I am working out a fully-fledged character listing, so we (you, anyway - I had to so I could compile this) don't have to flick through all the pages.
OK, so this is a WIP. Although I think I've caught up for now. Will save the post occasionally so I don't lose the work. Thanks @Sarcelle Renard for the incredibly handy roster sheet.
Turns out Ctrl + S allows you to save your post... or the entire webpage all in one swift accident. Never mind.
Those who update their characters, please pm me with the new raw text, so I can update this.

'Kat' if you're feeling friendly, as that is what she prefers.
Many of the scientists name her 'Aegis' however, for her abilities.
Short cut black hair hair and dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. Standing roughly at five foot five with a somewhat large frame and rather athletic build she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky attitude doesn't help either. On her left cheek, has been engraved the number '4' in roman numerals. She tends to scowl constantly, or have an aggressive smirk on her face. She prefers lighter attire, being tank tops and other articles that let her breathe easily. She's not one for suits or uniforms of any kind, but as long as she can easily move in something she's not gonna complain too much.
Violent, has a bit of an anger problem, and a sarcastic, though usually well meaning, jackass. She prefers solving things with her fists rather than peaceful solutions. Diplomacy only causes headaches and she doesn't tend to think about such things - only the best effective method of kicking someones ass.
Despite this, Kat, is usually pretty friendly despite her snarky attitude and somewhat hostile seeming behavior. A sarcastic jackass, some would describe her, anyone is fair game for her snark and insults. Even herself, if she does something stupid. This makes people kind of...well, they don't exactly dislike her, but she's not gonna be winning any popularity contests. Not that she cares. All she needs is her shotgun and something to shoot at.
Truthfully, she's not a bad person and doesn't think much of it. Mostly, she just doesn't really care much of for other people, though she's loyal to anyone she might be working or living with and will save a total stranger if she happens to be in the same general vicinity whether they like her or not. Generally speaking, she doesn't mind what she is. She's a weapon, and she's gonna have a helluva lot of fun being one. Just give her something to rip to pieces, and she'll do it.
-Physical activity
-Being a sarcastic twit
-shady people
-Dishonest people
-chucklefucks that can't follow orders
As far as enhancements goes, Kat was designed to be a soldier. Simple enough. She got a pretty heavy dose of extra muscle and endurance, effectively making her muscles stronger, and able to withstand more pain and take more damage than one would normally have. She can punch really, really, goddamn hard, and mix with some pretty decent natural marksman skills and reaction times, and even without her abilities she'd make for a fairly effective weapon against other humans.
So, a short list for TL;DR
-Inhuman Strength (For punching the lights out of Gods three times her size)
-Inhuman Endurance (For lasting ten times longer on the battlefield, even while heavily injured)
-Close combat specialist (Focusing mostly on grapples and KO'ing something in a single hit)
Weapons? Well, she's been given a pistol and a shotgun, and can wield them fairly effectively.
Kat has the ability to make, and manipulate localized force fields and barriers. She most often employs this by keeping what someone might refer to as a 'shield' around herself almost at all times that can effectively absorb most physical and projectile attacks up to a threshold. And while it's no means impenetrable, it can easily provide quite a bit of protection from most projectiles.
The force fields can come in many shape and sizes, though most often she prefers making them sphere or square shaped and can be used for more than just defensive purposes. Slamming a large one into an enemy at high speeds tends to hurt. Not to mention trapping, and slowly crushing something to death inside of one. Her favorite though, is using them like bullets themselves.
Of course, they can be used traditionally for defense, if she has to, though it's not her preference, even if it's what she's probably most skilled at using them for.
Most often, they appear clear, turning a dark blue color near the edges.

Barracuda/The Apex Predator
The Apex Predators face is rugged, much like his well-toned body, with sharp, angular features that betray the young age. Everything from his jawline, which could cut diamonds, to his powerful brow is shaped with strength, as if he had been chiseled from the bedrock beneath the high rise towers of his birthplace. His naturally brown skin is reminiscent of the earth, and without a scar anywhere on his body. Full, thick lips hide not only a set of perfect teeth, but project a voice of power.
Despite the countless dangers of his godslayer kind, Barracuda's light brown eyes somehow surpass his environment and continue to be the most intimidating features of the job. Taken alone, they are unspectacular in their appearance, with a hue similar to cinnamon—a rather average tone. When coupled with the man to whom they belong, however, they become piercing and unforgiving, holding back judgment so swift that they have killed dozens. It is through these eyes that one of the most powerful beings in existence, in his opinion, sees the world around him, choosing what he wishes to eradicate to ensure that the legacy of the godslayer race remains great.
In a way, it is the only public symbol of his nature as a godslayer is the '1' tattoo of his rank between his shoulder blades, hidden by his uniform.
Perhaps the most well known feature of the 'Apex Predator' is his hair. Wild, deep-brown dreadlocks grow from every inch of his scalp, pulled back so that they fall in a cascade down to his neck. They cover his ears and half of his head, making them a prominent part of his appearance. The dreadlocks are not natural, however.
Barracuda is a man of strict, disciplined vision. He in uncompromising in his beliefs that the godslayer race is capable of great things, and he is willing to destroy those who he perceives as an inconvenience along the path to bringing his people to their full potential. This core concept—the foundation of his outlook—was set in stone long ago, back when he was capable of perceiving the futile world around him.
As one might expect, a major facet of Barracuda's personality is his complete intolerance for substandard godslayers or humans. Those who submit themselves to their primitive instincts, eschewing their potential for greatness through ignorance and weakness, are anathema in his eyes. He is extremely adamant godslayers should continue to better themselves without rest. Should even one rumor of unworthy behavior reach his ears, even if it is just a single lapse from an otherwise exemplary godslayer, the punishment from his judgment is swift and merciless, unless he is forced to a stop by those who chain him down.
Although an imposing individual by virtue of both his unmatched physical power and his willingness to use it to obliterate those who oppose his ideals, the 'Apex Predator' is perfectly rational—even courteous—to those who he deems worthy of his respect. Any godslayer that displays the qualities that he finds most suitable is treated as an equal in his eyes.
All of the emotions that Barracuda finds useless or degrading are hidden deep within the flesh of his soul, heavily suppressed. He does this to ensure that he meets his own standards, and that the drives of his human instincts remain locked away in the name of progress. As a result, each major emotion that he shows is almost entirely under his control. He does not become elated unless he permits himself to feel the rush of positivity, nor does he become angry without a purpose to its expression. On a functional level, this allows him to utilize his powers and skills in ways no others can, with him accessing primal feelings whenever he deems it beneficial to battle. When looked at through a social perspective, however, it makes the man seem incredibly cold. He rarely smiles or shows any emotion at all, even when cutting down dissidents.
+Those who 'rise above the common rabble'
+Those who can earn his respect
OK, so this is a WIP. Although I think I've caught up for now. Will save the post occasionally so I don't lose the work. Thanks @Sarcelle Renard for the incredibly handy roster sheet.
Turns out Ctrl + S allows you to save your post... or the entire webpage all in one swift accident. Never mind.
Those who update their characters, please pm me with the new raw text, so I can update this.
Owner – @Guilty Spark

N A M E:
G E N D E R:
A G E:
A P P E A R A N C E:
N U M B E R:
R A N K:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
L I K E S:
D I S L I K E S:
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
W E A P O N S:
A B I L I T I E S:

N A M E:
One is what she prefers, but the scientists have taken to calling her Freya.
G E N D E R:
A G E:
A P P E A R A N C E:
"I" was boldly printed down her left cheek, the first of many, and a small scar has since bisected the symbol.
N U M B E R:
R A N K:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
One was born and raised a warrior, shouldering the burdens of the programs expectations before her siblings were ready to be tried and tested by the researchers. She lives every moment as if she needs to prove she's number One, and won't settle for disappointment in herself or others. She is quick to lead by example, and if takes her sacrifice to inspire others to their full potential she will gladly lay down her flesh.
L I K E S:
- Battle
- Respect
- Courage
- Sacrifice
- Honor
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Courage
- Sacrifice
- Honor
- Responsibility
D I S L I K E S:
- Insubordination
- Cowardice
- Selfishness
- The opposites of the other things.
- Cowardice
- Selfishness
- The opposites of the other things.
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
As the first AG, One was designed without the knowledge or subtlety that would be reflected in their later subjects. There was no thought given to her personality or humanity, only the features she would host as a weapon.
- Nerves - One's sense of pain and touch has been completely inhibited, which causes her to push on long after others would be incapacitated, but also means she doesn't have a grasp of her own limitations.
- Overclocked - One's reaction time has been reduced to the smallest interval their technology was capable of producing, allowing her to act before others are fully conscious of the danger.
- Soldier - One's strength and stamina were boosted, much like Katherine's but to a lesser extent.
- Adrenaline - One is in complete control of the release of adrenaline in her body, which can prove to be a dangerous combination considering her inhibited sensations.
W E A P O N S:
A saber designed to withstand the force of her abilities, capable of being wielded with one or two hands.
A B I L I T I E S:
Gravity Manipulation - One can manipulate the strength and direction of gravity with such precision that she can stand, unaffected, in the center of a gravity well of her own creation.
Owner - [@Ranjue]

Name: Rue
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall, slim and long limbed, with a face which seems to be beyond the age of 15. Dull grey eyes sink into her pale complexion, and her dark hair reaches a few inches below her shoulders. Her body shows little sign of conflict, being completely void of scars of bruising due to her cellular mutations. As a mark of her allegiance, the number "2" is printed on her breastbone, slightly below her neck. She thinks poorly of its appearance, and thus hides it beneath polo necks and large collars.
Number: 2
Rank: B
Personality: Rue displays a great deal of maturity both in appearance and persona, implying that her engineering caused her to age slightly faster than the average human(?). Whilst reserved, lazy and seemingly uncaring in nature, Rue's mindset undergoes sudden temporary changes whilst engaged in battle. During instances where Rue is provoked or wounded, she enters a berserk state, resulting in a huge increase of strength and power. Rue is near impossible to control in these situations and tends to overkill her targets whilst in this thrilled state of mind, and is often forcefully subdued by the her handlers as a result, using a shock device implemented in her bracelet. Rue's design is that of a perfect killer.
Likes: Sleep, classical music, the colour orange. Rue is also particularly fond of birds.
Dislikes: Walking long distances, modern art. Despite her outwardly accepting personality, Rue thinks poorly of prideful and conceited individuals.
Blood of The Gods: Rue's existence is deemed as a successful experiment. This experiment involved the insertion of a tiny amount of DNA taken from a lesser deceased God into the chromosomes of an ovum. Whilst the inserted genes were extremely few in number, Rue's modified chromosomes had great effect on her growth, causing her to display a drastic mutation (see abilities).
Rapid Regeneration: Rue's cellular repair rate is vastly superior to other living beings. She is able to sustain grave injuries in battle as a result (excluding damage to vital organs), and even injuries that would prove fatal to others are easily healed by settling into long periods of sleep. It is notable that after a high notoriety mission, Rue will sleep most of the following few days away, eating little during that time.
Pain Absorption: Rather than shying away from pain, Rue's nervous system instead translates pain entirely into adrenaline, causing her to enter a berserk state and increasing her strength as the battle goes on. Making her a seemingly unstoppable killer, this is the primary feat which makes Rue so remarkably terrifying.
The Centipede: Due to her monstrous DNA, Rue's spine hosts eight invisible, tentacle-like appendages from her back. These appendages show clearly up on X-Rays, but are only visible to the naked eye when exposed under black light. They have a reach of up to nineteen meters when fully extended, and have proven to possess gargantuan strength, capable of lifting large vehicles and boulders. Due to the nature of her "weapons" and fighting style, slaying fiends is often a gruesome (yet effective) job.
Assisted Agility: Rue is able to quickly move herself around the battle field by using her eight appendages to boost herself and clamber around the surrounding scenery. Whilst she has the means to tank some injuries, this allows her to easily dodge potentially fatal blows.
God-Eye: Rue has an inbuilt ability to detect and locate nearby fiends and Gods.

