Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 6 days ago

Player Name: Shadow Daedalus
Name: Khyrr Thane
Age: 26

Gender: Male
Race: Human (Corellian)
Force Sensitive Y/N: N
Fury-Class Interceptor 'Revenant': Found during a salvage run and restored to a working order, Khyrr uses this 2-6 man starship after the death of his old salvage crew, crewed by re-purposed droids he had collected.
DE-10 Blaster Pistol: Recovered from a Mandalorian wreck, This heavy blaster pistol has been his trusted sidearm for over 6 years and his skill with it is notable.
Improvised Blaster Rifle: cobbled together from various rifle parts and fine-tuned by a rogue gunsmith, he uses this burst-action blaster rifle with fairly impressive skill during his mercenary work or salvage runs in particularly dangerous areas.
Custom-built Combat armour/re-breather: Constructed from an amalgamation of various armours (including Phase II Clone and Rebel Elite armour), this fully enclosed combat suit provides protection from low-power blasters and stun shots as well as up to 30 minutes in toxic or vacuum environments. Also features an RCS pack for mobility in 0-G.
HK-51 Assassin Droid: Co-pilot of the Revenant and the closest thing Khyrr has to a partner. Discovered in the hold of the Fury-class and painstakingly restored after losing his second family, HK-51 serves as a companion to Khyrr and provides sniper support during ground missions.

Born Mechanic: Raised around starships almost his life, Khyrr knows how almost any ship in existence ticks, and if he doesn't it doesn't take long for him to work it out.

Experienced Pilot: Also stemming from his time around Corellia's shipyards, Khyrr can fly almost anything (including small warships) to varying degrees of skill.

Gunfighter: Having brushed with armed hostiles more than a fair few times, He's fairly skilled with blasters and other projectile weapons.

Salvage, Sabotage and Starship Surgery: peerless knowledge of starship mechanisms, for both good and nefarious purposes.

Following the Falcon: highly skilled and versatile with smaller starships (not starfighters), he is one of the best pilots in the sector. The only person that's a better pilot of similar ships is the infamous (and possibly famous too) Han Solo in his equally infamous Millennium Falcon.

Mercenary by Trade: notably skilled with blasters, rifles and other firearms. Decent with a sniper rifle, but not enough to out-snipe the military elite.

Silver-tongued: a smooth-talker in general, he has particular success in charming the fairer sex, usually into the bedroom...

Not Exactly Ace Material: While nearly unsurpassed in larger ships, his skill in a starfighter is barely better than an average pilot. It's enough that he can take-off, fly and land, but a dogfight is out of the question. As such, he avoids flying them unless he has literally no other choice.

Self over Others: As a loner and self-inflicted outcast, he is quick to cast others aside for his own benefit, be it for wealth or safety.

Nope-Jitsu: he has no skill in melee or unarmed combat besides basic hand-to-hand and bar-fighting and is completely defenceless against trained fighters without a blaster or some kind of explosive.

History: Barely 3 months before the Clone Wars broke out, Khyrr was born and raised around the shipyards of Corellia to a shipyard overseer, Ahri, and her husband Hythian, who was working as lead engineer for the same shipyard. Being in and around starships for most of his early life gave him an in-depth knowledge of the piloting, salvage and general engineering involved with the construction and demolition of a wide variety of starships. He grew up through the clone wars and 11 years under Empire's rule before any major events happened in his life.

At age 15, a violent dispute between the shipyards and Imperial Forces claimed the lived of his parents, and he was left orphaned. He was quickly picked up by a group of salvagers, who became a second family to him. This group of salvagers, the crew of a heavily modified YG-4210 Called the 'Redliner' due to a thick red line running across both the top and bottom of the ship, took him in and he quickly became an important part of their salvage operation, fitting into tighter spaces and picking out the most valuable parts.

