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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Cyare Staunton Has Had Enough

@Plank Sinatra @Onarax @Caasicam

This time, the arrogant speedster had earned her ire.

She had known what was coming as soon as the words floated back to her, she had heard them before, and her eyes had narrowed with rising irritation. She hunched her shoulders, tensing in preparation, and leaned forward to keep her center of balance where she would need it to be. Cyare was ready when the shockwave hit her, her preparations and momentum carrying her through the opposition without much issue. She had been concerned, admittedly, that the additional weight on her back would have disrupted her balance too much to persevere through the rushing air. A tumble at these speeds would be rather problematic.

Despite that small success, however, there was still the issue that Rei was pulling ahead again. This could not be permitted to continue. Thus far she had been allowing the magic of the girl on her back to do the heavy lifting, augment what would normally have only been a brisk jog. No need to increase the risk of said tumble by running too quickly on this terrain. Now, however, she quickened the pace into a dead sprint; with Kaia Iona's help, what would normally have been a minor increase into an exponential boost. It mitigated Rei's additional speed, yes, but did not level the playing field.

She needed more.

"I need more speed." She said, voice carrying back to the head above hers with an undercurrent of steel. "Give me everything you safely can. Slow him down, if possible."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 27 min ago

Angelo woke up that day to his favorite guild master banging on the door telling him to wake up. Angelo sighed knowing that yesterday was just a long day. So much happened and now Angelo just wanted to head back to the guild thankfully today was the last day and he could forget everything that happened that made him go through a realization of what was wrong with him. Angelo really needs to reassess what is important he looked over seeing Mark was next to him sitting on his new top hat and that just put a smile on his face. Angelo laughed a bit before he sighed and got up putting on his hat saying morning to Mark as he went downstairs. He grabbed an apple and grabbed a piece of bread taking off pieces and handing them to Mark as Angelo walked to the stadium just in time to hear the 30 minute warning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Crocus, in-town
Interactions: None

The streets of Crocus were always so beautiful. Flowers everywhere, shops and smiling faces sitting the scenery, it was such a happy place. Bustling too, and even more so now that the games were going on. Erika didn't enter, as she felt she couldn't work very well in a team. Yes, she loved her guild and all of its members but... Socializing was a bit hard when you couldn't even crack a grin.

Instead, Erika was up bright and early to explore the town and all it had to offer. She originally carried a small amount of money in her pocket, in case she saw anything interesting. Erika currently held three bags of knick knacks, including figurines, post cards, antiques, and more completely random objects that had caught her eye. She always was a bit of an impulse buyer, and with her strange tastes it could come out a bit hard, but she still enjoyed it. The blank white eyes searched the windows of the stores she passed by, stopping at an ice cream shop. Her mouth opened slightly in curiosity, the girl moving to the window and peering inside with her neutral expression, blinking slowly. That looks... Yummy. Erika reached into her pocket to pull out an empty lining. "...That's depressing..." She whispered to herself in her usual monotone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flint Dunigan - Belka Graveyard (Yesterday)

Flint had to admit, it seemed that this guild had more credit to it than he had originally thought of when he first viewed the guild from that tavern window. They had power, he could clearly see that from the massive amount of attacks soaring from almost every direction around the beast, and their onslaught of attacks were precise to the dot as they crashed into the monster. Their stance, their forms, and especially their attitudes were far different from the past rambunctious guilds that toted the land. He had pegged this guild wrong, he had thought of them as if they were some average thugs, but that was something that he would have to apologize for in the future. However, the beast was still rearing its ugly face, even after the great variety of magic being pelted at the rotted flesh, the creature was floating from the ground as the afflicted wounds were being nullified from its amazing regeneration powers. Though, it was only after a brief delay, a sudden blast erupted from inside the monster, a brilliant display of fireworks rumbling inside the beast before the dancing lights escaped from the ruined body. That was something new, it would have taken someone insane to latch explosives from the beast while this many attacks were being launched at the monster, but it seemed that it paid off due to the undead monstrosity unable to regroup itself after the devastating attack. The beast soon after tumbled to the side from the explosion, the rather convenient cliff dropping the enemy into an unending abyss of death.