"A monster to end monsters."
Name: Rue
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Tall, slim and long limbed, with a face which seems to be beyond the age of 15. Dull grey eyes sink into her pale complexion, and her dark hair reaches a few inches below her shoulders. Her body shows little sign of conflict, being completely void of scars of bruising due to her cellular mutations. As a mark of her allegiance, the number "2" is printed on her breastbone, slightly below her neck. She thinks poorly of its appearance, and thus hides it beneath polo necks and large collars.
Number: 2
Rank: B
Personality: Rue displays a great deal of maturity both in appearance and persona, implying that her engineering caused her to age slightly faster than the average human(?). Whilst reserved, lazy and seemingly uncaring in nature, Rue's mindset undergoes sudden temporary changes whilst engaged in battle. During instances where Rue is provoked or wounded, she enters a berserk state, resulting in a huge increase of strength and power. Rue is near impossible to control in these situations and tends to overkill her targets whilst in this thrilled state of mind, and is often forcefully subdued by the her handlers as a result, using a shock device implemented in her bracelet. Rue's design is that of a perfect killer.
Likes: Sleep, classical music, the colour orange. Rue is also particularly fond of birds.
Dislikes: Walking long distances, modern art. Despite her outwardly accepting personality, Rue thinks poorly of prideful and conceited individuals.
Blood of The Gods: Rue's existence is deemed as a successful experiment. This experiment involved the insertion of a tiny amount of DNA taken from a lesser deceased God into the chromosomes of an ovum. Whilst the inserted genes were extremely few in number, Rue's modified chromosomes had great effect on her growth, causing her to display a drastic mutation (see abilities).
Rapid Regeneration: Rue's cellular repair rate is vastly superior to other living beings. She is able to sustain grave injuries in battle as a result (excluding damage to vital organs), and even injuries that would prove fatal to others are easily healed by settling into long periods of sleep. It is notable that after a high notoriety mission, Rue will sleep most of the following few days away, eating little during that time.
Pain Absorption: Rather than shying away from pain, Rue's nervous system instead translates pain entirely into adrenaline, causing her to enter a berserk state and increasing her strength as the battle goes on. Making her a seemingly unstoppable killer, this is the primary feat which makes Rue so remarkably terrifying.
The Centipede: Due to her monstrous DNA, Rue's spine hosts eight invisible, tentacle-like appendages from her back. These appendages show clearly up on X-Rays, but are only visible to the naked eye when exposed under black light. They have a reach of up to nineteen meters when fully extended, and have proven to possess gargantuan strength, capable of lifting large vehicles and boulders. Due to the nature of her "weapons" and fighting style, slaying fiends is often a gruesome (yet effective) job.
Assisted Agility: Rue is able to quickly move herself around the battle field by using her eight appendages to boost herself and clamber around the surrounding scenery. Whilst she has the means to tank some injuries, this allows her to easily dodge potentially fatal blows.
God-Eye: Rue has an inbuilt ability to detect and locate nearby fiends and Gods.
This spot is awaiting an owner

"I don't need anger management...you just need to stop pissin' me off."
'Kat' if you're feeling friendly, as that is what she prefers.
Many of the scientists name her 'Aegis' however, for her abilities.
Short cut black hair hair and dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. Standing roughly at five foot five with a somewhat large frame and rather athletic build she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky attitude doesn't help either. On her left cheek, has been engraved the number '4' in roman numerals. She tends to scowl constantly, or have an aggressive smirk on her face. She prefers lighter attire, being tank tops and other articles that let her breathe easily. She's not one for suits or uniforms of any kind, but as long as she can easily move in something she's not gonna complain too much.
Violent, has a bit of an anger problem, and a sarcastic, though usually well meaning, jackass. She prefers solving things with her fists rather than peaceful solutions. Diplomacy only causes headaches and she doesn't tend to think about such things - only the best effective method of kicking someones ass.
Despite this, Kat, is usually pretty friendly despite her snarky attitude and somewhat hostile seeming behavior. A sarcastic jackass, some would describe her, anyone is fair game for her snark and insults. Even herself, if she does something stupid. This makes people kind of...well, they don't exactly dislike her, but she's not gonna be winning any popularity contests. Not that she cares. All she needs is her shotgun and something to shoot at.
Truthfully, she's not a bad person and doesn't think much of it. Mostly, she just doesn't really care much of for other people, though she's loyal to anyone she might be working or living with and will save a total stranger if she happens to be in the same general vicinity whether they like her or not. Generally speaking, she doesn't mind what she is. She's a weapon, and she's gonna have a helluva lot of fun being one. Just give her something to rip to pieces, and she'll do it.
-Physical activity
-Being a sarcastic twit
-shady people
-Dishonest people
-chucklefucks that can't follow orders
As far as enhancements goes, Kat was designed to be a soldier. Simple enough. She got a pretty heavy dose of extra muscle and endurance, effectively making her muscles stronger, and able to withstand more pain and take more damage than one would normally have. She can punch really, really, goddamn hard, and mix with some pretty decent natural marksman skills and reaction times, and even without her abilities she'd make for a fairly effective weapon against other humans.
So, a short list for TL;DR
-Inhuman Strength (For punching the lights out of Gods three times her size)
-Inhuman Endurance (For lasting ten times longer on the battlefield, even while heavily injured)
-Close combat specialist (Focusing mostly on grapples and KO'ing something in a single hit)
Weapons? Well, she's been given a pistol and a shotgun, and can wield them fairly effectively.
Kat has the ability to make, and manipulate localized force fields and barriers. She most often employs this by keeping what someone might refer to as a 'shield' around herself almost at all times that can effectively absorb most physical and projectile attacks up to a threshold. And while it's no means impenetrable, it can easily provide quite a bit of protection from most projectiles.
The force fields can come in many shape and sizes, though most often she prefers making them sphere or square shaped and can be used for more than just defensive purposes. Slamming a large one into an enemy at high speeds tends to hurt. Not to mention trapping, and slowly crushing something to death inside of one. Her favorite though, is using them like bullets themselves.
Of course, they can be used traditionally for defense, if she has to, though it's not her preference, even if it's what she's probably most skilled at using them for.
Most often, they appear clear, turning a dark blue color near the edges.
Owner - @DeathXtheXTree
Name: Karu
Gender: Female
Age: 15

Number: 5
Rank: B
Personality: Karu is somewhat aloof and impatient to the eye, however, she likes to put her nose where it doesn't belong. She would like to see the outside world, but she also like to pry into vital information that the personal (mainly the facility staff) has to offer. She is a tad standoffish, but no matter how you look at her, she's lazy till something peeks her interest.
- Prying into personal events
- Sweets
- what the facility has to offer
- anything that she deems interesting
- cheese
- anything that isn't sweet
- milk
- paper work
Weapon(s): N/A
Ability: Mind manipulation and telekinesis.
With her mind manipulation, she can change a persons memory slightly, making her target thinking she was never there or that she is their best friends However, she cannot change ones past, only manipulate the memories. With her telekinesis, she can receive and send messages to one, or a group of five, but she can move smaller objects, like a writing pad to a full coffee mug. Anything over 15 LBS, it will put a strain on her and will cause mild to major migraines.
Name: Karu
Gender: Female
Age: 15

- Karu stands roughly about 5'7, which she is consider to be one of the taller girls, but she also appears to be sickly like due to genetic mutation to her DNA, which she is very pale complected; the Scientists weren't too sure how the genetic Mutation happened in the first place. A splash of freckles across the bridge of her nose, dull amber eyes, and the number 5 is hidden behind her neck.
Number: 5
Rank: B
Personality: Karu is somewhat aloof and impatient to the eye, however, she likes to put her nose where it doesn't belong. She would like to see the outside world, but she also like to pry into vital information that the personal (mainly the facility staff) has to offer. She is a tad standoffish, but no matter how you look at her, she's lazy till something peeks her interest.
- Prying into personal events
- Sweets
- what the facility has to offer
- anything that she deems interesting
- cheese
- anything that isn't sweet
- milk
- paper work
- Neurological enhancements: The process of brain cells are enhanced to the point where she thinks several to eight steps ahead of an opponent.
- Bone Augmentation: With slight DNA mutation, her entire skeletal structure is hollow, making her frame much more easier to crush, this also increase her speed and stealth, but also makes her much lighter than she appears.
Weapon(s): N/A
Ability: Mind manipulation and telekinesis.
With her mind manipulation, she can change a persons memory slightly, making her target thinking she was never there or that she is their best friends However, she cannot change ones past, only manipulate the memories. With her telekinesis, she can receive and send messages to one, or a group of five, but she can move smaller objects, like a writing pad to a full coffee mug. Anything over 15 LBS, it will put a strain on her and will cause mild to major migraines.
Owner - @Ashevelendar
Name: Ashe
Gender: Female
Age: 15

She has a 6 on her left arm.
Number: 6
Rank: B
Personality: Ashe doesn't care if she is used as a weapon or not , she just wants to explore the outside world. She is ready to tear apart anyone that would stand against her and exploring the outside world.
Likes : Ashe likes to fight.
Ashe likes to talk.
Ashe likes to find out things about the outside world.
Dislikes: Staying closed in the institution.
People that touch her.
Enhancement(s): Ashe has her regeneration enhanced because of her power. Allowing her to regenerate small cuts ( like bones exiting her body ) and stuff like that in a matter of seconds but anything heavier it takes time.
Ability: Bone manipulation: Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Name: Ashe
Gender: Female
Age: 15

She has a 6 on her left arm.
Number: 6
Rank: B
Personality: Ashe doesn't care if she is used as a weapon or not , she just wants to explore the outside world. She is ready to tear apart anyone that would stand against her and exploring the outside world.
Likes : Ashe likes to fight.
Ashe likes to talk.
Ashe likes to find out things about the outside world.
Dislikes: Staying closed in the institution.
People that touch her.
Enhancement(s): Ashe has her regeneration enhanced because of her power. Allowing her to regenerate small cuts ( like bones exiting her body ) and stuff like that in a matter of seconds but anything heavier it takes time.
Ability: Bone manipulation: Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Owner - @Kyrisse

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Ven stands a height of 5'2 and weighs 105 lbs. She has a slight athletic build but her muscles aren't as defined as most of her siblings. She has long pale pink hair the color of her lips and large aqua eyes that looks depthless. She wears a blank expression on her face that makes it seem like she is always uninterested and not really mentally present.
VII marks her nape in bold black ink but it is usually hidden from view by her hair.
Number: 7
Rank: B
Ven is quiet and observant and usually keeps an apathetic expression on her face. She rarely interacts with anyone and if she does, it only consists of single words or a maximum of a few sentence. Getting more out of her is almost close to impossible. She is difficult to distract and is straightforward and honest. Her patience can be vast but if she thinks that it's a waste of her time, then her patience is horrible.
Unlike most of her brothers and sisters who were designed for combat, she was designed for something else. She was designed for stealth and subterfuge. She may have an atheltic build but she looks a whole lot more delicate than most with her pink hair and big green eyes. Despite her appearance, she can be deadly in battle as she employs stealth and agility dealing damage and death with deadly speed. Appearance, in Ven's case, is definitely deceiving.
Her senses have been cranked up. Her vision, her hearing and sense of smell are excellent. She is extremely agile and almost always makes no sound.
Projectiles. A crystal bow and arrow and several knives secured around her waist.
Invisibility. This ability can only be applied to herself and only for a limited time. If she is hit or touched, she becomes visible. Projectiles are only invisible while she is touching them, becoming visible as soon as skin to weapon contact is broken.