It was during this time that Khyrr constructed his armour, as well as a few more similar sets for the Redliner crew, and his rifle. He was 19 when he discovered an abandoned Fury-class Interceptor in a huge debris field in the uncharted sector. He and the crew of the Redliner restored it to full condition over the course of 2 years, using parts taken from Imperial wrecks and crash sites, and hid the ship on a nearby planet that was too harsh for humans to settle on. They dubbed it 'Revenant' because of the ancient history behind it, and outfitted it with newer, more powerful weapons (including a Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon underneath the cockpit, slaved to the pilot's control) and an improved hyperdrive.

Not long after the restoration of the Fury-class Interceptor, the Redliner was caught illegally salvaging the wreck of an Imperial star destroyer. Khyrr, aged 21, was hidden in the wreckage as he watched the Redliner try to surrender, only to be viciously destroyed by TIE Fighters. Evading the patrolling Imperials and running out of air in his armour, he passed out and was picked up by a sympathetic transport vessel. He rode with them until they reached the nearest neutral spaceport, where he paid for no-questions asked transport to the same planet he had hidden the Fury-class.

After nearly freezing to death, he found the ship and escaped the planet. He then worked as a Mercenary and Bounty Hunter for anyone that would pay, from Crime Lords to the Empire itself, while also keeping up his old work of salvaging wrecks and derelicts and selling off the parts for a reasonable price. He also worked for the Rebellion a few times, almost taking part in the Battle of Yavin a year later until a higher paying contract came through. After the reformation of the Infinite Empire, he continued his work as a Mercenary and bounty hunter. His most recent contract just completed, Khyrr is now waiting for the next paying customer to offer a big enough paycheck... no matter who it comes from.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vas Khaleen
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Vas Khaleen Gold fangs on, pocket full of coin.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Player Name:Vas Khaleen






Force Sensitive Y/N:Yes

Bio: Asai was born into a mandalorian family numbering only three at the time, her parents and their first child an adopted Twi'lek boy; none of the family possessed any considerable force ability but when her parents began to train the girl her powers became obvious. Learning by age fifteen to lift car sized boulders and having a limited grasp on the dark side, choking enemies and targets as her family remained together earning themselves some renown as a team; upon killing a suspected Jedi for the Infinite Empire she picked up his lightsaber which had a bronze crystal in a battle which left her family greatly diminished. She learned in her own limited brutish way to wield her saber, though with no formal teacher she considered the weapon a secondary to her other gadgets, Asai also colored her armor dark red with a golden trim around the edges.

After defeating the rouge jedi, Asai led her remaining siblings to collect their bounty; but when they arrived to seal the deal her force abilities would be her downfall. Darth Tidus would certainly be able to detect her power, though it was untrained, unfocused, and at best a beginners level it was still a problem; or potentially a source of strength for the new Empire. Tidus approached Asai with promises of power, both in the force and in credits a life in which she had only one to answer to that being Tidus himself; Asai declined the Sith Lord much to her own amazement he let her live. Paid in full her family departed, but fear of Tidus hunting her down made her remaining siblings flee her company in the dead of night; leaving her alone in the galaxy with not but her ship, gear, fair force abilities and low cunning to survive.

Banshee prusuit fighter

-Standard hilted bronze lightsaber - As her family was a true and traditional Mandolorian family unlike the loner Boba Fett one of the more infamous at the time, they were frequently approached by members of both sides to carry out difficult contracts. When the Infinite Empire came to them with a promise of a million and a half credits the hunters set out right away, into a remote jungle world in the outer rim. They tracked for days through dense jungle and dangerous creatures, until they came upon a small shack thinking they had caught their target off guard was the worst mistake; the man leapt from the trees above their heads and moved with such speed and grace they could barely keep up. And many did not, losing four out of six of their family before they defeated the male, which Asai did herself by managing to wrap her whipcord around his throat and effectively hang him from a tree. Shooting him directly in the chest as she bound him, finding his lightsaber on the ground Asai took it for herself as a token from a great battle in which she lost both of her parents and two siblings.

-Westar 34 blaster pistol

-Durasteel armored suit - Asai earned her armor when her training had been completed, made of the same material many mandolorians used in replacement of beskar due to its increasing rarity in the galaxy; its colors were primarily dark red with a dull golden trim around the edges with the standard T shaped visor in the front. The helmet carrying a tracking and comms ability, along with thermal and night vision settings for increased functionality.

