Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

It seemed that everyone was set on this grand old adventure. She had to admit, it would be even more enjoyable if there were some more men with the group. Though she found Haakon to be delightful and Mr. Drake was so nice to look at (though she doubted if there was a brain in that handsome head of his), the old man with them was not up to her particular standards. She needed some new friends, that much was true. She enjoyed toying with Mr. Drake and seeing Miss Munn get flustered at the sight. She knew what she was playing at, but she had a respect for the woman and if she wanted Mr. Drake so badly, she only need to say so. Until then, it was all out war.

Before they could depart, the door opened and in stepped another woman. Before she could roll her eyes at yet another woman in the room, the old man made mention of someone else and Josephine was so curious. She looked at the two women, one was pretty good looking, by her standards of course. The other seemed to be an Egyptian woman, quite beautiful. If she had to put money on it, she would bet the woman was a dancer of some sort or an entertainer. She allowed them to speak, but she couldn't hide her distress at not leaving this blasted museum any quicker.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Oh my heavens, there is no need to apologize Lady Kingston. I had myself come to such a conclusion. Though many over the centuries have chosen, or their more that their families were forced to change their worshiping ways nearly a thousand years ago it is very likely that some under ground sects still remain to this day made of of the families of the most faithful." Vera turned and wandered over towards the bookshelves as she spoke, her fingers tapping in rapid succession over the volumes as he worked her way further and further down the isle until she found what she was seeking. Pulling an old worn leather bound book from its resting place and blowing off the dust before coughing slightly and fanning the front of her face.

"The cities location of her best know sect is nothing but ruins currently, though it has been secured for the purposes of a dig. My uncle made sure the site was registered back before the Tutankhamen find. It was just never excavated. You are quite right, there could be clues there to where it moved. One never in those times ever changed locations of worship without leaving a trail of bread crumbs they hoped only those of the like minded could understand and follow," she said as he flipped through the book, pages turning over in her fingers as she walked back over to Nora with her nose buried in the book, nearly running smack dab into the woman before looking up and coming to a halt in her tracks.

"Though it may be beyond my skill, you see from what I have gathered from my uncles notes is that while those he hired could make out the hieroglyphics, there was some sort of mathematical code worked into them that no one could make heads of tail of." Vera bit her bottom lip slightly as she huffed her curled bangs out of her face. Turning her attention towards Reginald as he spoke she couldn't argue with the man, he had a point; though the reference to the dollymop made her tense a bit as her eyes darted towards Josephine for a split second before looking away quickly to avert her eyes.

"No, no, you are quite right Uncle Regi. This is certainly no time for an Almacks Crush to start," she said before her head spun towards the doorway as more people entered the room. It seemed they were looking for her. The situation was odd enough for so many to come to speak with her in a single day, but with everything going on she had to wonder if they were there for the same reason as everyone else had, especially so late in the day. Her head tilted to the side somewhat, as it seemed her uncle was familiar with the bright eyed local woman.

"No, No worries, please do come in. What can I help you with?" she asked Lauren as he uncle spoke with Aziza. Azizas hand tightened a bit on Henry's arm as they stepped into the room and she let out an audible sigh of relief when she spotted Reginald.

"Lord Major, I was not expecting to see you here this evening but I am very relived that you are. It has been an night full of far too many events for even myself this evening," Aziza admitted before her free hand came up to her head where she had been attacked and sighed. "Yes, I am alright. It is a long story but I am alright. Thanks to..." she said before stopping herself and looking between Henry and Lauren. "Oh forgive me. Reginald, this is Henry Walsh and Lauren Ridgeway, dear friends of mine. I was attacked earlier this evening and then something else occurred to make matters even more frightening. They have been kind enough to stay by my side through it all to help put my nerves at ease," she explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

The fact that Vera did not dismiss the mere idea of an underground sect of what had been a several thousand year old religion, sent him first raising a brow in his usual questioning way; it would be absurd for such a decadent practice of beliefe to have survived where Chrisendom and Muhaddemism had prevailed. But then it made him think of the possibility that since they were so faithful to keep their faith, they would surely be as radical and violent as the militant islamists of Morocco or the peoples of the lynching south of America.

In spite of the possiblity, no wait, BECAUSE of the possibility of said villainous people presumably meeting them there, Haakon smelled a scoup. Perhaps even a clue to case he was actually meant to report on. And besides, he wouldn't object to spending some time getting to know these people, they seemed interesting in their own respective ways. Perhaps even eliglible for a few interviews?