She doesn't really care for names and would only respond to her number or a shortcut of it: "Ven"
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Ven stands a height of 5'2 and weighs 105 lbs. She has a slight athletic build but her muscles aren't as defined as most of her siblings. She has long pale pink hair the color of her lips and large aqua eyes that looks depthless. She wears a blank expression on her face that makes it seem like she is always uninterested and not really mentally present.
VII marks her nape in bold black ink but it is usually hidden from view by her hair.
Number: 7
Rank: B
Ven is quiet and observant and usually keeps an apathetic expression on her face. She rarely interacts with anyone and if she does, it only consists of single words or a maximum of a few sentence. Getting more out of her is almost close to impossible. She is difficult to distract and is straightforward and honest. Her patience can be vast but if she thinks that it's a waste of her time, then her patience is horrible.
- Silence
- Her brothers and sisters
- Fighting
- Noise
- Unwarranted attention
- Dishonesty
Unlike most of her brothers and sisters who were designed for combat, she was designed for something else. She was designed for stealth and subterfuge. She may have an atheltic build but she looks a whole lot more delicate than most with her pink hair and big green eyes. Despite her appearance, she can be deadly in battle as she employs stealth and agility dealing damage and death with deadly speed. Appearance, in Ven's case, is definitely deceiving.
Her senses have been cranked up. Her vision, her hearing and sense of smell are excellent. She is extremely agile and almost always makes no sound.
Projectiles. A crystal bow and arrow and several knives secured around her waist.
Invisibility. This ability can only be applied to herself and only for a limited time. If she is hit or touched, she becomes visible. Projectiles are only invisible while she is touching them, becoming visible as soon as skin to weapon contact is broken.
Owner - @Sarcelle Renard
Still available
Owner - [@Uber Blutwurst]

Name: Blair
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Standing an astonishing 6 feet tall, Blair possess a human body heavily modified with cybernetic implants by her creators in order to make her the living example of a human weapon. Her skin has a very pale complexion, and her fittingly white hair's wild disposition is often controlled with a high ponytail. Blair sports a lithe, slender frame with long, slightly muscular limbs. She's also got bright sky-blue eyes. The roman number "CXLIII" is printed in small, black letters right under her left eye.
Number: 143
Rank: C
Personality: Blair is not one to chat lively with other people, prefering to keep her thoughts to herself. In fact, it could be said that she dislikes idling around and wasting time in things that your superiors haven't ordered you to do. Fiercely loyal to her cause, Blair seeks to end any assignment she's been given as quick and effectively as possible, which often leads to collateral damage. Although she follow her orders to the letter, if pragmatism is required to complete a task she'll do anything to ensure that said job is completed, no matter how low she must fall in order to do so.
Weapon(s): Apart from any kind of weaponry that her superior officers provide her with, Blair's got a couple of attachments that are used to provide extra firepower to any operation she's in:
Ability: Energy Absorption: Blair is able to absorb any kind of electric energy she comes in contact with, storing it inside her body for future use.

I was made with only one purpose in mind: War
Name: Blair
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Standing an astonishing 6 feet tall, Blair possess a human body heavily modified with cybernetic implants by her creators in order to make her the living example of a human weapon. Her skin has a very pale complexion, and her fittingly white hair's wild disposition is often controlled with a high ponytail. Blair sports a lithe, slender frame with long, slightly muscular limbs. She's also got bright sky-blue eyes. The roman number "CXLIII" is printed in small, black letters right under her left eye.
Number: 143
Rank: C
Personality: Blair is not one to chat lively with other people, prefering to keep her thoughts to herself. In fact, it could be said that she dislikes idling around and wasting time in things that your superiors haven't ordered you to do. Fiercely loyal to her cause, Blair seeks to end any assignment she's been given as quick and effectively as possible, which often leads to collateral damage. Although she follow her orders to the letter, if pragmatism is required to complete a task she'll do anything to ensure that said job is completed, no matter how low she must fall in order to do so.
- Orders
- Protocol
- Weapons
- Explosions
- Bullets
- Dead Gods
- Victory
- Disobedience
- Bad Manners
- Diplomacy
- Hostages
- Alive Gods
- Defeat
- Sour Milk
- Energy Production: As part of a project to create a one-man army, Blair has been outfitted with an incredibly powerful experimental reactor inside of her body. This removes the need of eating or sleeping, but she needs to make regular maintenance checks in order to ensure that the reactor is still working properly. She's got a small, specialized plug on her lower back where she can connect any kind of energy weaponry, provided she's got the required cable to do so, having the same effect than a belt feed machine gun.
- Enhanced Durability: Her body has been strengthened in order to endure the strain caused by extensive combat situations, making it very resistant.
- Enhanced Strength: Going in hand with the previous item, Blair's strength has also been increased to make it possible to carry more powerful weaponry to any skirmishes she has to take part on.
- Improved Eyesight: Her eyes have been upgraded with small ocular implants so that her vision is clearer, allowing Blair to see farther than an average human. If she focuses, she can see clearly as far as half a mile away.
- Improved Hearing: On the same vein, her hearing has been greatly enhanced, making her able to pick up faint sounds otherwise imperceptible to normal people
- Enhanced Motor Skills: Blair's overall athletic prowess is higher than that of an average human. In addition, her reflexes are also quite sharper than normal.
Weapon(s): Apart from any kind of weaponry that her superior officers provide her with, Blair's got a couple of attachments that are used to provide extra firepower to any operation she's in:
- Shock Gauntlets: Her gauntlets are outfitted with small prods on the knuckles that can, if so desired, release a small electric shock on impact.
- Electric Discharge: If needed, Blair can discharge large amouns of electricity all around her. Doing so hinders her overall physical prowess for a small while, so it's a back-up plan more than anything.
- Overclock Engine: Blair can temporarily enhance her overall capabilities by the increase of the energy output of her reactor. However, this process physically tires the reactor and is incredibly dangerous to do more than once without having to run a maintenance check to repair any possible damage that it may have taken while overclocked.
Ability: Energy Absorption: Blair is able to absorb any kind of electric energy she comes in contact with, storing it inside her body for future use.

