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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange

Seraphina looked over at Sylvia as she got into her car and gave the woman a friendly smile, she started to feel bad for her sudden snarky attitude towards the woman. "Sylvia is a pretty name." Sera said with a soft smile as she slowly started to pull back and drove back onto the main road leading into Altsoba. She could see the smoke coming up from the buildings, it was like something out of Fear The Walking Dead at the end of season one. "So where are you from Sylvia and what brings you to this crazy little town?" Sera asked as they drove closer to town, she really wasn't sure what to expect when they got into town and she was nervous at what she would actually see.

Seraphina continued to drive until they were at the center of town as she tried looking around, she looked over towards Sylvia again as she stopped her car and reached over for the glove compartment and pulled out her handgun. Since it was the end of the world she wasn't sure what would actually come out at her. "What can you tell me what has happened here so far?" Sera finally asked she needed to know as much as possible seems like she was pretty late to the game on what has been going on other then the news reports from the news.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Simpler times and people who won't answer

Apparently answering questions were not on the womans mind as Amy sat there with her hand wrapped around the wood of her bat. It would have been easy after all this time had passed in silence for Amy to have bashed in her skull and waltzed right out the front door but she really had no intention of leaving so called holy ground right then.

Snapping the fingers of her free hand she waved it slightly. Hey you, yeah you bitch. The one waving the gun around, I ain't moving two steps until you open your fucking trap and give me answers. Like real answers, not this beat around the bush bullshit that I have been getting through out the last forty eight hours. That or you can turn you tush around and waltz right out the door," she said as she kept an eye on the woman. She probably should have been scared shitless right then but hey, she had spoken with Satan, a woman waiving a gun around wasn't exactly on the top ten parade of reasons to shake in ones scrubs.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Waltzing down the street
Interacting With: Her own mind and the counting of days

One... Sauntering down the road to see where to go and to find the last ingredient she needed for the potion. Granted it wasn't exactly needed right then but she already had most of it prepped, so she might as well follow though. Belladonna was not one to let things go unfinished.

Two... Someone had sent undead into her home. Normally she would have welcomed them with open arm but this time was different. Her beloved daughter had been injured in the tryst. Pain was not something her family was unaccustomed to but they chose what pain they took, it was not dished out.

Three... Burn marks on her floor from the spells cast, what a time it would be to scrub those out of the old oaken floor or perhaps she should leave them there. They did give such an ambiance to the place, made it looked lived in.

Four... Only four short scant hours since she rose from the depths of sleep. It had been a rather eventful day and from the smell of smoke in the air from her daughters arson it would keep being as such.

Five... Oh look five crows flying through the sky. It was a group and therefor a murder. It caused a cold curl to the corner of Belladonna's lips to form.

Six... Drams of blood needed but Belladonna seriously doubted that was all she planned on harvesting. It was always better to have too much than too little. Six pints sounded more like it.

Seven... Seven days, why I am typing this, so my counter doesn't hit seven.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

"I'm really not." Liam chuckled at Aloise's suggestion of his confidence, glancing around idly as he stared at the destruction surrounding them. Something of his journalistic spirit kicked in and he found himself regretting the fact he hadn't brought his camera, this all would have made for great footage to keep and share when they got through all this. Hell, if they got through all this, Liam was still oblivious as to what the rest of the day would bring, he just didn't particularly figure it would be anything good.

As they got to the church and Aloise parked, Liam climbed out of the car as he glanced around, making no protest as he quickly moved after her, staying close as they made their way up to the church and headed inside, he didn't particularly feel like it was a good idea to stray far from the monster hunter, especially when he had no weapons of his own. When they did get inside, his eyes locked on the two strangers, instantly recognizing the doctor as Aloise spoke up for the two of them.

Dr. Chang's response was less than friendly, but, he supposed he could see the reasoning for her to be rather dismissive of any 'help' that came from strangers like them. He paused for a moment or two, attempting to think of what to say, taking a while to do so. So long in fact that Amy soon spoke up again, looking for some sort of explanation of who or why they were there. Eventually giving his brain a nudge, he just ended up blurting most of it out. "There's a demon or something after you right?" He paused for a moment, realizing how odd that would have sounded from a complete stranger, end of the world or otherwise. "I mean like, a particular one trying to like... possess you or something, or it already has? But hopefully not? I don't think so, but maybe... Sorry, I uh... I see things, and I saw you like... Demon-ey." He continued on like rather a blabbering idiot, not exactly sure how to explain himself or his abilities yet.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Darren made sure to heed Jade's directions as he drove, being careful but not immensely as he moved around wrecks and the undead, trying to avoid plowing through them whenever possible as they got out of the main area of the town, heading down the emptier roads toward the jail. Getting there didn't take too long, and as he pulled up he climbed out and immediately moved to the back of his car, opening the trunk to start going through it for weapons, he didn't even seem to notice just how calm everything seemed to be until Jade said something.

Glancing up from the shotgun he'd grabbed, he looked over to the jail, raising an eyebrow at it. IT really was as if the apocalypse had just sort of missed this area, like there wasn't any worry for those inside because the demons and undead had decided to concern themselves far more with the much less deserving. However, Darren felt that was unlikely, it was probably a very different story inside. He shrugged at her question, picking up a second shotgun as he moved over and handed it to her, holding his own.

