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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange and The Bloody Murder Boy

As Sera started to drive closer towards Altsoba she shook her head as she tried to ignore the voices in her head since the whole end of the world thing had started the voices were more active then they had ever been. She reached for her bottle of water and then opened the glove compartment and pulled a bottle of aspirin. She took two and then drank the water, Seraphina continued driving getting closer to town that's when she saw what looked like a pile of corpse piled up on the side of the street. "What the hell is that?" Sera said to herself as she started to slow down her car.

As the car slowed down and stopped nearby she noticed a woman and then a strange little boy covered in the gore from what she assumed was from the pile of corpses. Seraphina reached for her gun that she always kept in the glove compartment, she of course had a license to carry it and being a former police officer as well. Sera made sure that she kept the gun hidden in the back of her shirt, as Seraphina got out of her car she cautiously started to approach the two of them. She couldn't help but get a very disturbed feeling coming from the boy, Seraphina then turned her attention towards Sylvia.

"What the hell is going on here, and who is the kid?" Sera asked as she looked towards the town, things seem to be going to hell pretty quickly since she had left her home to come here. She started to feel very uneasy being at the epicenter of the end of the world, Sera didn't even know why she came here other then from the constant voices that mentioned it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Hanson

"Son of a bitch," Amy groans as the undead falls and causes some minor injuries. Wheeling Hanson over to a place away from falling debris she sits down and takes out her medical kit. Sitting there, listening as he explains a little bit about his past and wondering why in the hell he is opening up to her as she tends to the minor cuts and scrapes on him before tending to her own. "Anymore? Well then that makes if just peachy doesn't it. I wonder if there is like a support group for you fuckers. You know like AA," she said with a bit of a smirk on her lips as she glanced over towards him.

"Well as a former Satanist, riddle me this. Was that the real lord of darkness we ran into at the hospital and if so, what the fuck does he want with me really?" she asked as she leaned back on one of the pews and then sat up quickly as she started to rummage through the place; grabbing whatever holy relics she could find. Crosses, bibles, holy water, even some splinter pieces of wood figuring the whole damn place had been blessed at one point or another.

Turning she looks up at the front of the church. "Hey god, you listening? Yeah, this whole thing down here kind of fucking sucks and shit and well I might after your son after me. So think you could be kind enough to those you call your children and give me a heads up on how to deal with your fucking eldest? I know he has some kind of rebellion thing going on but seriously, should I just bend him over my knee or what?"

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Outside -> Inside
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial, among others

Belladonna ran her fingers through her daughter hair before looking back over to her husband. "My love we should get her inside. I will see what I can gather in the house now that it is clear," she says in a cool voice before rising slowly and cupping her beloved's cheek and giving him a chilled kiss on the cheek. Moving silently she wandered back into their home, looking at the tar like substance that had taken care of the undead that had invaded their private space. Lacing her fingers before her she weaved through the much and mess to get to her books and her various shelves of concoctions.

"Such a shame, it would have made for a wondrous meal," she said to herself before righting the cauldron and getting to work. Placing her rather unused book on mystical healing out and laying it out open on the table her finger flicked as the pages turned themselves. "Blood of a healer... This could post problematic," she said as she looked around. She had most everything else she needed there in the house but some key items were missing and she knew she would need them to help her daughter, at least she thought she did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn #10
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Liam remained where he was as he watched Aloise move about in search of paper and pen. He was still frazzled, still not quite understanding everything that was going on, it just didn't make sense to him. He certainly had established by now that he was in over his head much, much more than he had originally expected to be when he volunteered to come to Altsoba, he hadn't expected anything to really be coming of all these happenings, but it really did seem like the world was coming to an end.

As she spoke up again though, he raised an eyebrow, he was ready to, and essentially had already accepted that the world was coming to an end, but a vessel for the devil? "The Devil, you've got to be kidding..." He paused for a moment, realizing what he, a prophet of god, was saying in that point, if god was real and he was a prophet, it only really made sense that the devil was as well, after all, why wouldn't he have been? Sighing, he focused on her question, trying to conjure up some thought which could help, eventually snapping his fingers as something came to mind. "The church, maybe? It was in my other vision, so maybe they're related?"

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

"Oh, fuck off!" Darren snapped, more to himself than anything as he missed again, clearly he was not on the ball tonight as the elderly woman took hold of the poker, ripping it from his hands with a surprising amount of strength as he felt the kick to his gut, falling back onto his ass as he groaned. Staggering back for a moment on the ground, he looked up to Clarissa as she got into the position to make her next attack, holding a hand up to defend himself, before Jade jumped up and dispatched the woman for him, a little more blood splattering on his face as the body dropped to the ground, Darren panting somewhat as he moved to stand.

Hearing Jade, he took a moment to glance around and make sure they weren't about to be attacked again before he turned to her, sighing. "If we're going to help you, we need to find the blade that was here before, I don't know who could have taken it, or where it could be, so we could have a lot of ground to cover, but if we don't get that, you're dead, again." He said matter-of-factly, it wasn't much of a plan, per-se, but it was something.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt @Lady Amalthea

Turning his gaze over to Belladonna as she ran her fingers through their child's hair, he nodded toward her. "Marvelous idea, my darling." He uttered quietly as he leaned down to slip his arms under Mercurial, pausing for a moment as he shivered somewhat, feeling the cool sensation of her lips against his cheek as he moved to stand slowly. Moving inside with Mercurial in his arms, he moved to the living area, gently laying her down on one of the large, lavish couches there, taking a blanket to lay it over her, tucking in his darling daughter before moving over to Belladonna.

Hearing her as she spoke to herself, he smiled as he leaned against the wall, twirling his glaive idly in one hand still as he leaned it against the wall finally. "Will you need me to go on a grocery trip, darling?" He grinned in a charming manner over at her, quite content to go outside and find whatever she needed, regardless of anything that he may have encountered outside, it likely wouldn't have been anything worse than things he'd met before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Road
Interacting With: Seraphina (@Nallore)


She looked down at the boy again, puzzled and frustrated. The boy that just stood staring, blood dripping from him as he started giggling. Sylvia felt her stomach drop, unable to process this eerie scene that unfolded in front of her. Sylvia, bewildered and not really thinking, leaned in to hug the boy, before pausing and looking down at her white and clean shirt. She opted instead to give the boy a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

A screech of tires snapped Sylvia’s head back up, she saw a car speed towards them. She rose from her knees, joints tensing as she grasped harder at the stick. Her first instinct was to treat the car as a threat, after all she had been through, it’s best to assume everything around her was not normal.