-Whipcord wrist mounted

-Jetpack with small anti-personnel missle

-Wrist mounted military flame thrower

-Dart launcher wrist mounted

-Tracker- Asai can track a target across any number of miles and in the most dense of areas

-Dog fighter- An excellent aerial combatant, capable of multiple target dog fighting

-Stealth- Asai has had extensive training and practice in undetected infiltration, both in remaining hidden and use of disguise and bluffing.

Force sensitive - Asai has a rather strong grasp on the force, utilizing both the dark and light sides; adept enough to stop blaster shots from impacting her skin.

Sharpshooter - Being raised as a traditional mandalorian in a small family of six Asai was taught a blaster could save you as fast as any force ability

Hand-to-Hand Adept - Asai extensively trained to fight with no weapons at all, her force ability further augmenting that skill.


Novice lightsaber fighter - In a group battle Asai is more likely to wound her allies then kill opponents, as well as any practiced duelist would easily defeat her.

Proud - Asai is easily drawn into a fight when her honor or family honor is called into question, even if the opponent is many times her superior.

Agressive combatant - Asai has the tendency to be more offensive than defensive in battle, often times to the point of recklessness
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joestar
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Joestar Some Guy Who Likes JoJo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Player Name: Joestar
Name: Kelim'tel Osdum
Age: 22

Gender: Male
Race: Human (Nabooian)
Force Sensitive Y/N: Y(Albeit he has no idea that he is and hasn't shown any hint of being Force Sensitive, unless another Force Sensitive being has sensed it.)

History: Born on the Imperial-controlled planet of Naboo, Kelim'tel came into the galaxy through nobility. Originally groomed to become a Naboo politician, his father would eventually focus his efforts into turning Kelim'tel into a fine Imperial Officer candidate. Many days were spent practicing the use of a vibrosword and blaster, as well as lessons on the history of the galaxy and the Empire's rise to power. For as long as he could remember, Kelim'tel believed that the Empire was not harsh, but rather took harsh policies in order to stomp out the traitorous Rebel Alliance in order to bring peace back to the galaxy. Indeed he was intended to join their ranks...until the Empire shattered following the deaths of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, as well as the destruction of the Second Deathstar.

Believing this to be a sign that his destiny was intended for other purposes, Kelim'tel began to look into other occupations that he could take up. At first his father begged him to become a politician, which he declined. However, the Infinite Empire sprung up almost out of thin air, and his father once again implored him to become an Imperial Officer. Kelim'tel saw himself following another ambition; looting the ruins of Rebel and Galactic Empire outposts for goods that he could sell, so that he might start up a business and become rich on his own accord. His dream almost never came to fruition however.

On a cold Naboo night, his father had brought a high ranking officer from the Infinite Empire to accept him into an officer program. His father was strong-armed to take action against Kelim'tel due to his many declines and was determined to send him off to serve the Empire. With little to no choice, Kelim'tel did the only sensible thing he could; he fled from Naboo with his HWK-290 Light Freighter, "The Star of Alderaan", and set out to make his dream a reality.

Ever since that night, Kelim'tel has been exploring the many corners of the galaxy, seeking out the credits needed to start up his business. From looting the remains of outposts to smuggling illegal spices, his experiences and ambitions have led him to taking the deadlier side of profit-making; assisting enemies of the Infinite Empire by supplying them weapons, supplies, and anything else they might require....a crime that would be most unfortunate if he were to get caught.
  • An A280 Blaster Rifle - Sometime after Kelim'tel left his home planet of Naboo, he picked up the 'occupation' of a smuggler and scavenger. The small amount of time he spent was looting the remains of Rebel Outposts and Stations alike. During one of his hunts for loot, Kelim'tel stumbled upon the planet of Hoth, and found the remnants of a battle sometime during The Galactic Civil War. It was here that he found the A280 Blaster Rifle and decided to restore it back to a fully functioning condition. He later customized it with his own unique look; the Naboo Royal Family crest, in memory of his home planet that he had left long ago.
  • Retractable Vibrosword - As the son of a minor noble, Kelim'tel was taught at a young age how to fight with a blade, since it was "a sport and skill fit for a gentleman." The blade, like many other vibroswords, was made through the Old Republic technique of cortosis-weaving. Able to withstand a lightsaber blow and some minor blaster bolts, the vibrosword is a highly prized weapon of choice for the common melee fighter, even if the likelihood of fighting someone with a lightsaber is extremely rare.
  • HWK-290 Light Freighter - As a gift(and a bribe in order for him to join the Imperial Officer Academy), Kelim'tel's father gifted him with the HWK-290 Light Freighter "The Star of Alderaan". Although the ship originally had no armament, it was later fitted with four retractable autoturrets(two for each wing, one on the top, one on the bottom) and blasters on the ends of the two wings. Not a very offensive ship, but it tends to get the job done for smaller ships.

