Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: You two are good to go. :) If you choose to enter the church, you'll find the odd group of Liam, Amy, Aloise, and Hanson. Belladonna and Javier might recognize Hanson, since he went to Belladonna to ask about rituals before the apocalypse began. Anyone sensitive to auras will also be able to tell there's something off about Liam and Amy.

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: Hanson can't quite keep it together, laughing at Amy's long rant. "You really ought to do stand-up. Damn girl," he comments, watching as Amy sat back in the pew. Aloise, however, didn't find it nearly as humorous. She had a bad habit of taking everything seriously. "We'll need to fight the entities to get the--wait, you think I'm dead?" Aloise said, interrupting herself as she had started to answer Liam's question. "My uncle sold his soul to bring me back to life." He's in hell because of me was the unspoken end of that sentence. It was a bit of a sensitive subject for her, what her uncle had done. Sometimes she could joke about it, sometimes she couldn't. It was a process.

@Witch Cat @Nallore: Sylvia's spell is successful, though a bit painful to use her magic under such strain. And like this was coordinated or scripted, Sera drives the knife into the base of the undead's neck. However, that in itself doesn't do much. The attacker stumbles a bit, before reaching to pull the knife out. Like Katsumi said before she died, the brain's the thing.

@BlueSky44: Feel free to bring in Trevor now. Remember, the entire world seems to be going to hell. News reports flood the airways about the massive death and carnage, and a breaking update reveals that a similar chaos has broken out in the deep south. Whether Trevor is at home, his store, or hiding somewhere else, he's probably had not quite the best of days.

Mercurial Crypt

Location: Outside the Burning Building ---> City Hall
Interacting With: Eudora @Witch Cat

The witch seemed to be rather quiet, and that suited Mercurial's purposes perfectly well. She had a great-aunt several times removed who cut out her own tongue, in order to prove her innocence in a murder trial. The trial accounts were particularly riveting--the jury acquitted her, allowing her to murder twelve more people before she was finally put to death. Mercurial had written a piece about her when she was younger, accompanied with pictures of her great-aunt burning at the stake. Witches always tended to get rather creative deaths. Mercurial, of course, hoped that her death would be long and painful. She had been planning ahead for years, and if it was spoiled with something as painless as autoerotic asphyxiation, it would spoil her fun.

"Are you sensitive to the scent of charred flesh?" Mercurial asked, as they arrived at city hall. The disasters occurring in Altsoba all around them hardly phased the odd, morose girl. The petty fights with the creatures had lost their merit all too quickly, failing to interest her. Other horrors were far more deserving of her attention.

Waiting a moment for the witch's reply, Mercurial then put the gas mask on. She took great care to ensure her braids would not be caught in the fire. While some were able to pull off the burn victim look quite well, Mercurial had never found it to be particularly becoming on herself. She wished that scarred imperfections on her face would suit her, just as any little girl did, but it simply wasn't in the cards. And as her mother often reminded her, there was no need to chase imperfection. Her mother's own face and skin was perfect, void of any flaws, and she had found domestic bliss.

Of course, Mercurial found domesticity to be an opiate prescribed to the masses, in order to ensure their compliance with social customs and rules. Every tyrant needed some version of mind control. Only Mercurial refused to allow herself to fall into that trap. She preferred to carve her own path--literally--in the world. Taking a hold of the kerosene, Mercurial entered the city hall building, expertly placing splashes of it in order to ensure complete destruction. She made no effort to ensure the building was vacated, as it was against her purposes. A few rats brushed up against her leg, before scurrying off.

"Rats are such clever animals," Mercurial murmured, before igniting a single flame, and setting it down to spread. Calmly, without any sign of haste, she vacated the building, emerging just as the entire building went up in a fiery column of flames. She let out a content sigh, an eery smile plastered on her face. As her parents would not doubt proclaim, it wasn't just every day that Mercurial Crypt smiled. She smiled only on the most special and horrific of occasions, such as when she burnt her old summer camp to the ground.

Glancing back at the hobbling witch, Mercurial's smile fell, and she removed the gas mask from her face.

Jade Cornish

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Darren @Pundii

Jade raised an eyebrow as Darren opened fire. The last time one of them did that, they ended up in hell, getting them stuck into this entire mess. The ginger managed to dodge the first few bullets that flew at him, ducking his head this way and that, an insane laughter, almost animalistic, crawling out of his throat. However, one of Darren's bullets didn't miss, and then another hit, and another, and another. Eventually, while Jacen Sarbye collapsed at Darren's feet, the eerie smile plastered on his face, the angel blade fell to the floor with a clatter.

"Not a demon," Jade said plainly, picking the blade up from the floor. "But a bloody brilliant neurosurgeon who turned his sister into a killing machine." She wiped the blade on Jacen's head, before delicately nudging his body aside with her toe. The blade in one hand and her firearm in the other, Jade crept forward and peeked at the ghastly scene Jacen had just left. Sure enough, a blood soaked form was on the ground, its hand shimmering with pink, blue, and purple glitter.

