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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Aron was calming down, but getting extremly happy about how things were currently going. The kisses held warmth and love. Then the eye contact....what eye contact he could do held more. He didn't want to be anywhere else right now. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and he probably had a faint blush going across his cheeks. Each kiss had him falling down a rabbit hole and as his forehead rested on Cody's once more he felt grounded.

He looked at Cody when he said his name and briefly wondered what he wanted to say. And then with three words he felt his heart nearly stop. H-he loved him? A smile took over his face and he gave a small kiss before pulling away. "I love you too" another kiss of excitement and happiness. It seemed so quick to be saying it but it was true.

His day certainly went from miserable to happy. He was so happy to be with Cody...so happy to hear those words. He felt like he was flying.


Gage held Syleste close and nodded. "Yes we can." he slowly pulled from the embrace. "I'm not going anywhere without you I'm just grabbing the stuff" he gently kissed her hand then gathered up the duffel and draped it on his shoulder then grabbed the basket before lacing his fingers with hers.

"Okay let's head over there" he then made his way to Cassandra with Syleste. He paused in front of Cassandra and Kaylee. "Oh....hi" he was still shirtless, but those walls of his shot back up faster then you could blink. His thumb gently rubbed Syleste's hand as he studied this new person.

He glanced at Cassandra now. "Do you mind if we join you? I think the rv is crowded" he had to admit while he would've gone in there if Syleste asked he would have been uncomfortable. Too many people in too small of a place. He seemed to be focused on Cassandra now though that wasn't to say he was completly ignoring the newbie. Simply he was focusing on one person at a time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Cody tightened his grip around Aron just slightly, pulling him closer, if that was possible. Aron was his, and he'd do all he could to protect him. Anything. He wasn't going to let Aron be hurt again, not if he could help it. He knew they probably didn't have much time before the others came, and he wanted just a little bit time alone with Aron. Who knew when they might get another chance? Once the others got here, it would be crowded. He wasn't thinking that, but merely...time alone.

He pulled them down to the ground so they could sit, barely letting his contact with Aron break. "Aron, I've had a crush on you since I came out...I wish always too terrifed to do anything...it was like...I just wouldn't have been able to take it, if...things didn't work out like they have...so...I'm not gonna let you go"

He gave Aron a soft smile, not sure what the future would bring, but sure he'd be more then happy with it all.


Cassie was watching Patrica, a little troubled by the presence of their teacher, still wondering why she was coming along. A little disturbed, Cassandra shifted a little awkwardly. Surely she couldn't have seen what she did? Yeah, they were nearly graduated and stuff, but....it...ick. She glanced away, back to Kaylee, and tried to put the thoughts out of her head, giving Kaylee a smile. The other girl seemed proccupied with the ute, and Cassandra wondered if kaylee had found someone in what was probably just a few days being there. If Cassandra had known, she would have offered Kaylee the chance to bring them along too. The more the merrier, right? It was probably too late now.

"They don't, I don't know why she's here...Riley must have invited her..." Cassie said, a little perturbed about it. "I don't think she has much of a life outside of school...maybe Riley felt sorry for her? We've never had adults along before..." She wondered what Patrica would do if they made it clear they didn't want a teacher around, but not wanting to cause trouble for Riley, Cassandra decided to let it be. For now. But...she thought there might be a talk with Riley coming up soon.

She turned her attention back towards Kaylee, and smiled again, "Great, sure, its yours, no doubt those two will want to sit together anyway" Cassandra hoped her car would be suited to the job, and that was wasn't about to have them stuck in the middle of the woods, with a hike towards the grounds. It reminded her to check she had the phone, and she patted her pocket, reassuring herself that it was there, as Gage and Syleste came over. She smiled brightly, happy to see them both...happy, although almost predictabbly, Gage closed off. That was to be expected, with Kaylee there. She hoped Kaylee wouldn't get offended. She tried to hide the grimace as she took in the scratches over Gages chest, her hands curling slightly.

