Hidden 9 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Varicke
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Varicke Night Stalker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"You look lost little child."
A mysterious wraith-like shadow creature which at first glimpse would seem like something you'd find wandering a haunted location or hiding under your bed at night. Three clawed fingers, a fading torso ending in a wispy tail, piercing green glowing eyes and a physical form that looks akin to black fire, one would think this was a villain you'd see in a children's book.


Male (Self proclaimed)

Rich or Poor:
He doesn't understand/care for currency

Being a necessary evil.

Green (neutral colour) fire, shadows/darkness, black magic, shape-shifting, flying, phasing through material, having no soul makes it impossible for him to die or for it to be taken,

Knutik can be very laid-back, very reserved or very aggressive and sometimes believes he's above consequences, that is until the harsh reality hits him. His personality varies extremely according to whatever emotion becomes most prominent for him which can be as ever changing as the weather or even influenced by the negative emotions of others around him. It's whatever this prominent emotion is that determines whether he's shy, fearful, dangerous or cocky and can be quite unpredictable. Knutik often hoards valuables he finds/steals and is extremely protective of his collection. Losing just one of his treasures can spurn him into an infuriated and agitated state. His treasures are safely hidden within his own created realm known as "The Neath".

Knutik is a physical being with powers, thus you can touch, feel and see him. He stands at 6 feet and 10 inches from head to wispy tail in his original wraith form and can be described to appear as though black fire is constantly but slowly dissipating off of him. Gravity affects him like any other physical thing, it's his use of magic that makes him fly. He is called a spirit because he is an animated being that doesn't inhabit a body, which lead many of his previous worshipers to believe him to be a stray soul trapped on the physical plane, which isn't actually true. He is physically made up of solid shadows that feel like cold silk to the touch and his 'heart' which behaves very much like a core is made up of fire. This fire is what produces the coloured glow to his eyes and mouth like a furnace within. Knutik isn't sure himself what the core is for since no matter what he shape-shifts into, it's always there. The only time it's not present is when he melts into the shadows. He discovered that the core transports to his realm during those times.

Shiny objects, knick-knacks, treasures, gemstones, ancient relics, tormenting humans, solace, tasty food, stealing, destroying things, fire,

Water, bright lights, being startled, losing his treasures, being unable to obtain a potential treasure, boredom, people who don't get easily intimidated, people who aren't scared of him, people who can defeat him, positive energy, 'heroes',

Focused light burns away his shadows, sensitivity to emotions can make him unpredictable, easily caught off guard, white/light magic can temporarily destroy him, extreme positive energy given off by emotions like joy, excitement or happiness is like poison to him and actually reverses his existence on a small degree.

Theme Song:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DancingEagle

DancingEagle * Sanity sold separately.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lilith "Fatherland" Gravehart

"Life is short, ladies and gentlemen. Why not have some fun while we're at it?"

Lilith has long, dark hair and never leaves the house without a black bowler hat or a top hat. She also wears a black suit with a yellow tie, and long, black trousers. She has scars and burns on her face from previous battles and struggles. Prefers to be called by her nickname: "Fatherland". Goes around with her automatic shotgun, which she nicknamed "Violence", and a glowing sword.



De Facto Leader of The Revenge Fantasy and self-proclaimed Professional Asshole

Nothing above a human being's abilities

Scouting, shooting, CQC, leadership, playing piano

In short: Lilith is a person who doesn't care about how she is perceived by others. This leads to situations where she says exactly she thinks, often being brutally honest with others, and using foul language. She also doesn't take anything or anyone particularly seriously - including herself - and frequently makes jokes about herself, her personality and her demeanor.
While she enjoys violence, Lilith doesn't endorse it and would prefer to use it only when necessary.
With that being said, even though she doesn't care about what comes out of her mouth (especially in front of strangers), Lilith has a soft spot for the people she's close to, and genuinely cares for them.