The car stopped, the door opened and Sylvia got ready to swing at whatever came out of that door.

Sylvia immediately sighed with relief, almost chuckling as she wiped the sweat the formed at her brow and dropped the stick. It wasn’t a demon or an assassin, just some probably very confused woman. ”Hey!” she waved while she grasped the boy’s shoulder tighter, as if afraid he might run. ”Do you know him?” she asked while gesturing to the boy, treating the piled up bodies as an everyday occurrence. Sylvia mostly just wanted someone to take the boy from her hands, and clean up the bodies too.

Bottom-line, Sylvia just wanted to go home. And a pile of bodies and a murder boy were severely complicating that.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut/Home
Interacting With: No one

Eudora jolts awake, letting out a choked noise. A mix of a snort and a sigh. She blinks around wildly, her house was still and quiet. The soot still remained, and her pets were gone, most likely dozing outside or scaring the squirrels.

She let out a grunt as she rubbed her temples with her sore fingers, thinking back to the dream she just woke from, desperately trying to piece together it’s meaning. Eudora’s dreams always had meaning, a great prophecy or an important warning, always something worth listening too. However, Eudora at the moment couldn’t piece anything together. Images of a girl playing with an ouija board and a headless man flashed in her mind again, trying to remember their faces before they became smudges of flesh coloured streaks of light in her mind. She only could vaguely guess who they were, but whoever they were, they had to be somewhat important to her. She looked back at her ruined door. Should she go find them?

Last time she went out, she was almost killed, so venturing out into that world seemed even less fun. Eudora heaved another sigh as she got up, walking over to a busted shelf to pick up a deck of tarot cards. Whenever Eudora couldn’t make up her mind, she’d let someone else choose for her.

Eudora sat at her wobbly table, deep cuts dotted its surface and the wood was soaked in the scent of spices. She started shuffling the cards, muttering some prayers and questions to all who were listening, as she spread her deck, she infused it with her intent. ”Will I be safe? Should I go?”

She trusted her cards wouldn’t fail her. The answers might be vague, but at least she’ll get answers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

@BlueSky44: Decker wordlessly floors it, causing the car to speed off away from the scene. The woman is covered in blood, but it doesn't phase her. Zach won't remember the woman, and the amateur radio set up in the vehicle indicates this wasn't the first time she was communicating on police frequencies. A baseball bat sits on the floor of the car, grey matter splattered over it. "You've got questions," Decker says, more of a statement than a question of her own. She keeps her eyes fixed on the road, driving towards the Jefferson Family farm.

@BlueSky44: Katsumi is in luck! As she heads into her apartment, everything is largely the way she left it. On the shelf, there is a text in particular that may help. Written by Frances Tate in 1923, the book details the Rise of the Witnesses. It comes with the instructions for ending it as well, including a specific spell. This spell requires the sacrifice of a person who has arisen from hell. The lifeblood must be then used to drawn the symbol of Hel, a Norse goddess. Of course, as the book sleeve informs the reader, Frances Tate was a member of the Bloomsbury Set, and was later institutionalized. It isn't very likely that Frances Tate has much to offer, sadly...

@Pundii: Aloise nods, motioning for Liam to follow her. Weapon in hand, she makes her way down the stairs, only to pause and motion for him to avert his gaze. Sam and Mrs. Hudson are still down there, no one having found their corpses yet. Sam's is still fresh, while Mrs. Hudson's is at least a few hours old. The former marine grimaces a bit, before asking Liam if he's alright to keep on going. Death isn't easy for people to just see and forget about.

@Witch Cat: Eudora draws the death card.

@Nallore @Witch Cat: Consider it shell shock, but the boy doesn't respond right away. The boy turns his head and faces Sera, the blood still staining his face. He holds up his pudgy little fingers, before whispering. "Your father is angry with you, Seraphina. He's going to kill you~!" And then, the little thing cackles, before dashing off quickly and out of sight. He vanishes into the woods, and neither Sera or Sylvia will be able to find him. What the hell was that all about?

@Lady Amalthea: Oh, if only it was that easy...Sadly, Amy's prayers are not answered. Instead, Hanson practically rolls his eyes at her, having given up on the prospect that any sort of god existed ages ago. "I can't think of a good explanation for this but...He needs a vessel to live, to walk around and shit. Without one, he's toast. And angels can't just possess people like demons, so he needs your say-so to be able to stroll on in and ride your ass like a bitch to prom. But because he's the fucking devil, not just any person'll do. Most people can't hold 'im, they'd go splat after a few minutes."

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna @Lady Amalthea and Javier @Pundii

As soon as Javier said the words grocery trip, Mercurial shifted slightly. Her eyes remained shut and her body mostly still, accept for the tightening of her pale hands. In less than a minute, she jolted up, her eyes wide and filled with terror. The young adult shook slightly in horror and fear, the unnatural and forced smile creeping up on her face.

"I had the most horrible nightmare..." Mercurial shuddered. "It was suburbia." She took a calming breath, before shoving the blanket Javier put on her to the ground, and got up off of the couch. Her head was pounding, but the pain didn't bother her. She was used to pain -- enjoyed it, even. Torture was one of her favorite pastimes, something she had in common with her closest friend, her best accomplice.

"It was utterly despicable of you to speak of groceries when I was resting in peace," Mercurial said coolly, eyeing her father. She clasped her hands, before approaching her mother, noticing with a slight curiosity the book on healing. "Healing magic as well? What happened to the electric chairs and firing squads of my childhood?" She couldn't help but muse this was some sort of cruel joke, a trick in order to force her to move out, and find a mausoleum of her own to inhabit. Eyeing the rest of the mess in the house, as well as the deformed and trapped corpses, Mercurial smiled slightly with her cold eyes. It was a beautiful display to say the least, a true work of art.

