Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Quinton and Abigale


As the cafe started to heat up a bit, and it was certainly getting quite full, Quinton decided to come back later, and he nudged Abigale out the cafe, before the...hormone filled cafe could explode over them. Abigale was too curious, and friendly for her own good, that she would probably try to help, and he didn't want her getting into trouble. He would simply jump up his list of things to do, and come back for lunch, or go somewhere else, later.

He held Abigale's hand, who glanced about everywhere they went, skipping and humming happily. "Where are we going, daddy?" She asked as Quinton took her a different way to where they had gone before in town. Quinton looked down at her, giving his daughter a smile, her eyes bright and happy.

"Well, We're going to go see the woman who offered us a position in her pack" Quinton knew that it would be a transition for Abigale, who had only ever had him as a authority figure, and there were times where Abigale could wrap him around her little finger. Having an Alpha, particularly a strong one, would be a new thing for her, and quinton wanted her to have time to adjust, and grow comfortable with pack dynamics, before she went through her first shift. He knew that was years away yet, but it could be as close as six years, and given that was as long as Abigale had been alive, he knew she would need time to learn about the rules within a pack.

He knew that Alessea worked in a garage, and had been pasted there before. He let his feet do the walking, keeping an eye on Abigale.

"You said she was called Alessea, right Daddy?" Abigale seemed to struggle with the name, prolonging the S's. Quinton smiled at her, at her pure adorableness. He nodded, then chuckled as she got all obessed over a puppy, the owner obligining allowing Abigale to pet and hug the puppy, who licked her face all over. Her laughed was like music to Quinton's ears, and he felt resolved in his decision to join the pack. It wasn't for him, but for Abigale. To keep her safe. She looked up at him cheerfully, and almost hopeful, "Can we get a puppy, Daddy? Pleeeeeaaaassseee. I promise I'll look after them...they're just so cute...and cuddly...and....pleaseeeeeee?"

She looked at him with what he could only describe as puppy dog eyes, turning on her charm. He couldn't resist her, and he glanced away, "Maybe, sweetie. Lets see how things go, the next couple of weeks, okay?" Abigale nodded, grinning, perhaps because she knew he had already caved in. She skipped along side him cheerfully, once more accepting his hand.

It was a nice walk, and Quinton picked Abigale up as they reached the garage.

"Alessea? It's Quinton"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Pat rolled her eyes as Gabanre took off. What a showoff, really. There was jealousy in her mind. She would probably never have that much money unless she took the university job full time and climbed the ladder a bit. She was not too keen on that though. For one it would take her far away from Riley, secondly it would increase the chances of running into her ex.

She shook the thoughts out of her mind and smiled at Riley. "Good," she said to herself. It was enough that she was drinking. A habit that she had not been able to get over yet. She really did not want Riley to get into it either. As they walked she saw the homeless boy and Riley gave him some money. Pat made a mental note to check in with the detective on how the investigation was going.

What met her at the café was not a scene she was used to however. There were more people in here than what she'd ever seen before. Even as a few patrons were making their exit, it still felt a bit crowded. Pat saw Mya and the gunsmith get out and they talked a little bit before they drove off in a black car. It was none of her business what they were up to. But she could not help but be intrigued by it. It was all natural though, a detective needed ammo and firearms maintenance so she swatted the thought away.

Her attention turned to the ones inside of the café. She recognized most of the faces. Almost all of them were or had been her students, and were also coming along for the trip tomorrow. A sense of responsibility took over her mind as she watched the group from a slight distance. She would be in charge of this bunch of rowdy teens the coming days. Pat had made sure that all their parents was aware that she was going with them to keep them out of trouble and make sure that they were not up to anything.

Pat found herself a seat not too far away, but not in the group either. To most of them she was just their teacher after all. But they knew she was tagging along at least. She glanced over towards Riley but then just looked out into the air. She needed to get some work done and she knew it. Taking out a small notebook from her purse along with a pencil she started sketching. At first it was plans for classes, but after a while she started sketching the group of teens, trying to capture their feelings on the drawing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins
Location: cafe

Aron didn't struggle away from Cody's hug...rather be melted into it. He needed that so badly and when he got that hug he held Cody just as tightly. When Cody moved back he chuckled at what he said and was about to respond when Cody kissed him. The kiss was tender and be found himself matching it back. He felt like no one else was there and that he never wanted it to end. But it did and he nodded at what Cody said. Finding himself lost for words he swallowed until being able to respond was possible. Aron's voice came out a whisper. "Thank you" he found himself backed against a wall but didn't seem to care. He swallowed again and looked at Cody. "do....do you uh...want to go somewhere when my shift ends?" he didn't fully look at Cody...nervous still. He then saw the rather ragged looking man and looked back at Cody. "Hold that thought. I'll be right back"

He gently moved Cody and made his way to the newcomer. "Hey there what can I get for you?" he had pulled out his notebook and pen again. He wasn't quite as cheerful as he normally was, but Cody definitly helped bring his mood back up.

