Odette Billeaud

Height: 5'6
weight: ...weightless?
With average height, flawless complexion, Odette would be considered quite on the attractive scale. With fairly large...tracts of land, and ample assets most would likely find her appearance quite enthralling. She has bright, golden blond hair with bright blue eyes that sometimes flash green with otherworldly magic. Her skin is cool to the touch, and the air around her tends to be a few degrees cooler than most.
As for clothing...well, she wears a simple black and red gothic dress. Where it comes from she has no idea. Its sort of...a part of her. She can't exactly remove it.
AgeApproximately 342, though she cannot give you an exact date. Physically she appears in her early twenties.
PowerSpirit Crafting:Odette has an almost preternatural affinity for the spirits of the dead. She's always had it, even when she was a child. It's no surprise that as such, the spirits of the dead are naturally drawn to her. She functions as almost a conduit for lost souls, spirits, and other such entities with nowhere else to go. Those that flock to her, she can give temporary form in the form. This is not necromancy mind you since it is not raising the dead - though it could easily be an offshoot of it. She simply gives the spirits a desired form, effect, and abilities and uses them to the full of her ability. She could also change the appearance and abilities of a spirit mid-battle, should she need too. The limitations of the ability are indeed, quite few. It is fairly versatile and powerful if used correctly. All she needs is time, a little creativity, and she could theoretically give a spirit any sort of form possible,
Don't assume spirits have to take the form of animate objects either, or you will quickly find yourself surprised.
The spirits are faithful servants, lost souls who refuse to move on and will give anything for the ability to linger for even awhile longer. The time these spirits can last is typically limited, and one could endeavor to outlast them. If they use up all of their 'life force' they will dissipate into raw mana and the spirits will return to Odette.
Attacks from these spirits differ greatly on a case to case basis, though none of them are ever physical in nature, and most unless specialized in something else harm the persons soul directly. Blue, destructive unholy flames are the most common that her spirits will wield, if anything.
A few limitations, are that the more powerful, more ability she gives a spirit, means the longer time she needs to craft it. It also means it will likely have a shorter lifespan. Plus, her supply of 'souls' if you will is not infinite, and she can run out which means she would be quite vulnerable. After being used, spirits typically need to rest a bit before being re-used.
Incorporeal Form:Odette's physical form, is not actually physical at all. As she is basically a very powerful, old, spirit, she has crafted her own spirit like she does the spirits controls. This means that any sort of physical attack would find it being fairly ineffective against her. That said, she can feel pain and all the other sensations as she has achieved the ability to craft this shell to her standards using magic and appear mostly human. She can even be killed - or at least her 'body' can, though it doesn't bleed. This would of course, limit her effectiveness upon the physical world as she would then only exist as an incorporeal spirit until she could recover enough to reform her body.
However, any sort of holy, religious, or other such things would find them working wonders against her. Exorcisms to banish her spirit are highly effective, and she tends to stay away from any place of religion - not out of fear, mind you. She simply finds such places annoying to deal with. Any sort of magic that also directly affects magical entities and any sort of ‘dispelling’ functions will also be found to be rather effective against both her and her spirits.
This also gives her the ability to basically walk through walls, phase through objects and float about in a spooky ghosty manner.
Could theoretically be controlled by a necromancer/witch with sufficient power. However, as she is an incredibly powerful spirit it would need to be someone who is stronger than she is. She is terrified of the thought of being pressed into someones service against her will.
PersonalityFrigid, if one were to go by outer appearances.
Odette exudes an almost cold confidence at all times, and carries herself as such. For most people, they have more than a little trouble approaching her. It doesn't help she typically wears a slightly condescending seeming expression that makes most people back off. The fact she doesn't typically approach people and talk with others, has given her a somewhat arrogant and cold reputation among others. Unfortunately, this is all a huge misunderstanding.
Odette has an intense fear of actually speaking with others. Well, perhaps not a fear of it, really, but she gets incredibly nervous when approached by someone and her words tend to get caught in her throat. For most people this makes it looks like she's deciding just how much she's going to kill the plebeian that dare to speak with her. To her, she's frantically trying to say a simple 'hello' without appearing too incompetent.
However, when it comes to academics, magical things, and general intelligence though, that arrogance and cold assumption holds some truth. She considers her skills in such area to be
the best and will not take any insults about such skills lightly.
BackgroundTruthfully, Odette doesn't remember much about her past. Her earliest memories are of 'waking' up in a mausoleum somewhere in some abandoned church far out in the countryside. She remembers that once, in her life she was someone with incredible influence - likely an old noble or some such and a sorceress of some power. Memories from that time though, are fleeting and inconsistent sometimes at best. For a time after waking, she simply lived in the ruins, coming to terms with what she was.
A ghost.
A shocking thought to be sure. She had died and somehow retained both freewill and knowledge of her previous life to an extent. Not to mention, control over other lost spirits. Whatever she had been in her previous life must have been someone of quite some power. She spent some time developing these abilities, and practicing talking and communicating with spirits that wandered to her. She either helped those who wanted to pass on, to do so, or she offered them to come into her service. That was...well, quite a number of years ago. She can't recall how long. Time is funny sometimes, to an undead. Years can pass quickly, if you're not careful, especially if you were in isolation from the world.
She didn't entirely know much about the world, but eventually rumors reached her of a place of learning and where other people such as herself could learn, live, and generally be free from any sort of exorcism by people. Well...it sounded like fun? Hopefully she wouldn't mess it up.
trying to figure out modern technology
Rainy days
anything dealing with 'religion'
Warm days
Sunny weather
other:Can sometimes sneak up on people without meaning too.
ThemeJust a quiet day among the rain fall.