Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Outside Altsoba High
Interacting With: Jake

Zachary hated this, he hated that this had to have happened. Everyone in town new Jake, but still, he was a little freaked out by the dead man who was walking around. The fact that the man was coming after him was another thing entirely. This man was no longer Jake, he knew that, even though his shot was still pretty good. Zach looked around him, to see if there was anything he could use against him, but there wasn't much. Jake was still coming, and he was armed too. Aw hell, what the heck is going on here? Guess there's no rest for the weary, what should I do?

He looked at his side, but he couldn't do anything about it now. His life was currently being jeopardized by an undead man, and he had no plans of dying yet. He tried to aim at Jake again, but had to move again to avoid him. He worked to line up the shot, but failed again. His movement eventually allowed him to get another few shots off, trying to at the least slow him down.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Outside of the Apartment Building
Interacting With: Undead Thing

Fuck, she had to still be alive. Maybe I should have cut off her head and burned it. I'm not sure, I don't usually deal with the undead.

She pulled out one of her knives again, and threw it yet again. If it hit, good, if it missed, she was only planning on using it as a distraction. Katsumi ran at her, with another blade, and tackled her to the ground. She at least has some upper body strength, but who knew what would happen. This time, Kat wanted to make sure that this thing was dead, and it didn't matter to her if she got hurt in the process. Whatever this thing was, it planned on killing her anyway.

"Just die already!" she yelled, as she tried to stab the thing. Well, if all else fails, I can at least try shooting her if I can get up again.

Katsumi was trying to just take this thing out in the quickest way possible. She did not like taking forever to kill something, and at the moment, she didn't care if anything happened to her. This thing was annoying her, and she just wished that she could be rid of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora, Sariel @Morose

Laying in somewhat of a daze below Sariel, Liam watched as the attackers piled into the war and came after Aloise. He lay there, stunned with wear as he slowly raised the gun in his shakey hand, aiming toward the two attacking Aloise, but not pulling the trigger as his hand simply shook. He almost felt relieved when the weapon was taken from him, Liam had never really fired it before, just kept it on him for safety, he'd never actually expected to reach a point in his life where he would have to use it, and even then he was helpless.

As Sariel moved him into the corner, Liam felt completely helpless. Or rather, he realized that was the case, he was in way over his head, he was a reporter, for gods sake, and now all of a sudden he was some Prophet of god? As Sariel spoke, asking him to make the attackers 'unclean' - it only further reinforced in his mind just how useless he was right then, he had no idea how to do anything to help, or if he could do anything, Sariel seemed content on keeping him out of harms way as much as possible as he looked past her toward Aloise, watching as she rolled into the wall along with Mason.

He glanced back and forth between Aloise and Mason, sitting up in the corner as he watched it all unfold. "Help her!" He urged Sariel, turning back to Aloise, trying to think of how best he could help the woman which wouldn't just get him killed.

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, Reverend Adder @Morose

Lowering his gun for a second, Darren glanced between it and Jade as he saw that the shot had struck her leg, he had bad luck from time to time, rotten luck, really, but this was just ridiculous. He chalked it up to a side-effect of selling your soul, though as he heard her once she'd finished her swearing, he looked back up toward her, and found it impossible to actually suppress something of a smile as he watched the woman. She hadn't said much at all on the way there, but the adrenalin rush of a bullet had managed to wake her up, maybe he'd done her a favour.

"That was just for makin' me bring you back!" He joked, not bothering now with the bullets, half-expecting a shot to ricochet and hit him if he fired again as he charged toward the Reverand, grabbing whatever was handy and heavy-looking on the way as he brought it high into the air, swinging it down toward the Reverand's head. He didn't even know if he'd be able to kill the man, he just wanted to get him out of the way so he and Jade could get moving, after all, they had pressing matters to attend to, end of the world or otherwise.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Zombies

Letting his dearest Belladonna go off to find her weapon, Javier let himself slide into the routine of battle. He stepped out of the way incoming hands clawing and grabbing at him, twirling about the polearm he held as he did so, severing a few limbs from time to time as he seemed quite content to be toying with the horde. Even as some of them picked up weapons, he blocked, parried and disarmed as he made his way through the horde contentedly. One of the good things about immortality was the fact he felt no fear in situations such as this, sure he could've lost a limb or two, but they were always able to be re-attached.

It wasn't long before his bare chest was painted a slight red hue from the blood he was shedding as he heard Mercurial in trouble. Turning his gaze, he saw that his darling was already dealing with it. As she moved to their daughter's side, he began to carve his way toward them, spinning and twirling his glaive as he moved, continuing to slice off limbs as he went, along with the occasional head, flicking blood all over the room, oh well, the cleaners were used to blood at this point.

Reaching the two of them, he pushed just past them, stabbing forward as his blade split a zombie's head completely in half, gaze shifting back over to them as he leaned down, planting a kiss to the top of Mercurial's head. "All good, mi amor?" He asked, toward them both.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Nallore: Consider this a miracle in the making. As Sam puts pressure on her wound, the blood flow levels off, with the bleeding beginning to stop. She's still going to need medical attention, but the odds that she's going to bleed to death have heavily decreased. Instead, it's once again more likely that Harley James will be the death of her. He's putting his weight up against the door, but it hasn't budged yet. However, in less than a minute, James comes crashing through, glancing around the restaurant in an attempt to find Sam. Sam's got seconds to make a decision, and Sam notices the windows seem to be the kind that slide open with a good shove. Does she attack? Does she attempt to jump out the window?

@Witch Cat: Samantha doesn't finish her spell in time. John's fingers twitch as he pulls the trigger, the bullet released from the chamber--only to stop in air, right in front of Sylvia. Her spirit has come in handy after all, and the bullet reverses course, burying itself in John Moses' temple. The man drops to the ground, but only for a minute. He'll be back up again soon. Now, Sylvia could follow the bartender and flee -- or enjoy another round with Moses.

@Witch Cat: Eudora's stomach is starting to burn, likely from the immense stinging sensation of the cut. The goat collides into Sutton, its horns digging into her stomach and ripping it open in the process. The blonde girl slumps down against the wall, yet her fingers twitch with life, as the symbol on her hand -- the mark of a Witness -- begins to burn. Eudora likely has recognized Sutton for what she is, a mere shell of a person, acting in accordance with the rise of Lucifer. But with Eudora's stomach wound, it's unlikely she'll be able to leave the Hut, as the blood continues to flow freely from it.

@BlueSky44: Those first few shots don't do much for the sheriff. Jake fires another bullet, and this one hits Zachary directly in the left knee. The pain is unimaginable, and Zachary isn't going to be able to put any weight on that leg for a while. However, his stamina pays off. Zachary manages to shoot directly in the head, the bullet penetrating what was left of Jake's brain. The undead creature drops, but in a few moments, he'll be up again. Zachary isn't walking anywhere--but I suppose, he can always crawl, right? Maybe someone at the station will be listening to the radio...

