Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Nora blinked a bit, focusing her mind on the strange symbols that appeared on Lady Munn's locket. With her small journal and writing utensil, Nora closed her eyes, in order to best recall the way the symbols appeared. And then, she meticulously sketched them out on the paper. The drawings were rough and crude, but still representative of what Nora had seen flash before them.

"Curiouser and curiouser," Nora muttered, smiling softly as Lady Munn apologized. "It was a human reaction, Lady Munn. There is no need to fret on our accounts--we all surely would have felt the same. And in fact, some of us did act so just an hour prior this evening. There is no shame to be had." Of course, Nora suspected that Lady Munn may have had the shaking sickness, and given her own time spent bedridden, she couldn't help but feel for the Egyptologist. However, that failed to explain the exquisite lights, or the brands that had been seared into their flesh without cause. Nora rarely troubled herself with nonsense, a reason why she took such a distaste to her brother's wife, Fannie. The girl was an experimental writer, always pondering more and more silly ideas.

Well, her brother's wife would have been enamored with tonight's events, Nora could not help but conclude. The words that Lady Munn said hardly failed to escape her attention, but all British families had some shred of scandal attached to them. Nora constituted her family's horrors--and thus, she saw no reason to rejoice in the horrors of the Munn family.

"Forgive me for being candid, but even Sir Conan-Doyle could not present a reasoned explanation for the night's events," Nora surmised. Had she not been a quiet soul, she would have suggested they investigate more into Bast, and any connection the goddess had to the Nile. But raised in a family where the girls were not allowed to speak their minds, Nora remained silent, waiting for others to propose some course of action. And of course, she couldn't help but be perfectly assured that the actress would spew off some nonsense of her own. The woman lacked a single shred of dignity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

"...Hva i huleste er det som skjer?"

As if things hadn't been strange already, borderlining traumatic, Vera's sudden outburst and mind-boggling appearance of light was a sure sign that things were, indeed, really getting out of hand and digging itself into a hole of the unexplainable. Haakon was about to spit out a comment to the group, more or less aimed at the American tomb-robber or whatever he was, something about him being more talk than actual doing. So his words fell out of his mouth more in a sense of rain dripping from the roof, silent and in drips.

Haakon leaned against the desk in Vera's office, feeling the sudden need to steady himself. Sweat began to drip down from his forehead, which he promptly began to brush away with his shirt. "But there must be, Miss Kingston, there must. There's always a story to be found, always a reason and answer behind the mystery. You, I mean We only have to dig deep enough." Haakon's voice was confident, the same voice he always put on when he interviewed people or tried to impress them, but this time it was to mask his own insecurity. For she was right, there was no apperent reasoning behind the branding, the Ring, the light, nothing! He looked at everyone in the room, taking off his fedora and scratching his head.

"I hate to ask this, but are we the next victims of The Pharaoe's Curse?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

Josephine was ogling the fine man in front of her when Vera made her outburst. She knew a thing or two about theatrics and dramatization and the surge of emotion was clearly truth. She watched the woman and the light show she was a part of with half part worry and half part amusement. After she was settled down, she did her best to comfort Vera. Having been branded with the ring herself, she knew it was scary.

As the others talked, she sat next to Vera and put a hand on her shoulder, "Well, darling, I love sparkly things as much as the next girl, but perhaps keep it to just the jewelry next time." She said with a smile.

At Haakon's mention of the curse, Josephine scoffed, "Pharoah's Curse? Sounds like the name of a movie. One I'd have a part in, of course. I will agree, though, that it seems we all have a part in this. And who knows who else? I, for one, don't plan to sit and wait for things to happen. So what's the next step?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Vera looked over towards her uncle for a moment, a bit dumb struck by the entire series of events before nodding quickly. "Yes, of course," she said to let him know she was alright. Taking the flask from him she took a quick jolt of it before coughing as she swallowed. Vera was not one to drink and when she did the woman could not hold her liquor by any stretch of the imagination. She knew the flask would have alcohol in it but she hadn't expected the kick that came along with it. Handing it over to to him once again she let out a shallow breath.

"Thank you," she said gratefully, though it was not hidden on her features that she would have much preferred a cup of tea over what she had just consumed.

"Considering you aren't branded or glowing, I think you and Uncle Regi are the only two that aren't damned in this enigma we are wrapped in like the Pharaohs," Vera said to William as she looked down at the pendant in her fingers and felt the engraving that was now in the back of the gold. Perking a brow she unfastened it and pulled it from around her neck, laying it down on her desk carefully as she flipped it over so she could take note of what was there now that hadn't been for all these years that she had worn it.

