Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Alessea Vina García

Location: García’s (Self-Owned Garage).
Interacting With: Quinton Matson and Abigale Matson (@Caits).

“I wasn’t expecting to come, to be honest.”

“No se preocupe por ello demasiado… some of the best things come from being spontaneous, and from allowing life to run its course.” Chuckling gently, Alessea shook her head lightly from side to side causing for stray strands of her long and bundled up dark hair to brush back and forth over her cheeks, her hands slipping down to rest within the recesses of the back pockets of her jeans as her intense dark eyes once more moved back up to meet with that of the young girl as her father began to introduce her properly.

“This is my daughter, Abigale.”

Nodding her head lightly in understanding, she shifted her stance slightly, her hip jutting out to the side as she smiled warmly at the young girl she now knew to be Abigale- she was such a curious little thing it seemed… full of life, and bursting at the seams with happiness. God, she reminded her so much of her young niece.

“Why do you talk like that? I like it.

Oh, the innocence of a child.The girl didn’t look any older than maybe five years old; only one year older than her niece, Nyah, and if the two of them were anything alike… well, she was most definitely going to be a handful, not that it was a bad thing. She wasn’t used to accents, but if she was, she was sure that both of the ones she held were two that the young girl most likely wouldn’t have heard in her lifetime, let alone would have guessed if given the opportunity.

“It’s an accent, Abi. Some people have them, depending on where they’re from. Remember that Scottish fellow we ran into a while back? You might be too young to remember, but you laughed and tried to mimic his speech.”

“It’s pretty. Pretty voice for a pretty person.”

“Gratitude sweetheart; though I’m not sure you would have come across my particular accents…” Pausing for a moment as she watched Quinton reach up and remove his daughter from her perch, she smiled, her body tensing up for only a few brief moments as the girl (once put back on her feet) rushed across the gap before wrapping her arms tightly around her middle, causing Alessea’s smile to grow as she comfortingly wrapped her arms around the back of the young girl.

“Hi, hi.”

Chuckling softly, Alessea pulled herself back from the girl, but only enough for her to be able to crouch down in front of her, her dark eyes meeting with that of Abigale’s as her hands dropped from the girl’s shoulders, instead allowing them to come to a gentle rest against her sides as she slowly though happily replied to her in both of her native languages, her accent changing to match each language as she spoke, “Hola; hodi. It is very nice to meet you, my dear Abigale. I am Kyara, or Alessea- but you may call me Ky or Sea if you wish to.”

Pausing for a moment of thought, she turned her head to shoot a quick glance around the rest of the seemingly empty garage, her eyes scanning everything before she lifted up one of her hands, the tips of her pointer finger and thumb slipping into her mouth before she let out a loud though still sharp and quick whistle, the noise very quickly getting a response as the sound of metal clanged against the ground somewhere in the back corner before a light scurrying led to a small though rather cute looking raccoon rushing over to where Alessea was crouched, his paws coming to rest over her forearm.

“Abigale; this is Miko… think you can look after him for me while your father and I speak with one another..?” Waiting until she was sure that the girl and the raccoon were both happily distracted with one another, Alessea lifted her attention back up to Quinton, nodding lightly for him to go on with what he wanted to say as she stood herself up straight, her hands once more returning to the warmth of her pockets.

“I have made a decision, and it’s purely for Abigale’s sake. She’s never really had an alpha, or not one that she can remember, and I’ve left much to be desired in the way of such an authority figure. I’d rather she learn before she is old enough to shift. And being apart of a pack is safer for her, than not.”

“I understand; a pack can be quite daunting, especially for one as young as your daughter.” Nodding her head in understanding, she frowned slightly, daring to shoot a glance over at the child in question before her eyes were once more on the father, her feet carrying her back over to where he was standing so that she could stand next to him, giving them both a better chance of watching the girl and the raccoon without too much obstruction to their sight, “You have my word that no harm will come to your child in my pack; I will guide her, nurture her and teach her as I would any young pup that is under my care. She is a bright young thing, and she will go very far. You will both have the support you need; I do not abandon my familia.”

“And it seems Abigale likes you, and that’s all I needed to know.”

“He worries too much.”

“You might see it that way, dear; but he worries for good reason.” Her voice, though still soft now held a touch more authority to it as she spoke to the young girl now in her care, wanting to make sure that she understood just why it was that her father was in the right in this particular case, “Everyday we wake up is full of fun, and full of love… surrounded by our pack- they are our family. However, the life that we live is a dangerous one as well. Not only do we have the threat of other packs and supernaturals, but we also have to worry about hunters. This is why I reached out to your father, and why he has accepted the offer to join the pack.”

Pausing for a moment, she tilted her head forward ever so slightly, her already intense gaze seeming to grow even more so as she kept holding the child’s eyes, “You see Abigale; the stronger the pack, the safer we are. And that is what I aim for. No harm will ever befall a member of my familia if I can help it. You are apart of that familia now; you must now do your part in the pack, just as your father must now do his part as my new beta.”

Holding her gaze just a few moments longer to make sure that her words had sunk in, Alessea tore her gaze away from the girl, instead allowing it to meet once more with Quinton’s- it wasn’t what she had offered him when they had first spoken… a place in the pack; that was it. But something didn’t feel right, and if she was going to keep them safe, she was going to need all the help she could get, “Stay vigilant, and do not stray. I have a real good feeling that something bad is about to happen… that something big is brewing just under the surface, getting ready to show itself. There are already two other wolves wandering my territory; wolves that we must approach and offer a home… I hate to think of what else is to come.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The Twins

Location: aron with Cody Gage with Syleste and Cassandra

Aron blinked and felt himself melt a little at those words. He silently thanked the helmet for blocking the blush that just flooded his face and climbed onto the motorcycle after Cody. He was really close to Cody...and he was very aware of this.

He found himself holding on to Cody loosely not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Having his arms wrapped around Cody somewhat made his day probably one of the best he's had in a very long time. When the bike stopped he let go and got off after Cody. He pulled off his own helmet to reveal a rather happy expression. He took Cody's hand and looked around himself at all the beauty. "that sounds amazing" he was looking off at the tree but when he said that he was looking at Cody.

