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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: The Grand Continental Hotel

Harry remained quiet and polite as always, eyes drifting back and forth between those present in the room as they all spoke. As Vera began to re-explain everything she had told the others to Aziza, Harry moved closer to listen to the explanation himself. It was all a little complicated for him, myths and stories were never really something Harry subscribed to or cared for, however, considering some of the things which had happened, he couldn't help but give some credit to it. As Aziza said his name, he turned to her and raised an eyebrow, he certainly wasn't upset about her using his first name, but he noticed that she had used it for the first time, and simply hadn't expected it.

As she looked back up to him later, he nodded his head once. "If you'd like to go, I would be more than happy to escort you, Aziza." He assured her with a smile, watching her closely for a moment or two, before realizing that his gaze was lingering perhaps a little too long as he forced his gaze back away, turning to the group as he smiled softly, listening quietly as a light tint of pink crossed his cheeks.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

Watching as Vera turned her gaze toward him and brought up the issue of securing some transportation. He scoffed at her comment, rolling his eyes as he watched her. "Oh, don't you worry, I know you're just desperate for my help." He snapped back with a smug smirk on his face, tucking his hands idly into his pockets as he shrugged to her next question, reaching up, scratching at his chin. "Of course, hope you can function long enough without my charms around, though." He commented smugly once more, tormenting the woman as he always did.

As Keystone spoke toward him, William nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't worry, when it comes down to it, picks and shovels'll do just fine, oh and some rope, and y'know, the other junk." He'd comment rather nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders, William didn't particularly care much for the fussier, more intricate tools and practices, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Glancing over towards Nora, Vera gave her a confidant look and stepped over to her. She seemed like a woman that knew who she was and what she was capable of. Vera had to wonder if she would have been someone she could have gotten along with back in England. It would have been nice to have a woman that wasn't constantly asking her when she was getting married and and what colors she was going to wear to Almeck's latest crush. To exchange ideas and thoughts with one of her peers instead of being scoffed at by others of her own gender or being put down by those of the opposite.

"Would you care to join me on the morrow? I must attend the British Consulate to being workings between the Museum and the Egyptian government," Vera said, inviting Nora to come along as her companion. At least with the two of them together neither of them would have to worry about needing a proper male escort and it would still be accepted by society at even the higher levels if word was to get back to England.

"Oh thank you, yes. I wouldn't feel at ease if you both were not there," Aziza said, stepping over towards Lauren and giving her a hug and smiling brightly at her before moving back over towards Harry and slipping her arm through his again. Tilting her head to the side she found herself biting her bottom lip as she spotted the color in his cheeks, wondering why it was there. Shaking the notion off that it was there because of her she glanced around and noticed Josephine moving from man to man and asking why a drink wasn't in her hand. This wasn't exactly the type of place to have a drink. This was a museum. The woman seemed to throw herself at any man willing to give her more than a second's worth of a glance. She had known women to be hung for less.

Not that she agreed with a woman being killed for flirting but she had to admit it seemed rather off putting. People were being branded and some mystical light affecting pieces of others and yet this woman seemed more concerned with who would be drug off to bed with her. She seemed to have her priorities truly in the wrong order. Though maybe that was why she was flirting with every man, she wanted protection at any cost. Maybe it was her profession, she surely looked like what she would picture as an American prostitute. Good for her! Women in her nation had to put out but got very little in return. If it kept her free and chosen what man was worth her time, more power to her.

Vera on the other hand also took note of the way that Josephine moved from one to the other and was acting like her office was Whites back in London. She did not take it as gently but Vera was ever a lady and kept her opinions to herself. Turning her attention to Lauren as she asked. "It will take some time but perhaps we should exchange contact information and when the time comes I can send my staff to give you a final time and place to meet before we depart," she said in a kind voice.

As Josephine made mention of helping fund it, Vera let slip a visible scoff. "Thank you but no. Any expedition I attend will be funded by myself and the museums trust provided by the Duke of Carnarvon before his death. The Egyptian Government would not take kindly to American's furthering exploiting their historical sites by trying to negotiate movie rights. They would turn down our permit requests without thinking." Her tone was flat as she spoke before looking over towards her uncle and smiling confidently towards him in a way that would have been gossiped about at the ton had she spoken that way to anyone.

"Yes, if you would be good enough, please escort everyone but Lady Kingston here and Mr. Drake over to the Barracks uncle, you all can speak about things while us three plan. I will though need to have an escort in two days time via flight if it can be arranged to scout out a few things," she said to Keystone. The scouting could wait but she knew how much he loved to fly and wanted to be of use. The scouting trip could pay off, at least she could see what condition certain things were in before they left Cairo.

Aziza perked a brow hearing Vera speak. The way her tone changed as she went from speaking to Josephine to how she spoke to Keystone. Her tone was a little snippy to Josephine but she knew Vera's words were true. Her government barely tolerated the British presence. American's were looked at as lower than untouchables in some senses. Her government was more likely to accept Aziza with open arms than Josepine's money. That was saying something. Hearing about heading over to the Barracks she nodded slightly, as her fingers curled against Harry's arm.

"That would be very kind of you Lord Major, thank you," Aziza said before looking up to Harry and smiling softly. "As long as you escort me that is. Wouldn't feel right if you were not there."

Vera rolled her eyes slightly at Williams words. Her hands going to her hips as she tapped her foot. "Excuse me one moment," Vera said before turning and heading towards the door of her office. She wanted to double check on something with the curator before she said anything else and she needed a moment away from William. It wasn't like they two of them were an item but she felt dirty right then. He would be his rakish self around her and then turn and flirt right with any woman that walked into the door, and then try again with her. Did he really think she was so cheep and easy?

