Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Christopher Harris

Christopher sat in the back of the car - a big, black American thing that neither he nor his driver seemed to be overly fond of. He looked over at the usually stoic driver, smirking at the fingers tapping on the steering wheel - in time with the music filling the leather gilded, air conditioned, cavernous interior. The man might not like him, but at least he valued Christopher’s musical tastes - in lieu of the garbage his brothers and sisters preferred. He turned his head, and stared out over the unfamiliar landscape, large patches of manicured grass, intermittently interrupted by long, paved driveways. It was not long before they slowed to one of these, and passed through the automatic gates. They stopped finally in front of a beautiful manor house that had Christopher nostalgic and homesick for a moment, before he bit his tongue and took a deep breath - dispersing the thoughts and feelings. After that, the motions were observed - the sound of a door opening, and closing - the crunch of expensive leather shoes on gravel - another door opening - him getting out and buttoning his blazer. Another sigh.

“I am not sure whether or not I will actually stay here… ( he did not look at the man, but kept his face directed to the still closed front doors) Take my luggage with you to the nearest hotel, and await further instructions.” He started walking forwards, keeping his face impassive. The car door shut once more behind him, and the car pulled away. He knocked politely, seeing as the doors were seemingly devoid of bell or knocker. He chanced another deep breath, and cringed slightly when he heard the sounds of children being happy somewhere in the distance. This had better not be some pseudo-frat house type of deal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Being shifted around gave Shawn a little bit of nausea, but it was all par for the course. He was safely returned to the ground, the majority of the class laughing at the prank, but also laughing at Shawn himself. He blushed with embarrassment as he rose, huffing and turning away from the class. Even the animals were mocking him. "It's great to know you guys care." He spoke offhandedly. From the corner of his eye, he could see something shiny. It was probably that giant metal guy that had scared him for a good minute.

However, when Shawn turned fully to get a good look at the beast, there was just a kid in front of him, his glance sideways and remourceful. "I... am sorry." The words were still a little rough around the edges, but he was trying, and it was more than enough for Shawn to understand. "I did not know that the ridicule would be this mean. It seemed harmless enough when we were all planning."

Shawn really felt a little spite and anger, but there was no way he was going to lash out or blame this newcomer. "It's fine..." He tried to stretch the word out, hoping that the kid would come and introduce himself.

It took a minute.

"Oh!" Was the exclamation after he finally understood that Shawn had been waking for his name. "I am Peter Rasputin." He tried to force a smile, even though he was sure that Shawn wasn't too happy with the class right now.

"This is what you get when you fall sleep in class, Mister In." Kurt sang, but did little else at the moment. "Now, class is almost over. So start packing your things. I hope you all enjoy your lunch as I do mine." And with that, he was gone, leaving the entire class alone for five more minutes before the bells finally rang to signal the next period.

Shawn said little to the other students. Peter seemed nice enough. Shawn might as well help the kid around while he was still new and impressionable. Unfortunately, Shawn had his lunch Period now, and Peters was not until later in the day.

For now, Shawn was just going to enjoy some food.

At this point, Booker had returned to the mansion itself and had been on his way to the Headmaster's room. He was sure that his invitee was still there, though she still was talking with Xavier at the moment. Well, that just left Raven, who wasn't much the pep talker, nor one for bribery.

It was luck, though. Just as he was walking through, he heard a knock at the door. Something to delay him from the uncomfortable conversation with Raven, and to kill time while Xavier and Frost spoke.

As soon as he could, Booker opened the door with his constructs and began walking to the door. "Hello!" He greeted whoever was at the other side. "Welcome to the Charles Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. How can I help you while the Professor is currently busy?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

When all the other kids laughed at Shawn, Heidi rolled her eyes and looked a little bit crestfallen. It wasn't exactly regret Heidi felt, more like pity. Now he'll never make the mistake of falling asleep in one of Kurt's classes, or drawing much attention to yourself at all, really. She saw Peter apologise to him as he was leaving for lunch. Maybe she should apologise to. She didn't stop them, and even helped a little with those odds.

It was her lunch period too, now, so she'd better get there early enough to get anything halfway healthy. She stood up, and went over to Peter, standing about four feet away from him. "You shouldn't feel bad. You just did what you were told, and didn't laugh at him. I've got to go to lunch now..."

