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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Connor frowned as he glanced over the store, trying to find the isle's he wanted. The hardest part about never staying in a place Long was never knowing where anything was in a store. Finally, he heaved a sigh, and started to simply look about, very nearly walking into an older woman, he muttered an apology, glancing away, he caught sight of what must be the woman's daughter, and for a moment he seemed to stand still, before he moved out their way. He went to the fruit as if that had been his destination all along, rather then going for the nearest candy isle.

He supposed he should get some fruit. Healthy diet and all that. He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decide when the last time was that he had had fruit. Was it last Thursday? He had been running low on supplies for a little while. So, with a sigh, he grabbed some grapes, a couple of bananas and some apples, putting them in his basket. He was sure he might be getting a few strange kind-a stranger for starters, school aged (never mind the fact Connor had graduated a year early), willingly buying fresh fruit? He shook his head, grabbing some fresh bread as well, grabbing some fresh vegetables as well. Maybe he'd make a stew. With that in mind, Connor grabbed some meat, occasionally glancing around him, a part of him unconsciously wanting to catch another glance of the girl.

There was just something about her...Connor didn't know what, but he found his thoughts drifting to her, as he continued to shop. A faint hint of eucalyptus seemed to float around his senses. He gave a sigh, running a hand through his hair at his own foolishness. He'd only glanced at the girl, just a quick glance as he moved away from her and her mother. He shouldn't be so taken with her...

He didn't even know if he would be staying in the town. He had been moving from town to town since his fathers death, never staying in one place long. There had seemed no point. Why would red lake be any different? He gave another sigh, giving another glance around as he went to pay, the small stock of supplies he now had well provisioning him for the next few days.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yoska Petulengro

The midday sun was warm as it spread across the ground. A nice breeze rustled the tall, dry grass. White flowers that sat on tall stalks swayed gently back and forth. A few clouds slowly blotted out the sun, casting a shadow on the peaceful little meadow that hid in the forest. It was known by few other than the wolves, whose territory it sat dangerously close to. The late summer had brought blooms of golden rod and Queen Anne's lace, making a bright mixture of yellow and white. A few other wild flowers mixed in, adding some red and purples. But towards the middle of the field, a small patch of brown stuck out.

The small brown wolf was a rather pitiful sight. He was a bit too skinny, and his milk chocolate brown fur was messy and a little matted. He was busy digging at the ground, his paws caked with dirt from the errand. He would dig, then chew, then dig some more until he pulled up his prize: scraggly wild carrot roots. It was hardly a meal fit for a carnivore, but for a desperately hungry soul, it would do. They were fairly easy to find, even if they tasted like dirt and held little nutrition pound for pound.

The field was dotted with the freshly dug holes that the wolf had been working on. His snout was coated with dirt, which he would sneeze off every once and a while. It seemed like he had been working on this meal for the better part of the morning. Being the poor hunter that he was, it took a lot of wild tubers to keep him relatively fed.

The wolf was something of a waif. A loner that wandered just outside of the local pack's territory. He was skittish and generally malnourished; not exactly someone a pack would look for to strengthen their numbers. That was why he stayed just out of arm's reach, too shy to actually approach the wolves to seek their approval, which he was sure they would deny him if they didn't just outright pity him.

He got by mostly by luck and the occasional handout. The young wolf would occasionally wander into town in his human form, just as pitiful was his wolf one, and rifle through donation boxes and restaurant dumpsters. The clothes he wore were usually too big for him, and he was often coated in a thin layer of dirt. He usually only made an appearance in town in the early mornings or later hours, when most of the people were at home and not out and about. This wasn't by accident. The waif had learned by trial and error that other people posed a threat to him, and it was better to not take a chance on who was good and who was bad. Some people would offer him money to buy himself a meal or other necessities, and others threatened to call the police on him if he didn't keep moving. This was why he preferred to live in the woods, in his wolf form. He gained less attention that way. When the occasional pack wolf would try to approach him, he would shy away and run. His wolf instincts told him that he needed a pack to thrive, but his human experience told him to be afraid.

So the timid little wolf would skirt around the territory that belonged to the pack, living off of field mice, nuts, and wild roots.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia

Riley rubbed the back of her neck slightly and blushed slightly at Valencia and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry my bad, but i'm sure that everyone here will keep it a secret." Riley said with a soft smile as she went back to her seat and sat down as she continued to eat her dinner, she would look over at Gabanre and shook her head slightly. "Nah I got it, I just need to drive over and get it from the family friend and then park it here for the evening." Riley's father shook his head as he went back to work, he usually didn't mind working by himself he enjoyed making the food on his own, Riley's mother excused herself as she started to head out of the house she needed to do a little bit of shopping for the evening and for dinner.

"It's going to be tomorrow, i'll send a text out to everyone who is coming for confirmation. I think some of them are bringing some food and drinks as well." Riley said with a smile as she quickly finished eating the rest of her breakfast she looked over at Valencia and Patricia as well. "I was going to head over to the café if any of you three would like to go, I think some of the others are probably there already."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast
Interacting with: Riley @Nallore & Gabanre @twannyman & Patricia@Zhaliora

“Hah, how people of Red Lake interact? Hardly, this is just my personal taste.” Valencia replied to Gabanre. She was having a rather relaxed smile on her face, enjoying the day and the current events around her.” Let’s just say overly polite people tend to get on my watchlist. People who act too polite usually have things they want to hide from you.”