"Probably torturing and murdering all the guards inside, or in a big pile of meat left by whichever horrible creature decided to prey on all the prisoners first." He shrugged, the words suggested a joke but his tone said anything but, in his mind they were equally feasible possibilities, he wouldn't know until they got inside.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Javier chuckled at his wife's comment, the weather was indeed dreadful, but it certainly could have been worse, though dreadful was just how the Crypt's liked things, it was their element. His gaze turned over to the plume of smoke which came from the next street over and he chuckled softly at Belladonna's words. "Oh yes, she's quite the skilled arsonist, almost reminds me of my younger days." He grinned as he moved along with her, idly twirling his rapier in his free hand as he watched Belladonna, ever so proud of their daughter as she wreaked havoc.

Letting his gaze drift about to the mayhem in town, from the wrecked cars to the bodies of those living and undead strewn about, it was a far better day in Altsoba than there had been in some time, perhaps since they had moved in many, many years ago. He let out a pleased sigh, taking in another breath of fresh air as they went. "Truly a marvelous day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: You guys are in for a treat! ^_^ There are only three more undead left in Altsoba. One of them is at Forgotten Relics. Now where might the other two be? That's right. In front of you! Eeep! Isn't that just exciting? The Crypt family had managed to get rid of most of them, guess a Crypt's work is never done though. No injuries in the first round of blows, thankfully--seems LLA isn't too mad with Javier and Belladonna.

@BlueSky44: While Katsumi does have great speed, the man catches her leg. He shoves her back down to the ground violently, but thankfully, she won't have more than a few bruises to show for it. The man grabs her again, but this time, she's able to evade his grasp. Maybe luck will be on your side this time?

@Witch Cat @Nallore: You two are clear for now, feel free to continue on with the conversation. ^^ The building where Mercurial and Eudora are nearby is still up in flames, Belladonna and Javier aren't too far away as well as they fight the remaining undead, and just straight ahead in the shopping center, Katsumi is fighting for her life.

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Outside the Burning Building
Interacting With: Eudora @Witch Cat

Mercurial's entire composure was void of emotion, without the slightest smile at all. Her smiles tended to put people at unease, and they rarely expressed her mood properly. With the flames licking at her heels, she closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in the intoxicating scent of soot. Any screams in the building had long since ceased, and she delicately brushed a bit of soot off of her gas mask. Mercurial always kept her possessions in pristine condition, of course.

"I can assure you, my flesh has a decidedly bitter aftertaste," Mercurial replied, turning her glance towards the forest witch. "No one has ever described it as sweet...No one who ever lived, that is." She couldn't quite recall ever meeting the woman before, but she supposed the woman had been drawn to the flames. She didn't make the mistake of assuming Eudora was just one of the homeless of Altsoba. Mercurial had long since internalized the notion that killers and psychopaths live among us. No one was truly innocent.

"Is it something pressing?" Mercurial asked, her eyes flickering to the flames. "I have much more work to do before nightfall."

Jade Cornish

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Darren @Pundii

"Does this one come with real bullets?" Jade idly asked, a shit-eating grin playing on her lips. As much as the situation was dark and depressing, the injury she sustained in the fight seemed to have almost jumpstarted her system. She did, however, feel slightly an unease. With the rest of the town in tatters, she assumed that there would have been piles of bodies and destruction at the county lockup. Darren's suggestion got a slight chuckle from her, but she held the shotgun a little tighter all the same.

It was then that a scream pierced the air. It was sharp, shrill, and short. As if someone had smothered the screamer within an instant, it faded away, leaving only the feeling of unease behind.

"I died last time, your turn," Jade shrugged, frowning slightly. Something didn't make sense about this scenario, but she couldn't put her finger on it. As far as she knew, the inmate she was looking for was in an isolated ward, kept drugged into a stupefied trance after a succession of escape attempts earlier that year. And there was no reason for the murderess to steal the angel blade, no reason why she would have even known that Howard had it.

"Something isn't right here," Jade murmured, glancing up at Darren. But knowing that she couldn't afford to waste any time, Jade lead Darren inside of the prison. Once inside, the prison would appear almost entirely well kept. The tell tale trail of blood, however, leads to the Cafeteria. Bodies are placed in a heap.

The silence is shattered by another scream--closer this time, almost certainly female as well.

Aloise Zamora

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii, Amy @Lady Amalthea

Aloise hit her forehead with her hand, hearing Liam give the explanation. Most people never could accept the existence of the supernatural, they had to be eased into it. Words like demon-ey tended to make it sound like a bad TV drama, rather than something pressing and real. She smiled weakly at Amy, as if apologizing for the way Liam acted. Half of her was tempted to just repeat her prior explanation--that he was Australian--and move on.

"I'm not going to stop you, you can leave if you like," Aloise said, her voice kind and soft. "I'm here to help you. Like....Like Liam said, Satan himself is after you. And I know you probably don't think you need help, but the devil doesn't mess around."

She paused for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. It was always slightly hard for her to speak about the devil and the intricacies of hell, her mind flashing back to horrors she could no longer comprehend. She never received an answer as to why she had been sent to hell, after that piece of shrapnel decided to take her life. But there would be no good answer for that, Aloise had realized. All she could do was to keep on going. Always forward.

"I know this sounds weird and I get it, I do. But I'm...I hunt demons, that's what I do," Aloise explained. "And Liam, he's not Australian...Well, he is....but he's a Prophet of the Lord. You're in danger as long as Satan is out of his cage."