  • Swordsmanship - From a young age, Kelim'tel was taught how to give and recieve a blow with the use of the vibrosword. As the son of a minor noble and politician on Naboo, the cost for his teaching was of no issue, and he quickly learnt the proper use of a blade. Since then, he has taken a liking to the art of melee combat, even if it is inconvenient for someone of this day and age. Give him a choice between a blaster and a vibrosword and he'll more than likely choose the blade.
  • Engineering - When you take off on your own to make a name for yourself, it's usually best if you pick up the skills to maintain your ship and equipment before you leave. This was something he learned the hard way. Through constant failure (and a little bit of help), Kelim'tel educated himself on what you should and shouldn't touch, what goes where, and how to fix certain problems. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to turn off that pesky ventilation shaft and it's constant cold air.
  • Athleticism - When you place yourself into an area that you're not supposed to be in and you get yourself caught, the only real way to get out without a firefight is to run and not look back. Kelim'tel has had his fair share of fleeing Imperial patrols, mainly just for trespassing due to his curiosity. As he sees it, what's more fun; to fight off your pursuers or slip through their grasp and watch their dumbfounded response?

  • The kid hits hard, I'll give him that. - Seeing as how Kelim'tel is experienced enough in melee combat and has toned himself through constant physical activity, it can be safe to assume that when he attacks someone physically, it's going to hurt. A lot.
  • He has a good heart... - The idea of being a gentleman was instilled onto him at a young age. Kindness was said to be someone's greatest form of persuasion, his father told him. From assisting the injured, to giving spare credits, Kelim'tel truly does have a good heart.

  • Aim like that and you'll be lucky if you even hit a crippled womp rat! - While excellent at the use of a blade, Kelim'tel is a 'little lacking' in the blaster department. His aim is fair at best, but he usually ends up missing his intended target on any occasion.
  • That's one hell of an ugly scar you got there. Does it hurt? - Even though he can take a good blow before being put down, a nice knock in his scar will make him as useless as a Jedi Mind trick on a Toydarian. In his early days of training with a vibrosword, Kelim'tel was confident that he was ready to proceed to his next lesson; he wasn't. A nasty burn in the form of a slash is etched onto his right shoulder. It hurt to have anything touch it at first, but he slowly recovered overtime. Still, a decent blow to the scar will deliver a sharp stabbing pain through his entire body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charter

Charter Exploring Unknown Territories

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Player Name: Charter
Name: 2nd Lieutenant Victor Caldeck
Imperial Designation: SF-225

Age: 33

Appearance: Standard TIE Pilot gear.

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Force Sensitive Y/N: No

Equipment: A standard issue TIE/IN Interceptor[/url], a DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol and TIE pilot armor.


  • Squadron Tactics - TIEs tend not to survive on their own, as a result all pilots are trained to work as a team with their wingmen or other squadrons when necessary.
  • Disciplined - Due to their training regime, TIE pilots are expected to show no fear in the face of danger. Victor is no exception.
  • Ace TIE Pilot - Victor has survived the Galactic Civil war and has continued to survive. While not the best the Empire had during the time of Palpatine and lord Vader, he's the one of the few actual aces to survive the destruction of the second Death Star and transfer themselves into the Infinite Empire.
  • Squadron Leader/Officer Training - Victor has been given his own squadron of ace TIE/IN Interceptors. He performs his duties well and makes sures his squadron keeps up or he threatens to take them off the team. As of yet, the only ones to be removed from the squadron are those who end up dying in a fight. He has been known to order other squadrons around if they either seem confused or are on the verge of breaking.


