Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claire (NPC)
Amalgam University
@Sho Minazuki @floodtalon @Alder @I-Am-X

As Claire started to pick up the books scattered upon the floor, soon the two teens had joined her in picking them up for her. Seeing their generosity placed a delighted smile upon her lips then slightly giggling at their little quarrel. "I apologize for the trouble but I'm grateful for your help nonetheless! It's a pleasure to meet you, York and Talonite. My name is Claire and well... Rather than a Pokemon trainer, I'm a nurse in training from Kalos." Slowly stacking the books she had picked up on top of the other, the nurse was asked a question while doing so.

Oh boy, asking someone who gets lost as often as Claire how they ended up on the right track is always a long and interesting story to tell but she decided a shortened version would suffice. "Why, yes I was the nurse handling the healing station back at the laboratory. That's a very good question Talonite, but to sum it up, a kind female officer decided it was easier to guide me to my destination by simply letting me on her motorcycle." It wasn't the first time someone had given up on her terrible sense of direction nor will it be the last.

Once the fallen books were mostly picked up, another teen had offered to help picking up the last of the books to which Claire smiled. "Thank you for your help, we're almost done here--" CRASH. THUD. THUMP. Another unfortunate accident. This time, a female (?) student crashed onto her which caused Claire to bump her head against York. What happened to the books which were finally stacked upon her arms? All over the place. Dizzy from the train wreck of an accident that was, the nurse could literally feel her eyes spinning. "Uhhh.... Co-Could a Pokemon be using Swift? I-I think I'm seeing stars..."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: Forest -> Route 9
Bearginnings of Maria Boadicea

GM:@Sho Minazuki

Francis fly up readying himself to strike with another quick attack or peck the moment his trainer said the word. But instead of being given a order his trainer healed the old eevee. And in that time Francis watched as another hammer arm landed, the heart shaped voice laser landed as well. Watching this he wished he could join with some flames of his own. Their opponent started to retreat and after a dirty look he was gone.

They won.

He won.

Francis made a loop in the the air and started quite happily to chip in victory. Landing just in time on Dans shoulder. Sure he was tired and spent, but as well unlimited happy and proud with himself.

After Danilo healed the leader eevee he witnessed the end of the fight. It was good it ended, as well as thankful the girls covered him while he did the healing. He picked up all his things, the bag and his staff mainly. Watching amusingly as the leader more than obviously scolded the young eevees for the trouble and behaviour. It was such a sweet ending of this story, happy endings always gave him a warm feeling. He turned and was about to set on the way back to the route number... Was it seven or nine or eleven? It must have been one of those numbers. He couldnt any longer remember. Not to get lost Danilo was about to simple tag after Ruby sure she must know the way back to Ven.

It was then something brushed by his leg and he looked down, with one hand holding his hat from falling off. One of the eevees stared at him, her ears slightly twitching as her tail stood proud. She appeared eager and simple said: "Eevee." Francis responded with a overjoyed chip and fly from Dans shoulder down to land in front of her. Danilo knew what would make his little bird this happy.
"My energetic lady am I to presume you wish to join our journey of discovery, adventure and unraveling of mystery?" That definitely exited the Eevee further, jumping in place before she nodded. "Then in Francis and my own name Danilo, I would feel blessed to share the raise to a shining star with you." He made a bow to the Eevee and Francis chipped, making a bow of his own to imitate his trainer manners.

She grinned this was already a lot more interesting than staying in the forest.

"Ah, we need to give you a appropriate name before anything. A name that will be gleaming in the mass, and echo the beauty and strength of your very soul. Lets see, lets see." And Danilos attention fully zoomed on his newest poke friend. The world didnt exist to the red head as he started to circle the normal type. Observing her from every angle and occasionally muttering things along, not good enough. Not fitting enough. Too bland, too overused, too common. After three circles Danilo clasped his hands together.

"I have found it."

She looked up in anticipation of what her name will be. Wondering if the name will give away what evolution her trainer would prefer.

"Maria." He said and she blinked, tilting her head. But Danilo raised his staff and continued speaking. "Exactly, I was thinking it would be too bland, like eating a meal without any salt or spice. Thats why your full name shall be Maria Boadicea. The name Boadicea has roots from the word victory, so your name would mean Maria the Victorious. Stunting. As well it has a melodic sound dont you think. Maria Boadicea, Boadicea Maria. Its a eye catching name. Do you enjoy it?" Danilo asked and she thought for a few moments about it, it did sound really nice. It sounded big and important. She once more nodded.

With that settled in Danilos hand appeared a pokeball,nearly as if it was a magic trick and he kneed down on one knee in front of her holding the hand with the pokeball towards her, while he put the staff across his knee. "Then from today on Maria Boadicea I, Danilo Suviol, wish to be your trainer. Will you be my pokemon partner."

Francis was standing by the side and a tear of happiness shred from his eyes. He chipped a few times, this was so touching.