“Sure, I will come to the café too!” Val stated with great enthusiasm and pulled her mobile, quickly taping some things in, before putting it away again.” Just let me go get my jacket, will be right back!” She added and in a mere moment was already out of the room and dashing up the stairs. She unlocked, entered, took the jacket, exited, locked and was down the stairs with frankly shocking speed, almost as if she was practicing it.

“Alright, I’m ready!” Valencia finally said as she put on her leather jacket. It looked rather sturdy actually. The leather was pretty thick and the sleeves seemed to have some additional layer on the forearms.

By few moments later, she was already tapping her leg in some kind of rythm, while she took another apple to quickly peel before htey leave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Kim was sitting there, amused to say the least. The teens talking, blushing and being adorable. In general she did not care at all, but this was too good to pass up. Even stranger was that she wanted to pipe in. Saying something in the lines of just kiss already. Or cheering or something. But instead she remained silent. This was way too awkward for her to get engaged into.

From her quick estimate, at least one of them were gay, probably both of them to be honest. And had a crush on each other. Things were getting complicated here in this little town. She glanced towards the other two who were chatting each other up. Then her gaze went towards the 'culprit' of this madness. She had seen that girl before, a while ago.

"I just want want something easy. A baguette or something similar? Along with a strong blended coffee." Kim leaned in a bit closer to him as the other boy was closing the distance. "And perhaps a kiss?" She smiled and looked at the hugger and tilted her head towards that one as in that the hugged one should kiss the hugger.

Kim leaned back once again and whipped out her tablet and started to play around with different designs for a servant robot which would help her out around the house. She tilted her head and put on a pair of glasses before laying down, her hands waving about in the air as she designed it through a holographic display.

Patricia Isaac

Pat smiled as Riley hugged her. She had not expected her to do so; she was just her teacher to the rest of them. Sure, they had met up a lot for a while under the guise of extra classes. While she was teaching Riley, they had spent most of the time cuddling, and just having a good time in general. "Hello Riley," she said with a soft smile despite her headache.

The comment though took her by surprise and she looked at Riley with a slightly confused, but happy expression. At the question she just nodded. She had prepared for a few days now. Getting her tent in order for her and Riley. Making sure her bike was safe enough to ride on. She had even scouted out the location and the way there to make sure there was nothing strange along the way. You could almost call it a slight obsession. She wanted everything to be just right.

As her breakfast came around she started eating with a blissful expression. It tasted absolutely wonderful to her right now. Normally it was good, but now it was awesome. She was so sunk into her meal that she barely heard what the teens were talking about. "I hope that food and drink dosn't include alcohol. You're all underaged, let me remind you." Pat said and turned around on her seat. "I may be your friend Riley, but I'm your teacher foremost.

She downed the coffee rather quickly before getting up. "I'll go and borrow a brush really quickly. Ok?" Pat said and walked up the stairs to the bathroom and bend down over the bathtub and let water wash across her hair before shampooing and then brushing a little bit before dying it, then brushing it again.

Pat looked at the mirror and smiled a tired smile. It would have to do for now. It wasn't horrible, but not good either. She rubbed her tired eyes and washed her face before making her way downstairs once again. "All right...let's head for the café?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 5 days ago


interacting with: @rivaan@Nallore@Zhaliora and everyone at the Cafe

Gabanre got himself told that the others are most likely at the cafe and thus he took out his car key. Since he was already pretty rich from the heritage from his dad his car was nothing other then an Audi R8. He took out his big car for a ride and said: "Cya at the cafe peeps." As he drove off.

After a short drive he got at the cafe. He did see some youngsters and he parked his car. He did a backflip to get out of the car and went on. He walked up towards the waitress and ordered some Coca Cola as he gave her a 50 Dollar bill. He said "You can keep the rest."
It was at that moment he noticed the younglings at the other side discussing some things and he decided to walk up to the. He said, with a bow "Hiya there, my name is Gabanre van Houten, nice to meet you all. Feel free to ask me things, I'm a friend of Riley." He was secretly hoping on some remarks on his backflip and on his car.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The twins

interacting with: Echo, Kim, Cody, Cassandra, Syl (spelling...not my forte)

Aron nodded and wrote down Kim's order. He raised a brow when she asked for a kiss as well. He was confused until he turned at the sound of Cody's voice to be embraced by Cody. He felt himself freeze a bit, his heart racing to the point he feared it would fall out. A flush went on his face, but he managed to breath enough to hug his crush back. A hug that held him close until Cody stepped out of the hug. A flicker of disappointment went through his eyes.

