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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

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Listening to what the female had to say he was very respectful as he nodded his head to her words. "The only victims accounted have been children. So, no. Teenagers and adults are not in the victim range." followed by a glare then he smirked at her and chuckled a little as she glared at him. He didn't take anything by it. Though he cocked his head in another direction showing that the glare meant nothing to him. He then started walking round a bit. Waiting for the others to get their information. Tariq was ready to go out and solve this case and try to get home safely. . . If not he knew he could die and he sighed as he thought about it bringing back memories of past situations. Tariq knew Isa didn't know what happened between him and Emory and she had to part in it either. Tariq didn't want anybody know about the emotional past.

300 victims…
More and more victims have been arising as of late…

Tariq had pain twirl in his chest as he listened to the female's words. He hated hearing about children becoming hurt...especially somebody murdering children for their own sick and twisted pleasure. He sucked in air through his clenched teeth as his hands turned into fists. He knew this pain wouldn't ever get numb...or would it? His mind was racing as he was trying to think of things about the situation and listening to the female for every word she had to say and listening to everyone else's questions and statements. He was getting as much information as he could out of this case.

The instrument to gouge out the eyes was indeed a fork due to the certain pattern tongs make in flesh… His eyes closed tightly together as he imagined the situation happening and he shook his head a he opened his eyes. Tariq seemed expressionless now. He hated thinking about children's pain....such innocent creatures that shouldn't ever have to go through something like that.

Tariq then heard the words of 'let's split up' nodding his head he then approached the male's Athos and Felix the two guys he goes with on every mission that are on his team. Tariq smiles at them as he has grown somewhat fond of them both as he has worked with them for a little while now. "Hello you two." Tariq smiles at them as he stood there both hands in his pockets as he looks at them. He seemed more happy around these two as he smiled at them. "What do you think about this case?" he questioned with the raise of an eye brow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Aware of what was going on around her Bunny nonetheless acts as if she were in the calmest of environments as she removes a beautiful Cobalt Blue Crystal Pendulum and sets it to swinging as she uses a magic that is at least as old as the Pyramids; Necromancy.

Her voice is sweet and gentle as she charges the scrying crystal which swings at the end of a silver chain in a form of Spirit dousing taught to her by Miss Night focusing her arcane aura to enter the specially selected resonator crystal. The effect isn’t obvious to the living but to those sensitive to the entropic energies that surround the dead it is a chime of announcement and introduction marking Velvet as a Friend. She doesn’t cast a spell of summoning because of how little she knows of the area and those that actually haunt it who could be powerful and horrific forces choosing instead to exude warmth and solace into the chilling viel.

Who would have known that she’d be using her lessons in Ghoul Studies in a place that she was dying to know was or wasn’t connected to the spiritual world as myth said it was and began to follow the crystals bidding seeking that answer.

How normal it all seemed now that she had walked the dark corridors of Salazar Slytherin’s domain in the Serpentine hall near his House’s door because it was there that you had to go if you wanted the answers, the protections and spells of the dead. The Mystery house seemed tame to Bunny after her treks in the lowest Catacombs beneath Hogwarts following her pale teacher and the other students who took the special class; one trapped forever to attend the class because he died in the classroom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xilaw
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As soon as Emory signalled, Bunny and Florian split off from the group and off to a random direction, far enough from the suspicious-looking family to figure out what to do next and where to go from there. The two weaved through the long corridors of this large unusual mansion for a few seconds before stumbling into a foyer. Standing there for a little bit to catch their breath and figure out where to go from there, without a word spoken, Bunny did her thing with that necklace she keeps around her long pale neck. She was searching for spirits that may be possessing the mansion and Florian realized it immediately, being partnered up with her for some time now. Their teamwork despite lack of communication for the most part worked like clockwork. Over the course of time they have worked together on various cases they came to realize each other's mindframe so it wasn't too difficult to see what the other one was thinking.

Their search was cut off by a loud commosion spreading through the long corridors and echoing from all sides of the room. Something was amiss. An unexpected woman's screaming cut right through Florian's attention on the task giving a swift look towards the corridor they just came from, but being trained in this sort of business he was quick to recover and look back at Bunny who didn't even flinch and was obviously still focused. "We don't have the time to go back and see what's going on." - Florian suggested: "We should keep looking for the room and leave it to the rest of the team."

