Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Dr. Sorreast

Dr. Chang watched Sorreast carefully, seeing the blood made her brows raise and she took a step back as she came towards her and stopped. "Oh fuck that," she said quickly as she stood there, her hand going into the pocket of her lab coat, the container of salt still there. She didn't know what was going on but she wasn't about to be caught off guard again with all the shit that had been going on over the last twenty-four hours.

Hearts being kicked into the air, people coming back from the dead, bodies turning to ash outside, windows being shattered out, bodies burning and more. Yeah, fuck that indeed. One hand was on the salt container which was now open and the other was in her other pocket gripping around the softball she kept with her at all times.

"Don't know what the fuck is going on but I am not about to say any word of confirmation or agreement. So yeah, fuck that, fuck you, and fuck off," she said as she eyed Sorreast. If she had to she would run, she needed to check on the detective anyways and see how he was recovering. Yeah, that was plenty of an excuse to up and fucking leave at that point.

Danica Graves

Location: Alistair Apartments
Interacting With: That mangy mutt (I am waiting for Scooby and the Gang to show up now...)

Danica huffed and banged on the door some more, the dog scratching at the bottom of the door as well. This was getting to be a pain, she was just trying to return a damn dog to it's own, during the end of the world no less. "I should get a fucking Peace Prize for being a goddamn girl scout after watching a demon turn to ash in front of me," she muttered to herself before banging the door again and again.

Finally she tried the knob but it was locked, as what she figured. The dog managed to paw at the mat and move it a bit. A glint is silver showing from underneath and Danica cocked a brow. Pushing the dog aside and moved the mat only to see a key there. Shrugging she picked it up and placed it into the lock. Opening the door she stepped in slowly, the dog wagging his tail as he trotted in with her. Closing the door behind her she slipped the key in her pocket and relocked the door. Not wanting anyone else to follow her.

Before anything else she checked the rooms to see if anyone was home and was perhaps either just still sleeping or in the shower. Seeing no one there she went back to the living room and began to look around. "I suddenly feel like Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz... Hanson, Moses, and Satan. Oh my...." she said as she sat down ad started photographing anything of interest with her cell phone. The dog coming over to her and wanting some attention. She petted him softly as she kept up what she was doing.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Perfection

Belladonna stirred the caldron slowly, her head turning just ever so slightly as she heard the cat come down the stairs. Looking a simple curl came to the corner of her lips. Then the sound of the guillotine rang out. "Ever testing me she is," she said in a wispy voice before turning her attention back to the concoction before her. It smelled absolutely horrific. It was wonderful.

Feeling her beloved come up her cheeks raised as she smiled, feeling his warm lips to the cool of her skin. Truly a surreal feeling, his fire, her ice. It created quite the steamy situation at times, especially when night fell. Turning slowly her fingers left the large spoon as it fell silently against the caldron and her arms rested against his chest. Lightly they moved over his golden fabric as her eyes came to his.

"Truly melancholy, I would have it no other way. I was pleasantly surprised to see a burning body this morning when I tended to the roses. Though I dare say I feel that he was cooked too quickly. It would make for a tough use," she said in an airy voice as her finger came up and a single red tipped nail ran across his the line of his jaw. "Last night you were unhinged, like a rabid animal. It frightened me," she added in a coy icy voice as she leaned up. Her body pressing softly to his like a ghost enveloping him as she whispered against his ear. "Do it again."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Nallore: Scarlett doesn't seem to remember you all too fondly. Either that, or she sees the camera clutched in Sam's hands. The dog is pretty friendly (Rex) and comes up to Sam for pets, but Scarlett won't have any of it. "I can't have a reporter here. It's a goddamn crime scene!" Scarlett explains, before motioning for security. Should Sam argue, they'll slap cuffs on her and drag her to the station.

@Witch Cat: Sylvia's computer dings, indicating she's received an email. The email is from the Police Chief back home, and the words are grim at best. It turns out that there was a fire. Her brother didn't survive. They need her to come and identify his remains as soon as she is able, and they offer their condolences for her loss. Her spirit guide is silent on the matter, neither confirming or denying the tragedy.

@Witch Cat: As Eudora's chatting to the cat, she's in the middle of the road. Let me repeat. Eudora is in the middle of the road, with panicked citizens running around, attempting to seek shelter. One of these cars happens to not notice Eudora, and the old woman is hit. Rather than falling underneath its wheels, she falls onto the sidewalk, badly injured but alive.

@Pundii: Aloise nods, listening to his explanation. "Sounds like some sort of shifter. Any idea where it is?" Aloise asks, only for Sariel to appear, weeping. The angel is entirely despondent, hardly saying anything. Her hands are shaking, and by the look on her face, something terrible has happened. "My brother is free," Sariel whispers, her voice filled with terror. "He has risen."

@Pundii: Jade doesn't speak on the ride to Howard's. Her eyes are open, but she isn't paying attention to much in particular. If Darren attempts to speak to her, he'll get simple responses. However, that's a miracle, given what she's been through (see her CS for details if curious). They make it to Howard's home fine, and the front door is wide open. The man is sprawled in the corner, dead. If Darren searches the home, the angel blade is nowhere to be found.

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: Yuck, you guys made me gag again. So good job. :P Unfortunately, LLA seems to share my revulsion. Perhaps Belladonna was a bit distracted with Javier, perhaps one of the children messed with the pot, or perhaps the universe just decided to be an asshole. The breakfast that smelled so wonderful...Well, a chemical reaction occurs, and it explodes. The breakfast flies all over the room, getting on the walls. Fortunately, no one is injured.

@BlueSky44: When the sheriff comes, the adult organizing the shelter is so relieved. The pair of them move over to the corner to chat, and she explains that in one of the other rooms, a kid went crazy. There were a handful of casualties from the attack, and she can't just let everyone leave, they've got nowhere safe to be...But where they are now, it isn't safe. Meanwhile, with the adult volunteer out of the way, Katsumi's got an opening to escape.

@Lady Amalthea: Sorreast smiles a bit, seeing the salt. "You won't need that. Say yes." And in an instant, Sorreast pulls out an angel blade -- the one Howard had prior -- and stabs herself. Her face flickers, a neon light show in her eyes, as she falls to the ground. Her blood pools on the ground, swirling in circles as a blinding light appears. The presence is calming and dangerous, whispering to Amy all of the thoughts she never dared say. It is Lucifer.

@Lady Amalthea: As Danica turns her head, she'll notice a laptop. On the laptop is a video, Danica'll likely recognize the face. It's the face of the girl who broke into the library. Adriana Byrd is her name, as she'll likely learned from looking through all of her notes. A sticky note on the laptop reads simply "PLAY ME." PM for a transcript of the video if Danica decides to play it.

Beyond the reaches of human sight yet within the realm of nightmares and terrors, the Morningstar lies awake. The bars of his cage, sealing him inside and rendering his power useless, ineffective, have steadily evaporated that morning. His last and greatest lieutenant, with the task of vanquishing the final seal, had assured him that it would be a matter of moments, once his vessel was located. Others had fought the angels consistently, ensuring that his return would not be too far delayed.

Fire danced around the cell, as Lucifer slowly sat to his feet, a wicked smile snaking around his face. In the flames, he could see all that happened, including the events in the desolated town. Altsoba, that was what they called it. It was there that his brother, the treacherous Michael, cast him into hell. A quiet small town, living above the true roots of evil. Had he been his father, he would have remarked it to be poetic, a form of justice.

"It is time," Lucifer whispered, waving his hand. The bars of his cage melted away. Clad in nothing, only numerous tattoos obscuring the vision from his nearly perfect form, Lucifer stepped out of the cage. Nothing prevented him, nothing stopped him. Demons swirled around in glee, watching as their father, their creator, had been freed. Throwing his head back, Lucifer cackled, simple garb appearing on his form. A leather jacket, jeans, and boots. No shirt. It was just the way the devil liked it.