Gage meanwhile had stopped tenderizing the meat and exhaled. He had nodded to Cassandra before she left and now seemed to be dealing with emotions somewhat. Mostly by staring at now flat meat with a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes. He shook his head and sighed. He was most vulnerable right now...but he wouldn't show it. Of the two brothers he was the strong one...Aron needed him to be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting with: With:@twannyman Gabanre, @Zhaliora Patricia, @Nallore Riley & everyone else currently at the Café

The walk to the café wasn’t really all that long. In the past week Val had taken the time to walk about Red Lake for a few hours pretty much every day, taking to know the town. It was always useful to know what was where and what’s more she enjoyed the small town actually. It was nice and homey around here, lacking in the speedy nature of the big cities, but still close enough to civilization to have all the needed comforts.

She was walking with fast pace but small steps, making sure to keep the same average speed as Riley and the others. She had gotten the habit of doing that because her usual pace was simply way to fast and very few people were able to keep up with her without forcing themselves and walking along with friends was a good thing to do!

Valencia smiled as they entered the café, the smell of hot coffee hitting her senses and causing her to momentary cringe before she gets used to it a few moments later. She disliked coffee, always found it’s bitter taste uncomfortable. There were benefits to it when it came to hunting, but Valencia didn’t really need it to begin with!

At the café, Val already knew some of the people about. But there were also some whom she had not met still. Didn’t matter, she was going to make friends with everyone tomorrow at the trip! For now though…

“Hey, you all! Nice meeting you again!” Val called with a smile. She had seen most by tagging along with Riley the last few days so that was good. With that said she also quickly moved to the counter, ordering some soda.

She then looked at Gabanre.” So did you overact on introductions again, fella?” She asked with a teasing smile.” Seriously though you shouldn’t have rushed of like that on your own… Could have waited for the rest of us and we could all have walked together, you know.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cody was reluctant to let Aron go, but he knew Aron had his job to do. So Cody merely watched him. There was a lot that Cody wanted to say, or do. He wanted to hunt down the twins mother and give her a piece of his mind, but he knew that might be asking for trouble. He gave a soft sigh, returning to his table, he took out his notebook and pen, quite content to wait out Aron's shift. He glanced up every so often, to Aron.

He started writing down some notes, working out some character ideas and chapters for his novel. He knew he was probably fooling around with that, but it made him happy, and gave him something to do that wasn't simply staring at Aron, no matter how good that was.

And it kept him distracted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: Burke auto & repair shop, Then Café.

Interacting with: Anyone within the Café.

It was that time of year when the annual trip was going to happen and Miranda was certainly looking forward to going once more, She had been to every single one and each time just seemed to get better and better and could be the biggest one yet. Sure Miri was up early this morning, she did her usual morning run before she would freshen up and get ready for todays activities. There was only a day left before the trip to the lake, She did love that lake. Miranda had spent the rest of the morning pretty much helping her parents get the garage ready for the day despite the insistance that it was not nessacery, After all Miri had a trip to get ready for and still had some packing left to do despite starting on it already, Her parent's knew this and said she could have the day of to do just that and hang out with her friends, but alas she still wanted to help get the place open and ready espically, She had failed not to get dirty in the process though, By late morning and with the funny loving look she got from Charles it was at the moment Miri realized it was her qeue to go home and get cleaned up and so took their advice to leave them to it.

When Miri did get home she didn't waste much time getting cleaned up, bathing using a Blueberries and Lavender scented wash, She didn't know why but the blonde loved the smell of it, She was enjoying her relaxing bath but alas knew she would have to get out eventually despite her desire of staying in it for longer, But Miri had people to see and places to go. Having got dressed into a light blue crop top and a pair of blue denim shorts, She fixed up her wavy long blonde hair, Once fully dressed the blonde teen decided to finish her packing later and once ready Miranda put on her sunglasses and headed out the door.

After deciding to walk instead of driving to the Café she knew it would be a bit of a walk but that did not bother Miri, It allowed her to enjoy the peace that came within this town, She would no doubt be stressed out in a city environment but what would of make the walk more lovely was if it was raining, she loved the rain and could walk in it for hours just because she could and enjoyed it. Another nice feature of the town was people practicly knew everyone and it was common to hear a morning or hello when one went about their daily lives.