He wasn't usually the type to shy away from danger, but he also had a keen knowledge in discerning his priorities during missions: "If in dire needs, they'll let us know." - he continued with his slight Russian accent. He has been working on his English pronounciation, trying to mask his rough Slavic speech behind an American one. But a sharp ear could still pick up certain words articulated in a non-American fashion. Luckily, he was not exactly the chatty type so for under-cover purposes it was good enough. Perhaps not well known among his colleagues is also his knowledge of Norwegian, which he learned at Durmstrang, as well as French and Italian. Emory and Arthur are most likely the only two people in ORO he may have mentioned this to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 1 day ago

”There’s something dark here, this feeling…it’s definitely not natural. The walls seem to soak up anything negative that happens, a form of sentience...” Before Emory could say any more, the laboured breaths of Zara caught his attention. He turned to look at her and watched as her beautiful face contorted to one of panic and terror. She collapsed to the floor in anguish and agony from the thoughts she was tapped in too. Emory dropped to his knees and cradled the New Zealander girl in his arms in a vain attempt to steady her surroundings. He gripped her tightly and for moment he was transported back a year, to a graveyard in Haiti. Shaking off the memory of days gone past, the Charms master looked down at Zara as she finally came out of her trance.

”The father” She said.

Emory moved his gaze over to Nickie who stood off to the side. ”Wands at the ready” The Welshman drew his pine wand and surveyed the room for any change. A strong smell of clover began to fill the wide room as the door behind them slammed shut. ”What is that? Clover? The hell is going on in this place” Helping Zara to her feet, Emory moved off to look around the room. Over his years as a Regulator, the young man had developed a talent for deduction and finding things that should not be present. Daisy was the true detective though, the woman had a brain like a supercomputer. Her ability to process information was second to none.

Around the Regulators, the walls began to shift as if there was something slithering beneath the paper. The west facing window which was once illuminated by the California sunlight was soon blocked out by darkness. Peering outside, Emory noted that now all he could see was a wall. ”The room moved. Merlin’s beard…”He spoke in a slight state of bemusement. This case was getting more and more interesting by the minute. As if on cue, the door burst open and in ran the young girl, Vespa Barr whom immediately ducked under a table, the fear emanating from her tiny frame palpable in the dimply lit room.

”Vespa! Baby?” Tina Barr called out into the darkness of the corridor in search of her lost child. She herself felt like she had been walking for hours in spite of it only being a few minutes. She had only ever walked these disturbing corridors once as a child herself…the only visit she ever paid to the house her family owned. She was told she was a direct descendent of Sarah Winchester, though this fact was often criticised by historians. Tina had very little care for the Winchester legacy until the house fell into her ownership. She wanted to keep it open, preserve what was here but Henry, he wanted it gone, he wanted the money for himself, she knew that. In her heart of hearts, with every step she took Tina could feel the darkness growing. ”Vespa! Where are you honey?”

Happening into a bathroom, she glanced into the mirror and her skin paled at the sight of the cloaked image staring back at her. Tina unleashed a blood stirring scream before spinning on her heels and sprinting out of the room. The featureless figure burst forth from the mirror in pursuit, it’s dark robe fluttering behind it. Moving as quickly as her body would allow, Tina hurried towards a winding staircase, darting up its old wooden steps as soon as she reached it. She came to a sudden halt at the top, grabbing the railing in fear as she looked down upon the impossible; an endless drop, that was impossible! She turned again only to be greeted by her pursuer and forced off of the platform. Her body fell for an eternity until finally it hit the kitchen floor hard. Tina’s skull broke open at the back, the blood and brain matter spreading across the floor in an almighty pool of fluid.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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"Sounds good to me," Natalia said in a low voice in response to Isadora's plan before she walked over to where Kieran stood. "So, partner, ready to bust some old crazy hag?" she asked, placing an arm around him in a playful manner. Even though Natalia was more often than not an emotional mess, she always hated seeing a family member or friend in such state. And her solution to the issue was always the same: attempt to cheer them up one way or another, as was the case now. But despite people thinking that Natalia was a helpful person, she helped others to help herself, as much as she didn't want to admit it. By helping someone feel better, she would in turn also feel better, despite her own issues continuing to go unresolved.

"What shall be our cover story for today? Boyfriend and girlfriend, co-workers, or just plain friends?" Kieran was usually more reserved than Natalia, and she took advantage of such fact by playfully putting him on the spot every now and then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Did you know that the Seance room is the only room in the entire mansion that the muggles have found a secret passage in? said Bunny without even looking up from the now brightly glowing crystal.