Gage blinked at the mention of the pocky game. He had no idea what that was but somehow he felt that Cassandra was up to something with that one. He looked over to see Syleste blushing. Her cheeks nearly matching her hair and that caused him to loose all functioning brain activity.

Should he confess? She was pulling his hand closer maybe she liked him too. He watched Cassandra leave and rubbed his face with his free hand. He inhaled before speaking softly. "Syl....I have a confession to make" inhale exhale breath. He could do this. "I...I uh....I really like you" there it was out there now. No taking it back. Though if she decided to run right now he would never forget how her hand felt in his....not how wonderful that accidental hug was. He was prepping himself for hurt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Seraphina Astarte

Location: Red Lake Cafe.
Interacting With: Her manager, and Miranda Burke (@Damo021).

“..I’ve already told you, Rachel… I don’t want to take the job; it’s a small part, and I’ve only just gotten home. I want to be able to spend some time with my sister, and our friends.”

Falling silent as she listened to the voice coming from the other end of the receiver, Seraphina shook her head, her free hand slipping down into the pocket of her jacket as she continued to lazily wander down the main street of Red Lake- how long had it been since she’d been able to just walk like this… to actually relax; to not have to learn any lines, or worry about camera’s or paparazzi following her around wherever she went…

It had been months.

Filming had taken a bit longer than they’d originally predicted; but the movie was looking great from what she could tell. The only thing left that they needed to do being a couple promotional photo shoots, an interview here and there both TV and radio (which majority she was able to convince to do long distance), and then the premier. Once all that was over and done with, she was free to just be her… to spread her wings, and fly in a manner of speaking.

“..yes, I know how much you do for me; and you know that I’m not going to trade this time with my family for anything.” Slowing to a stop in front of a store window, she turned her body around so that her stunningly beautiful greyish-blue orbs could take their time to wander over the display in front of her, causing her to tilt her head lightly to the side while her soft pink lips parted ever so slightly as a small stuffed toy of an owl managed to catch her eye from inside the store, “..I’ll be back for the premier; remember that I need you to put a plus two down for me this time, not just a plus one. Thank you so much Rach, I’ll see you soon okay..?”

Seemingly too distracted to continue on with the conversation, she lowered the phone from her ear, her thumb hitting the ‘end call’ button before eventually, she slipped it down into the pocket of her jacket, her lips turning up in a gentle smile as she continued to stare at the owl, making up her mind to come back and buy it before she once more turned, each step light and making her look as though she were walking on air as she hurried the rest of the way down the street and towards the cafe- oh wow… it looked so busy; but the familiar flash of blonde hair caught her eye causing her to resolve her choice as she made her way inside.

Miranda was a miracle worker- whenever she needed her, she was right there; and Jayne more than adored the girl. Silently making her way up behind her, Seraphina lifted her arms up from her sides, bringing both of them around to hurriedly cover her friend’s eyes for but a few moments before finally, she dropped her hands down to her shoulders, her body leaning over so that she could place a quick kiss against her cheek, the action leaving an imprint of her lips which shined in gold for only a fraction of a second before disappearing from sight completely.

“Hey..! Did you miss me..? Thank you, by the way, for helping to look after Jayne while I was gone.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Quinton and Abigale


Abigale squealed as the raccoon came running towards them, and She nodded, unafraid of the furry critter, given that it had seemed quite alright with alessea. Besides, it was cute. She happily played with the raccoon, her laughter and squeals echoing around the area. Quinton watched her a moment, before turning back to Alessea.

He pondered all Alessea said, watching her interact with Abigale. His daughter frowned over Alessea's words, and then she sighed, a sad sound that tore his heart. "I know it isn't bad that he worries. And I know he has good cause to, with the Hunter that killed our pack, my mother. But people die everyday. Is it so bad to want to have a little fun, after years of running?" she looked down at Miko, all the confidence she'd desplayed moments before gone, replaced with just a normal kid, struggling with difficult emotions, and Quinton wanted to scoop her up, to hold her tight and let her know it was going to be okay.

"our pack was strong. I may only have been young, but I remember that. I remember the feeling of...safe. But they were killed. Daddy does everything he can. But he's sad. And...he hasn't been so, much, since we came here. I don't think it's just the town" Abigale gave her father a smile, although it was almost nervous, as if worried her words might have upset him.

Quinton gave a soft sigh himself, shifting and crouching in front of his daughter. "the pack was safe, sweetie. It was strong. We made the hard decision to risk ourselves for the community. The Hunter threatened the people we considered friends, and we decided to do what we could to protect them. Only...things went wrong. And when I was the last one standing, I made the decision to get you out and keep you safe. I'll never stop keeping you safe. It's the first full moon here, tomorrow. Let me worry a little longer. Just in case the Hunter had friends, they maybe gone, but the threat lingers. You'll start school next week, you'll make friends, and I'll still want to keep you safe. Because that's my job" as Abigale nodded, her rose again, looking back to Alessea.

"two? I'm only aware of the one, the stray I've been trying to approach, but he's been quite hard to track down" Quinton was well aware that there did seem to be something...astray, but he didn't quite know what. He looked to Abigale again, frowning slightly. He lowered his voice so she wouldn't hear his next words. "you don't know where I could get a wolf-dog pup from, do you?"


Cody nodded in agreement, curling his hand around Aron's he was glad to see him looking happier then earlier, and he started to lead Aron towards the treehouse. The tree stood quite tall, was rather large, and the tree house above was sturdy looking, circling the trunk. There was a rope ladder, which sway light in the slight breeze. And it was clear that it was used quite regularly, a scarf tied against the railing, a lantern by the door.

Cody looked to Aron and grinned, giving his hand a squeeze before he began to climb the ladder skillfully and with practiced ease, soon reaching the top, he pulled himself up and over, leaning over to watch Aron climb up as well, figuring it would be a lovely view. Not as good as watching him climb up, but still. When Aron would near the top, Cody would move back to give him room to get up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom)
Interacting With:@twannyman Gabanre, @rivaan Valencia & @Zhaliora Patricia, @Vicier Syleste, @BlackPanther The Twins, @Caits Cody & Cassandra Quinton & Abigale , @ChaoticFox Echo, @Metronome Yoska & @Damo021 Miranda.