His line of thought was broken when the doors swung open and more people flouded into the room. Well actually it was only three, but suddeness still made him turn his head in suprise, and wondering. "Let me guess, either a German radical attacked you because of your inferious genes and threat to the German Reich..." Haakon said to the woman in a hushed tone, though loud enough to be heard and not meant to conceal it - his appathy towards the Germans showing -, before he continued in a normal voice. "...or you have all been experiencing pains and brandings on Egyptian symbols on your bodies, perhaps visions and dreams too? Haakon J. Elvsgaard, journalist and not-so-proud believer in the occult, for now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren? Cad ar fud an domhain tĂĄ sĂ­ ag dĂŠanamh anseo? Nora couldn't help but be a bit taken aback, spotting her dear acquaintance walk into the museum. She hadn't spoken with Miss Ridgeway on too many occasions, mostly sharing a quiet word in gaelic. It was quite humorous in Nora's opinion that rather than speaking a useful language, such as Latin, French, or German, that she understood the tongue of the Irish. It was more a geographical development than any, in addition to her nurse as a child speaking Gaelic to her whilst she recovered from her illness. None of her siblings spoke the language, as her brother Edwin, for example, was utilizing his command of French in order to woo an ambassador's daughter.

However, she ceased to think on her siblings when she noticed the injury on the strange woman's forehead. As far as Nora was aware, the woman was a native of some sorts. Haakon's words towards the woman prompted a subtle raise of an eyebrow on Nora's forehead. Her brother, Ernest, had been killed in action during the Great War--and yet, she found the accusation slightly ridiculous. Perhaps as silly and inexplicable as the values of Miss Clark, and the Lord Major's subtle slight to the actress did not go unnoticed by the quiet Miss Kingston.

"If there is indeed a mathematical dependency, and if it is quite fine with you, Lady Munn, I might be able to deduce its meaning," Nora offered, her voice as soft as usual, without the slightest coating or trace of pride. Being the youngest of seven, she had always been naturally shy and quiet. The loud personas had practically been claimed by her siblings prior to her birth, yet Nora enjoyed her relative peace and silence. In a world she seldom agreed with, but could not be bothered to express immense disagreement, it suited her perfectly well.

"Forgive me, Lord Major, but is it really proper to be drinking at this hour?" Nora asked, not in any sort of admonishing or scolding sense, but as if to receive societal permission to join them on whatever conquest would bring about answers. It was quite clear that some sort of supernatural force was at play, though Nora believed that it could ultimately be reduced to either an iterative or analytical solution. All problems she had encountered in life thus far could, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Grand Continental Hotel -> Egyptian Museum

Lauren gave a soft smile at Vera as she took a step into the room as she moved towards Nora and gave the woman a friendly hug, she always enjoyed talking with the woman in her father's native language and occasional drink with her. "Good to see you again Nora." She said as turned her attention towards Miss Vera, Lauren was about to answer when Haakon pretty much answered her question. Which Lauren was taken aback somewhat as she ran a hand through her hair. "You are right on the ball pretty much on the second part." Lauren said, she was actually relived to hear that she wasn't the only one. And thought that she was going crazy with these constant dreams, she looked towards Aziza for a moment and then Reginald wondering how the two have met.

"My friend Aziza here and Henry here, they both had some freaky glowy stuff appear on them and pretty much marked their jewelry with Egyptian symbols. And I've been plagued with this weird dream ever since I came here." Lauren told everyone in the room, which she assumed that everyone here in this very room had experienced something weird that happened to them suddenly. "Just mainly looking for answers here pretty much that's about it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: The Grand Continental Hotel

Returning Aziza's soft smile with one of his own, Harry kept what look of confidence he could, attempting mostly to shield the concern which was still lingering, more over the man who had attacked Aziza earlier, and essentially threatened her with death perhaps even more-so than his ring and its glowing. He did not expect it however as she came closer and he felt her arms wrap around him. Slowly he wrapped his arms back around her in kind, smile remaining as he looked down at her, feeling her shake a little as he let her pull away, hands lingering on her shoulders for a few moments. He couldn't exactly think of anything to say, and so he just gave her a soft nod with the same smile as always.

As they made their way out and down into the streets, Harry led the way but kept a close eye on the two women behind him, ensuring that the did not stray too far ahead as he kept glancing around. His hand was near-constantly in his jacket, gripping the sidearm hidden there as he heard in his head distant yelling in English and Arabic, a few scattered gunshots... The calls of gas... Voices, sounds that all weren't there, but sounds that were too familiar in a situation such as this, he couldn't have helped it if he tried. It just made him more jittery, more jumpy, his eyes darted around, and it was difficult to hide whatever concern he had from the ladies, though he made every effort to.

As they reached the museum, he felt a rush of calm come over him, the sounds disappeared, drowned out by reality and he slowly pulled his hand out of his jacket. His knuckles were bone white, and his palm held something of an imprint of the gun's handle, only then did he realise just how hard he had been holding the weapon as he reached up with his free hand, gently rubbing it as he followed the two ladies now, letting Aziza take the lead now that they seemed to be out of danger. Moving behind them through the halls, Harry adjusted his jacket somewhat, looking still respectable in his uniform jacket despite the casual clothing beneath, but he certainly wasn't dressed to impress either.