She glances at Florian with an odd smile then hums softly a muggle tune (Hotel California) as she uses her connection to the ethereal to open her eyes to the mysterious hidden world of the dead her eyes shifting into almost feline pupils. (The spell is Egyptian and depends on the crystals light to illuminate hidden spirits or weaknesses in the veil)

She was especially good at attracting spirits and her nature attracted usually less malicious ghosts though to truly dark spirits she was like chocolate and that was why she depended on her partner and his skill with the dark arts and curses.

I think we’re searching for the obvious and should instead explore the idea that whoever or whatever is causing this is aware of the arcane world and this is a house by its sympathetic nature at least perfect for enchanting if not already enchanted…. her words trailed off as she sensed that something other than her eastern european present and communicated that fact to Florian by her silence and a her pendulum now throbbing with light almost too bright to look at.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

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Felix stood stoically whilst the briefing took place. An understandably emotional teen, he had quickly come to mask his emotions in life but especially on a mission. Flickers of emotion could distract team mates out of curiosity or concern, provide leverage for a tricky spirit or a split second of indecision. Or in the worst-case scenario: all three. Haiti.

He carefully placed the items Athos had handed him into his shoulder bag as he listened the briefing and subsequent Q & A. Whilst others focused on the scenery or the details of the case Felix watched the assorted wizards and witches as the exchange took place. It was, after all, his primary objective to keep them all alive.

He could see Arthur’s mind whirring through his encyclopaedic knowledge of the arcane to identify any possible leads, whilst Sebastian looked quite overwhelmed and a tad peaky… The doctor’s eyebrows furrowed in concern, catching Arthur’s eye and nodding his head slightly toward the new recruit.

Natalie was as pragmatic as usual with the focus on the task at hand, before her ever cheerful attempts to rouse a smile from Kieran. He smiled at his old partners, Natalie and he had been mentors to Kieran on arrival. But now he, and Tariq, had a new charge, Athos. Tariq… There was something about him and Emory that Felix suspected was an interesting history. Emory had classed him as one of the ‘Pink Elephant’ crew but the Slytherin’s actions had never suggested any inclination. It may just be him and Athos that have warranted the team name. He had approved of the magizoologists’ question, a variety of tools, spells or creatures could have left similar markings and he could see the want to prove useful, his own mind wondering in parallel if any magical creatures he knew had a penchant for eyeballs and sweets… Nada. So he took stock of the situation.

So they were in the arse end of nowhere about to take on a infanticidal mass murderer who uses her cutlery to exchange organs of sight for boiled sweets. Sometimes he was amazed at how fucked up the world was.

" Shall we split up to cover more ground?"

Felix inwardly groaned. Had no one in ORO ever seen the muggle programme Scooby Doo or any horror movie. Yet he had to concede to Isa that a motely crew of 8 strangers not completely au faire with the muggle world (not counting for the outward appearance of Isa and Sebastian) in a Texan backwater would draw a tad too much attention.

"Hello you two." Felix returned the Russian’s smile as he raised his hand to shield his eyes from the high sun. "What do you think about this case?"

“Honestly Tariq” he replied, “I think it’s fucked up.” He was always honest with his team mates. “But then again we’ve seen worse than this and gotten through it.” He shrugged and then motioned for Athos to come closer with an awkward smile.

“So what’s our story?” he asked, he’d always loved coming up with backstories on the fly. One of the only perks of the job he thought. “Three old college friends on a road trip would work quite well.” Quickly adding, “and the car broke down so we walked into town for some help.” That should provide them with a decent amount of time and excuses to visit the only important buildings in a small place like this. Whatever passed for a major’s office/town hall. The diner. The garage. And the motel. He just wanted to find this ‘creature’ and go home. He had no time for child killers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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[pretend images are here]

Athos nodded and tapped his pencil against his chin in thought. The two crowd on his should remaining silent like two gargoyles. He seemed almost unfazed by the case itself there was more interest there. Athos is the kind of guy who could eat a sandwich while doing an autopsy. He kept tapping his chin before catching the motion for him to go over out of the corner of his eye.

Athos made his way over and flipped through the rather interesting sets of notes. "I think she requires those ingredients for her youth. Perhaps as she increases with age she requires more so she has to get more children.....maybe there's a potion or a spell she's using..." he trailed off in thought before shaking his head. "I would not consider her human anymore. This is a creature now..." it did disturb him...but he didn't let it get to him.

