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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Fujimori Akane
  • Magical Girl Title: Magical Girl Dragonblade Akane
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "I want to be a hero..." With bonus school uniform design.
  • Magical Girl Appearance: "This Blade burns with Justice! In either form, her hair is red, she has light skin, and green eyes. Her armor and clothing as a magical is predominately red, but with gold decoration. Her horns are also gold, as well as her tail. A rarity among magical girls, Akane's horns and tail are actually a part of her body for the duration of her transformation.
  • Personality: Fujimori Akane, from a very young age, held a dream close to her heart. Her dream was to be a hero, to be someone who protects others and keeps them safe from harm. As a result, she always looked up to magical girls, and still does to this day. Akane deeply believes in justice and believes it is absolutely the duty of a magical girl to uphold it, to be a shining champion of hopes and dreams. She still holds her dream close to her heart to this day. However, in public, she can be a little shy at times and actually lacks confidence in herself, in spite of her private desire to be a hero. There's a reason it's a largely private desire. She's also fairly easily embarrassed, and it's not hard to make her exasperated at times. Indeed, in spite of her shyness, it could easily be said that the redheaded girl has something of a temper at times, though it's relatively mild and usually only comes out when she's truly annoyed about something. Still, Akane firmly believes that to be a magical girl is to be a champion of justice, hopes, and dreams. To protect the innocent, to fight against evil, Akane dreams of doing these things. But as of now, she's still prone to being a little shy when it comes to people she doesn't know especially. Still, if someone were in trouble, she'd try to step in and help them out. After all, that's what a hero does, isn't it? And indeed, it's Akane's greatest, if private, dream to be a hero. Aside from hero-related desires, Akane likes sweets a great deal and has a fairly large appetite. However, to her dismay, her attempts at baking tend to turn out less then good.
  • Skills: Akane is a decent sprinter and can name foreign sweets off the top of her head.
  • Abilities: As Magical Girl Dragonblade Akane, Akane gains a huge boost in speed and strength, moreso then some other girls. She also sprouts a dragon tail and dragon horns, the former of which can produce a stream of flames from the tip. Indeed, most of her abilities in this state revolve around projecting and controlling fire, as well as coating her sword in flames. The armor that forms on her body is decently defensive, especially the plating on her right arm, which can be used to block basic attacks and blows. In addition, while it's not her main mode of attack, her strength combined with her gauntlet can make for some potent punches.
    • Dragon Flame!: Akane thrusts Dragon Edge forward and releases a burst of flames towards her target.
    • Dragon Heat!: Akane coats her sword in fire.
    • Dragon Cut!!: Flames concentrate on the edge of Dragon Edge's blade, heating it and increasing its cutting ability further. In addition, it can be released into a thin arc of fire.
    • Dragon Spiral!!: Akane releases fire from both her sword and the tip of her tail before spinning rapidly through the air, releasing a whirling spiral of fire and a sharp edge.
    • Super Dragon Blade!!!: Plating coats Dragon Edge and locks in place, increasing Dragon Edge's size enormously and coating it in white-hot dragonfire. She swings Dragon Edge in an arc, cutting through most foes entirely. One of Akane's finishers.
    • Grand Dragon Blaze!!!: A raging inferno swirls around Dragon Edge. Akane raises it above her head and swings it downwards, unleashing an enormous blast of white-hot dragonfire that incinerates her foes. One of Akane's finishers.
  • Weapon(s): Dragon Edge, a thick, heavy, sharp sword wielded in Akane's right hand. Akane has the ability to alter its size, and it is capable of being used to project flames for many of her named and unnamed attacks.
  • Brief History: Akane was born to a fairly average Japanese family. However, when she was very young, a powerful Negari attacked her home, broke into it, and nearly killed both her and her mother. Akane vividly remembers the blazing light and the flashing speed of the magical girl who suddenly appeared on the scene and annihilated the Negari in one powerful attack. Ever since then, Akane has deeply desired, deep in her heart, to be a magical girl. As she's grown, this desire has remained unshakeable, but her confidence and ability to vocalize this desire has waned. Still, to think of what she would do if she actually got the chance...
    • Fairy Name: Melody
    • Fairy Appearance: "It's time to ignite your heart!"
    • Fairy Personality: Exuberant and energetic, Melody is utterly dedicated to the job of being a magical girl's fairy. She is determined to be the best fairy possible, and extremely excited to be Akane's partner. She wears the badge of a magical girl's fairy with pride, proudly displaying it on her chest, and she's sure to carry the rulebook wherever she goes. However, she's a bit easily upset the moment things don't go her way, prone to tearing up at times. She is also a staunch ally of Akane, eager to help her in many ways. Perhaps a few too many ways, as Melody might even try to help Akane in her daily life outside of being a magical girl even if it seems like there's no way she should be able to.
  • Theme Song: Eternal Blaze, by Mizuki Nana
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: 葛 馮虚 (Katsura Hyoukyo)

Magical Girl Title: Copenhagen Star

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Magical Girl Appearance: Hyoukyo, when transformed, dons a navy blue overcoat with golden trim, creating an impression that she seems immobile. However, that is far from the case; despite the seeming bulkiness of her garb, with its silver, majestic epaulettes, it is particularly easy for her to move in this form, and underneath the coat is sleeveless, grey and silver vest with a simple golden orb at its centre, alongside navy blue trousers. A single, darkly-glowing orb hairpin also manifests on the left side of her head.

Personality: In her day to day life, Hyoukyo is the very image of the model student: a polite and reserved young woman who carries herself with nothing less than the appropriate decorum. She greets everyone with a warm smile, and is never deficit in kind words to give to her compatriots, whether they be simple shopkeepers, the teachers at her school, or her classmates. Her marks, particularly amongst the sciences, are consistently high, the reward borne from her diligent studying and sharp mental faculties. In fact, the class representative-like student will, if queried, courteously explain to you that her ambitions lie in the field of physics, and that much of her hard work serves her quest to enter an university course related to such.

Knowledge is something Hyoukyo cherishes highly, and her highly analytical mind cannot help but absorb and categorise everything she sees and learns. She views it as incredibly important to know as much as possible, although she prefers to keep much of what she learns close to the heart unless the situation prompts it (and if it would suit her own plans and purposes). Indeed, when not surrounded by textbooks, her powerful curiosity drives her to investigate many other things, learning and growing from all the knowledge she consumes.

Despite her zeal in that regard, she is a remarkably patient figure, proper and unflappable to a fault. Of course, this does not prevent her from being subtly condescending to those she dislikes, particularly if they have displayed too obvious a weakness, and her views can be tinged somewhat by a sense of exasperation that the stranger things in life. Her sense of humour is also rather dry, and her polite manner of speech only serves to convey this. She can also be particularly talkative on subjects she enjoys; it isn't too strange to hear diatribes on them from time to time.

While she tries to hide it, of course, Hyoukyo also has a strong sense of right and wrong. While she may not be the most personable of people beyond giving polite advice to those she feels needs it, she will fight to address anything that conflicts with her moral code. It may not be overly present, but her heart does burn with heroism, and thus she will act to channel those energies against her foes.

Skills: What stands out the most about Hyoukyo is her intelligence: the analytical young woman is blessed with a sharp mind, allowing her to excel in both school and in areas that require the use of her brain. She thinks particularly rapidly, and is also very good at solving problems. She is also very skilled in regards to tennis, and regularly works out to keep fit for her sporting participation. She's reasonably fluent in English as well (and due to her parentage, knows a few phrases of German).