She hesitated, trying to think of appropriate ways to finish her sentence, but then got paranoid about standing there quiet for too long even though the pause was only a fraction of a second; an eternity to her brain. She turned and left the room, still cursing herself for how poorly she handled that just after making a decent impression with somebody for once.

In the hallway, Shawn was ahead of her. She followed him at a distance, trying to think of how best she should apologise. Should she put the blame on herself? That could make him hate her. She could appear on his side, but she didn't know what he thought of her, and if he already didn't like her for not stopping anybody, that would just make things worse. So, for now she continue to follow him in a silent and kinda creepy way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher looked up at the man who looked a smidgen too new-wave earth-squad for his personal tastes - but he did well to cover up his uncomfortableness with the situation. He might not be used to it, but he would be dammed if he used that to justify thinking lesser of the man. This is a new place... he was sure there were some people here who would have something in common with him. It was all good an well that everyone was either a mutant or mutant sympathiser - but that helped little to forge any sense of lingering kinship. But friends were a secondary prospect anyway - Powers. Out of control. School. Admission. Living arrangements. He took a deep breath. When he spoke, it was in a clear, but blatantly false confidence - that seemed more practiced than earnest.

"Greetings, I am Christopher Harris. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My lawyers have been in contact with the Administration earlier and I am to transfer here duly. As it is, I am slightly unsure as to procedure as I hardly have any sort of precedent to draw upon. Could you perhaps direct me to the nearest member of the administrative personnel - or any other form of authoritative staff through whom I would be able to gain some clarity." While he looked at the man, it was clear that he kept his eyes just off from his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ayita watched Shawn and Heidi walk out. Lunch most likely. It wasn't her time for that yet, rather Ayita was dreading the class that was coming. Math. It was good enough, but after one could count and do the nessecary with numbers why bother with fancy formulas and such? It simply was not pratical, she knew for sure she would never need it in the North or where ever she went. Fancy formulas had no place in the natural struggle for survival. Besides there was something she was keen to try.

Flipping her wings, she dropped to the floor in a glide. Shifting just before she hit the ground by her bag. Bones audibly cracked and popped, muscle tore and feathers were replaced with clothing. A small blessing that she was able to encompass clothes as a 'fur' for humans. Though she had notice it took a bit more thought. Careful to not make eye contact with anyone she scooped up her bag. Her shifting wasn't smooth or pretty to watch. It was cruel, jagged and incredible disorientating. She had heard a whisper or two that it made people queasy to watch it, her own mother condemned her shifting. She only did it in front of the woman once.

Her own human form was tall for her young age. Five foot six and still growing. Ayita supposed she would be well past six feet when she finished. If she finished, she thought wirly. She was pretty sure exit signs would be stamped on her forehead sooner or later. Ayita supposed she was heavier for a girl, but it was pure muscle. Something she would need for what she was going to do. Slipping on her sandals she plotted the best way to get to the gardens and further pass the gated community. Fly would be best, but she was going to be focused on a new form and flying interrupted her thoughts with the song of wind and daring. Shaking her head, feathers that were tangled in her hair fell out. Self consciously brushing more of the black additions from her clothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zack ignored Griffin's grumbling as he flew to the school. Unlike him his brother was not happy about them being allowed to interact with the other students. Griffin wasnt ready to trust the others. While he couldnt wait to met them. They had agreed to disagree about their feelings. They had also agreed that he would do most of the socializing but Griffin would stand ready just in case things went badly.

There seemed to be people everywhere. Despite his excitement Zack was nervous about interacting with them. They hadnt interacted with anyone but the counselor and a couple of teachers since their rescue. He wondered what the others would think of them. They were very different from everyone else here. He hoped that the others would be able to accept their uniqueness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Any other form? Obviously this young many did not seem to think that Booker could have been a part of the administrative board. Funny, yeah, how the one man in charge of counseling, therapy, and one of the few staff members on campus with an actual degree, would not be on the admin board to help decide if they should be admitted into the school or not, and how well they might get along with everyone else from just a look at their life without talking to them.

The only one who was really exempt from that was Yeti, who Booker looked after and taught until only about a week ago before he started clearing things so the young man could go to class with other students, rather than just be hulled up in his room all day.