"It seems the dark forces' crusades have begun, Mother. Will you be joining them?"

Jade Cornish

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Darren @Pundii

Jade raised her eyebrow, before realizing Darren wasn't joking. "Jesus," Jade shook her head, cracking her wrists a bit. The entire world had become a much more messed up place than when she had woken up the previous day. It used to be that her demons only remained inside of her head, or at the bottom of a bottle of gin. And now, they were all out and about, feasting on the innocents of the world and gaining more real estate than just Hell's Kitchen.

"Good thing for you I was a private eye before I worked homicides," Jade joked, a bit bitter with her words. The place seemed safe, as she poked around, searching each and every spot she could think up. The entire time, her head pounded, jeering and taunting her. The temptation to take a blade and rip open her skin was palpable, and at points, almost unbearable. Her mind had been a shitty place to be before she went to hell. And now that she was back, the situation was hardly improved in the slightest.

Whistling to call Darren's attention over to her, Jade crouched down by the fireplace. There appeared to be bits of glitter, blue and purple, glistening among the carpet fibers. Frowning deeply to herself, she couldn't recall Howard even owning anything that sparkled, let alone something that would lose its sequins and charms. It didn't match up with the mental profile Jade crafted for herself, of the refined collector. Drumming her fingers, Jade's eyes widened a bit, recalling a case that made the news years back, before she even moved to Altsoba.

"We need to check the bloody prison," Jade finally said, clenching her hand into a fist. "I think I know the bastard that took the blade."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange and The Bloody Murder Boy

Sera stood by her car eyeing Sylvia as she dropped the stick onto the floor, when Sylvia mentioned the boy she looked at the bloodied little kid. It really did remind her of something out of The Shining or Poltergeist just the kid alone made her chill and shiver she then eyed the pile of bodies smelling the intense stench of the bodies. Seraphina quickly averted her gaze from the bodies and turned her attention back towards Sylvia and shook her head. "Never seen him before, he aint my kid." Sera stated she was about to ask if she was close to Altsoba that's when the weird bloody boy whispered. What he had said made her blood run cold, of course her father wouldn't even want to murder her Sera was about to speak to the kid when he suddenly just bolted off towards the woods.

Seraphina didn't even mention her name and somehow this weird little kid knew what her name was, she was tempted to run off after the little brat but he ran off so quickly. "What the hell is going on here?" Sera finally asked looking over towards Sylvia and looked towards her car, normally she wouldn't let anyone near her car that she didn't know. Seraphina quickly covered her mouth with her shirt from the stench of the bodies near Sylvia. "Am I close to Altsoba miss?" Sera asked, still her mind couldn't get to what the weird child mentioned about her father she knew her father loved and cared for her so she wasn't sure why the kid mentioned it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Hanson

"Well isn't that just fucking nice to know. So I take it this asshat is going to fucking follow me around until I give him permission or he finds some other moron to let him fuck her in a rather uncomfortable place, like the back of a Volkswagon," she said as she put holy water into hypodermics and syringes and IV bags as she could along with the rest of the shit she was scavenging for.

"So what the hell is gong on with you to cause me to have to take your ass grave burning last night?" Amy asked as she plopped down, taking lengths of fabric that were used to cover shit in the church to make makeshift bandoleers. It was crude work but she wasn't about to leave the holy grounds until she had something, all be it probably worthless, shit to protect herself with.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Outside -> Inside
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mecurial

Belladonna looked over towards her husband and smiled coolly towards him. "I would my dear but I believe..." she began to say before she was cut off when her beloved daughter finally awoke. "I believe it was the mention of pastels that finally caused you to wake my dear child. And yes, groceries. Healing comes in many forms, I never said it would be a happy feeling now did I? And if nothing else could be done a final feast in your honor would be needed. We must cover all our possibilities by dear child," she said with a dark twinkle in her eyes.

Glancing around she placed her finger to the side of the hollow of her cheek and glanced around. "Oh my yes, I do believe I will indeed. Perhaps you should join me on this. I do need to collect the blood of a healer despite everything. It is a useful ingredient to have for many things. My most favorite is for the Undetat. When properly concocted a single drop can render all previously healed wounds in a person to come back. A life time of pain evoked in a single moment. It is truly an enchanting moment."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 40 min ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Car
Interacting With: Decker

He looked over at the woman in the drivers seat, then back at the road. He recognized the road as the one leading to one of the major farms in town. When she spoke, he jumped for a second before calming himself once more. This woman was a strange one, and what was with the bat on the floor of the car? Clearly this woman knew what she was doing, and the makeshift radio in the car made him think that she wasn't new to this at all.

"Alright, yeah, I have questions. Firstly, who are you and what are you doing here? No offense, but I don't recognize you as a local. Secondly, what the hell was that? Clearly some weird supernatural thing, since I know that Jake is supposed to be dead. I saw his body and the ME's report, I don't think that there should be a deadman walking around town." he said, even though the words came flowing out quickly. This woman was a stranger to him, and he literally just put his life into the hands of a woman who just so happened to show up. For all he knew, she could be a demon or something.

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Her Apartment
Interacting With: No one

Kat scanned the book, hoping that it might contain some useful information, but was disappointed when she looked at who the source was. An unreliable source is not a good thing, especially when researching about these types of things. Damn, I wish my knowledge of the walking dead was better than just destroy its head, she thought to herself as she tossed the book aside. There was nothing more for her to do. She felt helpless, and wished she could be out there fighting. Kat knew that if she went back out, there was a good chance that she would die. She didn't care though, especially if it meant helping others.

Kat grabbed her knives and slipped them back up her sleeves, and made sure she had her pistol loaded and extra clips for it. She didn't plan on coming back for a little while, so she best be prepared. She thought of that old store in the Shopping Area, how it had old books about the Apocalypse. Probably nothing left in the shop, but it is as good of place as any for me to figure out what to do with this. What was its name again? Forgotten... something, can't quite remember, but I'll probably know it when I see it. she thought as she walks out the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Moving carefully after her, Liam's eyes darted around as he tried to stay relatively close to the woman protecting him. He still didn't enjoy feeling quite so helpless as he followed after her, but felt he couldn't really help it now as he stayed close behind, trying as well as he could to remain calm. Not that it worked too well for him when he set his eyes on Sam and Mrs. Hudsons' corpses. Eyes drifting over them, he stared for a moment before it all seemed to finally hit him at once. Hurrying over to a bin in the corner, he leaned over, letting loose an orchestra of discomforting noises as he emptied the contents of his stomach.