For a few moments Aron felt his courage go up. He tucked the notepad and pen into his pocket and went to Cody. He managed to stop him before he sat down and turned Cody to face him. He paused a moment before kissing Cody. The kiss was light and unsure but still a fairly deep kiss. After a few moments he pulled away and swallowed. "S-S-S-sorry" he managed to squeak out. He didn't know if what he just managed to do was even okay. He heard echo though.

Aron turned and nodded to echo before going to his brother and pulling him away from Cassandra and Syl. Gage huffed and went with Aron. who proceeded to pace. "I was pulled in here why?" Aron spun. "I kissed Cody did you not see that" Gage chuckled and started to work on cooking Kim's order. "I did....and then you ran" Aron stopped. "Shit is that bad? I just lost my courage after that what do-" Aron got cut off as he got shoved out of the kitchen in front of Cassandra and Syl. He was blushing hard still and managed to squeak. "H-h-hey"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cody didn't expect to be stopped. And he certainly didn't expect Aron to kiss him. It took him by utter surprise, and by the time his somewhat fried brain came back to functioning, the kiss was almost over. He responded, perhaps more enthausatically then was needed, but it was aron. He stood there, as if any moment he would run, or perhaps just pass out. Oh, Oh my. Suddenly that was all Cody needed, to truly know.

Aron was Gay. And he liked him.

He watched Aron grab his brother, move into the kitchen, and then be shoved back out by Gage. A dopey sort of smile had spread across his features, even though he was sure his face was as red as could be. He leaned against his table, finding his legs to be weak, and unsure if he could make the two steps to the seat. He didn't think he could go over to Aron, right then.

He was sure if he did, one of them might spontaeously combust. And he didn't want to scare Aron away, not now. And there was so many people here. Still, he watched Aron, his food forgotten, but he did drink the milkshake, the cool drink refreashing after feeling so damn hot. He supposed he'd just have to wait until Aron's shift was over...


Finding Gage to be so shy, was cute. He seemed to just become...softer. And that was something she rarely saw-generally whenever he was around Syleste. Cassie smiled, and said quite innocently, "I'm just taking Syl shopping with me, for snacks and stuff. Managed to convince her mother to let her come tomorrow" She smiled brightly, her eyes drifting over to Aron, and Cody. I don't think i could have orchastrated that better She cheered inwardly when Aron kissed Cody, but watched as he ran off, dragging Gage with him. "Wait, no, damn it!" She said, but she figured only Syleste heard her. She gave a sigh, smiling as Aron was pushed back towards them.

Without hesitation, she rose and hugged Aron, "He's watching you, Aron" She said softly, with a grin. "You should go back over to him, I can get Gage back out here....I don't mind cooking." She lowered her voice so that only Aron-and okay, maybe Syl-could hear "Cody's liked you forever"

Leaving Aron with that bit of information, Cassie trotted back behind the counter, into the kitchen. It wasn't the first time she had done that, nor, she knew, would it be the last. "Why are you hiding back here? You could have at least come back out and said goodbye to Syl-just up and leaving when she can't see you being dragged off! Don't make me drag her back here, I can't watch out for all the knives in this place, and if I let her get hurt, goodness knows how I'l convince her mother to allow her to come! I'll cook" She said, settling that argument before it could begin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 8 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Café.
Interacting With: Cassandra Spencer (@Caits), Gage Brooks and Aron Brooks (@BlackPanther).

“Gage? Do you mind coming out here when you can?”

W-What..? The very moment the words left Cassie’s lips her heart fluttered nervously within the confines of her chest, causing the young girls eyes to widen and cheeks to turn a light shade of pink as she let her attention quickly turn over to where her friend’s voice was coming from- she knew she liked him… Cassie knew that she had a crush on Gage; and she was actively going out of her way to force them to interact with each other…

She was going to have to remember to have a serious talk with her if she ever managed to survive this without melting into the ground out of embarrassment…

“C-Cassie..!” Leaning over slightly in the stool she was sitting on, Syl let her hand reach out to where she believed her friend to be sitting, her free hand lifting up to lay lightly over the counter in front of her so that she could help keep herself balanced as she hit the back of her hand against Cass’ leg, “I-I-... wh-what are you d-doing..? He’s b-busy at the mome-...”

“Hey Cas what’s-... up?”

It was too late... there he was...

The very moment his voice hit her ears, she couldn’t help herself- the way her heart fluttered madly in her chest... the way her cheeks flushed brightly, almost matching, if not out doing the color of her long and wavy bubblegum pink locks... the way that her hands quickly found their way once more to rest in her lap so that she could nervously play with the hem of her top... How could Cassie do this to her..! Gage was just... wonderful... There was no other word for him; or if there was, she wouldn’t be able to settle on just one. Ever since she had first been introduced to him; he was just set so far apart from any other person she had ever met before... he was kind, and caring, and gentle, and sweet... he was in all ways the guy of her dreams.

”Hey Syleste.”

He spoke to her- he was actually speaking to her..! Gods she loved the sound of his voice... it was so soft, and so gentle... just like a melody from one of the many songs she would sit and play on the piano for hours and hours on end... one she could never get enough of...