That certainly was it. Cassie decided she'd do whatever she could to make their "Parents" pay. She drew in a slow breath, and let herself calm. No sense ruining the weekend. She nodded, "Sure thing. There's plenty of room. Did you guys want to head out now?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast -> Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @Vicier@twannyman@Caits@Damo021@rivaan@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Eviledd1984@Ambiguity

Riley sighed slightly when she didn't get a reply from her friend who she invited putting her phone away Riley got out of the RV as she looked around the group smiling at the group of friends that she had known for years. She then noticed the new face walking over towards Cassandra Riley looked back over towards Patricia giving her a slight smile. Riley then approached Kaylee and Cassandra as her friend introduced the newcomer to the group. "Nice to meet you i'm Riley as Cassie already said." She said as she extended her hand towards Kaylee giving the woman a genuine smile, Riley always liked to get to know new people all the time. And Riley didn't see this girl in town, she did remember that a couple of new people did buy some houses in town and assumed that Kaylee was apart of one of those families. Riley then looked over towards the RV, it would get pretty cramped in there.

"Anyway I think we are all set up, and we can get going, Cass just follow me there. See the rest of you guys at the lake." Riley smiled as she waved towards anyone who was going into the RV to join her, once they were all in Riley started to back out of the driveway of her home/business. Then Riley started to head down the road and drove up north on one of the roads that eventually turned to the dirt road that always led to the lake. A few minutes later the RV was finally at the lake, Riley drove over towards the shore of the lake and parked the RV. "Alright everyone lets get ready and unpack!" Riley got out of the RV first and opened up the side compartments and started pulling out the tents and other stuff to set up the campsite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Micheal had noticed a few more people walking over to where Cass was which made him tense up and wondering if was going to be seen,However easing his mind he knew that he would just look like a random person parked in his car. Staying in place for a moment before seeing all of them heading out of the RV and was now driving behind them also making sure not to be seen by them while driving and following them.

Stopping a few feet away making sure to look like he was parked some place else and look like a condescension.Getting out of the car for a moment cracking his back and was now going back in the car using a pair of binocular watching them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake campsite.
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley (& Micheal @Eviledd1984 sort of)

The camping group had gather and it was time to get going. Sure enough her friend drove the RV towards the campsite she was shown earlier. It was a good thing as Val watched through the window, enjoying the scenery as they were traveling. Luckily the town wasn't too far away and soon enough they had arrived. Without waiting for much suggestions, Val had already left the RV by the time it ahd stopped moving and was stretching on the nice fresh air. She liked nature... mostly. Places like this one were her favorites – tranquil, away from prying eyes, beautiful. It was a place worthy to spend time at.

Right away at Riley's statement, Val started to help out with the luggage and camping utilities as she pulled her big bag to the side and picking a tent, she started to quickly assemble it with quite a great efficiency at it too! After finally finishing the tent she was going to be using, she pulled her bag and placed it inside. Then she stood up, stretching her arms once more as she looked about the place.

Suddenly she felt an unease and quickly glared in a certain direction. Something was watching them and she could more or less make it's location. She couldn't make out it's nature from the treeline, but it looked metallic...car probably. So they had a stalker?

With a frown, she slowly looked away and walked over to Riley.” Riley, I'm pretty sure we first aren't alone out here and second someone's watching us.” The girl stated to her friend with a serious expression. She couldn't exactly claim the sensing the eyes on them argument, but she was capable of seeing the metallic sheen of the other party's car through the trees.” Want me to go see what's this about?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Micheal was still in the car seeing that one of the girls was talking to one another got him a bit worried,"Did they find me out?" He thought also thinking that perhaps he was being a bit paranoid but tried to relax himself somehow. Getting a pack of cigarettes lighting it and blowing some smoke rings out of the open window.

Micheal felt his hand shaking and hoping that he was not seen.Trying to stop himself form his hands shaking taking another puff of his cig.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @Vicier@Caits@Damo021@rivaan@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Eviledd1984

As Riley started fishing through the compartments and pulled out the various camping equipment and tents she started to quietly hum to herself as she started to slowly do her best to set up the tent. She looked around the area she didn't see the other's vehicles that they opted to take to save room in the RV. She wasn't sure what was actually taking them so long or why it was but she probably thought that they were getting some last minute things for now. As Riley looked up stopping for a moment as Valencia got her attention she looked around the surrounding trees she didn't see anyone as far as she could tell.