This was, essentially, the first time Liam had really been around corpses, and it was the smell now getting him more than anything, the stench of the recently deceased only seemed to be more powerful on his nose as he stood there, bent over as he reached up to wipe his mouth clean, shuddering as he caught a whiff of the smell he himself had just created, mixing with the decaying corpses in the room. Standing up straight as he wiped his mouth again, he looked over at Aloise with an apologetic look. "Sorry..."

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

At her initial reaction, Darren just sort of shrugged his shoulders apologetically, watching Jade closely as she took in what she said. She took it surprisingly well, as far as he concerned, he wasn't particularly sure how he would have reacted himself to being brought back from hell, only to told he might've been sent back, he imagined it wasn't the best news in the world. However, as she moved on to start with the search, Darren smiled, pleased that she wasn't just going to wallow or something along those lines.

As she started her search, Darren idly wandered about, seeing if he could find anything himself, while picking up his gun again which he'd dropped in the fighting. Holstering it, he sighed as he rubbed his sore head, satisfied at least that nothing had been broken or badly hurt. When she called him over, he hurried over, peering down to the glitter around the fireplace as he raised an eyebrow, Howard didn't seem like the type to own anything sparkly.

"The prison? What the fuck is it with the apocalypse and places like prisons, or hospitals." He grumbled at the cliche, sighing as he nodded. Darren had spent a fair few unfortunate and unenjoyable stints in prisons from here and there, it would be better to not be a prisoner, but being there during the apocalypse was regardless, not the best.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Hearing the voice of his daughter once more, Javier grinned as he glanced over to her, leaning down to plant a kiss atop of her head before she moved toward her mother. "Ah my dear, you have your father's blood, I knew well and truly that you would be up before long, as if you'd had nothing but a scratch." He grinned proudly, chuckling softly as his wife teased their daughter somewhat, only a certain kind of family could be happy and playful in a situation like the world was in.

Moving closer to Belladonna as she spoke, he smiled between the two. "Shall I leave you lovely ladies to your bonding time? I can take a list and be back with all you need before long, my dearest." He assured her with a grin, leaning over to plant another warm kiss to her cool cheek, fingers dancing along her back before his arm settled around her waist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Nallore @Witch Cat: You two are good to go for now. Proceed as normal, my friends. ^^ Seems LLA has given you a bit of a respite from the blood and gore.

@Lady Amalthea: "That's a long ass story..." Hanson begins, before stopping for a moment. "And we'll be here a long ass time, so why the hell not? I'll make it simple if I can. I was doing a...a ritual, y'know, and some snot nosed reporter saw me. Took care of him. But you see, things around here have a habit of coming back to bite you in the ass, and his ghost became what's called a buruburu--think of it like a disease ghosts give to people who are like the shits that killed them. Some other sons of bitches in town probably were hurtin' as well. Only by burning Moses' corpse could the curse be reversed. So yeah, ghost sickness. Some trippy and corny shit."

@BlueSky44: "I'm a process server by trade," Decker began, keeping her eyes on the road ahead of her. They had left town proper and were speeding towards the farm, with the woman hardly paying attention to the speed limit. "But I am licensed for some investigation work. The Jeffersons hired me to look into their cattle deaths, suspected foul play. It was a paycheck." She doesn't offer any other explanations, however, as she slows the car down. In the middle of the road, this man appears out of nowhere, dropping a body to the ground. I'm sure you know what happens next. Snapping his fingers, the car explodes--killing the Sheriff and Decker along with it.

@BlueSky44: Kat gets a lovely look at the city as she leaves the apartment. Most of the undead had already been killed, due to the events at the Crypt Manor. If Altsoba didn't look like the end of the world the day before, it certainly does now. Cars have crashed into each other, power lines are down and sparks fly, chaos and disorder have taken over. Bodies line the streets, some of them the undead, some of them innocents. There is no one around, but the vibe is unsettling to say the least.

@Pundii: Jade chuckles a bit at Darren's joke, appreciating the humor amidst all of the darkness. For what it looks like outside, see the description directly above, written for Katsumi. Though, she noticed his slight discomfort. "What? Spent time behind bars yourself?" Jade asked, half joking, half serious in tone. Her theory was a small one, especially since the serial killer in question -- known as the Joker to the public -- had been put in maximum security. And there was the problem of motive, but a theory was a theory. "Ready?"

@Pundii: Aloise pauses for a moment, before just laughing. A genuine smile is plastered on her face, as if Liam emptying his stomach was the best thing that had happened that day. And in a way, it was. It takes her a moment to recollect herself, but then she leads the pair of them outside, making it over to her yellow bug. After getting in, she'll ask Liam for directions--hopefully, he knows how to get to the nearest church.

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna @Lady Amalthea and Javier @Pundii

Mercurial listened to her mother as she spoke of the feast, having already finished her funeral preparations ages ago. She enjoyed to plan ahead, and in fact, her email address was InMemoryOfMercurial@gmail.com. The coffin she slept in each night would do perfectly for a funeral, and tucked away inside her room, she had left detailed instructions as to how to dispose of her corpse and possessions. She had been looking forward to the day of her demise for a long time.

"I suppose that is perfectly alright," Mercurial replied. "Feasting on one's enemies has always been a part of my ideal funeral. It's a shame I'll have to miss it." Her father's antics produced not even an eye roll from his (teenaged?) daughter. The only supply of blood she possessed in the house had been pilfered from the last blood drive, he was quite well aware of that. She didn't need to keep his blood in storage. A needle wasn't hard to come by, and she doubted her father would protest at her taking his lifeblood.