Soon enough the teen arrived at the Café, It looked a bit packed from what she could see through the window with many if not nearly all of her friends there, it made her wonder what Gage and Aron had done this morning to make everyone turn up. Walking in which made the bell on the door ring, Miranda took her sunglasses off and pulled them up onto her head she could help but take the scene played out in front of her, there was much going on. "Morning everyone, bit packed today isn't it?" She smiled before finding a seat at the cafe's bar so Aron would not have to go far to get her order.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yoska Petulengro

The young man seemed to shrink a little when approached by the waiter. It took him a moment to respond. He fumbled with the menu set on the table for a bit before pointing at the picture of the sandwich he wanted.

"Can I get one of these for, um, take away please?" His accent was thick, and he stumbled over his words in his nervousness. The 'please' was tacked on to the end, as if he honest to god expected the man to tell him no. He ordered his food to go so that he could leave the cafe as soon as possible. The crowd was making him a bit too antsy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Grocery Store.
Interacting With: Her mother, and Connor Vos (@Caits).

“Do you think lamb would be good for a first cooked meal in our new kitchen..?”

Furrowing her brows slightly in thought, Kaylee dropped the several packets of chips she had grabbed into the trolley, her attention lingering on the shelves beside her before finally, she tore her gaze away from the products, instead allowing it to meet with her mother’s for a few moments of silence as she let her mind wander back over the things she had heard from some of the others back in the pack, “..I dunno… I’ve heard that the lamb here is a lot different to what we have back home. And if that’s true, it sucks, cause that’s like the main part of our diet gone.”

“Hm… I’ll have to think about it a bit more the-... Oh, sorry dear; Kay, move out of the way for the young man…”

Turning her head as her mother moved to the side as they reached the beginning of a new aisle, Kaylee let her gaze flick over to the guy who was passing them by, her dark eyes meeting with his own for what felt like forever as time seemed to stop, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as the world around her slowed down enough for her to take in every little detail about the moment before eventually, everything seemed to catch up, leaving her once more in real time with her mother almost halfway down the aisle they were turning into- what in the hell was that all about..?

Taking another moment to just look at the guy, she finally tore her gaze away, her heart sinking slightly within the confines of her chest as she hurried after her mother, her head turning to shoot a quick glance back at his retreating figure from over her shoulder before she once more tried to focus on the task at hand, though now finding it hard to keep her attention on what her mother was now going on about…

It was strange…

There was just something about him… and no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t seem to put her finger on what it was. One moment she’d been complaining about having not only been dragged out to shop, but also the fact that she’d been forced to move, and the next… Turning her head so that she was looking back over her shoulder once again, Kaylee let her eyes flick back and forth over the area they had just left, searching for the guy that had run into them moments before, but when she couldn’t find him, she reluctantly turned her attention back over to her mother.

Just who the hell was that guy..?

No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t concentrate- thoughts about the guy were consuming her mind as the smell of books and smoke floated around her, causing her to close her eyes as his scent seemed to follow her wherever she went…

She’d only looked at him for not even a few moments; why was she-... The thought that flickered across the forefront of her mind had her furrowing her brows, her lips parting even further than they already were as a confused look crossed over her features- it was most definitely a thought… and it wasn’t as though it wasn’t possible; this sorta thing couldn’t be helped, it was something that happened out of nowhere, though she’d never seen it happen herself…

Nah… like something like that would ever happen to her...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia, @Vicier Syleste, @BlackPanther The Twins, @Caits Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , @ChaoticFox Echo, @Metronome Yoska & @Damo021 Miranda.

Riley sat there for a moment as she watched her own friends were all busy just talking amongst themselves she sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she shifted slightly around in her seat. She looked towards a waitress and gave the woman a smile as she pulled out her purse and pulled out a dollar bill. "I'd like a cup of coffee please." Riley said with a soft smile as the waitress nodded as she turned and headed towards the coffee maker. Riley turned her attention towards Patricia as she moved towards an empty seat but close enough, she blushed ever so slightly and smiled at her.

Then Riley heard the door opening and she saw Miranda coming in and waved at the woman as she quickly made her way and gave Miranda a quick hug. "Morning Miri, and yes it is a bit crowded here today." Riley then looked towards the counter seeing the guy that she had given some money to, she was happy to at least help the man out a bit. Riley then started to let out a loud whistle to get everyone's attention, since she had been totally ignored by everyone else. "Hey how is everyone?!" Riley yelled luckily it was just them, there weren't any other people except for her group of friends that were going on a trip. When the waitress came back Riley quickly made her way towards the counter and took a drink of her coffee.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Metronome[and anyone else]

The Twins
Location: cafe

Aron nodded and made his way into the kitchen. He got his brothers attention. "Homeless guy." Gage nodded. "Do we have enough?" "Yea. This is what he wanted" Gage looked at the order and proceeded in making it. Aron later walked out with a large take out box and a to go cup with water. He set both down for the guy. Inside was not only the sandwich, but dipping sauce for it, French fries, a salad, and dressing in a small container. Aron then tilted his head. "On the house. Have a good day" Aron could tell the guy was uncomfortable the crowd so keeping interaction brief seemed good. He then discreetly put the amount for the food in the register.