"I will continue to evolve, and those who I have chosen as worthy, will follow me."
Barracuda/The Apex Predator
The Apex Predators face is rugged, much like his well-toned body, with sharp, angular features that betray the young age. Everything from his jawline, which could cut diamonds, to his powerful brow is shaped with strength, as if he had been chiseled from the bedrock beneath the high rise towers of his birthplace. His naturally brown skin is reminiscent of the earth, and without a scar anywhere on his body. Full, thick lips hide not only a set of perfect teeth, but project a voice of power.
Despite the countless dangers of his godslayer kind, Barracuda's light brown eyes somehow surpass his environment and continue to be the most intimidating features of the job. Taken alone, they are unspectacular in their appearance, with a hue similar to cinnamon—a rather average tone. When coupled with the man to whom they belong, however, they become piercing and unforgiving, holding back judgment so swift that they have killed dozens. It is through these eyes that one of the most powerful beings in existence, in his opinion, sees the world around him, choosing what he wishes to eradicate to ensure that the legacy of the godslayer race remains great.
In a way, it is the only public symbol of his nature as a godslayer is the '1' tattoo of his rank between his shoulder blades, hidden by his uniform.
Perhaps the most well known feature of the 'Apex Predator' is his hair. Wild, deep-brown dreadlocks grow from every inch of his scalp, pulled back so that they fall in a cascade down to his neck. They cover his ears and half of his head, making them a prominent part of his appearance. The dreadlocks are not natural, however.
Barracuda is a man of strict, disciplined vision. He in uncompromising in his beliefs that the godslayer race is capable of great things, and he is willing to destroy those who he perceives as an inconvenience along the path to bringing his people to their full potential. This core concept—the foundation of his outlook—was set in stone long ago, back when he was capable of perceiving the futile world around him.
As one might expect, a major facet of Barracuda's personality is his complete intolerance for substandard godslayers or humans. Those who submit themselves to their primitive instincts, eschewing their potential for greatness through ignorance and weakness, are anathema in his eyes. He is extremely adamant godslayers should continue to better themselves without rest. Should even one rumor of unworthy behavior reach his ears, even if it is just a single lapse from an otherwise exemplary godslayer, the punishment from his judgment is swift and merciless, unless he is forced to a stop by those who chain him down.
Although an imposing individual by virtue of both his unmatched physical power and his willingness to use it to obliterate those who oppose his ideals, the 'Apex Predator' is perfectly rational—even courteous—to those who he deems worthy of his respect. Any godslayer that displays the qualities that he finds most suitable is treated as an equal in his eyes.
All of the emotions that Barracuda finds useless or degrading are hidden deep within the flesh of his soul, heavily suppressed. He does this to ensure that he meets his own standards, and that the drives of his human instincts remain locked away in the name of progress. As a result, each major emotion that he shows is almost entirely under his control. He does not become elated unless he permits himself to feel the rush of positivity, nor does he become angry without a purpose to its expression. On a functional level, this allows him to utilize his powers and skills in ways no others can, with him accessing primal feelings whenever he deems it beneficial to battle. When looked at through a social perspective, however, it makes the man seem incredibly cold. He rarely smiles or shows any emotion at all, even when cutting down dissidents.
+Those who 'rise above the common rabble'
+Those who can earn his respect
- Immense Strength: In combat, this raw power comes to bear when Barracuda enters melee range, at which point he attempts destroy his enemies as quickly as possible, holding little back in favor of completely overwhelming his opponent's defenses. He is capable of blocking the strikes of mammoth enemies, with his bare hands, only showing signs of fatigue or stress on his muscles. A few punches is capable of ripping a hole in the side of a building, and he is capable of lifting massive loads above his head, countless times his size and weight. Combined, these expressions of his physicality might leave few willing combatants who oppose him, and those that choose to take the risk are quick to find the true limits of his strength.
- Immense Speed: Barracuda is one of the fastest beings in within the godslayer. In battle, his precision and rapid pace make Barracuda a nightmare, especially when combined with his offensive abilities of his strength. The Apex Predator's capability of changing the distance at which he fights allows him to make full use of any one of his techniques whenever he feels that the situation best calls for it. As a fearsome combatant who is impossibly powerful at short, mid, and long ranges, the fact that Barracuda has the speed to shift between these distances has been the downfall of many of his greatest opponents, especially those who rely on a particular zone of influence where their own talents are most useful.
- Hand to Hand Combat Expert:Using his fearsome strength and blinding speed, he can turn his entire body into an incredibly deadly weapon, capable of striking in a variety of ways that could mean death for all but the strongest of his adversaries. As a godslayer who generally relies on his melee talents after the release of his Primal Force, during which time his combat capabilities skyrocket, little thought has been put into named techniques or fancy maneuvers; Barracuda knows that such things would be quite useless to him once the primal abilities of his true form come to light. Instead, most of his time performing Hand to Hand is spent on straightforward, powerful attacks meant to end a fight as quickly as possible. Among these common movements are straights, hooks, knees, and elbows thrown with the sole purpose of killing.
- Master Tactician and Strategist: Barracuda possesses a highly intelligent mind capable of hatching plans within plans and processing vast amounts of information. A genius by all accounts, he is an individual who can manipulate the the battlefield, opponents, and even allies through complex schemes that take multiple contingencies into account. He can think several steps ahead, allowing him to change his tactics on a moment's notice and adjust his plans to match the situation at hand. While few have ever challenged his mind, there are those who can think beyond his level. If he finds himself facing a vastly superior intellect, Barracuda is more than willing to abandon tactics and simply overpower his enemies, taking away much of the advantages that they would get from their brilliance.
- Primal Mode: His supreme discipline has afforded him the capability to shut off these unwanted emotions at will, allowing him to function unimpeded by the flights of fancy and unconscious desires that plague so many of his kind. Once he enters his this Force, these suppressed urges are no longer a crutch; they become his strongest weapon. Barracuda gains the ability to harness the full, terrible power of the godslayer species, bending its basest instincts to his conscious will. By choice, he can allow portions of his body and mind to become primal, accessing senses, reflexes, and urges that lie at the very heart of all creatures. Instead of becoming a rabid monster, however, the Apex Predator retains complete control over himself, gaining all of the advantages of the perfect beast without any of the mindlessness that goes hand in hand with such natural, primal power.
- Primal Senses: Immediately, each of Barracuda's five senses have the option to be flipped into overdrive, bombarding his transformed mind with sensory information. The acuity of his eyes become astonishing, granting him the ability to see distances and detail that few others could ever hope to experience. They also function in a complete lack of light, allowing him to fight in absolute darkness as if it were the middle of the day. Barracuda's ears become highly sensitive, able to pick up sound from miles away and even hear the heartbeat of an enemy who comes within a few hundred feet. His nose becomes hyper-focused to a variety of odors, especially to blood, sweat, and endorphins, which allow the Apex Predator to essentially read the bodily functions of his enemies, giving him knowledge as to their emotions and their level of fatigue. Even his sense of touch becomes superhuman; he can block out pain completely, feel vibrations through the air, and find pressure points on non-humanoid bodies through the pulsing of their veins. These senses, when used in combat, turn Barracuda into a veritable monster, able to fight in any situation with tremendous sensory advantages.
- Primal Reflexes: With his superhuman senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell, Barracuda's reaction time becomes unmatched. His awareness of his environment becomes almost supernatural, allowing him to both dodge attacks and find ways around defenses. This, paired with his speed, turns him into a logistical nightmare, darting from place to place with no need to stop and register the situation.
- Primal Strength : In addition to his enhanced senses, Barracuda gains the ability to harness the incredible strength that comes with releasing one's grip on all restrictions, becoming a beast whose body fights not to survive, but to reach the top of the food chain and crush everything else underfoot. Suddenly, he is capable of ripping through material defenses with his bare hands and the tips of his weapons. Although he is far more skilled at dodging attacks, his newfound strength gives him the option of fighting straight through them, parrying techniques that would otherwise have been impossible for him to withstand.
Owner - @Doltboy
Name(s): One-eye. Odin.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Number: 2
Rank: C

Actual appearance, weapons, and/or equipment may vary. Terms and conditions apply.
Dammit, that means I have to write something.
Name(s): One-eye. Odin.
This is because he lost an eye and it would be wholly inappropriate for a godslayer to be named after a god. Wouldn’t it..?
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Number: 2
Rank: C

Actual appearance, weapons, and/or equipment may vary. Terms and conditions apply.
We won't all come from the same male donor, so we don't all look the same like storm troopers.
Dammit, that means I have to write something.
3’11” in height, very heavily built. Like a dwarf. (One of the scientists played forum roleplay in his downtime, and thought it’d be hilarious to attempt to create a dwarf godslayer – he played about with Odin’s formula late one night when he was incredibly drunk, and now cannot remember the changes he made as he forgot to record how he created Odin). Long flaming (just very bright red, OK! There’s no need to remind him of that time when he managed to set it on fire…) red locks. He is trying to grow a beard, and is slowly getting there. It’s just a bit scragglier than he’d like at the moment.
He only has one eye through an unlucky succession of happenstances. Nothing to do with strange societies, or being orphaned.
He was always destined to become the ‘butt’ of everyone’s jokes. Not only is he extremely short, but the tattoo was put on his buttocks as part of a drunken bet between another scientist and the tattooist. The ‘I’ is on his left buttock, and the ‘I’ is on the right.
He only has one eye through an unlucky succession of happenstances. Nothing to do with strange societies, or being orphaned.
He was always destined to become the ‘butt’ of everyone’s jokes. Not only is he extremely short, but the tattoo was put on his buttocks as part of a drunken bet between another scientist and the tattooist. The ‘I’ is on his left buttock, and the ‘I’ is on the right.
Mischievous, caring, kind-hearted. Very scientific, analytical mind – and wants to mingle with those he was created to protect. Dark sense of humour, bordering on the morbid at times. Believes that there is more to the gods than the simple destruction everyone thinks is all they are capable of – and is repeatedly trying to get the research notes and papers on their creation and the girl. Is watched rather closely as he has attempted to escape numerous times over the years…
Odin can be rather headstrong and has been known for insubordination on the field if he feels that an order directly contradicts his moral values. Teammates first, him second, protect those vulnerable, let no insult go unpunished. He pushes himself to the extremes of his limitations to follow his code.
He is also known for the way he wrote the development notes on the creation of his eye. Very arcane runographic notation, which appears undecipherable. And is believed to have a few intentional errors in it to foil any attempts at recreation of the device.
He finds brawling (friendly rough-housing where it’s consensual) cathartic, much to Hatter’s dismay. Although, he dislikes unnecessarily violent violence. Not a stone cold killer – but will fight to the death of his opponent.
A rather lazy person with a razor-sharp wit and a love of self-deprecating remarks – he tends to be the butt of most jokes, due to his lazy nature and his stature. Is both extraverted and introverted – depends on energy levels and minor mood swings.
Odin can be rather headstrong and has been known for insubordination on the field if he feels that an order directly contradicts his moral values. Teammates first, him second, protect those vulnerable, let no insult go unpunished. He pushes himself to the extremes of his limitations to follow his code.
He is also known for the way he wrote the development notes on the creation of his eye. Very arcane runographic notation, which appears undecipherable. And is believed to have a few intentional errors in it to foil any attempts at recreation of the device.
He finds brawling (friendly rough-housing where it’s consensual) cathartic, much to Hatter’s dismay. Although, he dislikes unnecessarily violent violence. Not a stone cold killer – but will fight to the death of his opponent.
A rather lazy person with a razor-sharp wit and a love of self-deprecating remarks – he tends to be the butt of most jokes, due to his lazy nature and his stature. Is both extraverted and introverted – depends on energy levels and minor mood swings.
- Maths and science.
- Has been known to help the scientists in the RnD department for weapons and armour design.
- Most notably his own equipment and cybernetic eye.
- This is just getting silly now, isn’t it?
- Most notably his own equipment and cybernetic eye.
- Has been known to help the scientists in the RnD department for weapons and armour design.
- Video games.
- Computers/technology.
- Anime.
- Brawling.
- Devising escape routes
- Since he feels that there is more on the outside than he gets to see on deployment.
- Puzzles.
- Reading.
- Food.
- Sleep.
- His siblings
- Most of the time
- Disobeying his own moral compass – he would far rather be reprimanded for disobeying orders.
- His enforced imprisonment within the compound – he wants to learn about life on the outside…
- The same repeated jokes about his height.
- He becomes rather ‘short’ tempered…
- The bland repetition of days within the compound.
- Being kept out of the decision making loop.
- Not being allowed to fully understand the process of his genesis or any knowledge about his biological ‘mother’.
- Having vital information withheld, basically.
- This just sort of happens…
- Sorry
- This just sort of happens…
- Having vital information withheld, basically.
- Not being allowed to fully understand the process of his genesis or any knowledge about his biological ‘mother’.
- The idea that he was bred purely as a dumb brute weapon.
- He wants to make his own way through the world, and make his own decisions.
Majorly enhanced durability and strength, at the cost of a little bit of speed (Godslayers are by no means slow – he’s just slow by godslayer standards…). Has some incredibly heavy reflective armour (a discontinued prototype, as it just wasn’t financially viable (they were struggling to find out how to replicate the material)).
Also has a neuro-wired cybernetic eye with several possible options. I-R, U-V, Image Enhancement, and Optical Zoom. Has patched together a beautiful night vision option that overlays all of these in one go to get a very nice, albeit psychedelically false colour, view in sub-optimal situations.
Also has a neuro-wired cybernetic eye with several possible options. I-R, U-V, Image Enhancement, and Optical Zoom. Has patched together a beautiful night vision option that overlays all of these in one go to get a very nice, albeit psychedelically false colour, view in sub-optimal situations.
He makes up for being slow with an Attack on Titan-esque Omni-Directional Mobility Gear, modified to incorporate a wingsuit into the design. He likes to refer to it as Sleipnir, for obvious reasons. His favourite weapon is his crossbow, but is equally adept with his gigantic Buster style broadsword (‘Gungnir’, as he likes to refer to it (it’s practically as long as he is tall)), or his fists.
Slightly enhanced regenerative powers and an incredible capacity to take hits and keep on rolling. Mental reflexes are far faster than his physical ones, meaning his reflexes are about average. Very mathematically adept, but not so strong when it comes to strategy. Also has enhanced eyesight due to his neuro-wired cybernetic eye, as outlined above.
Owner - @Holy Soldier



No one has ever seen Rabbit’s true face for he keeps it hidden behind a white mask that is ceramic in appearance, but is actually comprised of a sturdier material. Through the eyeholes of his mask, if one looked close enough, they would find that they are heterochromic. His left eye is a sky blue and his right eye is a bright-red that emits a dim bioluminescence in the dark. Unlike some of the other godslayers, Rabbit was born at peak maturity with the body of a fully adult male. His muscles are lean and athletic beneath a tan complexion. His entire back bears a mural of a small white rabbit upon a great rock protruding from the sea, and surrounding the mural in a scaly border is the body of a menacing dragon with its fangs bared. The rabbit seems to stand before the dragon unafraid while the ocean waters churn and the sky is riddled with dark swirling clouds and bolts of lightning.
Rabbit’s hair is stark-white and cut short into blade-like layers with his longest lock of hair being a tail that extends passed his shoulder blades. His lengthy bangs are hidden beneath his mask and also hidden beneath his mask is his number “III” etched over his right eye and descending his cheekbone like knives. He stands at five-foot-ten and weighs 175 lbs. He can always be seen wearing punkish clothes: dark denim jeans that sag at the feet and give his toned legs room and comfort, faux-metal and leather belts, studded jewelry along the shells of his ears, leather wristbands, leather and beaded necklaces, tank tops, muscle shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, etc.
His mask often makes him appear intimidating and mysterious to strangers. He is an enigma, and what people don’t know tends to scare them.
Rabbit’s hair is stark-white and cut short into blade-like layers with his longest lock of hair being a tail that extends passed his shoulder blades. His lengthy bangs are hidden beneath his mask and also hidden beneath his mask is his number “III” etched over his right eye and descending his cheekbone like knives. He stands at five-foot-ten and weighs 175 lbs. He can always be seen wearing punkish clothes: dark denim jeans that sag at the feet and give his toned legs room and comfort, faux-metal and leather belts, studded jewelry along the shells of his ears, leather wristbands, leather and beaded necklaces, tank tops, muscle shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, etc.
His mask often makes him appear intimidating and mysterious to strangers. He is an enigma, and what people don’t know tends to scare them.