"Dr. Amy Leon Chang..." Lucifer murmured. "My vessel."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location:Inn → Outside
Interacting With: Noone

Sylvia remained still for a what felt like eternity, her stony face was set into a neutral and never changing expression. She gazed coldly at her cup of coffee, the spoon inside magically stirring itself, the soft clinks and Sylvia’s breathing being the only thing that ever moved or made a sound. Sylvia felt nothing at that moment, she couldn’t feel herself sinking into the mattress of her bed or the sudden chill that enveloped the room. She didn’t dare move, she didn’t want to risk it, she knew that if he dared think or move, she’d turn into a weeping and snotty mess.

Two incredibly shitty things just slammed into her one after the other. The memory of it was becoming cloudy then sharp then cloudy again, as if her mind wanted to purge it from her memory, but she couldn’t. In the brief moments when she could remember what exactly happened just a few minutes ago, she saw herself tearing up as she read an expected email. She only remembers brief snippets from it now.

She remembers the sender trying to sound caring, but it just came off as ingenious and robotic. The e-mail informed her about a fire that happened at her home, that her brother died and they needed her to identify the body. The second punch to the gut came when she felt It coming. She didn’t know what or who It was, she always relied on Belial to tell her such thing, but right now, the jungle spirit was tight-lipped. Sylvia just knew something very, very bad and deadly was going to happen. A part of her wished it was a meteor hurdling straight after her, ending herself. She felt as if she had nothing to live for. Her only true friend, and family member she cared about was now with the Angels, he left her alone and lost in this world, and how couldn’t she feel bitter about it?

Sylvia sighed, a choked sob escaping too as she got off her bed, angrily smashing her mug on the floor. The shattering glass brought her some comfort as she left out her frustrated emotions, but now she just wanted to swallow the glass. The dark liquid within was now pooling on the floor, the bits of glass sparkling in the mixture like stars when sunlight hit the deadly shards. Sylvia flicked her hand and the shards dispersed, scurrying off into some dark corner where hopefully room service would clean it up.

Now wasn’t the time to sit around destroying the room, she needed to pull herself together. The thought of her brother watching over her and him seeing her act like a crying child gave her the determination she needed to finally pack up and leave. She didn’t bother to do a clean sweep of the room, she just knew she had to get out now and fast. She probably left some vials around, but it didn’t matter to her, she got the most important stuff and just left. No goodbye, or informing the old lady at the desk, she just left.

Sylvia tried walking down with the same confident stride she always had, but she frequently found herself wiping away tears as passed people running around like headless chicken. She didn’t even bother calling up a taxi, she just hoped she’d see on along the way, and if she didn’t. Then she had a long way to walk. Anything to prolong the inevitable.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: On the Floor → Her Hut
Interacting With: Inconsiderate Driver

Eudora stared down the cat, refusing to budge as the mangy feline hissed. ”If it weren’t for mine good nature you’d be-”, Eudora was suddenly cut off by a shrieking horn, she turned and met with the shocked eyes of a driver behind the tinted windows of his car. The poor soul tried to swerve, only to have accidently crashed into Eudora, sending her flying off the road and onto the sidewalk near-by. ”Fool of a Took!” the enraged witch yelled to the driver, comically shaking her fist at him as she propped herself up. Eudora heard some concerning cracks as she lifted herself up, but thought nothing of it. It would take more than that to crack this tough nut. However, Eudora isn’t as durable now as she was in her youth, if she even had a youth. Her memory was getting worse day by day, and so was her durability. A dull and painful ache spread across her body as she limped towards the driver, spouting off curses (both the magic and non-magic kind), wishing that his milk will always sour and his clothes will be too small.

Eudora saw the man step out, wide-eyed and shocked as she spat out question upon question, constantly asking her if she’s ok as Eudora tried pushing him away. Eudora furrowed her wrinkly eyebrows as she prepared to hurl every (non-magic) curse she knew, words so vulgar it’d make the Devil wince.

She stopped, her toothless mouth agape as she felt a shudder of impending doom wash over her. “M-mam, are you ok?” he was genuinely worried as Eudora looked like she was going to have a stroke in front of him. ”Back off! I’ve got work to do!” she said as she fulfilled karma by shoving him to the floor too as she waddled away surprisingly fast back to her home. Something nasty was coming this way and she wanted as many protective barriers between her and It as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's
Interacting With:

Samantha looked towards Rex as the cute and friendly dog came up to her she reached over and gently rubbed the dog's head her attention went back towards Scarlett the owner of the dog, the woman seemed to be pretty pissed about her being a reporter. Sam backed up slowly seeing the security starting to approach her, she didn't have any plans on being slapped into cuffs but she really wanted to know what actually happened in there. "Alright, alright i'll leave it to you officers to do your thing." Samantha said as she slowly backed away, it wasn't going to stop her just yet.

Sam started to head back towards the way she had come, then she went through an alleyway and then doubled back making her way towards the closest building near the back of Jake's though she kept her distance and tried to look and watch very closely for any officers that were there. Sam remained very still and just tried to make herself look like she was minding her own business, all she wanted was some breakfast and she was hungry she didn't get anything to eat last night after the weird incident with the weird demonic voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: A fucking idiot

Harnessing a southern bell Amy shook her head and spat out, "Aww hell naw!" she said as she took several steps back and behind the nurses station desk. Thing about Amy, she wasn't one to hold back. She said everything that was on her mind, everything. She didn't like something, people knew it. She liked something, people knew it. The only thing she really didn't speak about was that she actually did give a damn about people underneath it all. The woman didn't have a filter so while all the things she never said came to her mind it wasn't a frightening thing oddly enough. Maybe a bit embarrassing and even cheek warming it wasn't something that was going to make her cringe.

"Well this is just fucking great. Seems my Jimmy Cricket wants to say hello," she muttered to herself as she ducked down and kept her eyes off the light. With all the shit going down the last thing she was going to do was "look into the light" - yeah she had seen poltergeist. She saw what happened when people went for the light. All types of horrible shit and while a week ago she played those flicks off as nothing but mumbo jumbo after the shit she had seen over the last twenty four hours she wasn't about to pull the "dumb fucking broad" in a horror flick moment.

You know the one, they walk into the room with the chain saws hanging about and think it is a good place to hide. The dumb bitch who runs through the house and never locks one damn door. Who stands there horrified when all the bitch had to do was turn and run. The one who always walks backwards and trips because backwards walking bitches always be tripping. She had no idea it was Lucifer in her head and even if she had she probably would have passed it off that she needed a drink because seriously, just give the woman a glass of wine and she's okay.

"Cut the fucking light show and just goddamn die already," Amy spat as she waited for the light to die before popping her head back up.

Danica Graves

Location: Alistair Apartments -> Police Station
Interacting With: That mangy mutt (I am waiting for Scooby and the Gang to show up now...)

Danica notes the laptop with the sticky note but she doesn't want to stay hanging out there too long. Instead she closes the laptop and shoves it into her bag. Gathering a few more thing she walks over to the door and whistles for the dog. If he comes with her he does, if not she heads out anyways and locks the door behind her. Pocketing the key for later just in case. Unlocking her bike she jumps on it and peddles off.

She isn't about to hang around some stranger apartment. Sure she just committed a petty theft but it was better than holding up there for a while and risk one angry bitch coming back home and a fight breaking out. She still had more she wanted to investigate so she figured her best bet was to check in at the police station and see if there had been any word about the detective she had been looking for the night before. If not she would head to the hospital and then the morgue. She figured it was her best path to follow at this point.