It was silent those few still seconds after the defeat, the adrenaline within everyone was still pumping through their veins as that situation had called for either life or death. Though, it didn't take too long for the realization that these people had won their hard fought fight, they had started cheering, dancing, and other short burst of victory along the ruined graveyard. Flint, he tilted his hat towards the group before his horse trotted towards the cowboy. His Arcane Arm was still steaming from the expensive attack, his reserves within the weapon were almost null, but it was worth the energy as it seemed that everything was fine for the moment by this rather odd guild. Petting his horse, he looked closely upon the battlefield of victory before his eyes were starting to visualize something rather strange. A moving swarm of darkness started to converge with each other, the blackness swallowing up the short-lived cheerfulness of the area. He squinted hard at the swarm as they latched onto the corpse of a random man, Flint was absolutely ready to burn these little things alive as from under his poncho a whirring sound was heard from underneath. Though, before he could act, the eerie corpse started to send a chilling message to all of those that stood dumbstruck from the act. Shortly after, the corpse soon exploded in a fire of odd colors and left everyone in a rather confused and tired state. "This is what you people face everyday?" Flint remarked, tipping his hat down as he found this entire situation completely ludicrous from the moment he had entered their story.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Hyun Sasithom – A Quiet Place

Since the sun first peaked over the horizon to begin its daily, astral journey across the sky, a soft breeze had blown through a place in one of Crocus's green parks where a sense of emptiness prevailed. In days prior, vitality, excitement, and community had filled that space, but now there lay only the traces of a bustling came. The earth, scored by holes for stakes, pits for fires, or depressions where objects sat, harbored no buildings, but all the same the spot seemed like a ghost town. Not all who made that area his or her base had gone just yesterday, galvanized into action by a dark rumor and a pervading fear, but those who remained in Fiore's capital city elected not to return that night, either. Instead, the guild's elite dispersed through the city, each quietly attending to their own business and psyching up for the competition to come.

When the pink, orange, and yellow of a sunset in the west melted away into the purple onset of night, however, the six convened once again in a secluded, quiet place. Smack dab in the middle of the northern district of Crocus, the land swelled up slightly into a hill. One sloping path led to its top, and from there six elevated buildings could be accessed. Because of the slightly exotic location in the heart of the urban sprawl, the Knoll often bustled with activity, but at the far end of the hill from the slope there lay a little terrace behind some bushed that seldom had visitors. Here, sealed away from the commotion of the city, with tell-tended grass and a ring of austere monuments that might have formed a shrine, the last soldiers of Frenzy Plant met, sat, and talked.

Indigo Afina, the war guild's premier sorceress and beloved librarian, was only too pleased to recount a story. This tale she drew not from some aged, legendary tome, but from the intangible book that was her own life. It was, in essence, a love story, with its ups and downs. It had a happy ending that made the others smile.

Zander Louvier, in his armor as always despite the total lack of danger, took it upon himself to follow his comrade's example and recount his own experience. He told of the Gem Knights, with whom he had served in his younger years, and how their natures forced them into conflict despite their shared ideals. This story had a moral: that no matter how well-intentioned their unity, the members of any alliance, be in love or in war, could not stand together if they did not share compatible worldviews.

Dmitri Argentum, whose accursed forearms smoldered even in a time of utmost peace, could not find a story to tell. Instead of looking to the past, he turned his gaze to the future. He chose to open up in the special moment and tell his allies of his chief desire: fame, derived of true strength and true culinary mastery. As much as he craved this dream, however, he admitted that it lay beyond his capability. An unrealistic goal, he observed, had fueled much rage over the years. A new purpose had found him in life that lay far beyond the grip of materialism: service to the finest cause that he could think of. To hear this declaration from the guild's boisterous bruiser touched his allies deeply.

Holding her head in her hands, Xyster put everything she had in the recitation of a scary story. She did this not to try and incite terror in her allies, thinking them to be made of sterner stuff, but so that they might enjoy it, and that they did. The normally ditzy Dullahan restrained herself, using subtlety and vivid language to create visceral, disturbing images of a man trapped in a nightmarish hell of endless dark. So effective was she that, though they were veterans of battle, her friends' skins crawled.

Owen Whateley spun a yarn from a rural southern town nestled amidst rolling, grassy hills and still creeks—the place he called his home. This playful tale turned out to be short, though, and he followed it up with his true concern: politics. After a brief but emphatic discussion about Fiore's monarchy, as well as the Magic Council, the group's conversation turned to a hypothetical situation in which Frenzy Plant's general had a role in the country's leadership. It came to no definitive conclusion, but all agreed that the current, do-nothing king was doing few people any good.

