to the two who had begun to search, Darren let out a heavy sigh as he made his way outside. "I'll be right back." He assured them as he moved out. For all of the excitement that had gone on all day in Altsoba, it was an incredible contrast to the way the town looked now, it was dead quiet, the streets almost completely empty as the moon sat high in the sky. Darren figured most people in the town had chosen to shut themselves in that night, to be with their loved ones and try and enjoy some slight peace in the horror which had become their lives.

Making his way down to his car, Darren couldn't help but let his thoughts linger on the one person who he knew couldn't be inside with the people they loved, because of him. Jade's death had been his fault, she rushed in, over-confident, but she would have still been around if he hadn't made her replace her bullets. He hadn't anticipated fighting any people, and the look in her eyes moments before she died would haunt Darren for the rest of his life. Unless she didn't have to have died.

Opening the trunk of his car, he sighed as he set the small box inside along with a shovel, closing it as he moved around to the driver seat. Part of him couldn't quite believe what he was about to do, it went against everything he should have done as a hunter, but if the world really was coming to an end, if the Apocalypse was really happening, Darren wasn't sure if he could stop it, all he knew right then was that he could save at least one more life - even if it meant a deal with the devil. Starting to drive, Darren switched on the radio, letting the music drown out his thoughts.

The crossroads weren't far, Darren had come there plenty of times as a kid to play with his school friends, but they were abandoned now, dead silent and empty apart from himself. Stopping the car, he climbed out and retrieved his items from the trunk. Moving to the middle of the crossroads, he began to dig, not a big hole, but one large enough as he set the box inside it carefully, covering it up as he stood up, letting out a sigh as he looked around, waiting...

And in the blink of an eye, Darren was no longer alone. A raven haired beauty, her skin as pale as ice, illuminated softly by the streetlights. Eyeing Darren, her lips curled into a frown, her fingers tensing like the claws of a cat, ready to strike. This demon, named Lilim, rolled her eyes at the hunter, glancing down at her feet. "We don't make deals with you." The demon sniffed slightly, pacing back and forth. But of course, she had come for a reason. Orders from up high. Her mother, Lilith, would undoubtedly be furious if Lilim fled. "Bettah make this quick, kay hot stuff?"

Turning toward the sound of the voice, Darren narrowed his eyes, watching as her eyes flashed red. "Well, if you don't make deals with me, I can just send you back to hell." He threatened, his eyes never leaving the woman as he stood there. It was rare, and he'd never even heard of a hunter making this kind of deal, but there was something about this time, about what had happened to Jade that meant he couldn't go on knowing there was anything he could've done, and didn't. He pushed down the good instinct he had, the drive to do what he knew was right and just walk away, to not make the deal, but he couldn't, there was something inside him that kept pushing him into this.

"There's a girl who died today, Jade Cornish... I want you to bring her back from the dead." He paused for a moment, sighing before he continued. "Ten years, that's the deal, ten years and my soul's yours." Darren knew how these deals went, he'd talked people out of them in the past and done enough research to know what the usual deal was, he only hoped that this particular demon was keen on making the 'usual' deal for the rare exception of a hunter.

"And what makes you think you'll be aroun' in ten years, huh?" Lilim asked bluntly, beginning to move around freely. No Devil's Trap prevented her from doing so, and she couldn't help but laugh slightly at either the stupidity or overconfidence of the hunter. Her few brushes with hunters previously had given her reason to be wary. But this? This was child's play, a casual stroll through a mine field. Darren glared at the demon, but said nothing yet, almost as if he was waiting for something.

Lilim glanced at the fingernails of her latest meatsuit, smiling coyly at Darren. "Jade, Jade, Jade...Ah yes! She's already been on the rack for twenty days, are you sure you want to be buying damaged goods, huh? What's the shelf life on those things?" Lilim snickered a bit, enjoying herself. With each passing moment, her irritation at dealing with a hunter was replaced with pure sadistic pleasure in it.