Taking a breath she turned just at the door's frame and ran smack into a broad chest. Stumbling as she pushed back she felt a firm grip on her waist stabilizing her and pulling her close. Gasping she looked up, about to shove this person away. She would rather have fallen onto the floor than to be caught in the arms of a man in front of a group of people. Yet when her eyes locked with the new comers she froze, her mouth agape.

"Always lovely to run into you like this Vera," the man said in a thick British accent, using her given name. A custom that was very informal and one was usually only reserved to those closest to her in settings that were appropriate for it. Reaching up he brushed the curl from her brow and tucked it behind her ear.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren looked towards Aziza and smiled as her friend walked over towards her and moved in to give her a hug, which she eagerly returned it, Aziza was certainly a good friend to be around with. She turned her attention towards Lady Munn as she answered her question and nodded towards the woman. "I'll give you the address that I've been staying at then." Lauren went over and grabbed a pen as she wrote down her full name and address down on a sheet of paper and passed it over to the center of Lady Munn's desk. She looked over her shoulder at Aziza and Henry smiling at the two of them for a moment they were certainly a cute couple even if they were just friends.

Lauren moved back towards where she was standing as she continued to listen to her she looked between Vera and Josephine if they were to be going on this expedition she had a feeling that the two women may not get along. But she kept that thought to herself, she remained pretty still as Vera made her way towards the door just as it opened and Vera walking right into the man. She raised an eyebrow at the two of them for a moment it seemed that the two of them knew one another. But it wasn't her place to say anything since she didn't know the two of them very well at all really.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Booze and publication rights, that seemed to be all the starlet and the journalist cared about. It was distasteful in the extreme, and had Nora been unable to restrain herself, she likely would have rolled her eyes at them, and given them a few choice words about their behavior. She knew that the social customs of the British were stifling, having resigned to never escaping them ages ago, but couldn't those two show some decorum? Even Mr. Drake, whom Nora was quickly beginning to realize was not the most respectable and honorable of gentlemen, appeared more aware of social conventions than Haakon and Josephine.

However, she noticed a decidedly different scene between the veteran and the Egyptian woman. The blush coloring his cheeks was lightly amusing, and as she observed the pair of them, they appeared to be becoming rather close. Her eyes flashed away from them for a moment, before she almost peeked back quickly, her head steady. It was abundantly clear that they fancied one another. It would likely cause a small scandal, but she supposed companionship based in love could resist that.

"I would be honored to accompany you, Lady Munn," Nora replied, bowing her head slightly, as she smiled softly. From the power and authority the Lady Munn appeared to possess, Nora reasoned that her father could not be too upset to learn she had befriended the Egyptologist. Besides, they were both of the nobility. There was little reason to fear Nora accompanying the woman, as society had deemed it acceptable and proper.

Anois go bhfuil go leor iontach, Nora thought, as she listened to the Lady Munn's skillful scolding of the actress. For a moment, her eyes twinkled with humor and acknowledgement of it, far too muted for most to observe, but a few might spot Nora's approval of Vera's actions. She could hardly imagine that anyone could contend with the starlet for very long, without having to have a few choice words with her.

She was quite relieved when the Lady Munn accepted the Lord Major's offer to escort Josephine -- and the others -- to another location for the desperately wanted booze. Of course, she was a tad bit nervous as the prospect of applying mathematics for a more practical purpose, having always applied cryptographic principles for her own amusement before. A great challenge had been placed before her, and she could only hope she was able to meet it properly.

However, hearing an exclamation, Nora glanced towards the door. The accent caught her attention chiefly, a sort of kinship she possessed for the other Brits in Egypt. However, at the manner in which he addressed the Lady Munn, Nora grew ever the more curious. The Egyptologist was a rather complex woman indeed. Nora pondered what other peculiarities would come to light before morning dawned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

The Lord Major looked to William incredulously, hearing what he had to say on the matter of equipment for an archaeological dig. He was no expert in the subject, but being in Vera's presence for the past few years had exposed him to the more subtle actions of one pursuing artifacts from ancient civilizations, particularly this one, buried beneath shifting sands and alluvial soils. There was no way that this man, a professional in the subject, knew less than the Lord Major. This had to be an attempt at humor.

"Now Mr. Drake, I do believe the Lady Munn suggested that you lend your expertise outfitting a proper dig, sir. Proper. I've suspicion that we shall require sundries more delicate than "picks and shovels". Nonetheless, I'm certain this jocularity is birthed of the stresses of an overwhelmingly unusual evening; as events prior prevent me from giving you my pardon outright, I might at least lend it to you on this occasion. With your leave, sir."

Reginald turned to exit the room, hopefully pulling the others in tow (except for the two Vera had requested stay to assist). He paused for a half moment to address Aziza's concern of escort. "Positively, madame. The good Sergeant is more than welcome to attend. In fact, I insist." His voice grew louder, as if expanding his audience to include the whole room, "Point of order, I should insist that we all give the Lady and her entourage of intellectual and technical expertise room to operate. As I said, I shall be hosting the Afters, of sorts, in the courtyard. Lovely view of the Nile, under guard by proper soldiery. If you have a competing offer elsewhere, then by all means..."

The Lord Major stopped, seemingly stunned. Vera had moved toward the door for the purposes of asking the Curator something pertinent to the topic at hand, only to be stopped by yet another newcomer to the party. A younger man, that obviously knew Vera with more than passing familiarity. His actions, his words; these were things that would make Reginald threaten violence and admonish later on, whether or not it came to blows. Instead, he took a moment and stood transfixed, staring at the man with his mouth still open, mid-sentence.