(Since I didn't get a clear reply from where the hell you all are at i'm just tagging it anyway so yeah your still tagged.)

Riley looked towards Sylest and smiled at her. "I'm doing alright thanks." Riley said with a soft smile as she watched her friends suddenly just up and leaving the café she sighed softly as she ran a hand through her hair. Riley she took her cup of coffee as she started to drink it down she looked towards Val and smiled at her. "Well i'm going to go and get the RV, you want to come with me?" Riley asked as she finished up her drink and looked towards Patricia as well giving the older woman a soft smile. "You are more then welcome to join as well." Riley said as she got up and grabbed her own car keys which she had in her pocket.

Riley started to leave the café and started making her way back towards her house as she made it back to her car she opened the door and got inside. She waited until Valencia was in and then Riley started to drive off towards the outside of town where a family friend was there who owned the RV that she always used. Riley made her way up towards the door and dug into her wallet pulling out 100 dollar bill that she agreed to use for the RV for the next few days.

Riley knocked on the door as an older man opened the door to see Riley out there he gave her a smile and then hugged her. "Good to see ya again Riley." He said as Riley handed him the money and smiled. "Good to see you as well." Riley smiled back towards him as she was handed the keys to the RV. "Take care of my ride?" He nodded and smiled at her. "Shes all filled up with gas, enough for a warm shower, and electricity to last ya and your friends for the next couple of days." He said Riley smiled happily as she shook his hand glad that the plan was already set up, she took out her phone and decided to text all of her friends.

[quote][color=lightgreen][I]"Guys got the RV for tomorrow meet at my place tomorrow afternoon 12:00PM sharp, see you all later. :)[/color][/I][/quote]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Cassandra’s Car in the Red Lake Grocery Store Carpark.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther).

“Syl… I have a confession to make.”

A confession..? This was it; this was when he was going to tell her that he didn’t like her; that he wanted nothing more to do with her, and that he would rather her not go on the camping trip with them… She didn’t mind though; not that it wasn’t going to hurt… but even the smallest of moments- the smallest of memories gained from her being held so gently in his arms, from his hand holding so sweetly onto her own...from just being able to sit, and to talk to him without becoming a nervous puddle of pink hair and stutters…

“I… I uh… I really like you.”

The very minute the words had left his lips, it was like the world around her stopped; slowing down to the extremities that they had in movies while her heart, instead, decided to lodge itself up into her throat as she did her best to wrap her mind around what it was he had just said, or, well confessed to her.

He-... He liked her..? G-Gage actually liked her..?

Lifting her head up so that she was able to glance over in the direction she could hear his soft voice… his gentle breathing… Syleste took a few more moments to herself, allowing time for the new information to actually sink in and settle within both her mind and body- this had to be a joke of some kind… a cruel and unusual joke that her mind had decided to play on her for some unknown reason. She was dreaming, she had to be; but then it couldn’t be right… she could feel the warmth of his hand in her own… she could hear the breath moving in and out of his lungs as though to bring him courage…

This was real… it was all so real…

“..G-Gage… I-I, uh…” Dropping her head down ever so slightly, she shut her eyes tightly, cursing herself internally as she forced herself to take yet another moment, though this time to calm her nerves and the rushed beating of her heart within her chest- argh..! Why was this so hard..? She liked him… a lot; and he had just gone out of his way, and told her outright that he liked her as well..! So why was it this hard to tell him just how she felt..?

Tightening her grip over his hand just that little bit more, she shifted over the backseat, her body straightening ever so slightly before she took in a deep breath through her nose, seeming to hold it in for a good five seconds or so before finally, she let it fall slowly out past her soft pink lips; the action repeating itself a couple more times before her eyes fluttered open, and her attention once more lifted up to where she could still feel him sitting beside her.

“..I-I like you too, Gage… like, like you… like really like, like you…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The Twins

Location: Aron with Cody Gage with Syleste then Syleste and Cassandra

Aron watched Cody climb up and found his mind not knowing what to do with the entire situation. The tree house was amazing Cody was amazing....the whole situation was just fantastic. He felt his mouth twitch as he broke out in another grin. Then he pulled off his shirt revealing what all the exercise he does does for him. He glanced up at Cody wondering what effect that will have on him.

He then tucked an edge of the shirt into a pocket and climbed up. Once he reached the top he looked around himself. "This is so amazing"

Gage blinked. Then blinked again. She liked him too? With all his prickly pear similarities....then again she saw a side of him hardly anyone did. His soft side. A smile broke out on his face. He unbuckled himself then reached over and unbuckled her. He gently pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. He wouldn't to do more....but he was a bit scared of freaking her out. Then he decided what the hell hes come this far.

He gently tilted her head toward him before lightly pressing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and brief before he pulled away. He was now blushing hard and he worked on not being nervous. He took a breath. "S-sorry....uhm....I should've confessed earlier huh" awkward chuckle mental face palm.

He rubbed the back of his neck then sighed. "I think Cassandra is waiting....and you really want pocky.....shall we?" he pulled slightly away from her and laced his fingers with hers. He wasn't trying to turn her away...he just didn't know how much she wanted right now. How much of a relationship...he would probably ask her later for a date. Maybe after the camping trip he could take her somewhere.....cook her something. His mind was rushing with ideas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley

“Sure!!!” Val replied with great enthusiasm and jolted from her place and quickly started walking after Riley. She wanted to be moving, to not be staying much on one place. She was still smiling and looking about the place, constantly doing some small action. She truly appeared to be an overly energetic person... actually the right term was hyperactive! Well it was not once or twice she got pulled over, asked by cops if she had taken something. Hell some even directly would ask her to go make tests. Fun times~

While Riley drove them off to the location of the RV, Valencia took the chance to once more memorize the as much of the layout of the city as she could around the route they passed. It was a nice training to keep the memory sharp and to know directions whenever you need it. She run a finger across the silver coated dagger hidden in her belt.