  • Reliable Shot - When using his none-standard issue blaster pistol, Victor has proven to be able to use it effectively.
  • Can't Touch This - When in a space battle, Victor has the capability to avoid a good deal of fire. If he needs to, he can attempt to avoid damage by pushing his vehicle to the limit while not being able to fire at anything.
  • My Loyalty Is True... - Victor is loyal to a fault. He will follow orders as directly as they are given, whether he agrees with them or not. (Continued in 'Weaknesses')


  • Not Very Good At This... - Victor is trained to be a pilot, not a ground soldier and definitely not able to hold his own in a brawl or any melee combat.
  • I Think I'm Going To Be Sick! - If Victor is forced to evade incoming fire for too long, the Gs he's pulling off will start to get to him. He'll have to either pull off from the chase or escape before throwing up in his helmet and thus drowning himself in his own vomit.
  • ... But My Intentions Are Truer - (Continued from 'Strengths') If orders aren't completely clear or there's room for interpretation, he'll improvise and do what he thinks is best. While this can be helpful at times, he values the life of sentient beings as a whole, even if they are alien scum. He tends to put himself in harm's way to try to save a wingman if possible. This may put him at odds with his leaders as he can be sometimes vocal about this.

History: Victor grew up in a noble family on the busy world of Coruscant. He grew up with 3 other siblings and their nursing droid, while his parents performed their own ambitious plans. Victor nearly flunked school as a child, failing to have any ambition to achieve greatness like his parents. They would criticize him about this but couldn't get their desired response out of him. It wasn't until he joined up with the Imperial Navy of his own accord that he found a purpose. What he lacked all his life the Empire fulfilled by giving him both purpose and a sense of duty, responsibility and honor. This want to be the best the Empire had to offer is what lead him into the cockpit of the TIE/IN Interceptor and his survivability is what allowed him to become both an ace and a veteran.

Upon the destruction of the second Death Star, along with Palpatine and lord Vader, Victor was beginning to see the Empire fall apart. When Darth Tidus arrived to create newly named Infinite Empire, Victor was one of the first to join.


Will correct stuff later. off to work. KTHXBYE!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 6 days ago

Player Name: Shadow Daedalus
Name: Zeros Rynnias
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Miraluka
Force Sensitive Y/N: Y
  • 2x Purple-bladed Lightsabers
  • Kayla's Green-bladed lightsaber (see history)
  • Phrik-Alloy Bracers with wrist-mounted grapple lines
  • YV-330 Light Freighter 'Ash Vorkskr'

  • Acrobatics/Agility: Assisted by the Force, he can climb most obstacles and navigate difficult terrain with ease.
  • Piloting: Can pilot most ships, including small warships, to an above average degree, nothing impressive but enough to get out of a sticky situation.

  • Lightsaber Combat: Trained in Forms IV, V and VI, he can deftly wield one or two lightsabers simultaneously with great skill. He is also attempting to learn Form VII.
  • Force Training: Taught Lightside techniques by his Master and self-taught Darkside techniques, he can manipulate the force to a considerable degree.
  • Starfighter Pilot: While not quite enough to be considered an Ace, he has considerably more skill in a Starfighter than a standard pilot.

  • Troubled Past: Haunted by his past, he can fall prey to those that might use it to manipulate him. This also extends to his self-given purpose to to retrieve his Master's lightsaber.
  • No Ranged: While his defences against blasters are at a very high level, he had no means to attack an enemy at range.
  • Wavering Alignment: Constantly toeing the line between light and dark, one wrong step could see him fall into the Darkside.