Christopher Harris, Booker knew the name well. He wouldn't be a good advisory for the school board if he didn't snoop around in all of the applicants lives before contacting the school, or being contacted, in some cases. However, he knew about the Harris mining family and how ruthless they could be. Something akin to Harry Potter and his relationship with the Dursleys, if Booker remembered the Philosophers Stone correctly.

There was something off about Christopher's eyes, but Booker made it a point not to comment. It would be quite rude, and probably would not make this introduction any better than it already was. Instead, he reached out to hopefully shake the boy's hand. "Doctor Blake Smith." He smiled kindly. "Resident Therapist, Counselor, Substitute Teacher, and member of the Advisory Board." He took a step back and motioned the boy inside. "Please, this way. Vice Principal Monroe or Miss Karma should be able to help you get sorted better than I can." Xavier was probably still having that important meeting with their supposed to be dead contact, which Booker was pretty sure did not want to be seen, especially around people like Christopher, who probably knew who Emma Frost was, or at least, his parents probably did.

Shawn left the room silently and returned to his dorm room to set his things away. It was a bit of a controlled mess, how everything was everywhere, but just were Shawn knew where everything was. If the little display in Drama was anything, it was a signal that he should probably take a step back on some things. He worked hard for his grades and his chance to become an X-man, but it was taking its toll on him.

There was no time for that, though. After throwing his things back onto his bed, Shawn left his room to go and get some food. He was sure to see some familiar faces around the lunch room, or wandering the halls. The school was only so big, and maybe he could get back at Hive for sticking him with all of that fresh silk. He was so lucky that it wasn't the first time that he had been hit with the stuff. Had it not been for that, maybe the trick would have lasted longer. Shawn would have made an even bigger fool of himself by overreacting to the situation, but at least he was able to cut everyone's satisfaction short.

Now, time for lunch. Shawn's favorite time of the day, just long enough for him to get some food in his stomach and calm down a little so he wouldn't be in such a bad mood. It was his fault though. Overworking one's self did lead to exhaustion and falling asleep in a class full of smart mutants with a penchant for pranking.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher's eyes widened and he forced himself to look the other in the eyes. "Forgive me. I only assumed... (he cut himself off and placed his hands behind his back, gripping the palms together - firmly - before taking a breath) Assumptions, as my father always says - Ass out of 'u' and 'me' - (he offered a sort of reluctant grin, the joke clearly practiced behavior taught to cover up awkward situations - He stepped into the house, with a polite nod.) I will be glad for the assistance though. The transition, while not very much trouble in so far effort it concerned - is something of a watershed moment for me. Leaving the nest (ironically he thought, a perfect idiom for the now rather obvious Cainism in his previous home) has provided me with far more psychological challenges than I had first anticipated. I might yet need you to lend me your shoulder to violently sob on. (He laughed lightly, the first real bit of emotion he showed - He looked around the entrance hall) This style... it's Elizabethan for the most part right? It's rather exquisite. Highly unusual for the area." He waited for the main to lead them to where they were supposed to meet the Vice Principle - Ororo? Swahili for Delicate... or soft? Curious. Perhaps he is not the only one who comes from the African Continent then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jacob simply shrugged and chuckled when he was called out on by Shawn. He probably should have tried to do something to make his silk look more futuristic-y but it was too late for that now. By the permission of the teacher, Jacob began packing up his stuff and headed off to his room to drop off his stuff and pick up some food.

Today was gonna be a great day, Jacob could feel it. He just finished playing a prank on Shawn and now he was going to be able to try out a tomato from the tomato plant he'd been growing in his room all semester. Jacob's room was pretty clean but that was mostly because he didn't have anything to make his room dirty with. All he had was his tomato plant, a bunch of silk sweaters with various designs made out on them ranging from floral patterns to reindeer, his clothes and an alarm clock. After dropping his gear on his bed, Jacob picked his tomato and headed out to the cafeteria.

Jacob got there early so he got pretty close to the front of the cafeteria line. Hive got mostly vegan choices such as some tofu and a salad but he also accompanied it with a delicious looking ham sandwich. Jacob went and sat down by himself and began to dig into his lunch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If there was one thing that Shawn would have on his person at all times, it would have been a pair of gloves. Even though Shawn was learning how to use his mutation at the right times, as well as minimalize its effects, His mutation was always active. His body had a constant electrical charge, and there was no way that he could simply not shock everything that he touched. He made it a point to avoid metal as much as he could, wearing his insulated gloves and an anti-static bracelet as much as he could so he could still enjoy things like television, radio, or video games. He just needed to be careful and not get too excited, lest he risk destroying nearby electronics.

