Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Aspen Wren

His response to her answer came in the form of a long, low reptilian growl followed by unusually long plume of smoke. The animals of the forest he was not concerned about, it was rather the attack on Laurel that infuriated him, causing his internal temperature to spike drastically before settling. He did however take notice to her movements as she simply made her way towards his chair without any concern about hiding her naked upper torso minus the hair hidden breasts. Perky, well kept. Silently he just undressed her all the way. Might as well. When she finished talking about him he simply nodded, a blank expression on his face. "I see..." He sighed with more smoke.

For the first time in awhile, he pulled out a pack of his famous Marlboro Menthol and relinquished one from the box and held it. His throat glowed a visible orange as he pursed his lips, a small yet consistent flame blew out, thin like a lighter. Placing the tip of the cigarette into the flame, he watched as it started to smoke and glow a dim amber red from the cherry before placing it in his mouth. He took a long inhale, one that nearly took the cigarette past the half way point before exhaling a long smoky trail. He had figured out in that small frame of time what he was going to do to Vlad and unconsciously grinned. He glanced back up to Laurel, who still stood near. He cocked a brow wondering why until he took better notice to her. Tendrils of heat and smoke rolled off her. 'Is she-' He sighed and looked towards the door, then the bed then to her. He smirked as his eyes met hers and offered her a grin.

"You enjoy heat don't you?" Sulley offered a smile as he turned his head to face the door and with a simple breath enveloped in white, he blew out air towards the door, more specifically, the crack between the door and the wall. The breath of air was strong enough to send the door closed with a gentle click. "You'll probably feel better if you were closer to my skin. I do give off enough heat to warm a house should I choose to...Hold on." The dragon stood up and crossed his arms near his waist as he grabbed the sides of his shirt and took it off. It wasn't fair for her to be the only one topless. Scars and what looked like stab wounds were now very visible on the dragons skin including the largest one that went past his belt. He moved to the bed and laid down, scooting over some before patting the spot next to him, gesturing for her to join him. To assist him, the dragon raised his inner core temperature, his chest glowed dim but bright enough to be visible with his throat only illuminated by the light from his abdomen. "You probably would like it better here anyway. Lay down, relax and just enjoy the natural heat." He offered her a smile as he let his mind wander, closing his eyes and placing his hands behind his head for support.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

Laurel looked strangely at the dragon before her as she once again shadowed his steps towards her bed. She chuckled softly when he asked about the heat. "Sulley, I am the near perfect embodiment of the daughter of the Sun God. I am the goddess of fire in Egyptian culture." She offered as an explanation, her voice soft and warm as she looked at him with a smile. Green eyes swirled softly with the golden yellow of her other form and uncertain excitement. She pursed her full dark pink lips as she watched him remove his shirt and then lay down among her gold sheets. They were literally gold wrapped in tiny microscopic threads of silk so they felt like silk but had the majorities of the properties of Gold, namely its high melting point. It was her mother's invention, a gift to her and nearly impossible for anyone but her mother to create. They shimmered dimly in the low light of her room as they were rustled about by the dragon.

The sight made her realize that the only light in the room was the soft flickering light of the candles places strategically around the room. That accompanied with the frankincense and myrrh incense that were burning created an air of mystique and possible romance though the idea had never once crossed the gifted's mind. She hadn't been raised in a household of love and romance, only business and responsibilities. She wasn't a prude so to speak, she had simply never been around anyone who had offered either out of fear of her herself or the people she was often surrounded with. Her father and brother certainly didn't help things. It was this sheer lack of thought about the subject that allowed the gifted to slip her thumbs in the belt loops of her jeans and shimmy out of them without reserve, revealing toned and well tanned legs.