Riding through town she shook her head at the sights before pulling up to the police station and locking her bike back up. Walking up the steps she stepped inside and glanced around for before walking up to the desk and smirked a bit as she popped a bubble with her chewing gum. First person she spotted she grinned at. "Hey, looking for a Detective Hanson. Anyway you could Oooom Bop me to where he is? Been looking since last night."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: A fucking idiot

Harnessing a southern bell Amy shook her head and spat out, "Aww hell naw!" she said as she took several steps back and behind the nurses station desk. Thing about Amy, she wasn't one to hold back. She said everything that was on her mind, everything. She didn't like something, people knew it. She liked something, people knew it. The only thing she really didn't speak about was that she actually did give a damn about people underneath it all. The woman didn't have a filter so while all the things she never said came to her mind it wasn't a frightening thing oddly enough. Maybe a bit embarrassing and even cheek warming it wasn't something that was going to make her cringe.

"Well this is just fucking great. Seems my Jimmy Cricket wants to say hello," she muttered to herself as she ducked down and kept her eyes off the light. With all the shit going down the last thing she was going to do was "look into the light" - yeah she had seen poltergeist. She saw what happened when people went for the light. All types of horrible shit and while a week ago she played those flicks off as nothing but mumbo jumbo after the shit she had seen over the last twenty four hours she wasn't about to pull the "dumb fucking broad" in a horror flick moment.

You know the one, they walk into the room with the chain saws hanging about and think it is a good place to hide. The dumb bitch who runs through the house and never locks one damn door. Who stands there horrified when all the bitch had to do was turn and run. The one who always walks backwards and trips because backwards walking bitches always be tripping. She had no idea it was Lucifer in her head and even if she had she probably would have passed it off that she needed a drink because seriously, just give the woman a glass of wine and she's okay.

"Cut the fucking light show and just goddamn die already," Amy spat as she waited for the light to die before popping her head back up.

Danica Graves

Location: Alistair Apartments -> Police Station
Interacting With: That mangy mutt (I am waiting for Scooby and the Gang to show up now...)

Danica notes the laptop with the sticky note but she doesn't want to stay hanging out there too long. Instead she closes the laptop and shoves it into her bag. Gathering a few more thing she walks over to the door and whistles for the dog. If he comes with her he does, if not she heads out anyways and locks the door behind her. Pocketing the key for later just in case. Unlocking her bike she jumps on it and peddles off.

She isn't about to hang around some stranger apartment. Sure she just committed a petty theft but it was better than holding up there for a while and risk one angry bitch coming back home and a fight breaking out. She still had more she wanted to investigate so she figured her best bet was to check in at the police station and see if there had been any word about the detective she had been looking for the night before. If not she would head to the hospital and then the morgue. She figured it was her best path to follow at this point.

Riding through town she shook her head at the sights before pulling up to the police station and locking her bike back up. Walking up the steps she stepped inside and glanced around for before walking up to the desk and smirked a bit as she popped a bubble with her chewing gum. First person she spotted she grinned at. "Hey, looking for a Detective Hanson. Anyway you could Oooom Bop me to where he is? Been looking since last night."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Altsoba High School (Shelter)
Interacting With: Adult Volunteers

He drove over to the high school, seeing several people surrounding the front door. He looked around for about 10 minutes before he finally found a parking spot that was at the far end of the parking lot, giving him a fairly good hike back to the front door. As he walked up, several people stepped aside to let him through, whispering to one another as he walked by.

He quickly found the group of the volunteers who were running the shelter. They were in a room that was crowded with children of various ages, ranging from kindergarten to high school students. He caught a glimpse of the Japanese girl he had seen the night before, looking around at the crowd. She was even casting the occasional glare at the adults. Wonder what she is planning to do?

He walked over to the volunteers, and gave them a tired wave. They told him about the kid who had gone crazy, and had injured people. Zachary shook his head and glanced around the room. There wasn't really anywhere that was safe. No place that could fit them all either. The police force was spread thin.

"Alright, we can't exactly spare many cops at the moment, there are people scattered all over the town. I'll send a member of my force to stay here though, sadly that is all I can spare at the moment. Why are there so many children here? Shouldn't they be with their parents?" he said as he looked around the room.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Altsoba High
Interacting With: No one

She noticed the sheriff walk into the room. What the hell is he doing here? Kind of feel like he's following me around. Oh, he's talking to the adults, this could be my chance. She looked over and noticed that since the volunteers were talking to the sheriff, no one was paying any attention to the front door. Kat ducked amongst the crowd, and no one was paying any attention to her. All of the other kids were talking to one another. They all probably already think that I'm a weirdo, so it doesn't matter if they see me.

She made her way through the crowd, and slipped out the door to the school. Oh, sweet freedom! I can't stand any of those idiots, they have no idea what they are doing! She kept an eye out for any police officers who might drag her back to the shelter. Kat knew that she needed to get back to her apartment. She had supplies there that would help her against the demons and other supernatural creatures that are appearing. She needed more holy water, maybe a few other things that would be helpful.

She made her way swiftly through the nearly deserted streets of Altsoba, making her way to her apartment. Wondering what those who had been at the meeting were doing, and whether she could find them to try and stop all of the demons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Liam watched Aloise for a moment or two as she asked him further about the shapeshifter, eventually he chuckles awkwardly, realising he had no real leads to give her. "Uh, no, not really..." He'd scratch at the back of his neck, shrugging. "I've only seen it once, at the town meeting yesterday, she complimented me for making the press take their stolen generators back to the hospital." He explained, watching her quietly afterward. While he was waiting for any further input from her however, his attention was stolen by something far more dramatic.

Turning his gaze toward Sariel as she appeared, he seemed confused at first, and a little nervous as he looked toward Aloise, as if to gauge her reaction. Looking back to Sariel as she spoke suddenly, he seemed still confused, not quite yet understanding the weight of her words. "Sariel, what do you mean, who has risen?" As he was speaking however, the thoughts became clear in his mind. Her brother could only mean so many people, and from how distraught she was, which one wasn't too far to put together. As the look of realization crossed his face, he gulped somewhat.

"Oh. Crap."

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

"Well, shit." Darren wandered back down the stairs in Howard's home, into the room where his body lay and he'd left Jade. He gave her a momentary look of concern, she was clearly different, certainly not as talkative as she had been in her previous life, but he supposed Hell sucked that out of you. Part of him wondered if it might've been cruel to bring her back, to give her a break from the suffering and possibly just damn her back to it. Now that the angel blade had eluded him, he had no idea where it could've gone, or where he could get another.

Sighing, he scratched at his chin as he looked over at her. "You manage to find anything down here? Any hints or..?" Again, he frowned as he watched Jade, he didn't know what to say to her in any situation, he hadn't known her desperately well in the first place, but it already seemed like he was back to square one. On one hand, it felt good to see her still alive, to know he'd done at least something to put an end to her suffering, but now he couldn't help but be racked with a different kind of guilt, the kind where he had to force himself not to admit that he may have fucked both of them over, put them in way too deep.

He already regret his deal, he should've bartered for some better deal than the reapers, something he knew he could kill with something else, he just needed something to make sure she wasn't about to get dragged back. But it didn't seem like he might've been that lucky. Sighing again, he stood there quietly, watching Jade and waiting for any answer.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt @Lady Amalthea

Javier let the right corner of his mouth curl upward in a twisted smirk, his fingers trailing along he sides as she spoke. "Well my beloved, we'll just have to find ourselves a replacement for it, won't we?" He purred as he felt her finger running gently along the line of his jaw, the mere touch sending an icy chill down his spine. It was truly as if she was running an ice cube along his jawline, so cold, refreshing and even unnerving. He adored it.