And while potions and curses did not interest her nearly as much as a clean, practical, and efficient murder, Mercurial couldn't help but ponder where her parents would go for the blood of a healer. The hospital would present a practical solution, but most of the so-called healers there had no knowledge of the old ways. Musing that her parents would likely head to visit Madame Violca, or perhaps even Father Kings the so-called faith healer, Mercurial turned her attention to the carnage in the home. There would be others around town, other perfect beasts to conquer. Slipping her gas mask out of her bag, Mercurial held her matches and lighter in her other hand.

"Father, Mother, don't wait up," Mercurial said coolly. "I believe it's time I perform my civic duty. And I need to stock up on kerosene as well. I'm afraid I'm a few ounces too short."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Hanson

Amy sat down and rested her arm over the back of the pew, eying Hanson as he spoke about what he had been up to. She could hardly believe what she was hearing but after what she had seen over the last day she wasn't exactly going to rule out that what he was saying was the truth. Granted after a life time of not dealing with anything more fucked up than earthquakes, a Tiger Mother, and screwed up shit like gerbils in the Er she wasn't exactly ruling out the possible fact that the man was still insane and really needed one of those super long sleeved shirts that would let him hug himself because he was someone special too.

Shaking her head slightly she held up her hand before pinching the bridge of her nose. "And at what fucking point in ones life does one go.. Hey, I want to worship Satan? I mean, did you hear a sweet little diddy that was like show stopping Broadway like? See a horror flick and go, seems like fun? I mean shit, does one just wake up one morning and while making eggs and toast you go I want to worship the dark one because I like goats?"

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Inside
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mercurial

"No my love, let our dearest one step out on her own. She is far more capable than what is traipsing around the streets. You and I can attend to the blood while she enjoys herself. Mercurial my morose one, there are some older lamps in the basement with some kerosene in them if you wish to help yourself to that. I believe your great uncle also left his TNT down there as well. I am sure he wouldn't mind you helping yourself to the little red sticks. He did so love showing you how to lace them when you were younger," Belladonna said as she turned a few chairs back up right with the flick of her finger as she meandered around the main room of their home. Stopping she picked up her bag and draped it over her should before turning her attention back towards her husband.

"Shall we be on our way my love? The weather is perfect for a stroll and the smell in the air is quite unpleasant. Truly a fabulous time to go on a hunt, there is a feeling that is making my skin crawl and I hope it lasts until the sun sets. If not I am sure you can help me recapture the sensation," she added in a cool voice as she stepped over to her husband and laced her arm through his as if they were about to go for a stroll in the middle of proper England. Reaching over she picked up with her free hand her black lace parasol and rested it open on her shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Road-Side
Interacting With: Girl Just as Confused as Her (@Nallore)

"Your father is angry with you, Seraphina. He's going to kill you~!"

Sylvia drew her eyes towards the boy, mouth agape as she mouthed “what?”. A stretch of silence grew between all three of them, glances were exchanged as Sylvia finally, and hesitantly, tried to talk to the kid again. ”Hey kid-” she had begun but stopped abruptly as the little boy sped off, ”Hey come back you little-” The boy had already run off back to the woods. Oh my God, oh my God, I lost the kid, she shouted in her mind as he started a light jog towards the boy. ”Are you coming or…?” Sylvia’s body was tensed and ready to run after, but the newly met stranger’s cool and still posture threw Sylvia off. Sylvia spun her head towards the forest and back at Ser, conflicted as to what to do.

"Am I close to Altsoba miss?"

”Oh, what?” Sylvia had already forgotten about the bodies, but she finally relaxed her posture, yet somehow she was out of breath. ”Look, shouldn’t we like, go after the kid? And the bodies, should we call the police? Who are you anyway? What did that kid mean?”

Sylvia grew more and more out of breath, her voice started to crack as she finally digested what had happened to her. The pile of bodies were now as terrifying as ever, yet somehow Sera was scarier to her. The chill that blew down her neck whispered ominous thoughts to her, whether it was from her fear or powers, she didn’t know. Sylvia looked back at the mystery girl, eyes wide as she continued.

”Yes, yes you are.” Sylvia finally breathed out as she pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to not go insane, ”Just follow the road and you’ll reach the place.” She gestured to the town, now swallowed by mist and fog.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Hut → Forest Outskirts
Interacting With: No one

Eudora muttered under her breath as she shuffled the cards. Her dry tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she recited some dead prayer, her eyes fluttering shut as she spoke in her sing-song, hoarse voice. ”Show me what lies ahead...”

Eudora let go off her deck, the cards fluttering down in a dance as all of them landed face down, save for one. The Death Tarot. Eudora’s eyes shone as she saw the card, a hefty sigh escaped her cracked lips as she traced her finger over the card. She felt the subtle bumps and rises on the card as she stared into the hollow eyes of the skeleton that decorated it. Its shining bones encased in a pitch black armour as it held onto a white rose. ”Endings, new phases, change...” she muttered the meaning of the card to herself, her bright black eyes quivered before she flipped the card face down, giving the flower embroidered back a tap as the deck sorted itself. A chuckle broke through Eudora’s hard and stony facade, she shook her head and bared her crooked teeth as she got up from her ancient chair. Joints creaking with age as she hobbled away from her chair. Eudora limped over to her bundle of clothes, bundling herself up in her bewitched shawl as she kicked the ashes of the dead girl on her floor. Again. ”Don’t wait up, girl, I’ll join you in hell soon enough.” Eudora let out a classical witch cackle as she exited her home through the smashed threshold.

The soft wet mud underneath her pointed boots squelched and compressed, yet somehow it never got on her clothes or shoes. Eudora snuck through the clumps of trees, silent as a shadow, careful to not disturb the local wildlife as she hobbled vaguely in the direction of the girl in her vision. Again, Eudora vaguely knew everybody, spying on the locals and newcomers through a cat’s eye or a deck of tarots, pulling out a surprising number of death cards that did end in death. However, Eudora was most likely not going to find the home, possibly just the remnants of the family, but anything was better than being cooped up in her home. And if someone was hunting her again, staying away from home might throw them off.

Eudora finally saw the thickage of emerald trees and lush mud break and give way to streets and tall houses, dew clung to her clothes as she emerged from the forest like tree spirit. A very ancient and discarded tree spirit. She still felt beautiful, though.