Darren watched the demon carefully and quietly, keeping quiet as he watched her wander about, not wishing to betray his intentions too early. However, he knew his plans were revealed the second he saw the demon rather suddenly stop. "There we go, now we can chat a little more professionally, huh?" He smirked, letting himself enjoy his moment of triumph as he took a step or two closer, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now, you're going to shut up, and we're just going to make a deal that's fair, or I can send you back down South."

Darren's tone was clear and firm, his eyes never leaving Lilim's as he stood there. He hadn't wanted to play his hand right away, but he'd played it now, the demon had gotten a little overconfident herself it seemed, and not even considered that he might have hidden the devil's trap, which was far more clear now as he brushed away some of the dirt covering it. Hunters always came prepared.

Lilim huffed, her sour mood quickly returning. She didn't need to -- nor could she -- kick at the rest of the ground to disturb the Devil's Trap. As the name implied, she was his prisoner. Rolling her neck out a bit, Lilim looked him dead in the eye. "But that won't change your fact that Jade is getting well acquainted with my dear friends ignis and cruciatus," the demon taunted. Her eyes flashed red, the trademark color of a crossroad's demon. Still, despite all of the baiting and seething remarks, Lilim stood there, waiting for Darren to sweeten the pot. "You see, ten years for your soul, kiddo? No good. It's out. Boss' ordahs. Instead, we got somethin' else in mind, kay puddin'?"

"You gots to kill a reapah," Lilim explained. "You've got twenty four hours. Boss' even decided to be kind--you get the girl as a bonus, but our hounds'll come for her if you fail. Kay bro?" Darren scoffed, having almost an amused look on his face as he watched the demon, shaking his head. Darren may not have known everything about the supernatural, but he figured he knew most of the things he needed to. And in his mind, if he could killed a reaper, he'd have heard of a way.

"You think i'm that dumb? There's no way I can kill a reaper, unless there's some mystery way you demons can you want to tell me about, otherwise..." Moving over to his car which wasn't far away, he reached into the trunk and pulled out his journal, approaching her and waving it slightly. "I think you know what I can do with this." He explained as he watched her. Darren was convinced the demon was attempting to trick him, and he wasn't going to get dragged into a deal which in his mind was a trap more than anything.

"Wrong," Lilim answered plainly, eyeing the journal with apprehension. "I guess there's somethin' you huntahs haven't learned yet, huh?"

"Even if there was a way, what, you're going to let me off - no soul-reaping in ten years? Scot free as long as I kill the reaper?" He questioned, he was still firm in his assumption that killing a Reaper was not possible, but whatever deal they made, he wanted to be certain there was nothing left unclear. He didn't want to have seen Jade brought back for thirty minutes before he was dragged down to Hell.

Lilim laughed, her eyes rolling in a perfect circle. "'Course not, puddin'! When you die, you belong to us. We just don't see a point in the ten years sha-bang, since this world's only got about what, a week left?" She cackled slightly, before pulling a phone out of her pocket. Sleek and black, it didn't seem to be peculiar in any way. "You know, Verizon's got awfully good reception in hell. Shall I call up the boss lady for yah? Or are you goin' to accept that all you needs to kill a reapah is an angel blade?"

Sighing as he listened to her, he gave the woman a long look, thinking through the deal, he hadn't heard of an Angel blade, but he believed at the very least that it existed, Demons may have tried to trick people in deals, but she was insistent enough that he assumed it was real. He sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to get a better deal than that. And hey, if he managed to help stop the Apocalypse from happening, at the very least he wouldn't have hellhounds after him in ten years. "Fine, we have a deal."

"Puckah up, then," the demon taunted, laughing slightly. "You'll find her at the morgue where you left her, kid." Lilim leaned forward, prepared to seal the deal in its customary manner. Most deals just required a kiss. However, on occasion, some would warrant something beyond a mere pressing of the lips. She smiled, and glanced down slightly at the Devil's Trap. As soon as he broke it, she'd be out of there.

She hated hunters.

Sighing once more, Darren let one last bit of regret well up inside him for the decision he was making as he took a step or two forward. A large part of him begged him to step away and just exorcise her rather than doing this, but the force inside him was far stronger. Getting closer to the demon, he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers to seal the deal, signing away his soul for another to live. All he'd need now was to get rid of the Reaper.