"He had his sister steal this for him, and then he killed her," Jade mused, though she paused. She didn't understand why Jacen Sarbye went after this thing. Perhaps he had been possessed all along, as Darren would suggest, and knew he had to go after the blade when he had the chance to. Turning back to look at Darren, Jade realized that getting the angel blade hadn't been the only thing Darren had to accomplish, to keep her from going back to hell.

"Now we need to kill the grim reaper?" Jade asked, feeling a bit skeptical. As much as she wanted to avoid hell, she couldn't help but feel demons wouldn't ask Darren to kill death, if there wouldn't be some drastic consequences from it. It wasn't the time for shits and giggles anymore, she was certain. It was more about what would advance their weird, demonic cause. Her time in hell, dragging on for what had felt like an eternity, even though it was a few hours on earth, had taught her that. Demons were ruthless sadists.

But then again, she didn't much fancy the possibility that she would be sent back to hell. She wasn't a believer by any means, but if she could avoid burning alive in those flames for a little while, she'd take it. Darren had sentenced himself to hell to save her--but, of course, she figured he would have gone to hell anyways. All the best people seemed to do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange

Seraphina took a step back as she realized that she didn't aim for the brain, if it was a living person he would have certainly died from that alone but this guy was undead like a walker from the walking dead. She could hear Sylvia muttering or chanting something, she wasn't sure what. She watched as the knife was slowly pulled out of it's neck, Sera eyed her gun in the dead man's hand, she went forward as attempted to go for her handgun in it's hand.

Sera was groaning loudly as she felt a sharp pain going through her entire shoulder due to the bullet lodged in it, she looked over at Sylvia maybe she could buy the girl sometime for her to hopefully get out. Seraphina hoped that the undead wouldn't swing that knife at her, she started to try and kick at it's knees as hard as she could to try and hopefully to get the man to his knees and they could actually run out of the building.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trevor Martin

Location: His House
Interacting With: No one (on occasion the GM)

He has not had the best of days. Trevor spent most of his time hiding in his house and hoping that no one would come breaking in. He only has knowledge, nothing really physical when it comes to strengths, and right now, he wished that he had more strength in his body than his mind. Trevor looks up into the ceiling of his home, "Alright, I know there is some kind of crap that is going to probably kill me. Why hasn't it shown up yet?"

After there was no answer, Trevor looked around and started thinking of ways he could prepare himself if he needed to defend himself. His eyes wandered to the sword in its case. It was a true long sword, one he got at a medieval fair a few years ago. The thought of pulling it out was unheard of, but based on the crisis in Altsoba, he was perfectly fine with pulling it down and smashing it.

He felt better now that he had a sword, but he still felt like he shouldn't just sit around and wait for something to come to him, but he also didn't want to die. He pulled out a six sided die from his pocket, and rolled it. Deciding to leave it up to fate where he went. "Evens I leave the house, odds I stay. Well Oh great and powerful dice god person, where do I go from here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Shop
Interacting With: Sera (@Nallore)

A victorious grin spread across Sylvia’s face as if to say “Hah!” as the weapon flung out of the undead’s grip. However, her happiness was short-lived as the dull throb of the bullet wound grew once more into a sharp sting. The spell had taken much out of her and now she was doubled over, gasping weakly for air while she slowly stumbled back.

She managed to barely balance herself, holding firmly onto the wall as she shook away the strands of hair that fell in front of her face. She had a hard life, but not hard enough to allow her to shrug off a bullet wound. She brought her head up again, straining her neck as her muscles started to tense. The beast seemed to be momentarily distracted with a knife firmly lodged in it, it wasn’t enough to kill it but only to stagger it. Sylvia looked at the blade in her own hand and decided to take the risk.

She straightened herself again, her limbs were shaky as she twisted her body back, aiming the tip of the blade at the undead’s head. Sylvia was tired, shaky, and dehydrated. Her eyes were starting to lose focus as she struggled to hold on. All she needed was that one moment. That one moment of clarity and stillness to launch her blade. She took a deep breath and mid-heartbeat, she flung her arm forward. The sudden pain was immense, but she managed to let go of the blade as she brought her body forward. She staggered back, her breaths quick and panicked. She hoped all her carnival days paid off.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Interacting With: Mercurial (@Morose)

Eudora strangely enjoyed the silent walk. It was something she didn’t know she always wanted in her life. Just a quiet with somebody else at your side, however, knowing the person at her side was about to kill a building full of people wasn’t in her pleasant little fantasy, but Eudora didn’t let that bother her too much.

"Are you sensitive to the scent of charred flesh?"