Maria laughed and with a grin she bumped her head against the ball, the light wrapped around her and pulled her inside. The pokeball shock once, twice, three and the stars appeared. The pokedex in Danilos bag, behind him pinged informing him of the successful capture. He stood up, and leaning on his staff he called his newest poke friend out. "Come forth Maria Boadicea!"

Danilo picked his back and with Maria and Francis by his side he followed the girls back to the route whatever the number was. He softly hummed quite overjoyed with his first catch. Putting the events down to memory as the story was fascinating, Danilo walked on auto pilot following the sparkling pink and ice blue wherever they lead him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

- Forest off of Route 9

With great team work, the three finally managed to send the Ursaring running. Of course, Elekid was wearing a smug expression while gloating a bit over his efforts. With a sigh, her attention soon turned towards the Eevees, where the 2 younger ones were being scolded by the leader for their actions. Though, it was clear it was done out of worry and affection, so it brought a smile to Lucy's face. Spacing out thinking about the race they never got to finish, Elekid noticed the sound of footsteps from behind them.

Behind them was a Eevee with a berry in it's mouth, dropping it as it looked at them. It didn't take long to notice that this was the same Eevee from before, one they challenged to a race. Lucy couldn't help but laugh. "Well, you sure beat us. Shame we couldn't finish but we never did get the berry back. Not that Zap would openly admit it..." having said that, Zap looks at Lucy, giving her a look that could very well mean 'I can admit when I lose...' though, the look afterwords wasn't very convincing.

"Say, thought i'd at least ask, but, how would you like to join us?" Her head perked up, seems like a good enough sigh. Continuing, "We'll get to see many different places and we can race and have fun whenever you want, I'm sure zap would appreciate another competitor to our little contests. Plus, he doesn't really have friends, and wouldn't have to mumble to himself so often, so there's that to." she barely resisted the urge to laugh before getting punched by Elekid, who didn't exactly appreciate that.

Comedy routine aside, "So, how about it? Would you like to be our friend?" With a happy yip in confirmation, Lucy was ecstatic. She always did want one for so long, now she finally has one. "Hmm, but first you'll need a name..." Pausing for a moment, "How about Glacia?" Zap facepalmed, knowing exactly where this name was coming from. But despite his reaction, the little Eevee seemed to approve of it, so all well that ends well.

Taking out a pokeball, "It's nice to have you on board, Glacia. We're going to have lots of fun, guarenteed!" she beamed as she lightly tossed the pokeball into the air as the Eevee lowered its head and allowed the pokeball to touch and catch it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Broyeabro
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago



As Ryzin finishes talking with the old man, he proceeds to thank him for the help and notions Totodile to follow him outside. Upon exiting the university Ryzin says to Totodile, "hey you know maybe we should try a little training while were here, maybe pay a visit to the pokemon center while were at it?", Totodile looks at him giving a little flex and smiles, "alright lets go buddy".

They walk around for a bit finally discovering the pokemon center, upon which they notice a small park out the back, "hey Totodile lets go in there and do some training".
As they enter the park they walk to the back looking around making sure no one is going to interrupt."Ok Totodile, lets start with some water gun on that rock there, come on lets see what you got".Totodile puffs up taking a deep breath and lets out a few water guns, with decent power. "Nice work Totodile!, now lets try and change targets, lets say first the rock, then those two trees, then the rock again, then we will try some rapid fire sets aye, but remember to watch your aim...its important!".Totodile gives a cheeky salute and gets to work.

A couple hours pass and they decide to take a break. "Nice work today Totodile I think your gonna be a bit of a sharpshooter soon, if you didn't miss here and there, but hey its called training for a reason". Totodile gives a cold stare, "oh come on buddy you know i'm joking, by the way I noticed when we were walking around a few people had nicknames for there pokemon, I was wondering if you wanted one?". Totodile looks over at him with a happy smile, eyes wide and nods, "alright lets see here, what would be a fitting name for you. OOOOHHH! I got it, my mum used to tell me stories about this river goddess, what was she called again, Ohh thats right Dea Marica, so lets say we call you Dm, what do you think?", Totodile stands, looks Ryzin in the eyes and strikes her super hero pose smiling with pride,"i'm just going to take that as a yes then".

With all that settled they wonder into the pokemon center, rest up for a few hours and let Nurse Joy check over Dm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sadie Hill

Interacting With :
GM : @floodtalon
Location : Amalgam University

Sadie had woken up early that morning. When she woke she noticed that Leo had not come back. Chance and Lusitania were both still asleep so Sadie did a quick early morning training session with Gigaton and Goopy. They trained for a good while but she assumed that it was still only around 8. She looked to the tents that held her companions and decided to just leave them a note that she was going on ahead.

Sadie wrote in the note that she wanted to get to Amalgam sooner rather than later and that when they caught up that she would still be there. After leaving the note in a spot they could find it she packed up her things and headed out. It was a quiet journey to the university. She hoped that she could find some cute Pokemon to use for contest while in the area.