Looking over towards Nora she gave her a small smile. "Thank you Lady Kingston, right good of you to understand and forgive my unladylike outburst," she said in a grateful voice before sighing. "And I haven't the mind for flimflams or hokum, I am a lady of Science, and this scientifically has no reason," she admitted as she picked up her glasses and placed them back on the tip of her nose.

"Quiet right. Even one such as myself would prefer a bobble to illuminating myself like a gourde on All Hallows Eve," she added towards Josephine as she looked at the necklace. "I wouldn't believe so. At least not for you and most of the others Mr. Elvsgaard. Myself and Mr. Drake have been within tombs before, so if such things did exist, which I don't believe in them, we would be the targets. Yourself, Lady Kingston, Lord Keystone, and Miss Clark here; well I do not see you four traipsing around in the dirt and dust of a tomb," Vera said as she took a closer look at the markings.

"Then again..." she added as she ran her fingers over the symbols and then pulled one of the books she had opened on her desk closer to her. "It's hieroglyphics. For Bastet...." she said as she rested the pendant back down on her desk and turned the book so the others could see. Looking up over the rim of her glasses she looked over towards William, the only other person who knew of such things - or at least that she knew of in the group. "But why brand some, send dreams to all, but I get this?" she pondered towards him and outloud to herself.

Taking a breath she pulled off her glasses and looked over towards Josephine. "All signs point to Bastet, perhaps we should go see the goddess herself..."

Location: Grand Continental (Main Lobby)

Aziza unfastened the necklace quickly and tossed it onto the table. It did not burn like the light had when it was in her skin but when the light flashed from the piece of jewelry she didn't want it around her neck anymore. Looking over towards Lauren, her eyes wide with fear and befuddlement. "I wish I knew," she said as she shook out her hands and wrapped her arms around herself.

Looking over towards Henry she worried even more. "Mr. Walsh, are you alright?" she asked nervously as she looked at his hand and his ring as the light died down. Sighing she looked at her necklace and noticed the new engraving on it, leaning closer to it she took a better look at it but refused to touch it. Aziza didn't know how to read hieroglyphics but she had lived in the nation most of her life and such symbols were everywhere even if only to draw in tourists in this day and age.

"I don't know what this says but maybe the museum does? Maybe we shouldn't wait until tomorrow to go speak to them?" she said before rubbing the spot on her neck where the necklace had laid. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm her nerves and swallow the lump in her throat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

"Well that's what the entire world has called it, Josephine, thoughit would surely make for a good film with you in the role." Haakon's reply was short and quick, his charming smile aimed at Josephine. It had nothing to do with Haakon wanting her, the American Starlet and beauty for himself; he simply did not like the idea of being replaced so quickly by a man with only a handsome face and nothing inside. Americans were like that, superficial and at the same time intriguing to be around.

The journalist continued to stand up against the desk, quietly listening to Vera as she spoke, asking herself why they had gotten their brand and dreams, while Reginald and William had only had said dreams. And then of course why Vera herself had gotten that mark on the locket. Haakon tried to think as well, letting his gaze wander empty around the room to let his thoughts flow. A pencil rolled between two of his fingers, and soon he rejoined the conversation.

"I wouldn't mind visiting said tombs, for journalistic purposes only of course. And pardon me for thinking out loud, but regarding why we were branded and who wasn't, there must be a reason. A certain message is sent to certain people, for a very specific reason, that's what I've learned from my line of work. You are working here; you have more knowledge of this country and its history than anyone else in this room, Miss Munn."

Haakon's eyes lay on William for a second, before continuing.

"Whoever, or God forbid whatever decided to mark us like this; perhaps this is a warning. If not akin the deaths of Lord Carnavon and the others, something else...So, I can assume you want us to go look at books, tomes or statues of this Bastet, and not actually speak with her personally?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Lauren gently wrapped an arm around Aziza's shoulder to try and comfort her friend as she looked at her friend seeing the look in her eyes she didn't know what any of it meant either which wasn't reassuring to her. She looked over towards Harry as the light faded from his hand she leaned forward and gently took Aziza's necklace in her hand. "May I take a look at it?" Lauren asked as she started inspecting the piece of jewelry running her hand over the hieroglyph. Lauren didn't know what it said either being only in Egypt for a short time she didn't know any other languages other then English and Gallic.