Hearing the words against his ear only served to send another chill down his spine, his body pressing back against her own as he let his arms shift around her body, a finger trailing idly up the length of her spine in a feather touch, letting his heat burn through her slowly, spreading throughout her coldness in a flurry of passion. Slowly, he shifted his head down, lips brushing a mere inch from here own as he pushed forward, granting her a brief but passionate, firey kiss in the moments before the Cauldron bubbled over and exploded.

The walls were covered, as was the floor, and more importantly, the two of them. Javier didn't mind, in fact, he was more amused by the turn of events than anything. Grinning as he looked about for a moment, he looked back toward his love, leaning forward to steal another kiss, letting his tongue flick out to taste a bit which had landed just on the corner of her mouth, pulling back as he licked his own lips clean. "Delicious." He grinned in a coy manner, slowly letting his hands leave her as he moved to stand up straight, beginning to work off his coat as he knew full well it would need to be washed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Her Hubby Wubby @Pundii

The corner of Belladonna's red lips twirled up at his words, how he did know how to make her happy; in the most wretched way possible. "Indeed we must my darling," she said in a cool voice. His hands against the cool skin of her back would have sent a shiver down her spine if she was capable of such reaction. His warmth to her chill nearly burned, truly an exquisite feeling that she treasured. Her lips pulsed slowly over his until the caldron decided to interrupt their moment.

Her eyes opened widely as her dark brows arched dramatically over each. "Oh my," was all she said in a calm voice as she laced her fingers together and pivoted on her heels as if she was on a turntable. Looking at the concoction, her head tilting left and right as she watched it and then the color changing up. "Oh marvelous, it is ready but it will have to wait," she said as she turned back to her adored and took the coat from him, gently draping it over her arm before lacing her free one through his; her nails lightly catching his bare side.

"First things first," she said as she began to move effortlessly through the old Manor and up the stairs, gliding across the flood with suck tiny steps it made her seems as if she was floating. "Mercurial, do go eat your breakfast. Your father and I have something to attend to," she said as she reached the apex of the stairs and gave her love a coy smile; letting her voice carry through the house. It was one of the few times that there was ever a hint of emotion in them and the only emotion it revealed would probably make her dear daughter gag knowing what her parents were about to be up to. Again.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

The time is here, my children. The angel of light has risen, and it is time for the main events to begin. Those past horrors, they were nothing but mere musings, the slightest hint of something that is yet to come. They were not even the beginning of the end, hardly a prelude. Watch for the four stallions and beware, for your first trial is already upon you. Those who witnessed the supernatural, it is they who have come back to life. And they are scrambling for blood, thirsty for revenge. They will stop at nothing and can be stopped by almost nothing. If you had been involved in one of their deaths, they are coming for you, and unfortunately, these dead are not slow.

Sutton Smith, born to a mother who never loved her and a father who loved her too little, she has been brought back from the grave. Her body is still covered in the boils and burns, with a curious symbol on her palm--the mark of a Witness. More beast now than human, Sutton is coming after Eudora Erebus. Armed with her usual weapons, any reasoning with her, as with the others, will be pointless.

Reverend Adder, a preacher who attempted to save his daughter, yet failed to recognize that she was already gone. The knife wound from when the demon murdered him is still prominent, yet it fails to bleed any longer. Any holiness or compassion in him are long since gone, with him going through the motions, with all of the flexibility of a sedentary man in his fifties. Reverend Adder is coming after Jade Cornish. However, even with his lack of skill, his superhuman strength will cause the dear old Reverend to be a serious foe.

Vivian Adder, a neglected child who learned to entertain herself, in ways that fail our understanding. She had been possessed by the demon for months, perhaps even years, and no one who knew her raised an eyebrow. She remained trapped inside her own mind and body, yet this has not quelled her bloodthirstiness. Bullets will not phase her, but her bullets may simply phase you. She is coming after Danica Graves.

Elizabeth Hawthorne, granted a new life only to have it snatched away from her so quickly. She had a doctorate degree in chemistry, yet not even that mattered, for she is as insane and mindless as the rest of them. Her skin, curiously, seems to be constructed by ash. Her hair glows, covered with embers, ready to spring into flames at any moment. Elizabeth is coming after Aloise Mendoza, and her flexibility may just surprise you.

Daniyal Lohi, a survivor of more conflicts than the world shall ever know. He sacrificed himself for people who could not do anything but fail to understand him, with his family brutally slaughtered by his own words. He began this bloodbath, and it seems that in death, Daniyal shall continue it. Daniyal is coming after Belladonna Crypt. And unfortunately, his magical prowess seems to have only perfected itself with time.

Jessica Sorreast, or perhaps some knew her as Natasha. The jury is still out on this one. However, for a woman who took an oath to do no harm, Jessica perhaps did the most harm. Possessed by the first demon, the creature was the final seal, the final lock on the cage to ensure the devil remained trapped. With the death of the demon and Jessica, it was over. Yet her corpse continues to move, a life more like death fills those lungs, as she goes after Mitsukuri Katsumi. She is armed with a scalpel, how curious.

John Moses, a man who seems to be connected to everything. His ghost has been dispelled from this Earth, yet it does not change the matter of his death. His death was far from an accident, something fair Adriana had learned before she too met her end. He comes for Sylvia Strange, and if his ghost was not fearsome enough, killing is now the only subject on his mind.

Jake Anderson, the owner of that crude little establishment. He had attempted to flee the town that day, only to show up dead in the woods, part of a lengthy slaughter. His corpse now breaths as well, fueled with something now more powerful than PTSD and alcoholism. A soldier, he will fight like one. He is coming for Zachary Carpenter.

Chase Barnes, a surgeon whose meager talent was nothing compared to that of Amy Chang's. His face is streaked with blood, the remnants of the spell that caused his demise. His anger and rage fuel his actions still, as he no longer needs to resort to qareens in order to exact his revenge. He merely needs to have blood, to feel it slipping between his hands. He is coming for Javier Crypt.

Clarissa Fields, a former inmate at the prison who died behind bars far too soon. She and John Moses share a killer, though her life was taken for a more practical reason. She was survived by her only daughter, yet the girl was driven insane by night terrors, and locked up in the mental ward of Altsoba Methodist. Imprisoned for seven homicides over a one month period, she is coming for Darren Andrews.

Mason Harkness, the former boyfriend of Walter Hanson. Found dead under mysterious circumstances six months prior, police found what appeared to be a bag, filled with assorted bones and spices, planted on his person. His killer was never identified, but you and I know better. The same person who murdered John Moses had come for Mason's life. He now comes for Liam Matthews.

Harley James' corpse was not even cold before he once again breathed life. Sent by the FBI to assist Scarlet Warrington, he never made it farther than the town line, slaughtered by forces he could not see. His limbs, hardly stitched together, now ache with the urge to rip and tear and kill. He now comes for Samantha Hunter.
Please read the above post to see what horrifying undead thing is coming for your head. These things will now start to show up and appear to your characters. No rolls have yet been made for whether or not you survive the attack, but rest assured, they will and can attack. Some of you may see the corpses leave your location to hunt down others. LLA determined who was paired up with who, with only one character (Amy Chang) being spared.

@Witch Cat: Sylvia is safe, aside from the above. Her spirit guide isn't offering any wisdom, and nor is she getting any sort of calls saying that it was a mistaken. Her brother really is dead. However, the day is still young, and perhaps one of the bars has opened up early near Town Center. Drinking away your grief can really be helpful, right?

@Witch Cat: Now, I imagine that this isn't a normal morning for Eudora...First of all, her hip is fractured or something. That was a nasty hit she sustained, so she'll be hobbling back to her hut at best. And then, everywhere she looks, the dead are walking around, each heading for their own specific target. Something is definitely wrong her--will her hut be safe enough?

@Nallore: The minute Sam starts to walk off, she can hear the heavy sound of gunfire. One of the cops screams at her to get down, as a scene seemingly out of the Walking Dead appears before her. At least five corpses (and the specified one above) are running towards them, the bullets hardly stopping them. One of the bullets narrowly misses Sam, as she remains in the line of fire. Maybe it's time to take shelter in the cafe?