As they got inside however, Harry couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed at the surprising number of those present. Looking over each of them, he searched for any familiar faces and found none. However, as his eyes lay upon Reginald and he heard Aziza use the man's title, Harry could not help but feel a sense of relief and of anxiety at the same time, he had once dreaded being around a man of such rank, especially in as shoddy a uniform as he wore now, but as he once again forced himself to let the reality of his discharge sink in, he simply felt like the man was someone he could relate to, shared experience, regardless of age, tended to do that. For the time being he simply offered a nod to those other present, moving toward Reginald as he held out a hand. "Sergeant Harry Walsh, Sir, a pleasure." He greeted him with a soft smile, not seeming to have noticed as Aziza had already introduce him. "Formerly Sergeant, anyway." He forced a chuckle.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

Drake was uncommonly quiet in the meanwhile, as more individuals entered the room and he found it even more crowded than usual, he couldn't help but find a certain longing for a large, empty tomb or ruin which was a degree quieter, perhaps simply with the company of a few of the charming ladies present. That was perhaps the one good thing to come out of more people coming in, at the very least there were two rather attractive women with the group, though he made the rapid assumption one or the other was with the man who came in after. For the time being he remained with Josephine, letting her arm remain around his own as he was oblivious to Vera's glances and sidelong looks, focused now on the newcomers.

As his eyes followed the man, he couldn't help but give something of a respectable smile as he watched him move toward the major. He might not've been rushing to thank either of them for their service, nor goad or suck up to them (they were limeys, after all), but he held an often unspoken respect for those who donned the uniform. Had he more time, more desire, and perhaps much more of an understanding or willingness to follow 'rules' - he perhaps would have signed up himself. Alas, that was not to be, and he was much, much happier for it. For the time being, he simply remained quiet and waited for them to be off, though his impatience was growing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

The vast majority of the people present were here because of the experience and specific training of Lady Vera Munn. Indeed, many strange events occurred just that evening, and to the majority of those present in Vera's office. They were running out of standing room, and rather quickly. However, the Lord Major could not help but note that a great many bits of the conversation were directed at him, not the Lady for whom they had come to speak. Reginald was an authority on a great many things, possibly the highest authority in Cairo on one or two subjects of interest. But he was not the man with which to speak at this moment, unless it was for fast introductions or a quick bit of catching up.

Things being equal, his position did warrant that he show a certain amount of etiquette. Not to mention that new people are meeting new people, with himself was a bridge between the groups. There were rules of social engagement that he had to follow in these instances, ones with which the Lord Major was well versed. Afterwards, decent manners dictated that he readdress every inquiry put to him, in proper chronological order. Finally, attention had to be directed back to the person most qualified to handle the situation at hand; in this instance his adoptive niece, Vera Munn.

Being a gentleman was exhausting sometimes.

Before formalities, Reginald saw to the more immediate discomfort of his friend. He produced a fine handkerchief from an interior pocket, handing it to the bronze-skinned woman and motioning toward her head wound. "By all means, I insist that you keep that, Aziza." he spoke quietly, actual concern still crossing his features. "Perhaps we can find you a more or less pleasant spot to sit upon, while you recover from your evening, yes?"

The Lord Major received introduction from her companions, or at least just the one. Leave it to a member of the Royal Army, discharged or no, to take initiative and present himself. Full introduction would have to wait for later, obviously, but he did make it a point to make meaningful eye contact with the young Sergeant, and quietly intone a return greeting. "Lord Major Keystone, Royal Air Force, segue Army Air Corps. Pleasure, of course." He even smiled, just a little.

He turned about to present the newcomers accordingly. "Lady Munn, Sirs and Madames, I dutifully present Miss Aziza Tarek, an exquisitely talented entertainer. Not gentry in the formal sense, but a woman of noble character nonetheless. Escorting her is a Miss Lauren Ridgeway and Sergeant Harry Walsh, Royal Army - Retired."

Reginald turned to address the newcomers as a group, "Miss Tarek, Sergeant Walsh, Miss Ridgeway, I present to you Lady Vera Munn, within whose office you now stand, Librarian and caretaker of priceless knowledges you no doubt seek presently. With us are an array of individuals united under the same purpose to which you no doubt have been made privy. This is Mr. Drake, Miss Kingston, Mr. ahh.... Elvsgaard? Yes, Elvsgaard. Scandinavian fellow. And a Miss Josephine Clark, as well."

He looked about the room for a moment. "Yes, I believe that covers just about everyone. Now, to settle your early query, Miss Kingston: It is absolutely proper to take a dram at this hour, moreso than other times of the day, point of fact. Upon giving it due consideration, were one an individual who partakes in distillations, or even softer fermentations, this day's events would give proper social lubrication to allow for alcohol-based trespasses, such as they might be at other times of the day. In other words, Miss Kingston, this is the most appropriate time."

This was probably the largest group of words that the Lord Major had spoken all day. Generally, he was a vocal man, given to long and somewhat entertaining stories concerning his years behind the stick of a plane or seat of a dirigible, commanding troops on the ground or giving lectures on battle formations, tactics, or the proper method of getting that perfect polish on one's saddle and shoes. Every so often, stories of lost love and family obligation would rattle out, usually with a slight slur associated with an excess of drink. But this was a different sort of conversation, one where his various abilities and experience was of little use. Yet.