The only adornment of her body was the shimmering gold belly button ring she always wore and a pair of brilliant, almost startlingly red panties. For Laurel it was the natural thing to do, one didn't generally lay in their bed with clothes on. Not to mention she wasn't really interested in snagging the custom fabric of her bedding. She had cooled significantly just in the small amount of time she had already been a little ways away from Sulley. Being closer to that searingly delicious heat was the only thing she was particularly thinking about. It was rather addictive when one spent the majority of their life feeling cold. It was a detestable thing, being cold. However, these days she was more often than not cool to the level of discomfort if not sickness. It was almost as if she had controlled the fire inside her to the point it was dampening out. Fire wasn't something that tended to lend itself willingly to being controlled. In the first years here at the school she had been nothing short of explosive.

She leaned against the edge of the bed for a brief moment before she prowled onto the bed, her lithe muscles rippling underneath her olive skin. Sidling up next to the dragon's dimly glowing skin, she laid easily against his ribs, unable to stop herself from touching him. It was a this point that the low purr vibrated from her chest, her now smoldering green eyes fluttering closed while her lips parted. The heat this close and this temperature was sheer bliss compared to the near icy existence she had unknowingly been living until this moment. "Thank Re for these gold sheets. You have a good bit of temperature before they melt and an absurd amount before you even get close to burning me." Her words were barely a breathy purr, completely without pretense. She gave a contented sigh, as she pressed against him further. She was, however, glad for the vanilla and chocolate scented perfume she had put on not long ago being this close to someone. It was the only partial thought that entered her bliss consumed mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Somewhere in the north, 4 years ago....

Loud breathing... Each step feeling heavier than the previous one... Body covered in blood... A young red haired man, unable to continue anymore, stops walking. His clothes were in pieces, his body covered in wounds and blood, his eyes barely open and lifeless. He looks up at the sky, admiring the snow that was still there. A small smirk appears on his mouth before a tear rolls near it. "Anna.." and with those words he collapses backward into the snow. A moments ago he barely could bear the pain, but now he felt so peaceful, the cold embracing him in its arms. He could feel each snowflake slowly falling on his body, carefully covering him.

"Don't leave me yet Anna.."

Vlad suddenly woke up, he was still outside leaning against the tree. He looked around, the sun was still pretty far up, which meant he didn't sleep for long. Something heavy was stuck in his throat, and the looming sadness he felt before was back again. His familiar seemed to have noticed it and was pushing it's small head on his stomach with all it's might to distract him. Vlad looked at the little bird and smiled, although you could barely call it a smile, and looked at the bird with his eyes halfclosed, as if he was trying to stop something coming from his eyecorners. He caressed the little phoenix before putting it on his shoulders and sitting up straight with his legs crossed beneath him. He had to focus, he had limited time left and couldn't bare to waste it, perhaps he could still do something about it if he managed to get stronger.

He formed half circles with his hand hands and put them near each other, but didn't press them together. His hands were forming a circle now. The witch slightly focused on the center inside his open hands before a small ball of fire formed. It was orbiting nicely inside the circle, like a little sun. Vlad then slowly turned his hands upwards while the ball slowly floated into the air. When it was high enough, about 3 meters into the air, the witch quickly closed his hands forming fists. The ball exploded, resulting in a small explosion sending different tints of red around it. It was beautiful to look at, and the witch also noticed some students had stopped to admire it as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

@Aspen Wren@KuramaaaZ

Warming up... The gifted really would have liked to just skip this step and start making real progress or real failure immediately. Asmund wasn't someone who didn't know about the need for warming up in sports, not doing so could easily result in unnecessary pain. He wasn't the one to get his nerves and nothing against Niall, but the other student also would be an additional witness to what could come and the gifted didn't know if Niall would be the type that would keep everything a secret or if the man would tell it everyone who wanted to know - likely after a bit of advertisement. The logical part of his mind had taken this possibility into its considerations and subsequently born the desire to discover the truth behind his current riding abilities as quickly as possible. After all, Asmund wanted to start enjoying this beautiful morning. So far, a certain witch had successfully prevented this.