The writer had a bright smile on her face as they left the town and reached their destination. She followed her new friend outside and to the door where the man opened and they made what probably was the usual agreement on using the RV. It look nice and certainly was going to do the job at the trip they were going to make. She also smiled at the mention of it being fully fueled and so on. Though she'd frankly prefer if there was a river or something to bathe at. Simply to make the outdoors experience that much authentic!

While Riley was messaging the rest of the group, Val by some trained instinct/habit, pulled out her knife from the belt and started playing with it, throwing it around, balancing it on her nails... the usual. She even had a rather relaxing expression while doing so! “ So I guess we are ready!” She stated, realizing what she was doing, flicking her wrist as the knife spun a few times in the air before she caught it with two fingers by the blade.” Say is the camping spot is right by the lake, right?” She asked just for confirmation. She was currently torn between taking or not a swimsuit for this trip. She also quickly put the knife back in it's hidden sheath.” Please do not mind the knife... or any other bladed thing I may pull out. Old habits...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



The climb wasn't strenuous, and probably didn't call for the shirt removal but Cody wasn't going to complain. Not when it was such a fine view...oh god. He was staring. He couldn't help it. It was just such an...intoxicating sight. Cody wasn't vain. Looks were nothing compared to personality...and Aron was just so sweet. So kind. But wasn't it nice...that he had a good body? Woah, boy. bring it back. Cody was sure his face was a shocking scarlet, it was so warm.

Cody knew Aron was into exercise, and it certainly showed. Yum. He stood there, watching Aron climb up the ladder, appreciating the way he moved. His muscles. Oh hell, his whole body for that matter. Cody wanted to reach out and touch him, but he restrained himself. He didn't know how.

He stepped back as Aron reached the top, swallowing nervously. He was sure he was blushing still. He was just so close...so pretty...but Cody didn't want to do anything that would freak Aron out. Cody wasn't quite as Timid as Aron. He didn't want to...push him away. Not now. Oh god, was he staring? Oh god, he was staring. He couldn't help if.

He let out a slow breath, finally managing to look away. "it is. It's one of my favorite spots. So pretty" he managed to keep his voice normal, before turning back to Aron. "let's go in, we can still see out"and please please please, keep it off despite the fact he felt flustered over it, Cody had to admit, it was a nice view indeed.

Inside, it was clear that Cody did spend a large amount of time there. There was a couple of bean bags, books spread about, crumpled up paper on a corner where he had shot it through one of those small toy basketball hoops, processes of his novel that he'd either disliked or didn't think would work, numerous pieces of paper and writing utensils neatly disorganized on the ground, and a battery powered stereo.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Cassandra’s Car in the Red Lake Grocery Store Carpark.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther).

If the world had slowed down before; then the moment his lips connected with her own, it had come to a complete and utter stop. There was no noise- she could hear nothing… not even the gentle beating of her own heart; and for a moment, she truly began to believe that it had all come to an end right there and then… that she had lived her life for this moment, and this moment alone…

The very moment that his lips touched hers; she had died… and now she was in heaven.

His lips… they were so soft… so sweet- so warm..! And the kiss-… A burning heat seemed to spread out through her very being; starting at her core before following every vein… every vertebra… every synopsis, until finally, it hit the surface, causing her to feel as though every little part of her, no matter how tiny it might have been, had just been thrown headfirst into the hottest day in summer. Her cheeks were bright red; her face felt as though it were on fire- her heart, which had just remembered that it needed to work, was beating faster than she could ever remember it having done before…

Was-… was this what everyone’s first kiss was like..?

Shifting ever so slightly over the seat, Syleste lifted her legs up so that they were instead folded neatly underneath her body, her hands (both tentative) reaching out until they were able to meet with the soft, though strong muscles of his chest, her fingers curling… molding to the shape as she seemed to grow more serene, her body visibly relaxing and falling ever so slightly into his own as she chose to follow his lead, doing what she could to add to the kiss; but as soon as it had begun, it was over… he was pulling away… and time was once more catching up to them in the moment.

She barely heard what it was he was saying; her chest rising and falling heavily with each and every breath as she tried to catch it once again, and her ears still ringing slightly, though none of that mattered… she couldn’t concentrate- he had kissed her..! Gage had actually kissed her..! She was still trying to process the fact that he even liked her; that he shared the same feelings for her, that she did for him, and that in itself was more than she could have ever dreamt possible. He was so wonderful, so amazing, so-… so perfect. He could have anyone he wanted, and the simple fact that he had chosen her out of all of them… Heh; that was right… he chose her; just like she had chosen him.

“..-think Cassandra is waiting… and you really want pocky… shall we?”

It took her a few moments to catch up. Her mind still reeling from the kiss; and whenever she tried to make sense of anything, it thoughts just seemed to become more and more jumbled with each other.

“..pocky..? Furrowing her brows ever so slightly as she tried her best to focus on the word and not on the fact that he had taken a hold of her hand, Syleste let her head tilt lightly to the side, her soft pink lips parting from one another before understanding began to dawn over her delicate features, an apologetic look crossing over them soon after as she tightened her hold over his hand, squeezing it lightly as a sweet though still rather shy smile played over her lips, “..o-oh; pocky… uhm… yeah… we, uhm; we should go… together…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The Twins

Aron could feel Cody staring and he had to admit that made him happy. He felt a large smile take over his face as he glimpsed the red of Cody's face. Being alone meant he wasn't nearly as timid as he is surrounded by people. He had no idea why....okay actually he did but to admit that he was scared of that...witch would really bring him down. He followed Cody inside and decided to leave the shirt off. Experimentation right? Part of what doctors do...no not really but fun....fun is a thing.

He looked around at everything with wide eyes. "This is so cool." he spotted the bean bag and made a bee line to it. Plopping into the bag he looked at Cody. He then pretended to be stuck. "Oh no it ate me help" clearly a trap. His intention to pull Cody to him as soon as he tries to help.

Gage was now blushing and blushing hard. A rare sight indeed from the prickle puss. He swallowed and worked on inhaling a bit before opening the door. He felt a smile when she suggested they go together. "okay let's go catch up with Cassandra." he knew she would have had to go with him any way...but her smile suggested she wanted to go with him and that made him feel like he was soaring.