Abilities: Hyoukyo's main ability allows her to bend and twist space around her, using it in ways such as bringing her closer to her foes in the blink of an eye or diverting attacks off course from her. However, her changes to the fabric of 'space' do not tend to be permanent, and any modification she makes will eventually 'spring' back into its original shape when she stops actively making use of her power. It is possible for her to affect a permanent change if an immense amount of her energy is exerted, but she tries to abstain from doing so as to prevent herself from becoming extremely exhausted.

It is from this power that she derives her 'signature attack', the "Stellar Degeneration Blast", which is essentially a ball of condensed 'darkness' fired from her body towards an enemy, twisting and distorting space in its wake as well as generating a strong gravitational well around it. Those nearby will notice that it grows warmer and warmer the further away it gets from Hyoukyo. Its range is limited, but it is a high-power attack, serving as her 'finisher'. Contact with the ball generally tends to twist the enemy apart. Indeed, the amount of energy it requires from her dictates such, for otherwise her reserves will be left completely empty.

She is working on getting some more mundane special moves to work, however.

Her physical strength is noticeably greater than the average human's as well, allowing her to carry her large weapon.


Brief History: The only daughter to a pair of physicists, Hyoukyo is partly of German descent, with her Japanese father having first met her mother at a conference in Munich. Following their courtship, they gave birth to her in Hokkaido, and she would be raised in the island nation for the rest of her life, taking in far more of her father's culture than that of her mother's. This would only be helped along by the growing rift in her parents' relationship, which ended in a divorce that gave custody of her to her father. Thus, the girl was cut off from her German heritage at a young age, and was from then on taken care of singlehandedly by the elder Katsura.

It would be not long after her thirteenth birthday that her father fell in love once more with a woman from Umitori, marrying and immediately moving the household to the coastal city to join her new stepmother. While the change in scenery, and the presence of a new parental figure, was admittedly hard to get used to for Hyoukyo, she was soon able to acclimate to her new home, and threw herself headlong into her studies once more. Tensions did rise between her and her stepmother from time to time, but they would grow to understand one another, and Hyoukyo would view her as just an important figure in her life as her birth mother.

Nowadays, Hyoukyo is a proud student of East Umitori High School, where she also serves as a class representative for Class 3-G.

Fairy Name: カナリア (Kanaria)

Fairy Appearance: Kanaria is a palm-sized little girl with googly glasses and azure hair tied into pigtails. She wears a red baseball cap on top of her head, which tends to be one of the few constants of her appearance (due to her frequent change of doll clothes). Her wings, which allow her to fly, possess blue feathers and are rather birdlike.

Fairy Personality: Kanaria is a foul-mouthed girl, contrasting greatly with the demeanour of her contractee. She's overly talkative, incredibly exuberant, and generally full of the vices you wouldn't expect such a tiny creature to have. She adores money, and is willing to do anything to get as much dosh as possible. Her sense of humour is rather immature, and she adores the strangest of puns. However, despite her myriad flaws, her heart is in the right place, and she cares greatly for Hyoukyo.

Theme Song: Heian Alien -hz style-
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name:Kasamatsu Hana
  • Magical Girl Title: Shining Scales (usually called “Shinscales”)
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female WHY EVEN HAVE THIS???
  • Appearance: Hana's hair is styles into twin drills that are held securely behind her head and tumble the length of her back. They are usually secured with a hair clip or ribbon. Her eyes are brown, but can appear almost orange in the right light. This is an anime RP, so it's probably worth mentioning that her breasts are a bit larger than the norm. But she tend to wear heavier clothes to hide this fact. When not wearing a school uniform, she tends to dress “punky,” usually stripes shirts and stockings under jeans and a jean jacket.
  • Magical Girl Appearance: Hana takes on the magical girl version of a pirate captain. She has a large captain's hat with a coat that seems to always flair out like a bell below her waist. Leather straps, plenty of places to hide weapons, and lots of magical girl jewelry.

    Under her seemingly flashy outfit though is scale mail. Form AND function!
  • Personality: Hana does not go out of her way to make connections with others. It would not be incorrect to call her a misanthropist. She finds the day to day gossip and stories people tell boring, and would prefer to spend as little time absorbing such gibberish as possible. She will try to disengage from people who talk to her in a nice way, but occasionally feels the need to be blunt with them to get away from the chattier people. Hana almost never apologizes, and is more likely to tell you how you could avoid being offended/hurt/disappointed. Hana doesn't much care for being nagged or mocked either. Hana has no difficulty avoiding these people, but you can be sure she's plotting her revenge. It's a mystery why she ever wanted to become a magical girl.

    That is not to say Hana avoids everyone. If Hana feels someone can help her forward her own goals, or finds something they do fascinating, she can tolerate or even become friends with the individual. Hana does not like people, Hana likes what people can do.

    Hana can be obsessive when it comes to her hobbies and goals. Her head is filled with pointless trivia as a result of many late night youtube and google hopping expeditions. This is especially true when it comes to her hobbies. She really likes fantasy dramas.

    As her Shining Scales persona, Hana is bubbly and “punny.” almost a complete 180 from her true self.
  • Skills: Hana spends a lot of time in front of her computer, and is fascinated by them to the point of obsession. She spends a lot of time working with electronics, building everything from custom game controllers to robots. She's knowledgeable about programming, soldering, and micro electronics. She's also great with trivia. She also strength trains in her off time, giving her a sturdy upper body for sports that involve throwing or swinging things.

    Many people consider her ability to beguile others a skill as well.
  • Abilities: When not in uniform, the only power Hana takes advantage of is her “Captain's Dare.” The attack is silent and has no warning cues, but can only be used when both Hana and the target are making eye contact and are within five feet of each other. After they make eye contact for a few seconds, the victim will enter a sort of paralysis where they can only blink, breath, etc. Closing your eyes does not protect you from it's effects, but if Hana's vision is obstructed or she looks away for more than a few seconds, her target regains use of their body. It's uses are extremely limited, and Hana only really uses it to get away from people she has no interest in talking to. Provided her fairy companion isn't paying attention that is!

    When in uniform, Hana gains the same generic speed/strength/vitality boost that most magical girls get. Her durability perhaps increases more than usual because of her scale mail. The real strength of her transformation comes from her ability to pull various gunpowder related items out of her coat. Flintlock pistols, blunderbusses (filled with silverwear!),black powder bombs, even cannons. They all fade away shortly after being fired. The larger the item, the longer it takes to draw out of her coat.

    Her ultimate ability, her one true spell, is “Ultimate Fantastic Flying fortress: Fantasia.” (Can be shortened to U4F.) This opens a rift in the sky for a magnificent flying battleship to enter the world. It's armed with about thirty cannons per side, and is manned by an army of pirate skelitons. But the best part of U4F is that it's actually a projectile attack. U4F will eventually dive out of the sky into the designated area and explode. This consumes the entirety of Hana's unusually large mama reserve, forcing her to revert back to her normal self after the spectacular.
  • Weapon(s): While Hana primarily fights with her gunpowder gadgetry, she does have a saber for close quarters fighting.
  • Brief History: Hana is a rather unremarkable child. Like most teenagers, she has yet to take her life in any real direction. She's just an average, obsessive teenage girl. While there is her interest in electronics, the rest of her past is so generic most wouldn't be able to help but call it boring.
    The only odd thing about Hana is her reluctance to socialize very much. This greatly displeases her parents, who are both wealth overachievers. Why is their child so boring? Why doesn't she desire anything more than simple modes of entertainment? Doesn't she like people?