Throughout it all, Hyun Sasithom scarcely said a word. Instead she listened with all her heart and her mind, losing herself in each story and riveting herself to the discussions. All too frequently, however, different images appeared in her head. She saw the clash of swords, again and again, where a man fought a woman and the woman lost. In her mind, the faces of those who beat her blended together. There were no differences between them that mattered. But what did matter? Like Dmitri, she had realized that she could not realize her dream. The hotheaded, singleminded pursuit of strength, embarked upon by so many, would not avail her. All the same, there was a path to redemption, and it lay through wisdom. Honed keenly, her wits could be her sharpest weapon; they could be the crucible from which her skill and strength were forged. When the daunting images of played out in her head now, sometimes she saw something different. Sometimes, when the fight ended, it was not her face ground into the sand or crushed against the cold, unforgiving floor. Sometimes it was her foot that she saw on the enemy's face, and she could not pretend that this imagined event didn't make her heart sing.

Soon, the night swallowed the city up, and the six fell asleep beneath the stars.


Side by side, the six soldiers ascended the road to the great arena. At a glance, any onlookers knew that they were not only competitors in the Games, but intent on winning them, and nobody stood in their way. Each one wore one additional garment in addition to their ordinary wear: the standard issue green and black Frenzy Plant uniform jacket. On each of these jackets, the guild insignia was emblazoned so many times, and in so many hues of those colors, that in their vast quantities they appeared to have a camouflage pattern. Each one wore it differently; Zander wore it buttoned up beneath his armor, Indigo wore it with only one button done at the midsection, and while Xyster rolled hers up into a scarf, Hyun wrapped hers around her waist. Dmitri had it completely open with the sleeves rolled way up, leaving his chest and arms exposed, and Owen tied the sleeves into a knot to use the jacket as a cape. The six moved through their arena to the Frenzy Plant section and sat in the front row, knowing that not a single one of their comrades would be here to watch them today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


He glared at her coldly as she knelt down and pricked a needle into his arm, his gave telling her to keep her hands off him though that was obviously ignored. Slowly, however, the strength in his body was returning from his weary body. Steadily he stood up, his glare not leaving her for a single moment and shrugged her away from him."Don't think I've forgiven you for what you tried to do to me, Sayatachi. The Counsel can't face another loss during its reconstruction." Turning away from her and looking up at the clouds of ashes in the sky from Frye's attack, Nolan opened his mouth and a powerful suction pulled in the ashes from the sky enmasse. The streams of ashes poured into his mouth, restoring the slayer's magic power to its full form. After sucking up the last bit of ash, Nolan wiped any bits of left over ash on his mouth with the sleeve of his singed hoodie.

"Get the lizardman that aided us in battle and get him treated, if he's even still alive that is." Nolan pointed towards the mountain that Grane was blasted towards in a flaming heap. Truth be told, he doubted that Grane was actually alive after being struck by Frye's mighty fist though perhaps he was underestimating the lizardman.

"I'll take my leave. I need to get some semblance of rest for the Games tomorrow." Ashes accumulated around his feet, forming a small cloud that he knelt down on before it flew straight towards the sky, back to Crocus.

The Next Day

The morning sun peered through the window of the hotel room, stirring a sleepy Nolan into a half-awake trance. He looked up at the lacrima clock and groaned softly before nuzzling his head back into the pillow with Ariel still in his arms. Maybe the day would ignore him if he had just decided to stay in bed today instead of going out and fight. Nolan sighed contently as we was just about to fall asleep at the same time Master Jamie's consant knocking forced him awake. "Alright, alright!" The slayer yelled with a growl, sitting up in the bed to scan around the room. Dalton was passed out on the chair with an empty bottle of whiskey on the floor, not that it surprised Nolan. That damned cat was always getting up to something.

He glanced down to Ariel and shook her gently. "Ariel, wake up."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jessie wriggled deliberately, and gave a laugh, "Okay, okay, I'll get dressed for you, although I'd think you'd enjoy the view" She flashed him a wicked grin, gathering up her clothes, and hurriedly dressing, wriggling into her pants as there was a knock at the door, "You should know by now I'm a bundle of energy" She added, as she opened the door, smiling at the bellboy, taking the food from him and thanking him, before trotting back over to the bed, smiling sweetly.