3 (III)


There isn’t much known about Rabbit except that he is a quiet individual whose voice rarely reaches a volume above the inside voice. He doesn’t eat much, drink much, or sleep much. He can be rather reclusive often being found alone in his day-to-day activities. He will ignore and give people he deems rude or unworthy of conversation the cold shoulder. Being mostly the listener type, if anyone ever needed someone to talk to, then he would be your best man besides a friend for Rabbit does listen. He listens and he learns, and he’s quite the quick learner.
Rabbit is slow to anger—if angering him is possible. He is rather unpredictable and unreadable in his mannerisms besides the obvious fact when he is ignoring someone not worth his time. He demonstrates common courtesies such as holding the door open for a lady or helping others with bags when they have too many. He will do these things without the person asking and without expecting appreciation or reward.
On the battlefield, there is no denying that Rabbit is a fearsome fighter—as fearsome as the rabbit facing the dragon.
Rabbit is slow to anger—if angering him is possible. He is rather unpredictable and unreadable in his mannerisms besides the obvious fact when he is ignoring someone not worth his time. He demonstrates common courtesies such as holding the door open for a lady or helping others with bags when they have too many. He will do these things without the person asking and without expecting appreciation or reward.
On the battlefield, there is no denying that Rabbit is a fearsome fighter—as fearsome as the rabbit facing the dragon.

Rabbit likes to meditate, train and condition his body on a regular basis to keep it in shape. For a person who rarely is seen yielding to Human hungers and desires, when he does eat, he tends to eat only fruits and vegetables and never animal products—Vegan? Probably. Fruits and vegetables are just what he prefers for he doesn’t need to eat or drink. He dislikes people who purposefully try to be annoying, who are undisciplined and lack manners. Those type of people, in his opinion, are the lowest examples of life.

Superior Adaptation: Rabbit, upon being born into the world, was as average as a human being. The only difference was that his DNA was designed simply to adapt, and thus, he has done so. When exposed to hazards, hazards being anything that brings harm to his being, he will suffer the affliction in order for his body to rapidly develop an immunity, resistance, and understanding to what it has been exposed to. Rabbit, therefore, can learn the fighting techniques of gods if exposed to such techniques. He can develop resistances to their lethal powers when exposed to such destructive energies and magic; and once he has been exposed to it, his brain and body learns it. His adaptation has granted him basic enhancements with the potential to adapt and develop new ones.
- Rapid Cellular Regeneration: His body will rapidly undo the damage that was done after exposure, creating new and resilient cells (to include neurons) suited to survive another and similar encounter. If even the smallest cell survives, Rabbit’s body will rebuild itself having stock-piled its information into the nucleus of each and every one of his cells.
- Extraordinary Memory: Conscious; subconscious; muscle; Rabbit’s mind and body never forget what they were exposed to. His memories are not only stored within his brain, but because his brain is comprised of cells, they are stored as information within them.
- Enhanced Physical and Mental Capabilities: Rabbit’s adaptable DNA has vastly improved his performance to exceed that of the finest human athlete and to the point of being a match against gods. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, senses, creativity, and rapid decision-making, make him above-average among godslayers with an ever growing potential.

Rabbit: First and foremost, Rabbit is a weapon. His mind and body are honed to deliver the most effective punishment upon his enemies. He is an excellent martial artist. His every strike is meant to quickly incapacitate the enemy. He knows every pressure point in the human body, and though that may not be entirely useful information when fighting gods, it may apply to certain humanoid-types. Rabbit switches between defensive and offensive whenever he deems necessary, making his techniques difficult to pinpoint for he is constantly reading the enemy. His limber body, born to be at peak maturity for optimum performance, can perform acrobatic stunts to evade enemy assaults and reach high areas that most cannot venture without stairwell or elevator. Rabbit is never unarmed for even without a weapon, his techniques and creativity are just as lethal as any blade. He will improvise to use what is in his vicinity to his advantage.

Type: Plasma
Style: Katana
Qty: 1
Description: Carrot is a katana with a plasma edge for cutting through the sturdiest of alloys with the concentrated heat of a sun. The blade is highly lethal that a cut from such a blade could easily cut through a person like butter. Rabbit has spent countless hours training with Carrot and has yet to cut himself with his own blade. The blade when swung leaves an orange mirage in a fan-like formation capable of distraction and causing the eyes to lose focus.

Type: Plasma
Style: Katana
Qty: 1
Description: Carrot is a katana with a plasma edge for cutting through the sturdiest of alloys with the concentrated heat of a sun. The blade is highly lethal that a cut from such a blade could easily cut through a person like butter. Rabbit has spent countless hours training with Carrot and has yet to cut himself with his own blade. The blade when swung leaves an orange mirage in a fan-like formation capable of distraction and causing the eyes to lose focus.

Abilities learned in game will be listed here.
Owner - @Lost Shadow
Owner - [@sakurusan]


"Uh...Isn't that a little. I dunno, dangerous?
Um. No I mean, really. Stop."
Um. No I mean, really. Stop."
Upon meeting Axel or simply gazing your eyes on him, his expression would cause one to simply assume that he is either agitated or purely vexed. From the most likely permanently furrowed brows to the way that he fidgets with his hands when he thinks that no one is looking his way. Axel has almost always been this way. Jittery and anxious without even realizing that it reflects on how he presents himself. But you will never see him slouching his broad shoulders. Axel walks with poise and a hint of restlessness whilst his eyes turn from left to right, examining his surroundings.
He has dark brown hair with a few strands that have gotten lighter over the year, exposing a more caramel color. His goatee is the only part of his hair that is truly straight. Besides that, his hair is unruly with strands curling up from beneath his flat cap and a few pieces lying over his non-unique dark brown slanted eyes.
The style that he always chooses to go with usually consists of at least a high collar jacket that will most likely be zipped up all the way to its peak. Though rarely visible, Axel's left side of his neck has the number '5' imprinted onto it in roman numerals. The fingerless gloves he owns are something that he won't leave without. Besides that, he wears jeans and a T-shirt of his choice. Nothing really distinct about him at all.
He has dark brown hair with a few strands that have gotten lighter over the year, exposing a more caramel color. His goatee is the only part of his hair that is truly straight. Besides that, his hair is unruly with strands curling up from beneath his flat cap and a few pieces lying over his non-unique dark brown slanted eyes.
The style that he always chooses to go with usually consists of at least a high collar jacket that will most likely be zipped up all the way to its peak. Though rarely visible, Axel's left side of his neck has the number '5' imprinted onto it in roman numerals. The fingerless gloves he owns are something that he won't leave without. Besides that, he wears jeans and a T-shirt of his choice. Nothing really distinct about him at all.
His appearance shows an individual that is stressful and perhaps even perturbed. And that judgement isn't completely off. Axel has always been someone that worried more than he probably should. Quick to ponder over little misfortunes and his mind comes up with a countless amount of outcomes that can be far from what actually happens. A pessemist that attempts to be optomistic about everything but...ultimately fails. Overexagerating over a lot of things is another thing. Tending to be dramatic when risk-takers do idiotic things. Axel is a Even though he's confident, Axel speaks while often stuttering and overusing the word "um". The hesitant-ness in his voice is evident as he speaks.
Even if he worries about himself and others, that doesn't mean that Axel is automatically a heartfelt and kind person. Often he can be called quite the contrary, in fact. Axel speaks without actually thinking over what he says. His words coming out rude and insensitive even. He is a man that may seem unconfident to some though that isn't true. Axel's just bad at speaking. Speaking in general. He is a man that says what he's thinking often out loud and cares less about what others think than he realizes himself.
Annoying him is quite simple. Axel can get irritated very easily. A short temper and all of a sudden, he'll speak clear sentences. Even if you annoy him over something that might not have been your fault, Axel will most likely take offense. He's a full fledged complainer. Someone that doesn't know when is the right time to close that mouth of his. At times he can even be called cocky with his ways of denying many things that he doesn't seem to like. A brat? Just a bit.
Even if he worries about himself and others, that doesn't mean that Axel is automatically a heartfelt and kind person. Often he can be called quite the contrary, in fact. Axel speaks without actually thinking over what he says. His words coming out rude and insensitive even. He is a man that may seem unconfident to some though that isn't true. Axel's just bad at speaking. Speaking in general. He is a man that says what he's thinking often out loud and cares less about what others think than he realizes himself.
Annoying him is quite simple. Axel can get irritated very easily. A short temper and all of a sudden, he'll speak clear sentences. Even if you annoy him over something that might not have been your fault, Axel will most likely take offense. He's a full fledged complainer. Someone that doesn't know when is the right time to close that mouth of his. At times he can even be called cocky with his ways of denying many things that he doesn't seem to like. A brat? Just a bit.
✔ Silence
✔ Sweets
✔ Eating
✔ Being able to be left alone
✔ Card games
✗ Stupidity
✗ Stupid dangerous things
✗ Lazyness
✗ Anoyying people/things/sounds
✗ Getting told things he doesn't want to hear
✗ The fact that he worries to much
✔ Sweets
✔ Eating
✔ Being able to be left alone
✔ Card games
✗ Stupidity
✗ Stupid dangerous things
✗ Lazyness
✗ Anoyying people/things/sounds
✗ Getting told things he doesn't want to hear
✗ The fact that he worries to much
Axel has an irritating pair of ears that can pick up just about any sound within a moderate range. This can be used as a lie detector as well, able to pick up the change of pace in one's heartbeat or the strain in their voice. Luckily, this has come with parabolic hearing so that he can cancel out noises except for the wanted sounds. Though the sad part is that he can't cancel out noises and the parabolic hearing comes with a limit. - 🆂🆃🆁🅴🅽🅶🆃🅷//🆁🅴🅵🅻🅴🆇🅴🆂
Though his torso isn't weak by any means, most of Axel's physical strength lies in his lower body. Lighting fast reflexes that come off as a flex due to panic rather than just a natural talent. - 🅿🅰🅸🅽 🆂🆄🅿🆁🅴🆂🆂🅸🅾🅽
This is because of his superhuman power of metal mimicry. He isn't incapable of feeling pain but he can block out pain at his will. However, he usually reacts too late for him not to let out a yelp when he gets hurt.
Because of his enhanced hearing, Axel was trained to use firearms since he was young. The hearing makes it possible to know where the enemy is and where they're headed. Hearing their approaching footsteps from a mile away if he tries hard enough.
Metal Mimicry: Pretty self-explanatory. Axel is made up of metal and holds the power to transform himself into his full metal form. Causing him to obtain enhanced durability and inhuman strength. Elemental shapeshifting is possible, impersonating others or turning into a monster at his will. He is also able to turn invisible. Of course, not truly invisible since it is becoming invisible in metal.
Owner - @HaltingBlooper
Name: "Six is fine."
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Six stands at about 5'10", with a wiry build. He has bright green eyes that are partially covered by his short brown hair. He has a bold black VI on his left cheek. His dark black uniform has light blue accents and a large white 6 on the chest and back.
Number: 6
Rank: C
Personality: Six is rather good-tempered, preferring to see the bright side in most things. He seems to be content with his job for the most part, occasionally complaining but never truly objecting to what he sees as necessary evils. He would prefer to talk about other things.
His perceived family(the other godslayers)
The scientists, surprisingly
Most people in general
Unnecessary suffering
People who would harm the godslayers
General unhappiness of those he isn't fighting against
Six is faster than most godslayers, and some of his body has been reinforced to accompany the extra strain.
Weapon(s): None
Ability: Hydrokinesis: Can manipulate and, to a somewhat lesser extent, create water in its various forms. Physical contact with an organism can cause ice to slowly encase the organism. Six is very worried of this, as he can't control who(or what) it happens to. However, this is one of the things the power limiter prevents, so he appreciates it, even if he doesn't know what it is actually for.
Name: "Six is fine."
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Six stands at about 5'10", with a wiry build. He has bright green eyes that are partially covered by his short brown hair. He has a bold black VI on his left cheek. His dark black uniform has light blue accents and a large white 6 on the chest and back.
Number: 6
Rank: C
Personality: Six is rather good-tempered, preferring to see the bright side in most things. He seems to be content with his job for the most part, occasionally complaining but never truly objecting to what he sees as necessary evils. He would prefer to talk about other things.
His perceived family(the other godslayers)
The scientists, surprisingly
Most people in general
Unnecessary suffering
People who would harm the godslayers
General unhappiness of those he isn't fighting against
Six is faster than most godslayers, and some of his body has been reinforced to accompany the extra strain.
Weapon(s): None
Ability: Hydrokinesis: Can manipulate and, to a somewhat lesser extent, create water in its various forms. Physical contact with an organism can cause ice to slowly encase the organism. Six is very worried of this, as he can't control who(or what) it happens to. However, this is one of the things the power limiter prevents, so he appreciates it, even if he doesn't know what it is actually for.
Owner - @Shadow Daedalus

