
"You look lost little child."
A mysterious wraith-like shadow creature which at first glimpse would seem like something you'd find wandering a haunted location or hiding under your bed at night. Three clawed fingers, a fading torso ending in a wispy tail, piercing green glowing eyes and a physical form that looks akin to black fire, one would think this was a villain you'd see in a children's book.
Male (Self proclaimed)
Rich or Poor:
He doesn't understand/care for currency
Being a necessary evil.
Green (neutral colour) fire, shadows/darkness, black magic, shape-shifting, flying, phasing through material, having no soul makes it impossible for him to die or for it to be taken,
Knutik can be very laid-back, very reserved or very aggressive and sometimes believes he's above consequences, that is until the harsh reality hits him. His personality varies extremely according to whatever emotion becomes most prominent for him which can be as ever changing as the weather or even influenced by the negative emotions of others around him. It's whatever this prominent emotion is that determines whether he's shy, fearful, dangerous or cocky and can be quite unpredictable. Knutik often hoards valuables he finds/steals and is extremely protective of his collection. Losing just one of his treasures can spurn him into an infuriated and agitated state. His treasures are safely hidden within his own created realm known as "The Neath".
Knutik is a physical being with powers, thus you can touch, feel and see him. He stands at 6 feet and 10 inches from head to wispy tail in his original wraith form and can be described to appear as though black fire is constantly but slowly dissipating off of him. Gravity affects him like any other physical thing, it's his use of magic that makes him fly. He is called a spirit because he is an animated being that doesn't inhabit a body, which lead many of his previous worshipers to believe him to be a stray soul trapped on the physical plane, which isn't actually true. He is physically made up of solid shadows that feel like cold silk to the touch and his 'heart' which behaves very much like a core is made up of fire. This fire is what produces the coloured glow to his eyes and mouth like a furnace within. Knutik isn't sure himself what the core is for since no matter what he shape-shifts into, it's always there. The only time it's not present is when he melts into the shadows. He discovered that the core transports to his realm during those times.
Shiny objects, knick-knacks, treasures, gemstones, ancient relics, tormenting humans, solace, tasty food, stealing, destroying things, fire,
Water, bright lights, being startled, losing his treasures, being unable to obtain a potential treasure, boredom, people who don't get easily intimidated, people who aren't scared of him, people who can defeat him, positive energy, 'heroes',
Focused light burns away his shadows, sensitivity to emotions can make him unpredictable, easily caught off guard, white/light magic can temporarily destroy him, extreme positive energy given off by emotions like joy, excitement or happiness is like poison to him and actually reverses his existence on a small degree.
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