His attention was then snagged by Riley who whistled then yelled. He shook his head and shrugged. "Considering my brother and I just dealt with Sheryl...id say im okay. Can't speak for Gage though." he then looked at the clock and smiled. "And our shift is almost over." he looked over at Cody and then looked away a shy look on his face as he had no idea where Cody would take him...if Cody was still up to taking him somewhere.

Gage had worked on the coffe and the waitress placed it in front of Riley. The coffee was a cinnamon brew.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Connor couldn't seem to help himself. As he stood in the line, he glanced about constantly, before thinking to himself just wander about, get another look... he went so far as to even step out of the line, before he stood still, wondering what has come over him. Connor wasn't normally someone to be...dear god, smitten with someone. Especially someone he had only glanced at. Yet...he couldn't help his thoughts, the feeling that...he should be with her. No, needed to be with her. Like nothing would be right otherwise.


He stood there, perplexed before he started to walk again, not really thinking about it, glancing about him constantly, looking for some sign of the girl. He tried not to make it obvious. Yet he was sure that he was. Finally, he found mother and daughter and Connor stopped, grabbing whatever was close at hand so it didn't seem like he was watching the girl. He studied her, trying not to be obvious.

She just seemed so...wonderful.

He stood there a moment, now not even pretending to be looking at whatever he held before he shook himself, and tried to get passed this obsession. He quickly returned to the line, but the girl stayed in his thoughts, so much so that he gave the cashier the wrong money and then didn't seem to comprehend what he had done. Finally, he got it sorted, but he still turned about to see if he could see the girl, just one last time.

He stumbled out to his truck, throwing the groceries into the cab, he climbed in, and sat there a moment. Just what was this? Why did he want to go back in, and sweep the girl away? He could have stood there and stared at her all day. He swallowed, and put the keys in, turning the ignition, he started out of the town, although he didn't get far.

Just as he had stared at the girl, he sat in his car staring at an empty two story building, with a for sale sign on it. He didn't know how long he sat there, just down the road, staring at it, before he made his way back to the woods, and his camp site. He parked his truck, and soon had a fire going, leaning back, he stared at the flames and somehow saw the girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting with: With:@BlackPanther Aron, @Zhaliora Patricia, @Nallore Riley & everyone else currently at the Café

Val ordered herself a glass of water and some tea. That was about the extend of her calmness as the moment her order was given, her hyperactiveness kicked into high gear once more. She started tapping the tip of her boots into the floor, she was tapping the table with her finger, she was also moving left and right in her seat, waiting... attempting to wait... doing something... wasting energy!!!

She then noticed Aron who came over to chat with Riley!” Hey Aron, how are ya!” She asked with happy loud voice, as she reached to give him a high five!” I was wondering when we'd meet again! I'm looking forward to the trip! You gona be there...right!?” She asked enthusiastically as she basically jumped from her place the moment she saw the waitress carrying her order over.

“That would be for me!” She said, as she grabbed her glass of water in motion, doing a half spin as she returned to her seat, still moving about it.” Seriously though, I'd love to have some fun during the camping trip! It's been 10 years since I last went on one!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: Everyone at the cafe

Gabanre was casually checking the situation, when everyone decided to help the homeless man to pay. As he saw that he checked his wallet found a bill of 50 Dollar and went to the homeless man. He said: "Here you can have this, buy some food for it, and maybe you can do something in your life." After that he stepped back and he walked away towards the group. He was trying to come over humble but that was not really usefull till now. He thought about leaving and so he did. He said: "Im leaving again need to do something"
And he drove off
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins
Location: Cafe

Aron managed to smile at Valencia. He returned her high five and shrugged. "I'm doing okay" he glanced at Cody before focusing back on Val. He smiled. "Oh definitly going and I still need to pack. I'm super excited" especially since I'll get to go with Cody he managed not to blush too hard and then looked over when he saw the two that were taking over their shifts come in. He nodded to them and threw up a hand for high fives which he recieved as they walked in. he then focused back on Val once more. "Looks like my shift is done with so I'll see you later" he made his way to the back where he hung up his apron. This revealed his lightblue t shirt. He then went back up front and made his way to Cody. "H-hey." he was definitly still nervous around Cody....and he was equally excited to see where he would be taken.

Gage had prepped a lot of food and looked up when the other chef came in. He nodded and took off his apron...hanging it up best to Aron's before heading out. His black t shirt visible since he was working. He made his way to Cassandra and slyeste. "Hey guys. Ready to head out when you are"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Alessea Vina García

Location: García’s (Self-Owned Garage).
Interacting With: Her niece, Quinton Matson and Abigale Matson. (@Caits).