Now, if you would have patience with my anxious nature, I am quite interested in what more Lady Munn has to say on this growing subject. Likewise, I again offer my resources for this venture, as it will most certainly be a venture. I believe we were up to the point where we were discussing traveling up the Nile to confront a city dedicated to Bastet? I'm in."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aziza wasn't exactly sure what to say to the man who introduced himself and started talking about Germans. She looked at him perplexed for a moment before shaking her head just ever so slightly. "No, it was no German. It was..." she said before letting her words trail off as the rest of what he said came to the forefront of her mind. Seemed as if her and Harry were not the only ones having issues.

Vera nodded towards Nora and smiled. "That would be most helpful. I am sad to say that I have none of the original markings here at my disposal. They were on the walls at the ruins but if we make the trek there perhaps you can deduce what it means and then I can properly translate it. It seems as good a place as any to start," Vera interjected before heading over to a cabinet and unlocking it. Pulling the drawer open she started pulling out a stack of folders, papers dropping out of her hands and floating to the floor as the stack got higher and higher the more she pulled out. "Oh this is most exciting. The thought of visiting the cult home of Bastet. What all will we discover? I know these things seem like a bunch of magical experiences but there is always a logical and scientific explanation. We just have to figure out what it is. Perhaps there was a reaction in the metal mixture, or some long ago forgotten," she rambled on and on as she looked over towards Nora as she pulled out more and more from the filing cabinet. The stack now higher than her chin and beginning to wobble left and right as she spoke.

Looking over towards Harry, Aziza smiled slightly. "Always the proper gentleman aren't you?" she said in a gentle voice as he introduced himself to Reginald. Reaching out she took the cloth from the Lord Major. "Thank you Lord Reginald. I assure you I am fine. Harry and Lauren were quick to get me to safety and they haven't left my side since. Two truer friends one couldn't ask for," she said reassuring Reginald that she had been in good hands since everything went down.

As Reginald went on to introduce everyone to everyone else Vera looked over, her mid speech broken as things were directed towards her. "Oh yes, of course Uncle. Thing is a journey of this size with this many people. Well it will take days for us to get everything together as Mr. Drake can attest. Such explorations cannot be rushed into. We will need modes of transportation, tents, food, water, comforts. All of which will cost a substantial amount of money. We will have to be prepared for a dig, examination of the site, dealing with the harsh hot days and the blistering cold nights. Not to mention supplies in case any of us are bitten by the numerous snakes and other poisonous creatures that make their home out in the desert," she said as she started to walk back over to the group, one hand under the files, one hand on top and it wobbling side to side like a toddler trying to get out of her hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Nora nodded kindly at Lady Munn, quieting down once more. From the Lord Major's remarks, as well as the entire muddle of conversations, she decided to make the choice to withdraw, to quiet the room down by one more voice. It struck her as curious that Mr. Drake, a man who appeared so inclined to chatter throughout her short acquaintance with him, had fallen silent. Still, her thoughts were more focused on the task ahead.

Her father, despite having her as his assistant, hardly ever allowed her to visit the excavations themselves. He mostly insisted that she remain in her home, sorting through materials that he dropped off with her, and accomplishing any other tasks that amused her. It wasn't too dreadfully boring, but she had wanted to use her education in the field of mathematics for some use. Perhaps this would be the only time in her life that Eleanor Kingston could prove to be of use.

It was true, the expedition to Bastet's cult center would cost a considerable and hefty sum. It was surely irresponsible of her, but Nora had a notion to acquire some pounds from her father, in order to help to fund the expedition. Acquiring money from him was never a challenge--unless he disapproved of the activity. And the prospect of venturing in the company of strangers to an old religious site hardly would be something Dr. Kingston would approve of.

Of course, he certainly would not be pleased if he ever knew his youngest daughter was being offered a drink at this hour. It only took her a moment to devise a solution. Leaving word that she had gone in the company with other ladies of their social class to a spa would certainly please him. It went against her honest nature, but after the events of that night, Nora felt firmly that answers were necessary.

"Allow me, Lady Munn," Nora offered, reaching out and helping the Egyptologist to steady the teetering stack of paper. Her hand still pained her greatly from the brand, but she hated to see the educated woman struggling to hold all of the papers together. Nora quickly deduced that the Lady Munn was a beauty without grace.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren looked over towards Reginald as he and Aziza spoke to one another, seemed Aziza knew the man seeing as the two of them were friendly to one another he wasn't bad in her book then. Her eyes scanned the room as Reginald started to introduce everyone in the room, she didn't know any of these people except for Nora. Lauren raised an eyebrow when Reginald suggested going with everyone for some drinks, which she wouldn't be opposed to. And if these people were experiencing all of these things like she had been with Aziza and Henry she wouldn't mind getting to know some of these people. "I wouldn't mind a drink at some point to get to know all of you. Though someplace that my friend Aziza wouldn't get attacked to. She is like a little sister to me as well." Lauren said with a soft smile towards Aziza as she leaned herself up against a wall in the office making sure that she didn't knock anything down.