Hanson had stayed mostly quiet while the hunter and the Prophet entered the church, but at hearing Liam's identity, he raised an eyebrow. It wasn't every day that a Satanist and a Prophet were in the same room. Glancing at Amy, Hanson muttered a Latin phrase under his breath. "Christo." He paused for a moment, watching to see if either Aloise or Liam would react, before nodding at Amy. "They're clean. Demons can't stand to hear the name of God--no matter what shitty language you say it in."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Altsoba
Interacting With: Crazy Woman with a Gun (@Nallore)

Sylvia’s eyes were glazed over, her expression and posture passive as they rode closer to the town. Her eyes constantly checking for signs of shambling old men or immortal blondes, she saw the glare of a fire over the horizon too, she could only guess demons were the cause.

"Sylvia is a pretty name."

”Thanks,” she muttered, not bothering to ask her name too. She didn’t mean it to come off as rude, Sylvia was simply occupied with her thoughts as she rested her chin on her hand. Fields of open grass turned to hard cobble and roads as they edged nearer to the town, a feeling of dread already setting inside her. Would she ever be able to escape this place? It all felt like a cruel joke on her, everytime she'd try to run she was forced right back to sqaure one.

"So where are you from Sylvia and what brings you to this crazy little town?"

”The real question is what drove me away!” For once, a genuine chuckle passed her lips as she straightened up, stretching her limbs before continuing, “Lot’s of weird stuff you’d see on the X-File- Oh my god!” Sylvia’s eyes widened as she flattened herself against the car door, paralyzed with fear as this total stranger reached over and pulled out a gun from the gloveless glove compartment

"What can you tell me what has happened here so far?"

”Woah you crazy woman, what the hell are you doing?” Sylvia looked out the window, they had finally reached the town, so why pull a gun out now? Sylvia had her chance to escape, open roads with close buildings to hide in, good weather except for a plume of black cloud that drifted over them. But she remained still, only able to move her mouth. ”There’s been demon sightings, a bunch of people died and people think the Devil is here. Just for Christ’s sake put the gun down!”

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Outside a Mass Graveyard
Interacting With: Not-Actually-Sweet-Tasting-Sweety (@Morose)

"I can assure you, my flesh has a decidedly bitter aftertaste,"

”Aye, you’re a funny one,” Eudora bared her rotten teeth, however, she stopped after the girl gave no response. Still as ever, and somehow not sweltering in those black clothes while that close to a fire.

"Is it something pressing?"

”Ah yes,” she cleared her throat, bending close to the girl, ”I’ve seen you in dreams, pouring your little head over an ouija board while a man with his head cut off towered above you. Gotee, pointed face, looked like the devil himself! Do you perhaps know this man? I can feel his dastardly grin even now. You may be in grave danger!” Eudora, oblivious as she is caring at times, grabbed hold of the girl by her arm, ”Come with me, my hut is safe and you can tell me everything there! Poor girl, shaken so thoroughly with fear she can't speak.” Eudora stood straight up, turning her head and checking for any sign of trouble. A fast approaching car started to worry her, how on Earth would she explain to anyone what she was doing manhandling a girl infront of a fire?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Town Center -> Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Mitsukuri Katsumi@BlueSky44

"I'm not crazy, just being cautious. Besides I got all the permits, and papers to have it on me." Seraphina said as she showed Sylvia that the gun's safety was on. "I was an officer, well way before all of this happened. Ended up getting shot, and then forced to quit." Sera told Sylvia as she set her gun in the waistband behind her, she looked over at the burning buildings nearby. Seraphina raised an eyebrow when Sylvia mentioned demons she slightly shook her head at that comment, she wasn't much of the religious type growing up. But that weird kid started to make her rethink everything now that the world was ending and everything.

"So these demons that you talk about, what exactly do they look like?" Sera asked leaning over the side of her car as she suddenly could hear something shattering. "Let's go check that out." Seraphina said as she started making her way towards the shopping area her eyes slowly went up to the store called Forgotten Relics. She took out her gun as she could hear signs of some struggling as Sera walked into the store she stopped seeing a young Asian girl struggling against what looked like a damn zombie. Seraphina ran up and tried to kick the dead man in the head to get him away from Katsumi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: Dead guy, Seraphina Adams @Nallore, Sylvia Strange @Witch Cat

She was feeling like her luck was starting to fail her. Kat was starting to hurt, but not badly enough to stop her. After a few seconds, she was back on her feet again. This guy waas definantly more fierce than the doctor woman she fought earlier. Just great, of course the one shop I want to go into has a zombie in it.

She was surprised when out of no where a woman ran up and tried to distract the guy. This confused her, and like always she was a little cautious of the woman. With the man dealing with Seraphina, she looked for an opening in which she could send her weapons flying. The knives in her hands were itching and raring to go. Kat was bouncing around slightly on her feet, and whenever she found an opening to hit him in the head with her knives, she took it.

"I don't know if you know this, but aim for the head and try to slice it up or something. Fought one of these things before I came here, and after enough damage to its head it will stop moving." she said to Seraphina and Sylvia, still taking aim with her knives and throwing them whenever she got a clear shot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Not her love

"Demon?" Amy laughed rather harshly before shaking her head. "Not A demon persay. Just Lucifer. Rather charming if you like that sort of thing. He even brought me hot dogs and wine. So have to give him props. He knows my taste, granted I turned him down when he went into that whole needs my body to survive here thing. I like to get a know a guy a bit better before I let him inside me, doesn't matter the circumstances."

Amy sighed as she stayed right where she was. Listening to what they said. "Bitch please, you know if people had told me that shit two days ago I would have sent you to the looney ward but hey shits gone down. Seen people come back to life, danced with the devil, fuck we even burned a corpse last night. Talk about a strange first date, should have slide the other way on my tinder app."