She grabebd a bagel, bitting into it, and leaning into Ferris comfortably, "So, should we talk to some of the guilds today about joining?"


Once the teams were gathered, Jamie ensured that they ate a good meal, and then said "
It doesn't matter truly, if we win. We know e are an exceptional guild. We do what needs to be done, and we protect Fiore. We stand for one another, and thats all that matters. Still, I expect you to go out there and do your best. I also expect as many of the guild cheering in the stands as possible"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Damian stood just inside the doorway to the hotel, having worn his plated leather armor again and the cloak he'd worn the first day of the games as well, though this one was different, a blue Phoenix Wing mark was on the back on a field of deep crimson. His thoughts were still on Belka and the evil bugs that were being contained somewhere in Fiore so that Belka didn't happen again, and the aftermath of the battle. He'd spoken with Guild Master Sanders briefly afterwords, offering his help any time they needed it, before heading back to the city. Nearby hung several cloaks with similar design but with slight color variations. Instead of the dragon's fang blade Durandal resting on his back, he wore the cutlasses he'd arrived at Phoenix Wing with, one slung across his back underneath the cloak and the other at his waist. When Master Jamie finished talking, he stepped forwards, indicating the cloaks. "Today we should be as uniform as possible, even if we are all on different teams. How you wear the cloak isn't all that important. But I do ask that you wear one."

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

Jack had gathered up his team and looked them over with a soft smile. Hunter, Ammy, and Jake were all ready to go, but Shujin and Zephyr were still eating. Still, it didn't stop him from speaking. "Today is the final day of the Grand Magic Games and we're in a solid position to win this thing. It should, however, be noted that there won't be any other guild out there today that won't be seeking to win this. So go out there today, and show them what we can do."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachi Nijiko

Nolan's response was to be expected to the Council woman as she continues looking upon him with royal eyes. Obviously after that event she wouldn't be exactly trusted... even though she meant "good" intentions. Then again, perhaps it was just a little too forced. She says nothing as the Ash God Slayer sucks up all of the nearby ash in the area. It wasn't until he sucked up all of the ash particles in the vicinity was when she replied

"Perhaps you should be thankful that I revived your strength," she answers somewhat arrogantly, "I could've left you to bleed out on this very battlefield if I wasn't so impressed by the magic power you wielded. Count yourself lucky."

Her comment would be ignored as Nolan "instructs" her to find and bring Grane back to Crocus. Ah, she almost forgot about him within the midst of such the intense conflict. But she wouldn't react until Nolan finally left the area. Looking at the mountainside crater, she can barely see the outline of a battered Grane as he lied almost motionlessly in there. Saya would make several long leaps to his location, grabbing him up gently and putting him over her shoulder (like with Frye). Thankfully for her, she had an extra teleportation lacrima on her for such emergency situations. Using it, she and Grane disappeared from the volcanic crater and teleported back to the Council Headquarters.

Finding a nearby bed, she gently places Grane on it, quickly injecting him with another white needle. It wasn't as strong since she used much of it's power when "reviving" Nolan, but tomorrow he should be better then before, being back in prime condition by the week's end. Sighing, she checks for a pulse, just to make sure he was actually alive. He can feel a weak pulse coming from within. Grane was alive, but badly drained of magical aura. He'll need plenty of rest. Patting his chest gently, Saya then takes her leaving, looking back one more time at him, before she heads off to get some rest...

The Next Day...

It isn't very often that after a heavy battle that a mage would wake up early from such a slumber. Today, that lucky candidate would go to Sayatachi. How she was able to wake up early is a mystery to her. But regardless, after preparing with her regular morning routine; stretching, taking a nice warm shower, and the like, she was ready to go back to the Arena for the final part of the GMG. About time too. While she didn't mind the games at all, not having to participate and the fact that all a Council woman does is simply stand around is just boring. Though the fight yesterday was rather... refreshing to say the least.

But before she goes straight there, she visits the local cafe and charges herself up with some badly needed caffeine. But that wasn't the only thing. She takes out a portal communication lacrima as it glows to reveal who she was talking on the other side. She wouldn't be going alone this time. Alerting whoever was there to come to the arena, she deactivates the lacrima and heads for the GMG. She steps through the entrance and looks upon the arena from a railing. The final day of the games have just begun...