”..h-hello Gage...” She was nervous, that much was more than clear as she lifted her hands up from her lap, her head dropping slightly and her ever unseeing gaze focusing on the top of the counter between them as she took a gentle hold of her hair, her fingers anxiously playing with the ends of the long locks, ”..are-... are you excited for the trip tomorrow..? Cassie said it should be really fun...”

"I'm just taking Syl shopping with me, for snacks and stuff. Managed to convince her mother to let her come tomorrow."

Unable to do much more than nod her head in agreement with what Cassie was saying, Syleste shifted slightly in her seat, biting down softly on the inside of her lip- why did she have to always get so nervous whenever Gage was around..? Sure she liked him, but why did it have to make talking to him as hard as it did..? It sucked... it so absolutely bit that she could barely make it through a casual conversation with him without turning into a pink puddle of blush and stutters; and she was now more than sure that Cass took some sort of pleasure in seeing her turn into a complete mess in front of him, ”..I, uhm... I hope that’s okay...”

”Wait, no, damn it!”

Shutting her mouth rather quickly as Cassie’s annoyed voice filled the air, Syleste once more let her gaze drop down to her lap, the young girl shifting awkwardly over the stool as she bit down softly upon her lower lip, nibbling on it fir what seemed like a lifetime as her hands returned back to the hem of her top, her fingers pulling and prodding lightly at the material, ”..I-I’m sorry...”

Had she said something wrong..? Hunching her shoulders over just that little bit more as she heard the scraping of a stool beside her, she stooped her head lower, her bright though still cloudy baby blue eyes closing as the sound of hurried footsteps began to get further and further away until eventually, she was left alone, the soft breathing of someone on the other side of the counter however gaining her attention.


He left... Gage had gone- no, both of them had left. Gage and Cassie. Maybe it was something she said; maybe-... maybe it wasn’t a good idea for her to go on this camping trip after all... Letting her shoulders slump slightly at the thought, she lifted her hand up, her touch soft... gentle as she lightly brushed some stray strands of hair back and off her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear as she nodded softly in acknowledgment of her other friend.

”..oh, uhm... hey Aron...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The Twins

Interacting with: Gabnere Syl Cassandra Cody

Gage grumbled at Cassandra. "I'm not hiding....I'm just....avoiding for a little bit" as he spoke he cooked. Until he stopped and sighed. "Out shift ends sooner the usual because we figured out how to schedule it." as in she wouldn't have to cook for very long and the we meant him and his brother. He took of his rubber gloves and tossed a pair at Cassandra. "All you have to do is cut the French bread into smaller pieces and put it on the plate." the plate in question had a variety of cheese along with fruit and a small bowl of oil with vinegar for dipping. He then motioned to the coffee. "And that too." he then nodded to her as he walked past. That would be his way of saying thank you.

Gage exited the kitchen and lightly pushed Aron toward Cody. Aron let out an oof sound as he was pushed. He then sat next to Syl and tilted his head. "Hey sorry about leaving....Aron is having a few hard moments and dragged me away." he caught himself wanting to touch her in some way but refrained. "I am very excited and I'm....I'm really happy you're coming" his voice was still soft as he spoke the end of the sentence laced with nervousness.

Aron was pushed toward Cody...he blinked at Cody and flushed hard, but turned to focus on the guy that had backflipped out of the car earlier. Aron hoped Cody would know that he was just trying to cool off a bit currently. Part of him being very afraid of going back to Cody and losing functionality. He also knew that Gage would purposely ignore the new guy...especially with a certain girl with pink hair around. He held his hand out to Gabnere and smiled. "Hey I'm Aron. Cool to meet you." sure now his brain is perfectly fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



When Aron looked over at Cody, he smiled. He was more than patient, knowing he had probably interrupted Aron's shift enough. He was happy to wait. Especially now. It gave him time to compose himself, and he was sure Aron was grateful for that as well. He finally slid back into his seat, and picked up his now cool burger, biting into it. Cody could spend the rest of the day in the cafe. He was packed and ready, and his parents didn't expect him back until late anyway. So he was more than happy to wait.

It gave him time to think, and process everything that had happened.

I bet when Mrs. Steffon said I was a real go getter, she didn't think it would happen quite so quickly he thought to himself with amusement,although he nervously played with his earring. Just because he now knew, didn't mean he still didn't feel nervous. There was so much he wanted to say to Aron. And, well...do.

He finished the burger off, and nibbled at the frys thoughtfully, his gaze going to Aron every so often.


Cassandra smiled and put the gloves on. "Sure, Gage. Not my first time in a kitchen, go." Cassie settled herself into the kitchen, beginning to cut up the bread. Hopefully that's them sorted she thought to herself happily. What orders came in, Cassie made up. It appeared that today was her day to spend in one kitchen or another, she thought musingly. Cooking is fun, at least. And so is cooking up plans to get my friends together she chuckled to herself. Cassie enjoyed makign her friends happy, and sneakily-although she was sure Syleste knew, now, that she had done it deliberately, putting them together.

got to get my joy from somewhere, may as well be my friends. At least I can see them in love, no one seems interested in me, but then, how would she knew? She was oblivious to how others felt about her, but had an uncanning ability to know when her friends liked each other. although, I must say, Aron surprised even me.

