Basic Information
Full Name: Amber
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 24/08
Race: Fae
Alignment: Neutral

Hair Colour: Ginger
Eye Colour: Green
Face Shape: long, and soft-angled
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 122 cm/4"0
Weight: 20 kg/44 lbs
Body Type: Slender and delicate
Natural Markings: None
Scar(s): None
Tattoo(s): None

3 Words: Curiosity, mischief,entertainment
Like(s): Pranks, peace and quiet, nature
Dislike(s): Being given orders
Want(s): Has no goals but is always looking for ways to entertain herself
Fear(s): Capture by humans
Colour(s): Green
Time of Day: Sunrise
Food: strawberries
Animal: Woodpecker
Place in Terra: Lake of Terra

Skills and Attributes
Special ablilty/ies: Amber can use her magic to enchant animals and grow plants to a degree, though she channels this magic through melodies played on pan pipes
Good at...: Puzzles, riddles, games of chess or similar mind games. She has a good mind for problem solving.
Bad at...: Anything remotely physical
Good Habit(s):Compassion. A strong moral compass, and a nurturing, motherly nature towards animals of the forest.
Bad Habit(s): Loves to prank and cause mischief. Shows no respect to any humani unless that respect is earned. She has a mean streak a mile long when roused.

The Past
Fae tend not to gather in towns or cities. At best, you get a very small village, but more commonly, one family will live by themselves in a secluded home in the woods, often to next to a stream or small lake. Fae grew up with one such family, and as is also customary for her species, moved out to find her own home and a mate when she was ten years old.
The ever-growing humani population, however, coupled with many neutral parties wishing to move away from the cities and form new, smaller settlements, made finding a mate or a quiet place to live difficult, however, and Amber took to doing typical Fae mischief like souring their milk, making their pets and livestock go wild again, steal tools, that kind of thing.
As she got older, she noticed that her magic was very weak for a Fae's, and if she ever tried really hard to force it to work, it would explode out of her and cause her harm. While she pondered this dilemma one day, she came across an elf child playing a set of pan pipes. Amber sat and listened to her for hours, and the elf would smile and play just for her. The two kept this relationship up for weeks. No words spoken, so greetings, just music. One day, the naturally curious Amber asked if she could play the pan pipes for a while. The elf girl happily agreed, and when Amber started to play, the plants around her started to grow.
Their relationship lasted for several years, and in that time the elf girl taught Amber how to play these pan pipes expertly, and even gave her them as a gift. But, one day, the elf girl disappeared, and in her place was an elf woman, who wanted to travel the world and see where adventure would take her, so she disappeared from Amber's life, leaving her alone once again.
The Present
Amber is now in her own adulthood and her search for a mate, or even others of her species, has proved fruitless thus far, though she still gains pleasure from the occasional prank. She is more mature now, however, and understands more that her actions sometimes cause harm, so her pranks have gotten less...mean than they used to be.
Amber has become reliant on the pan pipes as the vessel in which she can focus her magic, though it's not clear whether his has amplified or limited her magic power. What she does know is that she can no longer use magic without the focus of a melody, even though the extent of her magical power over plant growth and animal behavior is fairly weak compared to what many other Faes or Elves would be capable of. She is simply too scared to try magic without the pipes anymore.