Lilith had a steady childhood in a generally well-off family, where she was influenced by media and pop culture and were generally introverted. When she was 18, her country was nuked for mysterious reasons, and Lilith ended up being one of the only survivors. She began training herself in the art of war and quickly built a small anarchic group called The Revenge Fantasy, consisting of fellow survivors. Her goal is to unite the people of her land and fight against the powers that brought fourth the nuclear holocaust.

Violence and weaponry, fancy suits, alcohol, personal stories, intellectuals.

Ignorance and stupidity, planning, large groups, loud electronic music, extremists, when things don't go exactly her way, when people tell her what to do

Torture, disbanding The Revenge Fantasy, betrayal, being lied to, small spaces, being left alone.

Besides her irreverence, Lilith is also arrogant and prefers to face conflicts head-on. She believes her improvisational skills and knowledge would get her everywhere and loathes careful planning. She hates being told what to do and is quick to completely lose her mind when things don't go the way she intended.

Theme Song:
"I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Bears? I don't like bears."
She is lean and fit due to her constant movement and activity. She has a graced by the sun look though her skin stays fairly light and lightens more in the winter. Her hair is a mixture of blonde and has highlights of grey. Her eyes are that of a greyish green hue, in which the grey is always more visible and shining then the green. Other than her many bracelets she wears a worn grey dress substituted in its short length by long brown pants. She's usually not seen wearing shoes except for in the winter where she wears large work boots. Over everything in all seasons she wears a coat, layered in wolf fur. It seems she made the fur parts herself due to the patchwork style of sowing.

23-26 She isn't sure.


She doesn't have one really, any money she has was given to her or 'found' by her friends. Though when coming into the tavern this time she did carry with her a bit of cash, crinkled into the pocket of her jacket.
Animal mimicry
- She has attributes from certain animals. A whistle like a birds song, Predator and Prey senses.
Like a rabbit she can sense if someone was to harm her. She also seems to be able to communicate somewhat with these animals. Often attracting them like flies to honey.
advanced immunity
- Less susceptible to aliments which would require external medicine
- less susceptible to diseases that are normally caught by humans.
Able to withstand frozen temperatures easily. Higher temperatures make her uncomfortable.

She is a handy climber, And Able to hunt and somewhat defend herself until she can run away from the danger.
Free-spirited but also quite shy. She rejects most views of society and lives in the wild as she has been for most of her life. She is less likely to answer any personal questions as she has forgotten any sort of identification of her past other than her first name. Living without much human interaction has messed up her social skills and small gestures may not be noticed. She can also be somewhat passive aggressive or even plain aggressive to those that rub her the wrong way. Still more likely to turn tail and run off when possible than fight, but that fight is still a possibility she has accepted.

She was born and raised for the first years of her life in and out of different homes until finally at five her father found work in a country with a name she could never remember. Things only got worse from there. Having moved to a place that spoke a language completely forgiven to her and her mothers tragic death during the birth of her only sibling left her only a year after they left. The only thing she knew was never going to change was the animals. She spent more and more time alone in the forests.

It was easy to see how the small animals and large animals alike would flock to her. She was easily graceful in her movements and adopted characteristics of many of the creatures she spent tie with.

Her allowed time away from home in the forests was all but taken from her when her father remarried a local woman who had a fancy for him. She taught the two the local language, as Anna would learn english, but would never call the two by their names. At least never when she was alone with the two, she would use derogatory terms and said thats just what their names were.

At 11 she had put up with her step-mothers antics so long she fled to the forest, going missing for almost an entire year. Upon her eventual capture by the local police force she returned to a home she could not recognize. Her step mother claimed her father had died in a logging accident. Her abuse of the girl only worsened as animals started randomly follow her around or have her be caught talking to them. One night on her birthday her step mother tied her up and hung her on a tree to be killed by wild animals. It was a stupid idea of her to try and lead a bear to the girls location. It only leading to her own demise as the bear tore apart and ate her mother in front of her. She had escaped from the bear and ran off not to be seen again for years until she was picked up by a patrol man as she was caught on a fence. When she got away from the cops she's been with a pack of wolves or traveling the world and through different dimensions due to her nature of stumbling upon warps between worlds. Last ways she had spent two years with a pack of very large agressive pack bonding creatures whose additudes she had picked up.