Pulling away, he sighed and kicked at the dirt to break the devil's trap, watching as she disappeared and moving to his car. He hated Demons. Climbing in, he forced himself not to think about what he'd done as he began to drive to the morgue, he had someone to pick up now, after all.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

A chill is present the next morning. Those remaining in Altsoba on June 21st have taken shelter, all in various locations. Some remain in their homes, holding tight to loved ones and praying to whatever spirits remain to spare their souls. Others tried their luck leaving town once more, only for their bodies, too, to be found piled up in the woods. A makeshift shelter has been set up in the Altsoba High Gym, with supplies from the Food Bank and other stores being used to sustain the survivors. The outside world continues to watch with horror, glued to the television set with each update from Altsoba. In fact, the National Guard had been deployed, sent to complete an investigation. Only a handful of them made it through the ensuing fray, among those few entering the town was former marine Aloise Mendoza.

You've survived one day -- will you survive the next?

@Lady Amalthea: The dog and Danica seem to get along just fine, the mangy mutt even licking her away in the morning. Its definitely warmed up to her, and as soon as the sun comes up, it begins to scratch and paw at the door. Its tag and collar jingle a bit as it does so frantically, with the determination and skill of a loyal creature hoping to save its master from an untimely fate. If Danica reads the address on the collar, she'll realize the dog's owner lives at Alistair Apartments--Ariana Byrd. Danica may recognize that John's last article before his death was about the Seattle Ghost Tours and that he interviewed a tour guide by the same name.

@Lady Amalthea: Amy has a bit of a sleepless night. The phone continues to ring off the hook, yet whenever someone at the hospital would try to answer it, there would be no one there. An unsettling atmosphere has come over the hospital by morning, and despite all of the frantic calls from the previous day, the place is practically a ghost town. Dr. Sorreast comes in, a bit dazed and confused. She probably had a few too many to drink--don't exactly blame her, of course. Everyone had a rough night.

@Lady Amalthea: Belladonna, given that her house is right next to the cemetery, likely has noticed a few things this lovely morning. The first is that her eldest daughter, Mercurial, still has yet to surface from her room. She's probably amusing herself with the guillotine she recently received, however. The second, of course, was the explosion from the night prior caused by Hansen and Amy. The third, and perhaps the most important, the absence of the ghost that used to haunt the house. The ghost, Countess Elisse, was usually at her most active in the morning.

@Pundii: Sariel and Liam talk long into the night, the angel occasionally getting up and walking to the door, before returning as if nothing was wrong. Throughout their conversations, Liam will learn about how there can only be one Prophet at a time, and that they are able to see what is yet to come. She, an archangel, has been designated to protect him from harm. However, Sariel doesn't talk much about the other angels. A certain sadness falls upon her whenever the subject comes up.

@BlueSky44: Zachary doesn't get any time to sleep tonight. The 911 calls just doesn't stop, sending the sheriff all over the small town. One of them is from the warden, the poor old man is freaking out. Another is from the leader of the makeshift shelter, and yet another is from a resident, talking about a fire on Grant Road and yet another in the cemetery. Pick his poison, but as the sun rises in the sky, Zachary's still got more work to do.

@BlueSky44: While the cops may not have time for rambling old women, they do seem to have time for Katsumi. As she leaves Forgotten Relics and makes her way back to her accommodations, a squad car picks her up and takes her to Altsoba High. There, she's checked in and given a sleeping bag, as well as some rations. There are some other children there her age, most of them seem to be a bit shaken up. Some of them are whispering too, about how Daniyal had been caught up in the action at Town Center the day before, but no one had heard from him since.

@Nallore: As Samantha heads to Jake's, she'll notice a few things. The entire place is surrounded with a makeshift blockade, a woman and her dog are patrolling the area, and the restaurant doors are covered in crime scene tape. Special Agent Scarlett Warrington is in charge of this crime scene, but she lacks the staff to do much. There's hardly anyone there to help her, seems the agent must be hated by the Altsoba PD or they just have more pressing issues to deal with. Either way, this could be the scoop Samantha needs!