Eudora faced the girl once again as she was pulled away from her thoughts, she took a few seconds to process the question. ”Me? Oh no deary, don’t worry I’ll be fine. My nose ain’t what it used to be.” she tried to laugh and could feel the girl’s disgust at it. But, Eudora learned to derive some pleasure from the girl’s disgust. Who didn’t love a bit of teasing?

As they finally were nearing the building, Eudora instinctively started to slow, but managed to keep up. She noticed crows circling in the corner of her eye, even mortals knew the significance of that omen. And for a moment, Eudora felt some pity for the soon-to-be-corpses. All these big men with big titles were about to be taken down by some lowly girl with an apathetic forest witch at her side.

Eudora didn’t do much as the girl splashed kerosene around the room, only occasionally going “oh” like some grandmother who stumbled into her grandchild’s messy room. What else was there to do? She felt like she was watching a car crash, unable to do anything and wanting to look away to only have morbid curiosity drag your eyes back at the scene. Eudora started to take an interest in this random girl and her motives. Was she part of a cult? Insane asylum escapee? So many possibilities, so many tales to tell her non-existent grandchildren.

She carefully sidestepped away from a puddle of burning gas, the smell of soot and fire poisoned her lungs as she stepped out of the building. ”What a mess.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy & Belladonna

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A Clusterfuck

Amy shook her head slightly as her fingers drummed along the wood of her bat. She had been told in the past she was funny but the thing was she wasn't intending to be, it was just her mouth had a mind of it's own and it seemed to kick into high gear when the shit hit the fan. Right then the shit had not only hit the fan but had traveled through the entire AC unit of the world and it was spraying everywhere and hitting everything - like a tidalwave splash from an erupting toilet some kid had dropped a cherry bomb in. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't fun, it wasn't exactly what Amy wanted to be dealing with right then.

"Sold his soul? Well isn't that a hell of a bargain, I wonder if you could have gotten a two for one soul deal if you had just checked the clearance racks of hell," Amy muttered before resting her hand against her chin. Shaking her head she leaned forward a bit. "Sorry bitch, I'm a doctor not bait for Rainbow Satan fishing," she said with a bit of a growl.

"A doctor you say? How absolutely marvelous," Belladonna chimed in from the doorway as she laced her fingers together before her. "Look my love, it seems we won't have to make an additional stop after all," she added in her cool voice as she laced her arm through Javiers and took a step forward. Her brows arcing dramatically as her eyes fell on Hanson. "It seems we meet again."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

Turning his gaze toward Amy, Liam found himself somewhat taken aback by her rant, in his mind, to say it was a little over the top would be an understatement. He could fairly easily tell the woman was fed up, he supposed that was bound to happen when you were the one Lucifer was trying to take control of. But as Liam listened to her, he couldn't help but feel she'd gone all 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest' - then again, in her situation, he doubted that would be an unrealistic or unexpected reaction to everything that was going on, by her or anything else.

For the time being though, he was certainly more comforted by Aloise's seriousness to everything, though her attention had of course been diverted by the doctors ranting as she spoke. The attention was snatched once more as the Crypts made their way into the church. Turning toward the two, Liam raised an eyebrow, noticing the weapons they brandished and how casually they walked, part of him wondered if they were demons, but knowing what he'd heard earlier, he realized that wasn't possible with where they were.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

As he finished firing, Darren sighed as he watched the madman's body drop to the floor. Hearing Jade explain what he had been, Darren shook his head, and couldn't find himself to give any particular remorse about the kill, in his mind, he got rid of monsters, and Jacen fell under that category. Watching as she picked up the blade, he glanced over it for a moment, it definitely looked more or less the same as the weapon Howard had, but he couldn't help but wonder why Jacen had stolen it.

Shaking the thought from his mind, he turned his gaze over to Jade as she asked her next question, unable to help but let out a soft chuckle. "No, not the grim reaper, for one individual to handle all the deaths in the world, that'd be way too much. Well, there's death, but that's different." He shrugged, watching her. "There's thousands of 'reapers' - they come and take the deads souls, usually you can't see them too well, and this is one of the few things that can kill 'em... Apparently." He said, nodding down toward the blade.

He shrugged his shoulders, reloading his shotgun. "If all this death'll be good for something, it'll be for bringing out reapers, if we're lucky, finding one won't be too hard, killing might be another matter."

Javier Crypt

Location: Crypt Manor
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Watching as the zombies' head rolled off its shoulders, Javier flicked the blood off his blade and slid it between the elbow of his jacket to clean it off, smirking over at Belladonna as he did so. "One must find many ways to enjoy the game of life and death, especially when the death part does not count to you, my dearest..." Glancing up to the Church as she spoke, he smirked and nodded his head once. "Of course, lead the way, love." He said, taking her arm gently as he followed her up to the Church.