@BlueSky44: Jeez, LLA seems to be with you guys tonight in terms of dealing damage! Katsumi hits Sorreast with the knife on both occasions, and as she tackles her, her frenzy of cutting seems to have some effect. The corpse ceases moving, and in the chaos, perhaps Katsumi gets an idea. As one of the fingers falls off, it seems to take the corpse a moment more before it's up and moving again -- but fuck, there she goes again! This is getting repetitive isn't it? Too bad for Kat, she doesn't notice Sorreast is up before it's too late -- and her own knife is used against her. Sorreast stabs Katsumi in the thigh. Ouch.

@Lady Amalthea: The devil looks entirely confused during most of that speech. Despite having the ability to read minds, most of those references went entirely over his head. He glances towards Hanson, as if expecting an explanation, only for the Satanist to shrug a bit, as if to say I just met her, don't look at me. After that moment of awkwardness concludes, however, Lucifer clears his throat. "I need a vessel, Amy Chang. Not everyone is able to contain the power of the rebellious son--but you, you are something special. You are the only person who can contain me and live." He holds out his hand, and if Amy were to throw anything at him (because let's be real, that's probably an Amy-type thing to do), it would go right through. He's not really there, more an illusion or a ghost than a living being.

@Lady Amalthea: You know how I said there were two deaths? Yeah. If you let out a strangled sob, it's okay, I did as well. Vivian doesn't attempt to follow them into the Morgue, strangely enough. If anything, Danica and Cecily can hear the sound of moving furniture in the main lobby. If they try to leave the morgue, they'll notice that the exit is blocked off. Something on the other side has been piled up against it. And it won't be long until the scent of smoke becomes prominent, and the fire alarms begin to wail....Only there's no escape. Vivian was as ruthless and clever in death as she had been in life. And for what it's worth, Cecily tries her hardest, even having the two of them hide inside of the fume hood, in order to escape the smoke. But even that doesn't change the burning building that surrounds them. (Feel free to elaborate this on your last post for Danica, as well as control the actions of Cecily).

Aloise Zamora

Location: Aunt Sue's Room 10
Interacting With: Liam and Sariel @Pundii

"Liam! Get out of here!" Aloise shouted, glancing up briefly from her latest fight with Mason. The man tackled her into the wall, and this time, the pair of them went through. The wall was, thankfully, not the outer one. They fell into the ninth room, and Aloise kicked up, flailing her legs in an attempt to get Mason off of her. The pair of them roll, grappling, back into the main room.

"Leave!" Aloise hissed again, managing to grab her gun, and shoot Mason at pointblank range. The bullet causes the body to drop to the ground, only for Elizabeth to once again make herself known, stomping on the Marine's head. Aloise's vision doubles as she weakly attempts to aim the gun upwards, only for her nose to crack as Elizabeth kicked her once more.

However, Aloise was used to pain. She had died and gone to hell, brought back to suffer only more. She rolled and rose to her feet, emptying her clip into Elizabeth's body. By the time she finished, Mason had already begun to rise once more, and Aloise snatched the gun from Sariel, emptying its clip into Mason once more. At seeing the pair of them stay down for a moment, Aloise glanced behind her, expecting to see Liam and Sariel.

But only Liam was there.

And when she turned to face the bodies on the ground, they too were gone. They had vanished.

Jade Cornish

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: the Undead, Darren Andrews @Pundii

The Reverend managed to dodge Darren's attack, before grabbing the hunter's head and slamming it against his knee. Blood trickles down Darren's face, and the former man of holiness continues on his onslaught. Grabbing the oversized candle holder that Darren had used, he threw it out of the way, and Jade glanced around quickly, hopeful that no one else would join in the fun.

"This is such a cock up," Jade muttered, grabbing the candle holder, and bringing it down across the Reverend's head. This time it hit. The weight of it forced the Reverend to the ground, his head bursting like it had been a pumpkin. Grey matter and blood sprayed over the room, the skin unusually soft and the tissue appearing rotted. Darren ended up almost entirely coated in it, and Jade laughed at him a bit, watching as the Reverend appeared to stay down.

"Well, that's ace," Jade shrugged, picking the candle holder and brushing it off. "Guess we just got to smash the things, eh?"

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: the Undead, Belladonna @Lady Amalthea, Javier @Pundii

Mercurial stood up straight, dusting herself off as she straightened her braids. "It was hardly a scratch, mother," Mercurial reminded Belladonna, a slight line of blood marring her otherwise pale complexion. Without showing much emotion on her face, Mercurial picked up the axe she had dropped, and swung it idly in her hand. It had been one of her favorite weapons, ever since she heard the tale of Lizzie Borden, the famed axe murderer in Fall River.

She eyed the broken pile of flesh across the way, watching with a disinterested face as it picked itself back up, before once more resuming the charge. Her mother was a witch by training and her father immortal by an Aztec curse, yet Mercurial preferred more practical methods of slaughter. Charms failed to intrigue the raven haired girl. Noting that her father didn't have a scratch on him, Mercurial couldn't help but find his immortality to be awfully convenient.

At her father's kiss, Mercurial raised an eyebrow. "Are these friends of yours?" Mercurial inquired, driving her axe into the neck of the next one to come towards the family. "Or has hell finally run out of room?" Each time they struck the creatures down, they stayed dead for a moment longer, and then resumed the assault. While Belladonna may be familiar with the need for a spell to force the dead to rest, Javier may instead know the most accepted method of killing an immortal:

complete and utter separation, to the extent that their very atoms are forced apart.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Samantha Hunter

Location: Jake's
Interacting With:

Samantha started groaning loudly as she applied as much pressure on the wound as best as she could, she would occasionally look outside of Jake's seeing Harley James up against the door, she would hear the zombiefied man banging his body up against the front entrance. She didn't want to die as she slowly stumbled up back to her feet, she looked at her camera that was on the floor of the restaurant. "Fuck this shit not worth losing my life over.." She said to herself, she then had an idea but she wasn't sure if it would work she picked it up rather quickly finding an older video she recorded of herself talking and played it turning up the volume as loud as she could before setting it down onto the ground. She looked at the front entrance the door wasn't going to last much longer and quickly made her way towards the other end of the café pushing the sliding window open.

She didn't care about her career anymore at this point, and she simply could find another one if she could Sam climbed through the window groaning loudly in pain as she managed to get her body through the window. She quickly closed the window just in time for the door to bust open as the undead man started to try and search for her. Sam felt dizzy as she would occasionally stumble through the streets she wasn't sure what was going on or why the dead started to come back to life. She really needed some help Samantha continued to groan loudly as she tried to make her way back towards Aunt Sue's occasionally looking over her shoulder in case she was being followed hoping to at least find someone to help her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Lucy and Hanson

Amy looked at the angel of light for a moment and then smirked. "Aww, I bet you say that shit to all the girls," she quipped as she leaned against Hanson's bed and glanced over towards the detective. "He sure knows how to sweet talk a woman doesn't he?" she said as she sat down and crossed her arms over her chest. She eyed Satan for a moment as her lips scrunched up and moved from side to side as if she was eating on something sour. She wanted to chuck her soft ball at him but she figured if she was talking to Lucifer himself that a softball wasn't going to do much good. Granted she wondered if she should have gotten a hold of some holy water when she was grabbing a bite to eat the night before.