Name: Raiden
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Standing at 5'9" with a slim but well defined muscle structure. A lack of visible scars. Numeral VII (7) Imprinted on his left collarbone. Wears a long black coat over his standard uniform, with an internal rig to carry spare magazines underneath.
Number: 7(VII)
Rank: B
Personality: Largely Independent of other AG's and even more of Humans, Raiden operates with a very 'lone-wolf' sniper's mindset. He rarely converses with those around him unless it concerns an operation he is active for, and this is makes him come across as cold and apathetic to other people. In truth, he cares quite a lot for his fellow AG's and the regular humans he had been assigned to protect but believes that emotional connections and building relationships are an unnecessary and sometimes fatal distraction for someone born and designed for the battlefield. His only exception is a parent-like bond with the female scientist that supervised him as he grew up, but he is careful not to show this in the presence of other scientists in fear that it could cause her harm.
In terms of military action, Raiden values orders that allow him to adapt and act as he sees fit. He hates rigid orders and overbearing discipline as he believes that they will lead people to meaningless and avoidable deaths, and will often operate under his own mantra of 'Adapt, overcome, Destroy' to achieve the objective, in spite of orders given to him by his superiors. This also extends to his view on collateral damage and civilian casualties. Valuing precision over brute force, when he was once reprimanding for following orders he told his superior 'A sledgehammer might be stronger, but a scalpel can do the same job without tearing out something important'. Despite this, he will disregard collateral damage if to do otherwise would result in the failure of the mission.
Enhancement(s): Tailor built for long-range support, Raiden has been designed as the perfect sniper and weapons technician.
Enhanced Muscle Control: Raiden has perfect control over his enhanced muscles and can provide ultra precise corrections to reduce weapon sway and recoil to near non-existent levels. As a residual effect, he has high skill in martial arts and hand-to-hand techniques.
Enhanced Reflexes: Granted with a reaction time of 0.05 seconds, Raiden is able to react much faster than the most humans, being able to make 2 or 3 actions in the time it takes for even a trained soldier to make 1.
Enhanced Retainment: Artificially granted an eidetic memory, Raiden can memorise and recall information within a less than 0.03% margin of error. Particularly useful in remembering weak points and vulnerabilities
Enhanced Perception: Key to the survivablity of a sniper, his external senses of sight, hearing, touch and smell have been vastly improved. This is all factored into an extremely high situational awareness that allows him to perceive and react to threats faster than humans and post-IX AG's (AG's X-CCLV). His visual Enhancements include enhanced focusing capabilities, and his audio enhancements include a vastly increased frequency range.
Natural Vision Enhancement: Can forcibly reform his corneas to see in Night Vision, UV and IR vision without the use of electronic equipment. When using this enhancement, his irises change colour to accommodate each vision type. Green Eyes mean night vision, Violet Eyes mean UV sight and Red Eyes mean IR vision.

Custom built 'Electromagnetically Assisted Payload Rifle' or 'EAPR' for short. In essence, an Anti-Material Rifle chambered for 14.5mm rounds, fired using gunpowder and then electromagnetically accelerated to extreme velocity using his electrokinesis. It impacts its target with a force comparable to a 105mm tank shell with an effective range of just short of 2 miles. It can fire various ammunition types, including AP, HE, Incendiary, Tracking and Napalm rounds. It features a variable scope that can range from 4x to 40x magnification, with an onboard computer to calculate variables like wind speed and adjust his aim as well as a digital ammo counter. 20 Round Magazine.

Custom built 'Electromagnetically Assisted Carbine Rifle' or 'EACR' for short. Like Last Light, It fires 7.62mm rounds and accelerates them to extremely high speed. Fires at 600RPM with an impact comparable to .50 BMG rounds, this weapon is more suited to eliminating groups of fiends than the EAPR. Fitted with a standard T crosshair holographic sight with a digital ammo counter. 30 Round Magazine.

A break-action revolver using the same principle as his rifle and his carbine and nicknamed 'Hawkmoon', It fires 12.7mm pistol rounds with a impact similar to that of a 75mm cannon. Holographic RDS. 6-shot chamber with auto-ejector and speed-loader. stored in a drop-leg holster on his left leg.
Ability: Electrokinesis. Can freely manipulate and control electrical currents on any scale, even things as large as power grids or as small as the neurons firing in a person's brain. Primarily used to power his weapon systems, but can also be used to deliver Lethal electrical discharges at close range to kill or disable a target, up to a range of 4 and a half metres, or by touch completely remove all activity from the brain, rendering them brain-dead.

"It takes one god to kill another... I'm just fighting in their place."
Name: Raiden
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Standing at 5'9" with a slim but well defined muscle structure. A lack of visible scars. Numeral VII (7) Imprinted on his left collarbone. Wears a long black coat over his standard uniform, with an internal rig to carry spare magazines underneath.
Number: 7(VII)
Rank: B
Personality: Largely Independent of other AG's and even more of Humans, Raiden operates with a very 'lone-wolf' sniper's mindset. He rarely converses with those around him unless it concerns an operation he is active for, and this is makes him come across as cold and apathetic to other people. In truth, he cares quite a lot for his fellow AG's and the regular humans he had been assigned to protect but believes that emotional connections and building relationships are an unnecessary and sometimes fatal distraction for someone born and designed for the battlefield. His only exception is a parent-like bond with the female scientist that supervised him as he grew up, but he is careful not to show this in the presence of other scientists in fear that it could cause her harm.
In terms of military action, Raiden values orders that allow him to adapt and act as he sees fit. He hates rigid orders and overbearing discipline as he believes that they will lead people to meaningless and avoidable deaths, and will often operate under his own mantra of 'Adapt, overcome, Destroy' to achieve the objective, in spite of orders given to him by his superiors. This also extends to his view on collateral damage and civilian casualties. Valuing precision over brute force, when he was once reprimanding for following orders he told his superior 'A sledgehammer might be stronger, but a scalpel can do the same job without tearing out something important'. Despite this, he will disregard collateral damage if to do otherwise would result in the failure of the mission.
- Isolation
- Precision
- Respect
- Flexibility with orders
- Civilian Casualties
- Collateral Damage
- Rigid Orders
Enhancement(s): Tailor built for long-range support, Raiden has been designed as the perfect sniper and weapons technician.
Enhanced Muscle Control: Raiden has perfect control over his enhanced muscles and can provide ultra precise corrections to reduce weapon sway and recoil to near non-existent levels. As a residual effect, he has high skill in martial arts and hand-to-hand techniques.
Enhanced Reflexes: Granted with a reaction time of 0.05 seconds, Raiden is able to react much faster than the most humans, being able to make 2 or 3 actions in the time it takes for even a trained soldier to make 1.
Enhanced Retainment: Artificially granted an eidetic memory, Raiden can memorise and recall information within a less than 0.03% margin of error. Particularly useful in remembering weak points and vulnerabilities
Enhanced Perception: Key to the survivablity of a sniper, his external senses of sight, hearing, touch and smell have been vastly improved. This is all factored into an extremely high situational awareness that allows him to perceive and react to threats faster than humans and post-IX AG's (AG's X-CCLV). His visual Enhancements include enhanced focusing capabilities, and his audio enhancements include a vastly increased frequency range.
Natural Vision Enhancement: Can forcibly reform his corneas to see in Night Vision, UV and IR vision without the use of electronic equipment. When using this enhancement, his irises change colour to accommodate each vision type. Green Eyes mean night vision, Violet Eyes mean UV sight and Red Eyes mean IR vision.

Custom built 'Electromagnetically Assisted Payload Rifle' or 'EAPR' for short. In essence, an Anti-Material Rifle chambered for 14.5mm rounds, fired using gunpowder and then electromagnetically accelerated to extreme velocity using his electrokinesis. It impacts its target with a force comparable to a 105mm tank shell with an effective range of just short of 2 miles. It can fire various ammunition types, including AP, HE, Incendiary, Tracking and Napalm rounds. It features a variable scope that can range from 4x to 40x magnification, with an onboard computer to calculate variables like wind speed and adjust his aim as well as a digital ammo counter. 20 Round Magazine.