"Alright..." He saw Niall's mare bucking for a reason he was unable to determine and got quickly convinced that it never really existed. "Much more animated ?" he asked, an audible amount of wonder in his voice. This horse would be an attempt on his life if he had to ride it! And if there would ever be a minor intentional 'glitch' in his arm that would cause his fist to slam into someone else's face, he had to excuse with the words 'My nervous system is exceptionally animated this day...' or the like. If Mrs. Fairfield was good at extenuations, he could be as well!

After a noticeable delay, the gifted actually managed to command the draft horse beneath him to trot. His eyes were locked onto Niall and his doing for at least half of the time, but just seeing it wasn't really enough information. How much force to use on the reigns and all those subtle signals transmitted via body contact, that was something he would have to derust himself. However the last time he had been riding a horse his properties as a gifted had not yet manifested themselves. It made the task way more difficult than just remembering.

It was when Asmund seemed to finally settle in rather well with the current exercise when there was an external disturbance. An all too familiar disturbance... It really didn't need that much mental effort to raise suspicion towards a certain student that he had thought still to be confined in Laurel's quarters. What made things worse was that the exploding sphere of fire had seemed to emanate from a tree. A tree! If Laurel would see this...

"Vlad! What the hell are you doing ?" He used the witch's name in the firm belief that it was really him. Asmund's voice was loud enough that he would be able to hear it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Kiara finished Morgan's thought for him, and he smiled. Perhaps it really was that simple. He had agonized about the why when it should have been about the want. Another lesson from the Fae to be taken into consideration. Thinking on that and watching Kiara as she looked around the clearing lead him to wonder what he had been expecting. That didn't last, however, as it was very clear what she wanted when she turned back to him. Part of him was still hesitant and apprehensive, but the rest of Morgan was very intrigued by the idea of Kiara all to himself and in his sanctuary.

As she wrapped her arms around him, his own circled around her waist as though they were meant to be there. Heat rushed to Morgan's cheeks as Kiara brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes. With her gaze locked on his, he felt rooted to the spot. Where else would I want to be? Finally her lips parted, but this time only to ask a simple question, one loaded with meaning. Caught between anxiety and desire, the Warlock found himself incapable of speech. He made a couple of false starts before giving up on that route.

Actions speak louder than words right?

Before he had fully processed the thought, Morgan pulled Kiara against himself and lowered his lips to hers.

@Silent Observer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


This fireball was powerful enough to destroy a boulder of about 200 kilogram. Usually fire isn't explosive, but Vlad learned to mix another element into his fire through his magic resulting in the fire being explosive and unstable. If he didn't have these scars he would able to destroy whole buildings with such fireballs. But for now he was really restricted in what he could do since that attack back then, and the scars were a reminder of it, like some sort of curse. He will have to find someone that is able to help him get rid of them eventually and he had hoped he could find the answer at this academy, but so far nothing... Fire was like second nature to Vlad, he could control it like it was an extension of his own body. But the witch mostly focused on its destructive power and his fiery and power hungry nature helped him in that. And although he was severely restricted by the cursed scars, he was still powerful enough to stand on his own against most opponents. He had improved considerably since that night and often wondered how powerful his fire magic would be if the curse was lifted. The witch often lamented how weak he was back then and how little he could do to protect his loved one, resulting in this obsession with power.

As he was about to create another spiral of fire, a familiar voice disrupted his concentration. It was that tall man from before, which was along that crazy catbitch. That man also knew his name, like the creepy long haired reptileman from before, and this baffled the witch. "How do they all know my name??" he thought slightly annoyed. The man was on a horse and another muscleman was behind him, on a horse as well. Not in the mood to be bothered or wanting another fight, Vlad kept his cool and answered loudly in a rather cold tone, "That's none of you business, what do you want from me?"