History: Born to one of the few nomadic groups of Miraluka left in the galaxy, Zeros never had a homeworld. Cruisers replaced continents, Frigates replaced Islands and the reaches of space replaced oceans. He lived on a Consular-class cruiser converted for civilian use as part of a larger flotilla of similarly converted ships, including a few fully armed military vessels for defence reasons. He lived like this with his family until age 6, when the flotilla was attacked and destroyed by Imperial warships for a reason that he still, to this day, doesn't understand. They overwhelmed the defence ships and tore though the civilian ships. A few ships managed to make it to a nearby planet, only to be destroyed by the pursuing warships. Zeros was pushed into an escape pod by his mother before the ship crashed into the surface. He never saw his family again.

Of the several thousand people in the flotilla, almost none survived. The few escape pods that weren't destroyed were rounded up and the survivors never seen again. Zeros pulled himself out of his wrecked pod, only to be found by an old Grey Jedi Master, Vis Nuri, and his apprentice, a young Devaronian girl his age named Kayla. They took him in and the Master took him under his wing as his second apprentice. He trained under his new Master for many years, discovering a talent for Form V Lightsaber combat and constructing a pair of twin, purple-bladed lightsabers at the same time that Kayla constructed hers, a straight handled lightsaber with a green blade. The apprentices and their master managed to remain hidden from the Empire, surviving well until the formation of the new Infinite Empire.

He was forced off-planet when a family of Mandalorian Bounty Hunters tracked his master to their home and he engaged them in battle, buying enough time for Zeros and Kayla to escape in a YV-330 called the 'Ash Vorkskr'. Just after they managed to escape the system, they were attacked by slavers. Zeros was knocked unconscious, mistaken for a blind human, and Kayla was captured, losing her lightsaber in the fight. When he came to, he recovered the ship from a crash course the slavers had set in order to erase the evidence and found Kayla's lightsaber where it had been knocked away. Placing it on his belt, he vowed to himself that he wouldn't let it leave his side until he handed it back to her in person. He returned to the surface to honour his master's death, and saw his lightsaber was missing. He promised his master's ghost that he would find his lightsaber and return it to him.

He then wandered the galaxy, looking for clues about either the slavers that took Kayla or the Mandalorians that took his master's life, until he was invited to a new Jedi order by Luke Skywalker, where he then travelled to the Yavin System in hopes of using this order to find what he was looking for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jonesy


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Player Name: Jonesy
Name: Chigan
Age: Unknown
Appearance: Chigan's Appearance.

Chigan stands at approximately 1.5 meters tall, with a thick build stereotypical of Rodian. One of his defining features is the massive scars across his back, extending up past his head. If asked about it, odds are the story will be that it was a trophy from when he single handedly took down an Acklay.

Gender: Male
Species: Rodian
Force Sensitive Y/N: No.
DLT-20A Blaster Rifle - Medium / Long range blaster rifle. Primarily carried within his freighter.
DL-21 Blaster Pistol
Q2 hold-out blaster pistol - Inaccurate short range pistol hidden within his boot.
2x Vibroknuckles - Vibroblades that wrap around a user's fingers much like brass knuckles. Activated when a fist is made.
Transport/ Companions
M-TD miniaturized translator droid - repulsorlift droid capable of speaking dozens of languages.
VCX-100 light freighter 'Nightstalker' - Equipped with a VCX-series auxiliary starfighter. Armed with a rotating manned cannon on the top and a front facing set of dual blaster cannons.
Jakoli - Rodian starship pilot, partner in crime to Chigan. Primarily focused on maintaining the ship and providing technical support to Chigan.
Backpack: Holocommunicator, datapad, credit stash, identity documents belonging to a similar looking Rodian, 'Chibrak Jogan', forged to keep biometric signature, slicing tool.


Stealth: Lacking in combat skills, Chigan was forced to develop his skills in moving around undetected throughout hostile areas. Dodging patrols and keeping a low profile is his proficiency, and his relatively normal appearance allows him to get through some of the tightest security, despite his face being broadcast all over the holonet.

Suave: Years of barely getting through security checkpoints and making the most far-fetched lies seem believable had honed Chigan's charisma, to the point where he could face certain death with a confident grin and somehow lie his way out of it. He also seemed to be able to negotiate the best price.