His brain endeavored to process what he was seeing, even as his mouth tried to continue the thought that was now utterly lost on him. "...by all means... I, ah... No. No, I've finally gone and pickled myself then, haven't I?" The old man looked lost, even senile as he spoke nonsense in a quiet voice. "You positively cannot be you. I saw you..."

It took the Lord Major a good moment to understand that he was not crazy, nor was he dead, nor was this a vengeful spirit, come to torture him in his waking world for transgressions past. It was confirmed when he heard his adoptive niece breathe the man's name aloud: Peter. Reginald snapped back into reality, taking in the scene with as much objectivity as he could muster. A smile slowly formed upon his face as he allowed the facts unfolding in front of him. Abruptly, and without explanation, he exploded into joyous laughter. "Ha HAAA!!! By Jove, old boy. You're a ghost! Come along there lad! It's HUGGIE TIME!"

Quite possibly ruining whatever moment Peter and Vera might have been experiencing just then, Reginald rushed forward, grabbing the both of them up into a great, sweeping hug. They lifted from the ground, in ground zero of the blast of the Lord Major's continued, unabated guffawing. He almost seemed to dance, the old man twirling the both of them around once, a bear-like grasp holding them to himself. The action inferred that the Lord Major was still fairly burly, despite other evidence hidden underneath the bulk of age.

He set them both back down in more or less the same spot they were prior to his attack, pure joy beaming from the man. "Quite apologetic, Lady Munn. But you!" he redirected his attention at the newcomer, "You are dead, sir. Quite dead. Monumentally dead. We had a memorial, you see. There were fistfights. Your father, the old codger, and I went round for round in the gardens, more than half inebriated from "In Memoriam" toasts. We were not the only ones, either. You are dead, Peter."

"Whatever is a dead man doing in Cairo?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

Despite what is her outward appearance, Josephine was not stupid. She picked up on social cues quite easily. She could sense the disdain in Vera's tone, even the slight smirk on the little girl's face didn't escape her notice (what was her name again? Laura? Flora? It began with an N, but damn if she didn't care much about the girl). Either way, she could tell that she was probably not the most popular girl in the room, and that angered her. However, she knew when to pick her battles and when to back down. This was not the time to pick a fight. Instead, she waved her hand in the air, "What kind of civilized country denies money of any kind? Ah well, I put the offer out and it still stands should the need for more funds arise."

She awaited the old man to lead them to what she hoped would be the room they would be drinking in. She needed one badly. However, a dashing new man came in and seemed to surprise a few in the room. Most notably it was the old man who claimed the man shouldn't be here, and should be quite dead. Needless to say, today was full of surprises, it seemed. She made her away across the room and held out a hand to the new stranger, "Josephine Clark. How do you do, darling? I must say, for a dead man, you look quite dashing, if I may be so bold."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aziza smiled over towards Reginald and nodded as her fingers fanned and curled back around Harry's arm. Listening to what the elder gentleman was saying but not having a chance to respond before a new comer made his presence known and things began to get a little more interesting outside of the realm of people getting branded and marked. Biting her bottom lip she glanced over towards Lauren and then Harry in turn before looking back over as Reginald seemed to become very happy after looking as if he had seen a ghost. A quick gasp coming from her lips as Reginald hoisted the pair into the air and spun them around saying something about huggy time?

"Huggie time?" she asked, it was not exactly a term she was familiar with.

Vera stood there in Peter's arm frozen, her mouth agape in shock as she looked at the man in front of her. Peters fingers fanning out along her back to hold her stable. She still could not bring herself to pull away from him, which was probably a good thing as her knees felt like they would buckle at any moment.

"It's okay, I promise you aren't seeing things," Peter said in a kind reassuring voice as he looked at Vera, he hadn't even noticed that Reginald was there in the room to start. That changed as Lord Major Keystone's voice broke through to his ears and he turned his head to look at the older gentleman. Pulling Vera a bit closer to him as she still stood there gawking at him like a cod fish. "No, you are far from pickled," he said quickly. Seemed he had made a rather large impression with his appearance but that really couldn't be helped. He had been mostly dead the last six or seven years. At least they were not fainting like his mother did.

Vera still stood there just staring, in a sense of shock it seemed as her eyes trailed along the line of scarring on Peters face that started at his ear, traveled down and along the line of his jaw to his chin. That had not been there the last time she had seen him, but then again the last time she had seen him had been around a decade ago, before he left for the war. Vera didn't notice what Reginald was saying or even doing until she felt his arms hoist the two of them into the air and spin them around. Peter resting one hand on Reginald's shoulder, laughing as Vera gasped out. Pulling both of them in for a tight hug as they were spun around.

Once Reginald had set them down Peter chuckled, still holding onto Vera with one hand and his other resting on the Lord Majors shoulder, patting it with certainty. His chuckle grew, as did Vera's confusion, while Reginald spoke of him being dead. He was about to answer when suddenly a hand was stuck into the middle of the trio's reunion and her cocked a brow. Turning his head slightly she looked over towards the woman who was introducing herself.

"I would prefer if you were not," he said in reply to Josephine stating if she may be so bold. Vera had to restrain her desire to roll her eyes at the woman. Of course she was flinging herself at another man in the room. She had already been darting from Haakon and William as if they were hers to toy with all evening, now she was placing herself in the middle of what was obviously a reunion between others. A situation she had no place what so ever placing herself in the middle of. The woman had no manners what so ever.