He nodded as Felix spoke. "road trip would be most relatable and the least suspicious." he looked at them and nodded again. Realization that he was standing so close to his crush kicked in and a slight red hue appeared on his ears but he managed to keep it together. He refused to mess this up because of his feelings dammit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahir
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Zahir The Professor

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"Honestly Tariq." Felix replied "I think it's fucked up." He was always honest with his team mates. "But then again we've seen worse than this and gotten through it." Felix shrugged and motioned to their friend Athos. Tariq looked over at Athos and gave a smile then looked back at Felix. "I do agree with this case being totally screwed in the head. I'll put it the nice way this time." Tariq chuckled a bit as he looked round shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

"I think she requires those ingredients for her youth. Perhaps as she increases with age she requires more so she has to get more children....maybe there's a potion or a spell she's using." Athos rambled on about his eyes. Tariq nodded and listened carefully to to he then seemed to get what Athos was thinking he then seemed to get what Athos was thinking. "I could see that. Mhm. I just don't feel like finding a bunch of children corpses in a tomb of the dead." Tariq comments on Athos speech. "Let's just hope we can figure out why she is using them. I am pretty sure she would be using them for youth, staying of age because why else do you need the souls of children?" He mostly questioned himself.

What's our story?

"Three old college friends on a road trip would work quiet well." Felix quickly added after his question. "and the car broken down so we walked into town for some help." Felix seemed to have it all together. But, now it was Tariq's time to question him and maybe make him drop a jaw. Tariq then circled Felix with a smirk. "Now, now. Where are we from huh? Which place are we going? " Tariq started questioning his fellow companion on this. "As well if we run into nice people that want to help us with the car. Where is the car!?" He raised his voice as he asked the question staring right into Felix's eyes. "Then what do we tell them? We lied about the college? We lied about the car? Then what do you think they will think of us? Probably won't even help us." Tariq states and questions throwing things all together he was getting detailed now. "Remember last time. Those guys wanted to help us on the last case and we only had we were on vacation. That was embarrassing. We looked like lying fools." Tariq laughed a bit as he seemed way more relaxed around Felix and Athos. His personality and attitude turned around totally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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The more he learned about it, the more the case made Kieran wary. No matter how desensitized to death the job had made him, even the werewolf found himself perturbed to find out that this Candy Lady seemed to exist solely to mutilate children with tableware. But more importantly, there were too many variables that he didn’t know. Things like the demographics that could potentially connect each of the victims, the exact nature of the disappearances, and the purpose behind the ritualistic slaughter. In other words, things that Miss Fuji likely didn’t know off the top of her head, so instead of joining in on the question portion of the briefing, Kieran kept to the sideline with his face scrunched up from concentration as he explored the various possibilities in his head.

So engrossed in his silent conjecture was he that Kieran hardly noticed his partner next to him until she slung an arm around him, causing him to visibly flinch in surprise. The werewolf blinked several times as he regained his composure, having been made all too used to the herboligist’s antics over the years, before he looked at DeVito with an eyebrow raised. While he appreciated his partner’s attempts to coax him out of his shell, the comfort that came from living in it was far too persuasive for him to get caught up in her playful teasing. After all, he had made it this far without getting too invested, why change now?

”Muggles tend to ask significant others far less troublesome questions,” he replied rather matter-of-factly, not showing any of the embarrassment that he would have during his first year under DeVito’s wing. Back then, it had been far easier to make the socially inept wizard blush like a fool. ”Not to mention we may be able to get more information out of people by posing as a couple that is interested in settling down here but have heard some unsettling rumors surrounding the place.” Of the many frightening aspects that came with the job, one of the most insidious was how it made one become frighteningly comfortable with things like lying and manipulating people’s emotions to get the job done. Not that Kieran lost any sleep over the thought, but it was just one of the more interesting phenomena he couldn’t help but notice.

”How does that sound to you?” he asked his partner plainly, his expression still holding true to his ever dispassionate self.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 1 day ago

“There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparell'd in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore;—
Turn wheresoe'er I may,
By night or day,
The things which I have seen I now can see no more”

He spoke in a whisper from the book on his lap, a single tear falling from his amber eye. He closed the book of poetry and placed it upon the desk in front of him. The Caretaker spent all of his days within the ancient walls of the Mysterium Domum or at least, all the days he could remember. What came before he did not know. At times, during these quite moments of deep reflection that his mind is full but only for a second. Like leaves in the wind, memories envelop him but as just as swiftly as they arrive they depart to places yonder, places that he cannot reach. Getting to his feet, the quiet man moved onwards, taking with him his cleaning brush.