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Aspen Wren

"Near wouldn't be the word I would use. You're not doing yourself justice." He quipped with a wink. He laid there with her for a moment before he sat up And looked over to her. "Laurel" His eyes had what appeared to be an ethereal flame lightly rolling off of them and as she would look up to him he would tap his temple, stringing along the same flame to her temple. The moment the dragon's fingers touched the side of her head, Laurel's vision became Sulley's, giving off a rather odd mirror like image. He excused himself and stood up in front of the bed and stared at the gifted girl. "You have never wondered why the men, boys of this school look at you? Its because they just see this hot babe and then get this perverse mindset that they want you. However their maturity level is far below most. However, this is what I see. A beautiful well developed woman who shows power and grace in each movement. The embodiment of a strong independent individual who has nothing but a strong future ahead of them. But more importantly-"

He slipped off his pants and started to crawl up her side of the bed, low with hungry eyes and a smirk to match as the flames on the eys faded and Laurel's sight became hers again by the time he was over her. "I see someone who needs to be treated as the goddess she is. Worshipped, praised and-" He leaned in, his face just passing her own until his mouth hovered over ear, his hot breath cascading over her skin. -Pleasure, Laaahhhhurrrreeeelllllllllll" He rolled her name off his lips, a low draconic growl complementing her name. His long hair ran across her face as he brought his own in front of her, a toothy smirk signaling what he wanted. "So Laurel, goddess of fire and the sun, allow me to treat you to a worship of a more, pleasurable kind." He eyes glowed dimly the red and gold they were made of as he leaned in slowly to her, his lips just millimeters away from her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

Laurel wasn't paying particularly much attention to Sulley until he pulled away from her, eliciting and hiss of displeasure from her lips. Her green eyes snapped open sharply as she watched him sitting up next to her. She had been thoroughly enjoying the heat, basking in it. As it was now she was hot enough that had a human touched her she certainly would have burned them. Sulley had stoked the fire living within her until her olive skin was flushed with heat, slightly darker in color as if she had been tanned from the inside out. Her eyes were lit with the same fire, it flickered and danced just beyond the depths of her irises.

Having your vision replaced with someone else's by some sort of dragon magic was not on Laurel's list of things she really liked to do, that she was more than certain of. Her body went rigid for a moment, her muscles tensing in a brief surge of displeasure before she forced her body to relax, Sulley was in front of her now she could tell from the sounds in the room but she could only see herself like she was looking in a mirror. She could see the soft curve of her calves and thighs above slender feet with black and gold painted toenails, then the swell of her hips, the red lacy silk panties she wore contrasted starkly above her now darkened skin. A taut stomach with delicately exposed lines of muscle and the round curve of her breasts. Further up she could see the shadowed dip of her collarbone and the elegant curve of her neck. Her facial features were flushed with heat, cheeks as rosy as if she'd trekked through the Sahara. Her decadently thick black was spilled across the dark ruby pillowcase, engulfing it in blackness. She could see the fire in her own eyes for once.

When her own vision returned her blazing green eyes peered directly up at the dragon. He held himself easily aloft, covering her much smaller frame with his own. She reflected his heat, waves of it visibly rolling off her as she lay beneath him while he spoke. His own hair was a similar color to hers though it was touched with red like everything else about him. Laurel unconsciously reached up to run a matte black fingernail along his sharp cheekbone while he spoke looking down at her. She pulled her hand away as he moved easily, his hair barely brushing her throat. His words had the most impact though, her muscles quivered as a shiver ran down her body like the best kind of cold chill. Only she was hot, not hot enough to melt her sheets but she would be close if he kept this up.

Other than her shiver it wasn't until his lips were a minute distance away that she reacted, her slender hands ghosting across and up his bare chest to wrap around his neck. Her burning green eyes rose up from looking at his lips to stare into the red and gold orbs above her before she rose up the fraction of an inch to close the remaining distance between them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Niall -

Niall had finally settled Mihnet down into a lovely long legged trot but she was still just as feisty as her owner, always pushing to see what she could get away with. The big Lycan kept careful control over her though, pushing her to use her energy to pick her feet well up off the ground and look pretty. She easily lapped around the big draft horse that carried Asmund, though she was much shorter her strides were long and powerful. She seemed to dance elegantly across the the sand of the arena, picking her hooves high up off the ground and into the air.