As they made their way inside, Javier chuckled at his wife's words, nodding his head once. "How terribly convenient, I do love those coincidences..." He grinned as he twirled his blade idly in his hand, idly prodding the tip with his free finger, not minding as a trickle of blood slid down it from the same finger, a pleased grin spreading his lips.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Do you still cling to hope? Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones. In this town marked by closeness and friendship, with neighborly trust, hope is insufficient. It slips through your fingers just as quickly as you can grasp at it. Do you not believe me? Look around! Where are the pure and the innocent? Who among you can claim to have a just heart, a fair soul, a clean conscience?

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Are you any different from the Prince of Darkness? Is the one you fear, the one you call monster, is he not just a reflection of yourself? Amidst of this bloodshed, stop a moment and consider who you blame. How many lives has the devil claimed? How many lives have you claimed? The answer is unsettling, but do not fear! It has always been meant to be this way, right? It's always been a part of the ineffable plan...

Hasn't it? Doesn't everything intersect like a spiderweb? Burning buildings and angel blades and snarky doctors--are they not just pawns being moved in a game of chess, one that we all know how it will end? What is surprising? What is there to be afraid of, if we have already read the final chapter? Why is it we continue to fight? Why not just...give in?

@BlueSky44: Well. LLA rolled a 5 on your six-sided die. Trevor's die will do the same. However, he'll have heard the gunshots from the store nearby. The sounds of violence aren't stopping much just yet, it's enough to make anyone curious. Maybe he could phone the police? That's a good idea, right? Or perhaps the national guard? The FBI? There's CIA in town isn't there? Who knows what to do! Better think of something though, Trevor'll be getting more nervous the longer he stays in the shop...

@Witch Cat: "Does fiery extermination bother you?" Mercurial asks rather pointedly. Her gaze is unwavering, hawkish almost, as she stares down Eudora. Eudora may feel an almost unusual combination radiating nearby--if she focuses her inner eye, so to speak, she'll get an image of the Church. Some people of considerable magical talent are gathering there. Mercurial, however, won't move an inch until she has her answer. "It is misfortunate if it does. It's a noble death for witches, the stake. My great-aunt Calpurnia was burned alive for her acts."

@Pundii @Lady Amalthea: Aloise's patience is starting to run a bit thin. If it wasn't for the fact that Satan could easily swoop in and put Amy in an immense lifetime of pain, along with the rest of the world, she would have just left. "But that's just it....You're bait already," Aloise tried to explain. "Just depends if you want to be swallowed up by the fish, or have the thing gutted before it can gut you." Hanson, meanwhile, looked more than a bit uncomfortable as Belladonna and Javier entered the room. His eyes darted all around. "Mrs. Crypt...Javier...What brings you two here?"

@Pundii: "So....We're going to go look for some bloody stiffs?" Jade asked, blinking a bit in clarification. The entire prospect seemed a bit far fetched to her, but she shrugged and headed out of the prison, keeping her gun ready. The lights are still flickering, but there doesn't seem to be anyone around. As for where reapers could be, Darren missed the small window of oppurtonity with Jacen. Perhaps they should try somewhere where a lot of people died? Could still be one hanging around....Hang on, is that...smoke? Looks like it's coming from the town proper.

@Witch Cat @Nallore @BlueSky44: Yeah, so this happened....After that beautiful build up from Sylvia and Sera, where it seemed like they'd finally be able to save the day and save themselves, Sylvia's blade fell short. Her strength wasn't enough to drive it home, and instead of stabbing him, she more or less pushed the man over. Losing his balance, he fell backwards, and through the bloody wall. Seems the store next door was Trevor's. Funny how that works out, right? Anyways, he's more pissed than ever, and currently trying to get himself up off of the floor of the game store.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy & Belladonna

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A Clusterfuck

"Well why not do both? Can't I pull a fucking Sharknado? Let the fucker swallow me and then gut his ass from the inside out? There's gotta be a goddamn chainsaw around this hell hole somewhere," Amy said before rolling her eyes. Granted she was joking but only halfway so. There was plan A and plan B apparently, why not try a plan C - shit the devil wouldn't see coming. She was sure that someone or something like him would be expecting that she would either fold like some lemming and follow him or fight it and try to kill him. Would he really think outside of Pandora's box?

Belladonna turned her head to look over to her beloved. "I do adore when things line up like this," she said coolly before looking over towards Hanson and letting the corner of her mouth curl into a contemplative grin. "Collecting ingredients," she stated without emotion as she stepped away from her beloved husband over to the bath of holy water by the door and sweeping out a vial from her bag. Dipping into the water she let it fill slowly before looking over towards Amy and cocking her brows skyward. "If I could just get some of your blood, that would be marvelous."