The evidence room was not his favourite room to clean but it was one that must be kept in perfect harmony lest the restless dead come a calling. The Caretaker entered with his brush and first made his way to a large mirror, wiping it down with the cloth from his pocket. Inside was not only his hideous reflection but the image of a family, a mother and two daughters, forever trapped. ”Miss Myrtle you look ravishing today as always. I brought this for the girls” Reaching into his jacket, the Caretaker pulled out a YO-YO and threw it into the mirror where it soon appeared in the child’s hand. ”Miss DeVito brought it back from a trip. I hope they like it” He offered a broken smile, his hand coming up to touch his marble face in bashfulness, which soon turned to repulsion at his own visage. He turned away quickly.

He turned his attention to a small wooden box, wrapped in chains. The dybbuk box was a hell of a case, he remembered Master Barr coming home covered in cuts, bruises and severe lesions after his battle with the demon trapped inside. It was lucky that Master Twycross was there or things would’ve gone terribly wrong. He ran his cloth around the edges, avoiding the chain of silver as he did so lest he suffer a terrible burn.

Robert the Doll stared at the lonely man with his terrifying button eyes, sealed away in his glass case. He was filled to the brim with dark and terrible magic, a monster that forced children to murder for him. A truly haunting case which frayed the edges of even Master Stone.

A child’s imagination can be a terrible thing, especially when that child happens to be a wizard. Glancing at the Dungeons and Dragons board game that sat on a nearby pedestal, the Caretakers eyes were once again filled with tears. He did not remember that particular case or anything before it. The patchwork sheet that was his memory would not allow him to see prior to that day where he awoke in pain, in a pool of blood on a hill in Yorkshire. Fear and terror overwhelmed him, he gripped his brush tight as he hurried from the evidence room, slamming the door shut behind him.

In another room he sat, the only room where he would find company on this day. He looked upon the faces on the wall, moving pictures of Regulators since passed. Thirty spaces had already been taken and with every face he looked upon, his heart would break all over again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Natalia stepped aside, allowing Kieran to have his personal space again. The guy was such a hard nut to crack, regardless of how many times she tried to get him to loosen up a bit. But the fact of the matter is that it was in his nature to be detached, and changing a habit that old was simply next to impossible. Nonetheless, she would continue to strive for the unattainable, if only to show that she was still interested in working with him as much as the first day.

"Couples it is," she responded with a look of approval. His ideas were always good, and today was no exception. Even though Natalia had been Kieran's mentor when he first joined their organization, he had brought with him his intelligence and quick wit, and that was something she couldn't help but admire. She then looked past her partner over at Felix, who was more than likely planning how him and his group they were going to make their approach. He was one of her older friends there, and even though she trusted him with her life, she had never really shared her past with him, nor anyone else for that matter. Natalia took quick a look around, noticing everyone was still working out how they were planning to advance forward with the case. It was always a good idea to get as much detail into the cover story as possible.

"But can you please pretend to look happy that you're with me? Regardless of the fact that we're here purely out of concern due to these nasty rumors..." she added, shifting her weight as she crossed her arms with a smile. She was only anticipating the day that Kieran would find a new partner, but he hadn't changed his mind yet so her company probably wasn't all that bad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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As she continued to be stuck in the terror that was being intensified by the scream stuck in her throat, Zara barely registered Emory's arms around her. The panic soon gave way to the feeling of nausea as her body started to wean off the adrenaline rush and her thoughts became her own voice again. Her ears were ringing and dizziness soon overwhelmed her body as she heard the sound of the doors slamming. The smell of the clover however snapped her quickly into attention.

She leaned slightly against Emory as he helped her to her feet. While she appreciated the help, she didn't like feeling vulnerable. She didn't want anyone, least of all him, to think she was crazy. Zara had enough people in her life leave on the very basis that she was mentally insane. She couldn't bear to have him think that as well. They were in a specialized group. They were on a mission to save lives. She had to be strong.