Moving away from Peter Vera stepped over to her desk, keeping her back turned as she picked up her tea cup, wishing it was her Reginald's flask instead. Turning his attention back to Reginald he leaned in a bit. "Uncle has decorum 'laxed so much in my absence that it is proper to bring one of your Lady's of the Night around Vera?" he asked, his voice carrying but he cared not.

Vera inhaled sharply at Peters words, squeaking slightly the same time she was going to swallow the tea in her mouth. She started choking on the infused water, the cup getting set down quickly and clattering along the saucer as her other hand reached out to grab whatever it could to steady herself. Her fingers curling around the fabric of Williams shirt on his arm. She didn't take notice as her eyes watered and she let go of the cup to start covering her mouth as she tried to hold back the coughing fit.

Aziza looked at everything and wondered if Josephine was having trouble getting a client the way she was darting from one man to another. It was odd for Aziza to see any woman, even one of the night, turning her attention from one to another like she was. How did she expect to retain a client if they felt like they didn't have her attention. Shrugging slightly she looked over towards Vera as she started to choke on the tea, pulling out a handkerchief from her purse quickly and holding it out to the woman. "Here you go," she said quietly as Vera took it and covered her mouth with it as she continued to cough. Her eyes watering up as she tried to control it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 16 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

Of course the strange situation in the room was only growing ever stranger with the sudden entrance of yet another man. Haakon, although growing somewhat comfortable with the growing number of people in the office was ready to ask him if he too was being branded by some ancient goddess, but found his words caught on his tounge. Aperantly, the very man standing in the doorway was supposed to be dead.

Dead...it was at least less strange than having eonic powers casting magic at them.

Haakon looked at the various people clearly accustomed with this Peter; Vera was obviously speechless at the very sight of the British gentleman, while Mayor Keystone was overjoyed with his presence. Haakon was at most unimpressed by his entrence, the mystery surrounding his death and clearly actually-not-being-dead part. Still it tickled his curiosity, and since no one was asking the obvious question, he decided to do it himself.

"Excuse me staight-forwardness, but why it it that you are standing here alive and well when your death was clearly established as fact? Did you dissappeare for some important reason - Money, love, a need for being alone or being hunted? For the reason why you are now standing here is probably connected. Believe me, I'm a journalist, cases like you are not unknown to me."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry & William

Location: Egyptian Museum

Harry smiled down toward Aziza as he felt her arm slip through his own again, he caught her biting her lip as she watched him in the corner of his eye, and he couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with the heat he'd felt in his cheeks. Quickly he looked off to the main group though, lest she thought it was related to her, regardless of whether or not it actually was. For now, Harry was content to remain the quiet observer, letting his eyes drift over all those present, taking in what he could from each. Miss Josephine was interesting to say the least, she certainly seemed 'friendly' with the other gentlemen, but it was something he would more or less expect from someone with that sort of 'starlet' demeanor.

As Vera suggested Reginald escort them all off, Harry gave a respectful nod toward Vera, smiling down toward Aziza as she spoke up again. "It would be my pleasure, Aziza." He said politely and respectfully as he looked down at her, keeping her arm in his own as he remained ready to go whenever. He found a strange calm over him as long as Aziza's arm was linked with his own, simply her touch seemed to have a way of bringing all of the drama and tension of earlier to break apart, letting him relax for once in a long time, as far as all things were considered.

William meanwhile gave a nod toward Vera, clearing his throat. "Good plan, i'm struggling to hear myself think, honestly." He chuckled softly to himself more than anything as he glanced around the room, raising an eyebrow as he saw Vera move toward the door and bump into the figure he didn't know. Arms crossed over his chest, he couldn't help but clench his fingers along his bicep for a moment, simply not liking the look of Vera so near him, but it rapidly disappeared as he seemed to note the nature of their relationship. As she moved away from him and took a sip of her tea, he soon enough felt her hand clutching at his shirt, looking down at her, he sighed as he reached out, giving her a few gentle pats on the back.

"Try not to choke too much, you're useful in a dig." He let out another self-amused chuckle, watching the woman as he rubbed her back, the slightest hint of concern in his gaze.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren watched as Keystone approached the newcomer and pulling both Miss Munn and the newcomer into a big bear hug, she tried her best to try and hold back a laugh at the sight of it was a bit entertaining to her. She looked at the man named Peter from what the Lord Major said he was actually dead man, and yet he was still here and breathing. The things that she had seen so far tonight if he was actually truly an undead probably wouldn't be far fetched now. Lauren approached Aziza and Harry for a moment still she was concerned for her friend mainly what happened earlier. "How is your head feeling?" Lauren asked softly as she looked up at Harry for a moment, maybe he knew who this Peter was, he seemed to know the Lord Major already.

"Know the new guy at all?" Lauren asked, when Josephine approached Peter and greeted him she hadn't met a starlet before in person she was slightly familiar with her but didn't say much. Then Haakon spoke up pretty much asking the questions that she wanted to know, but she wanted to keep silent about it and didn't want to be rude to the newcomer. The room was getting a little bit to crowded for her liking at least in such a small confined space like the room that they were all in now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum

This was a time of reunion, the one moment of pure bliss that the Lord Major had experienced in a great while. Years, even. Perhaps if the actress and reporter knew of the magnitude of this meeting, the importance, the sheer feeling of soul-lightening relief and surprise so absolute as to benumb the senses and tingle the very corners of his soul with the radiance of long-forgotten hope; indeed if they could fathom the true sense of Consequence that this moment in time had for Reginald, and likely Vera as well, the two of them surely would not have acted in the manner that they did.