@Witch Cat: Sylvia sleeps fairly well, considering the events of that day. Her spirit guide doesn't pester her, letting the poor witch get some much needed beauty sleep. However, she's woken up by the sound of scratching and barking at a door down the hall. If she goes out to investigate, she'll find the dog is inside of Danica's room, and Sylvia will have a strange premonition about this creature. Its seen something that it shouldn't have.

@Witch Cat: Eudora isn't bothered during the night. The police have bigger fish to fry, and Eudora manages to do her thing, wandering the abandoned and desolate streets of Altsoba. Around daybreak, an incessant meow will get her attention. A ginger tabby, missing one of its legs, is yowling at her fiercely. The poor thing's owners must have fled the previous day, leaving it all by itself.

<<For surviving the first day, the following characters have earned new skills. Please edit them into your character sheet within the next four days. Otherwise, the skill will be lost.

Additionally, post counters have all reset to 0 effective this post, as another reward for surviving>>

Amy Chang - Paranormal Remedies (General)
Danica Graves - Basic Knowledge of the Supernatural (General)
Liam Matthews - Visions (General)
Zachary Carpenter - Investigation (General)
Katsumi Mitsukuri - Intimidation (General)
Howard Brighton - Blade (Angel) (Combat)
Darren Andrews - Knowledge of the Book of Revelations (General)
Samantha Hunter - Survival Instincts (General)
Sylvia Strange - Deduction (General)

Jade Cornish

What's Dead Should Stay Dead
Location: The Morgue

In life, Jade had always been one to joke about having a suite reserved for her in hell. She would imply that she was at some status of royalty there, in order to hide the actual demons that haunted her. And while hell had little in common with Dante's depiction of it, the pain had been a familiar one. The darkest moments of her life, constantly replayed without any hope of respite. Her father, forcing himself upon her, time and time again.

That was what happened to Jade Cornish when she died, when Adriana pulled the trigger and claimed her life. She didn't go to heaven. She went to hell, not to burn, but to be destroyed over and over again. She went to hell to be remade, just so that way she could be torn apart. Time in hell didn't pass as slowly as on Earth, either. An hour on Earth was five days in hell. It had been over twenty days already for her, and in hell, she didn't have access to her medications.

Her demons were no longer confined to the shadows.

"Please...stop..." Jade whispered weakly, entirely and utterly broken from the torture. She found herself on a slab of cool metal, clad in nothing but a sheet. Blood stained parts of it, and surrounding her in the room were other corpses. But rather than get up and look around, Jade remained still. She had given up fighting the demons long ago. If they were going to hurt her, she would let them.

"Get it over with," Jade said, lying her head back, as she closed her eyes. She braced herself, waiting for the familiar pain. Everyday, she remembered the foolishness that had claimed her life. Sometimes, she wondered if she had imagined the entire affair, using it as a way to escape the viciousness forced upon her each and every day.

Only the slight flickering of the lights replied to her.

Howard Brighton

Location: Number 1 Grant Road

Howard rolled over in his sleep, the laptop in front of him slowly playing Netflix. He had managed to keep it going for a few hours, giving the archaeology professor some much needed distractions. The entire day had been incredibly bizarre for him, and he couldn't help but imagine the impact it would have on history. Watching the inmate girls and their drama appealed to him greatly, as he could be removed from it, hardly interacting with other people.

"I'm sorry, but there are no extensions...I don't care your grandmother got cancer..." Howard muttered, before turning over again. The angel blade, knocked by his hand, fell to the ground. His veins had turned a rather dark and sickly shade, yet the man continued to sleep on, oblivious to the infection that managed to defy all odds and run through his body after all. If he didn't notice, he'd only have days left.

Of course, the intro theme of his show tended to disagree--it kept insisting that he still had time.

Aloise Zamora

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii

Aloise clamored out of the yellow bug, letting out a yawn. She had been driving nonstop, and if there was anything she hated, it was that. The darkness had obscured a large portion of the road, and she spent a few hours once she arrived in town poking around the woods. Despite the remnants of a demon deal, she couldn't find much. The bodies were a given, similar to early paranormal events sighted in the town. She didn't care so much about the repeats as she did about the differences.