“..but aunnie Ky; I miss you..! When you coming home..?”

Chuckling softly, and unable to help the way that her soft lips turned up in a rather gentle and loving smile, Alessea shook her head lightly from side to side at the young girl she could see on the screen of her laptop; the four-year-old herself giving her one of the biggest pouts and puppy-dog eyes that she could possibly manage as she tried to convince her aunt to come back to Barcelona. It was a normal thing; and she could understand the child’s way of thinking.

Nyah couldn’t understand just why her aunt had left Spain and come to the USA… to be honest, even she didn’t know really why she had done what she did… it had just; well, it had just happened.

“Awe, sweetheart… you know that this is my home now…” Faltering slightly as the young girl’s face seemed to fall ever so slightly- her eyes widening, her shoulders slumping, her lower lip quivering… Oh, please, and for the love of God, do not start crying… There was no way that she could resist her niece’s tears, “..but you know; I don’t have to come visit with you all the time, you can come visit with me too- any time that you want to okay..? All you have to do is ask, and I’ll work it out with mama and papa alright..?”

Seemingly pleased with the answer that Alessea had been given to her, and now excited at the idea of going see her aunt in America; Nyah bounced happily up and down on her chair a few times before finally, she slipped herself off the edge of the seat and went running out of the camera’s view, her voice still clear as day as she began yelling for both her mother and father. That was it… she had created a monster. There was no way in hell that the girl was going to give up now that the idea had been planted in her mind… it was just another reason the two of them got along so well; they were so damn alike it wasn’t funny.

“Alessea? It’s Quinton.”

Turning her head back as the sound of a new voice filled the confines of the garage, Alessea let her dark eyes flick out through the half plaster-half glass wall that separated her personal office from the workshop, her gaze flicking about before eventually, it came to settle upon the figure of the wolf she had approached after tracking him down on her turf- he was one of three wolves that had wandered onto her territory, and in quite a short amount of time as well…

The other two were still to be approached.

Tearing her attention away from the man who seemed to be carrying a small girl (of whom she could only assume was his daughter or something) over his shoulders, she turned her gaze back down to the screen of her laptop, her hand reaching out and her fingers gliding over the touch pad of the mouse so that she could end the call before closing the lip of the computer- there was just no point in keeping it on when her niece had clearly forgotten that she was there in the first place.

Standing up straight, she lifted both her arms up above her head, her fingers lacing together as she arched her back, small pops and cracks sounding from the vertebrae as the air trapped within escaped audibly- it seemed now she had work to do. Dropping her arms back down to rest at her sides, she turned her head back around, her dark and rather intense gaze once more meeting with that of her visitor as she turned on her heel, her feet carrying her through the office and out the open door into the workshop, her arms swinging lightly back and forth in time with her hips with each and every single step that she took.

“Quinton… this is quite the surprise; I wasn’t expecting to see you for quite some time.” Her voice was calm… welcoming, and her Spanish accent mixed with one he might not be able to pick up filled the air, seeming to command the attention of all who heard it, though it was more than clear that she was in no way trying to assert her dominance over those who had entered- they were her guests, and she their host.

“I assume you’ve come to see me because you’ve made a decision on my offer… and you’ve brought a friend- nice to meet you sweetheart, my name is Alessea.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Café.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), Cassandra Kate Spencer (@Caits), Miranda Burke (@Damo021), and Riley Walker (@Nallore).

“She left. That was really random… are you okay?”

This felt nice. She felt warm… safe- Gage’s arms wrapped so caringly around her body only helped to make her feel as though there was nothing in this world that was ever going to hurt, or even scare her; including the woman who had involuntarily been the one to cause the soft and sweet embrace to happen in the first place. The very thought of it had her cheeks flushing a bright pink, almost matching that of her hair as she nodded lightly into his chest in answer to his question as to whether or not she was okay.

She recognized the name… but the voice was one she hadn’t heard before; at least… not that she could remember anyway…

“..I-I think so…” Biting down softly upon her lower lip, Syleste hesitated a moment longer before she shifted her head against his chest, lifting it so that her unseeing gaze was once more looking up in his direction, her eyes shining slightly though with worry that she was doing the wrong thing by wanting to stay as long as she possibly could in his arms- it was something that rarely happened… a hug from Gage… but when it did; it felt like the best thing in the world to her, “..s-sorry for falling on you; I, uh-... t-thank you for catching m-me…”

And as quickly as it began; it was over…

Shifting shyly in her seat as she was helped back up onto the stool she had been occupying not moments beforehand, she lifted her hand up from where they had been resting in her lap, nervously brushing some of the stray strands of long bubblegum pink back and off of her face before neatly tucking them behind her ear, her attention once more dropping back down to her lap as her hand once more took its place- he was so sweet… so kind… so-...