Animals, Wolves, Nature, Cold, Meat.
Bears and other mean large predators, Police, Bears, Those who want her to be normal, Did I say Bears?
Being returned to her step-mother. Never finding her baby brother again.
She isn't that strong and easily can be overpowered. She will do almost anything to save a creature from a harsh demise.
She has twelve or so bracelets she collected over the years, with the other half to a pet name tag around her neck, along with a few other trinkets of varying sizes, shapes and importance.
Her fur coat seems to have been enchanted between her journeys, or maybe it was always as such, but it posse the properties of the Nemean lion's skin. Un-pierceable by mortal weapons and nature itself, it is a large part of how She has survived alone for so long.
Extra. Extra: She enjoys physical affection. As simple as a pat on the head will make her happy.
Theme Song:
"Running With the Wolves -Nightcore" by Aurora

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CAWsForAlarm
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CAWsForAlarm One HEX of a Sorcerer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gaz Aiza

"Always explore your options before making a pact with a demon."
Gaz stands at about 5' 11". He has purple hair that goes down about to his neck and length and occasionally covers his blood red eyes when he's too lazy to move it out of the way. He is very slender, weighing in at 134 lbs. He wears the suit jacket and dress pants in his picture when he actually bothers to dress up though often wears a black hoodie and jeans when he doesn't care or just goes casual. He doesn't usually keep his sword and sheath attached to his waist, but he won't care to if he feels uncomfortable for some reason.



Rich or Poor?:
He looks like he has some money, not quite rich though.

Power Descriptions:
His pact with a demon gave him a power to tap into very small amounts of ancient magic. He has the ability to cause small explosions that leave behind a green gas, which dissipates quickly.

Gaz is quite proficient with his blade.

He is also stronger than he looks due to a lot of physical labor.

Gaz is surprisingly simple. He keeps to himself while in public, though he's hoping that this new environment will allow him to reach out to people. He has trouble trusting people but he has started making efforts. He loves eating and can't get enough of good food. He can be quite happy sometimes. Whenever his demon patron starts bothering him by speaking to him mentally, however, his personality begins changing. He becomes quiet and avoids people so that he won't let on that he is bothered by something.

He chooses not to go into much detail about his past, but his family wasn't well off and he often worked hard to help his mother provide for herself, Gaz and his siblings. He also did have a girlfriend at one point in his life. Until she got murdered and he made a pact with a powerful demon named Lolth to get revenge. Now he's stuck with a demon that bothers him, mainly mentally, everywhere he goes.

Listening to music, talking to people unless he is being bothered by his 'patron' Lolth, and eating good food.

Ignorant people, the smell of burnt food, bad music... and most of all, Lolth.

People finding out about his demon patron or the murder he committed out of revenge.

If his patron orders him to, he has to do what she tells him at some time or another. He is slow to trust others due to past ridicule.

I'm probably gonna make Lolth eventually when I get tired of making her only mess with Gaz mentally.

Theme Song:
"The Trauma Model" by KING 810
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Daniel Chrolican

Daniel, in his stage dress

Music is the gateway to the heart, the soul and the mind."

Daniel is an extremely tall figure, topping the charts at 6'2", and clocks in at 160lbs. Although he should be rake-thin because of this, he manages to look toned and refined. He has long black hair cut into a choppy mess, with two long thick strands that occasionally obscure his vision. He has bright green eyes, some might say luminescent, and a rounded, defined nose. His skin is very pale, almost exactly like his teeth, which are pure white. He wears a long, form-fitting black t-shirt and navy jeans, as well as a pair of battered white sneakers, the soles a fading red, with a band of silver running down the centre. Around his waist is knotted a black hoodie, with a green radioactive graphic on it. When performing, he wears much less casual dress, including a waistcoat, formal trousers, shoes and occasionally a tie.

Rich or Poor?
Rich. Or at least, middle class.