The trip was certainly going to be interesting tomorrow.

Quinton and Abigale

Abigale's face and hands were a mess. Quinton crouched, taking out a wet wipe from the satchel he carried, and wiping her hands and face, smiling at her. She was so beautiful to Quinton, already so much like her mother. He still loved his mate, very much. Yet Quinton wasn't niave enough to believe that what he felt was imprinting, that instant knowing of everything. Quinton didn't even believe in imprinting. No, Sara had simply been his mate, his partner, his...well, in a way, everything. He knew he would have done anything for her, and each day, when he looked at his daughter he knew he lived for her. So he could raise Abigale, in the way Sara had wanted her to be raised. Now that they had a true home...

"Daddy" Abigale said, leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek, "You think too much" She smiled, that smile that was his everything. He rose, taking her hand in his, he glanced up and down the street, before crossing the road to the cafe. He picked Abigale up, settling her on his hip, and claiming a table.

There seemed to be a lot going on, between what he knew would be his students. teenagers, their hormones rule them he thought to himself, and yet he smiled, remember what it was to be 17, and in love. "Daddy? That boy just kissed that other boy" Abigale said with all the innocence of a five year old. Quinton smiled, and replied "And does that bother you?"

"Its cute. Anyone can love anyone else, right?" Abigale seemed to seek his approval, and Quinton nodded, "That's right, sweetie."

Abigale watched the rest of the cafe, seeming to study them all. She smiled suddenly, "There's Cassie, she's one of Riley's friends. What's she doing? OH! Is she trying to get people together?" Quinton looked over to where his daughter was looking, watching as a girl went into the kitchens, and then a boy came out, pushing his-it had to be-brother out the way. Quinton gave a chuckle, "it certainly seems that way, Abby"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Kim smiled a soft smile as the pair kissed. This was so far removed from what she normally did. It was slightly uncanny even. No matter though as she watched the kisser run off and grab his twin before entering the kitchen. "So that's how far his courage went; huh?" While it might not look like she was paying any attention to what was happening, with her hands swaying about in the air, this situation had peaked her interest. There was just something within her that....felt odd.

Her smile went away though when she watched the girls talking. There was obviously a blind girl. Didn't she know that one? She thought she had seen a picture of her somewhere. It took a few moments of intent stares until she remembered the pink hair. "Syl?" It really reminded of her at least. The one that her grandfather had taught how to play the piano despite being blind. He had spoken so warmly about her. Had made Kim a bit jealous if she was going to be honest.

She pressed down next to her ear and a new wave of sounds entered her head. She always wore her hearing aid, but never really used it. For one she didn't really need it, her other ear worked perfectly after all. Kim listened in on the conversation between the girls. "So it really was her after all?"

Kim sighed and got up from her seat and walked up towards the blind girl. She seemed to conflicted, scared even from Kim's point of view. She had been able to see the flush on the girl's cheeks whenever one of the twins had been there. She cursed quietly to herself now that she had recognized the girl. Another deep breath before she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Erik was always proud of you; of your fortitude and how well you played." she said before walking into the kitchen after that one girl.

She remained quiet until she was next to the girl and grabbed onto a knife and started cutting into some vegetables for her baguette. "You know....for someone who wants to put people together so much, you seem to ignore the individual." Kim spoke quietly and calmly while cutting the pieces almost perfectly even, trimming some if they were too big. "When you left Syl alone to go back here, she seemed afraid. Everyone was leaving left and right when she tried to speak up. Along with forcing people who are shy to interact might damage them, especially if you leave them alone afterwards."

Kim took the coffee from the pot and poured herself a cup, adding two pieces of sugar and a squat of milk before she started sipping on it. She took a piece of the bread and dipped it in the oil and then ate it. "People are just like a baguette," she said and grabbed a piece. "Strong and firm, and you can pull a bit without it breaking, but add a slight twist, and it breaks in two." Kim twisted the bread and sure enough it broke into two pieces. "Make sure you don't twist too much..."

She grabbed her food and left the kitchen, returning to her seat. She sighed deeply. This was so far away from her normal that it made her feel uneasy. Was it because it was Syl? She was not sure. There was a feeling of a want to protect though that entered her heart. Kim looked at the pieces of bread before holding one up and looked at it. "Stupid analogy.." she said to herself before eating it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cassie looked up as someone came into the kitchen, stepped back from the counter, wielding the knife she was usin to cut the bread. The woman had the audacity to walk into a shops kitchen, where she didn't work, and starting cutting up things that might not need to be cut.

And then she spoke about things she had no right to speak off. The first words out of her mouth, as she sought to protect her friend and defend herself were "seriously? Ma'am, you're like ten years older then her" the actions of this woman almost seemed one of jealously, and It immediately put her back up.