When she finally arrived she was stunned by the sheer size of the place. It was amazing and there were so many people. Sadie started walking around looking for someone to ask what all there is for a travelling trainer to do around here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Route 9 => Brittanium City
@I-Am-X @TalijaKey @itano123 @Sho Minazuki

As the misty terrain cleared, Ruby took a glimpse of the Ursaring's intimidating glare until it turned and ran away. It took a couple of minutes to make sure it was all done till the tension in the air calmed. Ruby and her partner Berry looked at each other, paused, then gleefully smiled at each other. Glorious victory! "Hooray, we won~! But of course, one should not expect less from Ruby and Berry!" The two literally jumped in joy at their first victory, and their first real battle at that!

The idol-ish girl's eyes lit up as an idea struck her at the moment. "Like every idol, Ruby needs a victory pose, how about this?~" Flicking her strawberry blond hair with one hand, Ruby made a quick spin in place and struck a bold pose with her award winning innocent smile as the cherry on top. The Sylveon barked and wagged her tail excitedly at the posing, jumping and spinning herself. Taking that as a positive reaction, the master picked her partner up to give a well deserved petting. "Berry shined brightly out there, Ruby is super proud to be her partner~" Berry nuzzled against her master's hand with happy barks, pleased by the attention she was receiving.

The two pinky partners were ready to leave the forest and head back to Ven (who missed all the action!) when their two companions were stopped by... the two Eevees? A giggle escaped from the lips which were now beaming a twisted smile. 'Ehehehe...~ I still owe them some.... scolding, don't I?' Berry was not able to read minds but just by the expression on her master's face, she was afraid. Very afraid for the poor younglings. Before Ruby could do anything, the both of them were captured and placed into the Pokeballs of her companions. If the two bothered to look forward where Ruby was, they would've seen that she had on a pouty expression before forwarding quickly towards the exit of the forest.

It didn't take too long for the gang to reach the outskirts of the city after some gloating and retelling of what had transpired when the three of them entered the forest. Huge commercial buildings stood before them and within the jungle of buildings were cars and masses of people and Pokemom, busy making their way to work, shops, home and the like. This was the sort of environment Ruby grew up in, she knew all the hot spots and the nots, where one could find this and what each shops could offer. This was central Brittanium City, where everyone lead a hustle bustle life with all its shopping options it offered and commercial buildings where people worked.

Her home and at the same time her mother's Pokemon grooming shop was found within the area but before introducing her new fans friends to her mother, Ruby decided to give a quick tour. A tour, by definition it was such but it was specifically more of a 'quick tour to Ruby's choice wardrobe shops' plus tips. The shop over here was where she would find all sorts of beautiful shoes and high heels she would wear for her future Pokemon contest performances. Oh oh and the shop down the block has all the must have cosmetics for human and Pokemon performers alike. Don't get her started on the jewelry shop across that, Ruby could go on forever about the glimmering trinkets the shop has to offer and at a dirt cheap price at that!

...... Whether or not her companions caught up to the quick pacing of her clicking high heels, Ruby went on and on before Berry had to trail down the companions who were lost to the crowd. This included Ven of course, who seemed apparently culture shocked to the place or was that an excuse to escape from the yandere loli? No one knows. The sun was lowering down the horizon as the sky dyed itself a crimson color. Figuring it was time to retreat to her house for the day, or at least take some rest to settle down, the city girl led her companions to her house.

"Please, come in and make yourself at home!" The young mother greeted Ruby's companions and invited them in willingly after a quick explanation from her daughter about her new friends. There was no fuss about 'No boys in the house!' but the pinkette mother led the group to two rooms, one being Ruby's and the other, a guest room. "It has been awhile since Ruby last invited her friends over and I'm truly glad she already made new ones! All of you must be thirsty, let me fetch some juice and some berry juice for your Pokemon." And with that, the four were left to do whatever they pleased for the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The group continued on their way down the route, the ruins slowly starting to rise above them as they got closer and closer. The trees and bushes started thinning out as they approached the carved slabs of rock and rubble, the scientists like insects to the eroded walls of the ruins. The amount of the structure missing was disappointing though, as any clue to the past was a valuable one to the variable horde of researches crawling about the ruins. Novis couldn't remember an awful lot about the Zamak Ruins' hypothesized history and what said researchers were even looking for, but it sure did look cool with its cool grey contrasted with the ocean of muddy green and sand. Apparently there were ruins very similar it in other regions, but Novis didn't care enough to think too hard about that.