Birth Prophecy
Daniel has what is known as 'birth prophecy;' from the day he was born, he was destined to be a musician. Because of this he has an overwhelming skill with all musical instruments, even those that he has very little experience with.

With a musical instrument in his hand, Daniel will suddenly become the centre of attention. This isn't a passive ability however, and it physically requires him to concentrate on exerting his presence over an area. The larger the room, the weaker his presence, although unless said room is the size of a football stadium, he'll normally be fine.

Little bit of the Mage
Daniel has inherited a little bit of magical blood, which allows him to utilise the magic within his instruments. This can be used to banish supernatural beings, magnify the volume of his instruments to a deafaning pitch, blow out light fixtures and more.

Expert Musician
Eye for detail
Little bit of magical talent

Normally quite a reserved figure, Daniel will be perfectly fine to stay in the back and watch for the most part. Put an instrument in his hand, or put him next to someone who he finds attrative, and he will almost magically transform into a far more active and interesting person.

*Coughs nervously* "I'd... Rather not say."

Good company


High temperatures
UV lights

Suffers from hallucinations, unreasonable anger and muscle spams when under heats exceeding 35 degrees Celsius, or under direct UV Rays (excluding those emitted from the sun.)
Gets cranky without his cigarettes
Anything else we should know?
Not really.
Theme Song:
"The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Will work on CS soon!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zynros
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Zynros I wanna Kitten...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Morgan Droud

"Any chance I can buy a soul off you?"
Eldritch are a species whose physical appearance is like a cross between an Angel and a Demon. A pair of white wings grow from their back, and two set of horns, one set circling their skull, and the other two small nubs from their forehead. He has an Androgynous face and long silver hair past his shoulders and covering his pointed ears. His standard dress is all black clothes with a long coat of the small color and a normal and fingerless glove one his right and left hand respectively.


Physical: Around 18
Mental: An undefined number of universes lifetimes (The beginning to the end of a universe)




[Rift] Creating portals to parallel universes

[Void] Immortality of a sorts

[Universal Law] Catchall for the power to manipulate a universe at will


[God of Conflict] Excessive time to train easily makes you one of the best with any weapon you can pick up

[God of Knowledge] Once you understand the fundamental basics of a universe, is there anything you CAN'T figure out?


Through Morgan's lifetime, he's lived through an uncountable number of differing circumstance, and walked all walks of life. Being one of the most powerful and knowledgeable being in existence get old quickly, and it occasionally shows in his demeanor. He doesn't care about anything or anyone, seeing as sooner or later everything ends. He rarely shows it though, and hides his normal attitude with his old personality.

Morgan's name is self-given, chosen after being sent into a parallel universe during an attempted summoning ritual. While he was there, he stumbled upon the Universal Codex, an object containing a written code of the fundamental laws of the universe, and used it to change his body and mind into what his is now. After dying years after his return home, he found himself drawn into the Void between universes and barely escaped with his life, ending up in a parallel world once again. After this cycle repeated multiple times, he finished translating enough of the codex to create a universe of his own, and lives there.

Fantasy Novels
The End of the World
Not being bored

Boring things


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Redcovey
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Niccola Sheeran

"Hope is a sour desire"

Tall, extremely thin, almost to the point of being gaunt, with a long face, thin mobile lips and narrow eyes of a clear blue. Her skin is neither dark nor pale, with a dusting of freckles on wind-burned cheeks. Her hair is black and bound in a thin braid that falls to the back of her knees. She favors loose clothing, utility over looks.



Rich or Poor?:
Eh...she makes her own way

Power Descriptions:
None. She's just a run-of-the-mill human

Able fighter. Not the strongest and not the stealthiest, but often the quickest. A fair hand at poetry, passable singing voice, and fair amount of wood lore

Quiet, and a bit melancholy, but with a quick smile. She enjoys music and poetry in addition to storytelling and long talks with friends.