Niall spotted the fiery show not far away, it wasn't until Asmund called to the young man that Niall could pin point the exact source. He scented witch and anger, there wasn't particularly a reason for the lad to be angry though. That was what confused Niall the most of about the situation at hand. Still the scent made his hackles rise and that in turn made Mihnet even more rowdy, she lived off turmoil and war. She was a war horse after all, it was in her nature to direct herself right into the middle of the chaos. Her silver coat was almost black now with sweat as she moved around the arena. "He should be grateful Laurel isn't here. She would be having a fit right now. They don't call her the real Bastet for nothing." He chuckled at the nickname, as far as the universe was concerned she was the real Bastet, as real of one as there had been since the original Bastet anyway.

He chuckled easily at the scene despite the horse beneath him seeming wilder than ever. It took more than some fireworks and a wild horse to ruffle Niall's proverbial feathers. He smiled fondly as he thought of the gifted, she was positively exquisite even if she was a bit scary even to him sometimes. She was tiny and delicate looking but one of the strongest people he knew. She was certainly as tough as nails, even when she spent time around his packmates who ganged up on her like rabid dogs in heat she easily held her own. They had been so curious about her and her abilities they just hadn't been able to help themselves, not to mention she was beautiful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Aspen Wren

Some time later...

His head rested against the backboard of her bed, the smell of smoke lingering in the air as he let out another drag of the burning tobacco from his lungs. Scratching his chin, the dragon gave Laurel a sidelong glance, a satisfied look resting on his face. "Well that was fun." He chuckled lightly as he looked up towards the ceiling and frowned as reality returned. Despite the initial fun there would be multiple repercussions to his little escapade. Sulleykaar put those thoughts to the side as he started to remember what he was going to do. "Vlad...Nearly forgot about him." Recalling the story the gifted told him, he let out a sigh of agitation. Sulley was not one to always put someone in their place but he did damn well enjoy it, only because someone decided to go after his little treasure. He was still a dragon, and he still had dragon tendencies with one of them being protecting what was his. Now, spending time with humans over his still aging lifetime he had learned a bit about them and that one of those things was the difference between monetary value and sentimental value. Laurel, Kiara, Morgan and the rest of them fell under sentimental value. They were friends to him and one of them had been recently attacked, twice. Needless to say that that witch had provoked a rather vengeful wyrm of fire. Well, more or less made it an inconvenience to him. He wouldn't have cared if he held no ties to them but unfortunately for the young witch, Vlad? Was that his name? He poked the proverbial bear and would receive retaliation for said attack but first he would need to hear his side, not that he cared much for it anyway.

"Laurel my dear, I think its about time we get ready. We have a witch to hunt down...Hmmm....Ignore that. Just made me sound racist towards witches and warlocks... Just get up and lets go talk to Vlad." He turned to the edge of the bed and stood up, his muscles flexing as he stretched and made his way to the shower. Few minutes later he was out and dressed another cigarette in his mouth and already lit. The dragon waited by the door for her, ready to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

@Aspen Wren@KuramaaaZ

"Personally ? Nothing!" the gifted shouted back to the witch so he could hear him without too much effort. Asmund then looked at Mrs. Fairfield, trying to determine just by her facial expression if it would be okay to more or less briefly interrupt the lesson. Not that he really wanted it, but in his mind, seeing Vlad doing what he had just done was an obvious catastrophy waiting to happen.

"Let's go." he said towards Niall and dismounted from the draft horse. He didn't feel that confident about his riding skills that he dared to stay on it until it was right next to Vlad, and he certainly wasn't eager to let this beast Niall was sitting on to come close to him. It didn't take long for the gifted to reach the scarred man.