He lightly squeezed her hand before gently helping her out of the car. His fingers laced back with hers as soon as she was standing next to him. He paused before gently kissing her forehead. He didn't know why....he just wanted to. He then closed the door before walking with her to the store to begin the hunt for Cassandra. He probably hasn't looked this happy....in an extremly long time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody kept on stealing glances at Aron, who was still shirtless-there was a god-as he quickly tidied up a bit. His late night writing session the previous night had left him unable to be bothered tidying up, and while he didn't think Aron would care about that, it care him a moment to collect his thoughts. He glanced over at Aron as he said the place was cool. Cody loved his little....home away from home, it was perhaps his favorite place, and he was glad he had shown Aron something that meant so much to him.

As Aron made a beeline to the beanbag, and said it was eating him, Cody laughed, but approached, well aware that it was a trap and that Aron would pull him today, he nevertheless held out his hand, pleased that Aron would do something like that, would want him close. But as he approached, he tripped, which was seriously an accidently. Flustered that Aron was here, shirtless, and distracted that Aron wanted him close, Cody tripped over something-it could have been the damn air, he twisted slightly so that he didn't land on Aron, but still landed on the beanbag, nested quite happily against Aron.

He looked up, Bashful, at Aron and gave him a shy smile. Slightly overwhelmed, Cody had no idea what he was going to say until he said it, "oh, look, I've fallen for you" As the words left his mouth, Cody panicked slightly. What if he scared Aron away?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

As Riley went into the RV she started to inspect their little house for the next couple of days, it all seemed to be all in good working order which she was really glad to see. She then looked over towards Valencia as she started to play around with her silver knife Riley was a bit impressed by the skill with the knife, she would have probably cut herself or lost a finger if she tried to do any of those knife tricks that Valencia was using. Riley also started to wonder where exactly she had learned how to handle the knife, Riley the got out of the RV and leaned herself up against the RV and watched Valencia continue to do her little knife play until Val finally addressed her about the lake and where they will be camping.

"There is a small campsite like right in front of the lake itself, gives you a really good view of the whole lake itself and it's really beautiful at sundown and sunrise. Which is why the town was named after." Riley answered as she waved her friend to get into the RV, she might as well show her friend where they will be camping for the next few days. Once Valencia was inside Riley started to pull the RV out of the driveway leaving her car behind, she started driving off towards the lake. The pavement eventually turned into dirt roads they were then in front of the lake fifteen minutes later.

At the lake it was very peaceful a small little island near the middle of the lake could be seen as well as the mountain that was overlooking the entire lake and town. As Riley got out of the RV she started to make sure that their little area would be safe of all of them which she usually did by herself most of the time while all of her other friends were getting things ready on their end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Valencia Jackson

Location: RV then Campsite
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley

“I guessed as much, but it's always best to confirm things before hand just in case, right?” Valencia said with a relaxed smile as she smiled and, after putting the knife away into it's hidden sheath, got into the RV by Riley's request.

At first Val wondered where Riley was actually heading when they didn't go back the way they came, but then she quickly realized that her friend was actually driving towards the lake and the campsite. It seems her new friend was given her the early tour of the place! That was great and Valencia just couldn't stop smiling as they reached their destination. It was truly a beautiful place out here. She just took a deep breath and enjoyed the surroundings, but she also felt a tingling of concern. She still had a certain degree of unease whenever she was outdoors. Part of her heritage really. Nature was the domain of the creatures that stalked humanity and that was simply a fact.' I guess I will just take a weapon or two and it should just make me feel both safer and actually grant some safety in case something happen!' She thought to herself with a nod and turned to Riley.

“Thank you, Riley.” Val eventually said to the other girl with sincere voice.” For showing me this now and becoming my friend.” She added with a smile. She then turned and looked back towards the lake itself and felt the great urge to go for a swim... Her hyperactiveness once more kicking into high gear.

“Say, we have a few minutes at least, right?” She asked, almost jumping in her place before quickly starting to undress herself starting with her heavy leather jacket and gradually everything else. She was with her bare back towards Riley. Now that all her heavy clothing was out of the way, a certain detail was revealed to Riley – the big number of scars across Val's back and legs. Burns, claws, cuts... Still as if Val didn't even mind those she suddenly left the pile of her clothing behind and only with a small knife strapped to her tight she jumped into the lake for a quick swim.

“THE WATER'S GREAT!” She shouted after emerging from her jump and waved to Riley.” Sorry couldn't help myself and wait till tomorrow~” She added doing a few quick strokes across the water and quickly swimming about the place.” Ohhhh hey a fishie!” She suddenly called as she noticed something underwater and after nimbly pulling her knife from the sheath on her tight, she stabbed into the water just at the right angle before pulling the knife up and revealing a fish pierced right in the middle. Only then with her urge to go for a swim and her activeness satisfied for the moment, she brought herself to leave the water.

“We do not have a towel right now do we?” She asked, finding it almost funny.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Grocery Store.
Interacting With: Her mother.

Where were they..? No-… it wasn’t possible; did America really not have them..?!

Narrowing her eyes, Kaylee allowed them to scan slowly over the various biscuits that lined the shelves in front of her, searching for the one in particular that she wanted… No; that she needed to have… That beautiful double layer of malted biscuit; separated by a sweet layer of chocolate cream filling, and then topped off and finished with a delectable thin layer of melted chocolate… It was heaven in a bite-sized snack, and if she was going to have to now live without it, she was going to be one unhappy camper.

“..they don’t have them… Are you kidding me..!” Shaking her head in pure disbelief to what her eyes were seeing; or well, not seeing on the shelves, she shoved her hands down into the recesses of her back pockets, her soft pink lower lip pushing out into a slight pout as she once more let her eyes roam over the options in front of her- she didn’t even recognize half of these things. What in the hell is a milano..? And why were American’s so insistent on calling them cookies..?

“They don’t have what..?”

“Tim tams..!” Tearing her attention away from the shelves, she let her attention come to a rest on her mother’s figure just a few steps away, the woman herself looking a little off-put as she searched the shelves for familiar brands, “They don’t have them here; it’s ridiculous. I’m gunna have to make a call, and get the pack to send us about a year’s supply…”

“Now you’re the one being ridiculous- a year’s supply..? No; get them to send you at least six months worth, and then later they can send you some more.”