Amy looked at Belladonna as if she had just lost her ever loving fucking mind. "Piss off!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange @BlueSky44 Trevor Martin

Seraphina watched as the knife was taken out of the undeadman's hand with no one taking it and went straight for Sylvia, that certainly wasn't normal. But then again she was just shot by a undead dude with her own handgun, then the knife was flung right back at the man Sera quickly let go and watched him stumble backwards and then crashing into the next store. Sera turned her head seeing someone was in the other building. "Hey dude get your ass out of there!" Sera yelled back towards Trevor, she quickly moved towards Sylvia she wasn't going to let the girl die it was her fault that she had been shot anyway.

Seraphina took off her jacket and pressed it firmly against Sylvia's chest looking at the girl with a concerned look. "C'mon lets get out of here hold onto me." Sera said as she watched the undead man struggling to get back up, from the sounds of everything he was super pissed off now. "Lets head to my car." Sera said as she helped the woman out of the store, she remembered driving past the hospital with everything that happened it didn't seem like it would be a good idea to even go there she wasn't even sure if there were more undead in the building or not.

Once they were back at her car Sera quickly opened the door and helped Sylvia inside of it she quickly got into the driver's seat, she winced loudly and groaned in pain holding her shoulder. "Happen to know somewhere safe to go in this fucked up town?" Seraphina asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sylvia Strange

Location: Shop → Outside
Interacting With: (@Nallore) (@BlueSky44)

Sylvia, for a second, felt hope as she saw that blade slice through the air. The blade was aiming directly at the thing’s head, so close to just ending it so quickly. She no longer felt the pain shooting through her body for that brief moment. But then, the knife fell.

It dipped slightly downward, her knife falling short. In an explosion of fury, Sylvia cursed herself with every unladylike word under the sun. The immense pain had returned too, causing her to bend over and press her weakened palm against the wound. Her warm blood spurted from between her fingers and Sylvia grew fainter by the second, Sera was a god sent when she hurried over to Sylvia’s side and helped her up.

Sylvia’s vision was growing fuzzy too, unable to think properly too as she was lead outside of the shop. She lazily threw her head back to view the scene, able to focus enough to see the creature crash through the wall, she let out a victorious moan of pain as she was herded inside the car.

"Happen to know somewhere safe to go in this fucked up town?"

Sylvia exhaled heavily as she turned to face her saviour, her eyes glassy and unfocused as she rolled back into a comfortable position in her seat. ”I...” her breathing was ragged and dry, Sylvia felt extremely thirsty and her stained shirt wasn’t doing much to brighten her mood.”I… I think the hospital is safe. Maybe a church. I don’t know, just step on the gas pedal already.”

She didn’t have the energy to speak above the whisper, she faced the window and looked outside, her lids drooping. She was so very tired.

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Outside
Interacting With: Merc. (@Morose)

"Does fiery extermination bother you?"

Eudora gazed back down at the girl. Not sneering at her but she wasn’t exactly smiling either. Every second she spent with this girl made her regret ever talking to her. Eudora was sure the girl was good at heart, probably some curse that turned her so… wrong.

"It is misfortunate if it does. It's a noble death for witches, the stake. My great-aunt Calpurnia was burned alive for her acts."

”I’m not looking to experience that anytime soon, sweet. Nor am I trying to bring that fate down on anyone else.” Eudora’s face turned stony as she spoke. She only meant to discourage the girl from trying to splash gasoline at her next, but she did truly want to help the girl. Save her from the monstrous hands that twisted her fresh and innocent mind. But something told her that this girl wasn’t going to let go easily. A troubling thought popped into Eudora’s mind too. Perhaps the little pyromaniac was a witch too, planning a spiritual attack on her. That would be an easy check. Eudora focused her vision not at the girl, but past her, trying to look deep within as she opened her mind up and-

Images of pews and crosses flashed in Eudora’s mind. Cathedrals, churches, power, witches, a mix of these seemingly polar opposite things. The vision grew clearer and stronger, she felt an energy swell in her as the vision became complete. She saw these important, yet faceless, figures gathering at a church. And just like that, the vision ended.

Eudora’s looked offset and worried. Mouth agape in an expression that screamed “huh”. She had finally found her new place of interest, and she felt just fine with abandoning the girl here to go off to the church. Not without asking for some directions first of course.

”Hey girl, do you know where the church is?” Why on Earth a demon child would care to remember where a church was located, Eudora didn’t know. Maybe she wanted to burn that place down next. She hoped she was able to reach there first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trevor Martin

Location: His shop
Interacting With: Sylvia@Witch Cat, Seraphina @Nallore

The gun shots startled him, and when the thing came through the wall, he grabbed his six sider and leapt onto his feet. He caught a glimpse of the two women on the other side, one was obviously injured, and the other one was yelling at him. "Thanks person truly rolling the dice, just what I needed. Some creepy thing flying through my wall," he said as he ran out of the shop and saw the two women heading for a nearby car. He was debating about whether he should go with them or not, but after looking back at the creep on the ground, it wasn't a hard choice.