As he left the room, Shawn slipped his gloves back on and left for the cafeteria. He wondered what was on today's menu. He didn't quite get a look at it when he passed through that morning for breakfast.

A little scheming for revenge pranks didn't hurt to kill time while he was was chowing down. Just as he passed by the foyer of the mansion, Shawn was treated to en eyeful. Doctor Smith was talking to what he assumed was another new student, the door to the Professor's office had just opened, revealing Scott Summers and an unknown woman leaving the room.

Something about that woman seemed strange. She was drop-dead gorgeous, not to mention walked with style and power, but her eyes flicked all over, looking for something. Maybe she was trying to find someone, maybe get away. He couldn't tell. However, just as he looked at her eyes, she looked right back at him, a calm yet intense look shooting right back to him which almost made him stutter and fall. He suddenly didn't want to be there. He could feel her eyes all the way through him, in his mind, peering through his soul. His eyes darted away, and he picked up the pace to walk to the lunch room.

"Him, too."

He could just so faintly hear it, but he was almost completely sure that she was talking about him. What had he done to get on her list? What did this even mean?

On the other end of the room, Booker motioned for Christopher to follow him. With Emma out in the open like that, she seemed to be doing a little more than what she had been asked to do. It was inevitable, though. Booker knew that she was going to ask of something in return for coming all this way to help him out. He couldn't refuse her, not because of looks or history, but because it was only fair for her to get something in return.

He ushered Christopher forward, hoping that he wouldn't pick Emma out of the crowd. It was going to be a little more packed, in between classes, but if anything, it made Karma only easier to find.

"It's quite alright, Christopher." He smiled and forgave the boy. "I know I'm not the most presentable person when it comes to being an official. And yes, this mansion was build by Professor Xavier's history long ago, just after they had traveled all the way from England. The entire building has gradually been retrofitted over the past fifteen years to find a great merging place between classic and contemporary."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 11 days ago

Prowling through the halls, she moved quickly towards the gardens and their screens of greenery. For all she looked human, the girl moved more like a prowling cat, stalking prey. It warned more than one person away, especially when she was going some where. Once amongst the branches and hedges, she let got the tension she had been carrying. Tossing off her sandals, a long hand snatched up a book from the satchel that joined the shoes. Looking pleased, she tossed herself down at the base of the tree with a satisfied thud. Sorting through the pages, she found the diagram she wanted. Propping it amongst the roots, Ayita stretched lazily. Oh, yes... This was much better than learning fancy formulas.

Frowning she studied the picture of the Siberian tiger, she was going to attempted. She would have gone farther away, but she wasn't in the mood to fly far before attempting the new shift. Taking a breathe, she leaned back against the tree, and focused. Dark eyes watching the foliage above, as she sorted through the muscles, veins, and bones. Forming the beast layer by layer, ever so carefully. Each muscle and bone would be used. The instincts of the large cat. The hunting, the feel of the earth beneath large paws. She breathed slowly, with her raven form it was simple as breathing. Practice made perfect and gave speed. Unfortunately this would be a long one. She shifted loosing the thought process. Snarling, she tossed the stick that had been jabbing into her side. Beginning again, Ayita hoped no one would interrupt her any time soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher's eyes widened at the man's herding, almost reminiscent of his mother who would move him out of the room when the important guests would arrive. Immediately his eyes scanned the room - spotting the woman he was so obviously being directed away from. She stood out. Clearly this was not her turf - but she wore it like it was. A slight twinge of envy, before her face registered. The supposed White Queen. Was she not a wannabe super villain - who was constantly circling more interesting and powerful people. What would she be doing here... This was the home of Charles Xavier. She was here with his permission - whether she repented, or whether he is on her side. Either way - Nothing Christopher could do about it. He noticed he had stopped walking for a moment, staring at her -before he began walking after his guide.