@Lady Amalthea: How considerate, Jessica does just that! And then she gets up, brushes herself off, and starts heading off to an unknown location. However, a bucket filled with hot dogs, a basket of wine, and a small note saying "We need to talk - Lucy" appear in front of her. It's almost like a peace offering, and the blood on the ground has remained frozen in place, the light show over. The glass windows shattered in the entire process, but Amy doesn't have a scratch on her. It's almost like the devil is protecting her...

@Lady Amalthea: It's Cecily again, and she's frantically holding up a thing of sunscreen, and a lighter. A woman keeps on coming at Cecily, armed with a lengthy knife. The idea, of course, is to create a flamethrower. At seeing Danica, Cecily swears a bit under her breath, as if this is her penance. And of course, Danica's own friend isn't too far behind.

@BlueSky44: The coordinator looks a bit heartbroken, when she explains. Seems that most of the parents are dead, tried to go to work and were found slaughtered in the woods, just like the others. These are the children of those who commute to Seattle each day for work, orphaned by the apocalypse. However, the sob story cannot last forever. Zachary's own new "friend" has just arrived...

@BlueSky44: Yeah, maybe Kat should've stayed put. She ends up walking right into her new "friend" and it's a bit of a shocking experience, to say the least. There's no one around to help her, looks like she's going to have to take care of this on her own. Maybe if she screams someone will hear her, but will anyone really come at this point? That's the real question.

@Pundii: Aloise's eyes widen slightly, and she shakes her head a bit. She isn't one for big displays of emotion, so she merely checks the rounds in her gun, and mentally goes through the list of items she brought with her to Altsoba. Sariel, meanwhile, tackles Liam to the ground. Aloise and Liam's visitors are here, and they aren't looking to have a fun time.

@Pundii: Jade still isn't talking very much, but that might be the fact that she's currently involved in a fight to the death. Howard's corpse doesn't seem to be coming back, and Darren's own friend isn't far behind. There's nothing else for the two of them to truly find in the home, relating to the angel blade, at least. I'm sure there could be some of Howard's more private collections in the basement, however...

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: Mercurial comes down the stairs reluctantly, hardly blinking an eye at the mess in the kitchen. Seeing her parents the way they were, however, Mercurial gives a very slight face of disgust--and for her, that says a lot. Very calmly, she opens the door, letting the newly risen dead come inside. "We have company, mother, father."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Her Car Outside Of Aunt Sue's Inn ->Room One ->Jake's
Interacting With:

As Sam continued to walk she stopped and froze for a moment just as she saw something as if it were out of an episode of The Walking Dead or a scene from Dawn of the Dead. She heard one of the officers suddenly yell at her to get down, and heard the loud sound of a gunshot going off, and the gust of wind as one of the bullets nearly hit her. The quickly ducked out of the way of the gunfire Sam turned her head to look at the police officers as they started to open fire on the walking corpses. She didn't want to get hit at all and Sam quickly started to crawl out of her way of the gunfire.

Samantha didn't care if she was going to get arrested at this point, once she was out of the line of gunfire Sam tore through the crime scene tape and bashed her way through the door. Sam closed the door behind her and looked out of the window as she watched the dead starting to get closer. She started to take out her camera once more and hit record as she stood there to watch the scene unfold from the safety of the café.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Forest Outskirts → Sleazy-ish Bar
Interacting With: Noone

Sylvia kept her head low as she walked, biting back tears and trying to keep her emotions in check. Relax your brow, breath deeply, happy thoughts… she muttered to herself like a mantra as she took slow, sluggish steps away from town. She didn’t want anybody to see her at her weakest moments, and with every step edged closer to the wild, untamed land that lay the outskirts of the houses and roads.

She felt cool, biting winds slice through the air as more of the bleak sky was covered by the lush leaves that hung overhead, cool drops of dew coating all the shrubbery and even the flies that buzzed from one fallen fruit to the next. The landscape was still grey and dark, but at least here some life still hummed.

She glanced sideways at the slowly disappearing town, cars speeding off and packs of worried citizens fleeing, even the strongest among them were running away with their tails between their legs. The town was slowly being abandoned, but still a better alternative than having all the citizens be slaughtered like cows by rogue demons. They probably would be fleeing to the closest town, or maybe some place within the Bible Belt, fleeing to families in far away places looking for some semblance of comfort. Sylvia didn’t have that, no one else to turn to and Belial was still being silent. The growing icy silence growing between witch and spirit was beginning to concern Sylvia. She finally was cut off from the commotion, she saw no one and heard nothing but the soft squelch of her footfalls against the wet grass, her mind still a wreck as she ventured deeper into the faint mist of the forest. The day grew, even more, weirder, the reporters, what's left of them, predicted sunny days, but the cold and mist still hung in the air with their foreboding presence. Sylvia could’ve sworn she saw a silhouette stout figure wandering deeper into the mist, but it soon disappeared.

As the last bits of the town were being swallowed up by the forest and mist, a pink flickering light suddenly caught her eye. She turned and saw the bright neon sign of a nearby bar, advertising cheap beer and free peanuts. A part of Sylvia wanted to go there, her throat felt dry and she felt hollow. A stiff drink would surely fill that hole. She tapped her flask of demon rum stuffed in her bag, there no longer was the swish of the strong liquid, only a clink of metal and glass as she pulled out the empty bottle. She’d taken swigs of it every now and then, a way to clear her mind or celebrate, but now the well of enchanted buzz has run dry. Sylvia remembered the figure she saw and decided it’d be safer to leave for the bar.

Besides, being drunk off her mind would give her the perfect excuse to finally start crying.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Untamed Forest Area → Hut
Interacting With: The Dead Things She Really Should Throw Out

Eudora let out comical groans with every step, the fractured bones in her tired hips aching, but she thought nothing of it. She once stitched her own arm back to her shoulder when it was mauled off by a bear, so she could handle a broken hip. Then again, her memories of the olden times may not be as sharp was it once ways, the lie between her imagination and reality was beginning to blur when concerning her memories. Eudora, however, had no time to worry about falling into insanity as she was caught between cursing her withered bones and angrily mumbling.

She ran, more like wobbled, as fast as she could towards the comforting presence of her hut and nature. Groups of panicked citizens past her by easily as one group gossiped about how they saw a corpse rise in a dream. Eudora caught only snippets of conversations before she finally managed to escape away from the sound of cars and annoying passersby. The ever so still silence of the forest welcomed her as she finally could relax. The withered finger-like branches of trees reached for the witch in welcome, or maybe she imagined that, whatever it was, Eudora felt nothing was out of place.

She listened to the music of nature, the scampering paws of hurried critters and the crisp of the leaves she crushed beneath her foot. A still mist rose around the witch’s feet, darkening the world around her as she made way to her hut. Once or twice stopping to make sure no one was following her. Dark powerful energies tainted the air, but inside the forest, those ripples were muted. All Eudora wanted to do was to lay low in her little hut and wait for everything to blow over. She survived plenty of witch hunts, this one couldn’t be anything new.

Finally, she reached her home. Dew stuck to her clothes and a bug crawled over her shawl, but she didn’t mind. She pushed open the rickety door, the scent of basil and rosemary wafting towards her from a self-stirring cauldron, her dead cat yowled and a black goat sat patiently by the fire. She finally was home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: "It's better to be the right hand of the Devil than in his path"

Amy slowly rose from her place and glanced around once things had calmed down and quieted a bit. Looking around she cocked a brow and looked at the basket, tilting her head to the side as she read the note but refusing to touch a damn thing at this point. "Oh fuck this. You know, I have seen this shit before in a movie. It was in Shrek, 3 was it? You know, when him and Donkey are walking in the damn wood and suddenly there is a big plate of delicious waffles in the middle of the place? You know what you fucking do when you see food in the middle of a place it shouldn't be? You turn around and walk THE. FUCK. AWAY!" Amy spouted off to herself.