It would be a very, VERY long and tiring trip for Marlene to walk back five miles to the Arena, but thankfully she was able to call a magical coach to take her back, saving her legs and body from an already imposing trip that laid ahead of her. She was still looking back on what Damian mentioned about such a "war" coming about, still quite confused on what it would be. Regardless, she simply takes that to herself as the coach stops at the nearest coach-stop towards the arena, only a mile away. The crowds were awfully large according to the driver, and he couldn't drop by with as many people unless she wanted to wait several hours for them to die down.

"It's fine, thank you." Marlene responds as she drops down to the cobblestone pathway, "I actually wanted to be dropped off a little farther out just to sight-see for a bit."

With a nod, the driver smiles and drives off, leaving the Crystal-Maiden to begin walking down the street. She didn't have too much money on her, only 25 jewels at her disposal, but would be enough to probably grab something to eat. All that exercise really made her hungry. She observes the random shops she came across, staying at a jewelry shop for just a "little" longer for obvious reasons. Too bad she didn't have enough to purchase that one pearl neckless.

Eventually Marlene approached the Food District, already seeing Food-Coaches lining up at the middle of the road. But as she tries to pick out a spot to eat, she suddenly finds an Ice Cream shop. She wasn't going to actually get a cone just yet, but she might as well see what there is first before deciding on what to do. As she eyed the many choices that the shop had, some being rather exotic, she didn't notice at first a little girl stopping right next to her on her left. It wasn't until Marlene heard her monotone voice of "...That's Depressing...", where she finally looked down to her right. The little girl looked pretty cute, with her big eyes and valiant snow-white hair style. She seemed to be disappointed in something. And Marlene thinks she knows exactly why

"Hey, little one." Marlene responds softly to the girl, "What seems to be the matter? Not enough jewels for a small ice cream?"

Samir Saron

Samir woke up just 10 minutes after Marlene left to train with Damian. Nothing much happened in her morning other than her daily routines as she makes her way to the arena to watch the final day of the GMG. She begins wondering on which guild will go home with the grand trophy. Oh how she wished she could participate. If it only wasn't due to the major job she had... Regardless it didn't matter. It's going to be pretty intense game today, that she knew for sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Crocus, in-town, outside ice cream shop
Interactions: @Lmpkio

Erika lazily rolled her blank look up to see the woman, blinking slowly at her question. She simply held up the many bags of knick knacks that weighed down her seemingly thin weak arms. "I spent it all. They have a lot of cute things here... Most likely noticing something in one of the bags that interested her, the little girl brought it closer and stirred the contents around lightly to pull out a small silver elephant figurine. "Huh... I don't remember buying this." The albino mumbled in her deadpan voice, more to herself rather than Marlene. Erika stared at the little figurine, seeming completely lost in thought about the shiny object and completely forgot she was even talking to someone until she noticed the feet on the pavement. The blank stare raised again, mouth opening in a lazy 'o' of confusion. "Oh. Hello." Apparently, Erika had become so involved in her knick knack that she had forgotten the person right in front of her completely. It wasn't anything personal, she just got distracted easily was all, especially by shiny objects or cute things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene was only concentrated on the girl's adorable face when she first looked down, failing to see the big ole' sacks that she carried. She was taken quite by surprise when she saw the heavy bags she was carrying, her eyes going rather blank with awe and confusion. She wasted all of her money buying whatever she saw fit?!

"Jeezus girl, how long have you been carrying them shits those things?!" she thought to herself with a sweat drop of awkwardness.

As soon as the girl stopped looking at a silver elephant figurine, the girl's eyes lazily gazed at her, cupped her lips into an 'o' and greeted Marlene again as if she didn't notice her in the first place.

"Ehhhhhh?! She's that forgettable?!" Marlene thinks to herself again as she internally screams with confusion.

Regardless, she was only just a little girl. Probably just a bit forgetful. She's still looks innocent and obviously doesn't mean any harm. With a slightly nervous chuckle, she simply pats on her head.

"N-Now now, little one," she says with a slightly awkward smile, "I can get you an ice cream if you want. Follow me inside and you can choose."

She then gingerly grabs the girl's hand as she guides her into the ice cream store.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Crocus, in-town, ice cream shop
Interactions: @Lmpkio

Erika let the woman pat her on the head, as usual showing no clue of whether she minded or not, and continued to stare at her with that blank look until she took her hand. The albino child followed, eyes barely lifting when she was led despite her surprise. "I don't mean to be rude, but why are you being so kind to a stranger?" Erika spoke once they were inside the sweet smelling shop. "Honestly, I was just curious what ice cream was... I've never had it before." For someone frozen for an unknown amount of years atop a mountain, luxuries like ice cream were a foreign idea. It explained her strange obsession for little knick knacks as well.

