Aquila Camry

Basic Information
Full Name: Aquila Camry
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 17/03
Race: Corvi
Alignment: Neutral
Hair Colour: Brunette w/ highlights
Eye Colour: Amber
Face Shape: Diamond
Skin Tone: Blueish grey
Height: 180 cm | 5'11"
Weight: 77 kg | 170 lbs
Body Type: Muscular
Natural Markings: N/A
Scar(s): A small, inconspicuous line on his left forearm.
Tattoo(s): N/A
3 Words: Fickle, Inquisitive, Intellectual
Like(s): Literature, Exploration, Strange and peculiar objects.
Dislike(s): Uncleanliness, Physical restriction, Stormy weather.
Want(s): Fear(s): Somehow losing his ability of flight
Colour(s): Burgundy, Maroon
Time of Day: Sunrise
Food: Rodents
Animal: Rodent
Place in Terra: Aelarian Peninsula
Skills and Attributes
Special ablilty/ies: Good at...: Hunting; Whether it's hunting for treasure, or merely prey, once he has he eye set on something, very little can deter him from getting what he wants.
Bad at...: Keeping quiet; Whereas Aquila is unable to speak to other species, doesn't mean he can't make shrill, and downright annoying noises to express his displeasure with someone.
Good Habit(s): Getting things done; while his personality may fluctuate between hot and cold, his drive to get things done is second to none.
Bad Habit(s): It's safe to say, Aquila has OCD tendencies such as compulsively washing, hoarding, and an odd obsession with order and symmetry.
The Past
(Where was your character born? What was their childhood like? What did they do to get where they are now?)
[At least 3 paragraphs]
The Present
(Where are they now? What do they do? What do they hope to achieve?)
[At least 2 paragraphs]
(What specific memories of their past stick into their mind? Good and bad.)
[Can be in dot points]