Originally from a small village on the eastern cost of Ireland during the mid 9th century, her father was a blacksmith and her mother skilled in women's work. Both died of disease when she was young and she took up with a Norseman, Asger, sailing and fighting alongside him for many years as he raided. After a decade Asger lost his arm and the pair settled the small bit of land that had once been Niccola's parents. Asger raises sheep and barley while Niccola struggles to learn how to be a farm-wife, dreams of old glories, and laments their lack of children.

Gold, stew, poetry, warm fire, wine, the ocean, summer, traveling

dogs, strangers, priests, rhubarb, and storms

Old age

Children, a toe that aches in the winter
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drai
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Drai Rei
"May The morning light fill your soul."



Rich or Poor?:

Power Descriptions:
Healing self and others.
controls the shadows around him.
teleport in shadows.
can cast a light on his shield
his sword is made of shadows and steal


Drai is calm man. able to talk to anyone. he is caring and loving in nature. he will do anything to save his friends even give his life.

he comes from a land filled with darkness. but he rather stay in the light.

and a good smoke
evil.... lol
be sold into slavery

Theme Song:
["Sound of Silence" by Disturbed
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YamiNoNeko2341
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YamiNoNeko2341 Ace Trainer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vashonn
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Vashonn 🇦🇧🇾🇸🇲🇦🇱 🇦🇧🇾🇸🇸 🇸🇴🇺🇱

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Gwevyl the Hooch

"Oi! Be a true laddy an' fetch me un' more a dem hard hitters!"

Short, stocky, and quite the protruding gut, even for Dwarven standards, with short braids that poke out form his heirloom iron helm and a great, flowing red beard that reached to the end of his chainmail shirt, with stained leather pants and gloves from either blood or booze.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kalleth
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Kalleth Let me tell you / a story friend...

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by QwertyYerty


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kerg
class: solider
race: Krogan
weapon proficiency: shotguns and assault rifles
gear: brought in on his person (krogan battle armor, claymore shotgun, strikker rifle, a stylized drawing of Stacy, a heart locket with Stacy's picture in it, which can only be opened by him)
Racial traits: Naturally very strong and durable they posse as the best warriors in the galaxy....if their blood rage did not get in the way leading to a injury causing a krogan to go beserk trying to kill every enemy or thing in their way.

Carry weight: very strong
Background: Unfocused, distractible, and tendency to think about interests for a long time (though no head for planning), Kerg is a bit unusual for a stereotypical Krogan. He is always loyal and trustworthy and has great desire to help his fellow Krogans. Hence why he signed up for infantry duty on his homeworld. However, he flunked out of training due to his poor memory and unfocused nature. Having no where else to turn, he did want many Krogans do and joined a mercenary squad, who is surprisingly bonded with despite his outwardly antisocial and quiet nature. However he was betrayed by his group on a mission, only to be saved by a human mercenary named Stacy via a tip off from her. After trapping and killing both of their respective squads, they ran with the remaining treasurary of each group and ran, making ends meet (and occasionally profit) from mercenary work. After getting outcompeted by their competitors on Illium in the Taigawa empire, they overhead a tourist on vacation from Oasisa, and decided to head there to get away from their competitors, clear their heads, and hopefully find some work. The call for assistance from the Oasisan Protectorate came as a pleasant surprise to them, as they are in much need of work. Kerg an Stacy are a couple (especially a battle couple).

Currently Kerg has been separated from the rest of the team, including Stacy, when Oasisa switched dimensions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Varicke
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Varicke Night Stalker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Military Commander of the Space Pirates and referred to by many as the 'Cunning God of Death', Ridley is a feared name to any space traveler who knows his reputation. He derives sickening amounts of pleasure and joy through the suffering and torment of others which has lead many to believe him to be the most evil force within his known galaxy. His only goal is to conquer.

Seemingly Immortal


Rich or Poor:
He takes what he wants by force

Military Commander

Cell regeneration via consumption of flesh, plasma breath, flight, immense strength,

Very little is known about the commander of the Space Pirates. His species is unknown and has since been hinted to be nearly extinct/eradicated. His past is unknown and he doesn't share anything about himself regarding it. The only things known about him is that he managed to rank up as military commander to the Space Pirates, he seeks the destruction of the Galactic Federation and that he wants nothing more than to rule over the galaxies.