“I’m going to have to go for a bit… I’ll see you after my shift.”

So annoyed..? Her soft pink lips parted ever so from one another as her head lifted back up to look once again in his direction, her brows furrowing in slight confusion as a flicker of sadness seemed to glaze over her already cloudy-sky blue eyes- had she done something wrong; had she upset him..? O-Oh… maybe she had done the wrong thing by holding the hug for as long as she had…

“Oh boys.”

That voice… she’d heard it before; and every single time that she had, both Gage and Aron had become upset in one way or another… They’d stop talking to her and the others, even pull away from them all; but she could always tell when something was wrong- the way they spoke, the tone of their voice, the words they used… something was just not right, and she really didn’t like it.

The woman was nothing more than a big bully who needed a good telling off..! How could a mother be so mean to her children..? It was unthinkable, and-... and just plain mean..!

“Their mother- for lack of a better word, is quite… controlling. Do you mind waiting? I thought we’d take them with us, or Gage at least. Looks like Cody’s already trying to get Aron to go somewhere with him.”

Their step-mother; so she had been right. It was that big bully who had come in and made both of her friends upset. It wasn’t often that she didn’t like someone; but Sheryl was a person who she just couldn’t come to like in anyway… and the fact that she seemed to always make the boys feel the way that she did…

She just couldn’t stand it..!

“It’s okay; I just really don’t like that woman… she’s so mean to them.. She-... She’s nothing but a big bully to them..!” Frowning slightly at the thought of two of the most important people in her life being bullied and hurt the way they were, Syleste let out a gentle sigh, her gaze once more lowering down in the direction of her lap as she shook her head lightly from side to side, causing her long and wavy locks to brush back and forth over her back.

“Morning everyone, bit packed today isn’t it?”

Lifting her head back up as she heard Miranda’s voice filling the cafe from somewhere behind her, she let her attention wander around, and her body to turn slightly in her seat so that she could look over in the direction she believed her friends voice to be coming from, but as soon as she opened her mouth to respond, the sound of a loud and rather sharp whistle hit her ears.

“Hey, how is everyone?!”

Riley’s voice was loud as she shouted for the cafe’s attention, causing the young pink haired girl to tear her attention away from where she believed Miranda to be, and to instead allow it to come to a rest in the direction that her other friend’s voice could be heard coming from- she seemed happy… that meant she must have already had her morning coffee.

“..hey Miri; hello Riley. How are you both..?” Tilting her head lightly to the side, Syleste smiled brightly at her two friends, her hands both coming together in her lap as she once more shifted over the stool, her ankles crossing underneath her as she once again grew still and comfortable.

“Hey guys. Ready to head out when you are.”

He was back… Gage was back- and he was finished work too..! Unable to hide the bright pink blush that crept over her cheeks as her attention was whisked away from the two girls and back over to the guy she’d been crushing on for what felt like forever, she smiled shyly, her hands both coming up and around to scoop her long locks over her shoulder, her fingers nervously playing with the ends of her hair for a few moments before eventually, she slipped off the stool, her hands both reaching out… searching until they found his; her fingers curling gently as she entwined them around his own, tugging lightly as she took a couple of steps back.

“Let’s go, Gage..! Cassie said I could get pocky that we can all share..!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody smiled at Aron, rising, he took Aron's hand, guiding him out of the cafe. He went over to his bike, offering Aron a helmet. Cody was more then a little nervous, not wanting to screw things up, now that he was completely sure of things. He glanced about them. The day seemed quite nice, and Cody took a moment to decide where to go. It seemed that Aron was happy for Cody to decide. He wanted to...go somewhere special. He looked to Aron, asking softly "Do you have a problem with heights?" He didn't want Aron to fall and hurt himself, if he was scared of heights. That would just be a bad thing to happen, on this...was it a date? He didn't know, and he waited for Aron to answer, leaning against his bike.

For a fearful moment he wondered if Aron had changed his mind, didn't want to go off with him, to do anything...He glanced down at his hands, suddenly too nervous and worried to meet Aron's gaze. Perhaps part of that was because...he had his bike. It meant close contact, and that sent his mind, and emotions into over drive, and he was sure his face was flushed.

Quinton and Abigale

Abigale balanced, leaning her hand against Quinton's head as she almost tried to stand up, gripping his hair lightly, her other hand reaching up to brush her own hair back from her eyes, seeming to try and get a good look of Alessa, "She's pretty, Daddy" She said, with all the innocence of a child, all the honesty. Quinton smiled, reaching up to steady Abigale with one hand, not truly afraid that she would fall. The girl had all the grace of a deer, and all the skill of a monkey when she climbed.