Looking over at Hanson she cocked a brow. "They might be clean but how the hell do we know they ain't just gonna try to kill me if the devil gets too close? You know, take out the person that can hold him so no one can. Total set up for one of those - well if I can't have her no one can situations and I really hate those type of relationships." Amy turned her attention back to the two new comers. "And why the fuck would I leave? Unless you can honestly tell me you got somewhere safer from Satan than Holy ground, or were all the tour book of Hell wrong?"

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Waltzing down the street
Interacting With: Her Love

"She does so take after you my love, has such a fire in her and yet such a coldness that can even chill my soul. I am rather proud of the woman she is becoming. Sad though, she will leave our little nest soon. What will do do without her?" Belladonna ponder out loud.

She didn't like the thought of her daughter leaving home but she knew it was going to happen one day whether she liked it or not. There was nothing that could be done about that. Children grew up and they left, she just hoped that when her darling daughter fled the nest she would return from time to time. She had hoped years ago that her and her husband would have been able to have more horrid offspring but it wasn't in the cards for what ever reason. It surely wasn't for lack of trying. If things had played out as expected they would have had a gaggle of little ones running around. She just hoped that their daughter would not be the last of their line. Mercurial didn't seem to be the type to want children but neither had she when she was that young. So perhaps there was a chance.

"Yes, a very brutal day, truly marvelous my love. Lead the way darling, we have our own terror to unleash do we not? Reminds me of our honeymoon," she said as her fingers curled around his arm and her nails pinched at his flesh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

@BlueSky44 @Witch Cat @Nallore: Oi vey...This doesn't bode well, but fuck it, LLA decreed it so happen it shall. Seraphina attempts to kick the man in the head, but her foot slips and slides off of him. She is sent crashing to the ground, and the man takes advantage of her confusion, snatching the gun. From outside the shop, Sylvia can hear rapid gunfire. Two bullets hit their targets. Inside, Seraphina had been shot in the inside of the shoulder blade. And Katsumi, she had been shot through the kidney. Katsumi won't make it.

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: The two undead, one of them looking like a waitress and the other a librarian's assistant, trip over each other. They try to attack the lovebirds, but somehow, the utter rejection of reality seems to be paying off. That, or LLA is feeling merciful after Katsumi's death. One of them narrowly misses tackling Javier, as the other had lunged towards Belladonna at the same time. It's almost like a circus routine with two clowns, attempting to fight and failing miserably...

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Outside the Burning Building
Interacting With: Eudora @Witch Cat

Mercurial raised an eyebrow, taking in the information from the forest witch. Hobos generally didn't have visions, those who did have them had some shred of talent, of a wasted magical gift. At the description of the man, Mercurial felt slightly at ease. It was no mystery stranger--it was likely just her father. He hadn't often been described as a devil, though she had read some historical accounts of his old friends, and the names they gave the man who refused to die.

"I assure you, Satan and I are on quite good terms. We're pen pals," Mercurial began, "but the person you described is my father. He may be a wicked beast, but he's as harmless as a firing squad."

The car zoomed towards them, before quickly passing them. Mercurial stared at it, watching as it went off into the distance. It was punctuated by the soft, subtle sound of gunfire. The town was already becoming all the better. It was a truly horrible day, and she wondered what other terrors were lurking in the darkness. At the witch's accusation of her being struck with fear, Mercurial left out a sigh.

"I too wish I was immobilized with terror," Mercurial said simply. "My parents try their best, but chainsaws and guillotines really lose their specialness after a few near death experiences." With her icy cold fingers, Mercurial broke the witch's grip, and then tilted her head slightly, as to pop her neck. Already, she was falling more and more behind schedule. The news that her father would be decapitated hardly phased her. Her father, Mercurial expected, would have much fun as a head--and her mother would be pleased, as he'd be incapable of wandering off by accident.

"Best of luck in hell," Mercurial wished, before adjusting her grip on her gas mask, ready to be on her morose way.

Aloise Zamora

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii, Amy @Lady Amalthea

Hanson put his head down, trying to hold back his laughter. As bleak as things were, Amy only cracked more and more jokes. She would have done well in standup comedy. As much as he tried to take her words seriously, he was just seeing the events of the day through Amy's eyes--it must have been about the weirdest Promposal she'd ever experienced.

"That's the catch, isn't it? We can't," Hanson grimaced. The supposed Marine and the Prophet seemed nice enough, but no one could be trusted now. Heck, he was still surprised that Amy had made the poor decision to trust him. It was the greatest irony he'd ever seen in his life.

Aloise listened carefully to Amy's words, even those meant for Hanson. She knew all about sacrifices, and making tough choices. But if she could avoid it, she didn't want to kill Amy. Besides, Lucifer was an angel. He'd simply just bring her back to life, unless they scattered her into tiny particles all across the universe, to the extent that she could never be recreated. Killing Amy would only buy the world seconds. It wouldn't fix the problem.

"My plan is to trap the devil," Aloise explained. "Put him back in the cage that contained him." She hesitated for a moment. Truthfully, Aloise hadn't quite expected to make it this far. She knew the theory--that the devil could be put back inside of the cage--but she wasn't sure how to accomplish it. All she knew was a few of the requirements for the spell, and they wouldn't be easy to come by. They'd require the expertise of a witch.