The urge to blow up in a manner most undignified welled up in the man, threatening to overflow into the room. He was a millisecond away from a finger wag and tongue lashing birthed of a strict upbringing of Anglican guilt, in fact spinning around to address the first such forcible transgressor who insinuated themselves into the conversation, the Hollywood Starlet. His mouth was beginning to open, tongue preparing to pull from his extensive, nobly educated vocabulary, when Peter made his assumptions as to the character of the woman, and the Lord Major.

Reginald froze.

The surprise was palpable. More than that, it was about a half second of glaringly obvious, brightly lighting his face until his own sense of public propriety reinstituted itself. His demeanor changed to that of highly restrained amusement as he turned back to Peter, speaking in a jovial but direct manner.

"My dear boy, discretion is the greater part of being a gentleman; and a Lord of the Empire must oft carry decorum with him, into the uncivilized wastelands of the wider world. An act such as you accuse me would be most ungentlemanly." A smile crossed his face. Reginald slapped the younger man's shoulder, motioning his thumb behind him. Still smiling, he brought his thought to completion. "Besides lad, she's not one of mine."

It was an open secret that the Lord Major availed himself of the occasional courtesan; a practice long regarded as standard among the Gentry, so long as one was discreet. The obvious indiscretion made by Peter was quite forgivable in his estimation, considering the intent was not to embarrass him but draw him into an assisted game of verbal checkers. "But wherever are my manners, Lieutenant? Yourself and Lady Vera must have quite the catching up to do! I should appreciate a lengthy talk with you as well, but manners dictate that the Lady have your attention first. I, and several others, were about to abscond to the Qasr El Nil Barracks Courtyard for drinks. Possibly a light supper. Do catch up the second you are able, yes? I've so many questions, you see. So many questions."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

Of all the strange, strange happenings, perhaps the return from the grave was a small comfort. Nora, as much as she despised the fantasies of fiction, read more dime novels than she assumed could be in good taste. Among these, she had once become enthralled with the mind of Sherlock Holmes. The possibility of a man returning from the grave, as far as Nora was concerned, was an easy event. Medical records and death reports were remarkably faulty. She had heard tale of dead men still returning home from the United States' Civil War as much as twenty years after the funeral service had concluded.

That wasn't to say that it wasn't peculiar, of course. Nora merely kept to herself, rather than flinging herself at the newcomer as the starlet did, or attempting to find some sort of story as the reporter did. The highly structured class based society of England forbid such transgressions entirely. It may have been different in America, Nora was aware, but she couldn't help but feel dismayed at the conduct. If her dear brother Ernest had returned from the grave, such interruptions of a reunion would have been absolutely horrid.

She carefully observed the happy reunion, noting the elongated scar on the gentleman--Peter--that marred his face. The talks of drunken fights at the memorial, accompanied with ernest and sincere hugs, lead Nora to wonder whether or not Peter had supposedly met the same fate as her dear brother. His turns of phrase, at the very least, were most amusing--his implication that Miss Clark made her means through sexual gratification brought a little glimmer to Nora's eyes. With the way the American actress behaved, it was an exceptionally easy mistake to be made.

As the Lord Major once again insisted that they leave, Nora paused for a moment. Lady Munn had asked for her to stay behind in order to assist her, but she wondered whether or not the Lady Munn would much appreciate some privacy with Peter, whom Nora assumed to be of some close relation to Vera. But it seemed equally improper for her to interject with this heartfelt reunion. The sounding of her voice may shatter the joy and happiness just as much as the starlet and the journalist had, Nora feared.

But perhaps conventions could slide slightly, for this most extraordinary occasion. And if she did make a misstep, so be it. "Pardon me for inquiring, but Lady Munn, will you still be needing my assistance or shall I wait with the others? I would not be so bold as to intrude upon your most happy and decidedly deserved reunion."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Peter cocked a brow as he listened to his uncle. That was not what he was expecting. The woman was dressed in slacks of all things, her hair was light and done in a sultry manner, her face painted and the smell of her perfume hung in the air. The way she pushed herself into the middle of a family reunion, not waiting for an introduction which would have been proper, and then making comments on his looks; it all pointed to a woman of the night, especially since she was in the same room as his uncle. He had known Reginald to take on a woman companion from time to time. Granted his mind wasn't just thinking of her as a woman of the night but he was angered she had the audacity to do break up his happy reunion with two people he cared about right then.

"Oh, then my mistake. Apologies Uncle," Peter said to Reginald. He was going to turn and give his apologies to Josephine as well but another person decided to go and start talking as if they knew him or anything he had been through. Turning his attention to yet another person he did not know his eyes narrowed a bit. "No, I will not excuse your rudeness. Cannot you not see that people are in the middle of a reunion of sorts? At least Miss Clark here had enough decorum to give her name first," he said glancing over towards Josephine before nodding in her direction. "Apologies for the confusion madam," he said before turning his attention back towards Haakon.

"How do you know anything about me? You don't as I do not know you. So, now you believe me next time you decide to interject between those of my loved ones and I know that it will be met with my fist and not my words. You would do well to apologize to Lord Keystone and Countess Munn," he said shaking his head. Gripping the top of his cane he walked over to Vera, a concerned look on his face etched there as he had heard her coughing rather raggedly. "Yes, that would be rather welcome Uncle but it is actually Captain now, with a lot of letters after it but I'll explain all that later. If that is okay with you Vera?" he asked as he stepped over to her, eying the man next to her for a moment as he watched William patting her on the back.