Lauren nodded slightly as she got up and headed over towards one of the cabinets searching for a glass of booze until she found one and pulled it out. "Lets go first thing in the morning then sound good?" Lauren asked as she looked over towards Harry for a moment. "Are you okay there Harry?" Lauren asked softly as she shifted slightly and then opened the bottle and took a drink out of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

"Yes, there you are." comforted the Lord Major, retrieving his flask from Vera, "You'll be rosy and vigorous in no time at all, you see." He turned his attention to the other others in the room, continuing with an authoritative but polite voice, "Well, come along then! Let us give Lady Munn some air and space, wot wot?"

The mentioned concepts of Seeing the Goddess Bastet and the Pharaoh's Curse that supposedly struck Lord Carnarvon got Reginald's blood moving in a somewhat more vigored direction. Something about the prospect of shaking hands with his own mortality made him positively giddy, and in a moment of bravado, he had made the decision to seize upon the opportunity. "Ah, how positively maddening, yet intriguing this all has become, yes? I for one am with our new Scandinavian friend from the Fourth Estate; how does one see a Goddess, this year and day? I shall be happy to accompany and assist with any influence I have at my disposal."

It looked to be a fine, adventurous evening indeed. And here, the biggest plan he had for the next few days was to go and watch his favorite dancer, drink heavily, and run a few inspections of his barracks and airfield. Possibility of horrifying demise, secrets from thousands of years ago, strange dreams, and new companions thrown together from many differing backgrounds. It reminded him greatly of the off-the-books missions he and his fellows from decades past used to perform, back in what he considered a simpler time. Well, until he intentionally made it more complicated with his presence. Just a bit of the old Reggie twinkled in his tired eyes, imbuing the old man with a sense of life and purpose he clearly needed.

"But don't you let my preference for a warm bed and classy liquors dissuade you. While I have not had very many dealings with dusty tombs, you see, I have lifetimes crawling under battlefields, strafing upon them, and so much more propelling myself above. I shan't slow you down much. And being me comes with a selection of benefits, understand."

"So! Where to from here? I can have a car waiting in five minutes."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Nora couldn't help but smile dryly at the thought of the Pharaoh's Curse. She had already lived through a curse, having spent her childhood on the verge of death. She had been born into a world that did not accept her, with no other alternatives. And yet, she was not a fighter. She did not struggle and attempt to create change. Instead, Nora merely accepted fate, and went about minding her own business. With a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea, Nora couldn't care about the rules of the world, even the ones she was bound to obey. It was her quiet rebellion.

Yet throughout her life, she believed firmly in reason. There was no time for fantasy or magic, with her Penny Dreadfuls constituting a guilty pleasure. All the light show caused by Lady Munn's necklace informed her of was that Josephine was dafter than she appeared, and the journalist eager to please whomever he met. The pair of them irritated her beyond belief, yet she found something pleasant in Lady Munn. Perhaps if she had more courage, she would have liked to be more like her.

Perhaps in another life, another time, another place, another dream.

At the hieroglyphs, Nora flipped through her notebook quietly, in order to not draw any attention. The more symbols she found with context, the more she would be able to assist her father in his work. An assistant on paper, Nora fancied herself to be an amateur cryptographer. Finding puzzles and patterns was her life's work, the one thing she would gladly relinquish her life for. And while she was skilled in deciphering them, without the aid of her detailed notes in the small book she carried constantly, as well as other references, she could not read them.

"I have not had much occasion to visit the tombs, I am afraid. I have been on one occasion, in order to deliver papers and other items of importance to Dr. Kingston, but I do not get the chance to leave the city proper on too many occasions," Nora explained, her voice quiet, hardly above a whisper. She didn't feel the need to divulge her own training and expertise. If it became relevant, it would be relevant. In a room with such large personalities, Nora was content to be the quiet soul and to simply observe them. Of course, visiting the tombs in the company of strangers at such a late hour was hardly proper, she could not quite deny that.

But the branding...I must know what strangeness is at work here...

Without revealing her reluctance, Nora nodded to indicate her willingness to head to the tombs, or to perform whatever deeds must be done in order to speak with the goddess. She had no time for illusions and for magic, but it appeared today, an exception would be ultimately necessary. And certainly, if the hour grew too late, one of the fine gentlemen would be willing to escort her to her lodgings in Garden City.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: The Grand Continental Hotel

Turning his gaze up to Aziza, Harry nodded his head slowly, sighing as he looked down to his hand, reaching up to slowly drag the ring off his finger. "I'm quite alright, I believe..." He said quietly as he looked over the ring in silence, and then back over the spot where it had sat on his hand. The light had been quite peculiar, not something he could easily explain as he flexed his fingers for a moment or two. Peering back to the ring was when he noticed the hieroglyphics, peering at them closely, unable to read them however.