"Yeah, she is" He agreed, watching as Alessea approached them. Abigale leaned forward slightly, now using Quinton's hand to help her balance. She smiled brightly at Alessea, revealing a slight gap where one of her baby teeth had fallen out. Quinton shifted slightly, and Abigale swayed with his movement, but didn't seem afraid of falling from her perch. And why should she? Her father had never let her fall before.

"I wasn't expecting to come, to be honest" Quinton said, almost sheepishly. Quinton's first pack, he had merely been absorbed into. His alpha had been...kind, helping him with his transition from near death, to bitten, to werewolf. This, nevermind the fact that Alessea had offered, was different to anything he had ever done before. "This is my daughter, Abigale" Quinton didn't get to say anymore, as Abigale spoke, her voice bright, friendly and childlike as she said "Why do you talk like that? I like it" Quinton smiled apologetically, "It's an accent, Abi. Some people have them, depending on where they're from. Remember that scottish fellow we ran into a while back? You might be too young to remember, but you laughed and tried to mimic he's speach" Abigale frowned, as if trying to remember that. but shrugged, "It's pretty. Pretty voice for a pretty person"

Quinton shifted, and removed Abigale from his shoulders, setting her down, which may have been a bad idea, as the girl closed the distance between them, and Alessea, giving the older woman a hug as tight as she could make it, before stepping back and smiling again, "Hi, hi."

Quinton cleared his throat, and watched Abigale, shifting again, before saying "I have made a decision, and its purely for Abigale's sake. She's never really had an alpha, or not one she can remember, and I've left much to be desired in the way of such an authority figure. I'd rather she learn before she is old enough to shift." He said, as Abigale swayed where she stood, never one to truly stay still. "And being apart of a back is safer for her, then not"

Abigale looked back at her father and smiled."And it seems Abigale likes you, and that's all I needed now"

"He worries too much" Abigale said, looking back to Alessea, smiling still.


There were many things in the world that Cassie was thankful for. Highest on that list was her friends. Miranda in particular. Miri had helped Cassie through so much, often turning up on her doorstep with the comforting pizza and movies. She knew all she ever had to do was call Miri and she'd be there. She smiled at her friend, waving a hand in greeting. she was more then sure Miri at least knew what she was trying to do with Syl and Gage in particularly, and she knew that Miri would one day repay the favor, if anyone actually liked Cassie. Cassandra hoped she was smart enough to know when Miri tried that.

She chuckled at Syleste's attempt to be angry, she was just so adorable in itself, but she herself knew it was genuine for the boys. She smiled, glancing to Syleste. She realised just how confusing it probably was for her in there, and hoped that the boy's shift would be over soon, knowing the cafe was becoming even more crowded by the second.

"Hey Riley" She smiled at Riley, and glanced over when Gage came over. Syleste really was adorable. Despite everythign she was trying to do with her and Gage, Cassie would do whatever she could to protect Syleste, the girl was truly innocent and Cassandra was a little afraid of her mother. She gave Gage a smile, although she was more then certain he only had eyes for Syleste. She couldn't say how truly adorable it was to see Gage so sweet with Syl.

She rose, grabbing her bag, leaving Gage to guide Syleste to the car. "To the car then!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The twins

Location: aron with Cody gage with Cassandra and Syleste

Aron took the helmet and held it loosely. He shook his head. "I'm fine with heights." he studied Cody as he saw the nervousness and....doubt? He closed the gap between them. He felt nervous himself, but he didn't want Cody to have any doubts at all. He took a breath before using his free hand to slowly cup Cody's chin and have him meet his gaze. "I really really like you. So....I promise you...I'm here as long as you want me to be here" now Aron was blushing hard. He then gave a light kiss before pulling away and smiling...he was getting a bit more confident around Cody...but still nervous. He then tilted his head. "Shall we?" he proceeded to pull on the helmet and secure it in place before waiting for Cody to get on the bike. He had a lot of nervous energy but he could honestly say he was really happy too. He hoped Cody was feeling the same.

Gage chuckled as Syleste grabbed his hands and started pulling him. "I have to admit....I've never had pocky" he smiled back at Cassandra finding being around Syleste put him in a better mood already. He found himself gently twirling Syleste so he had her arm tucked on his. He then lead her to the car. He opened the door and when she got in the back he scored in next to her. He then felt himself still holding Syleste's hand. His fingers entertained with hers. Part of him wondered how she would feel about that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody nodded, reasurred by Aron's words and actions. Gosh, he was just so adorable, especially when he blushed. Cody put on his own helmet, securing it, feeling better about everything. "Good, cause I really like you too" He mounted the bike, starting it up, and waiting for Aron to get on too. Once he had, Cody started off. He was a little bit more careful then he normally would be, with Aron as a passanger.