Eudora wandered out into the tech-obsessed world again, looking round and seeing much of the same, a road out, houses, broken street lamps, and a lonely pub with no one inside. She started her march again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange

"I sure as hell am not going after that creepy kid he fucking knew my name and never even met him before.." Seraphina said as she stared off towards the forest where the kid had ran off from, just something about that forest made her feel creeped out. Sera's eyes then wondered over towards the large pile of dead bodies, just the stench alone made her want to vomit she quickly looked away from it trying to avoid staring at it maybe the kid was the one who did it? She didn't even know, her attention went back towards Sylvia as she asked her questions about what the kid.

"I have no clue what he meant by my father wanting to 'kill me' and he is back in New York City." Seraphina answered as she scanned the forest and then towards the main road once more Altsoba wasn't that far off. "Well as the weird kid said my name is Seraphina Adams, we should head into town and let the police know or something." Sera's eyes wondered towards the woods and started to wonder if it was actually safe to go into and try and search for the kid.

"The woods over there, it just feels weird and makes me feel uncomfortable. If we can get the cops maybe then we could try and search for that boy?" Seraphina suggested. "Whats your name by the way? Also what has been going on here? And do you live here, or just here to find whats been going on here like me?" Seraphina finally asked just trying to get to know this woman a little bit better and try and find out who she is. "I've been hearing a lot of weird news lately on whats been going on to."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 40 min ago

Zachary Carpenter

Location: Car with Decker before it blew up

Zach was confused by Decker, trying to understand what she was saying. He didn't know much about what was going on down at the Jefferson Farm, but he had heard about the cattle dying. He wondered if he should ask, but was never given the chance to. Out of nowhere, Decker started slowing down the car, he followed her gaze and saw a man standing in front of them. Zachary thought to himself about how he had never seen the man before. Sadly, those were the last thoughts he made as the man dropped the body he was carrying and snapped. Causing their car to go up in smoke...

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Streets of Altsoba
Interacting With: Nothing

As Kat exited the apartment building, she felt that everything was dead. With the streets filled with chaos, and everything destroyed, she felt utterly alone. She hoped that this wasn't the case, wondering if anyone else might be hiding out somewhere nearby, but that didn't matter. Katsumi had more pressing issues to take care of, and her limited understanding of all things undead still annoyed her.

She walked the streets towards the shopping area, still trying to remember what that shop's name was. Yet all she could remember was what was inside of the shop. She kept walking, hoping to get off of the streets quickly in order to not be noticed by anyone. Katsumi walked into the shopping area, scanning the shops, trying to find the one she had been at the day before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Watching Aloise, Liam initially found himself somewhat embarrassed as the woman began to laugh, but soon enough he found himself laughing as well. He supposed it was funny in a way, about as funny as something could get right then, after all things had been less-than-ideal over the past two days. "Been a while since I did that, last time was the election." He joked quietly, taking the moment of amusement as he shrugged, starting to follow her outside, the slightest hint of a smile on his face as he reminded himself that the world wasn't over just yet, at least not while there was still able to be something decent in it, however small it was.

Getting outside didn't help though, seeing the state the town was in, it really was bad. He forced himself to drag his eyes away and focus on the task at hand, following Aloise to her car as he climbed into the passenger seat. Hearing her ask for directions, he paused for a moment. Liam certainly wasn't a local, it took him a bit, but luckily Altsoba was a small town, he'd had time to figure things out. "I uh... I'm pretty sure it's this way..." He nodded, starting to direct her.

Darren Andrews

Location: 1 Grant Road
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Darren smiled softly as he heard her chuckle, glancing out the window, he sighed - the humour was something he'd need not just then, but for a while, it was hard to cope with everything going on without that. Hearing her question however, he chuckled again and looked over at her, shrugging. "Didn't we make a deal, you can put me in cuffs /after/ we save the world?" It was a vague answer, but he figured it was enough of an answer for sure. She was a smart woman after all, she'd almost immediately cut through his cover, and by now he figured she knew what kind of man he was.

He nodded at her question, clearing his throat as he moved to the door. "Yeah, you can direct me." He said simply as he moved outside, glancing up and down the streets, devoid of life and littered with bodies and wrecks, in a way he figured it was just like he expected the Apocalypse to look. Climbing into his car, he sighed as he waited for her, starting up the engine so they could get going.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Javier grinned as he listened to his wife, nodding his head in agreement. "Ah I suppose so, I remember when she was only a child, tearing the wings off flies and hunting rabbits in the garden for sport..." He sighed in a reminiscent manner, almost holding off on the urge to pinch his daughter's cheek as he watched her fondly. He chuckled softly at Belladonna's words, nodding his head as he spoke up in a kind of encouragement of his own. "You can borrow your old father's spear too, if you'd like dear, has that nice reach to it, the one I tutored you with!" He gave her a nod and a warm smile before turning to his wife once more.

"Indeed, Mi Amor, we should enjoy the day." He grinned, dropping his glaive as he moved to a display cabinet closer to the door, dragging his favourite rapier out of it as he laced his arm with her own, heading out the door as he kept the weapon held firmly in his free hand, looking ever the dashing, swashbuckling gentleman. He just needed the mask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Lady Amalthea: "That's another long ass story," Hanson chuckled, a mysterious glint in his eye. Those who knew him fairly well could tell, it was the look he got when he was lying. "I did it to impress a girl--wanted to fuck her, ended up getting fucked over by Satan. Isn't that how shit always ends up going, though?" He doesn't talk all too much though, going a bit quiet. Amy might not be able to tell he's lying, but there's definitely something going on here. However, Amy and Hanson are no longer alone in the church (see below).

@BlueSky44: Katsumi eventually stumbles upon a store with smashed in windows, books lying on the ground inside and outside. The broken sign reveals that this is Forgotten Relics, and a healthy coating of police tape, one of the last acts of the Altsoba PD, is trampled on the ground. Once she goes inside, she'll notice that practically every book she could dream of is on those shelves. However, that isn't the only thing. A plump man with shrunken eyes is sitting among the rubble, blood on his hands. Yep, you fucking guessed it. Another round of fighting the undead, huzzah! Katsumi is okay for now, but he manages to bodycheck her and send her to the ground.