He slipped his thumb into the ring for a moment, running it over the engravings before turning his gaze back to Aziza as she spoke up with her suggestion. He considered it for a moment or two, turning to Lauren as she spoke up herself. As she made her suggestion, Harry shrugged his shoulders, fiddling with his ring between his thumb and index finger, shrugging his shoulders. "We could go this evening, but it really depends on how comfortable you are going out again, Aziza." He gave her a nod, content for her to make the decision, simply choosing to serve as the escort.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

While his attention had been dragged away from the actress and back toward more pressing matters, it finally occurred to him - as was then pointed out by Vera, that he and Reginald were clearly not involved in all this, at least not in the same capacity that it appeared the others were. How curious, much as Vera suggested, he assumed that if it were some kind of 'pharaoh's curse' - he would be an easy target for his spelunking, damages and overall lack of respect for the dead, but he had been spared the same fate it appeared the others had, or perhaps not.

"Perhaps it's some protection for you then, and old Reginald and I are just a right bit screwed, hm?" He glanced over to Reginald, shrugging his shoulders with a chuckle, glancing back toward Vera as she looked over to him. As she brought up the hieroglyphics again, he moved closer, abandoning any particular issue of personal space as he reached out to take a look at them himself, running a finger over them idly as he made a mental note of each, shrugging his shoulders at her question as he glanced back toward Reginald again. "My only assumption would be that there's some other part we must have to play in this, likely something horrible, dangerous and, hopefully, profitable."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Vera sighed as she sat there looking at the necklace before her attention turned towards Haakon. "In truth Mr. Elvsgaard, I mean a bit of both. Before everything happened I was telling Lord Major Keystone and Mr. Drake about the cult center of Bastet in Bubastis. Bubastis granted was destroyed by the Persians more than a thousand years ago but there are still remains there. It hasn't been an active dig site but that may play to our favor. What better place to begin than the very center of her worship?" she said as she looked back at the hieroglyphics on the back of her locket.

Looking over at her uncle she chuckled a bit. "Oh I would never doubt that you wouldn't come on such a venture uncle. I wouldn't have it any other way, how many times can a Lady truthfully claim to be escorted into the pits of intrigue with Lord Major Keystone?" she said in a more light hearted fashion than she normally spoke. She knew her uncle was one for adventure and intrigue and he was easily bored sitting there at the garrison day in and day out. Granted she just hoped he wouldn't get out there and do something to get himself killed.

Feeling Mr. Drake come into her personal bubble as he examined her locket she cocked a brow, freezing in place a bit as he got closer. The man had no idea of what personal space was and seemed to enjoy invading hers without a second thought. She was glad on another level that her uncle wold be coming along if they did indeed go to the site of Bastet's worship, she doubted it would be a wise idea for her to be alone and unattended with a man the likes of William. Hearing his words she turned her head, looking over towards him. "Well you seem to enjoy being in the screwed position so it shouldn't be any worry to you," she stated flatly before realizing the implications of what she had just said and turning her head away from him. Taking the locket she placed it back around her neck and fastened the chain. "Value is subjective Mr. Drake. Answers is all I seek at this point and do not think for a moment that anything we discover here will not be going to the museum without charge since I will be leading this dig!"

Location: Grand Continental (Main Lobby)

Aziza glanced over towards Lauren and nodded, handing the necklace over to her gently. "Yes of course," she said quietly before leaning back on the couch and pushing her hair back from her face. She wasn't sure what was going and she wanted to know. The dreams that had been plaguing her were bad enough and with the stone that was thrown at her earlier that evening her nerves were already shot.

Hearing both Henry and Lauren give their thoughts on them going to museum she sighed inwardly. She didn't want to leave the hotel in the evening, especially with everything that had happened but she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep that evening anyways. She would be sitting there staring blankly at the ceiling, wondering to herself, and trying to avoid the dreams. Either way it wasn't going to be a restful night.

"If you don't mind, I would rather go. At least maybe we can get some answers for this, otherwise I am just going to sit and stare at it all night until morning," she admitted as she leaned up and looked at each of them in turn. "But if you two want to stay here, that is fine. The museum isn't far from here, I can go alone," she added as she stood up and picked up the necklace, placing it back around her neck for the time being. She didn't want to go alone but she figured she had no right to ask them to trapse around Cairo with her on some wild goose chase.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

As the others debated about where exactly they would be going, she took out her compact and checked her face. A Lady should always look her best, she felt, and if she was about to go traipsing around a country looking for some curse, she wanted to look top notch. She smiled and stood up and clapped her hands together, "An adventure! Sounds positively thrilling, darling! I have been ever so bored lately, reading script after script. This is a wonderful change! I am up for anything, really.