"Mr. Matthews? It's Aloise Mendoza," Aloise announced, rapping on the door. She had managed to slip by Mrs. Hudson without getting into a large conversation, and she tugged slightly on her necklace as she waited. Meeting a client always was a bit of an interesting experience. The more they needed her help, she found, the less they seemed to want it.

But if she could help this person, then it'd all be enough. She had been given a second chance at life for a reason. She wasn't going to waste it. "You called me about a shapeshifter?" Aloise added, just in case the man forgot the reason he contacted her. It wouldn't have been the first time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Dr. Sorreast

Despite everything Amy was actually able to get some sleep. Being a doctor and going through internship taught you quickly how to filter out what noises you needed to wake up for and what ones you could say fuck it to. Amy said fuck it to most all of them. Then Sorreast had to come in and make her fully aware that it was day time once again.

"Aren't you fucking dead yet?" she muttered as she slowly sat up from the bed and yawned. Pushing her hair out of her face she checked her pager, nothing. Perking a brow she slipped on her shoes and started trudging through the hospital. The place was dead, like a ghost town.

"Did everyone die last night or did they just decide to go the fuck home?" she muttered to herself before looking around some more and heading down to the ER to check charts. There wasn't anything that needed her attention. Turning back she sought out Sorreast again and narrowed her eyes.

"The place is dead, its quiet, there are rooms and rooms available. There are plenty of beds out there. Why in the fuck would you come to me? Just couldn't resist my ever loving personality or do you have a death wish yourself? Go lay the fuck down and sleep off that booze because I swear to fucking Christ or what fucking deity you have pledged your soul to that I will rip out your spine with my bare teeth if one emergency shows up and you are too hammered to take a temperature."

Danica Graves

Location:Her Hotel Room --> Alistair Apartments
Interacting With: That mangy mutt (I am waiting for Scooby and the Gang to show up now...)

"Oh for fucks sake if you are going to stick around we need a dog door," Danica muttered as she planted her face into her pillow and tried to get a few more moments rest but the mutt wasn't having it. Flinging the sheets off her she pitched a bit of a hissy fit before rolling out of bed and slipping her pants on; then her shoes before gathering her things and shoving them into her pack. If she went out today she wanted to be prepared.

Stepping over to the dog she was about to let him out before noticing his collar. Taking a quick look she perked a brow. "Well I'll be damned..." she muttered before picking her pack back up and shouldering it before grabbing her ten speed. Opening the door she watched the dog bolt and sped off after him as best she could. Wherever she was going they had better have food. She could really go for some cookies right now.

Dropping down to third gear on her bike she peddled towards the apartments and up onto the curb. The city looked like shit but that was to be expected. At least she had survived the night and had actually gotten some sleep along with it. Hoisting her bike up onto her shoulder she wandered around a bit until she found the right apartment and dropped her bike. Leaning it against the wall by the door and banging on it a few times. "Hey anyone home? I got your dog!" she called out before banging on the door again.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Perfection

The sweet sing of the violin in the background, the spin of the world around, a night full of horrors. How wonderful it was and though she had bid the world a pleasant nightmare come midnight she arose with the first rays of the sun that dared peek their way into her chamber. Cheekbones rising as a smile curled to her lips and a sensuous sigh escaped them. Moving quietly with the silence of a spirit she slipped from the black silk sheets; ensuring to not disturb any she held close. (She would disturb them enough later.)

A change of clothing from black satin gown to black fitted hobble dress. Black was such a happy color. Then a painting of the lips; red of course, blood red. Turning with tiny steps she moved through the decrepit manor as her palms were pressed against each other before her. It was going to be such a lovely day. Death, mayhem, who could ask for anything more? To the garden first, peering out at the city as it awoke. Oh my, was that a man still burning? Charred from hell fire? Oh she did hope so, though in all honesty it smelt more like he had been a tad over cooked. What a shame.