"So, tell me. Why the fuck should I say yes? Other than the whole your fallen angel thing and it is better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path? Cause seriously, I don't know if having you inside me is really that fun of an idea. Don't get me wrong, you seem like you could be a fun roll in the hay. That whole deadly sin lust and all. But what's in it for me? Cause I am weighing this whole fucking thing out in my mind and I am wondering just what the running cost of a soul is? You know, street market value. So, help me to help you. What do I get for giving basically assuring that I have to spend eternity in hell, which I am assuming is the cost. Correct me if I am wrong, I don't know the bible that fucking well."

Danica Graves

Location: Police Station
Interacting With: Drama

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Kitchen Area
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial, among others

Belladonna rose slowly as her whip snapped back to the side and caught another that was daring to come at her family, pulling it taunt as she slammed it's head into the meat grinder on the edge of the kitchen counter, its handle spinning as it created a fresh batch to cook with later. "Just like your father," she said towards her daughter before she slipped over to her love and pressed a cold kiss to his cheek, letting the chill of her lips linger against his warm skin. "Never better my darling," she said in morose voice that told she was far more gleeful than her expression would ever give away.

Turning her hand rose, slender fingers twitching as a vial from her collection of ingredients flew from the shelf and into the morning brew. causing it to burst and bubble, the color changing to a crimson as the spoon moved on its own. "I do believe that Lucy has overbooked for the night," she said nonchalantly as she turned her attention towards another that was coming at her. Spinning in her hobble skirt she moved this way and that as she glided across the floor and drew a sword from its sheath at the waist of a coat of armor.

"Parry, parry, thrust, thrust, good," she said calmly as one attacked her and she dipped and moved her mid section out of the way and then drove the tip of her blade through its mouth before spinning around, ripping through the weakened skull and sending the top spiraling into the batch she had been concocting. It bubbled more and turned the color of her raven like hair. "Almost ready."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Somewhere in the Streets Running
Interacting With: “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…”

Sylvia’s knife fell short, and her spell failed, she watched wide-eyed in terror as she saw that dirty finger push the trigger. Sylvia, for a brief flash, saw the plume of smoke erupt from the barrel, a spark of fire propelling the bullet forward towards her head in mere milliseconds until it just stopped.

Sylvia saw it hover for a second, time froze completely still for moments that stretched on for hours. The bullet then reversed and buried itself into her attacker’s head. It all felt very weird. All too smooth and slow to be real. Sylvia flicked her eyes from the point where the bullet hovered and back at her attacker, who now laid down still and with a bullet through his head. The bar was now eerily quiet as Sylvia got up, still shaken with disbelief but managing a quick, ”Thanks, Belial.”

However, she knew he (or it) was not going to stay down for long, she turned, speed-walking out the back door. Sylvia didn’t even wait to catch her breath before she broke into a sprint, she was going to put as much distance between her and it as she could. She headed back for the untamed forest that threatened to engulf the edge of the town, the hard clacks of her heels against concrete turned into soft patters as her feet banged down onto the ground in rhythmic beats. The flickering neon sign of the bar now was but a dark twinkling dot behind her as she racked her mind trying to think of a plan. Calling the cops would be useless seeing as they were spread too thin and had no experience with the supernatural, she had very few spell ingredients left to make anything useful, and the sky was darkening quickly.

She made up her mind. Altering her course, she now lightly jogged towards the road that let out of town. Hoping to find refuge in a nearby home or at least hitch a ride out.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut
Interacting With: Sutton (@Morose)

Eudora angrily muttered crude words at the slumped girl, her goat bleating in tune with her curses (the rude kind, not the magical ones). ”Es scortum obscenus vilis”, the pitch black goat stamped his hooves in agreement to this. ”Stupid girl,” Eudora finally switching to English as she hobbled over herb stashes while putting pressure on her worsening wound, ”Did you really think you could kill me?”

Eudora saw the evil glint of the girl’s smile, her stomach was ripped wide open but it didn’t even seem to faze her, Eudora realised it wasn’t correct to call this thing a “girl.” It was something much, much worse than that.

It was a determined thing, Eudora gave it that as she raided her shelves for healing herbs. Eudora wasn’t panicked, while not able to kill the thing, at least she was able to daze it for a while as she looked for anything that could help. The witch gave the slumped thing an icy glare as she noticed it twitch, ”Manete!” she casted before the thing could try anything. Eudora winced in pain as she attempted to speak the spell, she dared to look down and saw the mess of dark blood. The hot liquid pumping out of the wound like a steady stream as it drained her life away. Eudora grabbed a random concoction.

She toyed with the mix, realising the hints of African Violets and Bilberry Bark, as she spread it on her wound. It stung, but she hoped it would cause it to heal. Or at least numb the pain.

Eudora kept her distance, staring at the motionless thing with her dark and small eyes, ”Who sent you?” she hissed through clenched teeth, ”What do you want with me you wench?” Eudora leveled her own weapon, her finger, at the thing. Dancing the tip of her finger in symbols of protection, ”Leave now girl, and I won’t hurt ye’. Now be a good little girl and run off before I break my reed.”

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Altsoba High Parking Area
Interacting With: Jake

Well shit, this is not my day is it.

The pain in his leg was immense, and he had nothing to wrap up the injury with. With Jake down for the moment, Zachary needed to at least get to his car to try the radio. He had nothing to lose by trying it, and he needed help. He saw his car, and started crawling towards it. It was only 10 feet, but to him, it felt like 10 miles. He tried to stay off of his knee, but it was unavoidable and he winced in pain as he finally reached his car. Zach managed to pull himself up and into the car.

I hope this works, otherwise I am dead! Please someone answer! He shut the door behind him and took a few seconds to catch his breath. He stayed down low in the car and grabbed the radio. With it in hand, he switched it to the main frequency, fumbling a little with the dial. Zach peeked out the window, looking to see if Jake was up again. He ducked down again, and started to speak into the radio. "This is Sheriff Zachary Carpenter, I'm outside of Altsoba High School. Is anyone there? There is something that has been attacking like crazy. I am injured and need help!" He put it down again, and started hoping for a miracle.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Outside of Her Apartment Area
Interacting With: Sorreast

Wait, did she slow down a little? It was only for a moment, but she did slow down. Maybe... I could cut her to bits, to the point where even if she still was alive, she wouldn't be able to move. Well, in the absence of a sane plan, adding to the fact that my leg is hurting like crazy making me pissed, sounds like fun. Something tells me I might enjoy trying this a little more than I should.