Lauren's eyes moved towards Vera as she went towards a cabinet and started pulling out various kinds of folds and papers, she wasn't sure what all of it was. Then the suggestion of going out towards an old city up the river, Lauren wasn't sure what they all had been talking about before the three of them had come here for. "So what is this trip you are all going to, how does it tie into all of us?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

After introductions were made, Josephine resumed her thoughts on their current situation. Now, it seemed more of them would be traveling to this temple. The journey would be long, arduous, and fright with peril and danger.

She was absolutely thrilled!

This was nothing like back in the States. The only dangers there would be your partner's wife coming home to find you in bed together (of which, she had no experience, of course). She starred in few dramas, crime or otherwise, and she knew her way around a gun, thanks to her grandfather. She wasn't afraid, if anything, she was probably the most excited.

When the old man suggested drinks, she was excited, "Drinks sound lovely! We could all get to know one another before our journey. I, for one, wish to know about everyone here. Any juicy secrets just itching to spill out?" She gripped Mr. Drake's arm as she said this, almost forgetting she was holding the man all but hostage at this point. She smiled at him and let him have his arm back, but not before giving it a squeeze before she made her way back to Haakon, "What about you, dear? Surely you are just as excited about this? Think of the stories you could tell! When I get back home, I am surely going to offer this to a producer or director. It would make such a fabulous movie!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

Some kind of metal mixture reacting to the touch of their skin? Yes, that sounded much more plausible and logical that some kind of ancient sorcery. At least it sounded more comfortable of a truth than the latter, and Haakon wanted himself to believe that. No, he would believe that, it was after all Vera who had just now suggested it. Haakon scratched his head, placing his fedora in the satchel and looking at Vera as she continued to speak about the need for preparation. Yes, Vera had struck him as a logical lady, and anything else but hard facts was ridiculess!

"While I do not mind the prospect of a cold night, frankly I quite miss a cold winter night with snow, but that's beside the point..." Haakon moved his eyes from Vera and over to the other inhabitants of the room, no particular reason for doing so. "...the fact that an uncertain amount of money is needed for this expedition is, well, an bigger apple to swallow. While I am a journalist, renowned and all, I am by no means a millionaire. Don't get me wrong, I am just as eager as everyone of you here tonight to dig deeper, to find out what is actually going on, but getting said money will probably not be an easy feat."

It was true that he wanted to find out what was plauging them, but he was also realistic; an expedition to a ancient center of an ancient cult, packed with all respective gear and needed supplies and travelling as far as implied, that would all cost a whole lot of money. Money that Haakon doubted the group of misfits would be able to gather with ease, including himself. Unless...

Josephine's sudden presence in front of him made him look at her from having looked at everyone else, his hand falling onto his fedora on the desk. She was ecstatic, seemingly overjoyed to jump into the danger that the Sahara - and whatever might be hiding at Bastet - had to offer. And, to his pleasent surprise, she wanted to know if he was too. That alone was enough for him to make up his mind.

"...though a story such as this would surely make my boss quite willing to pay me in advance. You are absolutely right, Josephine, this is certainly the most interesting series of events that has happened to me since I got here. And the movie, it would have been great. Miss Munn, how much do you recon this whole expedition will cost?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: The Grand Continental Hotel

Turning his gaze toward the journalist as he gave Reginald's hand a firm shake, he couldn't help but find himself momentarily perplexed at his mention of the hun, but he shook it off as his gaze turned back to the Lord Major. While he'd tossed off the title a while ago, after the war, Harry couldn't help but find something refreshing about hearing the rank before his name once more, or in just being around another of his ilk. Harry had avoided visiting the garrison when he could, or attending reunions or any other such event, but perhaps now it wouldn't be so bad to do so, if being around the Lord Major was so relaxing.

Hearing Aziza's comment over his shoulder, he glanced over, unable to help but let out something of an awkward chuckle as he slipped back to her side, warmed further by her comments as the pains and concerns he'd had earlier faded to the back of his mind. The warm company was certainly allowing Harry's curiosity to be piqued as well, while before he'd simply wanted to get to the bottom of the symbols and move on, not he was curious to see or be involved in whatever expedition was planned.

As these thoughts crossed his mind however, his gaze shifted to Aziza, he had come here as her escort, and considering the more recent events, he certainly felt he couldn't abandon her for this journey if she as well would not be coming along. He remained silent, but resolved that his decision would be the same as hers, regardless of what it may have been. Glancing about the room, excitement certainly seemed to be the flavour of the room, among most however, aside from perhaps the two most qualified, Lady Munn, and most certainly Mr. Drake seemed far from excited about the regard, more exasperated or even grim.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

It wasn't often that William openly agreed with Vera, particularly when it came on the way to conduct an expedition. However, the preparation that she preferred was not entirely indifferent to his own preference, although, he usually only needed to secure such provisions for himself. No, what was mostly different was of course the intent, Drake took far less concern with securing and preserving the ruins or artifacts, and more with ensuring he got the most money possible out of the trip, although, a grim feeling was telling him he wasn't going to get much cash out of this.