Prune the roses; keep the thorns and throw away the blossoms. Oh dear, did she step on a bud as she skittered away? Marvelous. The house was dank and quiet, a soft wisp of wind moving the cobwebs and dust. Yet, it was too quiet. Something was amiss, or missing as it were. There should be activity at this hour. Very much, she had not had a single book fly towards her ebony locks this morning. It worried her as her brow rose dramatically in the foyer. Turning she looked this way and that. Still nothing. Placing a single red nail tip to her cheek she pondered for a moment before she spoke.

"Countess? Countess Elisse? Where are you this morning?" she called out but yet got no response. "Curiouser and curiouser." Turning she made her way into the kitchen. A bubbling brew at the cauldron, thick and swampy. How wonderful it smelled of peat moss and slugs. Do I detect a hint of mummy's wrapping? Delicious! It would make for a fine stew this evening, now where did she put that dead man's toe? Looking around she still had yet to hear the pitter patter of little feet. Knocking her spoon against the cauldron she called out to her dear little one.

"Mercurial. Mercurial darling, do put the cat down and go rouse your father. Breakfast is waiting," she said in a voice as icy as the feel of her skin. As quite as it was, it rang out clearly through the home and crawled to the ears of those within like a fog creeping in through the night. It was a trait that sent shivers down her beloveds spine. He did enjoy a bone chill do much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's
Interacting With:

Samantha groaned rather loudly as she opened up her eyes and looked up at the sky the sun beating down on her face, she slowly got and cracked her neck. She certainly didn't have a good nights sleep, sleeping in a small cramped car wasn't really the most comfortable thing you could sleep in. Sam reached over for her car keys as well as her room keys and sighed rather loudly, she remembered that she still had her camera still in her room. Remembering the day before it was a rather weird hearing that voice after going through the footage as well as seeing that demonic face in her computer screen.

Sam opened the door of her car and stretched slightly letting out a loud yawn as she closed the car door behind her and locked it up. She started to make her way back into the building of Aunt Sue's and made her way towards her room. Sam sighed and groaned again she was nervous of going back in. "It's just in and out.." Samantha said to herself as she quickly opened the door and made her way towards the bedroom where she had her camera and quickly got out and closed the door behind her. She didn't hear the voice at least for now, as Samantha turned around and made her way back out of the building.

She looked down at her stomach and could feel it grumbling and decided to get herself some breakfast, as Samantha made her way across the street she noticed what appeared to be a crime scene of some kind. Samantha quickly opened up the camera and started to try and get some shots of what was going on. Then she looked over seeing the woman Scarlett from the day before and decided to approach the woman. "Heya, remember me from yesterday?" Samantha asked looking at the woman and her dog. "Whats going on here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Inn
Interacting With: Danica’s Dog (@Lady Amalthea)

Sylvia couldn’t be happier that Belial finally left her alone. She thankfully slept the night away, no haunting nightmares or late-night demon attacks. From having two grannies combust in her room, to having to report a house fire that could’ve burnt down the entire town, she needed some beauty sleep right now.

Sylvia arose fully awake and rested this morning. Hearing the therapeutic cracks of her back as she stretched in the silent morning air rejuvenated her spirit. Sylvia went by her morning routine. Wash face, coffee, pray to the eldritch gods of the Old Times by dabbing the blood of saints on her wrists and muttering ancient oaths, and of course, some breakfast. As Sylvia watched over her slowly cooking toast, the warming bread wafting a delicious aroma around the room, she could’ve sworn she heard barking. She heard a few barks too last night, she didn’t think much of it, but now being accompanied by whines of distress, Sylvia couldn’t help but to be curious.

Ignoring her half stirred coffee for a second, Sylvia peeped out of her room. Head hanging outside as she peered into the dusty halls of the inn. This mystery dog, while faint, was close. She looked back at her breakfast and a growl rumbled in her stomach, just realising how little she ate yesterday but was breakfast worth the life of a dog?

In the end, she decided to ignore the dog. Going back in and starting to lather her toast in some cheap butter. It probably was just a dog in need of a walk. However, something stirred in Sylvia's heart. A heavy weight on her soul that made her lose her appetite. As she dumped her toast in the trash, she felt something was wrong with that dog. Maybe she was being paranoid, maybe her spidey sense was kicking in, whatever it was, it was too late now. The whines have now long since stopped. She just prayed that dog was ok.