Location: Egyptian Museum

Vera took the cloth from Aziza and smiled slightly as she covered her mouth with it, trying to get the last bit of fluid from her lungs that she had accidentally inhaled thanks to Peters words. She was used to him being blunt but he was usually a little more slick with his words. Granted she hadn't seen him in years... Not since he left for the war. Perhaps he had become less proper over the years since she last spoke with him. It seemed that way. Turning her head as she was able to finally get her coughing fit under control she looked over towards William and let out one last small cough.

"Oh, I'm alright. Bloody tea. Thank you. Thank you both," she said to William and then to Aziza handing her back the handkerchief. Hearing Peter tear into Haakon she was glad she hadn't taken another sip to try to clear her throat because she felt her throat tightening up again as she bit her bottom lip. Seemed Peter wasn't putting up with much these days. Turning, her hand still on Williams arm she looked over towards Peter as he walked over to her. He was using a cane and limping just ever so slightly; it wasn't noticeable but she knew the man well enough to know that was not how he used to walk.

Slowly her hand slipped from Williams arm and she heard Laurens question. "Oh do forgive my impertinence everyone. Rather shocking turn of events. Please let me introduce Lord Peter Keystone, Lord Captain it seems. Lord Captain this is Miss Clark, Mr. Elvsgaard, Lady Kingston, Sergeant Walsh, Ms Tarek, Miss Ridgeway, and Will.. I mean Mr. Drake," she said introducing each person in turn and hoping that she didn't miss anyone. She cringed inwardly as she made the misstep of calling William by his given name at first. Peter noting the slip and looking over towards Drake, his brow raising.

Looking over at Nora she smacked herself with the hell of her palm against her forehead. "By the pharaohs, terribly sorry Lady Kingston. It seems my mind is all a flutter right now. No, please. You and Mr Drake should remain here, we have much work to do," she said before looking over at a very confused Peter. "I am very sorry but we have had, well some very perplexing events and I promised to help these people if I could. It is a rather long story. Perhaps you could go with the Lord Major and catch up with him, I know he would surely want to spend some time with his nephew."

Peter looked at the group for a moment before looking back over towards Vera and nodding. "Only if you promise to take my call come morning for breakfast," he said in an understanding voice as he rested both his hands on his walking cane.

Location: Egyptian Museum

Aziza took smiled towards Vera and nodded. The poor woman seemed to be going through a lot this evening and matters were not getting any easier. Looking over towards Harry she squeezed his arm gently, grateful he was there with her. He put her at ease among these people. The room was getting crowded, even though it was a rather large room. More of a library center with a desk in it than an actual office but with so many people filing in it seemed that it would soon to be too crowded.

Standing there she turned her eyes downward until she was introduced and gave Peter a quick nod as she looked at him before looking away. She was trying to avoid eye contact at this point. People were starting to get on others nerves it seemed. With the events of the evening unfolding it wasn't surprising. She was glad to hear that the Lord Major was trying to get people out of there. It seemed a good time to make an exit.

"Yes, let us go. It would be for the best," she said with a grateful smile towards the Lord Major.

"Oh yes, of course. Will nine O'Clock be welcome?" Vera asked Peter, glad he was being understanding.

"Of course M'Lady," he said, reaching out and taking Vera's bare hand and kissing the back of it. Vera nodded, nervously as he did. "We have a promise to discuss," he said before turning and walking over to his uncle. Vera's eyes widening at the mention of a promise.

"Oh dear..." she whispered under her breath. Aziza tilting her head in contemplation before making her way with Harry over towards Reginald.

"Shall we be off then?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 16 days ago

Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:Egyptian Museum

Haakon had overestimated himself, and underestimated this so-called Peter Keystone, which was clearly showing itself. Rather than feeling pressed to actually clarify his position, the gentleman had been able to use the situation to disregard his most unusual appearance and lack of expaination; in such a way that Haakon felt deeply ashamed. Not because what he said...

He had taken a step too far, and made a fool of himself.

As the introductions were made by Vera, Haakon looked briefly at Peter again, nodding slightly to him while muttering "Good night, Lord Captain...Excuse me everyone..." before leaving the room. It was partly because of the heat, but beads of sweat dripping were a clear sign that Haakon was out of place. He was supposed to be likeable, to be the socialite that could make any man talk, and now he leaving the party without as much as a polite nod from the others. Again, he had made a fool of himself, and he felt deeply ashamed.

But to his defence, it had been a long and terribly exhausting day, one he was hard to compare to his previous nights. The night air outside of the museum felt refreshing, a brief reminder that not everything was out to kill him, or worse, ridecule him. And it was then when he started to think rational again that he made up his mind; the next time he would meet Lord Captain Peter Keystone, he would apologize.

Perhaps then he would make a better impression?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Josephine Clark

Location: Egyptian Museum

To other women, being referred to as a "lady of the night" as they so eloquently put it would be an insult. Who wanted to be compared to those women whose sole purpose was to have as much sex as possible in order to earn their pay.

To Josephine, however; she considered this a compliment.

She laughed it off with a wave of her hand, "Not to worry, darling. Quite alright. Do forgive my rudeness, but with all that has happened so far, you can hardly blame me for jumping at the next surprise. And do forgive Haakon, darling. He is a journalist and is naturally inquisitive. He didn't mean to be rude." She let the man continue his rounds. She was extremely curious as to why the man was here. Apparently, he should be dead, but he was obviously not. It perked her mind and she wanted answers. However, she could read the room quite well and now was not the time to force her way in. Instead, she needed to pick her battles. They wanted her gone, so gone she will go. But she will get answers. That much is sure.