While the vast majority, especially Miss Clark, seemed fantastically enthused about the journey, Drake was less-so. The mysterious notion which would be bringing them there, along with the danger of bringing many, perhaps 'unfit' people along with them, could have resulted in disaster, both in terms of injury, and in terms of having any reward which was rightfully his (at least in his mind) stolen out from under him. Alas, this was what he feared greatest about the journey, Drake preferred to make such expeditions alone, after all, his haul was safe then from the non-profit clutches of a museum.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

Reginald gave Aziza a warm and polite smile, then nodded to either of her companions in appreciation. The formality with which he treated the local entertainer was rounded off by a level of fond familiarity, the kind that ordinarily wouldn't be present among two people of such differing social strata. There was genuine, expressive appreciation for the presence of her friends, especially if it meant that, in some way, it ensured her safety. Hopefully, his expression brought those feelings across as he did not verbally express it well, past his words earlier. The Lord Major had a fondness for hearing himself speak, certainly, but the room was getting crowded by people growing in impatience; manners dictated he minimize his addition to the conversation unless it was pertinent to the direct subject at hand.

As it turns out, he did have a suggestion. "Yes of course, Lady Munn. I have been on all manner of overland military excursions, you see, even across these very sands. Might I suggest that you get in touch with some of the local garrisons' Commanding Officers. They may be able to requisition or outright provide much of the equipment you require. It might not be as comfortable as many would prefer, but such provisioning has kept up the Empire since its founding, and is suitable to the task."

He considered Vera's mention of, specifically, comforts. Reginald was an older man now, and though accustomed to various hardships, he was not the strapping young man he was thirty or forty years ago. He had much in the way of comforts, afforded him by his seniority and, of course, military rank. Taking them on the road was indeed possible, but it wouldn't hurt to bolster such things and provide a little to others.

Medical supplies were another thing he could readily requisition. So long as his own men were shorted nothing, the R.A.F. wouldn't mind too much. Well, so long as the paperwork was processed in good order, with a compelling (or routine) reason for th additional supplies. It was not an undertaking to be entered into frivolously, but as Vera was a sitting member of the nobility, it was the charge of the British Military to look after their interests. It still might require some massive explanation, however.

It was then that another idea came to Reginald, one that he shared openly. "Or... do you think it would be a feasible alternative to simply charter a transport plane? I might happen to know a pilot..." The Lord Major grinned, giving a wink or two to those nearby. It may solve a number of their problems, not the least of which being shelter. If the situation made such an idea practical.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vera looked over towards Nora and gave her a very relived smile as the woman helped her to right the stack of papers and kept her from causing yet another mess in the middle of the museum. "Thank you ever so much Lady Kingston, I am afraid that I am a bit of a klutz when I am distracted. My mother used to say that I would be the bell of the ton if I could just pay attention to present rather than the past," she said as she sat the stack down on her desk and blew the curls of her bangs out of her face. "Problem is I find facts and the past more interesting than the present and gossip," she chuckled lightly.

Aziza wasn't exactly sure what to think of everything going on. Many of them seemed to be speaking about leaving and heading off on some grand adventure into the desert. The only adventures she had ever found out there were painful ones and she grimaced at the thought of spending more nights than she already had in the rough hot sands. Her fingers tightening a bit on Harry's arm and stepping closer to him, her cheek resting against his shoulder as she stood there looking around. "Yes, what exactly is going on?" she asked, not wanting to step out of place but she wasn't about to go into the desert without reason and a good one. Glancing over at Josephine she wondered how the woman could be so excited about the dangers out there or was she actually aware of just how deadly the Sahara was?

"Oh forgive me, where are my manners. Here we are talking about things as if you all have been privied to all we had discussed before your arrival," Vera said before picking up one of the books with Bastets symbols in it and handing it over to Aziza. She went on to explain about the brands that some had received this evening, the lights on the Nile and then she showed Aziza the markings that had appeared on her personal locket. Aziza looked at the symbols and her eyes widened a bit. Taking off her necklace she showed it to Vera, who in turned got a look of intrigue over her face.

"Harry... I mean Mr. Walsh got a similar one on his ring," Aziza said, correcting her slip of the tongue by calling Harry by his informal name. It was the first time she had called him just Harry. It felt nice but she doubted it was the right thing to do, especially with people standing around that she didn't really know.

"You two seemed to have had a similar event as I did and unlike the ones that were actually branded, I wonder why the difference. What sets us three apart from the others and what sets others apart that have yet to have either event happen with them. Curious," she said as she ran her fingers over the symbol before handing the necklace back to Aziza and watching as the dancer placed it back around her neck.

Pulling her glasses off Vera went on to explain that they were planning on going to see if they could find any explanations or clues to why this was happening at an old site that had long been abandoned. Aziza furrowed her brows slightly. She wanted answers but she didn't want to go alone. "I see..." she said nervously before turning and looking up at Harry. "Well if Mr. Walsh would be kind enough to escort me, perhaps I should go along with you on this," she added in a quiet voice.