Sylvia dragged her feet to her bed, flopping herself down and listening to the silence as she watched the sunlight pool and flicker on her floor. Why did she feel so unsatisfied? Why couldn't every day be another awesome battle with a Qareen or something? She came to Altsoba looking for adventure, she envisioned herself as some grand hero on a quest. But now, she was seriously considering just packing up and leaving to rejoin her brother. Altsoba held nothing in its small walls, and there was no place for her here. Her prophet's house burnt down, and with growing paranoia, there could be another witch hunt any time now. Maybe she was better off going back home.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Somewhere Altsoba
Interacting With: Lost Cat/Her Dinner (if the cat doesn’t behave)

Eudora roamed the streets of the unknown town until the sun came up. An unusual feat for a nanny, but Eudora was all about being unusual. No one and nothing bothered her that night. She was left to wander freely in this modernised town. Nothing really surprised her, everything was practically the same since the last time she was here in the 90s. But an aura of magic hung around the town that made her giddy.

As she passed down the same road for the 10th time, she stopped for a second. A meow echoed through the dead silent air. Eudora spun, her snaggly teeth grinning wide. Eudora absolutely adored cats, what good witch wouldn’t? Her still, cold heart thought fondly of her long lost cat Coal. She could hear him now, meowing again for his milk.

The cat that approached Eudora was way different than her proud, sleek black cat. The little kitten was orange, The colour of joy! Eudora thought as she approached the cat. ”Aww, poor kit, lost are we?” she bent down to greet the cat as she spoke sweetly to it in her vaguely Scottish and American accent. ”Don’t fret, I won’t hurt you,” she whispered to the mewling kitten, but still it yowled and was angry as she curiously peered at the stump on one of its legs. She clucked her tongue and frowned at the kit, ”Hold your tongue before I cut it off! Stop whining and tell me what’s wrong, or I’ll throw you in a pot and call you mystery meat.”

What’s wrong with today’s animals? Do they no longer speak her tongue? Has this new world corrupted their pure spirit with foul machines?

”What? Family left ye'? Got in a scrap with a mangy mutt?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Between the questions and conversation with Sariel, Liam had not gotten a great deal of sleep that night. He fell asleep quite late into the night, and he was still asleep when the knocking started at his door. It was enough to wake him up however as he groaned quietly, blinking a few times before he realised who it must have been. Getting up and moving to the door, he opened it up, still looking rather bedraggled as he watched her closely for a moment, offering something of an awkward smile as she explained why she was here, as if he'd forgotten.

He nodded his head, reaching up to run a hand through his short hair for a moment as he cleared his throat. "Of course, please, come in." He'd say as he turned to let her inside, closing the door as he briefly glanced around to confirm Sariel wasn't on the roof or anything as he moved to sit down, watching the hunter. "Well, a friend of mine, Amelia Pilkvist? She's been reporting about everything going on from her studio but, at the same time, I saw her here, though she insists it wasn't her." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really have any experience with stuff like this, but I guess i'm assuming."

Darren Andrews

Location: The Morgue
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

"Yep, this is the one." A voice all-too-familiar to Jade would be above her, Darren standing with his hands in the pockets of the suit he wore, glancing over to the Coroner as the older man spoke up. "I just don't understand why the CDC would want a body that was shot?" Darren chuckled and nodded, as if agreeing the idea was absurd. "Cause of death isn't the issue, don't worry." He insisted, starting to push the gurney Jade lay on away, leaving the Coroner as he was, even if he wasn't too sure whether or not to believe him.

It was a brief walk pushing Jade outside, and once he was out of view, he ditched it and picked her up, expecting her to still be asleep as he set her in the Impala, moving to the driver seat and climbing in as he set off, removing his CDC badge and tossing it into the glove box filled with fake IDs. Turning on the ignition, he began to drive off, glancing over to her from time to time as he waited for her to open her eyes, unaware she had in fact been awake the entire time as he sat there.

