Name: Bran Brass
Age: 17
Race: Human

Personality: Defiant, Bran shatters expectations few would expect a poor boy to have such skill and be so well learned. He refuse's to accept things as they are and strives constantly to change things as a strong supporter of Faunus-Human relations. While coming from a poor and humble family, you wouldn't know it Bran carries himself to a high standard.
Few we would dare call Bran stuck up, he is kind and decent but can also rub elbows with the upper crust as his talent as a tailor means he understands much of upper society while living in the lower end. However Bran is stubborn and jumps at a chance to fight having little patience often tends to jump the gun even more so when someone he cares about is involved.
History: Born and raised in Mistral his father was a tailor and his mother ran the local inn. His mother a Deer Faunus, all of his sisters were born with attributes making them resemble his mother more than his father. Bran was born human like his father and quickly took up the same business as his father. With swift nimble fingers he was sewing by age five, by ten his father let him do repairs and make most of simple requests.
However growing up in a mixed family and being the second youngest child meant he was picked on a lot as a boy. Whether it was for sewing, having Faunus family, or just because he was an easy target he didn't care Bran fought back but almost constantly out numbered by the other boys he found he could never truly stand against them all.
However that changed when he was thirteen, he discovered his semblance, after finding his younger sister shoved in to the mud and crying he attacked the boys responsible, the seven boys thought they would be fight sissy tailors son. Yet summoning up his strength one became seven and Bran laid flat seven opponent in one blow, revealing his semblance. For that feat his family asking the local weapon smith about making Bran a weapon and he obliged them. No one in town could believe it, Bran Brass the boy who cooked meals in the tavern and sewed nearly everyone's suits and dresses with his father was going to be a Huntsman.
However he did not train at a combat prep school instead choosing to travel outside the walls and learn to fight Grimm in the villages. He also practiced and test his abilities against other huntsman out in the wild the training helped him improve must faster. He traveled alone, becoming stronger and learning all he could about the Grimm and battling them. He did keep close to the borders so that he could return if attacked and did not venture far.
He trained outside for nearly two years, returning to civilization he began entering tournaments to test his skills. Proving himself a capable and talented fighter in open tournaments held for Huntsman in Mistral area. He was scouted very quickly as he dominated the youth tournaments, where he claimed many victories over others combat prep school trained students.

Riesen Messer- The giant's knife is rather underwhelming normally, three feet and only a foot thick. However this piece of steel hide's a few tricks. Able increase and decrease it's length it can go all the way to ten feet, earning it's name as the giant's knife.
It's second form is one even more impressive, the weaver is able to use spools of thread to move and tie up targets. Controlling these threads while time consuming and requiring highly skilled artisan. They can be used to move, create trip wires, and other such traps.
Semblance: Seven in one, splitting his aura seven ways he can create seven copy's of himself doing this at great risk as losing a clone removes a seventh of his aura.
Dust: When using dust it is generally in a spool inserted into the threading system, while not often used as the level of precision is difficult to control. He prefers to use ice dust, electric dust, and fire dust to attack and limit his opponents.