The girl released Marlene's hand, the shiny glass of the ice cream case catching her attention. She read the flavor tags with interest, her eyes falling on one in particular. "Cookie... Dough?" Her monotone voice still managed to express her confusion, just because the syllables sounded strange coming from her mouth, like they had never been there before. Erika glanced over her shoulder at Marlene. "Miss... What's a coo-kie douagh?" She sounded out with much uncertainty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii

@Caits @Roseletta

Joshua wasn't even in his room when Jamie came knocking on his door, as he had gone out for an early morning run and to pick up the items he had bought the other day. He returned just after she knocked on it and gave her a quick, passing greeting before going in a grabbing a quick shower. He then headed downstairs to the buffet and grabbed himself a decent meal, giving him enough energy for the day without making him feel sluggish. Once that was done, he followed the rest of the guild to the arena, leaning against a nearby wall as everyone talked. He had little interest in the conversations and simply wanted to see what the game would be today.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia, as per usual, was not a morning person and tried to sleep in more then Jamie would like. With a little effort from Jarvis, she would get out of bed and get ready for the day. At the arena, she stayed close to Jamie, still looking a bit shaken from the previous night but otherwise fine. She messed with her locket for comfort and generally kept her eyes on the ground.

Jackie and Aria


Jackie and Aria were eating together, the two reunited sisters still trying to get a feel for each other. When Master Jack was done, Jackie got up and walked over to him, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
"I want to compete again." She said.

"But you're not completely better." Aria said, having followed her sister.

"I'm fine enough."

"You're reactions are too slow. You could get killed."

"It's not a death match."

"It almost was."

Elyse Yashia

@Roseletta @Caits

Elyse slept through Jamie's walkthrough and would continue to sleep until Rose finally woke her up. She was definitely a little grumpy but by the time they reached the arena, she was her usual bubbly self. Knowing her mother would be busy, she moved away and quickly found Sam, eager to play with the older girl.
"Hi hi!" She said excitedly, a big smile on her face.

Rider's Blade


"Aright everyone. Final day of the Games. Our odds aren't looking the best but we'll still give it our all right?"

Getting confirmative replies from his very small guild, Fraquar smiled before looking at the lacrima and note he had found earlier. It seemed Jamie wanted to meet. Sighing to himself he waited until his guild was ready before leading them to the arena and letting them get situated. Once he was sure they would be fine, he headed over to Phoenix Wing's section and leaned against a wall in the hallway that lead to were the guild was, watching them with his arms crossed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Because!" Marlene replied to her first question, "Why not?"

But as they went inside, the girl then told Marlene that she never had ice cream before. Marlene paused as she turned fully around with an even more confused face.

"Whaaaaat?! she answered half-seriously and half-playing around, "You never had ice cream before? Where have you been all this time?! I mean, if you really haven't, then trust me, you're gonna love it! So many flavor choices to choose from!"

As the two looked at the many flavors right under their noses, Erika points to the "cookie-dough" flavor and asked what it is, and pronounced the flavor as if she never even heard the words "cookie" or "dough". This confused Marlene EVEN more. Where did she come from? Was she some foreign traveller from another land? An alien from outer space disguised as a human? She didn't exactly know, but she kept a straight face as she chuckles at the statement.

"Cookie-dough?" she repeats back the word as it was mean't to be said, "It's dough that is used to make cookies, specifically chocolate chip cookies. But they can also be used to make a really good ice cream!"

Marlene then points to the brown chunks.

"See those brown spots?" she asks, "Those are the chocolate chips. Hang on, I'll get you a sample."

Marlene then calls one of the employees from behind the counter to get her a small sample. They give one to her on a tiny spoon, in which the Crystal Maiden than gives to Erika.

"Here," she says giving the girl the spoon with a smile, "Try it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@hatakekuro@Lugubrious@CirusArvennicus

Jamie was just about to tell the teams to move out, when a large man, offical looking approached her. Frowning slightly, Jamie stepped aside, listening to him as he explained that Iron Enigma would no longer be participating. The magic games offical explained that they no longer needed a second Phoenix Wing team.