"Syleste is stronger then you can ever realise. If I left it up to Gage, he'd never make a move. Believe it or not, I actually know what I'm doing. She's my friend, I know she likes him, he's practically a brother to me, and he's head over heels for her to. You don't know either of them. I do. So take your metaphors, and get out of my kitchen" she was still wielding the knife, and she brought it down, slicing some more bread. "And I knew she would be alright. Cody was there. And Aron was there seconds after I left. Leave her alone." she couldn't believe this woman had the audacity to even insinuate she was doing bad by her friend.

"people aren't bread. Sometimes we need a little push here and there" she said as the woman left the kitchen, glaring after her, angrily chopping up bread.

The woman was very lucky that Cassie didn't want to bring trouble to the cafe or she might have stabbed the woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yoska Petulengro

He was dirty as he walked into town. The skinny young man had done his best to wash his hands off in a creek on the way there, but his clothes and skin were still layered with a fine coat of dust. His hair was wild and unkempt, and his eyes remained on the ground. The young man found that, as long as he didn't look at or interact with people, he may as well be invisible.

His endless hunger had been staved off for the time being. The digging the field had paid off with several roots that were actually edible. It was enough to give his stomach something to chew on other than it's own walls. He was still on the hunt for a decent meal, though. Perhaps something to drag off into the woods for later. His closest and favorite target was a quaint little bed and breakfast. It was near the forest; close enough that he was comfortable going there during the day, and they always had food scraps in the dumpsters out back. Sometimes they were even still warm.

He looked around quietly before slinking behind the building, making sure that he was alone. The young man took note of how many cars were at the cafe, and started getting a little antsy. He didn't really expect there to be a crowd this time of day. But he was already here, so he pushed forward. He reached the back of the building and sniffed the air a little, his using his heightened senses to smell for any good left overs. There was a sweet smell of blueberries coming from a recently tossed bag: a bagel with only a couple bites taken out of it. Score.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 5 days ago


Interacting with: @Caits@BlackPanther@Vicier

When Gabanre tried mixing in with the group some of them left. Got back, He noticed some kind of tension between some of them, thus he tried to do something about it. So he said: "Aron it was right? You are pretty muscular, are you strong too, if so would you like to do some sparring with me, since I came back from the Netherlands I havn't done any fighting at all. Ow yeah sorry I'm E3 at Krav Maga, thats why fighting." And he hoped that Aron would go in on that. Almost right after that he asked: "FSo, does anyone need help with something?"

His thoughts about the group so far we're, that most of them looked like cool people, and there was this cute girl aswell. He hoped to make a good first impression on the group, not like in the Netherlands that people thought he was unreachable.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia, @Vicier Syleste, @BlackPanther The Twins, @Caits Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , @ChaoticFox Echo & @Metronome Yoska

"Don't worry there wont be any drinking, other then a crap ton of soda and caffeine and the like." Riley reassured Patricia giving her a soft smile, they certainly have been closer then they should truly have been they were secretly dating after all and she knew that it was really illegal for them to even be together. But she was getting really close to graduating high school and then they could truly be together without any problems. Riley watched as Gabanre getting up and leaving the building without them and rolled her eyes slightly and gave Patricia and Valencia a friendly smile and nod. "I'll meet you guys at the door then." Riley said as she watched the other two women getting up and leaving. Riley made her way towards a closet where she had stored her shoes in pulling out a pair of flip flops that were there and slipped them on.

Riley opened the door seeing Valencia and gave the woman a smile and then Patricia as they were ready to get to the café, she was happy to see the two of them ready to go. "Alright lets go." Riley said as she looked towards her parents and gave them a friendly smile and a wave goodbye to them she would see them all later. It really wasn't that far of a walk as Riley made her way towards the café she was walking when she looked over her shoulder at the back of the alleyway seeing a scrawny looking man there. He looked really homeless she dug into her wallet and approach the man Riley pulled out a twenty dollar bill she knew it would at least give him a few meals at least for the day. "Here you go." Riley gave him a soft smile, she was always a person who was more then willing to help out anyone who was in need.

Riley then turned and made her way towards the front of the café and opened the door seeing quiet a few of her friends and then waved towards everyone. "Hey everyone!" Riley said happily as she made her way towards the counter seeing Echo and gave the girl a smile, remembering that she worked at the radio station and they talked a few times around town. "How are you Echo?" Riley asked with a soft smile and looked towards her group of friends. "Hope everyone is ready for the trip tomorrow." Riley said happily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 8 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Café.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), and Kim Hansson (@Zhaliora).

She couldn’t help the way her shoulder hunched further over than what they already were as silence once more fell between them- it wasn’t as though she didn’t like Aron… he was a great friend to her; just like Cody, he always there for her at school whenever she was feeling down or upset. Someone who was more than willing to stop and listen to her when she really needed to talk; a friend that she really did want to spend more time getting to know, but right now it just wasn’t the same…

He was gentle and kind to her; an amazing friend… but right now, Gage was the only one that she wanted to talk to…

“Hey sorry about leaving… Aron is having a few hard moments and dragged me away. I am very excited and I’m… I’m really happy you’re coming.”

That voice… that sweet melodic voice she loved so much; he came back..? Lifting her head up slowly as the sound of his voice floated down to her, Syleste allowed her attention to linger over in the direction she could hear it coming from, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she listened to what he had to say- he was happy that she was coming along on the trip..?