Unable to help the soft laugh that fell out through her lips, Kaylee turned her attention back over to the shelves, taking a few moments longer to just look at them before she reached out and began to grab different packets, dropping them down into the trolley until there were at least seven different packets of biscuitey goodness for her to enjoy on her own… or maybe-… maybe with someone else..?

Her mind flicked back, and with it, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing back over her shoulders, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she searched up and down the aisle, looking for his figure in amongst the crowd, though when she couldn’t find it her heart seemed to sink… Why was she even thinking about him..? That guy seemed to be all that was on her mind; consuming her each and every thought when she gave herself a free moment. This wasn’t natural… it wasn’t normal- he was the very first guy to have caught her eye as badly as he had, and she wasn’t sure whether or not she really cared…

Furrowing her brows slightly at the mere memory of his eyes… those stunningly gorgeous eyes… Kaylee turned her attention back over to the shelves in front of her, forcing herself to once more focus on the different packages in front of her before she shook her head lightly- she had more than enough biscuits… now where in the hell did these people keep the pocky..?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Alessea Vina García

Location: García’s (Self-Owned Garage).
Interacting With: Quinton Matson and Abigale Matson (@Caits).

“There is nothing wrong with having fun; in fact, I encourage it. However, you need to remember that our lives are full of danger- until the attack on your previous pack, you haven’t been running… what your father and I have had to do for the majority of our lives, however…”

Alessea let her sentence trail off into nothing- it was more than obvious, even to a five year old child, where she had been going with her train of thought. What this girl had been through three years ago might have forced her to start her running… but compared to the both of them, it was nothing. They had been running most of their lives; it came with the territory of being what they were. Werewolves. Like hell did she ever believe in her youth that she would ever use such a word to describe herself, but it was true… and it had been for quite some time now.

Pulling herself back to the present from her rather distracted state, she turned her attention once more to the young girl before her, the raccoon that she had been playing with now biding for her attention by grabbing and pulling lightly at the front of her top, its nose twitching back and forth as it sniffed the air, searching her person for treats of any kind, “..we’re now familia, Abigale… and as such, I’m going to make sure that both you and your dad are safe from any danger or threat that presents itself to the pack. Now, I’ve already dealt with one hunter that got too close; I won’t hesitate to take care of any others.”

Lifting her hand up from her side, she held her pointer finger out, waiting as the nail that once was there changed… growing and sharpening until it was a single claw which she brought into her body, using it to make a cross over the top of her heart, “I give you my word as your alpha; for as long as you are a part of my pack, you will be safe… and you will have fun. I will even teach you myself if that’s something that you would want.”

“Two? I’m only aware of the one, the stray I’ve been trying to approach, but he’s been quite hard to track down.”

Smiling softly down at the young girl, Alessea took but another moment to let her promise sink in before she turned her full attention back over to where Quinton was stood beside her, nodding her head lightly in answer as she straightened herself up, returning her hand back down, and in turn, allowing her nail to return back to normal, “Yes; I am aware of the stray. I have caught whiff of his scent every now and again, however he always seems to allude me… But no; the second is newer- much newer. I caught their scent in town not even a few hours ago.”

“You don’t know where I could get a wolf-dog pup from, do you?”

Unable to help the gentle chuckle that fell out through her lips, Alessea shook her head lightly from side to side, her body physically relaxing as she once again nodded her head in answer to his question asked, “..leave it with me. I need to head into town for a bit; while I’m there, I’ll talk to a few people and get back to you. If you’re lucky, I’ll have one for you by the end of the day.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"...Now, I’ve already dealt with one hunter that got too close; I won’t hesitate to take care of any others.”

Quinton froze. Was she talking about the hunter that had been following them? Quinton was well aware that the hunter had been killed, but had that been Alessea that had killed them? She was protecting them, even before she'd been aware that they were wolves, if that was the case. She had managed to do something, that Quinton hadn't; been able to, for fear that Abigale might get hurt. He watched Abigale frown over the promise before she nodded, returning her attention back to the raccoon begging for her attention.

Once Quinton was sure that Abigale wouldn't over hear, he said softly to Alessea, "I found the hunter chasing us dead, I had intended to leave Abigale with the woman that runs the bed and breakfast and deal with the hunter myself. I didn't want Abigale to run her whole life, and she starts school shortly. So I was going to deal with them, so we could settle down, but I thank you for doing that"

He looked over to Abigale, playing happily with the raccoon, and back to Alessea. "Then it sounds like they might have no idea what they are doing. Surely if they had been here a few hours, they would have realised there are other wolves in the area. I haven't heard of any fuss, but we can approach them later, to make sure"

He thought on that a moment, frowning. "We came through a town a little while ago, that was realing from a wolf attack that left one person dead, the other somehow miracously uninjuried. i thought little off it, but...maybe theres a new pup running around somewhere" That was a rather unpleasant thought. An untrained pup, unguarded and not knowing what was going on? Dangerous. Perhaps he would go and see if he could track down the new wolf, just in case.

He watched Alessea for a moment, finding himself smiling slightly as she relaxed, chuckled. Gods, she's beautiful. Quinton blinked. Where had that thought come from? But it was true. Alessea was a beautiful woman, and there was just something about her...Quinton gave a smile,

"Thanks, she's been pestering me for a dog for a while now. I figure a wolf dog would be better suited for us, and they're loyal beasts" He kept his voice low, delibearely again so that Abigale would hear, and get excited. "We should head about ourselves, got to finish getting Abigale's school things, so maybe we'll see you in town?"


Cassandra glanced about, spying Gage and Syleste coming into the store, she decided not to make a comment like 'oh I thought I saw the car windows steaming up!'. She wouldn't do that to Syleste, nor Gage, as she saw that he seemed...lighter then he had in a long time. She smiled, pleased, and began searching for the Pocky. It didn't take her long, and she spied a cute girl obviously searching for something. Cassandra had been thirteen when her Aunt, perhaps taking pity on her, had sat her down and said, quite simply, that Cassie didn't need to fight who she was. She swung both ways, simply as that. And it had been...once she had had that small acceptance, from her Aunt.