"Nah I think we should be fine, a lot of people do come up here to fish as well." Riley said with a slight shrug as she got up and headed into the RV where she had gotten her things and a sleeping bag as Riley came out she dropped it down onto the ground. Looking back towards Valencia and smiled at her friend for a moment. "If you can could you grab us some fire wood that way we can get the fire pit set up?" Riley asked as she found some nearby stones and large rocks as she started to set them up around in a circle where the fire pit will be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

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Patricia Isaac

She stretched her back slightly. She wondered if she was getting too old for riding this low bike. It was her pride and joy, but it did take it's toll on the body after a while. No matter though. Can't show that in front of the kids. Pat made her way over to the group and stood slightly in the outskirts, not wanting to seem like she was intruding. Perhaps it was not 'cool' to hang out with her? Who knows what kids think these days. Perhaps she was overthinking it all, and should approach the circle closer?

While she was trying to make up her mind Riley hopped into the RV along with the others riding in it and ended her inner monologue. She sighed inside of her head and closed the visor to hide her blush of embarrassment and got on the bike once again. She was a damn fool, that was as clear as the sky above. These kids, they put her out of her comfort zone now that it wasn't related to the school. It was a camping trip, where she would share a tent with her loved one. Not only that, but she'd have to hide it from everyone else. Pat knew they were all good kids and probably would not rat them out, but you never know, or who might show up during the trip.

Pat revved the bike a few times to get the motor back up to warmth before she slowly started driving after the RV. What would she not give for this to be a trip just with Riley? Taking a cruise on the bike along with a tent and essentials. Going somewhere where no one knew them for a week or so. Just being with each other. Waking up to Riley's lovely smile and a soft kiss.....

The bike bumped violently as she hit a root that sprawled across the road. She cursed loudly inside of her helmet. That could had ended up really badly. She had to focus on the here and now instead of dreaming away to a different world.

After a few minutes they arrived at the site and Pat sighed deeply and got off her bike. It would need a good cleaning after that road. Pat crouched down in front of the bike and inspected the wheel. "No damages..." she murmured to herself as she inspected the whole bike. A slight scrape was the only mark she could find, but that was fixable with some polish.

Pat stood up and opened up the seat compartment and took out some polish and three different rags along with a small bucket. She walked down to the lake and got some water before walking back to the bike and crouched down and started cleaning off the dirt and grime off her bike. After that it was time for the polish. It might seem silly to others, but it was one of her ways to drift off into her own world. To have no worries or cares in this one.

Kim Hansson

Today was taking a turn for the worse in her book. Or rather, it was like a rollercoaster. From good, to bad, to good, to bad. Hopefully it was going to end on a good note for her. She chuckled quietly. That was her life though in a nutshell. From shit to good to shit again, always up and down.

Kim slung the purse over her shoulder after closing it and looked around. Most of the people here were gone. Which she considered to be a good thing for the most part. Quieter, quiet was always a good thing. There was someone here though that caught her attention. A blonde lady, possibly slightly older than herself. Didn't she recognize here from somewhere? School? No, impossible. TV? Maybe. She had always been bad with recognizing faces.

But there was a strange pull from the woman. Something inside of herself told her that this one was special. Somehow it was, like, calling out to her. "Ouch." Kim scratched the scar on the back of her neck. It felt like it was burning, and itching a lot along with hurting a little.

It had not acted up for ages; why now? She didn't know, nor really did she care. But there was a....curiosity about it all. A thirst to know exactly why it happened now. She sighed to herself and slowly made her way over towards the woman. It burned a bit more the closer she got. Perhaps it was just placebo and she was imagining it all?

She bumped into the woman and there was a flash in front of her eyes. A picture of something, and a sharp pain in her scar. Kim felt confused, almost scared as she mumbled an excuse me and quickly made her exit from the café.

Kim got back into the car and rubbed the back of her neck before turning on the ignition and drove off back home. It was time to see what Maya was up to. If she was even there still. She might just had left already. Kim had taken a bit of time on this round trip after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Shutrongwood and Blake Strongwood


"Row row row the boat" she sang and looked in the back mirror of her car. Behind her in his seat was Blake sitting and smiling while playing with a plastic toy boat. He laughed and she enjoyed the sound. She looked at the road before her and saw the big sign: 'Welcome to Red lake'. She smiled a little absent and rolled her window down a bit.

"Mommy? Home?" Blake asked. Vanessa smiled and nodded. "Almost Big boy" Vanessa said. Only a little moment later she drove trough the streets that she practically grew up in. "Time to shock the he'll out of some people" she said and parked in front of Red Lake's Cafe.