    It might have been her upbringing, maybe a bad run in at school. It's not all that unnatural. But maybe there's more to it than that...

    Hana is a first-year at East Umitori High School in class 1-C

    • Fairy Name: Isk
    • Fairy Appearance: Isk looks like a Timneh African Grey from a distance. But closer inspection reveals her to be a faerie in a bird suit. Isk is also known to wear a black feathered cloak with a plague mask when not trying to hide her true form. Isk is an older fairy and has a taller, thinner body than her younger counterparts.
    • Fairy Personality: Isk is not capable of speaking, and instead transmits words and images directly into people's heads. Isk has a “tough love” approach when it comes to dealing with others. While she does genuinely care for the well being of all things, she often comes across as stern and merciless. But she is not afraid to patronize those she feels are worthy of it.
  • Theme Song:"Starry Story".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: 中島 星 (Nakajima Hoshi)

Magical Girl Title: Shooting Star

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Magical Girl Appearance: Upon Transformation, Hoshi’s garb becomes a blazing red, black, and gold uniform that harkens back, strangely enough, to the livery of the Prussian military of old, that might make you ask, "Ch-Char?" at first glance. While the heeled boots and long, flowing scarf may not seem combat practical to the average viewer, rest assured that Hoshi’s all action, high-octane, three-times-faster-than-you fighting style isn’t hindered in the slightest. Just like the glorious starburst emblazoned upon her chest, our girl is ready to race into the fray, as soon as she dons her shades after transformation!

Wouldn’t want Aniki to learn we’re endangering ourselves, after all.

Personality: Hoshi is an optimistic girl, whose basal state is the casually upbeat type of person who makes friends quickly and does so for keeps. She appreciates life in its utmost, and all of the beautiful little things in it, in her mind, should be cherished, because one never knows when they might be gone.

And that duality of nature is what drives her, beneath her easygoing, and at times almost breezy demeanor. She understands very deeply the importance of protecting that which she holds dear, and how suddenly, callously, and quickly life can flip itself upon its head and tear everything away if one isn’t careful. Not willing to let that happen in the slightest, Hoshi is always willing to do whatever it takes to hold them close. Running in the morning? No problem. Looking up martial arts and boxing training manuals online and practicing in the living room? Worth it. Making food when she can to help lighten her Aniki’s load? She’d do it every day if she could.

When a little girl is given a second chance at life, she’s bound to want to do two things: Make the most of it, and Give Back with all of her heart. She is a fiercely loyal friend who is nearly impossible to anger, let alone lose, and she will always have the backs of the people she cares about, no matter what their problems are. She knows firsthand how much of a difference having even one person there in a time of need can help someone.

As such, if you talk to her, you’ll find yourself conversing with one of the friendlier girls on this side of the planet. Though her decorum isn’t always up to snuff, there is no true impoliteness about her, save from the rare burst of a dry witticism. We can blame her Aniki for that one, given that such phrases are basically his primary form of communication. And while on the subjects of things good old Nakajima Kyotaro can be blamed for, let's discuss her tastes in entertainment. Being a guy living on his own, he didn't have much in the way of things that would interest the usual twelve-year-old girl, so she ended up making do with what he had to offer. One of her fondest memories was when they first watched a movie together, Enter the Dragon. From there, she found that, while she wasn’t lacking in traditionally “girly” tastes by any means (her wardrobe is a testament to this), she also had an untapped love for action, fighting, and other shonen stuff, much to his surprise. Even fighting games! He had to deal with her spamming Raging Demons for three weeks, once…

Despite her willingness to give most things a try, one line she definitely will not cross is that set by her moral compass. Her resolve to protect others is absolute, and she will never quibble on her sense of right and wrong. Everyone, however, deserves a second chance.

That’s a sure thing.

Skills: You mean besides making her Aniki worry? She’s a naturally fast runner, and while she never had the opportunity to get on the track team in middle school, she could often be seen running with them in the early mornings after the coach figured out she wasn’t hurting anything. As such, her stamina is also at a very high level for a young girl of her age, which helps her in her self-taught martial arts training. This training consists mainly of form work found off the internet, since Aniki won’t buy her a punching bag or something and for some reason she hasn’t looked into martial arts schools nearby. She’s a surprisingly good singer, at least during karaoke time, an increasingly experienced cook, and a thorn in her Aniki’s side in most fighting games by this point.

Abilities: Her magical girl abilities all revolve around one thing: raw speed. While her strength is indeed enhanced by the transformation, as it is for every magical girl, the gains made are dwarfed by those towards speed, agility, and reaction time. Simple and straightforward, much like her approach to fighting: Get over there and hit it a lot.

To that end, her “Special Moves” tend to take full advantage of her blinding speed, such as a “Gungnir Thrust”, which is essentially a flying side kick delivered at ridiculous speeds for the maximum possible impact, with a few directional variations. Another would be the “North Star Blitz”, which is perhaps even simpler— bunches and bunches of punches, all over and slipping through any opening they can find. The strangest of the lot is most definitely “Roar of the Dragon”, a punch thrown so hard and fast that the sheer force of air displacement alone is concussive, allowing her range to suddenly spike out by ten feet at this point in time.

And that’s to say nothing of all the other fun ideas Aniki’s shows and games have given her…

Weapon(s): Everyone who’s ever punched a wall knows—hands are pretty fragile. Even with proper form helping them out, there’s still only so much of an impact the knuckles can take, so with that in mind, what’s a girl like Hoshi to do? Those monsters aren’t going to punch themselves, after all, so her hands need protection.

What better than a pair of golden gauntlets, that seem to glow like the stars in the night sky? Providing both protection and additional power to her strikes, Hoshi’s fistic pursuits would get nowhere without her weaponry. They even come with Kung Fu Grip!

Brief History: Hoshi’s life was, in all honesty, very, very normal. She was a normal girl, who lived in a normal house with her normal parents going to a normal school five days out of the week. She was happy, healthy, and full of all the vitality you would expect from a young lady in modern day Japan.

Then, her parents died at twelve.

Hoshi’s world was destroyed by a random car accident one night. There was no warning, not even a premonition of it. Her parents simply never came back. After a numb pair of nights in the Social Services office, her next, and as it would appear, only of kin was called in—one 22 year old, gainfully employed, and very, very bewildered Nakajima Kyotaro. Her mother’s nephew, and apparently, only Plan B. The two didn’t know each other at all until that point. She didn’t even know who he was until he returned a few hours later— and explained to her that he’d decided to take her in, if she wanted to come with him.

Without uttering a word, she would leave at his side a few minutes and a bunch of paperwork later.

Over the next few weeks, she would begin to get settled into her new home and used to her newfound older cousin being like an older brother, having wisely decided to not try and replace Mama and Papa despite taking on their status of Legal Guardianship. It was a slow, painful process, but 3 years on into the present day, Hoshi and Kyotaro are now practically inseparable, and not a day goes by where she doesn’t try and give back however she can. If she were ever to count her blessings, her "Aniki" would doubtlessly be at the top.

Hoshi is currently enrolled as a first-year at East Umitori High School, in class 1-C.

Fairy Name: テンドウ (Tendou)

Fairy Appearance: Tendou is a small woman, as most fairies tend to be, roughly palm sized. Her favored garb is rather traditionally japanese in style, and her long, straight blue hair reaches roughly down to her mid-back, partially done up into a small ponytail on the side. Her wings are birdlike, reminiscent of an eagle’s, but obviously much smaller.