The nausea however returned with a vengeance as the room moved. She slightly swayed on her feet as a feeling of immense dread and hatred drifted through her. Zara wasn't surprised when panic was added to the mix once the little girl ran into the room. Sticking out an arm, she propped her hand up against the nearby wall to steady herself. The woman took in a steadying breath before looking into the girl's mind. Her thoughts were clouded with even more panic and terror; Zara couldn't pinpoint what exactly the girl was scared of. Not hearing Vespa's mother, she clenched her free hand into a tight fist, allowing her nails to dig into her palm. She didn't want to search out for the woman's mind in case something bad had also happened to her. But, it was her job. She needed to do this.

Reaching out with her mind, she searched for the mother. Once she realized she no longer could detect the woman in the house, she took a staggering breath. Zara not being able to search a person's mind only meant two things: that they were skilled in blocking a Legillimen, or they were dead. She had previously confirmed that the woman was most definitely a Muggle and had no knowledge of magic. Therefore, that only left one only option. With a shake of her head, she was about to pull back when something else tugged at her search. She started to pick up a mind that was filled with incredible vengeance; the thoughts seemed to ooze with loathing. There was only one thing the being wanted, and that was death. It seemed as though death fueled the walls of this house, and the being longed for more of it.

Zara pulled back with a loud gasp and fell against the wall. Her eyes opened quickly and she looked around the room. They needed to get out of here, or they were all the next victims of this house and its demon. Her eyes glanced over at the girl before clearing her throat. She then looked to Emory with a small shake of her head before looking back towards the door. "We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here now. This is not a drill."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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It was at the moment when Zara collapsed onto the floor, sobbing and all, that Nickie realized everything was going to shit within a matter of seconds. Almost instantly, her stubborn wand was in her hand and she was ready to do some magic should they need to at a moment's notice. She watched as everything unfolded around her, time seemingly slowing down within the instants past and events just popping up. First the door slammed, causing Nickie to jump a bit. Then the window was blocked out and it soon became clear the room itself moved. Finally, the child had ran into the room. Everything had gone to shit.

Nickie looked around rather nervously, before hearing Zara say "We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here now. This is not a drill." It was a particularly obvious statement and she wasn't exactly opposed to it given the situation as well. The young witch walked over to the small muggle girl who hid under the table and crouched down to look at her. It was not like they could leave the child to stay in a house with a dangerous entity who has killed before. She wouldn't be able to sleep right if she had left some poor girl in this kind of place.

”Vespa, right? We need to get you out of here,” Nickie began, looking back at her two wizarding compatriots before her gaze wandered back to the small child. ”There are some bad things in this house and we can't be here,” she continued, holding her hand out to the child, hoping that she would take it. If needed, Nickie would forcibly bring the child out, but having some cooperation would be exceptional in the rather tense situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 1 day ago

"We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here now. This is not a drill."

Emory looked at the Kiwi witch and then his gaze switched to Nickie and the child, Vespa a look of sheer terror across her face. His grip on his wand tightened while is free fist tightened. ”We’re not going anywhere. We’re here to do a job and we’re going to do it” The world had a way of breaking people down and Emory unfortunately was one of its victims. A single mindedness had overcome him in the days that followed Daisy’s passing. The unthinkable acts committed by the Regulators had become second nature to him. His unhealthy solution of obliviating his own memories was not helping him become as human as he had hoped. He moved his look back over to Zara and was once again reminded of Daisy of a heart and humility, things he was lacking. Joining Nickie crouched down by the table, Emory looked at young Vespa. ”Listen honey, we’re here to fight some bad guys and we might need your help. You wanna help us fight the monsters?”

Vespa looked up at the man and the woman, taking Nickie’s outstretched hand. ”I’ll help, let’s do this”

”We need to get back to the Bunny and Florian, I have a theory on what we’re dealing with. If I’m right, this thing doesn’t end well”

Looking in every possible room he could think of, the butler could not find any of his guests. Where on Earth could they have gone? Not again, not all this again. Entering into a bathroom in a rushed panic, the elder statesmen of Winchester House slammed the door shut and sat down on the closed toilet lid. His withered face placed inside his open hands, he attempted to calm his breathing. They were probably all dead, just like the others. Why oh why do such things have to happen? Who was he to question but a loyal and humble servant?