There she turned of the engine and got out. She walked around the car and opened the back door to fund her son already trying to unbuckle himself. "Blake no.. You know mommy don't like that" she said but couldn't help to smile about the fact that he such a smart boy. "Mommy not drive.. Blake free" He said. Vanessa unbuckled him and lifted him up.

She put on her sunglasses and placed her son on the ground. He immediately grabbed her hand and held on to it tightly. Vanessa looked around and the lifted him up again, just so she could walk normally, and walked down the sideways and towards the door of the cafe. "First lunch, v8g boy" she said and walked into the cafe. She had been busy with Blake and so she had not noticed Riley's smell.. Not that she could even know the smell of the girl who was like a sister to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake campsite.
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley & Micheal @Eviledd1984

“I suppose...” Valencia replied with a shrug, throwing a vague glance in the direction she noticed the unwanted intruder. She didn't really think the same way as Riley though. If it was a fishing fan he wouldn't be staying all the way out there and away from the lake and if it was another camper, they'd not also stay all the way out there away from the camping spots around the lake. Yeah... she was going to need to go check that out.

“Sure, I will go grab some firewood. Just let me go grab a hatchet.” She replied with a smile and went to the camper to grab a camping utility tool. There were dying trees in the forest and she could always cut down a branch. With a swirl of her wrist she spun the hatchet and smiled before walking over to her tent to grab something also. She didn't bring much things, but she quickly put on her trusty incredibly heavy leather jacket that served as a standard hunting armor against claws and fangs.

With everything prepared she slowly walked into the woods before dashing and vanishing among the trees. She carefully circled around as she approached the car and eventually walked towards it, showing not too far from it. She had picked some drywood from the ground along the way to give her that camping/gathering wood look.”Ohhh...” She said as she 'noticed' the car.” Excuse me, do you need any help or something? Problems with the car?” She asked Micheal as well normally a car wouldn't simply be parked right there. In her hand she held her hatchet, in her belt there was a hidden silver knife and in her sleeve was a rolled up silver coated thin steel chain. Not to mention her gloves that had metal knuckles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Oh..fuck you scared the shit out of me lady" Micheal said now moving backwards falling over on the passenger's side of the car, Quickly getting up and straightening up staring at the woman that was with the group at first."No i am going hunting" He said showing the woman the hunting sniper beside him sitting upright on the passenger's side.

His other hand was hidden behind his side of the door holding a sawed off double barrel shotgun in case she gets too curious and he could get a good shot off,He was cursing himself on why he should have been more careful with his surroundings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @Vicier@Caits@Damo021@rivaan@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Eviledd1984

As Riley looked around she took out her phone seeing as she hadn't seen any of her friends up at the lake just yet she decided to send them a text to see if any of them were on their way at all.

"At the lake, where are you guys?"

Riley sighed slightly to herself as she ran a hand through her hair as she went back and continued to finish up setting up her tent as she watched Valencia disappearing off into the woods to gather the firewood. She wasn't sure who exactly was out there that Val had noticed, Riley shrugged slightly to herself as she went into the RV and started to grab the various snacks that she had bought with her the previous day. Riley then heard the revving of Patricia's motorcycle and saw her pulling up, she then noticed that the bike had gotten a scratch of some kind and saw her heading over towards the lake.

Riley started to slowly walk over towards the lake as well wanting to make sure that she was alright seeing that Patricia was holding some cleaning or polish stuff Riley gave Pat a soft smile and a gentle pat on her friend's shoulder. "Is your bike okay? I see a scratch on it." She didn't know when it happened she saw earlier that it wasn't there from earlier but she assumed it happened somehow while they were driving up to the lake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa & Blake Strongwood

Location: first red lake cafe then the B&B.

Interaction with: Blake Strongwood (Me), Riley by text & Rileys dad Seth. ( @Nallore )

Vanessa had ordered a simpel and quick late lunch at the café and ounce bots s he and her son were done, she paid and left. She walked back to her car, still parked before the B&B and picked her phone from her pocket.

"Shall I call or text" she mumbled while looking at Rileys number. Blake, hanging on his mom's back, looked over her shoulder and saw the picture of Riley. Vanessa had learned him the names of the people she loved most and he reached for his mother's phone. "Iley! Iley!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "Try again Blake, it's Riley.. R-iley" Vanessa said which made her son look silly at her. She decided that it would be hell of a shock for the teenager if she heard Blake on the background so she took a photo of the front of the B&B and wrote in a text:

Where the heck is my home coming party? ;) ps. Got a little surprise for when you are back from your trip. Xoxo V.