It was as the group was standing there like all the other tourists, soaking in the view of the ruins, that they were at their most vulnerable. Before anyone even knew what was happening, a band of Mankey burst out from the woodwork and rushed the three trainers. Nier started barking at the monkeys before the wild Pokemon could get their hands on anything, but one of them blindsided Nov just as he ordered Nier to use Ember. It leaped onto Nov's shoulders and covered his eyes, and in a blind panic, stumbled backwards. Another Mankey pushed out Nov's legs from behind, sending the teen crashing into the ground. A cloud of dust whipped up from all the commotion, further obscuring the action. By the time Nov could get back on his feet, throwing off Mankey after Mankey to do so, the mugging was already starting to end as some of the monkeys started high-tailing it. Nov let out an angry yell and kicked a Mankey off of Nier's back, the small dog growling with vitriol. "Shove off, you pieces of...!" Nov called out after a particular Mankey that was laughing at them. But as they focused on the taunt, another one of the Mankeys dashed out from behind them again, this time knocking into Nov and swiping his backpack right off his shoulders.

While it dashed away, it pulled out the Fire Stone that he had just stolen acquired and looked at it for a second. It was pretty cool looking, but upon noticing Nov's old sandwich, it threw away the stone and Nov's backpack before scampering off with just the sandwich. Having ransacked all their belongings, the horde of Mankeys scampered off faster than trains, fighting with each other over the food scraps they had stolen. Aiden was still trying to futilely fight back, but Nov just huffed and ran over to the pile of his belongings on the ground. Just as he picked up his backpack out of the sand though, he realized the Fire Stone was missing again. He looked around for a second only to notice a Yamask gliding away into the ruins, disappearing behind the first corner. Normally, he wouldn't have thought too much about it after such a kerfuffle, but Nov couldn't mistake the brilliant gleam of a Fire Stone in the sun. That little thief...!

"I can't believe this! We just got jumped, and that stupid ghost thing stole from us too!" Nov shouted to nobody in particular, gritting his teeth a bit. All the tourists standing around in awe of what happened, taking pictures and muttering among themselves, pissed Nov off. He wasn't sure what the other two were feeling, but he was sure as hell not about to lose something as valuable as a Fire Stone! Running off in impulse, Nov took one step into the ruins before he realized... that he had no clue where the thing went. Luckily, there was a lady standing nearby, scribbling something on a clipboard. With a lab coat and goggles, she certainly seemed like she would know at least something about the ruins.

"Hey, lady," Nov said as he walked up to here, pulling her clipboard away from her face. From a quick glance, the papers were filled with scattered notes and sketches about the Pokemon of the ruins, a scratchy line sliding down from the last word the researcher had written. "Hate to interrupt, but you got any idea where that Yamask just went? It just stole some stuff from us, if you didn't notice. I'd really appreciate some help!"

| Route 13 (Ruin Side) - > Zamak Ruins |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Brittanium City - Halogen Mall Underground


While Ruby and her friends were at her house, something was going on under the Central shopping mall. It was only somewhere past lunch time currently, there were some men in uniforms moving things out of trucks. Labels were all somewhat unassuming and matched what would be in the shopping mall, like stock for certain stores.

One of the men nodded to the other, with affirmation they broke open the boxes, and inside were some heavy duty equipment, looked like a computer, but it had some shady elements added to it. Some guards stepped through the doors, before collapsing to the ground, behind them were Team Arclight members in uniform.

"Alright, coast is clear, we can begin the operation", announced one of them.

"Alright, this is a simple acquisition, the Lady up top wants more funds for her research, so she's sent us out to get some. Security here is pitiful, we'll first establish a connection to the building's network directly, and before plugging in we'll cut the power and then connect, then we'll start the hack. Once we're in we can clean out every store here within moments, and then get out. Ideally we want to keep the computer, but should we have to leave it behind, just fry it with your electric Pokemon. Power room should be up above somewhere, and an access point for the network should be just through those doors over there. Understood?", the officer's orders and plans were quite sound, everyone responded with a resounding 'roger', before getting to work. A few Arclight members still in disguise went up into the mall proper on their way to the power room, while the rest kept watch on every entrance and exit to the underground loading bay.

York Grevillia
Amalgam University

NPC: @Amaterasu
GM: @I-Am-X

Their meeting with this nurse was followed by pleasantries, pretty soon though the main hall was open, or rather, the time for it to open had come. Upon arriving there, they saw as classes of students coming from some of the buildings poured in, and they trailed in behind. The circular viewing hall was filled up, and in the centre they could see a fossil, as well as the fossil-reviving machine. After some tense minutes, they found themselves seated and waiting in anticipation, as everyone in the hall watched a professor walk through the doors at the bottom. After some tense moments, he began to speak.

"Welcome everyone, gentlemen and gentle ladies, today Amalgam University would like to present a public demonstration of the latest in fossil revival technology, that I, Jonathan, have been working on", the fossil machine has been something common in almost all the regions, though what's unique about Chromis' is how quickly it works, being almost instant. The demonstration was to show exactly this, as seeing as believing. This isn't the first time they've had this demonstration, they tend to have it around once a month or more.