Standing to attention, the butler looked to the mirror where a shrouded figure stood starting back. ”But why? Why must it be this way? You are close, so close, we can wait another cycle surely? Mistress?” Placing his wrinkled hand on the mirror, he frantically searched for what was once there but not anymore. ”No. No. No, nononono…NO!” He turned and tried open the door but he could not at first but when he finally did so, his ancient eyes became manic at the sight of a brick wall that sat before him. The way was shut. Dark water burst forth from the sink, bath and toilet and quickly began filling the tiny room. There were no windows, no other routes of escape. He bashed his hands violently against the wall, breaking his knuckles and forcing the blood to come forth from beneath his skin. Within minutes the water had reached his face and the butler struggled to maintain himself. Every breath he tried to take was replaced by the dreadful water filling his lungs. Finally he stopped, resigned to his fate. He allowed himself to sink deep into the black water, vision and life leaving him.


The door flew off of its hinges allowing the quartet to escape the séance room. Vespa held onto to Nickie’s hand tightly, scared but trying to be brave. The house had become dark, unusually so for the time of day it was supposed to be. It seemed like time ran differently in the house. Emory reached for the lightswitch but the power had gone. ”Lumos” with the flick, the tip of his wand would light up. ”Let’s get moving girls”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Once the mind of the being realized Zara's nose was in her business, the monster started to press back. Her thoughts spewed out and literally filled the room, shrouding the woman in every evil little token. Zara's body jerked and started to spasm as it rejected the dark creature. Her eyes darted to the young girl and she heard the little girl practically screaming in her head. Squeezing her eyes shut, she leaned against the wall and tried to steady her breathing. She didn't want to scare the young girl any more than she already was. Besides, at this point, Zara was pretty sure she was the only one who knew about the mother's death.

She slowly made her way over to Emory and Nickie as they made their way to the door. Cringing slightly as the door exploded off, she sucked in a quick breath and stood close to Emory. As they made their way outside the room, the air continued to grow more thick and smog-like. Zara continued to twitch as she heard the evil being in her head- the thing was practically taunting them. She tried to steady her breathing as she dragged her left hand against the wall as they walked. With a tilt of her head, her eyes rolled back slightly as a shudder ran through her body.

Zara moved her right hand in front of her, lightly brushing Emory's back as it made its way in front of her chest. She opened her palm to the space in front of her and cried out. "Protego Totalum!" Watching as the light blue mist covered herself and her company in their entirety, she was finally able to suck in her first clear breath in what seemed like ages. Her eyes quickly cleared from the shrouded fuzziness and were once again bright and open. The protection spell would only last for a short time, but at least it was proving itself effective enough that the monster was out of Zara's head.

Moving to Vespa's other side, she gave a small grin to the girl and gently ran her hand over the girl's locks. She cleared her throat and slipped her hand into her free, open one. "It'll be okay, little fruit. We've got you now. Nobody's going to hurt you anymore." Zara glanced up at Emory and caught his eye.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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Even Kieran had to admit that it was a bit sad just how much his body visibly relaxed once DeVito relented and gave him back his precious personal space. But a lifetime of shutting people out had made contact as benign as handshakes were already dangerously close to pushing it in his books, which made such a display of familiarity incredibly unsettling for him. Still though, when it came down to it there wasn’t a single Regulator that Kieran would trust with his back as completely as DeVito, so an occasional bit of discomfort was an awfully small price to pay.

Her request though caught him a bit off guard. This wasn’t the first time they had posed as couples, but not once had the werewolf ever considered how miserable he must have seemed to be her significant other. And truth be told, he had no idea what that was supposed to look like, given his rather laughable romantic history.

”I’ll, uh… do my… best…” he half stammered, half coughed, suddenly finding the ground remarkably more interesting than anything else in the world. Meanwhile, his hand had made itself busy by scratching the back of his head a bit more vigorously than was absolutely necessary as he tried to work out how a happy boyfriend ought to act.

It went without saying that smiling would be a good first step, right? The corner of his mouth developed an odd twitch as he tried in vain to adhere to that whole “turn that frown upside down” drivel that he often got. The result was an odd amalgamation of his usual frown on one side of his mouth and a miserable effort at a smile on the other. Sadly, this was probably one of his most successful attempts, as he had at least gotten it half right.

The shaky expression collapsed upon itself as Kieran let out a sigh of defeat, once more the dour potions master of the group. ”We should get a move on,” he muttered, more than happy to try and pretend that the last few painful seconds had not occurred at all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

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"I think she requires those ingredients for her youth. Perhaps as she increases with age she requires more so she has to get more children....maybe there's a potion or a spell she's using." Athos probably had a point. There must be something highly significant about the eyes. Kieran or Arthur were most likely going to be the first to really nail the trurth behind that one, but he admired the newbie’s brainstorming. "I could see that. Mhm. I just don't feel like finding a bunch of children corpses in a tomb of the dead." "Let's just hope we can figure out why she is using them. I am pretty sure she would be using them for youth, staying of age because why else do you need the souls of children?" Tariq had a point, especially if it was an ageing myth.