"It is rather beautiful. Is there anything that I should know about who I am meeting. Quirks I should take note of, or prepare myself for. I do Like being prepared. It serves to make a good first impression." He made sure to focus on the man, his expression conveying his true interest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Heidi ate her lunch in silence. It was a chicken salad with a banana milkshake and some assorted fruit. She was still very disappointed with herself after stalking Shawn for minutes without actually saying anything, until he took a diversion to the dorms and she had no logical reason to follow him further as she was going straight to the cafeteria. She needed to get better at social interaction. It was her one weakness. Maybe another visit with Doctor Blake was in order. He's already helped her a lot with this issue and she also wanted to tell him how well her conversation with Peter went, small though it was.

She finished her lunch, then set out to find him. As she left the cafeteria, Shawn walked in. She was not prepared for this. Should she explain why she'd been silently following him? But what if he hadn't noticed? Just switch off, Heidi. Remember what Booker taught you. Switch off, and say what you want to say...

"Um, I'm sorry about what happened in Drama earlier. I wasn't really involved but I didn't stop it either, so...sorry." she said quietly, and then kept walking right past him, feeling so much better but at the same time still cursing herself for not simply saying that in the first place.

As she kept walking towards the foyer, she spotted a very brief glimpse of Emma Frost before she slipped out of Heidi's sight. She didn't know what to make of this, so she stored it for later, when there was more data to make any more opinions of what she was doing here, but Heidi still didn't like it. For now, she would reserve judgement.

She did find Br. Blake, though, but with him was a new student. Now clearly wasn't a good time to talk and she should leave them, but he'd probably already seen her, so she should at least say hello if he'd seen her...

"Hi, Dr. Blake..." she said very quietly.

She studied the new student. Just from looking at the tailoring of his suit and his shoes being custom-made, she could tell he was of a very rich background. He also had, as well as the kind of graceful well-mannered air that marks out these kinds of people, a dangerous sort of sharpness and intelligence about him. Still, his body language was warm, not aloof, and that was a good sign. Maybe she could be friends with somebody like this. Somebody who'd happily do all the talking to draw out conversation from Heidi, because she knew she had a lot to say. That was the problem, really. She had too much to say.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate steps aside as all the students leave. So many faces, all with their own worries and wants. Pete, who's steel show was amazing, a girl who's mind would have made moms computer and lab equipment nullenvoid, Jacob who's web abilities were amazing, yet he seems to not see it himself, Shawn who took the prank seemingly in stride, figuring it out in record time, then the bird that became a girl, such an amazing group. The sadness of parental loss was washed to the background by all the possibilities that this group held.
"I guess food first and then training and math," Nate mumbles as he becomes visible,heading to get some chow.
SO lost in thought is Nate that he almost misses the beautiful woman that comes out of the professors office, pausing only long enough to note how she holds her self with complete confidence, a woman not to cross.
As Nate enters the cafeteria he notes the smart girl looking conflicted off by herself. He grabs random food, figuring anythings better then MRE's, and finds an open seat. Scarfing the food as quickly as he can, he watches the other students, his inner excitement hidden behind a mask of disinterest. Should anyone join him he'd not object, but he was still getting the feeling of things.
Food done, Nate dumps his trash and jogs to his room. A split decision later, the proper clothing for training and math class and nate heads to math and to find out where the training teacher is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zack landed outside of the cafeteria. He wasn't hungry but it seemed like a good place to start. Many students were there eating. It was lunch hour for most of them. He ran his figures through his hair as he studied the crowded room. Once upon a time he wouldn't have hesitated. He would have just entered the room and started talking to the first person he came to. But he couldn't do that anymore. It had been too long since he bad interacted with anyone.

'We don't have to talk to anyone yet.' Griffin reminded him. His brother was all for the slow approach but Zack didn't want that. He was a people person. So he needed take that first step to regain the life that he had lost. He took a deep breath. The first step was the hardest. Once he got that out of the way he should be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shawn had not expected for Heidi to come out like that and actually talk to him. He didn't know her all that well, but he knew what she could do and what she was capable of. Her brain pretty much saw the future with how many outcomes she could think of for any kind of case. Like his own power, hers didn't stop. She probably thought of everything an infinite amount of times. Always thinking, always worried that your actions are going to give the world the bad ending, he thought it was pretty scary.

