Happy New Year! Now that holidays are over, we're going to move things along. I'm currently away on vacation with limited computer access but when I return home on Wednesday, I definitely want to put time in pushing this story forward.
What's everyone up to and when will we be seeing a post from you (especially those we haven't seen a post from)?
For the most part, we're a lenient gm team but we also want this story to thrive so please let us know you're still interested and willing to help us create an awesome story.
Thank you for your interest so far and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
@Wade Wilson Alright. We understand and appreciate you telling us. Take care of you and do what you got to do! You know where to find the majority of us. ^^
The GM team is taking a final role call of the writers in the role play. As this role play was designed with a 23 character limit, it is very important that our writers are active in the IC to help the story thrive. In an effort to keep this role play alive and well, we are asking for you to please state your intentions for this role play.
Please post a simple "I'm in!" below in the OOC to confirm that you are still interested in participating. If you are no longer interested, or have to drop the the role play for any reason, PLEASE tell us. If you are not comfortable stating your intentions in the OOC, please privately message myself, @lovely complex, or @Universorum
If you do not report your intentions to us by Saturday, Jan. 7th, you will be assumed as no longer participating, and your spot may be claimed by another writer.