Fairy Personality: Someone stop this girl from watching so many samurai movies. Her usual demeanor is poised in the utmost, and her cool head is often crucial in tempering Hoshi’s more hotblooded tendencies. Seems to fancy herself a wordsmith, and will often spew quotes and poetry where the situation deems appropriate. The jury, however, is still out on whether or not she just makes most of it up. What is clear is that she definitely cares for and has faith in her young charge, no matter how stoic she may seem to be. The girl has been through so much.

Theme Song: youtube.com/watch?v=AsbOOPkmEGw
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

  • Name: Yamato Karin
  • Magical Girl Title: Paperbag Mask/ Heart Dove II
  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Female(MAGICAL GIRLS MUST BE GIRLS!!!)
  • Appearance: I have a cat, your argument is invalid.
  • Magical Girl Appearance: As Paperbag Mask, her magical outfit is ... a magical paperbag of incredible durability with two hole cuts for her eyes. That's it. The rest of her clothes are everyday wear clothes, albeit reinforced with magic. She also possesses a long red scarf. As Heart Dove II,however...
  • Personality: Rin is what you could ascertain a child spoiled rotten. She has been given everything in a silver platter, and as such she is whimsical and self-centered... or at least it seems so at face value. Kin is more mature than her age implies, and she has a rather keen mind. As such, she craves for social affection regardless of her richborn status, and loathes how everything in her life was easy while for others it wasn't. Her magical outfit as Paperbag Mask is a sort of self-deprecation taken to the extreme. She doesn't wish to be that special. She doesn't wish to be that famous. She wants to help the world because she feels she has to. Her heart is definitely in the right place.

    Karin likes computers and videogames, a byproduct of her sheltered life which has caused her to become somewhat of a shut in. She also finds her own mother's antics pretty embarassing, give that she was a former magical girl. Karin had thus knowledge of magical girls from a close, trusted source, and as such, she is savvy with some things magical girls her age aren't aware of. She also finds the whole sweet and nice speeches really trite and boring (not to mention nerve grating) and as such her attitude towards others even as a magical girl is rather blunt and cynical, sparing no callous remarks when it suits so.

    She however, acts as a bubbly, optimistic magical girl when under her Heart Dove II guise, in order to not break the image the original Heart Dove, her own mother, had among the community.
  • Skills: Karin is good at using computers and software appliances in general. She also knows how to tinker some hardware aswell. She is also good at videogames. She's for the most part a normal 10 year old girl, except that she is loaded with money. She does however possess a rather good grasp of intellectual abilities and rational thought, and she can even formulate plans to a degree. As a second generation, she is also more knowledgeable about magical girls world than the average.
  • Abilities: Karin possesses an ability which is called Covenant Link. With this, she may form bonds with other magical girls, granting a series of boons and effects. A prerequisite to form a bond with another magical girl is skin-to skin touch or (ew) fluid exchange. The bond may be cut off by any of the sides at any given time should they wish to, and likewise to deepen the bond, both sides must concentrate at the same time. Karin can maintain multiple bonds active.
    • Level 1: This level of bond allows for shared perceptions, telepathy, as well as magical power transfer, which can work in both ways, but it is usually by Karin to energize other magical girls.
    • Level 2: A deeper bond, this allows Karin to borrow powers from other magical girls and deploy them in battle. The power cost comes at the expense of the other magical girl rather than Karin.
    • Level 3: An even deeper level, Karin herself becomes a copy of the other magical girl, although by doing so she is subservient to the other girl's will. In this case, the magical consumption of the copied powers incurs on Karin, not the other side. Karin can only maintain a Level 3 bond at once, and cannot take benefits of level 2 bonds whilst doing so.
    • Level 4: Level 4 is a bond that goes deeper than any, and it has special requisites. This level is known as the Contract Inheritance, and allows her to claim a copy of the other magical girl's contract and powers as her own. However, to do so Karin must have spent an entire life in skin contact with the other magical girl, and share her blood and genes. So, only one level 4 bond can ever be achieved, that of Karin and her own mother. This bond is what allows her to become Heart Dove. While using this level, she may not benefit of the other contract.

    As Heart Dove II, she inherits the same powers as the original Heart Dove, which was an all-rounder magical girl with enhaced strength and speed, as well as the ability to fly rather graciously. Like the original Heart Dove, she could use the Love Spear of Heart Piercing quite adeptly, whether as melee weapon or a thrown homing projectile.
    • Dove Kick!: Self explanatory. A flying kick in which she swoops down to clobber a target.
    • Dove Peck!: A fast energetic series of thrusts with her spear.
    • Heart Shield!: Heart Dove twirls her spear in front of her, creating a heart shaped magical shield to mitigate an enemy's attack.
    • Piercing Spear of Love!: Heart Dove charges her spear with magical energies, and aims at the heart of a target. Heart Dove's most iconic move and finisher.
  • Weapon(s): Paperbag Mask does not have weapons on her own, unless she uses a Level 3 link, in which case she summons a replica of another magical girl's weapon. As Heart Dove II she can summon the Love Spear of Heart Piercing, a magical spear, that despite her name, is actually harmless to humans and other magical girls. While it is a magical homing weapon that always targets hearts or cores, it passess through most normal beings causing only mild comfort and fuzzy feelings. When it is thrown or used against a Negari target, it hits with the force of a mythical Gungnir or Gae Bolg, obliterating or severely damaging the target. However this kind of thrown shot mean she has to recover the spear manually should she fail, and she can do so many throws (namely one or two) before she runs out of energy. It is meant to be a finisher weapon, after all.
  • Brief History:
    Karin was born from the fairytale (hah!) union of a successful businessman called Yamato Renji and his longtime admirer and crush, a girl called Nodoka. Nodoka was once an average girl who dreamed of marrying a millionarie, and she also had a secret life as Heart Dove, a very successful and popular magical girl. Suffice to say, that she used said success to woo the wealthy man's heart and start a family together with him.

    Karin is the child that was product of said union, and she was showered with all kinds of care and love. She was after all, a modern world's princess of a modern world fairytale. And the actual fairies did show at some point. A year ago, when Karin witnessed a particular bad discussion between her parents, she spotted a small glittery thing next to her mother. Surprised, she stumbled down the door she was spying and discovered the truth. Her mother did not hide the fact she had been a magical girl, much to her father's displeasure, and how she wanted to go active again much despite her parents protests.

    It was when Karin made a decision. If new magical girls needed to be recruited, there was no reason why she couldn't become one. After all, she had been given so much in return, it was about time she stopped being a brat and gave something of those back. The fairy, known as Reno, pondered her offer, telling she would arrange something about that. Her father was livid, but didn't say much as he took a beeline for the liquor cabinet, mumbling that Karin was the spitting image of her foolish mother. He did not, however deny her whim. He loved her daughter and wife too much to interfere.

    Of course, Karin wanted to try something different to her mother this time around...