Unable to help the way that her cheeks once more flushed a bright shade of pink, she let her head drop down, the corners of her eyes crinkling ever so slightly as her soft giggle filled the air, lingering for a few moments longer before she once more sat herself up straighter on the stool, her body shifting slightly before she turned her head to look back over at him, the smile she wore earlier once more lighting up her features as she brought her hands back up, her fingers once again playing with the ends of her hair.

“I-I’m really excited as well… I’ve never been camping before; I don’t know what to expect, I just hope it’s as fun as Cassie said it’s going to be…” Pausing for a moment, Syleste lightly bit down upon her lower lip, drawing it into her mouth and nibbling on it for what felt like a lifetime before she let it go, her voice soft… hesitant and shaking lightly with nerves as she spoke once again, “..I-I-... I’m r-really looking forward to-… to spending time with you, Gage…”

The very moment she felt a gentle pressure weighing down upon her shoulder, Syleste tensed up, her body practically jumping out of her seat and her smile faltering slightly as the sound of a voice she didn’t recognize hit her ears, causing her foot slip from the bar of the stool and her body to fall forward and against the warmth she knew to be Gage sitting beside her- it was more than unnerving… someone she didn’t know not only touching her so suddenly, but talking to her as though they had known each other for years… the very thought of it had her curling her body closer up against Gage’s.

“Erik was always proud of you; of your fortitude and how well you played.”

Erik..? Erik Hansson..? Furrowing her brows ever so slightly in confusion as to why this woman was speaking to her about a man she held dear to her, Syleste turned her head ever so slightly against Gage’s chest, her unseeing gaze staring off in the direction that the woman’s voice had come from as her shoulders once more hunched over, her lithe figure curling into his strong and imposing one as she did what she could to hide herself from sight, “I-I-...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Caits@twannyman@Vicier [and all the other peeps]

The Twins

Location: cafe

Reminder: yellow=the mom orange=both twins speaking etc.

Aron chuckled and shrugged. "Sure man. I'll get back to you on that" he then made his rounds knowing if someone needed something he was the sort to get called over. He kept making glances at Cody and found himself blushing every time he looked over.

Gage smiled even though he knew she couldn't see it. A smile from Gage was a rare sight. He found himself elated beyond all reasoning at what she said. "I'm sure you'll like it. It's always so amazing to be in nature" he then tensed when The woman came up and clasped Syl's shoulder. He almost stood but the girl that melted him ended up in his arms. He blinked not really knowing what to do with this scenario. She even had her head buried in his chest and her fingers curled around his. He felt himself relax into the embrace. He let this moment happen a bit longer before gently maneuvering her back to her seat. "She left. That was really random....are you okay?"

Before he could really get into the whole situation Aron froze. Gage looked over and froze as well. Gage managed to clear his throat and talk to just Syl. "I'm going to have to go for a bit.....ill see you after my shift"

Gage slowly stood and went to his brother both watched as Sheryl walked into the cafe. Her dress seemed like it was from the 1950s with shoes that matched. She smiled. "Oh boys" her cringe worthy voice somehow didn't make the twins cringe. Though they were standing as if they were at attention in a boot camp. Hands behind back...back straight...staring straight ahead. The eyes were what was betraying emotion...well that and Gage's clenched jaw. "Yes m'am" Sheryl smiled again. "I'd love a seat darlings." the twins moved..their movements methodical. Aron pulled out a chair while Gage set down a menu.

Sheryl sat down and read through the menu while the twins stood at attention once more. "I'll go for a salad and a water boys" movement once more. Aron grabbing a glass of water setting it down and going back to attention while Gage went into the kitchen. He looked angry. Gage barely looked at Cassandra while he prepared the salad. The usual joy found in his eyes while cooking was replaced by untapped hatred. He finished the salad put it in a bowl and left the kitchen without a word to Cassandra. He put it in front of shell and stood at attention once more.

Sheryl ate the salad and sipped her water while Aron moved his eyes to where Cody was. Shame swept through those eyes before they stared straight ahead once more. His crush was seeing him like this...everyone was. The only one that hates this more was Gage.

Once Sheryl finished she lightly tapped her napkin to her red painted lips and set out the exact amount of the cost of the food. No tip. She stood and lightly patted Gage's shoulder. "Gage honey...I think you should really practice more at home okay?" Gage's jaw looked like it might break. "Yes m'am" Sheryl smiled. "See you at home boys ta" "Yes m'am" Sheryl then turned and left.

Once she was gone Gage stormed his way to the kitchen and grabbed a meat tenderizer and promptly began beating the heck out of some meat. Aron made his way to the money and shook his head. He put it in the register before erasing the special on the white board and replacing it with chicken fried steak. He did not look at Cody. He was afraid to see what would be held in those eyes he always got lost in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cody watched as one minute, everything seemed okay with the twins, and the next, Aron froze. He followed his gaze, and his hands curled into fists. Everytime either of the boys parents were around, Cody knew the boys jumped to their every whim. WHich might simply be them being good sons, and yet...Cody suspected something else. He pushed his plate away, gritting his teeth, wanting to get up, to do something, but not wanting to make it worse for Aron. But even before that horrid dress was whipping out the door, Cody was moving towards Aron's side.