She looked at the others. She was happy the dashing Mr. Drake and the ever astute Mr. Haakon would be accompanying them. The older man, she could take or leave, though he did seem rather happy. Almost like Santa Clause. She giggled a bit to herself at the sight of the man dressed in all red, letting a big belly laugh out. She wasn't so sure she was happy that Miss Kingston would be joining them. The girl seemed smart, that was for sure, and she was always happy to help a lady of the world out, but she seemed almost too demure. Miss Munn, however, seemed rather capable. In fact, she was rather fond of the woman. She was intelligent and resourceful, having just been branded and suggested running off to chase some goddess and her possible curse. Not to mention she rather enjoyed the banter between her and Mr. Drake.

She quickly sidled up to Mr. Drake and wrapped her arm around his, "Well, no time like the present. Shall we make arrangements and get going then?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Location: Grand Continental Hotel

Lauren looked over towards Aziza she wanted to go, and she couldn't blame her the sooner they could get answers on what those glyphs mean on both Henry and Aziza's jewelry. And she wanted to find out the dreams that she had been having since she had touched down in Cairo, Lauren gently draped her arm over Aziza's shoulder and gave her friend a soft smile. "I'll go with you Aziza, I sort of have some questions myself while we are over there. I always got your back." Lauren said quietly as she ran a hand through her hair she didn't want to reveal this information to anyone without sounding like a nutcase.

"Ever since I came to Cairo I've been having these weird vague dreams, like i'm in some desert here. This voice keeps saying something, I can't remember what it says, but I don't understand any of it. And then I get this burning sensation and some eye symbol appears right on my hand. I have no idea what it means." Lauren said softly as she stood up and looked over at Aziza and Henry though she didn't want to go out she wanted to find out what all of this meant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

The thought that some power was granting these people a form of protection or immunity (as suggested by William Drake), paid for with pain, had not occurred to Reginald. Were this true, he would be more vulnerable to whatever lay in the path before them. It was oddly comforting, when he gave it consideration. Of course, the Lord Major imagined that the marks would indeed point them out as a target for those who were watching, if of course some nameless entity or organization were watching.

The moment it took to ponder the implications of this possibility, William had already gotten particularly close to Vera Munn, inspecting her new, mystical acquisition, despite his request to give her air and space. "Quite the hypothesis, Mister Drake." He stressed the man's name in a manner none too subtle, hoping that he would take the hint. The protective uncle was truly hoping this was a case of innocent interest, and not an attempt at something more untoward. He continued in a quieter voice, "Let us not allow our impatient curiosities to gain the better of our manners, sir." He drummed his thumb upon his pant leg in a manner that showed reserved annoyance.

Vera was the foremost authority on matters such as these, and the Lord Major knew well enough that she would let it be known if the symbols had bearing upon their situation. Even so, something did give him concern, which he addressed to his adoptive niece as respectfully as his concern allowed. "If I might be permitted a query, Lady Munn: I do not know where this Temple dedicated to Bastet resides, aside from the city name; whether it becomes an issue of motorcar or aeroplane I stand at the ready, without question. I must confess, my Lady, a touch of befuddlement. You see, the voice in the dream very clearly requests "Seek me in Cairo", and if I may risk embarrassment, this Bubastis is quite the distance away. We travel a winding path, it seems."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

"Protection? As far as I'm aware, cattle are branded for signs of ownership, although if this Bastet now claims ownership over us, maybe." Haakon let a heavy sigh out, shuddering from the thought of thinking of himself as mere cattle. "So from a crowded center of the ancient world to a not so crowded one. As long as that's true, I'm going with you, I have had bad experiences with visiting centres of fantical worship..."

At the sound of Josephine exclaiming her excitement of an adventure compared to her just reading her scripts, made Haakon briefly question if he too was part of those boring days for her. She had never directly implied anything of that sort, but her overzealous clinging up to William was starting to give him doubts. But he pushed those thoughts aside, again, knowing fully well of what was important now.