Custom built 'Electromagnetically Assisted Carbine Rifle' or 'EACR' for short. Like Last Light, It fires 7.62mm rounds and accelerates them to extremely high speed. Fires at 600RPM with an impact comparable to .50 BMG rounds, this weapon is more suited to eliminating groups of fiends than the EAPR. Fitted with a standard T crosshair holographic sight with a digital ammo counter. 30 Round Magazine.

A break-action revolver using the same principle as his rifle and his carbine and nicknamed 'Hawkmoon', It fires 12.7mm pistol rounds with a impact similar to that of a 75mm cannon. Holographic RDS. 6-shot chamber with auto-ejector and speed-loader. stored in a drop-leg holster on his left leg.
Ability: Electrokinesis. Can freely manipulate and control electrical currents on any scale, even things as large as power grids or as small as the neurons firing in a person's brain. Primarily used to power his weapon systems, but can also be used to deliver Lethal electrical discharges at close range to kill or disable a target, up to a range of 4 and a half metres, or by touch completely remove all activity from the brain, rendering them brain-dead.
Owner - @EnterTheHero

Short, slim, and generally wearing clothes that are slightly too big for him. His physique is wiry, but muscular, bringing to mind steel cable. His hair is permanently and prematurely stark white as a result of the process of his creation. His expression usually seems dazed or sleepy, as though he's constantly a few seconds or so away from nodding off to dreamland. His number is tattooed on the back of his left hand.
Virgil is very calm and lethargic, to the point where he may seem shiftless or lazy. In a sense, this is true, as Virgil doesn't like expending too much effort, as his mere existence as a weapon is taxing enough already. However, he doesn't hesitate to carry out the missions he's been assigned, so long as he's helping to save lives, or reclaim territory from the Gods and their Fiends. He's very amicable toward other people, though he has little concept of personal space, privacy, or social mores. He frequently indulges in flirting and physical contact with those he's talking to, even if he doesn't always realize when he's making someone else uncomfortable.
Underneath his lethargy, flirting, and awkwardness, Virgil is keenly observant. He'll occasionally blurt out insights he's had, to the surprise of those listening. The implication seems to be that Virgil is much more attentive than he first appears to be, that perhaps his entire attitude is a front, an affectation to cover up something else...
Increased Durability- Virgil's physical body is incredibly dense and sturdy, even by Godslayer standards. He's effectively bulletproof and even somewhat fireproof, able to take much more punishment than his siblings. His denser physicality, however, does mean he's not as fast or agile as other Godslayers, though his durability tends to make up for any hit he takes. His decreased susceptibility to strain or injury also means he can bring more of his strength to bear without hurting himself.
Rapid Cellular Regeneration- Virgil can heal from most anything that damages him at an highly increased rate, taking mere hours or even minutes to regenerate from injuries that would be crippling to a normal human. He can even regenerate from lost limbs or vital organs this way. The downside of this ability is that his caloric intake must be dramatically increased to offset the power drain from his regenerative abilities (or, in layman's terms, he has to eat a lot to keep his healing powers going).
Glacial Aura- Abaddon has the power to manifest an aura of blue, flame-like energy, which is capable of sapping the thermal energy from his surroundings, freezing them solid. Water freezes in the air and becomes snow or hail, other organisms are frozen solid, even metal, concrete, and other such substances become brittle and breakable at a low-enough temperature. The field doesn't extend very far around Virgil, so he has to get in close to affect anything. He also can't directly manipulate any ice he ends up creating with his ability.

"Let's finish this quickly. I'm late for lunch."
Short, slim, and generally wearing clothes that are slightly too big for him. His physique is wiry, but muscular, bringing to mind steel cable. His hair is permanently and prematurely stark white as a result of the process of his creation. His expression usually seems dazed or sleepy, as though he's constantly a few seconds or so away from nodding off to dreamland. His number is tattooed on the back of his left hand.
Virgil is very calm and lethargic, to the point where he may seem shiftless or lazy. In a sense, this is true, as Virgil doesn't like expending too much effort, as his mere existence as a weapon is taxing enough already. However, he doesn't hesitate to carry out the missions he's been assigned, so long as he's helping to save lives, or reclaim territory from the Gods and their Fiends. He's very amicable toward other people, though he has little concept of personal space, privacy, or social mores. He frequently indulges in flirting and physical contact with those he's talking to, even if he doesn't always realize when he's making someone else uncomfortable.
Underneath his lethargy, flirting, and awkwardness, Virgil is keenly observant. He'll occasionally blurt out insights he's had, to the surprise of those listening. The implication seems to be that Virgil is much more attentive than he first appears to be, that perhaps his entire attitude is a front, an affectation to cover up something else...
- Thunderstorms
- Spicy food
- Jazz music
- Knives
- Video games
- Cuddling
- Flirting
- Tart candy
- Jerks
- Hypocrisy
- Ceramics
- Children crying or screaming
- Getting up too early in the morning
- When food is too salty
Increased Durability- Virgil's physical body is incredibly dense and sturdy, even by Godslayer standards. He's effectively bulletproof and even somewhat fireproof, able to take much more punishment than his siblings. His denser physicality, however, does mean he's not as fast or agile as other Godslayers, though his durability tends to make up for any hit he takes. His decreased susceptibility to strain or injury also means he can bring more of his strength to bear without hurting himself.
Rapid Cellular Regeneration- Virgil can heal from most anything that damages him at an highly increased rate, taking mere hours or even minutes to regenerate from injuries that would be crippling to a normal human. He can even regenerate from lost limbs or vital organs this way. The downside of this ability is that his caloric intake must be dramatically increased to offset the power drain from his regenerative abilities (or, in layman's terms, he has to eat a lot to keep his healing powers going).
Glacial Aura- Abaddon has the power to manifest an aura of blue, flame-like energy, which is capable of sapping the thermal energy from his surroundings, freezing them solid. Water freezes in the air and becomes snow or hail, other organisms are frozen solid, even metal, concrete, and other such substances become brittle and breakable at a low-enough temperature. The field doesn't extend very far around Virgil, so he has to get in close to affect anything. He also can't directly manipulate any ice he ends up creating with his ability.
Owner - @Helter Skelter

Standing at five feet and eleven inches tall with broad shoulders that descends into a misleadingly thin athlethic Y build serves more of an annoyance to Hatter as he feels if he were shorter and closer to the ground he could fight better. On the right side of the nape of his neck there is a 'IX' engraved just below his silver hair. As far as clothing goes he prefers casual formal wear which is thrown off by his habit of always wearing a hat.
A kind and lovable buffoon that is content with his existence and takes life one day at time. A rather simple description for a simple boy, but his personality goes much deeper than that. Whether by oversight, negligence, or some other reason, Hatter, is a caring soul with a seemingly heart of gold that cares for the other AGs as true siblings feeling what he can only describe as love for each and every one of them. Thus, it was no surprise that he took on the role of the older brother for all the weapons whether or not they were older than him by mere minutes or hours. This behavior goes further as he tries to play mediator when arguments arise and in some cases takes the blame for things he didn't do if it helps to return things to normal.
The weapon's usual attitude is reserved, only speaking when he is spoken to or deems it necessary, however this was more of learned behavior due in part to a quote he heard in passing and took a liking to. However, when it comes to his siblings his personality is subject to change in an instant to recklessness, more prone to physical confrontation, and speak more of his mind than he normally would.
Fighting (Gods)
Loud Mouths
Fighting (Siblings)
Beyond Human: To push beyond the limits that hold back the bodies of normal humans, that was the reason for Hatter's creation. The creation and transportation of energy is generally facilitated by muscle and bone while normally a body is incapable of producing more energy than it can withstand there is no immediate threat or possible harm to the body itself. However, should it find a way to create a surplus and exert it, muscle, ligament, and tendon would rend from bone as they ground to dust destroying themselves. Anti-God Number Nine's entire musculoskeletal system has been enhanced and reinforced to the point of literal Godhood compared to that of a normal human's with the ability to create and facilitate enough force to pierce reinforced steel suffering from absolutely no recoil to his own body. Additionally, his heart, lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, and cadiovascular system in general have been enhanced to a slightly lesser degree to compensate for the extra strain affording him the stamina and endurance to hold out in extended encounters.
Adaptive Skin: Just as with the inner workings of his body, the outside has been strengthened as well to improve survivability turning Hatter into a bipedal tank. Depending on the force exerted upon his body it will instantaneously react by softening, hardening, or even stretch to best reduce incoming damage. Also, it is controllable to an extent with a bit of awareness and guesswork.
Aerokinesis: Totally unrestricted control over the air within three meters in diameter (nine and some odd feet) around Hatter allowing him access to some deadly techniques such as swirling and sharpening wind into razor bladed edges capable of slicing through buildings and Gods alike.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Standing at five feet and eleven inches tall with broad shoulders that descends into a misleadingly thin athlethic Y build serves more of an annoyance to Hatter as he feels if he were shorter and closer to the ground he could fight better. On the right side of the nape of his neck there is a 'IX' engraved just below his silver hair. As far as clothing goes he prefers casual formal wear which is thrown off by his habit of always wearing a hat.
A kind and lovable buffoon that is content with his existence and takes life one day at time. A rather simple description for a simple boy, but his personality goes much deeper than that. Whether by oversight, negligence, or some other reason, Hatter, is a caring soul with a seemingly heart of gold that cares for the other AGs as true siblings feeling what he can only describe as love for each and every one of them. Thus, it was no surprise that he took on the role of the older brother for all the weapons whether or not they were older than him by mere minutes or hours. This behavior goes further as he tries to play mediator when arguments arise and in some cases takes the blame for things he didn't do if it helps to return things to normal.
The weapon's usual attitude is reserved, only speaking when he is spoken to or deems it necessary, however this was more of learned behavior due in part to a quote he heard in passing and took a liking to. However, when it comes to his siblings his personality is subject to change in an instant to recklessness, more prone to physical confrontation, and speak more of his mind than he normally would.
Fighting (Gods)
Loud Mouths
Fighting (Siblings)
Beyond Human: To push beyond the limits that hold back the bodies of normal humans, that was the reason for Hatter's creation. The creation and transportation of energy is generally facilitated by muscle and bone while normally a body is incapable of producing more energy than it can withstand there is no immediate threat or possible harm to the body itself. However, should it find a way to create a surplus and exert it, muscle, ligament, and tendon would rend from bone as they ground to dust destroying themselves. Anti-God Number Nine's entire musculoskeletal system has been enhanced and reinforced to the point of literal Godhood compared to that of a normal human's with the ability to create and facilitate enough force to pierce reinforced steel suffering from absolutely no recoil to his own body. Additionally, his heart, lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, and cadiovascular system in general have been enhanced to a slightly lesser degree to compensate for the extra strain affording him the stamina and endurance to hold out in extended encounters.
Adaptive Skin: Just as with the inner workings of his body, the outside has been strengthened as well to improve survivability turning Hatter into a bipedal tank. Depending on the force exerted upon his body it will instantaneously react by softening, hardening, or even stretch to best reduce incoming damage. Also, it is controllable to an extent with a bit of awareness and guesswork.
Aerokinesis: Totally unrestricted control over the air within three meters in diameter (nine and some odd feet) around Hatter allowing him access to some deadly techniques such as swirling and sharpening wind into razor bladed edges capable of slicing through buildings and Gods alike.
Still available
Owner - [@Silver Dawn]