Then she did just that and turned on her heels. Fuck this. "I'm not touching that shit. Especially if Lucy is who the fuck I think it is. Sorry Lucy, last time I checked, deals with the devil never played out well. Beni in the mummy gotten eaten by scarabs. Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden. And I sure as hell ain't playing fucking Job where you and god get to make a bet over when I will break. So you wanna talk Lucy, you come and fucking talk but I ain't accepting no gifts from you. I ain't Pretty Woman, you ain't a rich man with a good heart, and there ain't no fucking happily ever after," she spat out to no one in particular as she made her way to the burn ward and checked on Hanson.

Danica Graves

Location: Police Station
Interacting With: Cecily?

"Oh come on!"

Danica is standing there in the police station and ducks down as all hell breaks loose. Seems she picked the wrong time to make an inquiry. Shaking her head as she looked around and spotted the woman going after Cecily with the knife she pulled her pack off her back and pulled out her climbing pickaxe from her bag. Flicking it open she glanced around the place. This was getting out of hand, all she wanted to do was get a little bit of information but it seemed that crazy lady had other plans.

"Bitch, pick on someone your own size," Danica called out towards the one that was attempting to gut Cecily as she rose from her crouched position and rolled her neck around. Gripping her pickaxe in one hand and her now flicked open pocket knife in the other she blew the deranged woman a kiss.

"Wanna try that shit with me? she taunted before she went on the offensive. Her leg coming up in an arc as she went to use a crescent kick to knock the knife wielding arm out, spinning around she kept the momentum up, flinging her right arm out that held the pickaxe and trying to strike the woman across the face before dropping down and rolling back out of the way. Crouching down low she smirked a bit as she looked over to her arm and noted she had gotten caught by the womans knife while she was in the middle of everything.

"Not bad cunt, wanna try that again?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Altsoba High
Interacting With: Jake's walking corpse

He didn't notice the man walking towards him, not until someone near him said something about Jake. Zachary turned around, and nearly jumped back. Hell no, that can't be him! I saw the coroner reports, he is DEAD! He noticed that when he stepped away, the man seemed to follow him. Well crap, this cannot be good. I can't just start shooting him, if I miss with one of my bullets it could hit someone else! Then there could be problems. I don't know what is going on, but I' pretty sure that's not Jake, not really anyway. He turned to the volunteers, and forced a smile on his face.

"I need to have a talk with Jake. I'll be back in a few minutes," he said and headed for the door, leaving the volunteers behind, and Jake still following. There wasn't much he could do until he was outside. Zachary knew this, especially if people saw him starting to shoot at someone they all knew. He kept walking until he was at least 500 feet away from the entrance, away from anyone else. He looked back, pulled out his gun, aiming for Jake's head. He was going to start firing once he had a clear enough shot.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Streets of Altsoba
Interacting With: Soon to be permanently dead walking corpse

Uh, this can't be good. Why is that lady coming after me with a scalpel, man, don't tell me this is another demon or supernatural thing that needs to die. Might as well see if any of my normal weapons are effective.

Kat starts the knives flying. Her first two throws were misses, and she just glared at the thing as she reached for another one of her blades. The next one was better, hitting the woman as she approached. Alright! Looks like I can hurt her! Let's see if I keep having good luck with this. Her next shot hit, and the next two throws missed. Katsumi realized that she was out of knives, and pulled out her gun, firing at the corpse. Out of the nine shots she fired off, Kat only missed with two of them, and the woman fell to the ground, and wasn't moving anymore.

She cautiously walked over, and collected her knives, looking to see if the body moved again. It didn't, and she ran back to her apartment, hoping to get away from that body as quickly as possible.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora, Sariel @Morose

Glancing between Aloise and Sariel, Liam still seemed rather useless in the scenario, he had no weapons with him to defend himself or help the hunter as she still seemed particularly focused on the task she'd gotten from him, or perhaps she had taken Sariel's words to heart, and was simply getting prepared otherwise. Either way, he wasn't sure what to really say or do in that exact moment. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of a desire to simply not be the only useless member of their little trio, Liam moved to his desk, pulling open the drawer and grabbing his own gun, making sure it was loaded.

It was in that instant however that suddenly he felt Sariel's hands on him, tackling him down as he fell with a grunt, oblivious as to what was up, but then again, he was no angel. "What? What is it?" He asked suddenly as he attempted to sit up, looking past Sariel toward Aloise and the door, still so far oblivious to the hell which had quite literally been unleashed.

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, Reverend Adder @Morose

Coming down the stairs to the sight which lay before him, Darren's eyes widened. A million thoughts raced through his head at that exact moment, but it was fairly clear to Darren what this was the big shebang as it was, the Rise of the Witnesses. As such, he knew something would be after him soon enough. However, it hadn't been exactly what he expected, he had figured ghosts would make the most sense, corpses changed things. Not greatly though, he appreciated, after Jade's last run-in with something trying to kill her, Darren had made a note to mix salt and real rounds together in his magazine, grabbing his gun as he brought it up, moving toward the pair.

Reaching the two, Darren attempted to shove the Reverend away from Jade, bringing his gun up as he pulled down on the trigger three times. One of the shots would be rock salt, and the other two normal bullets. He doubted they'd kill him, but he figured it'd be enough to hold him off as he grabbed Jade by the wrist. "Cmon, get some salt from the kitchen then head down to the basement." He fired two more shots toward the Reverend as he backed up toward the door to the basement, opening it up as he hoped Jade would get what she needed quickly.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Chase Barnes

Smiling in a charming manner toward Belladonna as she took his coat, he set his hand on her arm gently as she laced it through his own, feeling a shiver run down his spine just from the mere touch of her nail against him, the slight graze drawing a upward shift of the lip from him. Moving along with her, he allowed his beloved to lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs, a grin on his face, both from hearing her voice and perhaps the anticipation, but equally the pleasure in seeing his daughter's face as she came out, that look of disgust on her face, so charming.

As she opened the doors however, he grinned, almost seeming thrilled. "Ah, marvelous! A welcome opponent!" Javier grinned, gently releasing his grip on Belladonna, he reached up to the suit of armour beside him, taking hold of the Glaive it held and twirling the weapon about his form. "I wish you only the finest of luck, dear corpse." He would grin, making his way down the stairs toward the body which seemed intent on him, slashing at its neck. "Mi amor! I believe your whip should be under my pillow!" He called out, casually.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Nallore: As Samantha dashes inside of the café, Harley James tackles one of the officers, right when the trigger is pulled. The gun jerks and goes upwards, the bullet imbedding itself in Samantha. It's a clean shot at least, in some respects, as the bullet goes straight through her. Unfortunately, with the amount of blood already flowing, it seems to have hit some vital organ near her stomach. And Harley James, with several bullets in him, is already making his way into Jake's.

@Witch Cat: Perhaps drinking wasn't the best idea. After getting her first drink, a man approaches her from behind. When she turns to face him, she'll see John Moses, with a rabid look in his eye. He doesn't make much conversation, instead opting for biting remarks--and I mean biting. He rips into the flesh of her shoulder with his teeth, before pulling a gun on the girl. The safety is off, and he has it nuzzled up against Sylvia's forehead.

@Witch Cat: Geez, you guys aren't rolling too hot. Just as Eudora has made herself nice and comfy in the hut, the door is kicked down. It's nothing more than kindling now. Sutton Smith, grossly disfigured, steps inside, twirling a blade in her hand. It is long and narrow, but enough to cause damage. She eyes Eudora with a bit of a manic grin, and makes her first swipe, slicing across Eudora's stomach.