He ran up to the car, "Mind if I join you? You guys don't look to be in any shape to drive," he said. The guy in the shop was still struggling around, and he hoped that the three of them could get away before he got up again, and that the two people who were injured weren't driving. He mumbled under his breath, "Hey Lady Luck, mind rolling a number that doesn't cause us to get killed? It would be really appreciated".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange @BlueSky44 Trevor Martin

As Seraphina was helping Sylvia getting settled into the car she looked at Sylvia's stomach seeing the large amount of blood staining her shirt she turned her attention back to Sylvia seeing the woman was about to pass out from the shock most likely. Sera lightly started tapping the woman's cheek to keep her awake. "Hey, stay awake for me talk to me." Sera said as she tried pinching Sylvia's cheek to keep her from passing out. She felt responsible for what happened to Kat and Sylvia she winced slightly as she held onto her bad shoulder, she felt light headed as well. "The church I think would be our best bet.." Sera said she would rather go to the hospital but knowing how things go usually there it would take forever and maybe someone at the church had medical experience.

She instantly jumped when the man from the other store came up to the two of them, she looked down at Sylvia and then her injured shoulder. She dug into her pocket and pulled out her car keys and tossed them to Trevor. "We are heading to the church." Sera said as she moved over towards the back seat, she then lowered Sylvia's seat till it was at a more reclined position. She pressed her jacket firmly down on Sylvia's chest with her good arm as much as she could. "The name's Seraphina and she's Sylvia by the way." Sera introduced herself to Trevor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Liam Matthews

Location: the Church
Interacting With: Aloise Zamora @Morose

As more people wandered inside, Liam couldn't help but feel perhaps more out of place, taking a step or two closer to Aloise, more out of instinct than anything else, he just watched the two. As Hanson spoke up he looked over to him, seemed he knew the two of them at least, perhaps they weren't all bad? Well, they certainly weren't normal, as Belladonna quickly established with her request later on, Liam suddenly feeling considerably more on edge as he took another step back, more or less trying to remain as quiet as possible, at that point, he wanted to avoid the center of attention.

Taking a seat on one of the pews, Liam sighed, it felt good to sit down, to just actually rest for a little bit as he relaxed there, well, relaxed as well as he could while on edge, while watching the two newcomers as if they were about to slice up the poor doctor just for a chance at her blood, as they seemed so intent on getting.

Darren Andrews

Location: Altsoba County Prison
Interacting With: Jade Cornish @Morose

Darren shrugged, chuckling somewhat at her explanation as he glanced over at her, tapping his thumb against the grip of his shotgun idly as he rested it against his shoulder. ""That's one way to put it, I suppose." He commented as he sighed, looking around for a moment, heading toward one of the windows to peer outside. "We're probably going to have better luck back in town... That might do it." He said, nodding toward the smoke beginning to billow up into the sky, shrugging as he looked back toward Jade.

Moving back toward the way they came, he glanced over at her. "Cmon, let's get going." He said as he wandered back down the halls the way they came and outside, heading toward the car to put his shotgun, and the angel blade back away, waiting for her before he climbed into the car and started it up, sighing as he began to make his way back toward the town. He couldn't help but consider just how much he was making this up as he went, sighing as he drove.

Javier Crypt

Location: The Church
Interacting With: Belladonna Crypt, @Lady Amalthea Mercurial Crypt @Morose

Grinning toward his beloved, Javier bowed his head somewhat toward Hanson as he moved closer. "So good to see you, my friend." He said as he let Belladonna slip from his grasp, resting the tip of his blade on the ground as he set his free hand on his hip, looking over those present with an almost fatherly grin, letting his dearest work on collecting her ingredients. At Amy's reluctance, he couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah, she does have a fire about herself, doesn't she, mi amor?" He grinned over to belladonna, his gaze shifting down toward Amy with an almost contemplative look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy & Belladonna

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A Clusterfuck

"How rude," Belladonna said as she stood there looking at Amy with a cruel expression crossing her lips and her eyes seeming to light up as her fingers unlaced and her hand went to the whip that rested on the curve of her hip. Turning her head ever so slightly she glanced towards Javier and nodded. "It does seem that she had a bit of fire to her and yet I wonder how much of it is misplaced. I only want some of her blood. It is not like I requested her to carve her own heart out but no thinking on it, that could come of use. The heart of a healer? Oh what potions I could brew with that," she said in an all too calm voice, as if she had just asked to purchase a gallon of milk and a pack of gum from the corner store.

Amy looked at the woman as if she had lost her mind, her fingers tightening on the bat in her lap as her other hand slipped into her pocket and fingered the ball she kept there. This woman was not getting her heart that was for sure and why in the world would she even want some of her blood? What was she a vampire? From the looks of it she could have been. The woman was walking around as if she had come from some halloween party and the man next to her was a polar opposite. They were one of those couples she would have hated to have show up in the ER that is for sure, people who looked like that always seemed to cause a problem and right then they were the last thing that she needed to deal with. She already have fucking Satan after her ass, granted it was a nice ass. She ran a lot and worked out. Sure, she wouldn't ever be called to do a video for Buns of Steel but shit, her rear was better than most.