He glanced down for a moment at the directory sitting between their seats, confirming the address he was heading to as he continued on. He'd appreciated his chance meeting with Howard the night before, otherwise he figured he'd have no idea where else he could get an angel blade. After that, it just came down to finding a reaper within 24 hours, no big deal, right?

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt @Lady Amalthea

Slowly, Javier's eyes opened with a few blinks as the faint glimmer of sunlight peered through the windows and crossed his eyes. Smiling as he was awoken to a bright new apocalyptic day, he rolled over in the black sheets and held an arm out to wrap around his dearest, but it was met with nothing. She had already slipped from the sheets, as usual, without him even noticing. Pushing himself to sit up, he stretched out his arms and his back, still sore from his love's tender affections the day before. He savoured the pain in them for a moment as he moved to stand, ready to meet the day and anything that came with it.

Moving to the wardrobe, he dragged out one of his many golden coats, pulling it on over his shoulders as he glanced between the contrast of black and yellow clothing, smirking as he closed the wardrobe again and moved out of the room. His ears were suddenly struck with the voice of his dearest, calling out to their darling daughter to rouse him from his slumber. The way that her voice rang through the house prompted a loving sigh from the man, a chill running down his spine at the icy feel of her voice.

Creeping down the stairs, silent as the void, he carefully and slowly made his way into the kitchen, spotting Belladonna by her cauldron as he approached from behind, reaching out to run a gentle finger up the side of her arm, leaning forward to brush his lips against the cool skin of her cheek. "A beautiful morning, isn't it, mi amor?" He let out in little more than a whisper, letting a grin grace his lips for a moment as he watched her closely. peering down to the breakfast she had 'concocted'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Police Station
Interacting With: Other Police Officers

He was exhausted, there was no doubt about it. Calls coming in constantly, mostly from people who were panicking. Zachary needed to go home and lie down. He long ago lost count of how many cups of coffee he had so far. When he finally thought that he had a moment where he could head home, another call came in. Zachary had been running around town all night, one of his deputies walked up to him and started talking about four more calls. He was speaking so quickly that Zachary had to cut him off and make him slow down. After a few moments, he believed he understood, somewhat.

"Let me get this straight, the warden called about something. The makeshift shelter leader is having problems and needs help, there is a fire on Grant Road and another call about the cemetery. Is that it?" he asked the deputy, who just nodded in response.

Well, the warden should be able to handle any problems, though I hate having to leave him on his own. The fire department can get sent off after the fire. That leaves me with two options, the shelter, or the cemetery. I for one know which one would be slightly less creepy, and what would most likely be helpful to the town's citizens.

"Tell the Fire Deparment and send them out after the fire. Call the warden and tell him that I can't help him right now. I'm heading out to the makeshift shelter to see what the problem there is. Hopefully I can be of some use to them." he instructed, and started heading for the door.

He paused for a moment and grabbed another cup of coffee before he left. The sun was rising, he could tell that it was going to be a long day.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Altsoba High
Interacting With: No one in particular

She was not happy. Everyone treated her like a little kid, if only she looked older. Kat wanted to go home, but she hadn't found her escape route yet, so all she could do was wait. She needed to get out of the stuffy room. There were so many other teenagers and children that she felt like she couldn't breath. The world outside of those walls was where she belonged, helping against the demons and creatures. No one here understood that. Still, she was amazed that no one searched her and found all of her weapons. She could be there to kill everyone and they wouldn't even know it. Sometimes adults can be really stupid.

Kat started looking for possible exits. Seeing no immediate ones, and the fact that she was tired led her to finally fall asleep in the large room. When she woke up the next morning, she started her search once more, overhearing conversations about another boy who had disappeared. Daniyal's name came up, and she thought that might have been the name of the boy from the Town Center. Maybe I could find out what happened to him if these idiots would just let me leave. They have no idea what is happening. Being ignorant does not stop the truth from being there. They need to get a reality check.

She kept circling the room, trying to look for patterns in the adults movements, openings, or anything that might give her enough time to leave the school. Man, I don't even think I ever went here!
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