    • Fairy Name: Depardieu
    • Fairy Appearance: Depardieu is Reno's younger, irresponsible and lazy sister. She's actually somewhat pudgy and marshmellow-like for a fairy, and wears a single piece red and teal dress. She doesn't wear any shoes. She has a mop of brown hair that covers her sleepy-shaped blue eyes.
    • Fairy Personality:Depardieu is a slob who believes in the law of minimal effort. Sloth-like and uncharacteristically slow, it takes some prodding, and in some cases, even physical abuse to get her to show a response to anything. The only thing that she actively pursues is eating foodstuffs and finding cozy places to sleep. While she is usually doing nothing most of the time, Depardieu possesses some kind of lazy zen wisdom and can make very down to earth philosophical encouraging remarks (so long as she doesn't run out of food). She is also more keen than most people and fairies give her credit for, and she respects her sister Reno's wishes even if they go against her lazy nature.
  • Theme Song:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

  • Name: Yukimura Noriko
  • Magical Girl Title: The Ripper. Being far from the most cheerful of magical girl names, you have to wonder why Noriko has something so blatantly angst-ridden. The answer? Having no naming sense whatsoever and cheerfully picking up the first thing the fan community called her because of all the knives. It's a vast improvement over "The Girl That Stabs Things With Sharp Knives", even if she has little idea what it could possibly by referencing.
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Magical Girl Appearance:
  • Personality: 'Magical girl fangirl' would not be the first choice for a traditional girl's hobby and yet, in Noriko's case, it very much is--or as much as you can be without going on the internet and taking part there. She receives every magazine that she can get a subscription to and follows them religiously, even though she occasionally makes appearances herself nowadays. It would be accurate to say that she has a deep appreciation for magical girls and their work but such a description is only accurate for her childhood. She really likes magical girls.
    That being a magical girl allows her to get close to her idols and try to befriend them is an amazing opportunity that Noriko can't pass up. That being a magical girl means her identity is an unknown is even better. It means being able to act without having to keep to her upbringing every second of the day--and it exposes her vast enthusiasm for both her tasks and the girls around her. Yet she's still awkward about trying to get to know people and worries about her identity being exposed--which would mean a return to acting properly.
    Outside of being a magical girl, Noriko tends to be polite but rather distant. Not only does she have little idea how to go about making friends with someone of her own age, her upbringing has left her with few common interests with the majority of people that she meets. She's actually rather shy when not hidden by being a magical girl.
  • Skills: Noriko's skills are conspicuously lacking in a large variety of everyday matters even despite her age. Her cooking skills don't even reach the point of being able to make tea normally and those rare attempts she makes at something as simple as rice tends to lead to abject failure, not least because of her incompetence with technological innovations of any kind. Her skill there looks like it should belong to a rural centenarian, with anything more complicated than 'make phone call' or 'turn on television' going badly.
    Conversely, her traditional skills are far better than the norm. For all her inability to not burn tea on a day to day basis, the white-haired girl can perform tea ceremonies flawlessly. If it has some element of ceremony or art about it, even her handwriting, Noriko tends to be as accomplished as she is technologically hopeless.
    Helpfully for a career as a magical girl, and a likely influence on why her abilities are so simple, is that her list of traditional skills include such things as being able to defend herself proactively. Such as by attacking someone with a sword. Or by punching them until they can't hurt her in return. Rather than any one style, Noriko is actually schooled in several different methods of fighting unarmed and a scale of how to use swords from 'I have a knife' up to 'am I supposed to be cutting through horses?' and 'I only have a stick'. Though mostly directly irrelevant to operating as a Magical Girl, it gave her a leg up on most new magical girls by actually having trained reflexes and an awareness for combat before being thrown in at the deep end.
  • Abilities: Anyone discovering Noriko for the first time is bound to expect some sort of herculean magical girl, provided they don't recognise the reference. These people are often surprised to learn that she's perhaps in the running for the most physically meagre magical girl, as she doesn't receive any sort of enhancement to her strength. What gets boosted abnormally is her speed, allowing her to get in, make a single wound, and get out again. There's a limited effectiveness in inflicting a death of a thousand cuts, which is why Noriko is rather thankful that the speed is just a vector for the application of her real ability.
    She has the ability to pinpoint physical weak points. In doing so, it gives her the ability to severely cripple or even outright enemies if she can land her blow correctly. It was this surgical precision that lead her first followers to compare her use of knives to a famous murderer, despite her friendly attitude.
    Though only she can actually see the exact point and exploit it to maximum effect, it's still a physical weakness. Anyone that knows roughly wear to hit can take advantage of their attacks not being so easily dismissed, which makes Noriko a valuable ally even in battles against something too large for her knives to have a major impact.
    It is, perhaps, for the best that Noriko doesn't have a true finishing move because of her total inability to come up with a good name for even her ability to see weak points. When it has to be given a name in fact sheets, she picked "Knowing Where Things Break More When Stabbed".
  • Weapon(s): Knives. Noriko didn't actually name them given that she has no limit on the number that can be pulled out and you could buy their kind anywhere in Japan. They're remarkably well balanced, suitable for stabbing, cutting, or even throwing as the situation arises. On the downside... well, knives. They have no special abilities like other magical weapons might possess nor much reach. Combined with her lack of any method for hitting harder, tough opponents can ignore almost all attacks Noriko might conceivably make until she discerns their weakness and manages to strike it.
  • Brief History: Being born the only child of an old and wealthy family is no insurance against poor health, as Noriko found out. From infancy, the girl spent more time actively sick than capable of causing problems in the normal vein of young children. On its own, no amount of advanced medicine seemed to improve her condition and her parents took the opposite approach: aside from the medicine itself, limit her contact with modern life and cities. She was consequently sent to be raised by her grandparents in the country, a household as untouched by technological advance as possible in this day and age.
    Though her health was generally improved out here, enough that Noriko could start to learn the martial arts that had been passed down through the years, it was still marked by enough illness that her attendance at school was spotty and her time spent with her peers quite limited--they didn't even have similar interests, after all. But she enjoyed the surroundings and over time her health improved to the point that, after Junior High, her parents decided to send her to a selective high school in Umitori.
    In her first year back in a city, Noriko's health began to decline once again and her lack of socialisation made it difficult for her to form friendships, especially as she started taking time off for illness. At the beginning of her second year, she was home ill once again--missing the beginning of year and even what class she was to be in--when she received an unexpected visitor: a fairy. The disgruntled girl offered her a simple trade: Noriko would become a magical girl and in the process her health problems would be corrected, or at least suspended indefinitely. Simply not being ill was an alluring choice, but to be able to make friends with the magical girls in her magazines without her previous illness casting a cloud over things and get another chance to make a first impression...
    Noriko took the fairy up in it in a heartbeat, though even now she has yet to make any close friends this way but that's not going to stop the rich girl from trying her best as more and more magical girls are created.
    • Fairy Name: Hawthorne
    • Fairy Appearance: Such a fancily dressed fairy.
    • Fairy Personality: Hawthorne is quite... unfriendly for a fairy, and concerned only with her partner being the best magical girl possible, regardless of what this requires her to do. For instance, she specifically sought out someone in Noriko's situation, that would have no reason to turn her down and as many reasons to fulfil her assigned task as possible. In this, she's a very good support so long as Noriko has some desire to keep performing as a magical girl. If she were to give up on making friends this way, then she would have to get... creative. Even arranging a false friendship would be an acceptable step to Hawthorne.
  • Theme Song:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ACHTUNG
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

  • Name:
    • Katsuragi Risa
  • Magical Girl Title:

    • The Major
  • Age:

    • 18
  • Gender:

    • Female
  • Appearance:

  • Magical Girl Appearance:

  • Personality:

    • Uncouth, brash, loud and aggressive while being surprisingly personable when she's not loaded to the top of her hair in sheer aggressive energy...
    • Also characterized by her inability to achieve subtlety when it's needed...
    • And when in the heat of any moment, she can be as dense as thorium and take a good long while to realize something...
    • A proper greeting to her usually amounts to just a yell and a wave...
  • Skills:

    • She is surprisingly adept when it concerns anything she's interested by... As an example her skills regarding chemistry was driven by her early curiosity in rocketry... And her tactical and strategic acumen stemmed from time spent reading up on history's most glorified parts, the battles... the wars... Her mechanical skills bolstered by her very brief but also quite exciting bout in go-karting.
    • As to her more feminine aspects, her skills in cooking was driven by her desire to eat said food afterwards, and her skills with the needle was due to her interests in personally modifying her clothes to her own taste... Unfortunately she however lack the skill to clean up after herself, so everything often ends up in an eternal state of chaos with her about...
    • And one in her age group in these day and age, you can't really avoid being hooked by video games, and holy crap is she an avid gamer. She's got such passion for it that she's got a youtube channel of predominantly gameplay videos accented by videos on various subjects of interest... her interest...
    • Physically, she's strong for a girl of her stature but she's not particularly fast, a short stature does that to you... She has stamina and dexterity however, as well as passable agility...
  • Abilities:

    • Her ability is very well categorized in the conjuration or summoning category... Specifically the ability to produce up to a company's worth of copies of her self. Specifically a hundred
    • There are two main variants of her replications... a Primary, which is a copy of her, complete with magical abilities and enhancements of which there is very little... Whenever a Primary split is out, there really is no question of which one is the original, since all primary splits would count. All Primaries share a constant physical link with each other, in such that all experiences of one is felt by everyone else in real time... Good for how she structures how her splits function as well as during some other select instances... Otherwise it's more of a bad thing, being constantly in tune with the experiences of multipler bodies. Especially since experiences shared include unpleasant one's... like a stubbed toe...
    • The second variant is the Secondary... which is basically a regular copy of her but without the Primary's sharing benefits and downsides. So basically a secondary is another girl in the mold of Risa, with the same pre-enhanced abilities and with no capability of performing her own magic.
    • Both types of splits are not magical constructs but are actual living human beings so she must remember to recombine all splits into one body after any activity needing their use, otherwise she'd have a problem of secondary's specifically causing her some unwanted mishaps...
    • The other aspect of her ability is the fact that she can also conjure up other objects in addition to her splits, since it won't do to have a hundred naked girls as her ability, even she would be embarrassed with a stunt like that. This normally takes the form of clothing for day to day trivial use or in combat operations, it would be weapons and armour. The complexity of which would result in reduction in the amount of splits she's able to maintain at any one time... For instance she can arm the entire company sized force of herself with mundane weaponry from pikes and peltes to battle rifles and grenades... But she has to sacrifice two platoons to maintain a large missile complex like say a Surface to Air Missile system such as the MIM-104D PATRIOT PAC-2...
    • Organization is pretty straight forward, Her company is usually set up into three platoons of thirty each and the last ten to serve as a headquarters section of command. Each platoon being composed of three fire teams/squads of eight each and a six person command and support unit. With all commanding officers being of Primary splits to allow instant telepathic information sharing with the command section.
    • The speed at which she can get the company going depends entirely on the situation she's in, although at most it would take half an hour to get the entire company going. Fire team sized groups of eight splits would take a mere dozen or so seconds.
    • The number of deployments really depends on the situation as well as her state, if particularly fatigued she could just operate with a platoon sized compliment at maximum instead of the full company.
    • Splits are spawned by literally appearing in her vicinity in a molding of a bit of red light and they are recalled via physical contact with each other and eventually ending up with a single "Primary".
    • Although she may not be capable of creating big blasts of arcane power like some magical girls without entirely restructuring her magical properties, she can however make do by substituting what humanity has already achieved in their various destructive tools she is able to muster with a little magical touch in it not needing to go through a production line to be made ready for combat...
    • "Right... To those whoz askin... no It's not a walk in the park whenever I sortie out coz have you lot no idea how difficult it is to keep ME in line? I have to constantly remind me splits that I'm the boss here and I'm in charge to get them to do something... As much as a bane as it is a boon this ability... but hey I wouldn't trade it for the world..." - Katsuragi Risa
  • Weapon:

    • It really comes down to what she fancies for the engagement at hand. Coz one won't use a sword to fight something the size of a bus... That's just dangerous and ineffectual if the sword wasn't an overtly magically enhanced object. While she can conjure many objects, those of the magical variety is very much out of her league. And she hasn't bothered to take up lessons in enchantment either...
  • Brief History:

    • Born to globe trotter parent's Risa's not really gotten much of a permanent settlement and therefore permanent set of companionship in the entirety of her childhood and her early teen life... Though this did mean that it fostered a great sense of adventure and self sufficiency in her. While not exactly the height of luxury her family is still pretty well off. She herself isn't sure how such a lifestyle have ended up molding her personality to what it is now, that of an an excitable and aggressive young lady, but she can't really say she has any regrets as to what she's ended up as.

      When she turned sixteen however she did decide that it was time for her to slow down a bit, and that's the primary reason of how she personally decided to settle for a bit in Umitori. Because even she needs to find a significant someone to be a life partner. Though that will be a difficult thing since most men would likely prefer delicate ladies... Something she isn't...

      Unfortunately... for her, and generally for everybody else... That's when she met Marza a fairy who probably should have researched more about Risa before giving her the offer of being a magical girl... Because any chance of excitement like that was sure to pique the interest of the girl. What really probably didn't fit was the sheer characteristics and personality which together resulted in a really queer set of abilities. For it's hardly a kit that's discreet or quiet.

      That said however, Risa still did tend to her responsibilities as a defender of the people seriously enough. As bad character she has she still has a good sense of what is morally acceptable... And if only for the fact that she has found a passtime in orchestrating victory parades after a successful skirmish with the enemy...

      One thing she has started doing is keeping around a secondary split, with a different hairstyle around her almost permanently, whom she has named "Nisa"... Being a secondary means she never shares any experiences with Risa and her prolonged separation has allowed her to gain a slightly different personality.. Slightly less of a hard head than her progenitor and also a clearer head. Risa, Nisa and Marza is the core component of the HQ command unit whenever on a skirmish against the enemy...
  • Fairy Name:
    • Marza
  • Fairy Appearance:

  • Fairy Personality:
    • A Snarky little fairy with pretty much as much finesse as the girl she's found... Although she shares many traits with Risa, the two almost always disagree on everything... What she does have however is a clearer head than her compatriot.
  • Theme Song:
    • "I will listen to any music I fancy and I fancy a lot of music, and my greed disallows me to specifically just choose one... BUT I'd settle for puttin in a tune I'm jammin to right now..." - Katsuragi Risa
    • Windfall by TheFatRat