Ridley is cunning and manipulative and can only be described as psychopathic. He feels no remorse or regret for his actions and will do anything and use anyone to get his way. His idea of fun is being as savage as he can muster, tormenting whatever he deems an inferior species and enacting brutality upon his enemies. Ridley is very narcissistic and believes himself to be superior to all; this can lead him to fatally underestimate his enemies.

Ridley is very skeletal and saurian in appearance with a tough exterior hide stretched taut over thick bones that can protect him from many machinery weapons. His large and powerful wings grant him flight and his claws, teeth as well as his tail can tear and rip through various types of metal. He is both quadrupedal and bipedal.

Torturing the weak, slaughtering innocents, talking about how great he is, complete and utter destruction, getting what he wants, being recognized as superior, winning,

Being defeated, being looked down on as weak, bounty hunters, not getting what he wants, being disrespected, being mocked, the Galactic Federation, being bothered, losing, failure, humans, chozo,

He'd like to think he has none.

Theme Song:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sans the skeleton

"do you wanna know what would've happened if she hadn't said anything.

Short physical description of your character, at least a paragraph.
Sans is a skeleton that stands about 5 foot 4, he wears a blue hoodie black shorts and pink slippers, he always wears a grin even if he is not happy, the way he carries himself around gives off a laid back attitude, he has white lights as eyes but they can go out to make sure his points get across, when he gets mad or fights someone seriously his right eye flashes from blue to yellow quickly with a blue flame coming from it

Older than papyrus


Occupation: snowdin sentry, scientist, comedienne, judge jury and executioner

Uses "shortcuts" witch is just teleportation, telekinesis, he can summon two thing magic bones that he can control and multiple gasterblasters which are as shown they shoot white hot beams of pure energy

very fast and can dodge very fast thing with easy, can remember time alterations such as loads and resets

He is a depressed skeleton who hides his depression under his jokes and puns. He is very caring for those who he calls friends. Just don't piss him off or you will have a bad time. Can read faces very well.

sans comes from a small town known as snowdin in the underground not many people know why or how he and his younger brother got there but him. He and his brother papyrus was made by there father W.D. Gaster and lived with him to the age of 16 when his father fell into the core and was wiped from the timeline. He is the only one how remembers him

Puns, ketchup, papyrus, frisk
Chara, people who make fun of papyrus (One of the QUICKEST ways to piss him off),flowey the flower
Papyrus dying
1 hp, tires in long fights, can't dodge forever
Just don't make him mad

Theme Song:
"Megalovania" by Toby fox
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shmektheshmuck
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Shmektheshmuck The Bird not the Fruit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dark Light
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleepyhollows
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Sleepyhollows Graceful~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


A princess from another galaxy. She appears human by appearance but she is another species. Eri posses alien powers and is quite wise. But don't let that fool you she is quite more than power and intelligence. She is flirtatious and enjoys to have fun.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aqua Fire
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Aqua Fire Phoinex=Dragon Rider / Midnight=Night Fury

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Copi (copy)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Weapon: None
Abbility: Turn into Dragon
Hobby: Yo-Yo, Meditation
Description: Copi was born like any other child, but when she was 9 years old, she was cursed. Her father, who was the King of the lands she lived in, banished her. An Old lady, who was a nice witch, took her in, and gave her a necklace that will cure her. The necklace gave her powers to turn into a dragon, but it also slightly corrupts the user. Copi used to be a sweet, kind girl, who saved little bunnies from hunters. Now, she uses her new powers to battle others. The witch tried to stop her, the more she got into it. The witch taught her meditation, which helped cool her spirit. Yo-Yoing also helps. The witch also gave Copi a ferret, whose name was Kit.
Human form

Dragon Form

Anything else?: Copi goes by the nickname Spirit, or Drago.
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