He didn't hesitate. Aron deserved to know that someone cared about him, aside from his brother, aside from Cassie. Deserved to know that someone wanted to do whatever they could, to protect him, to care for him. He engulfed Aron in a hug, hugging him tightly, refusing to let him go even if Aron struggled,

"She's a bitch"

He didn't wait for a reply, instead, Cody kissed him, deciding that his nervousness was nothing compared to the way the twins were treated, and wanting to reassure Aron that he would be there. He made the kiss soft, tender, loving, enjoying the warmth of Aron's lips against his. The feeling that inspired in him...This time, Cody didn't let Aron run away. He held him close, and as he pulled away, breaking the kiss, he lingered amoment.

"I...Aron, there's nothing that old hag can make you do, or act, that will diminsh what I feel for you, or how you appear in my eyes, okay?" He didn't want Aron to draw away from him, because of what that...that sorry excuse for a human bening did. He didn't care that they were making a scene. He wasn't going to sit back, and let Aron think he thought any less of him.

He glanced to a new person who seemed to want Aron to spar with him, and shook his head to them, hopefully convey a not now message through that. @twannyman


Cassandra didn't need to ask Gage what was wrong, to know the Evil Mother that would give shame to Cinderella's evil step mother was in the cafe. She had seen his reaction too many times, that she knew as soon as he came in, refusing to look at her, methodically making the salad that that woman would pay the exact amount for, and only that amount.

She had already slipped in the forty odd dollars change some kid had said to keep into the tip jar for the boys, but that didn't make up for the horrible attitude that woman had. She gripped the knife she held tighter, and for a moment she imagined going out there, and stabbing that woman. As she finished cutting and preparing however, she laid the knife down, and she went back out, laying a hand on Gage's shoulder as he began to beat the hell out of meat. "Come with us, to get some snacks, okay?" While she poised it as a question, it was clearly one that he couldn't say no to.

She went back out to Syl, wondering how she'd explain what just happened, but she guess the evil-mom's tone would be enough for her to pick up on what it was. Still...She returned to Syleste, giving a soft sigh, and saying "Their mother-for lack of a better word, is quite...controlling. Do you mind waiting? I thought we'd take them with us, or Gage at least. Looks like Cody's already trying to get Aron to go somewhere with him"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yoska Petulengro

The young man was taking a break from digging through the trash and had sat down to enjoy the bagel he'd found. It wasn't as fresh as he'd hoped. It had already cooled and turned into bread jerky. He'd managed to eat about a third of it when a young woman approached him from around the alleyway. He dropped the bagel and stood, immediately on edge. His brown eyes were wide and fearful. He was afraid she would threaten to call the police on him, or maybe just yell at him a little for being a waste of air.

But her eyes were soft. He looked up curiously as she dug around in her purse. When she pulled out a folded twenty dollar bill. He knew, roughly, about how much that was worth in American money. He could probably get a couple days meals out of it. Or maybe some clothes that weren't completely covered in dirt and torn. He timidly approached her and took the bill from her hands. His eyes darted to the ground, never actually meeting her's.

"Thank you," He said, his accent thick and his voice soft.

He waited until she had left, gone inside he assumed, before he moved again. He looked down at the twenty, then down at the bagel that was now sitting in the dirt. He could probably find something a little better to eat. He couldn't quite the remember the last time he'd had a protein rich meal.

The willowy man slunk towards the front of the building, peering inside through the windows to see how many people were in there. There were quite a few...but it smelled really nice. Maybe if he had money to pay, they wouldn't throw him out. He slowly climbed the steps towards the door. A sign caught his eye: "No shoes, no shirt, no service." He looked down at his feet, at his pitiful shoes. They could hardly be called that; they were old tennis shoes he'd found in the trash about a year ago, and they were all but falling off his feet. But, technically, he did have shoes.

He opened the door and took the first step inside, and immediately he felt as though he were being stared at. A few people did actually turn to look at him. He lowered his head and retreated to the most remote table he could find, at least a few feet from anyone else. He sat down and set his hands on the table, twiddling his thumbs nervously. He was starting the think he may have made a mistake. He obviously didn't belong in here.

He noticed a menu on the table and picked it up. He couldn't read any of the food names or descriptions, but at least it had pictures. He had always been ashamed of just how ignorant he really was, and it was embarrassing to have to ask for help. One picture of a sandwich, piled high with meat, looked really good. Under it's description, it said "7.50", which he assumed was the price. That would leave him with 12.50 left over, which was enough to buy a shirt and some pants at Goodwill, maybe even shoes. If nothing else, he at least knew basic math.

He set the menu down again, leaving it open to the page he had seen the picture on. The young man began to twiddle his thumbs again when his eyes were drawn to the small, circular scar right at the base of his first knuckle. He had many such scars, several on that one hand alone. He slowly slid his hands back down into his lap, hiding them under the table.
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