"And if we did kill you, he'd just bring you back," Aloise added. "He's the devil. He doesn't care if you die, he'll just snap his fingers and bring you back again. Killing you isn't an option--and not one I'd take even if it was."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Glancing over to Aloise as she quite literally facepalmed, Liam established it would perhaps be best to let the expert speak for them, falling into relative silence as he glanced between the woman to his side and the other pair they spoke to. As Aloise introduced him for what he was, Liam simply gave something of an awkward wave, still having a little difficulty fitting into the whole 'prophet' role - it would take him a while, but he would get it in time, if he survived the day, that was.

Turning his gaze back toward Amy as she spoke up again, he couldn't help but find something comical about it all, Satan bringing wine and hot dogs in order to convince the woman to let him in, though in a way it was somewhat comforting to see how relaxed Amy seemed about all this. Well, perhaps relaxed was the wrong word, but there was something about her attitude which almost put Liam at a degree of ease, as she seemed to almost be shrugging off the whole 'hunted-by-the-devil' thing.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

"Real bullets, and a safety, in case you'd want to ask questions first this time." Darren smirked back over at her idly, resting his shotgun over his shoulder as he moved toward the prison with her, pausing as he heard the shrill scream which came out. Pausing, he shook his head with an irritated groan, glancing back at her. "I need to start getting paid for this shit." He commented, chuckling softly at her comment as he moved along.

Staying close to her as she led him through the prison, his gaze shifted around, carefully looking for anyone, or anything which might have been following or watching them as they followed the trail of blood to the pile of bodies. Groaning as he looked over it, he shook his head. "You know, sometimes I hate being rig-" He was cut off again by the second scream, pumping his shotgun suddenly out of instinct as he turned around, glancing around, on edge now from how close it was, this was all just a colossal pain in his ass so far.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Sighing almost solemnly as his dearest spoke, Javier shook his head. "All the birds have to leave their nest, my darling, think of it as more time to each other..." He commented with a wink, as if the two of them didn't spend enough intimate time together already. But Javier couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of anguish at the thought of their daughter leaving home, after taking such care of her over the years, from her brief stint in sports using his head as a soccer ball to her first murders and tortures, it had been a marvelous and horrifying ride, just as he had loved it.

As Belladonna spoke again, Javier smiled happily, gaze turning over to her as he nodded. "Ah yes, it never is a good day without some marvelous mayhem..." He grinned happily, eyes settling upon the two undead shambling toward them. Grinning at the sight, Javier idly twirled his blade in his hand as they moved closer, watching as the two creatures lunged for them and tripped over one another. "Ah, the poor critters." He chuckled as he relatively casually approached, moving to give one of the undead a firm stab through the back of the head before they could get back up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Old Store/Someone’s Future Grave
Interacting With: “Crap, crap, crap, crap…” (@Nallore)(@BlueSky44)

The last few minutes went by like a blur to Sylvia, Sera’s words were a jumbled mash of sped up shrieks in her mind as she waved a gun around before stepping out of the car and going into a store. Sylvia sat dazed for several moments in the car, her mind whizzing as she stared blankly at the pavement. At that moment, she fully realised what was happening to her. All of it. The death of her brother, murder boy, the pile of bodies, demons, magic, spirits, all this stuff that shouldn’t be real yet somehow is. Every passing second slipped her deeper into this mental torment she was experiencing, she was starting to panic a bit too, all she wanted was to just run away but now she’s stuck, and she’s going to die here. She just knew it. It was going to happen-

Bang bang

Sylvia snapped her head back up, almost jumping out of her skin as she looked for the source of the sound. The store Seraphina had entered. For a brief moment, Sylvia thought of running away, leaving the girl for dead and just ensuring her own bloodline continues. She immediately scolded herself for that, how dare she think so selfishly. Sylvia got out of the car, and rocketed into the store, knife ready and having no idea what she was going to do.

When she finally busted through the doors, it looked like the commotion had escalated without her. Seraphina was on the floor bleeding, another random girl was sprawled on the floor with a maniac standing over everyone holding a gun.

C’mon, think, think, think! Sylvia was unsure what to do, she tried conjuring up a spell but could think of nothing, what’s the point of being a witch if you can’t cast spells? ”Hey! Leave her alone you creep!”

She tried her best.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Interacting With: Murder Girl (@Morose)

Eudora listened to the girl with fascination. Occasionally going “uh huh” and “Oh” but other than that remained quite. However, Eudora was more disappointed than intrigued by her discovery of the girl. While the girl was unusual and most likely a maniac, she didn’t seem like much importance to her life, all that walking wasted. Eudora lets go of the girl, breathing a sigh before continuing, ”Well then girl, I’ll leave you be. Blessed day.” Eudora turned to leave herself, trudging through feeling quite defeated.

A part of her wanted to just leave the girl alone, or maybe just tell her she could come to her whenever she liked, or maybe.. ”Hey girl!” she called out, ”Where are you going anyway?”

She felt the icy eyes snap back to her, but Eudora stood straight and high, not necessarily looking down at the girl but not treating her as a superior either. Eudora was a tough nut, refusing to let things just take their course. She was brought here for a reason and she was going to find out what.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Town Center -> Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Mitsukuri Katsumi@BlueSky44

After her failed kick Sera felt herself losing her footing as she tripped over the crazed man she fell onto the floor causing her to drop her gun onto the floor. She quickly scrambled to try and reach her gun, that was when the man had gotten his hands on it he heard the first shot go off hitting Katsumi in the stomach. Seraphina looked up at the man when the second shot went off, as she felt a very sharp pain shooting through her whole shoulder and arm. She cried out in pain as she quickly scrambled for some cover behind a nearby counter, her eyes going down towards her shoulder as blood started to stain her shirt.