@Witch Cat @Nallore: Sylvia is going to get a bit of an odd vibe about Sera. It's almost a sense that Sera used to have some great gift, only to have lost it forever--a bit of a sad vibe, to be honest. The area in the woods seems to be mostly calm, but being by those bodies can't be easy. If they try to turn around, a demonic voice will taunt them, almost beg for them to test its power and cross the town line. Leaving Altsoba isn't an option--might as well head back to town together?

@Witch Cat: It takes Eudora a bit, but eventually she spots the girl from her vision. Wearing a black dress and having her hair in braids, the girl emerges from a building. The building just so happens to be on fire, and in Mercurial's hands, she holds a gas mask and an empty container of kerosene. (See below for more details).

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: Most of your information is contained below, but Belladonna and Javier are safe to proceed. Madame Violca can be found in the Shopping District, while the Faith Healer lives in a small little annex by the Methodist Church.

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna @Lady Amalthea and Javier @Pundii

She couldn't help but find her parents to be slightly clingy. Some societies buried their children beneath the floorboards, a practice that Mercurial would not put past Javier and Belladonna. In fact, she knew that they likely very much wanted to smother her in her sleep. But, she reminded herself, it was just an expression of their love, the fact that they would be willing to end her miserable life and allow her to experience the greatest symphony of pain ever known. Still, sometimes she yearned for a cemetery of her own.

"He won't be coming back," Mercurial shrugged, fully intending on fetching her great uncle's things. "No one returns from the Bermuda Triangle, mother dear." If she had been one to smile, she might have done so at the memories she had, learning to fence from her father. It was a necessary skill, swordplay. How else would she cut up her enemies?

Fetching her uncle's belongings, Mercurial returned as her parents finally made the decision to go out on their own. She had gone to see Father King on a few occasions as a child, mostly in order to study weakness. And Madame Violca was perhaps the only one who approved of Mercurial's favored tarot cast--it was a sort of Russian roulette, but in reverse. Only one card with beneficial meaning was allowed in the deck. It weaved a great tapestry of sorrow and tragedy, how could she not adore it?

Nodding at her parents, Mercurial exited the family home, her gas mask dangling from her wrist by the straps. She smirked slightly as she saw her target near. It was the home of an organization--one that championed the denial of rights and services. They irritated her in particular, claiming that abortions were the work of Satan. It was an insult that the Lord of Darkness would have gone so soft.

"I love freedom of expression," Mercurial murmured, before entering the building. In less than ten minutes, it was ablaze, the fire alarm blaring, a signal for help that could never come. Only Mercurial emerged, as calm as ever, as she flicked a piece of dirt off the collar of her dress.

Jade Cornish

Location: On the Road ---> Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Darren @Pundii

Jade smirked a bit, imagining a rap sheet about a mile long for Darren. He seemed to be the type that would get into trouble while trying to do the best thing, a bit of humor that tended to cheer her up in these times. As they drove, she gave him directions, only pausing when she glimpsed a burning vehicle on the road ahead of them, with a body near it. It was the wreckage the Sheriff had perished in--and curiously, there was no logical explanation Jade could think of.

"Bollocks," she muttered, before shaking her head slightly. They weren't too far from Altsoba County, as it was just past the farm. The idea was that the prisoners would be kept away from the main portion of town, but if anything, it just put the criminals closer to the highway--closer to escape. Strumming her fingers on her leg, Jade was a bit perplexed at the scene that greeted them.

"Does everything look too...ordinary...to you too?" Jade asked cautiously, seeing the quiet and otherwise well kept prison in front of them. There was no sign of rioting or destruction, as if the apocalypse had passed the criminals over, and let them be. And while the couldn't see anyone, no one being in the yard or in the towers, there were no bodies as well. It was still and quiet, enough that Jade felt herself get goosebumps.

"So, ex-con, know where everyone is?"

Aloise Zamora

Location: Aunt Sue's ---> the Church
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii, Amy @Lady Amalthea

"You sound confident," Aloise observed with a smile, almost defensively driving the yellow bug through the tattered streets. Her posture and body language suggested that she was in a war zone, back in the Marines, and it wasn't an entirely incorrect concept. Any undead she saw coming towards them she quickly avoided, merely slamming on the breaks, and taking a tight turn. And by some stroke of luck, Liam's directions were sufficient.

"Our Heavenly Father Methodist Church...Huh, long name," Aloise murmured, as she parked the car. The world might have been ending, but she wasn't going to just stop the car wherever, and she took the time to carefully parallel park. It was almost her way of preserving something akin to normalcy, until she shut off the car and grabbed her gun, glancing around with a calm eye. "All clear for now. C'mon, let's move."

She didn't let Liam protest. Having him walk behind her, Aloise carefully approached the church, peering inside quickly to confirm that the coast was clear. Once being sufficiently certain they were safe from any further danger, she motioned for Liam to follow her inside. It wasn't the fanciest church by any standards, with shabby pews and chipped stain glass. And at the very front, Aloise saw two strangers.

"One of you a Dr. Chang?" Aloise asked, gun in hand. "My name's Aloise Zamora, ex-Marine. I'm here to help. And this....this is Liam...He's Australian."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange

Seraphina would occasionally look at the pile of corpses still trying to not empty her stomach right then and there as she waited for Sylvia's reply to her question who she was. Seraphina was about to turn her back away from the desert and head towards her car again, she froze when she started to hear the demonic voice that seemed to be coming from the woods that led further away from the town. Sera really didn't want to stay out here in the open for much longer. Sure she had heard voices throughout her entire life growing up and even still to this day, but it jus seemed dark and demonic.

"You coming or are you actually really thinking of going into those woods to search for that creepy little munchkin?" Seraphina called out as she quickly got into her car and turned the ignition on Seraphina didn't plan on leaving the woman unless she really wanted to be left behind. If Sylvia wanted to get into her car she took her handgun out from behind her where she had kept it hidden and sat it back inside of the glove compartment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Hanson, Aloise, @Pundii

"No, guys only do stupid shit like that and blame it on wanting to get a girls attention when they want an excuse," Amy said as she rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Worshiping Satan to get a girl? That was in her mind like becoming celibate to get laid. She was about to tell him just that when the doors of the church opened and some new people decided to join them.