Jamie wanted to argue, but she knew that could take all day. She shook her head, giving a sigh, and sent the offical on their way. She turned to face the guild, held up a hand for one moment, and then moved over to Jarvis, giving both Amelia and Sam a hug. She studied Amelia for a moment, pondering her, before looking to Jarvis, and hasitly muttering what had happened.

They conversed for a moment, before Jamie turned back to the guild once more. "We have been asked to only put forth one team for the last day. So, we have just had to decide which contestants will be in the games. Penny. Damian. Trinity. Nolan. And Joshua" Jamie had considered Amelia for a moment, however she didn't want to push Amelia, especially after the previous day.

Penny gave a sigh, but it was no more than she had expected, after being brought in when Angelo was taken out, after his battle with Dragon's fang Jackie. She stared at the cloak she now held, A gold insignia over a flaming red background, Taken out a small, golden clasp, she held it in her hands. It was in the shape of a phoenix, clearly old, battered and made of gold. Father.... Standing, she flung the cloak over her shoulders, in one swift movement, and using the clasp, she clasped the cloak under her throat, She took out a Red ribbon, tying her hair back, making sure no stray strands fell across her face.

She stood tall, and proud, although grief still hung heavy about her. And yet none could deny the fire behind her eyes, seeming to take away the shadows of the last few difficult nights, and for a moment there seemed to be the faint outline of her phoenix form around her, dying away as she took a step forward.

The rest of the chosen contestants gave her relief, as well. At least Karn isn't in it. I'm worried about him, and I haven't done nearly enough to help that had fallen to Sasha and trinity, and Penny felt guilty at that. There had just been so much that had demanded her attention. Solias. Jasmine. the games themselves. More and more, Master Jamie seemed to be putting responsibilities into her hands, and more and more she suspected this was "Training" for guild master status, something Penny did not want.

Yet she would do all in her power to bring pride to the guild, for those she considered family. I started off with just Sasha, and then somehow Karn wormed his way into my heart. Damian... she sighed softly, looking over to him, as she made her way into the arena, cloak billowing behind her. And now there's Ariel. I've neglected her, since we returned. I just...I don't know what to make of her The rest of the guild were there, but those four stood strongest in her heart.

She could do this, for them.

Her gaze met Master Jamie's as she looked up, and it seemed for a moment that the guild Master was searching for somethingn in Penny's gaze. Whatever it was, she must have found it. She gave a nod, satisfied, and Penny looked away.

She stepped onto the Arena's ground, drawing in a deep breath, she was the first of the team to walk over to the area that held the Phoenix Wing Symbol, painted it seemed on the ground. To the right was the Dragon Fang Symbol, across was the Frenzy Plant symbol, and across from Dragon Fang, Riders blade, on either side were Tough love and Pirate lord. Penny merely stood on the symbol, and she looked up into the stands, over her guild.

She raised the back of her right hand, showing the crimson mark there, and fire rose into the air, twirling into the guild mark of Phoenix Wing, blazing there a moment, calling her team, before dying away.

Jamie turned back to Jarvis, noting Fraquar standing, waiting. She crouched, giving both her daughters another hug, and rising, she walked over to where Riders Blade's guild master was waiting, but didnt yet say anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Crocus, in-town, inside ice cream shop
Interactions: @Lmpkio

"Is that strange?" Erika questioned cluelessly. Was ice cream a very important thing? It didn't very well seem like it. The only reason Erika was interested in the first place was due to the strange flavors and the fact it was made from ice, or at least that's what she assumed from the name. The light white eyes raised to the small spoon, the albino immediately becoming interested in the cute small utensil rather than the ice cream, but when asked to try it Erika complied and place the spoon on her tongue. It fit it's name, it wasn't as cold as ice but still cool and very sweet and creamy. Erika liked it, but as usual it did not show on her blank face.

The woman asked her where she had been, so the child thought carefully what the guild who had found her had said, and repeated it. "I've been frozen in a block of ice on top of Mt. Hakobe. No one knows why or for how long... What's a braw-nie chunk?" Erika pointed casually to a chocolatey ice cream as she spoke around the small spoon still in her mouth, which she planned to keep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zephyr Hardt

The final day of the games was upon them, his left shoulder still had some pain in it along with the scars to prove it, but as long as he didn't go overboard he wouldn't damage it again. So he got up a tad later and had breakfast later and was finishing later. So their guild master was giving them a little pep rally before the day started. It caused him to scarf down the rest of his food and raise his fist in the air. "Hell yeah! We got this in the bag! Whatever comes our way will get steamrolled!" Zephyr said grinning like a child who got a new toy and was showing it off to all his friends. It seemed like he all but forgot that he was raising his injured arm in the air which was currently throbbing from the sudden movement of his arm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"S-Strange?" Marlene questions her initial question with a nervous chuckle, "W-Well no, not exactly. I juuuuust thought you must've had at least one flavor. Here try it."