"Here we have a Jaw Fossil, excavated recently from the area surrounding the Zamak Ruins proper. Once I activate the machine, this Jaw Fossil should transform into a healthy young Tyrunt", he announced. He stepped over to the machines controls, after hitting a few buttons the machine began to make sounds as if charging up. The machine itself was like a ray gun, coupled with a table that detected the fossil.

Sure enough after a few moments, the Jaw Fossil began to shine and glow, eventually completely overtaken by light as the ray gun-like part of the machine poured something like an energy into it, and pretty soon, curled up in a ball on the table was a Tyrunt, asleep. The crowd either cheered or took in the cuteness of the little dinosaur Pokemon sleeping.

"As you can see, it is almost as seamless as evolution... Now then", the professor gently cradled the Tyrunt and then placed it on one of the spare tables, letting it sleep there.

"Bring in the next sample", he ordered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Broyeabro
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Upon resting up nurse Joy comes out with Dm, "Excuse me sir your pokemon is ready", Ryzin walks over, "Thank you nurse Joy, hey Dm you ready?", Dm nods and jumps off the counter, she looks at Ryzin does a little flex and points to the door. "Oh, wow you're pumped, say while you were with nurse joy i saw a few people running past, they said something about a fossil, we should go check it out sounds kinda interesting don't ya think". Dm claps and starts walking out."HEY! wait up..."

Ryzin and Dm walk around following the crowd going to the university stadium, upon entering the crowded hall they notice a professor of some importance, A table with a little dinosaur looking pokemon catches there eye. "WOAH! that is cool, Dm jump on my shoulder have a look at this". Dm looks with interest tapping Ryzin on the head with wide eyes, "I've never seen one before either, see this is why I need a pokedex, the old man said they are quite handy, now i believe him".

Then they hear the professor announce to bring in the next sample."Next sample? mmmmm interesting indeed".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the professor continued on with his speech, people near the door would hear what seemed to be a loud electric guitar playing. It could be brushed off as someone just playing their music too loudly, but as the lecture came to a close the music instead grew louder and louder until people at the front of the room, including the professor, could hear it. Suddenly the music stopped as fog began to pour out from underneath the door.

Then the music started again in full force as the doors were slammed open and the man playing the loud metal was revealed. Behind and to the sides of him were several grunts all dressed in similar uniforms, one of which was carrying a portable speaker which was hooked up to the blue haired man's guitar while another was carrying a portable fog machine. Both of said grunts had a look of exasperation at their leaders antics. He stopped playing the guitar finally and looked at the professor with a malicious smile.

"WOAH there! Now that's one impressive piece of metal, been meaning get one of those for my place! In the meantime, I'm gonna need to borrow that one right there." He pointed directly at the Fossil Revival Machine, prompting some grunts to begin moving towards the machine. "But look at me! I'm being a real rude POS huh, I haven't introduced myself to my crowd. The name is Damien and I'm in charge of these sorry losers in Arclight!" With that being said he played one final hard note on his guitar and sent out a shiny Metagross to do battle with Professor Jonathon. "Let's get this show on the road people!

Some students got up and sent out their own Pokemon, but were quickly countered by other Arclight Grunts who sent out their own Pokemon. The battle was on as a group of 3 Arclight Grunts moved towards the Fossil Revival Machine.

Talonite watched the display with slight interest, it was cool to see how this was done but he wasn't planning on obtaining any Fossil Pokémon. He sighed as the Professor called for the next sample, this could not be anymore boring honestly. He was actually starting to fall asleep when he saw fog creeping along the floor. Was he trying to make this more dramatic or something, maybe he was going to Revive an Aerodactyl. Now that would be pretty interesting. That was when he noticed that the music he was hearing wasn't coming from his headphones.

The door burst open and a screeching guitar held by an equally loud man was on full display and Talonite moaned in exasperation. "Oh my God this region has them too." He reached for the Pokeball containing Necro and prepared to release him. This was going to be a battle, thankfully they weren't stealing Pokemon but it probably wouldn't be good for them to get their hands on the Fossil Revival Machine. He leaned in towards York and began to whisper. "You may want to get out of here, things are about to get messy fast."

Damian finished up his monologue and all hell broke loose with multiple trainers in the audience releasing their Pokémon to defend themselves and the Arclight grunts releasing theirs, which seemed to be lots of Voltorbs, Magnemites, and Noibats. Talonite released Necro and prepared to do battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matador
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Matador Dinosaur God King

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Leo watched intently as the old man came out to explain the innovations behind their latest machine. It was a fossil reviver that could allegedly work in an instant. This got Leo curious for many reasons, namely the anticipation of seeing what kind of pokemon would emerge from the Jaw Fossil. It was especially interesting to him because of his home town. Oreburgh City was the only other place he knew of that actually did fossil revivals and they lasted awhile, to his knowledge, at least.

His mind was completely blown when the Tyrunt appeared in the blink of an eye. Having never seen the pokemon before, Leo swiftly reached out to his pocket to pull out his pokedex. An electronic voice would give him another small description of the new encounter.