So Cassandra appreciated good looking people. And the girl looked a little confused-Maybe she wasn't from around here? Cassandra didn't recognise her, so that seemed likely. She certainly hadn't been in school, and she looked to be around their age. Friendly, and willing to help, Cassandra approached the girl, and smiled, saying "Hi, did you need some help?" reaching just around the girl, she grabbed a couple of boxes of pocky, "The store can be a bit confusing if you're not from around here. Are you looking for anything in particularly?" She asked, putting the pocky in her basket as she looked back to the girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson and Mya Sierra LaCroix

Kim didn't care much for what the girl had to say. It dosn't matter anyway. She did regret doing it a bit though. She would probably be not too welcome at the café any longer she figured. Oh well, the sacrifices you do for your friends. She laughed and took her baguette and made her way outside as another stream of people entered. It was getting way too crowded in here for her to think. It was like the more people inside, the more her brain was sucked of power. Or so it felt at least. Taking a deep sigh she looked towards her car, or rather, where she normally parked it, she had walked here. The thought sunk in and she sighed even deeper, slumping her shoulders.

Mya walked outside with complete intent to return to the station, hoping to continue her work in silence. Perhaps with a nice cup of coffee and some music. She walked up to her car and placed her hand on the door handle, seemingly unlocking the car with her palmprint. As she was about to get in when she noticed a familiar face standing a few feet away. It took a few moments, but she eventually recognized the gunsmith and stood from her car to approach her. "Need a ride?" she offered, seeing as the smith was looking to where her car would usually sit. Mya had been coming to the Café long enough to recognize most people's parking habits. Something she must have learnt from her time with the NYPD. Hey, old habits die hard.

She was contemplating as to why she walked here when a voice rang out. Kim's eyes slowly raised and looked towards the voice. The detective had spoken to her. What was her name now again? Mya? For once it seemed like a name stuck to her as she didn't even have to go through her contact list to find it. She chuckled to herself and scratched the back of her head. "If you're going the same way that I am, wherever that might be." Honestly, she wasn't sure where she was going. There was the old cabin that needed fixing, but the parts had not arrived yet. She could go back and work, but no customer had called. She shook her head and sighed. "Where are you going anyway?"

"I had planned to head back to the station to work, but I'm honestly not in a work mood. Don't really have a plan for the day." Mya pondered a moment before something popped into her mind. "Actually, if you don't mind a quick detour to my place, I may have a job for you." She smirked, hoping to grab her attention with the promise of work. She reached up and brushed a lock of hair from her own face, tucking it behind her ear before looking back to the smith. "A restoration and repair project, if you're up for it."

Kim's eyes seemed to shine when the offer for work was brought up. Something to keep her hyperactive mind going, even if just for a little bit. She nodded and put on a business smile. "As per standard, I'll take a look at it and make an assessment before accepting or giving you a price." Kim said and stood straight up. The air about her seemed to change whenever work was brought up. She could barely contain herself at the prospect after such a dull day, and it was barely noon!

"Great! Hop in and we'll go take a look. I think you'll like it." Mya smiled at the woman, motioning to the jet black car behind her. She turned and opened her door, sliding into the driver's seat before pushing the push-to-start button under the steering wheel. The eight cylinder engine purred to life and then calmed to a warm hum as Mya gripped the steering wheel, looking over to her companion. "Don't mind the gear in the back, just precautionary measures." She motioned to a bulletproof vest tucked in front of the back seat behind her and the small, pistol sized gun case on the opposite side of the vehicle. She looked back to Kim, smirking once again. "Shall we?"

A few minutes worth of driving later, they arrived at the rather secluded house on the outskirts of the town. It was a well kept property, the centerpiece of which was a moderately sized, modern wood bungalow, parallelled by a separate garage. She slowed the car to a stop and killed the engine, stepping out onto the paved driveway. "Well, here we are. The project in question is in the garage."

She had smiled softly. She was actually quite happy over this development. The incident earlier in the café had left a bad taste in her mouth. Kim entered the car and sat in the seat, she didn't mind the things, rather, she was intrigued by the things back there. That vest could be improved. Make the vest itself smaller since the pads weren't covering the entire thing. Her gaze went to the gun case, then to her own FN-Five-Seven at her hip. Guns united people in so many ways, but also divided them in equal measure.

Her gaze turned once again to Mya. They had quite a few dealings over the weeks Kim had lived here. She had taken over the maintenance of the police firearms, along with a few detectives and local ones. She even had contacts within the army and national guard, and had started working on a few projects there.

As the house came into view she smiled. It was pretty and felt pleasing to her eyes. The aesthetic of it, layout, and the seclusion fit her perfectly. Perhaps she had to remodel the gunshop, add on a proper house to the side of it instead of living above it. Kim shook her mind of stray thoughts though as they got out of the car. "All right," she said and started walking up the driveway. She was in her own little world right now, anxious to see what lay ahead.

Mya paced casually up to the garage, spinning her keys idly on her index finger. She approached the side door and slid in the key, twisting it gently before opening the now unlocked door. She reached over to flick the light switch, illuminating the rather large garage. Inside, a workbench ran the entire length of one wall, while a computer desk sat in the opposite corner. What looked to be a car covered by a large canvas tarp, sat in the middle of the room. But that wasn't the project Mya was referring to.

"It's just over here." she motioned to Kim as she walked over to the workbench. "This is a pre-world war two model Mauser 98. Found it in the cellar that the garage was built over, left there by the owner." Mya pulled back the blanket covering the rifle and picked it up. "She's in pretty rough shape. The rifling is all but absent, stock is cracked in multiple places. The list goes on." She held it out towards Kim, were she wanting to take a look.

Kim's eyes lit up at the prospect of working on a K98, but was slightly disappointed when it was an older model. The iconic world war two rifle was one of her most wanted rifles. Ever since she was young she had wanted one. Stunning accuracy, easy to mount a scope, easy to maintain and very well built. It was still a Mauser though, so it should hold up really well. She took out a pair of gloves and put them on before handling the rifle. She looked it over, it really was in bad shape. There was so much work that needed done. "To be honest, it would be easier and cheaper to create a replica of the rifle than fixing this one."