She knew that by this point, she was out of options. Her leg was hurting, and she was starting to get bored of this game of cat and mouse. Whatever that thing was, she had to chop it to bits the instant she was down again, without hesitating. Kat reached for her gun, and another of her knives. She needed to get rid of this thing, and fast. She shot several rounds at the woman, and charged at her again.

This time she wasn't messing around anymore, the pain in her leg hurt, but Kat needed to get rid of this thing if she wanted to have some peace once more. At the first oppurtunity, she was going to try ad cut off one of Sorreast's arms, to test out her theory on what could stop this thing. If it proved to be true, she was going to chop off her head and the rest of her body. Kat only hoped that she could get lucky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora, Sariel @Morose

As always, the events which unfolded continued to happen without Liam's input, he heard Aloise yelling at him, but the words were dulled in his mind as he barely seemed to even understand them, in too much shock as he watched Aloise get thrown into the other room. As the gunfire continued, Liam covered his eyes and rubbed them, trying to bring himself back to his senses to help as Aloise took the gun from Sariel. But when he opened his eyes again his guardian angel, and the two bodies were gone, it was just the two of them.

Liam slowly moved to stand, watching Aloise closely as he stammered a bit, still in shock. "W-wh-wh-what was... A-are you okay?" He asked as he looked around, trying to see if Sariel was still around, but establishing she was back to watching from afar as usual. He'd have felt much more comfortable with her around, but Aloise had certainly proven able to hold her own, he trusted he was in good hands.

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, Reverend Adder @Morose

Groaning loudly as he was struck by the Reverand, Darren staggered back up against the wall as the blood ran down his face, the hunter seeming quite surprised at how easily the man had actually been able to hurt him. Overall the Reverend seemed much stronger than he had been previously, at least, until his head hit the ground and essentially popped.

Closing his eyes again as he was covered in the blood and brain, he looked down at himself and sighed, taking off his jacket which had gotten most of it and dropping it to the floor. At the very least they learned these things would be considerably easier to kill than he expected, normal weapons seemed to work just fine. Satisfied with that, he pulled his mixed magazine out of his gun and dropped it, swapping it out for a real one as he looked over at her.

"Seems that way, are you okay?" He asked as he looked over her, making sure she wasn't going to drop dead from some wound he hadn't noticed.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Zombies

Separation did indeed seem to be Javier's goal at that point when it came to the horde of the dead, while he let his dearest work on her own concoction, he was busy at work slicing limbs and heads off the bodies, carving and cutting up their enemies as he made his way through the horde, still ducking and dodging under and over any incoming claws and attacks. He chuckled at his daughter's jest, continuing to carve through as if he was almost dancing.

"Oh my darling, these aren't old enough to be daddy's friends." He grinned, stabbing through three of the zombies and spinning his glaive around to slam them into another group as the rest of his blade cut through. His focus at that point was on getting rid of the risk, on carving through enough of them that they couldn't do much while he or Belladonna could focus on properly getting rid of them, with this much of a horde, it was just too much of a hassle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Nallore: All of the movement causes the blood to start flowing rapidly again. Sam is lucky, she isn't dead yet. However, she's definitely going to be feeling it. Drowsy and dizzy, it's likely incredibly hard to walk, and even to focus, really. She seems to have thrown Harley James off of the scent for now, but unless she gets medical attention soon, she'll likely collapse from blood loss. And in Altsoba, it isn't like anyone is going to have the time to dial 911 for her--or that any first responders would be available.

@Lady Amalthea: The devil snaps his fingers, a machete appearing in his hands. He swings it around, out of near boredom, as he ponders how to approach Amy's questions. There is nothing inherently dishonest about his expressions, but he puts off an aura of distrust and unease nonetheless. As he moves forward, a woman appears in a blinding beam of light, forcing Lucifer to stagger into the corner. The pair seem to know each other, and a heated shouting match begins. The language is Akkadian. As the two celestial beings begin to brawl, blade and machete being handled with great skill in an almost dance of a fight, Amy and Hanson have their chance to escape. Or perhaps, it may be better to stay behind, and see who wins...

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: Perhaps Belladonna is indeed onto something. The more they fight off, the more that seem to appear. Each member of the family takes injuries and blows, though for Belladonna and Javier, these are relatively minor. In the fray, at least ten of them have surrounded Mercurial, and they end up sending her flying backwards--straight into the cauldron simmering with Belladonna's potion. The potion douses Mercurial, and if that isn't enough, the force of the impact has knocked the girl out cold.

@Witch Cat: Oh dear, look what we have here...As Sylvia walks along the highway, she'll notice that at first, things are calm. There are the normal pieces of garbage on the side of the road, the occasional mattress, and so forth. However, when she's only half a mile outside of town, the scene turns gruesome. About twenty-nine corpses have been thrown into a heap, each of them dismembered. It isn't quite clear what arm belongs with what torso and what head. The blood has soaked into the road, and at the town line itself, the darkest presence Sylvia will have ever felt lurks there, whispering at her. "Sylvia...Sylvia..." it beckons, as if daring her to test its power.

@Witch Cat: For an old woman bleeding to death in the apocalypse, Eudora knows her stuff. The healing salve begins to work wonders, practically glueing the open wound back together. The only catch is that it doesn't replenish her blood. With a low amount of blood, Eudora is feeling dizzy and drowsy, fatigued and tired. She won't be able to do much without collapsing, as her blood pressure is failing as well. However, Sutton's latest attack misses the old woman, as the goat continues to rebuff the blonde girl. Perhaps if you can't kill the person, you can destroy the body? Hmm...."You sent me," Sutton says, an eery chill to her words. "You must pay for your sins."

@BlueSky44: Only static comes in from the station radio. The fire that killed Cecily and Danica did a decent number on all of the equipment. There are a few channels that Altsoba PD tends to use, and as Zachary flips from channel to channel, only static greets him. That is, of course, until he reaches the third channel. "This is Decker--ETA five minutes."

@BlueSky44: Katsumi's strategy doesn't go too well at first. Sorreast gives her a nice future scar on the cheek, traveling almost all the way up and down her face. Guess she won't be in any beauty contests in the future, hun? Unless, of course, scars come in style...Sorreast ends up practically falling on Katsumi's blade, but it doesn't stun her. The two of them begin to tumble almost, and the blade comes out, giving Katsumi the perfect opening. It's a bit hard work, since the blade isn't suited to this task, but she cleanly removes Sorreast's hand. "We are legion for we are many!" Sorreast hissed, before resuming the offensive.

Jade Cornish

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: the Undead, Darren Andrews @Pundii

"I'm just peachy," Jade reassured him, toeing the Reverend's corpse with her boot. It definitely stayed down this time, though she strained her ears to ensure there were no other assailants about. No one appeared to be coming from above, but she spotted the blonde in the corner, her body shaking like it was filled with bees.