Vera turned her attention back to the others and bit her bottom lip as she thought to herself before speaking again. "I am not sure there would be any place that would be able for you to land a plane where we need to go and driving, it could be a problem. There really are not roads. Last time it was visited my uncle said that camels and horses were needed," she said before reaching up and tucking a loose strand of curl behind her ear before glancing over at William. "Mr. Drake would you be willing to help me with this? Without trying to pocket riches to yourself?" she asked before her attention was turned to people voicing concerns about the cost.

"I am sorry, I must have given the wrong impression. Cost is not an issue, just me liquidating the funds will take some time. A few days at least. I would not think between the time it will take for me to get the cash and us being able to arrange for this expedition that we will be leaving Cairo for at least a week or two," she said nonchalantly. It wasn't know because of her manner of work or the way she dressed but income and means were not an issue for Lady Munn. Only Reginald would know of her true financial standing or political influence with the Crown. Though she was referred to as Lady, that could mean a great many of things but she was the granddaughter of the 4th Earl of Carnarvon. Lady Munns actual title was Countess Munn of Carnarvon and she had recently repurchased her families estate, Bretby Hall; which her uncle had sold to fund the Tutankhamen dig. Her parents had left her plenty and her uncle even more. Money was not an issue for Vera though one would not think it to look at her.

"Mr. Drake, do think with the proper funds you could help, along with Lord Major Keystone, secure what we are required for a proper dig while I attend to the more... How shall I say... political ramifications to get us the permits we will require?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Nora nodded as the Lady Munn thanked her. It was no trouble for her, and she would have felt ashamed if she didn't help the Egyptologist out. While her sisters had accepted the notion that the idle rich should never lift a finger, the same could not be said for Nora. It was perhaps the only thing she had in common with her dreadful sister-in-law, an American of no standing. She was a experimental writer, Miss Frances Tate--now Mrs. Frances Kingston--and her efforts had come to largely nothing. As Nora's brother had explained to her, a woman by the name of Woolf overshadowed Fannie's works.

Nora didn't have any sympathy for that. To write fantasy was a poor decision in her opinion. Reality was all that mattered, and in that vein, she found herself appreciating the Lady Munn's comment about preferring facts to gossip. Still, her sister-in-law's lack of notoriety in literature hardly endeared her to Nora. It was almost worse that Fannie struggled with her craft. And as for Nora's own enjoyment of Penny Dreadfuls...She knew very well how hypocritical her guilty pleasure was.

However, Nora's ear perked up at the odd turn of phrase the Lady Munn selected. Ton. It reminded her of the Egyptologist's brief lapse from earlier, and she debated with herself as to whether or not it was just an odd accent, or another language entirely. But to save the Lady Munn any anguish, Nora refrained from jotting down the phrase in her journal, but she committed it to memory instead. Later, once she had privacy, she would record the odd phrases and sayings.

At the talk of necklaces and rings, Nora let her eyes sweep over the group. She spotted a few pocket watches, as well as numerous pairs of earrings. However, it was then that she spotted what hinted at the beginnings of a pattern. Certain the answer could be no more difficult than a Taylor series, Nora opened up her journal again, recording in shorthand each person present, and what pieces of jewelry they donned. For the men present, only Mr. Walsh wore a ring, made of silver. And for the ladies, the Lady Munn, Miss Tarek, and Miss Ridgeway all had necklaces. Lauren broke the pattern. She glanced once more at the necklaces, before noticing the gold of Lady Munn's and Miss Tarek's, while Lauren's was a cheap seeming silver. Though, she supposed Aziza's necklace could have been made of bronze.

Unlike her mother, Nora did not spend quite enough time to identify the materials of a necklace with a simple glance.

But there was little to substantiate her theory. It was merely a guess, and to test it, she would need to persuade Lauren to wear a golden necklace, rather than the silver charm she had donned that day. Her attention was summoned by the journalist and the starlet swooning over the fortune they would make over the story, once they released it to the public. Nora could only imagine that if the story was released, her family would follow through on their warnings, and remove any shred of independence Nora enjoyed. The news that she had went in the company of strangers to a cult site in the desert would hardly endear her to them. They had hardly been pleased with her certificate in mathematics--a cult, by comparison, would be akin to worshipping the Prince of Darkness or committing treason against the Crown.

But on an entirely new note, Nora came to understand more the Lady Munn's standing. Some of the idle rich had wasted their fortune, forcing the nobility to search employment. It became more and more apparent to Nora that the Lady Munn worked for pleasure, rather than out of need to retain her social standing and certain comforts. The ability to finance an entire expedition was a testimony to that, and at the Lady Munn's mention of political arrangements, Nora could not help but be in awe of this woman. By some miracle, it seemed that the Lady Munn had escaped the clutches of society, in a manner altogether different and yet similar to Nora's own.