~All Artwork of Risa shamelessly pilfered from Rabochicken and that of Marza is of Croire by Idea Factory... Rights be theirs...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Schwing
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tsukada Yuzuki
Magical Girl Title: Miko Harvest
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Magical Girl Appearance: As Miko Harvest, Tsukada Yuzuki wears a white kimono jacket, a single large red hair ribbon, a red long-skirt with pink stockings underneath and a pair of golden and glittering waraji. Around her neck are a series of purple prayer beads and her face is painted with a sun painted over her eyes and nose just above her mouth alongside a rice paddy painted across her jawline.
Personality: Tsukada Yuzuki is a girl from the salt of the earth, incredibly naive to the ways of city life, popular culture and other matters revolving around that subject. Hardworking and stubborn to a fault she will eagerly accept the challenges life throws at her and attempt to solve them in an old fashioned way like her dad would do. Incredibly superstitious, she practices a medley of odd folk practices with an intense earnest to encourage certain beneficial things to happen alongside stopping malevolent things from happening. For the most part she is a tomboy with an intense bravado that can easily get shattered and cause her to fluster, such as in situations where she has to be overtly girly.
Skills: Due to being born on a farm, Yuzuki is pretty strong due to completing laborious tasks. She knows her way around many farm vehicles, understands the various factors impacting crop yield, knows how to tend to farm animals and how to maintain and harvest plant crops. She is also skilled in various outdoorsy/rural activities, such as camping, fishing, hunting, preparing animals for consumption and taxidermy.
Abilities: Miko Harvest utilizes what she refers to as 'The Dances of Kuebiko' in order to use her magical girl abilities. Depending on the performance and style of the dance, Miko Harvest can unleash the following abilities.
Pirouette of Prevented Plagues - Through intensive spinning motions, Miko Harvest conjures mass swarms of locusts, hornets and cicadas to strike at and devour the targets as if they were the crops these pests wanted to initially devour.
Serpentine Sways of Ugajin - When swaying sensuously Miko Harvest takes on snake like aspects and as such she becomes more evasive and her limbs become rubbery and are able to stretch out long distances.
Frolicking Fields - Through jumping Miko Harvest is able to flicker illusions of large rice fields into existence which flood the senses in order to deceive those around her.
Kuebiko's Purification - This is the most curious dance as for most of the dance it involves Miko Harvest kneeling down on both knees in prayer. If this prayer is not interrupted by strikes or losing focus, she charges up with large amounts of magical energy. Once fully charged, Miko Harvest leaps up and begins swinging her kamas rapidly, releasing large curved arcs of white energy that hone towards evil, and after engulfing the source of evil and then purifies all the evil stored within. This serves as a finishing maneuver.
Weapon(s): A pair of Kamas with prayer-beads hanging from the handles.
Brief History: For the most part Tsukada Yuzuki had a fairly dull and uneventful life. She was born in the rice paddy farmlands like her four younger sisters were, her parents were before them, their grandparents before that, and their great grandparents before them and so on. Yuzuki did not mind doing laborious farm-work day in and day out as she did enjoy it. For the most part the most exciting things she ever experienced besides a couple of minor incidents at the farm were going to the local shrine to give offerings. However that changed when her Aunt living in Umitori became sickly. Tsukada's parents knew they needed to take care of her, but she did not want to leave Umitori for farm life. As the oldest child Yuzuki was sent to move in with her Aunt to help take care of her and make sure she was alright. It was there in the big city, she met the fairy Sayaka who utilized her city-slicker tongue to convince Tsukada Yuzuki to become a Magical Girl.
Fairy Name: Sayaka

Fairy Personality: In short Sayaka is a sleazy city-slicker who acts like a talent manager. She's a vapid individual who is lazy when it comes to work that doesn't involve 'showing off the talent' and more importantly 'making oodles of money for the talent' so that she can skim more off the top alongside taking large cuts of profit. However when it comes to her avarice desires she is incredibly hardworking.
Theme Song:A Theme Song
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

  • Name: Charlotte Adams
  • Magical Girl Title: Unreachable Comet
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Magical Girl Appearance:

    This image depicts Charlotte in the middle of her transformation. A thin star-filled ring passes over her moving from her feet to her hair, replacing her street clothes with a beautiful white dress. She typically starts her transformation when she holds her keychain behind her back. Her hair is also placed in a long ponytail after the transformation. The keychain becomes a necklace that dangles around Charlotte’s neck in this form.
  • Personality: Charlotte is difficult to pin down at times. She finds it difficult to be herself in her new surroundings because of her unfamiliarity with them. Typically, when surrounded by friends or those she trusts she is very easygoing – even lackadaisical. This is mostly due to the incredible amounts of work her parents do each and every day to ensure she is staying on top of her musical studies and school work. The subjects she excels the most at are chemistry and history. Her worst subject is creative writing.

    In that regard, this is primarily because Charlotte’s analytical mind is much sharper than her creative mind. Primarily this is due to her strict upbringing, but also because she doesn’t typically have the energy for it. Charlotte isn’t really lazy as much as she is almost always exhausted. Often times taking her lunch breaks to nap instead of eat. This has resulted in calls home previously, but her parents simply wave it off as Charlotte being narcoleptic – which she is of course, not. While Charlotte’s parents do want the best for her, they certainly want the best for their reputation and lineage as well. This has driven them to take an approach to parenting that is often harsh and cold.

    During her fairly limited downtime, Charlotte enjoys sitting at cafes. She enjoys the atmosphere of late night coffee and a nice window to peer out. She enjoys wondering about the outside world, even if she could very well participate in it. She has found since her recent move to Japan she doesn’t have the drive to interact with people – often assuming that they would as a baseline treat her more coldly than her parents do. As, even in America she didn’t have many friends and wasn’t allowed much time to herself. This has also resulted in her not knowing what to say in many scenarios, instead opting to stay quiet and perhaps only say one or two things.
  • Skills: Charlotte is an excellent concert pianist, however she has little skill in composition. Playing the notes already made for her is her specialty, and she’s rarely one for performing some flourish at the end. She’s an incredibly competent science student maintaining a near perfect average and is often found with her head buried in a textbook. She finds researching to be a rather menial task and can do some fairly in depth research without too much struggle. Notably Charlotte also has a near-perfect memory. She is able to take massive amounts of information in without need for much mnemonic devices. Because of this she has stellar grades in school, however she is not involved in any after school programs or clubs. She is somewhat physically fit, she practices kickboxing and self-defense techniques at home in her garage when she needs to work the frustration out of her system.
  • Abilities: Charlotte’s abilities are not specifically aggressive. In order for her to really combat her foes – she will have to be creative, something she often times struggles with. Her main ability comes in the form of intangibility. She can render herself completely intangible allowing herself to become not present on the physical plane. She can use this ability on any one part of her body at a time or the full thing - that does not present much of a challenge. However, she does find it more difficult to phase through objects that are denser. Charlotte can also phase other people through solid objects and other solid objects by touching them. This is her main method of fighting, she brings a few solid objects or uses her surroundings and phases them into her opponents, causing massive damage.

    Her main attack therein is something she calls her supernova touch. By placing a hand on her opponent she can cause them to begin to phase into the earth itself. This requires a great deal of concentration from Charlotte to prepare, however once she is ready a simple touch is enough to cause someone to sink as fast as they would fall when jumping from a plane. Quickly gaining speed. By the time they regain their mass and presence in this physical plane they are consistently bisected or even completely in the ground, they would then, of course, die. This can be for a variety of reasons, the primary reason is that when they become ‘unphased’ they would exist in the same area as a layer of concrete, soil or even tree roots which they would reform around. Creating many holes.

    Her abilities allow her to play a more defensive role on the team, an example of how her abilities can be used on the defensive is through disarming someone. Simply having their weapon swung at her she can phase through it and cause it to phase through their hand. The weapon would then drop to the floor and they would be disarmed.
  • Weapon(s): When her key is turned, as if unlocking something in the middle of the air her bow is dropped into her hands along with her quiver full of arrows. This bow is special as it allows her to channel her abilities through it and the arrows. What this means is that she can phase her arrows through objects and bring them back into the physical plane whenever she needs to, even already inside of her opponent. While this isn’t as useful as it sounds, it does allow her to make sure friendly fire isn’t an issue.
  • Brief History: Charlotte was born in San Francisco to two parents who were both part of the insane gold rush of the twenty first century. That is to say, they owned a marketing platform for up and coming internet celebrities, allowing them to generate much more ad revenue and get ads placed by much bigger companies, ensuring a viewer minimum as collateral for the companies who they sponsored. Charlotte was tutored from a young age in many subjects, attending a private school that offered one on one classes for a premium. Because of this Charlotte often found that she didn’t really make friends as it were. She and her maids were on good terms, and she considered her teachers to all be nice people. But no one in her age had ever really, spoken to her. At least not for any real amount of time.