She pulled the bolt back, pressing a little button on the side before pulling the entire bolt out from the rifle. It wasn't in too bad shape, fixable. Kim then took out a cord and hooked it up to her glasses before inserting it into the rifle. "The chamber looks good enough, no cracks as far as I can see. The inner barrel needs replacing. It's too dangerous to thin the walls to thread it. The trigger seems fine along with the sights, and most of the stock needs replacing. If we're lucky I can remove the butt part and make a new one if it's good enough." She sighed and shook her head. "This won't be cheap if you want me to fix it up to authentic standards."

Mya nodded as Kim went over the gun, watching her with curiosity. It was interesting to watch someone express their knowledge and passion over a hobby. It was so....genuine. No lies, all truth. "Let's say the money side of things isn't an issue, is it possible?" It was true that the repairs would probably be more than the original gun would've ever been worth, but there was something about the rifle that she liked. The history behind it, what it may or may not have been through. The whole mystery that she could never solve, that's what intrigued her.

"So, would you be interested in working on it? I wouldn't consider myself a collector in any way, but to have this rifle back in working order.....it would certainly be an interesting piece to have in my possession."

Kim handed back the rifle after inserting the bolt back inside. "Anything is possible," Kim said and smiled. "And since price was not a problem, it can be done," she exchanged the pair of glasses she was wearing and pressed a button on the side of them and information started scrolling down her eyes. She cross referenced what her suppliers took for the material required along with what she needed from a picture of the rifle, along with what she had at home. She smirked before looking at Mya.

"Give me a day. Come over and watch if you want, but it'll take the better parts of the day if you've got something planned." Kim changed her glasses once again to a normal looking pair, without gadgets on them. "If you ever get tired of detective work, I could always use a good hand in the shop." Mya was one of the few people she thought that she could call a friend, at least she hoped so.

"I'll keep that in mind, a change of careers wouldn't be horrible for me." Mya gently took the rifle from Kim and laid it on the workbench, before retrieving a gun case from underneath the bench. She popped the clasps open and laid the gun down on the soft foam bedding before closing the case once again, securing it with a lock on each end. She held out the keys to Kim and then proceeded to carry the case back out to her car.

After safely securing the holstered Glock 17 to her right hip, she opened the driver side door to her car and sat gently on the seat. "To the shop then, or was there somewhere else you wanted to go?" she inquired, having no particular plans for the day other than checking in at the police station.

Kim smiled a friendly smile, something not too common for her. She truly did consider Mya someone she could trust. She felt oddly comfortable around her even. Kim shrugged her shoulders. "No...I'm good. I have the materials at home, it's just making all the parts." Kim climbed into the car after putting the rifle case in the back seat. She gently patted her pockets to make sure she had her things before closing the door.

After a short drive they arrived at Kim's shop. She got out of the car and grabbed the case. She looked at her modest place for a few moments and sighed, straightened her back and walked up to the door. She leaned over slightly to the side and pressed her thumb against a panel and a beep came from it. She sighed and thought to herself if she was paranoid, having an alarm system this advanced in the middle of nowhere.

She walked inside and took out the rifle and placed it under a camera. "Coffee is currently being made," Kim said and tilted her head towards the workshop lunch room as machinery moving could be heard. She had connected the alarm to machinery operating the coffee maker to start making coffee whenever her fingerprint was accepted. She had been quite bored that day. "Just have to wait for the camera to scan the rifle and make a model, the rest is basically per auto part from handling materials and finishing up the finer parts."

Kim smiled and walked into the lunch room and sat down as a mechanical arm gently placed her coffee cup, filled with coffee, in front of her. She sighed happily and took a sip from the warm liquid. "Have a seat," Kim looked around for something before she stood up in a hurry.

"Shit! I forgot some stuff down at the café. I'll be back in a bit. The machines basically work themselves if you feel like giving it a go." Kim said and dashed out from the workshop. She jumped into her Trans Am and drove off with high speed back to the café. Once she arrived she jumped out of the car, but then slowed down and sighed. Stress was not good for her. She took a few deep breaths before walking into the café at a calm pace. She nodded to the few still there before walking over to where she was sitting before and grabbed her purse.

She looked into it to make sure everything was still there, and it was. Kim took a breath of relief and shook her head. Absentminded like always huh..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Aron had a mischievous look in his eyes as Cody came toward him...and then he tripped. Cody managed to land next to him and he felt himself chuckle a bit before listening to what he said. Aron took a breath before pulling Cody close and wrapping his arms around him. He was silent for a bit thinking of what to say before he finally spoke. "I....I've fallen for you too" his voice was soft and a bit shy a blush creeped into his face. He really liked Cody....a lot to the point where this was pure bliss. Though part of him was scared. He didn't want to get hurt again...he couldn't handle that not with Cody.

He inhaled again his heart racing. "I....Would you...." he fumbled with the words nervous beyond reasoning. "Do you....want to be my boyfriend" the words were out. His heart managed to go faster and he was glad he was laying down on a bean bag since he felt like he was going to pass out. He wondered if this was too fast. If Cody would recoil and leave from his arms and have him leave this place. He swallowed and focused intently on the ceiling to afraid to look at Cody. His arms were loose around him in case Cody did leap up...even though part of him wanted to hold on tighter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody relaxed slightly as Aron pulled him close, thinking there was no where he'd rather be then here, and thanking whatever gods were out there that he had tripped. A warm feeling infused him as Aron responded, and he felt like he was soaring. And the blush! It set Cody's heart to nervous thumping, almost too adorable, too precious for this world. He shifted just slightly, so he could nuzzle closer, an odd feeling of peace falling over him, safe in Aron's arms.

He looked to Aron as he tried to speak, finding even that super adorable. For one brief moment, Cody thought about kissing him, and then...do you...want to be my boyfriend. It washed over Cody like a torrent of water, from head to toe, and he was unsure if he could speak. He slid his arms around Aron, holding him tightly, and kissed him deeply, before pulling back. "Yes. Yes I want that, I'm not sharing you with anyone now" he gave Aron that slightly crooked grin.
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