"I'm just worried about your safety... honestly. Wasn't Laurel's behaviour this early morning enough for a while ? Or did she soften up everything retroactively and tell you that everything was okay ?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

The gifted woman lounged luxuriously in the silken sheets next to the dragon, smoke rolling off her skin in pale grey tendrils. She laughed softly at Sulley's words, her eyes closed as she laid beside him. "Indeed it was." Her voice was little more than a husky contented sigh. Her inky black hair was cast around her and across the dark red of her pillowcase. She rolled to her side as she turned her face towards him, attempting to read his face. He appeared to be displeased about something but she had a feeling it wasn't her.

She watched him easily, her eyes traveling across the dips and swells of his athletic frame. She admired him briefly in silence, indulging herself. Soon he was up and moving, telling her he wanted to go find Vlad. She wasn't quite sure what he had in mind but there wasn't much she could do to sway him one way or the other. He headed for the shower and was out in a just a few minutes, dressed and another cigarette already between his lips. She nodded easily at him as she headed for the shower herself. She washed quickly, wringing the water from her long hair and rimming her eyes with kohl before she exited the bathroom. She padded easily across the darkly stained wood floor. She didn't bother to cover herself, she found no reason to do so now.

Pulling a fresh set of delicate lace underthings, they were a soft lavender color, almost white, that stood out against her now darkened olive skin. Laurel pursed her lips softly before selecting a backless sundress that showcased the tattoo along her spine. The dress itself was a soft warm green, a close and near perfect match to her eyes. It clung to her upper body then fell loosely to the middle of her thighs. She slid into it quickly before slipping into some golden flats her mother had sent her recently. She slid a hair tie around her wrist, she would put it up when it was drier. For now it hung loosely down her back and over her shoulders, still damp. When she reached Sulley's side she offered a brief smile before turning her back to him and pulling her hair aside and away from the back of her slender neck. "Will you latch the chain for me?" She gestured with her hand to her to the slim golden chain that hung loosely from one shoulder of the dress. "It latches just on the other shoulder, just a snap I believe."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz

He held the door open for Lyla and Cauldron. He observed the array of plants in the greenhouse, not substantial enough for it to be anywhere near the amount greenhouses in Pocio but clearly displaying the resources that Rosa Clare Academy had to offer. He ran up to the left side and examined the leafs on a certain plant. He took out a lighter, plucked of a leaf and lit it on fire. The leaf gave out the a wonderful but gentle scent that filled the greenhouse. "This is agrablaj, its really hard to ship this anywhere because it has very specific growing conditions but the academy seems to have it under control, it's really good for healing and water elemental spells". He quickly puts it out on floor and disposes of the leaf.

He goes through several aisles of plant stopping to present certain plants and how to identify them and their noticeable properties, by lighting them or dunking the cup of water from his flask to release certain fragrances. He felt like he was showing off a little but Lyla seemed receptive to it, so he decided to carry on. He then stops at a particular plant with wide, pink leaves. Knowing that Lyla couldn't see how unique this plant was handed her a leaf so she could feel it instead. "This is LaĆ­ta trafo dormanta, or at least that what we call it in Pocio. It is really unique and often used in as a core component in fire potions. Often it can be coloured and used to make visual displays such as fireworks or flamethrowing performances. However it is quite safe it it's current form. It also does something very unique which is emit a rose like scent when lit in it's flora form and burns very slowly due to its overtly waxing nature" He gently took the leaf and set it alight at the very tip. But the scent of roses did not appear. Instead was the scent of cherry bake-wells. "Ummm- that's odd" He took a closer look at the leaf. What he had failed to notice earlier was the small patches of yellow that were creeping up from the base of the leaf, signalling the expiry of the leaf and its need for disposal as the chemical structure changed. He quickly tried to put the leaf out against the ground however it didn't go out. He then in a panic, stuffed it in the flask and closed the lid. The flask grew hot.