Piloting: There was no such thing as a spice smuggler that couldn't fly a freighter like a pro, because they wound up dead their first blockade run. Essentially born in the cockpit of a spice freighter, Chigan boasted that he was one of the top freighter pilots in whatever system he happened to be in. Chigan's VCX-100 had been specifically modified to the suitability of him and his copilot, which has allowed him to escape the tight grip of Imperial frigates and star destroyers alike.


Long Range Combat:
Years of work with his DLT-20A blaster rifle allowed him to hone his skills of hunting prey, whether it be taking down an Imperial Patrol investigating his ship or some local monster who is in between him and his score. While he is essentially useless up close and personal, Chigan is well versed in taking down targets in a calm manner when he has a considerable distance from his target and they can't necessarily shoot back.

Numero Uno:
Typical of someone who was bounced around in slave deals, Chigan only cares about himself. Unlike the epic tales of Han Solo within the resistance, Chigan will not be returning to the battle in the brink of time. He'll be in hyperspace, most likely barreling to the nearest cantina to woo a pretty little twi'lek with his falsified stories of bravery while his friends die. Of course, that all changes if there's profit involved...


Open Combat: When faced with a situation that requires open combat, Chigan really doesn't have much of a chance. Without any armor, Chigan's primary method of lethality is sneaking up behind someone and eliminating them, preferably from a long distance. When it comes to open combat, Chigan often panics and finds the quickest way out of the hotzone. Once the blaster bolts stop whizzing by, he can focus and work on finding a solution, he may even consider returning fire at this point.

Melee: Without any real experience in melee combat, Chigan really has no chance when facing any sort of enemy in close range combat. Armed with a set of vibroknuckles, the best that Chigan can hope for is a lucky shot which would allow him to escape quickly. His weapon of choice is his holdout blaster, located in his boot. Provided he has a few seconds to take it out, the close range, high powered blaster can deliver a few deadly shots in a pinch. This isn't necessarily useful provided he's being attacked by more than one or two lightly armored enemies.

Chigan's history is essentially a group of conflicting stories, with his 'legend' changing every time he begins drinking at a cantina. The true story isn't nearly as exciting as he makes it out to be, though every recipient of the epic tale does have a small portion of the truth after he's done talking. Chigan was born into a group of spice smugglers, working specifically for the Nar Shadaa Hutt cartels. At the age of seventeen standard years, Chigan's indentured servitude contract was sold to a group of specifically notorious spice runners. Operating out of the ship, the 'Nightstalker', Chigan began his first spice run to the planet of Naboo. In the midst of the deal, Republic security services came crashing down on the freighter's crew and the buyers. In the ensuing firefight, Chigan and three other slaves were able to retreat to the ship as the armed traders fought for their life. The only one with piloting experience, Chigan was able to commandeer the ship and leave the planet, leaving the smugglers to their death as their only source of cover was barreling away at the speed of light. Fast forward several years, Chigan had built himself a reputation within the ranks of the Imeperial Navy for being nearly impossible to catch. With a reward well over a hundred thousand credits on his head after accidentally shooting an Imperial Admiral, the entirety of the crew that escaped Naboo with him had left, barring one exception. Jakoli was a pilot and starship mechanic that could rival the skills of Chigan, though his age made him severely lacking in combat or ground operations. When it came to making transactions, local mercenary teams were often hired for Chigan to compensate for his aging partner in crime.

When news of the siege of Coruscant flooding the holonet, it became bad news for all smugglers and lowlives like Chigan. A militaristic dictatorship often presented a much larger challenge than a democracy in terms of blockades and how criminals were treated. Should Chigan plan to keep his business alive, he'd have to adapt to this new Galactic Empire or fight back. While billions of people either resisted or enlisted for personal belief or a lust for the maintenance of their desired society, Chigan's goal was to preserve his way of life. Pulling out of hyperspace by the planet Chandrila, Chigan began scanning the Holonet for a signal which would hopefully set him on the course of his first mission, assisting the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
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