That was why he was so surprised by her coming up to talk to him. Though he was initially speechless, long enough so for her to quickly walk away from him and go elsewhere, Shawn decided to go after her and say something in return. He didn't want to scare her with his own appearance, so he tried to calmly restart the one-sided conversation once he deemed enough time had passed.

"Um, Heidi." He started out in a quiet fashion, something not to common for the normally outgoing and "brave" Shawn In. "Thanks for apologizing to me. I know you don't really talk much to people, but it means a lot to see you doing that. It's fine, anyways," He shrugged and looked around. "I was just a little grumpy from a sudden wake-up."

"Heidi." Booker nodded at the girl as he and Christopher went on their way. He had heard her apology, not that he could really understand what had happened. Maybe she'd tell him some day. However, he did want to congradulate her for calming down and focusing in the now like he had asked her to. For now, he could continue to usher Christopher along to Karma's office.

Karma had her own office on the other side of the foyer, closer to where all of the other classrooms were than the Professor's study. She didn't really care to be in the big crowds of people, and normally stuck to her office between classes.

As polite as Booker always was, he knocked on the door first. He knew that she wasn't the kind to respond to his knocking, and let himself and the young man inside.

"Booker." Her eyes didn't leave the note that she was writing. "Are you here on report? Or something else?"

Booker smiled and shook his head. "No, Karma. This is Christopher Harris. The son of the mining company owners." He motioned for the boy to step forward, while he himself took one back. "He just arrived and needs help getting the last of his things set up."

There was a small pause. Karma had set down the fountain pen in her hand and looked up to view the two men in her presence. Booker was a sight for sore eyes among the wild students gallivanting around with their mutations. Someone who knew nuance. "Well, thanks for bringing him by way. Ororo would have just brought him to me, so cutting out the middle man in this saves us some time."

Booker nodded and took a step to the side. He briefly bowed to Christopher. "This is where we part ways for now. Maybe you'll be seeing me during a period, maybe you'll come asking for help. My door is always open, Mister Harris." And with that, he stepped out of the room to go and have a word with his guest of honor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris
Christopher looked over at the woman, and gave her a charmed smile. "Greetings. Karma was it? Mother always threw a fit, should one ever mention the term. 'There is no such thing as Karma' (he imitated his mother's tone) - I am guessing the idea of cosmological retribution sits heavily on their heads." He smiled and walked over, not sitting down but placing his hand on the back on one of the chairs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Heidi nodded and stayed absolutely still as Booker walked past. Well, she said hi, at least. Should she have done more? But he did look busy...It's fine, Heidi. It's fine. Just forget it. It's over. It's fine. Everything's fine. Move on.

She shook some sense back into her head and started to walk back to her room. There was plenty of time before training for some muscle stretches. She didn't know why they weren't compulsory before and after every training session for minimal risk of muscle strain and the most efficient muscle growth. Then again, many mutants here had mutations that meant they didn't have to exert their muscles in order to fight. Still, it was good practice for someone like her, who's best option in combat involving offensive mutations was usually to keep moving and not get hit with anything. It was just another reason why every mutant in the country should be taught control, mastery and restraint of their abilities, not just the ones in this school. The severity of the accidents that could occur if just one thing goes wrong with, say, an untrained pyrokinetic, was a worrying thought to dwell on.

As she was nearing the dorm wings, Shawn approached her. Don't panic. Maybe he's just passing. No, no, he's looking right at me. But he doesn't look angry or upset. That's good, at least. She stopped and listened to him, taken aback by not just how different his tone, body language and general demeanour was, but also what he was saying. It was a pleasant and gratifying thing to see her efforts go noticed and rewarded, but on the flipside, she needed to say something back. Luckily, it didn't seem like it would be easy to muck this up, so she relaxed, and prepared for a longer conversation than usual. Something that usually filled her with dread, which now did seem so scary when there were less apparent handicaps.

"Even so, it was a harsh prank even for Kurt. You seem to be in a better mood now though. That's good."

One second of silence passed, which was an eternity to Heidi's superfast brain. There was little conflict this time though. It was telling her to move the conversation on to something else, and keep it alive, and was currently cycling through the topics. It also went through everything that Heidi knew about Shawn from once reading over every student's bios.