"Think you missed one, mate," Jade said, nodding towards Clarissa. "Shall I save your arse again or can you handle her?" She readjusted her grip on the candle holder, eyeing the corpse in the corner. It almost appeared to be a glitch, but no good things can last. As the blonde woman made her way over towards the pair, she went not after Darren as originally, but instead for Jade.

"To think you could be more despicable than me..." the corpse snarled, before the attacks began once more. "Bite me."

Aloise Zamora

Location: Aunt Sue's Room 10
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii

Aloise nodded, wincing as her nose moved. She pinched it and looked up at the ceiling, before resigning herself to her fate. The bloody thing was broken, and she didn't have time to go see a doctor about it. If she ended up looking like Albus Dumbledore for the rest of her life, she'd have to deal with that.

"Are you alright?" Aloise asked, peering sheepishly almost through the hole in the wall. She dusted herself off, expecting more bodies to come shambling for them. It felt almost futile to her, but she began to make a salt line around the two of them, in hopes that it would help ward off anything.

"Liam, I need you to concentrate," Aloise added, looking the Prophet in the eye. "Tell me, in detail, every vision you've had. It'll help me fix this mess." Truthfully, the apocalypse wasn't her area of expertise. She had worked with other hunters before though, and she figured that one of them might have some useful information. Darren Andrews in particular came to mind, and she made a resolution to call him, once Liam told her what he could.

For now, she'd have to improvise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Samantha Hunter

Location: Jake's
Interacting With:

As she put as much distance from Jake's as possible Samantha started to feel very dizzy from the blood loss, she looked down at her bloodied shirt soaked with her blood and feeling it flowing down her stomach. Sam stumbled leaning against a nearby car breathing heavily as she shook her head slightly to get rid of the dizziness. Her bloodied hand resting against the car, she knew she wasn't safe out in the open she looked back at Jake's in the distance she managed to get far enough from the café. Sam sighed as she got up again leaving behind a bloodied hand print on the hood of the car, she looked forward as she just focused on one thing and trying to get back to Aunt Sue's.

She had seen people getting shot before, but never thought she would end up having that happen to her either breathing heavily as Samantha she eventually made it back into Aunt Sue's Sam stumbled onto the floor as she tried looking around the building as she limped and stumbled towards the reception desk. "I need help please!" Samantha yelled out hoping to at least see or hear someone inside of the building that wasn't dead. Sam held her chest tightly to try and stop the bleeding. "I've been shot!" Sam yelled loudly once more trying to hold onto the counter and stand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Lucy and Hanson

Amy didn't get an answer and she rolled her eyes. As the woman appeared she shielded her eyes for a moment before perking a brow. It seemed like a lovers spat to her. Great, just fucking great, that was all she needed. Why did these fucking things happen to her? Before yesterday her life was as normal as she would allow it to be. Right now she felt like she was in the middle of a really bad soft ball game and all the players were drunk.

Glancing over towards Hanson she grunted. "Time to go," she said as she grabbed his arm and wrapped it over her shoulder. She knew it would hurt him but there really wasn't much of a choice. She wasn't going to stick around and see who won. With the way they were carrying on, and her luck, she would end up beheaded. Dashing out, Hanson on one shoulder, her bag on the other she moved until she could find a wheel chair and dumped the man unceremoniously into the contraption before she jumped behind it and ran down the hallway, pushing him as she went.

Every so often glancing over her shoulder. It was time to get the fuck out of the hospital. Making a quick stop at the supply closet she grabbed a few thing, and then grabbed some meds out of the pharmacy. "Detective Hanson, you are here by discharged," she said as she pushed him out of the hospital and she made her way to her car. She had an idea of where they could go, she just hoped that she could get them there quick enough. Why she bothered to take the patient with her she had no idea as she drove off but she was a doctor, and still had a job to do even if the next place she tended to his wounds wasn't in the OR.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Kitchen Area
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial, among others

"Oh my love, when you put it that way it makes you sound positively ancient. As if you were raised from the grave and walk this earth to do nothing but stalk the night, chilling the hearts of those whom you pass," Belladonna said in a silvery voice as it rolled over her tongue. "Sensuous my own, that's my job." Her voice purred as she spoke, never paying notice, or one would think, to what was happening around her. Her eyes following her lovers as he moved across the room, herself still fighting as he did but the desire for him ever radiating in her deep eyes.

Turning as she witnessed what happened to her daughter made her shoulders slouch just in the slightest. "Oh my, that is enough. My love, please retrieve our daughter," she said as her whip wrapped and tucked around her own waist. She was becoming quite vexed the entire situation. It was keeping her from an intimate shower with her husband and harming her daughter in the process. Though it didn't show on the outside, her anger was growing rapidly. Very little caused the witch to become vexed, yet when it happened she was not one to let it go easily.

"I grow tired of this..." Making a quick adjustment of her long tendril like sleeves her fingers fanned and arched as she spoke in a cold tone as spoke sharp words in Latin. As she spoke and the words rolled over her tongue the concoction that had landed on the floor and what remained in the caldron started to take a life of it's own, it shifting into a dark mass of a tar like substance as he moved along the floor, tendrilling up and around the legs of the incoming horde that seemed to refuse to stop. Catching their limbs as if it were tar. Winding through flesh and bone. The more they struggled she hoped the more it would rip them apart.

"Do take our daughter out the front if you would my love," she said as she stepped towards the front of the house, pulling her hands this way and that to drive open a path for them. As she reached the front door it flew up. "I do believe it is time I cleaned house."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Out Somewhere on a Lonely Road
Interacting With: The Devil? Maybe?

Sylvia kept her head down as she walked, her feet crunching on the asphalt as the town shrunk behind her. She was incredibly paranoid in the first few minutes she was running out of down. Constantly checking behind her to make sure Mr. Creep wasn’t running after her. Luckily, no one bothered her. Sylvia let her mind wander once she relaxed, her mouth slightly agape as she panted deep breaths, a few beads of sweat still trickling down her forehead before she promptly wiped it off.

Sylvia’s mind was blank, she paid no attention to her surroundings as her emotionless, unblinking gaze surveyed the ground. She saw cracks and crawling ants, butts of cigarettes and crushed beer cans. Sylvia sighed heavily as she remembered again why exactly she was leaving town. It felt like centuries since she had gotten that email, she still remembered clearly how distraught and hopeless she felt.

While her eyes were closed as she tried to force the thought of her brother’s death out, she accidently walked into a strange puddle that had formed. Sylvia swore under her breath as she leaped back, the black liquid still dripping off her already ruined shoes. Her eyes followed the thin trail that had formed the puddle before she abruptly stopped at the source of the mess.