"Tyrunt: The Royal Heir Pokemon. Its immense jaws have enough destructive force that it can chew up an automobile. It lived 100 million years ago." That was...to the point. Basically, the creature was a tiny mon of immense destruction. Even after returning him to his pokeball for the event, Leo could just feel Nado shaking with anticipation at the thought of fighting that thing. Hm, maybe they'd get their chance one day.

The next fossil's revival was interrupted by the sound of rock music blaring outside the doors. With each passing second, it grew louder. Leo's immediate first thought was to wonder why the hell anyone would play music that loud during such an obviously important event. His next was to begrudgingly admit to himself that it actually sounded pretty good...but still! The ever increasing volume made him kind of nervous.

The door was slammed down and Leo immediately enlarged a pokeball to throw at any time. He felt that it should have been obvious to anyone with eyes that these weren't ordinary musicians. This suspicion was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt when the blue haired man said he'd need to "borrow" it for awhile. Eager to battle, Leo was almost the first to bring out a pokemon to combat him, but he froze up at the last second. Metagross...a fully evolved pokemon. There was no way he could do anything to even dent that thing. It was shameful to admit, but he was outclassed entirely.

"Nado, come out!" The Gible launched out of its ball and landed on its feet, a fierce expression once again replacing its usually carefree eyes. He wasn't taking down a Metagross any time soon, but he was confident that the grunts would be no problem. Leo paid special mind to the fact that he would be one move short during the fiasco. For all he knew, a Sandstorm could be the perfect diversion they needed to take off with the fossil machine.

"Hold it right there!" Leo intercepted the three grunts aiming for the machine. He was outnumbered, which was bad, but he at least had three other mons to choose from if he needed to take them all on at the same time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Broyeabro
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Ryzin looking around seeing the events unfolding, takes a step forward carefully approaching the action but stops suddenly. 'Hmmm this could get ugly, there's quite a few trainers here by the looks, i'm not the only one getting ready tho, hmmmmm Dm could get hurt in this kind of situation, she's never had this kind of battle before, we've done some target practice but not much, maybe that flying looking pokemon could be more our type of battle, I don't like the look of the other three,especially that big one that's on a whole other level. Then again nothing will stop them from ganging up on any trainer, I don't think there going to fight fairly. Should I intervene?, should I let someone more experienced handle this?, Dam it! I don't know what to do'.

Dm watching Ryzin thinking about the situation sensed his doubt, SLAP! Dm smacks him across the back of the head, jumps of his shoulders grabs Ryzin by the pants and tugs him towards the front then stops,Dm begins to point at the flying pokemon, then shouts at Ryzin making a clenched fist at him, "you want to battle don't you, I know you do but I didn't want to put you in this situation, this could get dangerous there's more than one pokemon here Dm", Dm looks at him then all the other pokemon and pouts,"look Dm I am not saying we cant battle lets just stay here near the front and be ready to help if need be ok".

Then out of the front row a meter or so down form Ryzin a trainer steps forward about the same age as Ryzin or so and shouts "Hold it right there!", seeing this courageous act Dm is brimming with anticipation looking at Ryzin. Ryzin looks down at Dm and says "yes Dm we must help him, we must even the odds if only a little".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Szall
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Lord Szall Supreme Dark Entity

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jack Schreiber

As Jack walked across the entrance of Amalgam, he reminisced his days in high school. Many of his colleagues who had finished high school went on to study at university, but not one of them would go on to become a Pokemon trainer. It was weird to think about how different the world Jack grew up in was different to the one he now walked.

Shortly distracted by his thoughts, he realized that his aimless wandering was causing a scene among few people around him. Jack quickly entered the main hall, but stopped seeing a familiar face: Leo!. Him and a small gathering were all watching an old professor explain something about fossil revival, while holding what Jack deducted was the fossil of an extinct Pokemon, a Tyrunt so be named.

As he slowly made his way over to get a closer look, a bright light shined as the fossil was put into the machine behind the professor, and suddenly the crowd of people around him loudly cheered, as the fossil had been transformed into a sleeping, lizard-like Pokemon. Jack was stunned by what he was seeing; a Pokemon was now born from the bones of it's oldest ancestors. "Is this the kind of research Sycamore does? Or could it be..."

His train of thought suddenly crashed. As the professor continued his lecture, the sound of a guitar beat at Jacks eardrums. Though it started out distant, it was immediately distracting to Jack, as it grew louder and louder. Suddenly, four men burst into the main hall. The one holding a guitar made a rather hostile scene, as mist began to collect across the ground. He shortly said that his name was Damien, releasing a giant Pokemon towards the professor, as the three grunts in front made their way towards the fossil machine.

Without hesitation, Jack quickly made his way towards the fossil machine, but then noticed Leo standing out in front. Shortly afterwards, another strange looking trainer and his Totodile followed after him, seemingly joining the battle that was about to start. Smiling widely, Jack ran over and joined them. "Now it's three on three, gentlemen. Come out! Bonesaw!" Jack declared, as he released his Cubone onto the stage, grinding it's club gently along the floor in excitement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Beginning of Zamak's Ruin...?