"The voice? The one speaking in an undechiperable tounge? Well if that's the case..." Haakon began fumbling around in his satchel, looking for his revolver and if it was loaded, making sure not to actually pull it out. Doing so would surely cause more trouble. "...I hope being armed is a viable option, Major Keystone? Someone's got to be able to defend us if these bastards are out to get us. "

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

The array of personalities in the room were so far flung from British standards of social etiquette, Nora briefly wondered for a moment if she had given up on the possibility of an exciting and thrilling life far too soon. However, her hopes were squashed when the superficiality of her companions reared its ugly head. Mr. Drake appeared to be obsessed with courting Lady Munn in a most undignified manner, as well as displaying a proclivity for earning money as quickly and efficiently as possible, regardless of the social ramifications. That in itself was enough to make Nora skeptical of the man, but she did not regret her favorable words she had uttered about him mere moments ago. That was the way it was done in England--and while you could take the uptight girl out of England, you couldn't take England out of the uptight girl.

But Lady Munn appeared to return Mr. Drake's affections! It shocked Nora to hear Lady Munn utter the suggestive phrase, and she quickly looked elsewhere, as to not show disrespect for the Egyptologist. Standards in Cairo were so greatly different from back in England, she couldn't help but be reminded each time any person uttered any speech. And with the starlet obsessed with her makeup and the journalist comparing them all to cattle, Nora began to wonder if she perhaps might have been better looking through her father's journal articles for answers as to the mysterious branding.

A gun will not stop a phantom, Nora thought, yet she did not open her mouth. The notion that a gun could prevent an invisible and violent force from further acts of branding was ludicrous. Even she, one who had avoided the idea of the mystical her entire life, had to concede to that. There were things stranger than fiction, and this, this was a matter of that sort. As the Lord Major referenced the voice from his dream, Nora jotted the phrase down quietly onto her notepad. It was the first time she had been offered a translation of the mysterious summons in her dream, as she regretted her inability to speak to local language. It had been improper enough for her to learn mathematics--her father would simply not hear of her learning Egyptian in any form.

Perhaps the site has moved, the capitals shifted and expanded, Nora pondered, attempting to mentally answer the Lord Major's question. Certainly there were multiple cult centers--perhaps there is an unknown one at our present location. However, she felt her answers lacked grace or qualifications, and simply decided to defer to the Lady Munn's judgment. After all, what other options were available to a quiet girl from England, constrained by social customs and a life she found no pleasure in?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: The Grand Continental Hotel

Hearing as Aziza gave her decision on the museum, Harry wasn't particularly surprised that she wanted to head there now. Though it did take him a little bit of decorum not to scoff at her suggestion he might've remained there though, he might've been of common birth, well, relatively common, he knew well and good never to leave a woman without an escort in the dark of night when danger might've been lurking, let alone two women. And certainly, never to remain in their home, alone, whilst they were out in such possible danger. "I'll happily come with." He put it simply, plainly as he nodded his head, standing with her as he slipped his ring back onto his finger, turning his gaze to Lauren as she spoke.

Listening idly for a few moments as he moved to gather his jacket, Harry put it back on, reaching up to adjust the holster he wore once more as he moved toward the door. The talk of dreams concerned him somewhat, he'd had dreams himself, quite similar to the ones Lauren was describing, but, perhaps to avoid inciting some more concern in what was already a particularly eventful evening, he said nothing, keeping the thoughts to himself as he remained silent, simply waiting to escort the women to the museum.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

Noticing as Vera froze with his nearing, William couldn't help but smirk as he took the locket in his hand, yes he did quite enjoy tormenting the poor lady, invading her space and catching her off guard, making her flustered to a degree, all too likely to slip up. And then it came as she spoke, William's smirk widening as he looked up at her, winking in her direction as he shrugged, letting go of her locket. "No, I guess it shouldn't." He chuckled, all-too-amused with himself as he rolled his eyes at her next comment, of course, she would insist on the artifacts going to the museum, but alas, he was confident he could make off with a few.

Hearing his name used in a sharp way then, he turned toward Lord Keystone, easily the most regal gentleman in the room. While he certainly had nothing against the man, in fact he found him intriguing, one of the most interesting and engaging men in the room, he, like most Americans, he imagined, was not particularly one for royalty, or the kind of decorum that went with it, as he idly shrugged to the man, lowering his arm to find it entrapped among another's.

Turning his gaze down to Josephine, he let the corner of his lip shift upward in a charming smile of course, letting her arm settle around his own as he nodded toward her, looking over the others before his eyes lay upon Keystone as he spoke. "Well, if it's so far, no time like the present to get movin'." He chuckled, softly to himself.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Vera looked over at Josephine and felt her own brow aching deeply. She wanted to go along on this? Found it exciting? That was odd to her. Not that she herself wasn't excited at the possibility of learning something new but the actress didn't strike someone that would want to go crawling around in the dust and insects that came along with a dig site. Maybe there was more to this woman that was on the surface. Granted that thought quickly left her mind when she saw Josephine quickly wrap her arm around Williams and him responding in a favorable way to the action. The man seemed to love to get her flustered, tormenting her constantly, and now welcoming advances of a new comer? Shaking her head she bit her tongue, jealously was something that was very unlady like indeed.