@Lady Amalthea: Danica's attacks don't seem to be doing anything to stop Vivian. Even without her knife, Vivian is resilient to the end, grabbing a chair and snapping off one of the legs, brandishing it as a new weapon. She singles out Danica, leaving the smaller woman to Cecily. The forensic tech managed to shove the smaller woman aside, dashing for the entrance to the Morgue itself. "In here!" Cecily called out. "They're bloody zombies or some shit!"

@BlueSky44: Most of everyone is inside, but more and more of the army of the undead are continuing to make their way towards Altsoba High. The first shot misses, but on the second try, Zachary hits. However, it doesn't seem to slow Jake down very much. He pauses for a moment, as if stung by a bee, before firing at Zachary in turn. The bullet clips him in the side, enough to be painful, but not enough to stop the sheriff for long. "You need to pay for your sins!" Jake hisses, resuming the onslaught. "You need to PAY!"

@BlueSky44: Katsumi had gotten lucky, getting Sorreast to stay down for a minute. But that's all the time she bought for herself. Katsumi hasn't even made it home before Sorreast is up and moving once more, this time with more brutality than before. She misses Katsumi in her latest round of attacks, but the former nurse is persistent if anything. She blocks off the entrance to Katsumi's apartment, and with more of the undead beginning to wander the city, this cannot be good...

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: For the odd family the Crypts are, this may have been a bad decision even for them. As Javier and Mercurial welcome in the army of the living dead, fetching rudimentary instruments and delighting in the feast, a few complications arise. Belladonna and Javier each are relatively unscathed, but the same cannot be said for their daughter. One of the undead found a mace in the manor, and has started to bludgeon the poor thing with it. Perhaps a change in tactics is in order?

@Pundii: Neither of the shots hit the dear old Reverend. Jade, however, ends up getting hit with one of the stray bullets herself. It imbeds herself in her leg, and her eyes widen, as she lets out the most British line of cursing you'll ever hear. Seriously. However, the bullet seems to have done some good. Almost gasping for breath, she realizes that she is, in fact, alive. "Don't kill me this time, mate!" Jade jokes, a twinkle in her eye. She's back.

Detective Hanson

Location: Altsoba Methodist (Burn Ward)
Interacting With: Amy Chang @Lady Amalthea & Lucifer

By some remarkable measures, Hanson was healing nicely. No more burns and boils appeared on his skin, and the detective had been allowed a brief respite from the horrors of Altsoba. In the burn ward, Hanson was almost isolated from all of the bloodshed and loss--the very things he had been responsible for. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the tattered remains of his wallet, and thumbed a well worn photo.

"Morning," Hanson grunted, seeing Amy walk into the ward. His throat felt like shit--most of him did, actually--but he was just tickled that he could still feel things. After what had happened, Hanson thought he'd be lucky with only minor nerve damage. It was as if some force was looking after the detective. "You here to ask me 'bout last night, Dr. Chang?" There were no answers he could give her that would satisfy her, that he knew.

Sitting up, Hanson winced slightly, the bandages starting to chaff. He frowned a bit, freezing, when he saw that Amy was not alone. A man had entered the burn ward behind her, and chains appeared on the door, locking the trio inside. The man walked over to an empty bed of the burn ward, and he sat down, staring directly at Amy. "Jesus fucking christ..." Hanson murmured. "The hell did you do, doc?"

"Let's talk, Dr. Chang," the Devil said softly, his words like melted chocolate. "It's time we got to know each other."

Aloise Zamora

Location: Aunt Sue's Room 10
Interacting With: Liam and Sariel @Pundii

Aloise is more than a little busy. With Sariel protectively hovering over Liam, the angel doesn't do much to get rid of the attackers. With Aloise there, any attempts of Sariel's to destroy the creatures would destroy her as well. Only Liam was protected by the guardian archangel. The visitors pile up against Aloise, Elizabeth and Mason, both of them pinning the former Marine to the ground. Her gun is kicked aside in the fray, and Elizabeth grabs Aloise's head, repeatedly slamming it against the ground.

"Get off me!" Aloise grunts, kicking upwards. Elizabeth falls off of her, but Mason has made his way towards Liam, and Sariel frowns only slightly. Aloise and Sariel exchange a glance, and Aloise cannot help but feel her stomach twist slightly in dismay. "Only if I can't stop them," Aloise decides. She wasn't quite ready to die just yet. "Get him out if you can, I can handle them."

Sariel glanced at Liam, and then gently moved him into the corner, practically shielding him. She borrowed his gun, looking almost childlike with the weapon of death in her hands. Aiming at the attackers, she managed to shoot ten times, but only once hit Mason. "They're unclean," Sariel explained, as she struggled to reload the gun. "Make them clean, Prophet."

"He can't!" Aloise exclaimed, rolling with Mason into the wall. "Get him out of here!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Lucy and Hanson

Walking into the burn unit Amy took note of Hanson's recovery and stepped into the room fully, making her way over to his bed side and checking his charts and vitals. "You know, I am just trying to get away from a picnic with Satan is all actually," she said in all honesty as she flipped through his chart and made some notes before clicking her pen and tucking it back into her pocket. Tilting her head to the side she glanced out of the corner of her eye as she heard some sounds that would have fit better in a crappy D-rated horror flick than in a hospital. Seeing Lucy sitting there she let her head fall back and her throat made a sound similar to this....

Rolling her eyes hard her head finally fell back forward and looked at the devil before her. "Fucking Christ on a cracker, don't you have some else better to bother than my ass? I mean seriously, don't you have some goatfucker cult that likes to dress in white sheets and sacrifice virgins that you could tap into? I mean I am sure they would be a lot happier to see your ass. Don't get me wrong, you are lovely. Gods once brightest if I remember the horse shit the bible thumpers were passing out yesterday. But seriously, what the fuck do you want from an Chinese fouled mouth doctor?" she asked before waving the question away and looking over towards Hanson.

"Hey I didn't do shit. You know, other than kick a heart through the air, watch someone come back from the dead, see your ass burst into flame, then the whole cemetery thing and let's not forget the lovely hot dog and wine basket," she snapped before looking back over at Lucy. "Which seriously, Nathans? I eat Hebrew Nationals, I prefer my dogs kosher. That tell you enough about me?" she asked as she plopped down in a chair across from Lucy and crossed her legs ad held the clip board with Hansons chart in her lap. "So, what the fuck do you want from me? My soul? My life? Or you want me to give you a heart like the Tinman?"

Danica Graves

Location: Police Station
Interacting With: Cecily?

"Oh fuck this!" Danica snarled as she watched Vivian with the chair. This was not how she wanted to spend her day, granted yesterday wasn't how she had wanted to spend it either. This town was fucked and it seemed right then that Vivian wanted to make an example of Danica. Danica wasn't having any of that. She didn't want to end up a member of the Darwin awards once the world was over for worst ways to go out.

"Toodles bitch!" she said quickly as she grabbed her bag and darted right at Vivian, at the last second pulling a sliding in for home base move and going right through the woman's legs before rolling and coming up, running towards Cecily and darting into the room. Spinning around she helped Cecily to shut the door and started looking around for something they could use to barricade it close.

"What the fuck is with this place?" she asked, not really expecting an answer as she kept her body weight against the door and pointed over towards the filing cabinet. "We have got to figure out how to put this bitch down, till then, grab that. Maybe we can at least keep her on the other side of the door."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Samantha Hunter

Location: Jake's
Interacting With:

As Samantha stood in the safety of the restaurant, she watched as Harley James the man that looked like he was barely even together she was slowly backing away from the window when the zombiefied Harley James tackled an officer she heard a gunshot go off, then glass shattering. Samantha cried out in pain as she felt the bullet fly through her stomach. She slowly looked down at her stomach as she watched her own blood starting to soak her shirt. Sam slowly dropped her camera down onto the floor as she stumbled backwards then she slumped herself up against the nearby wall.