She then started to flashback to what happened during her days as a police officer, the gun shot went through her stomach and then she returned fire before finally blacking out from her injury and waking up in the hospital a day later. She shook her head back to the present as she moved her head out briefly from the corner she was hiding behind seeing the young girl who wasn't as lucky. Then Seraphina heard the door opening, as Sylvia came in. "Get to cover now!" Sera yelled loudly towards Sylvia as she searched around to try and find something to defend herself with.

Sera remembered what Katsumi had said before the asshole tripped her and started firing, that they needed to hit it in the head that would be the only way to kill it. Seraphina sat there silently hitting herself she should have shot first instead of kicking, then they wouldn't be in the situation that they were in now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Not her love

"Well isn't that just fucking peachy, hell of a first date. So, how'd it go? Oh it wasn't too bad. A couple came into the Church, killed me, but it was no worry. He brought me back. He's good like that. Thing is though, I have these terrible dark circles under my eyes and my skin keeps peeling off. Have any concealer and perhaps spackle?" Amy said rolling her eyes a bit. It was like a horrible combination of seeing Christopher Walken portray the angel Gabriel in the Prophecy, and Death Becomes her. Maybe the plastic surgeon in town could help her if she indeed became one of those risen from the dead. Not that she wanted a boob job but she liked her complexion and if it came to it she wondered if they could find Mandarin Flesh Tone Spray Paint at the local Ace Hardware.

"So, where's this fucking box? And exactly how does it keep ol' Lucifer trapped. I don't imagine it is like my hope chest from college." Amys voice was flat and sarcastic at the same time. She was taking everything rather well. Part of it was just because she still wasn't buying all this demon bullshit. A life time in believing in science and fact was hard to undo. The rest of it was just because Amy was never one to flip out over pretty much anything. It wasn't that things didn't scare her she just dealt with them in an odd way - Joking was it. It kept her calm. It had been useful over the years as a surgeon, it seemed to be paying off now as the Mistress of Satan.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Waltzing down the street
Interacting With: Her Love

"An eternity with you would never be enough time my love," she said in a cool voice as her fingers grazed up his arm and twirled around the lobe of his ear. Turning her head just ever so slightly she noticed the undead walking towards them. Her brow cocking in a deep arch over her deep pools of black that were her eyes. She would have laughed if she was one to laugh when she saw them turning into Larry and Moe from the three stooges at their horrible attempt to attack both her and her husband. It was really rather pathetic and she had to wonder when Curly would show up.

Side stepping the one that came for her her whip came out, twirling around its ribs before she pulled the leather taunt and sent it flying off to the side and impaling it along a piece of iron fencing. Snapping her whip back she secured it back at her waist. "How I long for the days when the fights and battles would make my blood rush cold in my veins. Alas, no such luck," she said as she turned her attention back to her beloved. "Thankfully there are other ways to make it flow," she added, her voice giving off a chilled whisper as she rolled the words over her tongue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Nallore @Witch Cat: The man seems almost confused at first, before raising the weapon at Sylvia. Her lack of attack doesn't stop him from being provoked, and almost uncertainly, he pulls the trigger. The bullet hits Sylvia, imbedding itself in her gut. The blood and pain will both be tremendous. Seraphina, meanwhile, will manage to get cover during the distraction. The bullet is still inside of her, doing the momentary favor of preventing major blood loss--but there is, of course, the metal poisoning that'll negate that benefit if the bullet is left inside of Sera too long.

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: As Javier's blade plunges towards the undead, it goes through cleanly. That in itself is the problem. Rather than absolutely destroying any grey matter up there, Javier just gave a small puncture wound. Not quite as easy as killing zombies in comics, eh? Belladonna, however, has much better luck. Her undead ends up perfectly impaled, right through the brain. Bits of grey matter drip out of the head practically, with the body as limp as a rag doll.

Aloise Zamora

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Liam @Pundii, Amy @Lady Amalthea

As much as Liam seemed to be mentally flailing, his awkward penguin routine was a bit endearing. Aloise smiled slightly at it, before Amy went off once more, collected but incredibly sassy. The more Aloise talked with the woman, the more she grew accustomed to it. She chuckled a bit as Amy commented on the appearance of a reanimated corpse. "Speaking from experience, you don't need any make-up. I've kept my complexion, throat just feels insanely dry at first," Aloise replied.

She had been killed in action, a bullet. And when she woke up, there had been no bullet hole. The United States said that she had been killed in action, that she was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, that she had been a hero. But here she was, smack in the middle of the apocalypse, trying her best without having much information to go off of. Truthfully, she didn't know very much about the exact process of putting Lucifer back in the cage. She knew that it required a spell, a complicated and ancient one.

"The cage itself is in hell," Aloise answered. "To get him back inside of the cage...Well, as far as I've been able to tell, there's one major method. It requires stealing the rings of the personification of demonic omens..." She trailed off slightly, not knowing much about the method. The only other scenario she encountered in her readings had been proposed in the late 1920s by Frances Tate, using the fact that Lucifer was an angel at the end of the day, and could thus be killed like an angel.

It was asking a lot of them, and she knew. She had so little information to offer them, beyond just a gut feeling that they could try their best, and perhaps pull it off. Aloise had already sacrificed her life once for her country, and she was prepared to do it again for the world. Liam might have called her to Altsoba to look into a shapeshifter problem, but the stakes were too high for her to walk away.

"Are you in, Dr. Chang?"