- Roxanne (@Shadeflare123), Novis (@Sen), Aiden (@Deos Morran)

The woman researcher put down her pen as the Yamask entered the cave, a mixed expression of concern and intrigue still fresh on her face as she began to recall what has transpired already. She remembered the start of what she thought would have been the same old same old, having sighed as the tourists once more began to pour into the area. The day had hardly started, and already the place had became filled with a crowd. That was to be expected, and she was prepared for the most part to express her own interests in the ruins, just like the others would as well. She had glanced back to them as they too began the normal routine, making sure to go into the ruins before the tourists so that they could get some work done. And, even if it wasn't as packed as other days, there never seemed to be an off period for them, at least not in these past weeks.

Though today, she had decided to stay behind with a small group of the scientists and researchers, partially because she was somewhat lazy, but also because today was the predicted day her an interesting specimen would most likely make his appearance. She had recorded his patterns before, and so she felt fairly confident that he would do something with the tourists today. It was rather intriguing, really, even if his actions weren't exactly the most helpful. Still, she was curious to his resolve and as to what, and as such, she made sure to keep a steady eye for the ghost Pokemon. What would he take today, and more importantly, for what purpose?

Though, as she had went to grab her notebook and pen from a nearby desk, along with a cup of coffee, she recalled how dozens of tourists and reseachers poured out of the ruin's entrance, clearly in disarray and shock over something. It had caused her to hastily make her way towards one of her colleagues, to which she could clearly see the concern spread across her friend's face.

"What's wrong? It's hardly past noon, you guys shouldn't be out yet."
"T-There's people in there, t-they-"
"Slow down... tell me what's going on."
"I-I don't know. They chased us out. They were doing they're own research of some kind... B-But, it could ruin the ruins if it keeps up."
"What do you mean ruin the ruins?


Today has been so stressful... I really should have brought more snacks for days like this.

The sound of a young kid's voice snapped her back into reality, the person from whom it was coming from knocking down her clipboard. She was thankful to have a good grip on it, lest these notes would have been scattered and dirty... Not to mention her recent observations... Though, when she got over the initial shock and listened to the boy's tale. So... This was the Yamask's victims, huh? It made her slightly curious as to what it stole, but that wasn't important right now, at least not to her.

"I'm sorry trainers, but," she paused, looking at the guarded entrance to the ruins, along with rather upset tourists walking away from it before returning her focus to them, "I'm afraid I can't allow you to go into the ruins after him. We're... dealing with a rather large situation that... Well, I really shouldn't tell you..." She said in a worried tone, her gaze constantly shifting towards the ruins and back to them.

"But... we could use all the help we can get if we want to preserve the ruins for further research... But are they skilled enough?" She whispered to herself, though the trio could clearly hear what she was saying...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

York Grevillia
Amalgam University

NPC: @Amaterasu
GM: @I-Am-X

"Oh my", was all he could comment about the situation. Talonite expressed the desire to get going out of here, but he was more concerned about the sleeping Tyrunt down there, completely oblivious to the whole situation. Professor Jonathan was locked in battle with the crazy rockstar dude, his Flygon against that interestingly coloured Metagross. Even though neither have yet made a move, it felt as if the whole stage at the bottom could be destroyed at any moment.

Meanwhile some trainers stepped up to try and challenge the grunts, while most people were trapped in this hall, doorways blocked by the other grunts.

"Hmmm... Even if you wanted to run, the exits are all held by Arclight members", he noted, some students had begun to start fighting too in fact.

"It's an even fight down there too. Maybe if we cut the head of the snake, everything else should fall apart for them. Let's find some door saying employees or staff only", he clued Talonite in on his idea. Right, get backstage, and then get the jump on that rockstar guy. Somehow. There must be some way. If they can just tip the scales just enough, they should be able to swing this in their favor.

On that suggestion if agreed, the two would find such an exit, with the commotion, they should be able to slip in uncontested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amalgam University

Agreeing with York's suggestion to go after what appeared to be the leader, Talonite followed York, with Claire following after them, to search for for an exit. Just managed to find one, they were cut off by two Arclight members. However, these faces seemed quite familiar to them. Standing before them was a tall girl with shoulder length spiked red hair with an accompanying smug look and a slightly shorter boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. If they took a moment, they'd realize that they were the two people in lab coats that bumped into by the Library entrance.

Though, it seems York and Talonite were the first to notice while Claire, who trailed behind them, was too focused on catching up to the 2 young trainers. While York and Talonite stopped a comfortable staring distance away, Claire had a hard time putting on the breaks and barrelled past them. Before the two grunts were able to get a word out, Claire ran straight into the blonde boy, creating an awkward silence in the air. The boy extended a hand to her, helping her up and just before she got a good look at him and got a word out, he captured her.