    Because of this Charlotte grew up afraid of those who would be considered her peers. Her father immediately sought out a personal trainer for her to train under as soon as she had turned eleven. He too felt that it was best to be prepared for the worst of the world. When she was twelve her family moved to Japan and she once again started her personal training. The sea of tutors continued, until very recently. Just this past month, her parents lost a huge client in Japan, but were desperate to see their plans and expansion work out. Thusly, they decided to cut costs where they could and move Charlotte to a public school. She would be a new student in the classes, just a small freshman. But she was desperately out of her league when it came to social interaction. She would be the newest student in class 1-C at East Umitori High.

    • Fairy Name: Puck
    • Fairy Appearance: A tiny girl with a light blue hue. She is a tomboy and incredibly standoffish constantly making rude remarks and trying to embarrass Charlotte. She wears a backwards snapback and aviator sunglasses along with a white shirt with Minny Mouse on it and some jean shorts. She has fairly large (in proportion to her body) wings which are translucent and is constantly posing to try and look cool.
    • Fairy Personality:
    Puck is best described as a wannabee. She wants to be cool, she wants to be hip but she really does fail. Often times she tries her best saying things like ‘bruh’ and ‘suh dude’. But in her heart she cares for Charlotte wants to protect her from the outside world. However, she’d never want Charlotte to rely on her or assume that her intentions are so pure, so to rectify the situation she constantly berates and yells at the poor girl. She also gets jealous when Charlotte spends time with others. Char-chan belongs to Puck.
  • Theme Song:
You’re Welcome.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Kaneko Yuri

Magical Girl Title:
Golden Flower


"Is this even a question?"

FOR Yuri, strength is everything. Of course, her definition of strength is somewhat nebulous, so when asked what is strength for her one is likely to receive a different answer every time, but nevertheless, her pursuit of strength is what defines her. She respects an abundance of it, and disdains a lack of it - and does so openly and without hesitation. Some would say she's an honest girl, while others would call her arrogant; it doesn't matter to Yuri, as the truth has always been far simpler:

She lives the way she wants to, with little regard for others opinions or beliefs.

HER motivations aside, she's someone who enjoys a challenge, and her favorite method of enjoying herself is none other than battle. Whether it be against Negari or other magical girls, the thrill she gets from pitched, high-stakes combat is perhaps unmatched among all other magical girls. In fact, among her peers, she's infamous for her reputation as an unrepentant combat junkie. Of course, this attitude extends to actions outside of combat, and in every aspect of her life, Yuri will undoubtedly give it her all if it means overcoming what she deems a challenge. In that sense, for Yuri, it's all or nothing. If something fails to garner her interest, then it may as well not exist for her; if does, however, then she's prepared to go above and beyond the norm.

SOMEWHAT predictably, she's often at odds with other magical girls, as unlike the majority of them, her sense of right and wrong is somewhat skewed - though not nonexistent. Blatant acts of injustice and evil will hardly get a pass from her, but beyond irredeemable crimes, she will tend to ignore them in favor of her own pursuits.

IN terms of relationships, Yuri is hardly what one would call a good friend, but neither is she someone that one would regret having at their side. It is simply that meeting the requirements for her to consider someone her friend sets the bar high enough, sustaining those requirements would be considerably more difficult to those unprepared. To those that she does consider friends though, she is ready to assist no matter what the trouble is, even if her assistance might not always be the most comfortable thing to have.

All-in-all, the Golden Flower is the flower that blooms freely, unhindered by weather or war.

  • Even in her human guise, Yuri is a beast in a melee, so much so that those that have had the misfortune to feel her skill first-hand wonder if she's doing drugs. She's not formally trained in martial arts, but her instinct combined with a lifetime of picking fights have led her to develop her own fighting style.
  • She's also an above average cook - out of necessity more than anything. Following a self-imposed diet is easier when you're the one doing the cooking, and if one has to cook, they may as well make it taste good.
  • She's also smarter than many give her credit for. More street smart than book smart, but she's no slouch in either department.

- As Golden Flower she's acquired physical abilities that eclipse that of the normal enhancements of magical girls, giving her strength and endurance far above the regular magical girl, such that she is usually able to bulldoze her way through regular Negari.

- Asides from her physical capabilities, she can wreathe a golden flame across her body that fans of hers have given the moniker "Golden Empress Aura". In simple terms, it completely nullifies any attempts to bind or move her. She cannot be pushed, pulled, tied or constricted, etc; however, it does not work as a physical barrier for damage of any kind, so in some cases it may actually work to her detriment - attacks that her body might have instinctively dodged, or otherwise mitigated slightly, will instead take the full brunt of it. So while she may not be pushed by an incoming flying car, she sure as heck is going to feel it.

Her only weapon, which is a single gigantic, pile-bunker-esque gauntlet that can be used to briefly enhance a single punch to reach levels above her already insane strength before being discarded for twenty-four hours, or otherwise as just a really big metal fist to hit things with. More often than not just used as a trump card and rarely taken out for regular use. She's given it the name "Mountain Breaker".

Brief History:
THE daughter of a construction worker and a school teacher, it is unknown just where exactly her rather tyrannical mentality came from. If one asked her, and if she felt like answering, then she would say that she could trace it back to the day she was kidnapped.

IT was an incident her parents never knew about, a crime that resolved before it could even become a crime. The details of what happened are known only to her, and she's never openly discussed what transpired, but whatever happened changed her way of viewing life.

SINCE then, she'd developed a habit of starting fights. When she lost for the first time, she developed a secondary habit of winning fights. Eventually, her infamy spread, to the point where even most delinquents avoided her out of fear; those that didn't, quickly fell in line with the rest.

SHE met Frudie when the latter was being chased by a Negari. The poor fairy contracted the first person she met who had the potential. It could have been anyone, really. This time, it just so happened to be Yuri, who was on her way from a back-alley brawl.

WHAT happened next, according to the fairy, was the most one-sided and anti-climactic beat-down of the century.

IT's been three years since then, and she's only been making a bigger name for herself in the process, though not the kind of name that Frudie approved of, much to the little fairy's dismay.

Theme song:

Fairy Name:
Frudie (Froo-dee-eh)

Fairy Appearance:
A constantly depressed looking fairy, with long blue hair, lavender-colored eyes, who is usually dressed in a long white and elegant gown and elbow length white gloves, and a short blue cape.

Fairy Personality:
Before meeting Yuri, she was bumbling and somewhat overenthusiastic fairy, especially in terms of finding a partner to contract; she had a rather low sense of self-esteem as well, not being one of the more 'talented' fairies, nor was she exceptionally attractive. After contracting with Yuri, however, due her constantly having to deal with her contractors . . . 'independent' attitude has sapped her of energy and instilled within her a habit of lamenting her ill-fortune. Still, she is loyal to Yuri and despite what she says outwardly, is in fact more than satisfied with and very proud of her partner.

Theme song:

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