Hanson, meanwhile, was frowning deeply. He hadn't heard much of the ritual before, but the demonic omens was something he was familiar with. The powers, symbolized in their rings, were the forces of Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War. It wouldn't be an easy task, especially in a city as destroyed as it already was. The odds were against them. His pesimistic tendencies told him that they'd die trying, that it would be a suicide mission, but he glanced over at Amy. His actions had brought this on her--it was time for him to pay the bill.

"I'm in."

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Outside the Burning Building
Interacting With: Eudora @Witch Cat

At the witch's blessing, Mercurial paused for a moment. Some people could be so incredibly kind--it sickened her. The notion that human beings could treat each other in such a manner was appalling. Wishing blessings? It was a sadistic cultural practice she never came to understand. The only blessings Mercurial enjoyed were dark in nature, usually chanted as a family before All Hallow's Eve. Her mother prepared the most extravagant feasts, and all of the Crypt clan would come, living or dead. Her dearly departed grandfather did tend to arrive fashionably late.

"City hall," Mercurial answered plainly. "They have a rat problem and well...I'm the exterminator. Just trying to do my civic duty. You're welcome to help, provided you have your own gas mask. I left my spare at home."

Of course, Mercurial had other things on her agenda. It wasn't visiting day, but she hadn't seen Jaina in a week. She had helped Jaina break out on her birthday, and brought her home to the Crypt mansion for a few hours before the police came. They had enjoyed playing a Crypt favorite, Wake the Dead. Jaina's scream was impressively shrill. She was a worthy opponent for Mercurial, and in time, she hoped that Jaina might do her the honor of being her nemesis.

The witch seemed to be stubborn, keeping her gaze level with hers. Mercurial glanced back in the direction of the gunfire, pondering whether or not there was a novice, flailing about wildly. She always preferred it when murder was left to the experts, but the newcomer to the field may need some assistance in learning the craft. Her eyes then fell upon her gas mask and kerosene. It would be entirely unprofessional of her to shirk her duties. Her parents raised her to be better than that.

"Come along, we're burning daylight."

Jade Cornish

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Darren @Pundii

Jade smiled a bit. "This isn't someone I think you can really ask questions with. It'd be brilliant if we could, but...she isn't all there upstairs." The screams were only slightly unnerving, a testimony to the difference between private detective work and paid police work. She couldn't help but wonder how her life would have been, at that moment, if she never applied to work homicides. She probably wouldn't have been killed, for starters.

"Tell that to the taxpayers," Jade quipped, as they walked inside the prison. The pile of bodies was horrifying to say the least, but Jade kept her hand on her gun, her finger ready to pull the trigger. Darren's bullets all hit a target, causing it to thud as it hit the ground. Slowly creeping forward, Jade frowned. It was a bunch of bedsheets, tied together crudely, in order to resemble a person.

"Sarbye....Get your arse out here!" Jade called out, only for the female scream to occur one last time. Gunfire, incredibly close to Jade and Darren, followed it up. A second later, an individual moved out from behind a door, his ginger hair peppered with blood. In one hand was a gun. In the other, the angel blade.

"Sorry about that...You just can't find good help these days, can you?" he laughed, his eyes sweeping over the destruction. "I had to put her down...It was humane. My sister was a maniac, you see..."

"Guess psychosis runs in the family then," Jade said dryly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Mitsukuri Katsumi

Location: Forgotten Relics

Kat never even saw it coming. Everything happened in a flash, and she should have known the instant Seraphina's gun was out of her hands. The man was quicker than she originally expected, and before she knew it, he had fired the gun, and she felt the bullet rip through her. The man had hit her kidney, and in a world not plagued by the supernatural, Kat knew that she might have survived, but she knew better. They were not in that perfect world as she felt darkness closing in around her as she collapses to the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange
The bloodiest gif I could find ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Location: Somebody’s Future Grave
Interacting With: Seraphina Adams (@Nallore) Mitsukuri Katsumi (@BlueSky44)

For a second, Sylvia thought she had successfully stopped it. The room was still and the silence was deafening, the attacker looked dazed and uncertain, had she done it? Unleashed a wave of power that stunned him? Whatever it was it worked and-

Sylvia doubled over the instant she felt the shooting pain pierce her gut as she feebly clutched it. Blood spurted from between her fingertips and splashed on the floor and her shoes. Despite the sudden pain, she felt numb, oblivious as to what happened. She raised her bloodied fingers to her eyes, staring at them with her widening eyes. Oh my God, I was just shot.

Shock paralysed her body, her knees felt weak and as if they might buckle and cause her to fall. Words could not describe the shock or pain, but Sylvia, with gritted teeth, powered through it. Brief flashes of anger gave her the power to straighten up. ”You shot me!” she wailed, her throat raw with anger as he raised her blade towards the gunman. Sylvia so desperately wanted to just fling the knife into his head, but she calmed herself. Trying her best to ignore the pain, Sylvia waved the blade at the man, trying to push a spell through her lips. ”Permitte telum,” her voice cracked midway but still managed to complete the spell. However she was left weak, staring wide-eyed at the attacker, unable to breathe as she waited for something, anything, to happen.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Outside
Interacting With: Mercurial Crypt (@Morose)

Seeing a (possible) centuries old woman following around a girl was strange to say the least. However, Eudora dealt with strange all her life and now was apathetic to it at best now. Eudora simply didn’t care as walked besides the girl, thinking deeply about what lay ahead. The girl obviously didn’t mean actual rats, to which at first Eudora was disappointed upon hearing, Eudora was a massive lover of any critter but the excitement of wondering who was going to get “exterminated”, she felt like a child again (if she ever was one) going around trying to find a dead body. She remembered that being a favourite pastime of hers. Or so she thinks.