Turning her attention to the others she could not help but agree with them on many levels and disagree with them on others but it seemed that one person was not voicing her opinion at all on the matter. Looking over towards Nora, Vera opted to rise from her seat and step over to the woman. She seemed right prim and proper, reminding her of herself before she had left England. Vera still tried to conduct herself with the utmost decorum but time here in Egypt had done some work on roughing out her once pristine and polished edges. Granted she had to wonder how much of that was just from exposure towards Mr. Drake.

Glancing at the man with the starlet on his arm she found herself swallowing slightly. The entire situation irked her for reasons she could not fathom. They were not courting in any sense of fashion and he was far beneath her status. The ton would have her head if she ever dared to even consider a courtship with an American, much less a treasure hunter. Everything about him screamed scandal. Yet she could feel something pinging within her that his attentions were on another. Something akin to disappointment. She couldn't blame him though. Josephine was stunning. Bright blonde hair, eyes just as bright, a figure that she flaunted and she was obvious skilled in the art of seduction. Where as Vera none of those. She was pretty in her own right but it was hard to see beneath the oversized clothing, the way her brown hair curled and refused to stay out of her face. She was a bluestocking afterall, she had no idea how to even approach a man.

Pushing the thought out of her mind though the look of disappointment remained in her eyes she looked over towards Nora and smiled slightly, nearly tripping as she walked over to her. The woman was without any grace. "What are your thoughts on the matter Lady Kingston? I am most interested with what a fellow lady of the peers has to say on the matter," she said with the utmost sincerity. She wanted to know what Nora was thinking about on the subject. The woman had been branded herself and they all seemed to be in this together. Perhaps she wasn't shy like she had originally thought, perhaps she was just going by custom and waiting to speak when she was spoken to. Others had given their questions and opinions, Vera would wait to answer them until after she had spoken with Nora.

Location: Grand Continental (Main Lobby)

"It seems like we all have questions that need answers," Aziza said as she stood up and glanced around the room. She wanted nothing more than to just lock the door and forget about everything right then. The dreams, the attack, the burning light, and even the sound of the prison that had rung out hours before alerting the city that there was someone that had broken free. Being out on the streets was the last thing she wanted right then but it seemed no matter where she went that evening she could be reached by some force. Hearing Henry say he would go with them she let out a sigh of relief and smiled over to him.

Taking a small step to close the distance and suddenly wrapping her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. Embracing someone was not how she normally acted, at least not towards someone of a different gender. She had exchanged hugs with Lauren from time to time, they were friends in her mind. This though, this embrace, was just everything coming out at once. Her fear and her relief that he would be by them. She was shaking as she held there for a moment, her nerves clearly showing. Slowly she pulled back as she realized what she was doing, looking up at him slowly. "Thank you," she said quietly before turning away and gathering her bag.

Moving over towards Lauren she slipped her arm through hers and made her way out the door, waiting for Henry to step out so she could lock it behind them. Letting Henry lead the way they moved through the streets of Cairo quickly, every sound and movement causing Aziza's head to turn this way and that as she kept an eye out for anything that could go wrong. Her fingers tightening a few times on Lauren's arm as they went until she breath a very noticeable sigh of relief as they entered the museum. Walking up to the information desk in the main hall Aziza started conversing in Egyptian Arabic with the receptionist, the two going back and forth for a few minutes and the woman behind the desk pointing down the hall way. Nodding Aziza turned back to look over towards Henry and Lauren.

"She says most everyone that works here has gone home from the night but that there is a librarian still in that might be able to help us," Aziza said before shrugging. "I guess it is better than nothing," she said before motioning down the hall way. Stepping around the desk, she made her way through the museum, trying to remember which direction to take and having to ask a janitor at one point which way they needed to go to get to Lady Munn's office. Finally finding the room the door open she peeked her head inside to see a rather large group of people speaking.

"Sorry to bother but we are looking for Lady Munn?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Nora looked up in surprise, seeing the Lady Munn stumble her way over towards her. She fancied that the woman might have gotten her shoes caught on the edge of her trousers, though to be truthful, she hadn't the faintest notion why Vera had the brief lapse in grace. Her sister, Esther, was remarkably clumsy herself, and Nora found no shame to be had in it. It was simply natural for some individuals.