"Why don't you go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of?" Amy spat as she stood up, gripping the bat in her hand as she eyed Belladonna and Javier. Belladonna just looked back over to Amy and actually chuckled a bit, a cold ice filled chuckle but a chuckle nonetheless.

"Oh the darkness, the muck, the cold dampness, rotting for all eternity," she said nearly breathlessly as she turned her attention back to Javier as she pulled herself closer to husband.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Some men aren't looking for anything logical...

They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with...

Some men just want to watch the world burn...

Not just anyone can contain an archangel. That's what he is, at the end of the day. Lucifer may have fallen, but he is still an angel, he is still one of God's favorites. Last time, Michael vanquished him, casting him down into hell. But the angels are silent, there is no hope coming from the heavens. Sariel has not reappeared after her duel with the devil.

Lucifer still seeks out Dr. Chang, the only one able to contain him. His other vessel has already disintegrated to ash. Like a deadly virus, or perhaps a dark cloud, his presence hangs over the town of Altsoba. He inspires the wicked and the cursed, hunting for a susceptible soul, one that might contain him for an hour, a day, a week--but none will last. The longer he is forced to search, the longer the world will live. But Lucifer can wait forever.

The people of Altsoba cannot. Remember those who have fallen, those who have already escaped this plight. Do their deaths matter, if the devil walks the earth? Perhaps they do. Perhaps our remaining few, those forced champions, will reap the devil. For he is an angel, is he not? He can be killed as one. The cage will seal him away, but it is not the only way. Good luck, my chosen ones...

You will need it.

@Lady Amalthea @Pundii: We rolled a 1, ladies and gents! Did that spook you? Yeah, it wasn't a "will you die roll?" but it was a roll nonetheless. The conversation is cut short, as the Church itself begins to groan and creak. The lights burst, little sparks falling gracefully down from the ceiling. The glass of the windows shatters, and a broken form appears. It is Sariel, covered in blood, with a shimmering silver substance leaking out of her eyes. "...Fuck. He's getting stronger," Hanson swore, before running over to the fallen angel. Aloise asists him, putting pressure on a gigantic stab wound. Those well versed in the supernatural may recognize Sariel as a lesser known archangel--a dying one at that. "It was a boy..." Sariel croaks, refuting Hanson's claim, before falling silent, her eyes wide.

"Mrs. Crypt, right?" Aloise asked, breathlessly. "You seem like a potions expert...Any idea how to fix this?" Hanson was out of his depth as well. No matter what those two did, the substance poured out of Sariel's eyes, despite the stab wound being in the stomach. Liam's guardian angel doesn't have much longer. But question is--what the hell happened to her? What, or rather who, would attack an archangel?

@Witch Cat: "Of course, the Church is not too far from here. I prefer churches with crypts myself, but this one is fine for the more piously minded," Mercurial answers briskly, before giving Eudora more specific directions as to how to get to the hotspot of activity, the church. Her eyes dart towards the sky, before glancing at Eudora. "I advise you tread carefully--the dark forces stop for none, as mother always said. Death at the hands of Lucifer is an excellent way to go--but I would regret not getting to see the full show."

@Pundii: Darren and Jade make it out of the prison okay, no more surprises. As they climb into the car, Jade will pause for a moment, frowning to herself. "Did you...hear that?" She glances around, but there is nothing to be found. Darren won't have heard anything. She shakes it off and shuts the door, but about halfway back to town, the car will stall. Lucky thing that Darren has mechanics for a skill, right? Darren will notice that the distributor cap is incredibly filthy--a bit of cleaning and it should work fine.

@BlueSky44 @Nallore @Witch Cat: Seems LLA decided to have mercy on you again today. You all make it to the Church, but the injured in your party aren't looking too well. Sylvia is definitely going to need emergency medical attention, for sure. Sera isn't looking too hot as well...But hey! Trevor's fine. That's good, right? Maybe there'll be someone inside the Church that can help but... What the fuck was that? Did you see that? The lights went out, the windows burst, all at once! Something is going on in there, for sure....Question is, are you willing to find out?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 30 min ago

Seraphina Adams

Location: Forgotten Relics -> The Church
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange @BlueSky44 Trevor Martin

As the car started off Sera held her injured shoulder she was starting to feel very dizzy from the blood loss, it wasn't bad since the bullet still lodge in her shoulder was holding back some of it. She had her other hand holding some pressure on Sylvia's wound, she looked over towards Trevor grateful that he was the one driving. The way that she was feeling right now she would have probably swerved and crashed into something by now. But her shoulder felt like it was on fire now as she shook her head to clear away some of the dizziness that she was feeling. "Thank you by the way." Seraphina said softly as the drive was pretty short they quickly made it to the church, she leaned back in the back seat of her car.