Eudora was growing more and more concerned if her memories really were her own, or were they just the future of others she had peeped at during card readings? She frowned heavily at the thought. She was sure that she knew the life she lived, but that seed of doubt was still growing in her. She made a mental note to double check after she returned. She must have some old albums somewhere.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Mitsukuri Katsumi@BlueSky44

Seraphina remained very still as she tried to ignore the pain as best as she could, she jumped suddenly when she heard another gunshot going off. Sera moved her head slightly from her cover just as she watched Sylvia hitting the ground, his back was behind her focused more on Sylvia. Her eyes going over towards Kat's body seeing the knife in her hand, and Sylvia was still awake and yelled at the walking dead man that was enough of a distraction. Sera then went back to her hiding spot and found a book that was on the floor, she picked it up maybe another added distraction would help. She then threw it with her good arm letting out a low groan in pain as the book flew to the other end of the room.

Seraphina then quickly got out from her cover going as quickly and quietly as she could making her way towards Kat's body, she looked down at the young girl's body. She felt like it was her fault now that both of the girls had been injured by her own weapon, once she was close enough Sera quickly pulled the knife out from Kat's hand and then attempted to use the knife and aimed at the base of it's neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Aloise certainly knew what she was talking about, in fact, everyone there, even Dr. Chang seemed to know a fair bit more than he did, or at least, she was more confident. Liam was easily getting lost in this, and it was already far bigger than he would have liked it to be. Trapping Lucifer? Locking him back in his cage? This was far more than he had ever asked or hoped for, all he'd wanted out of coming to Altsoba was a damn pay rise.

Liam didn't bother to say he was in, he figured they would all assume he was, and as much as he wanted to say 'fuck it' and head home, he knew he didn't have a chance of lasting about three seconds without Aloise looking after him right then. Instead, he went back to asking questions, probably a terrible idea, considering the fact he'd barely understand anyway. "So... How do we uh... Get those, it's not going to be easy, is it?" It was just a vague guess, but if the 'demonic omens' were roughly what Liam figured they were, it would be an immense pain in the ass, and that was still probably a massive understatement.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Hearing the gunfire and the other scream, Darren spun to face its direction, watching as the figure came out from behind the door. Staring at him, Darren kept his gun held rather at the ready, staring at the man as he stood there, still peppered with, what Darren assumed was his sisters blood from murdering her around the corner. Seeing the angel blade in his hand, and knowing what kind of person he was, didn't exactly make Darren fuss too much about making decisions, he glanced to Jade a moment as she spoke, before looking back to to the man.

"Y'know what, not feelin' it." He said simply, feeling an inspirational moment, all too reminiscent of the swordsman scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, talking with or engaging in some protracted fight with this, clearly insane, dangerous convict, was not high on Darren's 'end of the world' to-do list. Part of him considered the fact the man might've been possessed by something, or may not have been human at all, but for once Darren didn't care to get technical with things. Pumping the shotgun again, he pulled the trigger a couple of times, firing at least three shells in the man's direction.

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Chuckling as he watched his wife's rather graceful dispatching of the fallen undead, a charmed Grin remained on Javier's face as he offered her a quick one-handed clap. "Bravo, mi amor, were I feeling sportish, I would score that most highly." He assured her with a grin, turning back to his own undead, still impaled through the head. Sighing however as it didn't seem to do much but nail down the undead, he set a foot on the upper part of the back of its head, tucking his free arm behind his back.

With a well-trained flourish and grace, he drew the blade back out, almost giving it a twirl as he swung it around and downward in a blur, letting the blade slice down through the flesh of the corpses' neck, to sever the head from its body. Whether or not it would actually kill the zombie, a good decapitation was fun every now and then, a fact Javier knew full and well from experience, of course.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy Chang

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Not her love

"Wait, wait a goddamn moment. You mean you are one of those things walking around outside? You're dead? Well isn't this fucking great. I feel like I am on some fucked up game show. Behind door number one we the morning star! The fallen one. Ladies and Gentleman, he is swauve, he knows yours darkest desires, It's Lucifer! Behind door number two you have a woman wanting to ensnare Lucifer in her cage but to make things more interesting she's dead folks! That's right! Doesn't she have great complexion. Now how do you hydrate those pores?" Amy rambled before rolling her eyes.

"It's like choosing Tea and Cake or Death but we're all out of cake. Well fuck that, I'll take the Chicken behind door number three," she said before sitting back in the pew and resting her ball bat in her lap. Screw this shit, she needed a vacation, not to become a martyr.

Belladonna Crypt

Location: Waltzing down the street (looking at the Chruch)
Interacting With: Her Love

Letting her whip hang from her side Belladonna took a side step, letting her gown sweep across the ground as her beloved finished off the undead before him. "How you adore teasing them with death my love, the game is ever afoot when you are around," she said as her fingers laced before her and she tilted her head to the side. It was about as playful as she got with her words. Waiting on Javier to dispatch the being she glanced around, taking note of where they were and what they still needed to do.

Her dark brow arced over her eye as she spotted the church. It was not the likely place to find a healer of sorts she could draw blood from but holy water was always needed as was sacred earth. Now, the earth from the cemetery by their home was wondrous but to have samples of other blessed earth, some that had been blessed much less time ago could prove useful. "My love, I do desire to make a temporary stop here before we continue," she said, waiting on him to take her arm again once he was finished to guide her to the doors.
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