Hearing her name did not sit well with her and her fingers curled along her bat which was sitting with her between the pews. Pulling it and resting it in her lap she cocked a brow. "Riiiiighhhhhtt.... Help? You'll have to forgive me if I don't buy that shit even if it was on clearance. Don't know who the fuck you are but toodles. We're having a private party," Amy snapped, sliding a little closer to Hanson. People coming out of no where that she had never seen before telling her they were there to help didn't exactly sit right with her. For all she knew this bitch was Satan with a damn good plastic surgeon.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor: Inside
Interacting With: The Hubby @Pundii, Mercurial

"My yes, it feels like it was just yesterday when she buried each cat in the neighborhood up to their heads in her sand box and ran over them with Miss Spinakers lawn mower," Belladonna commented as she stood there gazing up at her lover. Turning her attention gradually to her daughter she couldn't help but let a the corner of her crimson lips curl upwards. "You are most correct. No one does," she said before the girl went off to collect whatever she wished for her day out and about.

Once she had left she gathered her whip and placed it on the notch at her hip before grabbing her reticule and proceeding arm in arm with her husband down the street. "Now, only if it would rain, it would truly be a perfect day," she said as she sauntered down the street, her hips swaying with each small step she took but she managed to keep her readily with her husbands longer strides, gliding across the ground lightly as she went. The smell of burn was in the air and her head turned to see a billow of smoke coming up from a street over. "Only our dearest daughter could have caused such a blaze with such speed. Oh my dear, doesn't that just make you prouder than a peacock my love?" she said beaming with pride for her little one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Interacting With: Sera (@Nallore)

Sylvia soon regained her cool, managing to keep a neutral expression as she wrapped her arms around herself for warmth, eyeing the forest and pile of bodies. Strange how the most horrific sight imaginable can become so “Eh.” just by being exposed near it for long enough.

"I have no clue what he meant by my father wanting to 'kill me' and he is back in New York City."

”A lot of strange shit has been happening recently, this really isn’t a surprise anymore,” she tried to laugh, however, her voice was soft and it quickly died down. Another uncomfortable stretch of silence ensued as the wind whistled past them, a hint of smoke in the air. ”Well, hi, I’m Sylvia. We might as well get to know each other before this town makes us all insane.” She tried laughing, again it came out as a weak chuckle.

This mystery girl, with an almost supernatural calm about her and an ominous sadness, didn’t seem to be one for jokes. She immediately got in her car, engines roaring as she turned the ignition. "You coming or are you actually really thinking of going into those woods to search for that creepy little munchkin?"

Sylvia turned to look at the dreary town, with its rolling black clouds that drifted above it and constant sense of gloom, so much has happened to her there. From immortals to crazy hobos and now murder kids, she tried so hard to just escape. Was she ready to go back?

Sylvia slid into the passenger seat, strapping herself in and letting out a sigh, maybe she never was meant to escape this hell. ”Let’s go.”

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Burning Man Building
Interacting With: Mercurial Crypt (@Morose)

Eudora, for someone possibly hundreds of years old, never felt so alive. Her long and heavy strides didn’t tire her as she marched through mud and concrete while she hummed. Getting out of her stuffy home really did wonders to lift her spirits. Maybe she should plan on “borrowing” a penthouse just so she can live lavishly for a bit. The forest witch aesthetic may be cute, but Eudora did always want to figure out how those mystical picture boxes called “TVs” work.

A part of Eudora would’ve scolded herself for thinking so selfishly, who needed a fancy TV when you had a crystal ball to spy on your neighbors anyway? However, those thoughts were pushed aside when she finally broke free from the monotone scenery of the town. A building, in particular, was very special, sticking out like a sore thumb among the rows upon rows of houses and buildings. This building was on fire.

While it may make sense for witches to be wary of fire, Eudora never was one to follow expectations. She approached the roaring flames, quickening her step across the baking concrete and warming air as she stood in awe at the majesty of this fire. The image of the building engulfed in the bright orange tongues of flame was imprinted in her mind, no fireworks show could ever top this. Eudora listened for the sweet symphony of screams but was only met with a faint alarm.

Eudora saw a girl walk out of the building too, a survivor perhaps? She peered closer, great as her stamina may be, her eyesight wasn’t anything to brag about. However, even with the blur of the fire behind, Eudora still could make out a gut-wrenching grin spread across that survivor’s face. A can of kerosene at her feet and a gas mask at her hips too. This was no survivor, but rather the culprit.

Eudora felt equal parts pity and relief. Pity because people died, and relief because she didn't die, as this meant the death card she drew may not have been meant for her, but rather the poor souls trapped inside. And with the confidence that she has a slight chance of living another day, she approached the girl, only to stiffen as she got a better look at the girl. That dark hair, pale skin, and eyes that send a deathly chill down anyone’s spine, a sure in fit for the girl Eudora saw in her dream. The vision she had, while starting to blur, was obviously about this girl. Eudora quickened her pace, ”Sweety!” she called out, waving at her as her mess of gray hair bounced on her shoulders, how young she felt at that moment, how brave too. The great Eudora taking time out of her day to help this pyromaniac of a girl, if of course, the little maniac didn’t try to light her on fire next. Sore memories from the witch trials still soured her mood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 40 min ago

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Another Zombie Thing

You have got to be kidding me! Katsumi thought as she was thrown to the ground by the man. This guy was stronger than the woman that she had fought earlier, but figured that the way to kill him would be the same. She was extremely grateful that she restocked her weaponry when she went to her apartment.

Alright, the lady went down when I did enough damage to her brain. Man I'm starting to wish that I had some sort of knowledge of the human anatomy so I could figure out the major areas. Oh well, here we go again!

Kat jumps up, trying to kick the guy as she went up to her feet. Her knives slipping down her arms into her hands. She tries to kick him again as she whirled around, attempting to stab him in the head with one of her blades, and she hoped that she could use her speed to her advantage. She also hoped that luck would be on her side.
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