The sincerity of Vera's statement startled Nora slightly, though she didn't allow it to show across her features. Her father tended to admonish her for the suggestions of her theories, since he proscribed to the theory that women, if they spent too much of their energy thinking and learning, would lose reproductive capacity. He only begrudgingly allowed Nora to study and learn as she had lost any reproductive ability long ago, before she was even old enough to understand its societal and cultural ramifications.

"I must apologize in advance, Lady Munn, this is not at all my area of expertise," Nora began, bowing her head slightly. "I am most familiar with advanced mathematics if I am to be quite honest, but it strikes me as rather strange that we might venture to Bubastis. If these apparitions are the work of a goddess....why, I see no reason her cult would ever expire? It seems logical and fitting to me that some chapter may still exist, perhaps at our present location of Cairo, and that the change of location was a necessity due to some factor beyond me that I am quite certain experts such as yourself are well versed in, such as geological conditions or warfare."

Stopping in her explanation, Nora realized--quite consciously--that it was the most she had spoken in front of this group of people. Certainly, the social climate was quite odd and irregular, but she had retained her decorum to the best of her ability. Rather than blurting her ideas or engaging in provocative activities, she had kept her British sensibility about her. Smiling delicately at the Lady Munn, Nora fully expected to hear that her ideas and notions were wrong.

"But, if I may beg your pardon, are we operating under the assumption that there may be some clue as to the relocation of the goddess' cult at the ruins?"

She did suppose that such a scenario could prove to be fruitful. While not well versed in archaeology, it made sense to Nora that actions and movement might be found preserved in some shape or fashion. However, she did wish that instead of being asked complex questions about the movement of societies, she was instead asked to evaluate an improper integral, a rather simple and soothing task that calmed Nora down as much as a cup of tea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 32 min ago

Location: Grand Continental Hotel -> Egyptian Museum

Lauren smiled softly at Aziza as she held her friend's hand as they had gotten up, at least they didn't think that she was some crazy nutcase for even mentioning her weird dreams to the two of them. She watched as Aziza went over and gave Henry a hug. Lauren stood there quietly as she simply let the two of them have their little moment together. Once they were done she felt Aziza latching onto her arm once more as they left the hotel and headed back out onto the streets of Cairo. Lauren held her friend as tightly as she could as they moved through the streets until they were finally at the Egyptian Museum. Lauren stood near Aziza as her friend spoke in Egyptian Arabic which she really needed to learn now.

When the receptionist pointed out an office Lauren walked with her friend when Aziza had to ask a janitor where the librarian's office was, when they did find out Lauren poked her head into the room as she noticed all of the faces that were in the room. Lauren could only recognize one of them which was Nora Kingston she had bumped into the woman a few times during her nights bar hopping and the two would occasionally talk. "I hope we aren't intruding on anything?" Lauren finally asked shortly after Aziza had asked for this Lady Munn person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

The conversation in Vera's office, at first a jumble of individual ideas given an appearance of overlapping monologues with the occasional dip into brief dialogue. Reginald himself was guilty of this; he had questions for his adoptive niece the same as everyone else present. If he were truly honest with himself, he would have realized that he was there for the same reason everyone else was: He wanted something, and Vera was best suited to the task. The fact that he had genuine concern for the woman notwithstanding, he interrupted what was going to be a night of drinking and diversion to get some kind of explanation, finally, for his recurring dreams.

The Lord Major hoped to get some manner of order to the conversation. "Come along then! Ladies, Gentlemen, Miss Clark... This office looks like a split between the Mayfair and dollymop's sitting parlour. If I may risk a suggestion: Let us quickly learn what we can here, and abscond to more casual locales to plot our next move. I can assure you, my own interest in this unusual turn of events is quite piqued. If any of you feel the same, I might be able to suggest a place or two that offers both privacy and visibility. And one or two spots with nothing but privacy. A good stiff drink wouldn't be out of the question either, I daresay."

Reginald was about to speak again, likely some manner or rallying speech or stodgy admonishment of the way he perceived people were treating Vera, when a familiar voice was heard from the doorway. He knew instantly who this person was, without need to turn his head in the least. The accent, in this area, was somewhat rare. "By Jove, what brings you to this place, Miss Tarek? It is excellent to see you, of course, and quite unexpected. You have indeed located the Lady Mu..."

He stopped, finally noticing the injury on the familiar woman's forehead. Today looked to be an eventful day for more than the handful of strangers with which he had just been acquainted. In a less authoritative, more concerned voice, the Lord Major continued, "I say, Aziza, whatever has happened? Do you need assistance?"
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