Riding down the streets of the town he knew so well, Cody drove smoothly, feeling quite at peace, happy and excited, nervous all at the same time. He concentrated on the road, rather then the fact that Aron was so close to him. So very close.

Soon, Cody had driven around to his street, to the trees that ran parallel to it. Parking the bike, he swung off it, giving Aron a smile, he took off his helmet, placing it on the bike, he held out his hand to Aron. "There's a tree house, just a little way into the trees. My dad say's its been there a while. It's one of my favorite places. Its a nice place just to sit and relax, and when thte sun sets...the view is amazing" he smiled.



When all were secure in the car, Cassandra started it, making sure both Syl and Gage were buckled in, before heading off, down to the grocery store nearby, pulling into a parking space that was just vacated by a truck, slipping out the car, ensuring it was in park before getting out. "Do you think we'd need a trolley?" Cassie tended to go a little overboard with the snacks at times, but it was better to have more then not enough. "Then it should be a good experience, maybe we can play the pocky game" And wouldn't that be fun to orchestrate? She smiled quite innocently, and started into the store, once more leaving Syleste in Gage's hands.

This was mainly to try and get Gage away from his home, and she hoped that Cody was gonna try the same with Aron. The fact that it put Gage and Syleste together so often was just a bonus. She smiled, grabbing the trolley. Better to have it then have to go back for it. Looking about the store, she glanced back to see if Gage and syleste were coming. Not that she'd mind if they stayed in the car as a couple of nervous, adorable, blush filled puddles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Café, Cassandra’s Car, and Red Lake Grocery Store.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), Cassandra Spencer (@Caits).

“It’s really, really good…! They’re like these biscuit things, and they’re all dipped in chocolate; but the chocolate is all different flavors..!”

Cheeks flushing an even brighter shade of pink than before as she felt him twirl her body into his own, Syleste hesitated a moment before she relaxed, her heart beating hard and fast within her chest like a hummingbird’s wings as she pressed herself just that little bit closer into him… into the warmth of his body… Oh dear; hopefully he couldn’t hear just how nervous she was, but with the way that her heart seemed to want to race, she was more than sure he could hear or maybe even feel it perfectly as she hugged his arm closer into her chest.

“I-I, uh… I like the s-strawberry ones the most… t-they’re my, uhm… they’re my favorite...” She fell silent for a few moments, a single hand breaking away from him so that she could reach out and take a hold of the back of the seat as a guide as she slipped into the car, her fingers brushing over the cover and the door beside her as she searched for the seat belt, pulling it across and buckling it up once she felt the cool metal hitting against the tips of her fingers, her body shifting slightly over the seat once she was done so that she was instead facing the direction that she could still feel the warmth of Gage’s hand in her own.

He-... He was still holding her hand..?

Refraining herself from squealing out or giggling, Syleste once more brought her free hand back around, pausing for only a moment before slowly, she reached out towards him, her touch soft… gentle as she ran the tips of her fingers lightly over the back of his hand, seeming to trace nonsense patterns into his skin for a few moments before it settled, her palm pressed flat over the back of his hand as she held it softly within both of her own, “I-If you want… we can get a packet to share today... that way, we can see if you like it first…

Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she curled her fingers over just that little bit more, gently squeezing his hand though in no way giving any signs that she was going to be taking it back from him anytime soon- this was nice… this was so, so nice… She was finally holding hands with the guy of her dreams; and he wasn’t pulling away, or turning away, or giving any indication that he wanted nothing to do with her right now..! It was just-... it was just perfect…

..-ou think we need a trolley? Then it should be a good experience, maybe we can play the pocky game.”

Cassie’s voice came cutting through the moment like an off key note in a beautiful melody- the pocky game..? S-She couldn’t do that… could she..? Konpa was a simple game, and the rules were fairly basic and easy to understand… two people participate, and each begins eating the pocky from each end; the first person whose mouth comes off the pocky, or the first person to get to the middle loses… if the game resulted in both people kissing; then it ended up getting called as a tie…

The very thought of playing… or kissing Gage had her cheeks practically glowing, her heart skipping a beat within the confines of her chest before raging at what felt like a million miles per hour- it wasn’t as though she hadn’t thought about it… kissing Gage-...

“..I-I, uh-... K-Konpa…” But as quickly as Cassie had suggested it, she was gone, leaving nothing behind but the sound of the drivers side door closing behind her with a dull thud, leaving her and Gage to sit and think about what she had just suggested to the both of them. Shifting nervously over the backseat, Syleste gently tightened her hold over his hand, seeming to pull it just that little bit closer into her as she let her attention drop down shyly to her lap, “..I-I-...”
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