Ruari looked on with a mystified expression on her face before coughing and speaking up. "Well, well, well. Reunited for a few seconds and already getting up close and personal. So kids, how'd you like the fossil revival? Works great, right? Don't worry, we'll put that machine to good use. As for Boss," referring to the rocker dude "Well, you might as well give up. You're just wasting your time!" she laughed as she took out her pokeball, sending out a Riolu. Once Fionn was able to tie up Claire, he too took out a pokeball and sent his pokemon out, a Gible.

Amalgam University Entrance ---> Hallway

Walking around in hopes of finding someone that would help her, she noticed that something was......off. There was nobody by the entrance, no security guards, no one. Finding that odd, she continued walking until she reached the stairs where she saw a man in blackwith his back turned shouting what seemed like instructions to others in similar uniforms. Deciding to ask him what was going on, Sadie called out for him. "Hey, I told you to head towards the L--" He began before cutting himself off as he turned around and looked at her, with the Team Arclight emblem on display.

"You! Get over here! Stop!!" he called out to Sadie before she took off up the stairs with him chasing her from behind. After running around for a bit, she finally managed to lose him. When she decided she was safe, she stopped for a much needed breather. Taking a few moments to rest, she looked around and found herself in one of the hallways that lead towards the lab. Deciding to head in that direction, she made to move, however, found herself running into another Arclight grunt. This, however, was a female grunt and she already had her hand on a pokeball, sending out a Voltorb. It's a battle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Talonite begrudgingly followed York just to make sure he didn't get himself hurt trying to take on a Metagross, which was practically a Legendary Pokemon in all but name. They went backstage and stopped when they saw a familiar couple of people, something about one of them was off though. Talonite squinted his eyes as he looked at the blonde one and the puzzle pieces clicked together in his mind.

"OH MY GOD YOU WERE DRESSED AS A GIRL!" Talonite started laughing loudly at him, pointing at the blonde guy and actually struggling to breathe with how loudly he was laughing. He completely ignored the fact that they were tying up Claire as he continued to laugh at Fionn. Talonite ignored all the clever things Ruari had to say in favor of continuing to point and laugh at Fionn who had just finished tying up Claire. "Hey York, you might want to keep your distance from the cross dresser! Who knows what else he's into!" Talonite's laughing slowed down as he tossed out Necro's pokeball and released the Gastly onto the battlefield. He wiped a tear from his eye as he prepared to battle and took a few deep breaths. At least the grunts here seem to be just as dumb as the ones in Alola.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Zamak Ruins

Interacting With: @Shadeflare123 @Sen @MechonRaptor

Aiden was happy to finally be free of those troublesome Mankeys and with Zorex's Dragon Rage blasting away to end up hitting nothing but at least it helped end the assault that they were enduring. Taking a minute to gather himself properly he walked over to pick up his bag, realizing that it was ravaged and scattered, but thankfully everything was relatively intact. So with a little packing of his bag he was ready to continue, hardly even noting the lost Fire Stone until he made sure everything was where it should be and that was the only thing he couldn't find.

Zorex was on edge and clearly not in a happy mood. If he had fur it would be standing up on the back of his neck. Regardless with the immediate threat leaving in a rampant mess he started to calm down again and with a little walk help out Aiden in packing back up his things.

When Novis ran off to inquire about a Yamask to some new woman he followed over to see what was going on only to arrive just in time for her to tell them all about how they wouldn't be able to go into the Ruins. At first Aiden was near heartbroken, but then she started to speak abotu dangers and issues that they had to deal with and of course her whispering about how strong they were. "Well I'm not sure what is going on but I think we're pretty strong. What is going on? We may be able to help and of course there is no harm in sharing a story, right?" Aiden said to teh woman hoping to glean more information on what was going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matador
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Matador Dinosaur God King

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amalgam University


"Gira!" Leo returned Croagunk to his pokeball and rushed back to the Girafarig. His hard thumping heart was put at ease when he saw that both it and the Fossil Machine were in tip top shape. Although, he noticed a few astounded glances from students and invaders alike over the absurd length of its neck.

Croagunk was nearly collapsed. Nado was down for the count. Gira was busy guarding the Fossil Machine. All he had left to really use was Bee. He sent her out with a launch of her pokeball. Bee came out with an extra determined version of her usual cry while Leo looked around for any signs of grunts trying to move in on the Fossil Machine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

York Grevillia
Amalgam University

NPC: @Amaterasu
GM: @I-Am-X

"Wha? Who are you guys again?", he responded. He had no idea, did they see these guys before? Well, it didn't change that their situation was a little in their favor, Claire was captured, and these two were in the way to their objective. With Talonite laughing and these two bringing out their Pokemon...

"...! Oh right", he realized what was happening and grabbed his Pokeball, calling forth his Froakie.

"Right right, a battle", despite the situation he didn't seem phased at all. It was different to Talonite who seemed to have a response, but York didn't seem to care all that much.
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