"It's training next. If we're put on opposing teams, try not to aim for me." She caps this off with a shy half-smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I've had your schedule prepared already, Christpoher." Karma had reached into her desk to pull out a set of papers. Just about everything was taken care of already in terms of getting him set up. He already had a room set up, shared with one Jacob Grendurr. All of the dorm rooms had two or three beds in them for multiple students. The Mansion was big, but there were simply too many people to all have separate rooms.

She set fourth on the end of her desk Christopher's schedule and room number. "Assuming that you have all of your things on standby, this is all you'll be needing from me. You're checked in, everything has been worked out in advance, now you just need to be in the right place at the right time, as your schedule dictates." She then went back to writing down whatever she had been working on, and only took a small glance up to Christopher. "Your teachers will be notified as soon as possible, and unless you have any questions that you would like to possibly have answered, I bid you a good day, Mister Harris." It wasn't that she was trying to be mean by pushing him off or away, not like that. Karma simply had things to do, and that was all that Christopher would have needed from her, unless of course he did want to know about something.

That was Christopher Harris. A boy that Booker whole-heartedly spoke for when he was talking to the board about his admittance. They all knew what Booker was doing, and to be honest, Karma didn't care. Teachers had their own teams all the time including students. It was usually so that the students could jump around with the safety net of a senior 'Hero' watching over them. Him, and that other new boy, Peter. There were actually a lot of new students that he wanted on the roster. His own charge, so to speak, Jean-Paul's nephew, and the two she had just thought about as well. Lightning boy, sting boy, hard-light clone boy, shifter girl, smart girl, just to think of a few.

Maybe it would get passed. But obviously Charles would have Booker go on a trial run before solidifying anything.

Oh, she was right. They both shared Combat Training as well. She probably knew his and everyone else in the school's classes like it was nothing, knowing exactly who she'd see and when. She was right a second time, though. Maybe Mr. Wagner did get a little too carried away with the prank. It was a little much, but at least all was good now. Maybe Shawn should just focus on getting back at the teacher, rather than everyone else and paint a target on his own pack.

He smiled right back at her. He would try his best not to hit Heidi, but his power wasn't completely in his control. Lightning chained and hit things freely as it pleased. So maybe he would keep on his gloves and try not to get too excited when fighting or training or whatever Miss Darkholme would have them do. "I'll do my best. Lightning isn't exactly the easiest thing to control, though." He chuckled and shrugged, realizing that he had strayed further from the cafeteria than he would have liked. "Oh, I gotta be getting food right now, though." He had been on his way to following her to the girl's dorms like some sort of creep. Once he had realized how far he had gone, he shook his head and looked at the ground briefly. "I'll catch you in a few, Heidi. Gotta stock up before Miss Darkholme puts us through the ringer!"

Rurik Langer was the mathematics teacher known as Mars. His control over the earth itself allowed him great power almost anywhere. At the moment, he sat quietly in the room that he taught in. In his next class was another from Russia, Peter Rasputin. It would be good to see someone who still has their homeland fresh in their minds. At his little desk he had a pot of coffee. It was rather strange. He could generate immense heat, but not create fire. He could push and pull the earth, but could not combine the two in the way that Amara Aquilla was able to. She could control lava, Magma, she called herself.

In any case, he was there, and he was alive. A book in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee on this brisk day was nice as he enjoyed the little space between periods.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher looked at the woman, seeing her clearly being very busy. Some darker part of his upbringing almost made him lash out - purely through habit - and insist on being shown the 'respect' his family supposedly is due. He was proud at how easy it was to suppress however. He took a deep breath - People don't care who you are here. You are a nobody. You are mediocre. A small smile spread across his face as he breathed out. "Thank you for your aid. I will have my things brought over and I shall settle in within my dorms. I will ask someone to direct me should I become lost. Thank you for your time."

He picked up the dossier and walked out of the room, politely closing the door. He assumed that classes were on now, and it would most likely be better to settle in today, and only start tomorrow. As he stood in front of her door, he quickly memorized the notes and schedules - as well as the maps and other quick summaries of the various things he needed to be aware of. Perhaps his powers were not that much of a concern. Perhaps he was not as dangerous as he had feared. That was a bit of a relief. He quickly sent a message to his butler to bring the luggage. When done, he walked into the main halls, to try and find his room.

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