"Now, drinks and food sound marvelous. All this excitement has left me quite thirsty. Shall we?" she said to no one in particular as she followed the others outside of the room of intellectuals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren felt a bit out of place with everyone around her they all seemed to be people of power in someway while she was pretty much jus a fugitive living in Cairo. She looked towards both of the Keystones and gave them a friendly smile and nod as she watched Haakon turning around and heading out of the room along with Josephine shortly behind. "I guess i'll leave you all to your planning, it was nice meeting you all. And I left my current address there if you do need me." Lauren said as she looked towards Harry and Aziza and smiled at the two of them. "I'm ready when you guys are to go." Lauren said as she started to make her way out of the room.

She leaned up against the wall outside of Vera's office waiting to follow everyone towards the Qasr El Nil Barracks Courtyard that were heading there. She was certainly hungry now and with everything that was going on since she came here Lauren did need a drink or two to just simply wind down. It will certainly be an interesting little trip out into the desert, though she was also worried about what was actually out in the desert.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Egyptian Museum -> Qasr El Nil Barracks (Courtyard)

There was nothing like drama to clear out a party. Indeed, the numbers seemed to be already thinning out; what was not accomplished by subtleties and polite nudging had been positively effected by a more abrupt series of social faux pas. The Lord Major was annoyed at a couple of his new acquaintances and their overly familiar nature with Peter, a man they had just met. If he were feeling haughty, a man for whom certain respects should be paid by the common populace, at that.

It was a trace of a holdover ethic from years ago. Reginald's position had always given him an air of aristocratic elevation, in his mind and in the minds of many others. His time in the military, serving among many folk of both noble and common upbringing had chipped away at his more classist beliefs. His relationship with an East Londoner that gave him a child but cost him his marriage had sorely damaged it, at least inwardly. The Lord Major maintained his robust, superior attitude anymore because it was his role to play in society, both among his class and in the military. For instance, most people thought his friendship with Aziza was a fluke. Instead, it was a sign of an changing man.

But some of these people were dancing bodily on his nerves, changing man or no. Thankfully, he had a solution. As some left and others gathered toward him, Reginald made good on his promise to escort them all to the Barracks Courtyard. "Yes, well then. Gather around ladies and gentlemen, let us be off." He gave a quick nod back to Vera and her small group of technical experts, saying, "Please do be along as you are able. The guards know you, Lady Munn, and will allow you and your entourage, should you care to join. I shall inform them of the possibility." He intoned his parting with a simple, "My Lady.", and walked purposefully out of the room.

Being as the Barracks were a mere walk across a lot, it was a very short matter of time until they were in seats, under oil lamps and in the evening air of Cairo. Reginald had, as promised, inform the guards that Vera might be stopping by (and indeed could have guests), but not to let anyone else in not escorted. "Yes, yes. Lady Munn and two others, if a question arises about their legitimacy, send for me. We shall be in the courtyard."

Upon entry to what had become the old man's second home, the Lord Major stopped a junior officer coming onto night duties, informing him that there would be guests. "Pay attention there, lad! His Royal Majesty's Flying Corps will be entertaining dignitaries, of sorts. Have accommodations made ready for those who require it, civilian access of course. And do have repast prepared for us - quickly mind you, and from the Officer's Mess. I have my thoughts on that date bread from earlier, as well as some smoked meats and fresh fruit. Aha! And libations, lad. An assortment of spirits and mixers, on mobile tray. Chop chop! People are waiting."

He returned to the group, now taking up the role of dutiful host. Selecting a seat from among the outdoor furniture, he settled in for the short intermission until the drinks arrived. While displaying remarkable patience in his epic quest to wait for booze, Reginald produced a short-stemmed pipe and began to pack it with a personal store of aromatic tobacco. "Thank you all for joining me here and allowing Lady Munn to go about her duties without our paltry distractions. It would seem that we have quite a bit of acquainting to do, before we embark on this little endeavor. If indeed we do, of course."

"But first things first. Peter, old boy! You are in excellent constitution for a dead man. If it is not too personal a question amongst strangers, whatever had become of you? Do not feel pressure to indulge an old man at this time, if you choose to remain reticent. I shall understand."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vera was very glad that people were starting to file out of her office, it had been far too crowded despite the large size of the room. Nodding towards those as they left before taking a deep breath and rubbing the back of her hand that Peter had kissed, her eyes slowly drifting over towards William before looking away quickly and her attention turning towards Nora. "Well perhaps we can get started now, what do you say?" she asked rather quickly, trying to take attention off the fact Peter had just made it clear there was more than just a family friendship going on to everyone in the bloody room before she could say any different.

Aziza smiled slightly as she followed the Lord Major and the Lord Captain out of the room and towards the barracks, her arm laced through Henry's as they strolled the short walk between the museum and their destination. She was enjoying the breath of fresh air but still worried that something might happen during the short distance. Thankfully whoever had attacked her during the show was not stirring anything up right then. Perhaps it was because she was walking with a larger group and there were two men in uniforms and several other men that were not surrounding her. It put her a bit at ease as they passed into the barracks. She had been there before to dance and make round as a guest. Nodding towards a few who she knew in passing but making it more than clear that she was none of their concern that evening, she had an escort and she wouldn't have had it any other way. Taking a seat she smoothed out her skirt and glanced around a bit as she pulled her shawl up around her shoulders more and crossed her ankles.