Just, bodies. Arms, torsos, legs, and hands. Everything was there. The varying tones of flesh, now all grayed, were blackened with the wet of the blood. Sylvia was more bewildered than scared, as if her mind refused to process what it just saw. To Sylvia right now, the pile of bodies were just a messy blob of red in her mind. Her head swam as he looked away, her face stony with disgust as she hacked up on the side of the road. She hadn’t eaten much today, but still, she felt as if she just puked up an entire week’s worth of food. Sylvia gasped and coughed, tears streaming down her face from the strain of dealing with it all. "Sylvia...Sylvia..."

Sylvia looked up for the source of the voice but found nothing. Her vision was blurry with tears as she stood hunched over, hands on her knees, as she still heaved. It wasn’t the most elegant of pukings.

Despite the massive pain of doing so, Sylvia straightened herself up, spitting out the last of the bile from her mouth as she readied herself. She tried to sense for Belial, looking around for her silent guide but the foul energy of the mysterious voice clouded her mind. ”Who are you?” Sylvia screamed at no one in particular, ”What do you want from me?” her voice was hoarse and her throat raw with her cries and screams. Sylvia brandished her knife again, knees bent and ready to pounce as she added dryly: ”Come out and fight me or leave me the hell alone!”

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut
Interacting With: Girl Kebab Sutton Smith (@Morose)

Eudora heard the sizzle of the salve as it worked its magic on her wound. The red slit near instantly shut and healed over, now all that remained of the injury was the blood that soaked her pale skin and raggedy clothes. Eudora let out a grunt of pain as she slumped back on her cauldron, the salty and pungent odor that wafted from up her cauldron being the only thing that stopped her from blacking out.

Eudora was old, and the girl young, possibly immortal. Eudora couldn’t keep this up for long, the goat would soon tire, leaving her open to be slaughtered by that possessed meat suit. Eudora needed to end this fast.

She gripped the lip of the black pot, her knuckles whitening as she hissed through clenched teeth an unusual incantation. She visualized the girl being set alight, the orange tongues of flame shooting like sparks in the air as the shell of a being was destroyed. Eudora managed to open her eyes and flick them towards the girl, still not shish kebab. Eudora focused, her mind felt numb and she felt as if needles were being driven into her nerves, but she fought through it. Screwing her eyes shut as she focused and mouthed the spell again, draining her faster than before.

The corners of her vision went black, she no longer could think as she feebly looked up at the girl. ”Burn.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@Nallore: Samantha makes it into Aunt Sue’s Inn, and the air smells like fresh rain. The lights have been knocked out, and Mrs. Hudson’s body is draped across the counter. The poor woman is face down, her blood pooling around her. It drips off of the counter and onto the ground silently, the only noise in the lobby. And while Aloise and Liam hear her screams, it’s too late. The blood loss is too much for Samantha and she collapses, hypovolemic shock setting in as her organs fail. LLA has claimed Samantha as her own. Please feel to elaborate in your final post for the reporter on these events.

@Lady Amalthea: Try as Amy will, she’s unable to leave. The tires on her car have been slashed, and while no one seems to be attacking Hanson or herself, the living dead are prowling the streets. Amy likely recognizes most of them, as it’s hard not to know everyone in a small town. Hanson’s face is visibly white. There’s something going on with the detective—but for now, there’s bigger fish to fry.

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: Going to frontload updates a bit here. Javier will manage to get Mercurial outside, but she won’t wake up yet. The good news is, it doesn’t seem to be any serious life-lasting injury. Meanwhile, Belladonna’s concoction creeps almost along the floor of the manor, ensnaring most of the living dead. It takes it a few minutes to adequately entrap them. The LLA roll for the completed spell has indicated it’ll be successful, so go ahead and write that if you wish.

@Witch Cat: The voice continues to beckon Sylvia to approach, to come closer to the town line. In the midst of her puking, however, she’ll notice something rather strange. In the middle of the heap of bodies, there is a living soul. A young boy with auburn hair and olive toned skin is covered in blood and gore, and he doesn’t let out a single sound. He struggles to emerge from the carnage and mess. He couldn’t be any older than seven years old—and yet, Sylvia will sense a power to the boy as well.

@Witch Cat: The spell is successful, but not instantly. As Sutton manages to free herself from the goat, she charges at the witch, tackling her once more in a careless collision. As the flames form around Sutton’s body, the girl crumbles to ash, an inhuman screech piercing the air. Briefly, the mark of the witness will glow in the spot Sutton had been standing. Eudora likely won’t receive another visitor from the beyond for a while, given her hiding place in the woods—but you never know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Zachary Carpenter

Location: Outside Altsoba High
Interacting With: Decker (via radio), Jake

He was wondering who this Decker woman was. He didn't recognize her voice, but at least someone had answered his call for help. "Alright Decker, see you when you get here," he said as he turned the radio off. He looked outside of his car and saw Jake again. He pulled out his gun once more, noting that there were only 7 shots left before the clip was empty. Zachary looked around his car, but was unable to find an extra magazine. Damn it! If I survive this, I need to put an extra clip in my glove compartment where I can easily reach it.

He had five minutes to kill. Five minutes until someone showed up who might be able to help him. Might be dead by then, he thought to himself. He rolled down the window a few inches, and took aim at Jake again. He was basically cornered and that thing was still coming. He aimed his gun, this time aiming for any part of his body that could at least slow him down. Zachary was backed against a wall, and there was nothing he could do about it, except shoot, emptying the rest of his clip.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Outside Apartment Building
Interacting With: Sorreast

Well, that made her a little less deadly I think. Maybe I should go for the other hand. We probably look like two people who got into a fight drunk knowing what happens in America practically every day. This lady needs to stay dead! If I could kill her, meaning PERMANENTLY kill her, maybe I can go look at some of my books and see if I can learn what the heck this thing is.

Kat was wrestling with her, and she was getting a little tired. Hopefully she could stop this thing before it killed her. She started hitting Sorreast with one of her fists, and slashing at her with the knife in her other hand. Kat figured that if this thing was going to kill her, it wouldn't come easily. She wasn't going down without a fight. The next time the creature stopped, or even slowed down again, she was going to go for the its other hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's
Interacting With:

Samantha could feel her body starting to fail her as she weakly turned her head seeing the body of Mrs. Hudson, her grip on the counter loosened as Sam's body collapsed onto the ground. Taking in her last few breath's as she looked down at her shirt, she was at least glad that the dead man who was after her didn't get his hands on her. Her vision started to get blurry and the room around her felt like it was starting to spin around slowly, her life started flashing before her eyes remembering everything that she had done her first day in school to graduating high school and college.