She hit send and then headed inside to meet up with Riley's dad, who she had called that morning for she went for the last bit of her trip to check if there was a room free for two. Upon entering the B&B she was first greeted by a dog, she dropped her bag and petted the dog. "Doggy Doggy doggy!" Blake exclaimed happy. He climbed down his mother's back and let the dog sniff from him. Not even Riley her parents knew from her son, so whenVanessa saw Rileys dad on the doorstep with a very confused and questioning look on his face. Vanessa smiled and shrugged. "Hey Seth.. Is Sarah home?" she asked a little sheepish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake campsite.
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley & Micheal @Eviledd1984

“I see...” Val replied with a calm face, analyzing the situation. Being as relaxed as she usually was, she then smiled. There was a good chance this fella here was planing something, but she'd deal with it if that time come. Until then there was no need to bother about it. Besides killing someone out in daylight was going to be a problem if it turned out he was not a supernatural. If he was... well she'd get a paycheck if nothing else.

“Well... this is near the camping area so hunting here's not permitted.” Valencia said and pointed down the road.” You can get to the hunting grounds down the road on the left by the fork.” She stated with a smile.” I'd have to ask you to go there if you wana hunt, otherwise I'd have to call the forest watch...” She explained before smiling once more and taking a step back before turning towards the woods again.” Well, I warned ya.” She stated before quite rapidly vanishing into the woods as fast as she appeared.

After meeting with the potential target, she returned to the campsite with a nice pile wood to burn for the campfire later. It was mostly gathered deadwood and branches that she chopped with the hatchet.” Riley, wood's secured and I'd like for you to advise everyone to not wander away from the campsite.” Val said to Riley with serious expression.” While gathering wood, I did meet a stopped vehicle with a man there... with binoculars and hunting rifle... claimed he was going to hunt, but I kind of don't trust him about that. It's not exactly hunting season right now. I will be calling the foresters in a little while just in case.” She explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Stupid bitch..." Micheal said to himself shaking his head and was now moving his car out of sight form the others, Cursing himself that he could not come up with a good lie getting onto a side road and trying to find a good parking spot for his car. Eventually finding a spot for parking and locking his car after putting his gun in a safe spot being the truck of his car. Heading out into the forest with a camera now crouch walking around taking some photo's of animals and the group making sure he was not seen again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @rivaan@Zhaliora@Eviledd1984@BeautifulSnow

When Riley didn't get a reply from the others she sighed and just decided to ignore them, they wanted to go and yet none of them have shown up yet, so it was just her Val and Pat up at the lake right now. She turned to look over at Valencia as she came out with the firewood she smiled as she finished up setting the fire pit. "Thank you, and I don't think there is any need, seems like the others aren't coming they should have been here by now." Riley said sadly noting the other person that was there in the woods nearby she shrugged slightly there were always hunters that hunted off season.

"It's fine you shouldn't waste battery power on calling the police on him it's common out here anyway with the off hunting season." Riley said with a slight shrug then she felt her phone vibrate once again and opened it. Her face lit up seeing that it was a text from Vanessa, one of her best friends was back in town and quickly started to text her. 'I'm at the lake please come, the others seem to have ditched us.' Riley hit send.

Seth looked up he was sitting on the porch taking a little break and relaxing the afternoon, he saw a car pull up and saw that it was Vanessa and a little boy on her back. "Sarah has gone to work sadly and Riley is at the camp site right now if you want to join her." He answered smiling at the little boy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa & Blake Strongwood

Location: B&B, then the lake.

Interaction with: Blake Strongwood (Me), Riley by text & Rileys dad Seth. ( @Nallore)

Vanessa nodded to what Seth said. "Cool.. Yeah I tested her" she said right when her phone beeped. She checked her text and smiled. "Just got a inventation for joining there.. But I can't leave Blake.." she said. She saw the look on Seth's face. "Believe Me Seth.. he is a pain with sleeping. He only sleeps when I'm around.. But I could go for a few hours maybe" She said.

Blake was only having attention for the dog and Vanessa smiled. She thought of the full moon.. She couldn't leave Blake alone, he might not change but he did fuzz all night and would be a hand full if he wasn't near his mother.

She grabbed her phone and texted Riley: "I can come over but I dont know how long I stay. See ya in a hour".