Peter laughed slightly as he took a seat and shrugged as he set his cane down across his lap. "No, it is nothing salacious my dear uncle. And I do not mind. You seem comfortable enough around these folk to ask the question and there for I am to answer. Though I will state that I will not go into grave detail among civilian. Crown's orders," he explained before thanking a servant as he was brought a tumbler of Scotch.

Taking a long sip from it and then lowering he ran his finger slowly over the rim of it as he relaxed back into his chair. Aziza turning her attention towards Peter to hear what he had to say. She had to admit she was interested to what was going on and why people were so shocked to see him. They kept speaking as if he had come back from the dead. Which was ridiculous, or maybe it wasn't considering the odd events she had witnessed first had that evening.

"You see, my plane was shot down over Berlin. I was as good as dead, so I can understand why you would think I was as such. I was able to bring the plane down but the last bit of the flight was not pleasant and I was thrown from the cockpit. On to a jagged bit of steal from the remains of a building that had been bombed," he explained and tapped the top of his cane. "Hence the limp. I thought I was dead, but apparently the German's thought I was worth more alive. British Ace, in their hands. So oddly enough, I owe my life and in the same breath, your thought of its lacking to them."

Taking another sip of his drink he stopped for a moment. Shaking his head he looked down at the amber fluid and downed the rest before ordering another. "I was reported dead, as you know. I was in a POW camp these last years. Interrogated," he said as he ran his finger along the line of scar on his jaw that ran from his ear and down, along his jawline to his chin. "I won't go into detail on my escape, Crown's orders. But yeah, that's where I have been all this time but," he said, shaking off the melancholy of his voice before looking over to his uncle.

"I am here now and I plan to live a lot to make up these past years of my unlife."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Egyptian Museum -> Qasr El Nil Barracks (Courtyard)

Harry cocked a brow at Peter, the man was interesting certainly, perhaps not brash, but certainly curt, in the kind of manner often shared by one who cared little for the thoughts of others, or whom had spent enough time around the right sort of company. It was an attitude he'd seen many men take during the war, although he'd avoided it himself, at least when out of the company of his fellow soldiers. He certainly didn't fault the man such an attitude, had he been swarmed in such a manner upon his own arrival, he'd have likely reacted similarly. Luckily, he had been relatively anonymous the entire time.

Feeling a hand grip his arm somewhat, Harry turned his gaze down toward Aziza, giving her a soft smile as he nodded his head to her, reaching over with his free hand to rest it over hers for a moment, squeezing it back in a reassuring manner before he turned back toward the Lord Major, nodding his head as they all agreed to make their way off. He appreciated the walk was not too far. When they got into the courtyard itself, he remained close to Aziza, taking a seat alongside her as he glanced around, sighing, he'd stayed in many barracks much like this one during the war, he couldn't help but wonder what memories it would bring.

Harry settled in his seat however for the time being, turning his gaze over to the group and listening to Peter's tale. Yet another pilot, the story was fascinating to be sure, but Harry found himself somewhat overwhelmed by aviators at that moment, he would happily take a trench and a horse any day, to a box in the sky, as he saw it.

William Drake

Location: Egyptian Museum

William gave Vera a gentle nod. It was not common for them to be so gentle with one another, usually they were at each others necks, but every now and then such an interaction between them did take place, it was perhaps the main thing which caused their relationship to be so complicated. Feeling her hand slip from his arm, he turned his gaze over to Peter, noticing for a moment the man looking in his direction. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything, he already seemed agitated enough, and William certainly couldn't see any reason to make the situation worse.

William looked to Vera again, nodding as she suggested they stay before he watched the room clear out. Letting out a soft sigh, he ran a hand through his hair. "Good lord, I thought they'd never leave." He commented before turning it back toward Vera. He noted her quickly moving the topic, and while part of him felt an incessant nagging to press on it, he figured he'd do so later, perhaps when they were even more private. "Yes, I suppose we should at least get something done tonight."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nora Kingston

Location: Egyptian Museum

While the room may have felt slightly suffocating, it wasn't due to the sheer number of people. No, it was from the mixture of mannerisms and personalities. The Lord Captain clung to titles and courtesies just as any other, but in a blunt manner that almost ruined his conventional manners. And poor Lady Munn, in all of her awkward clumsy ways, had the private affairs of her heart exposed to all. However, Nora found herself more perplexed with Josephine's attitude--she received the insult to her character as a compliment. She could not help but imagine her sister-in-law would act similarly. Fannie had left a foul taste in Nora's mouth; she could scarcely understand why her favorite brother had fallen in love with her.

There was another perplexity, however. Nora recognized the name of Peter Keystone. There had been talk about him, one of the most successful mathematicians produced by St. John's. He graduated early, and during her courses at Girton College, his name had been mentioned on a few occasions by the faculty. And here he was, a Captain of all things! The prospect was befuddling, though Nora felt it best not to press and pry into matters that did not concern her. She had the troublesome brand on her finger to worry herself with.

"Yes, let's begin, if that suits you, Lady Munn," Nora answered with a small smile, opening up her small notepad, and holding her pencil. "I cannot guarantee that I will be able to understand the formulas properly...If I may, you may wish to consult the Lord Captain on these calculations as well...I understand he is quite the formidable mathematician, a legend of sorts, and may very well prove a better asset than I, having only been awarded a certificate." Of course, if Nora had been a boy, she would have attained the degree. Only her sex held her back from that far more prominent qualification, as it was denied to her on the basis of gender, and not mathematical ability.

"Might I see the inscriptions in question, Lady Munn?"
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