Samantha was shaking in fear as she watched the bullet riddled man slowly started making his way towards the café, she was scared and alone she now started to really regret coming to Altsoba. She slowly started to turn her head trying to find at least something to defend herself with, she really should have just stayed in her car or remained in the safety of Aunt Sue's. Sam started moving her hand over the bullet wound trying to at least somehow stop the bleeding, feeling her own blood starting to cover her hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Kitchen Area
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial, among others

Belladonna let out a slight breath as she watched her beloved jump into action. "Like a kid in a candy store," she said as she placed a single finger to her sunken cheek before turning and making her way gracefully down the hallway and into their bedroom. There she reached over to her husbands side of the bed and her fingers curled around the hand of her whip. Turning she let the weaved leather trail behind her along the floor as she approached the edge of the top of the stairs and looked down to see her husband enjoying himself. The heat of battle, she would need to make sure she could cool his blood later; that was after she made it boil of course.

Down each step Belladonna, the sound of the tip of the whip cracking through the air with each flick of her wrist. Not so much attempting to slaughter those undead before her but more so parting the fleshy sea so that she could pass. "Just because you are dead does not excuse you from manners," she said in a cool voice as the leather wrapped around the ankle of one and she pulled her arm out sending the bugger against a wall and out of her way. "Red clay does so clash with the gray's of my decor," she added as she flicked the whip back to her side.

Hearing the tell tail sound of the mace against flesh her head turned and her brows rose dramatically as she witnessed one decide to use her daughter as practice. Shaking her head her free hand came up as she began to chant in latin. The ball of the mace stopping in mid air over the creatures skulls before her other hand flicked out and the whip wrapped around his knees. A quick pull and released and he would be sent onto his back with the ball of the mace crushing in his skull. With speed she was at her daughters side, slipping an arm around the poor child as she turned her head to her husband and her eyes light aflame with a glacier flash so cold it burned. Her free hand tightening around the hand of her whip as she turned ready to unleash it as the remains of her breakfast concoction began to bubble and boil, pulling itself back together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Bar
Interacting With: Not that Moses (@Morose)

Sylvia strode into the shabby bar. Taking in the smell of wet dog and beer, the wooden floor creaking under her shoes as she looked around the place. It was strangely empty, but one or two drunken stragglers remained, watching silently and intently at the small and ancient TV that mounted the wall.

“What would you like, miss?”, the bartender called from behind a counter. Shelves liquor dazzled green in their bottles behind him as the sickly yellow light from the overhanging bulb illuminated the tall and slender bottles.

”Jameson on the Rocks,” she said flatly as she eyed the empty streets outside.

“No can do, our bottles have been flying off the shelves lately, we got Heineken though,” the tender flicked his gaze behind him, it was now obvious to Sylvia those fancy bottles were all empty. Seems like everybody in town wanted a drink before running off.

”If I wanted water, I’d order it,” a smirk broke Sylvia’s stony expression, her eyes twinkled as she chuckled at her own joke, and for a split second, she felt her spirits lift a bit. The bartender, however, wasn’t amused. He continued to stare silently as if Sylvia hadn’t spoken in the first place. ”Fine, just give me the strongest thing you got,” she breathed out with a sigh, wiping the smile off her face as the tender left to get her order with a grunt.

Sylvia couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed when she saw the condition of the bar, she hoped for a lively End of the World party, an excuse to drink till she dropped, but everyone here, all two of them (one passed out already), was as quiet and depressed as she was.

Sylvia lifted her head as she heard the door to the bar creak open, arching her neck the get a better look at whoever just came in. A glimmer of hope sparked inside her before quickly being snuffed out. Whoever this person was dirty, looking rabid and unkempt, probably a homeless person looking for a drink to warm himself up. The Mystery Hobo was oddly quick, taking quick strides towards the table, no, towards her, snarling like a wild animal. Sylvia clutched her purse, slipping her thin fingers inside and groping around for her blade, but she was too slow.

Before Sylvia could even scream or protest, the rando had chomped down on her. Sinking his teeth into her bony shoulder before he released, possibly ripping away a chunk of her flesh too. Sylvia saw stars dance in front of her eyes as the shock of it all was enough to paralyse her. As her vision started to clear up, and the shooting pain of the bite spiked up, she finally summoned the energy to lift her head to face the attacker.

Her hardened and angry expression was wiped clean off the second she saw the gun aimed directly at her. At that moment, she felt as if time froze. Sylvia could see every scrap in the barrel of the gun, the black stains that coated the barrel as a ragged finger laid itself on the trigger. Every moment felt like ages, long, drawn out and painful ages. No one spoke, no one moved, everything was just so still. However, she heard a door shut. The bartender has most likely escaped the bar. Sylvia hoped it was to get help.

Sylvia’s fingers still squirmed around in her bag, before abruptly stopping as her smooth flesh brushed against the curved blade of her knife. Sylvia moved lower down the blade, grasping the hilt tightly as she prayed to her guide. Where was Belial Beliar in her time of need? After all she had done for her, would the spirit abandoned her now? "Belial, help…" she whined in her head, no answer yet. Every passing second started to banish fear from Sylvia and replace it with anger. How dare such a low life pull a gun on her? How dare her spirit whom she controls not come to her aid? How dare she not fight back?

Sylvia shot an icy glare at her attacker, her fingers woven around the hilt of her blade like tightrope before she drew it out of her bag. ”Abite!” she chanted and faster than anyone could react, and mere moments before her spell was complete, Sylvia drew out her blade, slicing it through the air blindly aiming for the neck while her other hand, with its fingers splayed, attempted to push back the assailant and his gun.

Her bleeding and damaged shoulder didn’t even bother her at all as a surge of pride flowed through Sylvia when she fought back, even if she was going to die, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut
Interacting With: Sutton Smith

Eudora stretched on her rocking chair, letting out that iconic tired old lady sigh as she settled down by her door. The sweet melody of crows was being sung outside her window as her goat friend lay by her feet. The fire crackled in her fireplace and the shrunken head finally shut up for once, letting everyone relax for once. Eudora was extremely confident in her protective barriers, she boasted that not even Gabriel himself could get passed them!

The squawking of crows grew louder outside her mist cloaked hut, before quickly being silenced with a flutter of their wings. Eudora, curious yet worried, edged closer to her door, putting her ear up against the door as she strained to hear. She heard footsteps thud closer, the crunch of leaves crisp and clear. The old witch backed off slowly, her goat bleated and her cat hissed. Their silvery eyes stared in unison at the door. The footsteps ceased for a moment. Not a sound stirred outside, for what felt like years, nothing happened. Until Eudora’s door came crashing down with an enormous bang, the splintery wood unable to sustain the physical force of that monstrous kick.

”How?” Eudora screeched angrily at the intruder, her wrinkled face furrowed in a frown. The girl replying only with a menacing grin. ”Little brat,” Eudora spat out as she advanced on the girl, taking heavy and quick steps, ”I’ll teach you a lesson, barging in a witch’s home like some spoiled-” her ramblings were cut short as the intruder dashed forward, knife raised before she slashed down across the witch’s stomach.

A yelp escaped Eudora. Her eyes were ablaze with fury as she pointed a finger at the girl, throwing both insults and cutlery at her with a flick of her finger. However, Eudora knew she wasn’t going to take her down with spoons and knives alone, Eudora looked at the goat, and somehow it understood. The fearsome black beast stood up, leveling it’s deadly horns at the girl before it rushed forward, propelled by unseen forces straight towards Sutton.

Eudora never lets anyone escape her alive, and she wasn’t going to stop now.
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