Sera looked at the church for a moment as she watched the glass suddenly shatter and the lights in the building went off as well, but it was weird that there wasn't any sort of explosion from when the glass shattered or from the lights going out. "I'm going to check it out make sure everything is okay in there..." Sera said groaning slightly as she opened the door and then climbed out of her car, she started to stumble slightly but she kept moving forward towards the door of the church. She looked towards the group that had been holed up inside of the church. "Is anyone a doctor?" Sera asked as she looked at the shattered glass on the floor and then towards the group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trevor Martin

Location: Church
Interacting With: Sylvia @Witch Cat, Seraphina @Nallore

He was thankful that Seraphina moved over to let him drive. He wasn't a medical doctor, but he could tell if someone was in no condition to do anything. He didn't talk to either one of the two, except when he introduced himself as he got in the car. "I'm Trevor, interesting way to be introduce to somebody, a guy who clearly wants to kill you comes crashing through the wall..." he said, but he stopped there, since the most important thing was that these two got medical help. He didn't understand anything about why they were going to a church, but he thought it best not to question her.

He pulled up to the church, and Seraphina climbed out, checking to see if it was clear. She was already gone before he could protest her leaving. With nothing to do but keep an eye on Sylvia, he looked over at her in the back seat. She was pale and definitely needed a doctor, but there was nothing he could do for her at the moment. He also wasn't the strongest, but didn't want to risk moving her for fear of hurting her even more. "Lady Luck, please be nice to us for once and actually help us out here?" he asked, staring out and around the area outside of the church.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy & Belladonna

Location: The Church
Interacting With: A Clusterfuck

Amy's attention was taken away fro the two love birds as more decided to show up. This was just getting better and better. At least this one seemed to actually need her skills. Keeping the bat close she rushed over and tried to get to work on him but it didn't seem to matter what she did, he just kept bleeding.

"What the fuck? Hemophiliac?" she muttered under her breath.

Belladonna let out a slow sigh before flicking her tongue over Javier's lips. "Just a moment my darling," she said in a sultry voice before she turned and gradually made her way over to the situation at hand. Glancing towards the blood and then to Amy and then back again she nodded.

"Yes but I will need to move this problem to my home and I will need that blood Dr. Chang," she said in a cool voice. Amy's eyes shot over to her.

"Cock juggling thunder cunt, fine. You can have a vial sample, once we get him to wherever the fuck your place is. 666 Hell Rd?"

"Number One Stealth Road actually."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Eudora Esmeralda Erebus

Location: Church
Interacting With: No one

Eudora bid the mysterious girl farewell, wishing her luck in her life but not actually saying it. She quickly picked up the girl hated pleasantries and found it best to restrain her goodbyes to a simple “Thank you, and bye”.

Eudora then left, slowly making her way to the church. The walk itself was uneventful, causing her to zone out. Her mind wandering made the trip feel seconds long and she was at the church before she knew it. She surveyed the building. Nothing about it seemed special or out of ordinary, but looks can be deceiving. Eudora noticed cars pulling up and people walking nearby too, seems like a lot of people were attracted to this place also. She shrugged and walked in, only to let out a shrill yelp immediately after as the windows burst in and glass shattered on the floor.

Eudora froze, wondering if she was the one who caused all of it. No, it couldn’t be, she was in control of her powers, it had to be something else, and that scared even more. She walked into the church, plunging herself into the sudden darkness as she called out, ”What happened here? Is everyone ok?”

Sylvia Strange

Location: Church
Interacting With: Trevor (@BlueSky44)

Sylvia drifted asleep a long time ago in that car ride, not noticing Trevor or the long drive, and simply remained sleeping peacefully in her wonderland. Of course, until she was jolted awake by the sudden shattering of glass and the scream of an old woman. She woke up dazed, her eyes glassy and she drunkenly looked around. Unsure of what was going on. She cursed quietly when she noticed the blood stain on her shirt, thankful the pain was almost gone at least. Perhaps that was just the adrenaline pumping through her. She got an even stronger dosage as he suddenly locked eyes with the man in the back seat, causing her eyes to widen and she snapped back to full alertness. She was about to shout and fight back before calming down as memories suddenly rushed in her. She saw blurry visions of Trevor back when she was half asleep, vaguely remembering Seph inviting him in.

”You’re… you’re Trevor right?” her voice was hoarse due to dehydration and she obviously was still tired, ”Yeah, yeah, that’s your name.” She looked out of the window, seeing the busted windows and darkness from within the church, ”Where’s Sera?” she asked in her half-drunken state, still looking around wide-eyed, ”We should go and help her...”
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