He rolled his eyes as Tariq circled Felix with a smirk. "Now, now. Where are we from huh? Which place are we going? " "As well if we run into nice people that want to help us with the car. Where is the car!?" "Then what do we tell them? We lied about the college? We lied about the car? Then what do you think they will think of us? Probably won't even help us." Felix opened his mouth to answer but Tariq cut him off again. "Remember last time. Those guys wanted to help us on the last case and we only had we were on vacation. That was embarrassing. We looked like lying fools." Felix groaned at the memory, it had just been the two of them and incredibly awkward to just mumble that they were on holiday. A quick few obliviates had sorted the situation out though, even as it pained the doctor to use the spell as he saw what it was doing to their de facto leader.

Felix rubbed his temples and clasped Tariq’s shoulders at arm’s length. “You’re our transfiguration guy, come up with something!” He chuckled as he stepped to one side to place a hand on Athos’ shoulder.“Ok everyone,”he declared to the group, “I fancy getting a move on, so we’re going to head down to the petrol- I mean ‘G-a-s’ station to see if we can dig anything up.”He nodded at Isa. “As the lady said let’s find out what’s going on so hit up the motel, diner, town hall and let’s meet back here in half an hour?”

He inclined his head at his sub-team and strode off down the road, desperately trying the plaster a look of my-car-has-just-broken-down-annoyance across his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Natalia had to bite her bottom lip to refrain from bursting into a fit of laughter as she witnessed Kieran struggle to fake a slightly happy expression. She shook her head and sighed, a smile still on her lips to express the fact that she appreciated her partner's willingness to try just for her.

When Felix finally made the announcement to head off, Natalia was the first to speak.

"Dibs on the diner!" she said loudly enough for everyone to hear, then grabbed a reluctant Kieran by the hand and pulled him along with her. They only had half an hour, and she wanted to find out as much information as possible.

As they walked down the sidewalk, Natalia let go of Kieran's hand as his whole body had tensed up because of her, and she wasn't about to torture the poor guy, especially when they were about to put on an act.

"So, we'll go in, order some milkshakes, and ask the waitress to give us some information about the murders. I'll do all the talking, don't worry, you just sit there next to me pretending to be concerned about the news while at the same time looking at me ever so lonvingly..." She stopped for a moment to gauge Kieran's reaction, but the guy just gave her a look that to a stranger could very well mean "I'm going to kill you". "I'm just kidding, Kieran, you just have to pretend you care about me beyond our relationship as work partners. You know, the same thing I tell you before every mission."

About 5 minutes later, the two of them arrived at the diner. "You can go ahead and order for us," she whispered, grabbing his arm to pull him close to her after the waitress motioned for them to sit wherever they liked. Natalia dragged Kieran to the far end of the diner to sit in the last booth against the wall.

@Sarcelle Renard
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Athos watched the interaction with a thoughtful look. Hearing about that incident made him wonder what else they could do. Then he snapped and dug through his bag while the two crows sitting on his shoulder eyed the bag. Athos produced three fake IDs. Then he studied them for a moment before nodding. Journalism…the profession of getting news. He looked at Tariq and held out the one meant for him. ”Maybe journalists. Heard the rumors and wanted to hear the story when the car broke down and the car is so dead there is no point helping it.” He hoped that helped…he wanted to prove that he could do well with the team as a whole. That and he hoped they would not ask how he got those IDs...admitting that he knew how to make fake IDs and why would not be the funnest experience for him.

Athos then turned and picked up pace to catch up with felix. He slipped him the fake id. He hoped felix would like the id and the idea. He looked at his crows and wondered briefly if they would cause a problem with the townsfolk. Some places crows were cute others…they were signs of death or curses. That might not reflect badly on the whole team, but probably just him. Hopefully the press IDs helped them.

Then, Athos cleared his throat and worked on his own annoyed face. On him, it made him seem more dark….anything other then positivity made him have an air of mystery and darkness.Both of his crows let out soft caws as if letting him know that the look he had wouldn’t work. Then, he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair effectively messing it up. He leaned to felix and kept his voice low. ”Ill keep the positive you be annoyed maybe?” Tariq could be the middle ground between them. Or something, he honestly had no idea how to fully go with this.
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