"Oh dear, I'll be back" he bolted out the door and looked for the nearest deserted area in the vicinity, noticing a large patch of overgrown grass about 10 meters wide, in the distance but within clear eyesight, he checked no one was inside the patch and gently set flask on the ground, his hands thankful for the release of the object that had steadily become to hot to handle for any longer and checked that the coast was clear. He ran back to the greenhouse, panting. "We should leave, like right now" he held the door open again for Cauldron and Lyla. The concoction created from the leaf, water and containment dissolved the flask and began scorching the ground around it, little sparks flying out and igniting blades of grass before fizzling out. The entire patch of grass which he had hoped would hide the flask was burnt down and while the concoction had evaporated, the evidence that it was there was all too clear. The smell was awful with the patch of ground burnt and blackened, still lightly on fire in some areas. "And probably pretend we were never here". As they briskly walked back, he felt a thick veil of embarrassment and guilt. "I'm really sorry" he mummered. "I can't believe I was so foolish as to not check for age, what would Mother say about such a lack of-" He stopped in the middle of that thought to feel complete dread, "Mother, can never find out about this".
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Aspen Wren

The smirk that rested on his face from her naked form would've stretched around his head if it was able to. His eyes watched her every move, taking in each twitch of the muscles in her body. As she got ready and made her way over to his form, He rolled his shoulders and raised a brow. "Of course.." He answered with a short yet smooth tone as she turned away from him, allowing access to the back of the dress. The dragon latched the chain, followed by a rub of the shoulders and a gentle peck on the back of the neck before turning towards the door and walked out. Sulley coughed to get her attention, gesturing for her to follow him.

"That boy needs to understand his place in this school. I'm not going to allow that little yol lir to ruin the name of fire users. Not only that, but his assault on you was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. He's about to learn who I am...and what happens when he touches what's mine..." His eyes flickered with fire and smoke poured from his mouth as he continued to walk with her down the hall and turned to the door leading out to the courtyard. The moment the door opened to the outside he was hit with the smell of the outdoors. Trees, plants, animals. Even the air had its own sweet sme-

His slitted eyes shot towards the a direction where the horses were kept and with the quick pivot and picked his pace up. It didn't take long for him and Laurel to make their way to the stables, the stable manager out and about tending to the horses. Sulley approached with no hesitation and looked him in the eyes. "Where are they?" He asked with some coldness to his tone. When the answer was given he turned off and followed the direction the manager gave him.

He could hear voices in the distance, one of which was recognizable. Niall. The other was unfamiliar but the final one was that of the witch. The dragon came up from behind the to and pushed through, using a little of that draconic strength to move them. An eerie smile resting on his face. "Hello Vlad. I stated that we would meet again but I didn't expect it to be soon however-" That smile was then contradicted with eyes that spoke of malice.

"Some information was brought to light for me by Laurel here who happens to be a dear friend of mine and I have decided after some thought to snuff that problem, metaphorically of course hmhmhmhm." He chuckled to himself.

"So my dear boy, I was informed of a slight altercation involving you, Laurel and a few others and felt it would only be right for me to see if we can solve this and I came up with two options on how to do this. I see them fair and I hope you do as well. Option one-" He raised his index finger with a easy smile.

"You apologize to Laurel and the others around you for your actions and then I beat you senseless or until I see fit ORRRRRR-" The smile became more of a grin as he raised the second finger.

"Option two: I publicly humiliate you by referencing your kind and their "Prowess" at fire magic or lack thereof followed by a senseless beating which would also be public." His grin slowly faded as the sides of his mouth started to fume.

"Reason being? You dared to consider yourself higher in the proverbial food chain off of your arrogant Darwin theory comment but more importantly, you dared to attack my friend not once but twice and the audacity to call yourself a fire user..." A moment of silence to let it all sink in.

"Choose..." He glared daggers through the witch's eyes. His predatorily gaze unyielding.