The Crystal Maiden hands Erika the spoon as she then takes a bite of the little sample. Due to the blankness in her face both before and after she tried it, Marlene wasn't so sure if she liked it, but safely assumed she did. Regardless, she simply couldn't help but ask.

"Do you like it?" Marlene asks curiously.

A small pause went by before the girl told Marlene NOT that if she liked it... but rather how she had 'been frozen in a block of ice on top of Mt. Hakobe. [And] No one knows why or for how long...' and then proceeds to act innocently at the flavor she calls 'braw-nie chunk'.

The only person who WASN'T taking this all coolly is poor Marlene-san. Was she hearing things? I mean, the heavy exercise routine she had was pretty intense and could've made her a little insane by the end of it. But no... that couldn't have been the case. She KNEW what she heard. And sure she could just take it as a joke, but this girl seemed WAY too calm and casual about it! Was she really serious about it? Regardless, Marlene didn't want to be rude as she awkwardly chuckled that "joke" off.

"O-Oh, ha ha, good one, good one." Marlene replies and then proceeded to tell her about the other flavor, "And-uh... that's brownie chunk. Chocolate ice cream mixed with chunks of brownies. H-Here, I'll let you try it."

Again, she asks for another sample and gives the spoon to Erika, then asking her a question.

"Say uh..." she awkwardly begins to ask, "W-Where's your mommy and daddy by any chance? H-Have you lost sight of them by any chance? I can take you to a lost and found desk and we can wait for them there if you... want?"

She's feeling already like a complete jerk, but considering that the girl's age must be within the lines of 10 - 12, she is still a child. And Marlene can't babysit at this time... hell she has never actually babysitted in her entire life (except the occasional pet, but even then that's something a little different).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Crocus, in-town, inside ice cream shop
Interactions: @Lmpkio

The blank eyes lifted at her forced laughter, her own lack of emotions making it difficult to tell if it was real or not. Erika has forced laughter before, of course she only got two robotic "ha"s before her face became stuck. It took two hours for it to return to normal. Needless to say, Erika has not attempted to laugh since then. "... Good one? Did I say something funny? It didn't occur to the child that perhaps her story was hard to believe. It happened, so people should believe it happened, right?

Erika nipped the second ice cream flavor. This 'chocolate' stuff was actually quite yummy. The girl chewed on the piece of brownie she got thoughtfully, barely glancing up at the second question. "I'm not lost. My guild's hotel isn't too far away..." She carefully swallowed the taste of the brownie, turning her eyes back up to the woman. "It's strange. When they first found me on Mt.Hakobe they asked about these mommy and daddy people as well. I don't know them. Are they famous?" Erika questioned with the same innocent cluelessness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh did she say something funny..." Marlene thought to herself annoyingly, "I swear this girl is something else..."

But as she tried to ask where the girl's parents are in rather "understandable" terms, she then finds out that she's in a guild of all things! This girl was in a guild?! At such a young age?! Well, then again, she has heard years ago that a similar dark-blue haired girl by the name of Wendy Marvell also joined the Fairy Tail guild at a young age, probably similar to her. How does she remember this stuff? Simply in history class when she was in school and books as well. Yet as she stammers to ask her another question, the girl continues to talk about how she was found on Mt. Hakobe and HOW SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE TERMS MOMMY AND DADDY?! SHE DOESN'T KNOW HER PARENTS YET KNOWS WHAT A GUILD IS?!

Jeezus, Marlene was now beginning to question if the girl was really playing dumb or she was just innocently serious. She considered her more on the latter side, but still it was pretty interesting to hear such things coming from her. She sighs as she facepalms herself, but is finally able to get some words in.

"No..." she starts, "They are your paaaaaarents. Your mooooom and your daaaaad. Mooooooother and faaaaaather. Do you know where~ ugh forget what I said... What guild do you happen to be in?"
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