She smiled at Seth and once he told her which room was hers she grabbed her and Blake his bags and brought them there. She packed the baby wipes, a set of clean clothes for Blake and a set of clothes for herself. "Looks like I am not staying here my first night Seth.. I'm gonna show Blake Red Lake the way my grandpa showed me. First night in the woods" she said.

Blake heard woods and Winston was forgotten right away. "Woods, woods, woods!" the boy said. Soon after that, Vanessa had Blake buckled up in the car and she started her drive towards the lake where Riley was with the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

"Yeah, it's ok. I just need to polish and fix it a little bit, hopefully." Pat smiled and blew a kiss up towards Riley since no one really was around. "If nothing else I'll have to get it repainted, but that I can mainly do myself if I find the right colours for it. Might just put some racing stripes on it," she said and laughed. She turned towards the bike and polished the mark a little more to see how big the damage was. It wasn't that bad, thank goodness.

Pat got up after a little while and walked over to their tent. She wondered if this would even be needed any longer. But that didn't matter. Perhaps they would show up soon enough? She zipped the entrance and changed into a swimsuit. Pat looked down her body for a moment and felt quite uncomfortable but then shook her head and unzipped the entrance and walked out.

"I'll be on the beach if you need me Riley," she said and walked down to the water and laid down. Pat looked around for a moment. "There's only girls here," she said quietly before untying the back of the top and exposed her back to the warm sun. It had felt like ages since she last sunbathed since her ex was not really into that at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa & Blake Strongwood

Location: The camp site.

Interaction with: Blake Strongwood (Me), Riley ( @Nallore), All the others @Zhaliora, @rivaan

Vanessa took a short cut that not many people knew and within fifty minutes, she was close to the campsite. She got out of her pick-up and opened the door to the back seat. ''Stay close Blake'' she said to the boy, but she knew that she would be talking to a deaf boy right now. lucky for her she had this special thing she could use to call him back. She picked him out of his chair and placed him on the ground. ''Big wooooods'' the boy said. ''Yes, now wait a moment, we are gonna meet Riley'' she said. Blake was already walking around and climbed over a fallen tree.

Vanessa soon grabbed their stuff and closed off her truck. She followed her hearing and the sent of her boy. Maybe he was only three years, but he was fast. Especially in the woods. She soon found him and grabbed him around his waist. He looked up and she gave him a certain look, he felt what his mother meant and then just hang there. Vanessa soon found the campsite. ''Okay, I am gonna put you down... Run to the girl with the red hair'' Vanessa said in a whisper to her son. Blake nodded and once putted back on his feet, he started running. ''Iley!!!!!!'' he shouted and Vanessa walked after him. ''Really Blake.. Say her name right for once please'' she said as she walked into the camp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: Red Lake campsite.
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley, @Zhaliora Patricia & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

“Fine...” Val replied to Riley, not exactly convinced or agreeing with her, but still deciding to listen to her friend and not call the authorities here. Calling them would more or less stop the nice time they'd have so that was a huge minus on the situation. She sighed and looked around the clearing. She should have just neutralized him... give him a beating and then call the police about drunk fallen asleep or something. She sighed and walked over to her tent, quickly hopping inside it.

Without closing up the front of the tent she quickly took off her jacket and threw it on her bag. With only her corsait like top on, she quickly took off her gloves with silver metal knuckles and the long thin chain that was wrapped around her right wrist.

When she exited her tent, she could feel the nice cool air and the sun on her bare arms. It was refreshing despite the fact her scars were showing, but she had long since gotten used to walking around with them. The only other strange distinguishing feature was the tracking bracelet on her left wrist - A feature lots of hunters had.

Without wasting much time afterwards she followed Patricia to the lake's edge and quickly found herself a nice tall tree with big branches and quickly started to climb up, moments later she was at the very end of the long sturdy branch, not far from Patricia.” Hey, I told Riley to warn the rest, but she was kind of busy, so I will do it. Don't venture away from the camp more than this. I'm not sure it's safe.” She said with a smile, laying on the branch, almost like a cat, before she noticed a newly arriving personas.

This must have been Vanessa, Riley's friend. She had a kid too! Valencia smiled, she liked kids, doing the quick mental calculations, she decided meeting Vanessa and Blake was of bigger importance than lazying on a tree, so she basically jumped down with a spin and landed on both her legs and a hand with great flexibility. Afterwards she started walking over to the new arrivals.
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