@Fetzen@Aspen Wren@KuramaaaZ
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Niall -

Niall Collins was not one for posturing his position, it hadn't ever really been his 'thing' so to speak. It was, however, something that he was astonishingly good at thanks to his own nature. Especially when it came to things his wolf considered to belong to him. Things such as Laurel Wren Demirci. The moment he smelled her the word 'mine' filled his head, he considered her to be part of his pack even if she wasn't even a Lycan. The word blurred out all other thoughts, especially when she got closer and he realized that she wreaked of dragon's sulfur. Despite having obviously bathed and rubbed oil on her skin she still smelled of Sulley. It wasn't particularly a romantic attachment that he had but it was strong nonetheless and the fact that she smelled like someone else instead of him made his wolf nearly loose its cool. His jaw muscle ticked softly, clenching ever so slightly before releasing while his warm chocolaty amber eyes flashed a vivid yellow.

Laurel was standing off to his left just behind Sulley and he couldn't even stop himself from wrapping a long thickly muscled arm around her waist and jerking her towards him. Even though the move would have left most women or nearly anyone off balance she looked as if they were dancing. She always looked like a dancer but she was spectacular to see up close, especially when she left her Gift at full force and didn't dull it down so as not to intimidate people. He'd startled her so much that she lost her grip on it and as she tumbled into his arms it nearly stole his breath. She defied all logical reason with the pure unaltered feline grace she had. His wolf wanted him to transform so that he could rub his face and his scent all over her but his pride would never allow such a desperate looking action. He settled for sweeping her away from the scene wrapped in his arms, her feet off the ground and her crushed to his chest while he strode nearly ten feet away. He all but ignored the dragon and the others now standing around as he held his little gifted.

He set her down on her feet gently but still touching him as he looked down at her. "Mihnet," Despite the fact she was a disobedient witch more often than not the vicious mare snorted, flaring out her nostrils as she came to him as she had been taught to do. He kept a loose grip around Laurel as he untacked the mare, bridle and all before swinging Laurel on top of her. Only Laurel could ride the mare in such a manner with nothing to guide the mare or keep her on. Laurel had bottle fed the mare, raised her from birth after her dam had died. Mihnet was far better behaved but no less vicious under Laurel's control. "I don't care if you're in a dress and you have on nice panties. I don't have any desire to make enemies here if you get injured and I would rip someones throat out over it. You are mine and I'll not have you so close to a fight. I will call the entire pack if I have to, every single one of them, my father included to drag you off if you don't stay on this moon forsaken creature Laurel Wren." He cut her off as soon as she opened her pretty mouth to give him and excuse.

He was tall enough so that he could kiss the base of her throat while she sat astride the mare. He could scent the sulfur and her own natural scent like honeysuckle and vanilla mixed with a delicate but dark note of chocolate when he was this close. It wasn't a romantic gesture though it might seem that way, it was a promise of trust. He could have ripped out her throat easily despite her natural speed and she was nearly as quick. She kissed his temple before she pushed the mare away so that she sat safely thirty or forty feet away. His instinct to protect her was something that even a Lycan as controlled as he was couldn't fully dull.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@KuramaaaZ@Aspen Wren

Sulley's ears twitched when he heard Niall call Laurel his. He had been moving up towards Vlad but once those three words were spoken; "You are mine" He quickly pivoted on his heels and within a brief moment was on top of Niall, face to face with the werewolf. A draconic hiss was followed by a low guttural rumble as he spoke. "Sssssshe's your's? Under whose authority are you to determine whom is whose? You of all people should know your place is the hellish world and in this realm thus, I suggest you retract that statement..." His slits dilated every so slightly as he let a wave of killer intent loose onto him.

"...or you will never see the title of "Alpha in your future, Sahlo Grohiik" Fire Slowly escaped the sides of his mouth as the air around him begun to rise in temperature, his voice adding venom to the last words spoken. He no longer cared for the fire witch at the moment but instead a certain friend who had practically challenged his dominance over his treasure. Sulley didn't think about the fact that Niall was trying to keep her safe. Rather, he had let his draconic genes get into the way of his thinking. Halfway through he realized his mistake but the problem was he would not let his pride diminish just to say sorry, so instead he pressed on, committed to the actions he showed.
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