Samantha started getting tired as she used the last bit of her strength to roll onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Then things started going dark as Sam took her last final breath and started to close her eyes, her hand covering the wound eventually fell down to her side the last thing she saw was a bright light which she was drawn to feeling at peace with herself as she started to follow it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Liam nodded his head once toward Aloise, watching as she moved to stand and started pouring a line of salt around them both, he recalled vaguely what it would be useful for, looking over her nose for a moment before she suddenly turned to face him, taking a step back as she questioned him. Being a prophet was not something that Liam was exactly used to yet, nor something he expected to get used to for some time, or more than likely, ever.

He scoured his mind, trying to think back through the visions, something which wasn't particularly easy to do considering the stressful situation he was in at that moment. Sighing, he reached up to rub his head gently, thinking for a few moments as he started to speak while he thought. "There was one, uhm... It was the doctor, Doctor Chang, with black eyes... A-and another of a church, there was uh... A young asian girl and the Reverend who died... Hiding from something with a blade, I think?"

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish, Reverend Adder @Morose

Nodding his head toward Jade, Darren was pleased that the woman was relatively alright as she kicked the corpse somewhat, letting it stay there. However it was certainly not going to be everything yet as she motioned toward the woman in the corner. Looking over at Clarissa, Darren let out an irritated sigh as he glanced around for something good and heavy to use as a weapon, preferring to avoid using his gun again if he could.

He'd expected this one would be here for him, since the Reverend seemed to have been for Jade, but he was corrected as the woman quickly moved to attack Jade. Pausing for a moment, he glanced around and eventually settled on a metal poker by the fireplace, grabbing it and moving over as he swung the metal implement downward toward Clarissa's head, hoping the metal would do enough, or that her head might be quite as weak as the Reverend's was.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Zombies

The fighting continued as Javier kept carving his way through the army of bodies, still slicing limbs off as he went, listening as his beloved wife spoke up and sent a chill down his spine, only seeming to draw him more into the heat of battle however as he flourished his weapon around, scalping a fair few zombies as his gaze turned to see Mercurial thrown aside and hitting her head. Seeming rather displeased with this state of affairs, he continued to carve his way through, not needing the guide of his wife as he made his way over to her.

Reaching Mercurial, Javier reached down with his free hand, carefully lifting the girl up onto his back with her arms around his neck, gently holding her arms as he one-handed his weapon now, continuing to carve his way through with each movement as he let Belladonna work on her spell as always, hearing her words in Latin as he sighed almost nostalgically, enjoying the sound.

He smiled somewhat as she made her request, nodding his head toward her as he began to clear a path toward the exit along with her, stabbing and slicing away corpses as they made their way a little too close to himself or Mercurial as he pushed outside with Belladonna, allowing her to finish off her spell, setting Mercurial down and looking over her head wound carefully, tending to it though knowing it would be okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Memorial
Interacting With: Hanson

"Fuck, fuck and double fuck," Amy mutters as she sees the tires are slashed. Grabbing Hanson, she looked around before doing anything else. Seeing people she knew or had had as patients in the past didn't sit right with her, granted she doubted it would sit right with anyone. Taking a deep breath she set down the things she had gathered into Hanson's lap and pushes him slowly and carefully through the town. Heading this way and that, keeping her distance from the undead as best as she can, her ball bat resting over the handles of the back of the wheel chair as she went.

"So, asshole, mind telling me what the fuck you know about what is going on here?" she asked rather frankly as she spotted the church off in the distance. Glancing over her shoulder from time to time as she walked, pushing Hanson's wheel chair as she went and taking much more time than she would have liked to get there but there were fucking dead people up and about like they were on break from doing a filming for Michael Jackson's Thriller. The last thing she wanted to do was start dancing in the streets. Last time she had been in the streets it was raining hearts, she didn't want to go through that again.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Kitchen Area
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial, among others

Belladonna kept casting, weaving her fingers this way and that as she took slow cautious steps back towards the front door once her husband and her daughter were out of the house and clear from it. "As much as I have enjoyed our time together, I do believe it is time for you all to leave," she said in a cool voice as her fingers curled together in front of herself. The tar like substance, beginning to move through the porous surfaces of the flesh and bones as she started to chant again. The tar lighting from within and glowing as the undead started to turn to ash and drift away into the air in a cloud that quickly swept out of the front of the house with a sweep of her hands and up towards the sky until it scattered to the winds.

Dusting her hands off she turned and and walked over towards her family, kneeling down in her hobble skirt and resting her hand on her husbands shoulder. "So gallant my love," she whispered in an icy roll of her tongue before placing her lips to his cheek. Looking down at her daughter, Belladonna ran her fingers through her hair. "Come my child, it is time to wake up or I shall be forced to dress you in pink and ribbons," she said calmly as her fingers trailed through her daughters dark locks. She let her husband tend to their child for now, but if she didn't wake soon she would have to try something a little more drastic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: “Oh my god did that flesh wall just give birth?”
Interacting With: That Thing

That monotone ominous voice still poisoned Sylvia’s mind with those tempting words, encouraging her to approach the town line. Sylvia wasn’t exactly tempted to obey though, the bitter taste of bile and shock of seeing a pile of literal dead bodies helped keep her mind busy. Amidst the sound of dry heaving, and acidic fluid splattering against the hard road, some noise almost made Sylvia jump out of her skin. Soft squelches, carried by the wind, reached Sylvia’s ears and her mind reacted faster than her eyes. Before she could meet the source of the noise, her mind envisioned horrific visions of the pile of bodies inching towards her. However, one could argue what she saw was much worse than anything her mind could conjure up.

A small hand protruded from the mass of clotted blood and mutilated flesh, the hand was small and its olive toned skin a sharp contrast from the mass of grey flesh. A head followed too, the mess of auburn hair caked with blood and-

A scream erupted from Sylvia, her face contorted in horror as her instincts took over her reason. Her mouth still gaping in shock, she picked up a rather large stick, running towards the thing blooming from the bloody pile, the voice in her head and bile burning her throat now completely forgotten as she raised the stick over the head of this thing and prepared to strike.

However, before she could strike the blow, the head of the child now was fully visible. His round and small face had confusion written all over it as he struggled to emerge. Sylvia’s hand flew to her mouth, dropping the stick and just standing there dumbfounded. A mix of “oh my god” and “I’m so sorry”’s was heard as Sylvia ugly cried and laughed in confusion.

She finally regained her wits, snapping out of her brief trance as she let out the last of the sharp gasps. Opting instead to grab the boy by his arms, and attempting to pull him out. The boy slid out with relative ease, and a sickening wet noise was heard as the gap the child came out of collapsed under the weight of the bodies.

”Oh my god, kid, are you ok? Are you hurt? Why are you here?” Sylvia breathlessly asked among another flurry of questions as she stood the child upright and looked over him like a concerned mother. ”What’s your name? Where’s your mommy? Daddy? Are they dead? Are you dead?” while Sylvia was panicking, the child seemed relatively calm. Not expressing any emotion as he remained quiet, not even disturbed by the flap of skin that clung to his hair.