Name: Lark
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Lark is a decently sized-man. He stands at 5'11. However, even though he's 15, he looks like he's 17. The reason for this (scientists were baffled at the conclusion) was that he was so stupid that his body needed to grow up faster in order to survive. His number is located on his bicep, allowing him to welcome people to the gun show whenever someone wants to see his number.
Number: 30
Rank: D
Personality: Lark is, in simplest terms, an idiot. He constantly says things that make no sense, his plans are all terrible, he is a complete failure in academics. However, he has one special mental trait that allows him to function extremely well (in his mind). He is absurdly stubborn. By absurdly stubborn, I mean that if he's wrong, he vehemently denies being wrong. Someone beats him at arm-wrestling? No they didn't. Someone proves his ideas wrong? Well, they're wrong.
He really has no opinion on fighting Godslayers. Most of that stemming from that he hasn't got the entire "ethics of creating living weapons" concept down. He just fights, and that's it.
He has a tendency to show people his gun-show. He even managed to escape scientists by flexing so hard. Really, they were just that baffled by his stupidity that they just let him go. He got stuck on the way out. Turns out, the door didn't open in or out, but it slid instead.
Above-Average But Somehow Better Than You
Lark is above average in pretty much every single physical category. There's really nothing special about that, though. However, for some odd reason, whenever he plays sports, arm-wrestles, or does anything of that sort, he overcharges into (as he puts it) I'm-Better-Than-You-Mode. Scientists are baffled why he can beat people stronger than him, but is useless when fighting Gods.
Birds of a Feather
Lark can, well, create and control Larks. A rather impressive ability to control small birds. A majority of the birds of, understandably, obese. While this ability seems to be extremely weak, Lark can create and control 100 Larks*. Granted, even as a swarm of 100, they're still extremely weak.
*Note: He can still create more birds. They just become projectiles at that point.
Lark can create the birds by, quite miraculously, pulling them out of nowhere. He doesn't quite understand how this ability works and scientists are (again) baffled by how much Lark ignores the laws of mass. It is theorized that Lark doesn't know them, so he refuses that the laws of mass exist.

"We're just one meatball away from a subbing."
Name: Lark
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Lark is a decently sized-man. He stands at 5'11. However, even though he's 15, he looks like he's 17. The reason for this (scientists were baffled at the conclusion) was that he was so stupid that his body needed to grow up faster in order to survive. His number is located on his bicep, allowing him to welcome people to the gun show whenever someone wants to see his number.
Number: 30
Rank: D
Personality: Lark is, in simplest terms, an idiot. He constantly says things that make no sense, his plans are all terrible, he is a complete failure in academics. However, he has one special mental trait that allows him to function extremely well (in his mind). He is absurdly stubborn. By absurdly stubborn, I mean that if he's wrong, he vehemently denies being wrong. Someone beats him at arm-wrestling? No they didn't. Someone proves his ideas wrong? Well, they're wrong.
He really has no opinion on fighting Godslayers. Most of that stemming from that he hasn't got the entire "ethics of creating living weapons" concept down. He just fights, and that's it.
He has a tendency to show people his gun-show. He even managed to escape scientists by flexing so hard. Really, they were just that baffled by his stupidity that they just let him go. He got stuck on the way out. Turns out, the door didn't open in or out, but it slid instead.
- Birds
- People who are also disappointments
- Candy
- Sports
- Birds
- Playing games
- Birds
- Action
- Did I mention birds?
- Normal goal-achieving people
- Spoilsports
- Vegetables
- Boredom
Above-Average But Somehow Better Than You
Lark is above average in pretty much every single physical category. There's really nothing special about that, though. However, for some odd reason, whenever he plays sports, arm-wrestles, or does anything of that sort, he overcharges into (as he puts it) I'm-Better-Than-You-Mode. Scientists are baffled why he can beat people stronger than him, but is useless when fighting Gods.
Birds of a Feather
Lark can, well, create and control Larks. A rather impressive ability to control small birds. A majority of the birds of, understandably, obese. While this ability seems to be extremely weak, Lark can create and control 100 Larks*. Granted, even as a swarm of 100, they're still extremely weak.
*Note: He can still create more birds. They just become projectiles at that point.
Lark can create the birds by, quite miraculously, pulling them out of nowhere. He doesn't quite understand how this ability works and scientists are (again) baffled by how much Lark ignores the laws of mass. It is theorized that Lark doesn't know them, so he refuses that the laws of mass exist.
Still available
Owner - @SilverDawn

Name: Jakob "Grey Ghost"
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Even with his long black hair, the rest of Jakob's pigment is grey. Neck down his whole body is riddled with scars from multiple augmentation ports and receivers designed for his Armor. The most notable feature in this sickly looking man, both his legs have been taken away from under the knee. Now only two short rods stick a foot out. A bold tattoo of XLIII is placed on his cheek.
Number: 43
Rank: C
Personality: Jakob is a confused individual. He has the the intelligence of a human, but constantly fighting the crude programed logical thinking of his suits mainframe. To counter this he confuses it constantly by illogical behaviors, such as random kindness, empathy, compassion, and humor. He is nothing short than "Weird".
Likes: Freedom, Soda, Reading, and Sunlight
Dislikes: Mirrors, scary stories, and running.
-Gungir Cybernetic Power Armor: Created by the Government with God bones and rare metals. While other Antigods were made by genetic manipulation to create powers, Jakob was one of the rare individuals that were made to be able to live multiple augmentations to their body and survive the process. Specifically special Power Armor that was never possible with normal Humans. Improving his speed, strength, and providing armor plating.
-Gungnir HUD: The pressurized helmet of the GUNGIR power armor gives Ghost with a supply of information in realtime. It also provides different visions such as Night vision, Xray, and Heat.
-Gungnir Ghost Cloak: The reason the title "Ghost" was given to Jakob is due to the suit's advanced stealth camouflage technology that is capable of rendering the user virtually invisible to the naked eye. Any small object that comes within contact of the suit also takes the ability, but too many items reduce the overall all quality of the cloak and can overload the device. It is meant to be used in short burst of a few seconds to a minute max, any longer can also possibly overload the device.
-Govt Issue MP 99: A large pistol that holds 7+1 or 1+2 Projectiles of either:
+ Reaper .50: Made for Gods and fiends. While weak against greater beast's body, it can produce results in smaller targets and smaller areas of large Gods (Knee, elbows, eyes,etc)
+ Phoenix 3 Gauge: While only being able to load 2 in one magazine, this shell is made to penetrate the beasts armor or thick skin then setting it aflame, weakening it.
-Forearm Blades: Bones from a fallen god, sharpened and wrapped in titanium fiber. Placed on the forearm and retractable when needed.

Name: Jakob "Grey Ghost"
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Even with his long black hair, the rest of Jakob's pigment is grey. Neck down his whole body is riddled with scars from multiple augmentation ports and receivers designed for his Armor. The most notable feature in this sickly looking man, both his legs have been taken away from under the knee. Now only two short rods stick a foot out. A bold tattoo of XLIII is placed on his cheek.
Number: 43
Rank: C
Personality: Jakob is a confused individual. He has the the intelligence of a human, but constantly fighting the crude programed logical thinking of his suits mainframe. To counter this he confuses it constantly by illogical behaviors, such as random kindness, empathy, compassion, and humor. He is nothing short than "Weird".
Likes: Freedom, Soda, Reading, and Sunlight
Dislikes: Mirrors, scary stories, and running.
-Gungir Cybernetic Power Armor: Created by the Government with God bones and rare metals. While other Antigods were made by genetic manipulation to create powers, Jakob was one of the rare individuals that were made to be able to live multiple augmentations to their body and survive the process. Specifically special Power Armor that was never possible with normal Humans. Improving his speed, strength, and providing armor plating.
-Gungnir HUD: The pressurized helmet of the GUNGIR power armor gives Ghost with a supply of information in realtime. It also provides different visions such as Night vision, Xray, and Heat.
-Gungnir Ghost Cloak: The reason the title "Ghost" was given to Jakob is due to the suit's advanced stealth camouflage technology that is capable of rendering the user virtually invisible to the naked eye. Any small object that comes within contact of the suit also takes the ability, but too many items reduce the overall all quality of the cloak and can overload the device. It is meant to be used in short burst of a few seconds to a minute max, any longer can also possibly overload the device.
-Govt Issue MP 99: A large pistol that holds 7+1 or 1+2 Projectiles of either:
+ Reaper .50: Made for Gods and fiends. While weak against greater beast's body, it can produce results in smaller targets and smaller areas of large Gods (Knee, elbows, eyes,etc)
+ Phoenix 3 Gauge: While only being able to load 2 in one magazine, this shell is made to penetrate the beasts armor or thick skin then setting it aflame, weakening it.
-Forearm Blades: Bones from a fallen god, sharpened and wrapped in titanium fiber. Placed on the forearm and retractable when needed.
Still available
Owner - @Guilty Spark

N A M E:
G E N D E R:
A G E:
A P P E A R A N C E:
N U M B E R:
R A N K:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
L I K E S:
D I S L I K E S:
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
W E A P O N S:
A B I L I T I E S:

N A M E:
G E N D E R:
A G E:
A P P E A R A N C E:
"CCLV" was carelessly printed across his forehead, appearing to be slightly lopsided.
N U M B E R:
R A N K:
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Violet has the aura of someone who finds life incredibly amusing, as if he's in on a joke he won't share. Some people like this playful, carefree attitude, and others find it insufferable to be around him. He's easily distracted, often spacing out when others are lecturing him. However, even if his mind isn't on the task at hand, the rest of his senses usually are.
L I K E S:
- Laughing
- Daydreaming
- Games
- Sweets
- Big Brother Hatter
- Daydreaming
- Games
- Sweets
- Big Brother Hatter
D I S L I K E S:
- Fighting
- Hard Work
- Loud Noises
- Bad Smells
- Bright Lights
- Boring Stuff
- Scary Sister Kat
- Hard Work
- Loud Noises
- Bad Smells
- Bright Lights
- Boring Stuff
- Scary Sister Kat
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
Violet was less a concerted effort to slay Gods, and more a pet project designed to test support enhancements and serve as a proof of concept for future models, making his enhancements somewhat dissonant in nature. That Said:
- Vision - Both his central and peripheral vision have been enhanced, as well as his motion detection, for picking out distant or subtle enemies and discerning any vulnerabilities from far off.
- Speed - He is much faster and more agile than you would expect of a rank F, so that he circle the battlefield to where he's most useful... or to distract the enemy while the others get into place.
- Hearing - His ears are very sensitive, able to parse out whispers amidst a crowd of people, but most things strike him as too loud so he doesn't like hearing them.
- Scent - His scent based tracking skills are exceptional, and he can follow a wounded enemy like a blood-hound, or seek out individuals from a crowd if he knows their scent.
- Memory - While he doesn't have perfect recall, he can quickly memorize long chains of information and repeat it back verbatim for a short period of time.
W E A P O N S:
Sound Cancelling Headphones - Not technically a weapon, but given his attention span he's not trusted with anything dangerous.
A B I L I T I E S:
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