She was most certainly someone that Nora would enjoy sitting down to have tea with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren simply stood in the corner of the room eyeing the other people in it, the starlet named Josephine, the journalist Haakon, the two British military men Harry and Keystone the man who looked like a treasure hunter William, her friend Aziza the dancer and the two noble ladies Nora and Vera. It was certainly an odd group that she was with, Lauren's hand rested gently on her necklace as she leaned up against the wall, as the discussion of payment for this trip came up Lauren closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief as she didn't have to pay a single penny for it. Though traveling out into the desert wasn't all that appealing to her, but she wanted answers as to why these dreams, and why these people got branded jewelry. When Aziza spoke up, she looked towards her friend noticing the little slip when Aziza used Harry's first name she smiled slightly at the two of them.

"If Aziza is going i'll come as well, just to make sure she is safe and to get some answers." Lauren said, as she thought about her life back at home, and started to wonder how they were all doing back in the US. Her husband at home she was worried about raising their daughter by himself. Then Vera said it would take a few days for everything for their little expedition to happen which she had a feeling it would. Lauren tied her hair into a pony tail as some of it started to get in the way of her face, she looked towards Lady Munn once more. "So once everything is all set up, what time and where should we meet for this little trip?" Lauren finally asked looking towards Aziza for a moment and smiled softly towards her friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

Talking about movies led Josephine on a little daydream adventure. She imagined heading back home with tales of her adventures. Directors lining up to get her input on the movies. Just think, a strange curse, foreign lands, it was a perfect set up for a block buster movie. And there were also rumors in the works of talking movies. Could one imagine? She would be perfect for the leading lady, of course. It was her idea after all. She would include the others, of course, but as minor roles. Perhaps Mr. Drake could be the leading man? She giggled at that thought. What would Lady Munn say about that? She imagined it would be something smart, but with venom in each word. She enjoyed the thought of it, but she toyed with her enough for one day. She was a smart cookie and she deserved her respect. After all, she was helping set up this grand adventure.

She all but tuned out Haakon as he spoke. She had stars in her eyes. Plans were being set in motion. When the topic of financing came up, she perked up a bit, "If finances become troublesome, I got some money, darling. I would love to help out. Now, I believe someone mentioned drinks and I have yet to have one in my hand."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 17 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

"Well in that case, Miss Munn, I take it that an article on this subject will be unheard of?" Haakon slipped the comment to Vera, his eyes breaking sight with Josephine's nearly glowing eyes of enthusiasm. The journalist inside him craved writing of this extraordinary series of events, the prospect of the sales nearly glowing as much in his gaze as the starlet's. But the sceptict of his mind was less enthusiastic about it.

"Not that anyone would believe it, but the fact that I feel branded like a cattle is hard for me to ignore. At least sober. Lord Major, you offered a drink I heard?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

Reginald had thought to take a quick nap earlier in the day, as a precursor to having a rollicking night out on the town. Grab a few drinks, take in a show, grab a few drinks, maybe give the old airfield a once-over, before coming back to his quarters and having a nightcap down in the Officer's Club. But his odd, recurring dream had taken a turn for the violently realistic, and before he knew it he was in a room with a handful of people having similar experiences, many more serious than his own.

Oh yes, it was quite adventurous. All of this mystery promised a trip into open sands, gallivanting off in search of answers to questions unasked for thousands of years. Quite exciting. The only problem for him was, until this little excursion was underway, his presence was a touch useless. Maybe as a calming voice of experience, but the brains of this operation was definitely Vera. Is was why, when the suggestion hit that his endeavors would be better spent securing supplies and munitions for their little fact-finding mission, he stepped into the role wholeheartedly.

"Yes yes, proper notion, that." he bubbled, giving an obviously false sense of mild affront. "Well then, if I am relegated to play Quartermaster to this outing, so be it. I suppose I am best qualified to supply and outfit a overland journey, and I do have the resources to pull it all together in short order."

The Lord Major looked to William, looking him up and down before speaking. "I should suppose that you would know significantly more about the tools and such required for an archaeological dig, yes? But unfortunately, any such legitimate suppliers have long since shut their doors, and illegitimate ones generally require some manner of advance notice, lest they respond with underlings and firearms, of course."

"I recommend that those of us without the educational wherewithal to properly decipher these new findings, nor assist with the proper referencing of this particular library adjourn elsewhere and clear the room for the intellectuals to do their work. If necessary, I shall have a military escort for anyone that requires it. For the rest of us, I should recommend some discussion over drinks in the Qasr El Nil Barracks courtyard. It is lovely in the evening. Aha! Followed by a proper night's rest. I intend to start us quite early."

"If need be, there are quarters for visiting dignitaries in the barracks. It is just across the way, you see, and I would be happy to host. When you are done, I shall be waiting there hence. Unless there is more that you need of me, Lady Munn?"

In truth, it looked like the heavy thinkers in the room needed their space and time. Reginald was more than willing to clear the room of distractions, personal feelings aside. Tomorrow would start an interesting day, and under cover of potent libation, conversation had unique possibilities, as well.

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