Sylvia gazed deep into the boy’s unfeeling eyes as one question buzzed in her mind. A single question that held within it all the fear and bewilderment Sylvia felt, ”Who the hell is this kid?”

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut
Interacting With: No one

Eudora felt herself scream as the lacerated beast jumped her, knocking her down and the wind out of her as the rabid animal prepared to strike, only to burst into flames the second it tried. Eudora thinks she heard a scream, but she was too dazed to notice or care anyway. What she did remember, however, was feeling ash fall on her like snow, accidently inhaling the teen (what’s left of her anyway), and falling into a coughing fit.

Eudora coughed into her hand, squinting as tears blurred her vision while she brushed off the last bits of ash on her clothes, muttering some vulgar curses at the same time. Eudora got up, not noticing the mark on her floor, it was all covered in dead-girl-ash anyway. Eudora groped her way to her rocking chair, throwing herself into it as she heaved a sigh. She still felt lightheaded from the blood loss and lacked all motivation to even get up.

Eudora managed to collect enough strength to open her eyes, her house was still. Her goat was back in its original place by the fireplace, dark blood still glimmering on its dark and twisting horns. Eudora sighed a quick thanks as she felt her body go numb, no curse was placed on her, she was just tired.

She rested her chin on her pale and weak fist, her lids drooping as she finally dozed off into a dreamless sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@BlueSky44: The bullet hits Jake, but it hardly phases the man. He continues to head towards Zachary, albeit shuffling this time. However, tires screech, as a blue car comes roaring down the road, knocking into Jake. The man is sent flying across the road, landing with a thud on the ground. His arms and legs are still moving, but the door to the car is thrown open for Zachary. He's never seen this car before--does he go with them? Or does he remain to fight the enemy he (kinda) knows?

@BlueSky44: You're rolling well tonight! Katsumi rolls, before her knife finds something with a bit of give to it. Ever heard of a lobotomy? Yeah, like that. The knife goes straight into Sorreast's eye, heading through and into the brain. From the twisting and turning of the fight, the blade twists as well, effectively ruining the grey matter that remained. By the time Katsumi pulls the knife out, Sorreast is still. She won't be getting up this time.

@Pundii: Aloise nods, frowning a bit as she thinks. She churns the visions over and over again in her mind, before searching the room for pen and paper. The ideal situation would be, as she explains, for Liam to draw exactly what he sees. Unfortunately, all of the paper seems to have been coated in a healthy coating of dirt and grime. "This sounds like you've seen a vision of a vessel--of someone the devil is going to tempt. Do you know where we can find Doctor Chang?"

@Pundii: Darren gets ready for the pitch...He swings....HE MISSES! Oh, damn, what a throw that was too! Clarissa ducks under the pocket flawlessly, surprising for a dead woman, even. She grabs the poker, only to hiss slightly from the iron. No matter. The woman is unharmed, and with peculiar strength, she tugs the poker away from Darren, and kicks the man to the floor. However, as she moves to go in for the kill, Jade jumps on top of Clarissa, throwing all over her body weight onto the woman's skull. And while that doesn't do much, it allows her to grab the poker, and make an end to Clarrisa. "Now, tell me what the bloody plan is."

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: You two are in the clear. Seems the more you fought, the more undead came to play. And with Belladonna's spell, they're all taken care of. The only ones left are a few miles away from the house, and they (probably) won't be coming anytime soon. Mercurial hasn't yet woken up, seems LLA wants to see the pink ribbons. However, her hands shift to mimic those of a stereotypical mummy. Charming, right?

@Lady Amalthea: For the most part, you make it to the church okay. One of the undead falls from a second story window, shards of glass hitting Amy and Hanson. The resulting injuries are mostly harmless, though Amy now has a nasty gash on her cheek. Once in the church, Hanson will be a bit quiet, before beginning to launch a lengthy explanation. His longtime boyfriend had broken up with him, and raised by white witches, he spiraled. He fell in with the wrong crowd, started doing things that they made horror movies about to scare teenagers on Halloween. He killed a man, John Moses, because he saw Hanson attempting to summon the devil. "You know, this fucking town is great for Satanists...Belladonna Crypt and her boy toy live here, too...But I don't do that shit anymore," Hanson promises, shaking his head a bit. His hands are a bit white, and he's shaking, thankfully, it's just his nerves.

@Nallore @Witch Cat: The boy still hasn't spoken a word. No matter what Sylvia does, the boy simply stares at her, unblinking. It's more than frightening, but the whispering presence nearby appears to fade away, as if drowned out by some distortion. The boy finally smiles a bit, before giggling, as a slight trace of blood trails down his chin. This is the scene that greets Sera as she enters Altsoba -- a witch, piles of bodies, and a murderous little boy.

@Witch Cat: Eudora's dreamless sleep does not remain so very long. A dream takes place, one of the Crypt family girl, Mercurial. Surrounded by light, the girl pours over a spirit board, feverishly asking questions with an intensity quite unusual for her. The image fades, only to be replaced by the headless - but very much living - Javier Crypt. And then, the dream ends, and once Eudora awakes, she'll feel the vague sensation of flames at her fingertips, only to vanish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Outside Altsoba High
Interacting With: Jake, person in the car

He was freaking out, that thing just kept coming at him, and Zachary had no way to deal with it. He starts edging away, about to take another shot, when a car comes screeching around a corner, ramming into Jake. He watches as the man is flung to the other side of the street, and the car door is thrown open for him. Zach wonders who the hell probably just saved his life, and whether or not he should trust the person. He watches as Jake starts twitching, his arms still moving. The man looked like he was about to get up again, so Zach had no hesitation about it anymore.

He propped himself up against the car, wincing at the pain that was in his knee. He looked over at Jake, the man was almost up again, and he took a deep breath, trying to deal with the pain. Zach looked over at the open car door, and practically threw himself to the opening, using the car behind him as leverage. He managed to crawl into the car, and slammed the door shut once he managed to get into the seat. He looked over at the driver, not recognizing the person at the wheel. "Thank you for that. Now let's get the hell out of here," he said as he glanced towards Jake again.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Apartment Building
Interacting With: No one

When the woman stopped moving, Kat waited a few minutes, watching to see if she sprung up again. When she didn't, Kat grabbed her knives and went into her apartment. She needed to stock up on ammunition before she ran into something like that again. Maybe she could find out what that thing was. Her knowledge of the undead was limited, barely more than that of a normal person, but maybe one of her many books about demons or something would have the answer. Immediately upon entering her home, she went over to her closet, grabbing a new clip for her gun and one more for a spare.

She walked over to the sink and began cleaning her knives off, washing away the blood and goo off them. She took them over to her sharpener and made them their usually sharpness again. After doing this, she put her knives back in their carriers, and her gun back in its holster. Walking over to her bookshelf, she started pulling off titles that had anything to do with demons or the undead. Kat felt like she had to learn about what that woman was, and she needed to know right now in case another one came after her.
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