Name: Bradley Drake Jr.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Bradley is a brash young lad who tends to say how he feels with little tact. He lived at sea most of his life, and isn’t use to interacting with other non-sailors. When he talks, his language is very foul, as if he was raised that cursing is just part of normal conversation, with a bit of nautical jargon here and there. He also enjoys telling well exaggerated stories of his experiences at sea. Still, though, beneath his brazen, foul-mouthed exterior is a bit of a good-natured lad who appreciates a job well done.
Because of his extensive time spent on a boat, Bradley is a very team-oriented person. When there’s a chain of command, it’s always clear to him who he should follow, and where his place is. Hard-working and reliable are good words to describe him, and he’d make a great and loyal friend. Because of this, however, he looks down upon those who are lazy or don’t want to contribute to a common goal. He tends to have a bad first-impression on most people, thinking they’re all just “lazy good fer nothin’ landlubbers who can’t do jack s**t.” Inversely, Bradley looks very highly on those who break a sweat and work hard on their work, or at least try their very best to.
Despite his headstrong personality and little tact, he’s quite intelligent as well. When he wasn’t working around the boat or practicing with his cutlass, he was always reading many different books. He considers himself an expert at navigating, being inspired to learn the trade from his late mother. He’s also well read in math, sciences, some history (mostly pertaining to exploration), and naval military tactics.
Bradley tends to get flustered easily when it comes to some things. From being flirted with, to accidentally seeing a female’s undergarments. This is also because Bradley’s lived on a boat most of his life. Full of men. He’s very inexperienced when it comes to women.
Backstory: Bradley was born at sea, in the middle of a mighty and terrible storm. At least, that’s what he normally tells others when asked about it. Really, aside from a minor drizzle, the waters were quite calm when he was born. He was born on
the Odyssey, a crab boat owned by his parents. In truth, while they do fish, it’s mostly as a front to hunt down rogue channelers who operate as pirates and other unsavory folk in the ocean.
Bradley’s father, Brad Sr., is a burly, stereotypical sailor of a man, who was rather jolly, but also a stern leader when he needed to be. Bradley’s father is also a talented architect who could create an entire artillery fit for a military vessel. His mother, Anne, was an augmenter who used her powers to increase her sight and physical abilities, being a skilled navigator, and a strong fighter when she had to be. Bradley’s father and mother served as captain and first mate of [i]the Odyssey,[i/] respectively. The crew of the ship are military veterans who stayed loyal to his father, even after he retired from the United States Navy.
Bradley was raised with a mentality that he should always work his hardest for the betterment of the crew. Or at least, his father tried to instill that mentality in his mind. Bradley would rather prefer to read stories of great and legendary sailors, often acting out these stories with his mother, who encouraged this hobby. He was even inspired to take a cutlass as a weapon. In order to read more, Bradley always looked for shortcuts in his work. This put him at a bit of odds with his father, but aside from the poorly tied knots here and there, it wasn’t really detrimental to the ship, so he didn’t scold his son too much about it. He was worried that his son would be too absorbed in a fantasy world from all that reading, however.
While Bradley was eight years old, his family was going after a group of illegal whalers, lead by a channeler who was strong enough to control the weather to some degree. Because of his young age, Bradley’s parents had him as a sort of powder monkey, giving more ammo to the crew and otherwise working around the ship, staying as far off from the fighting as they could keep him.
This time, however, Bradley somehow left their sight for just a moment, rushing headlong for the whaler captain, cutlass in hand. He bravely commanded the whaler to stand down, but he just laughed at the child, and sending a thundering bolt of lightning towards him. Luckily for Bradley, his mother caught sight of this, and jumped in the way, sacrificing herself so that her son wouldn’t get hit. Before she died, she told her son how proud she was to have raised such a brave boy. A moment after her death, Bradley’s father had seen what had just happened, and unleashed a barrage of cannon fire for his wife’s killer. After the smoke cleared, however, the channeler was nowhere to be seen.
After having watched his mother die right before his eyes, this changed Bradley’s point of view in the world. He started to see things much more in a realistic sense, and his work ethic began to improve. Bradley gradually became the hard-working man he was today. He also began to read into navigating more, in order to fill his mother’s shoes. It was eight years after his mother’s death when his powers awakened, and his father had arranged him to go to the Institute, being an alumni himself. Bradley was about to enter a strange, new world...
Appearance: Height - 6'0 (182 cm), Weight - hah no

Equipment: A cutlass, compass, sextant, and a nautical almanac.
Abilities: Bradley has worked in a boat his whole life, and as such, is pretty athletic. He also has a general understanding of how to sail, knowing how to do things such as tie knots. As mentioned earlier in his personality, Bradley is a well-read individual, who knows how to navigate very well, among other things. In terms of combat, Bradley knows how to use his cutlass, and when he does fight, he fights with a bit of a swashbuckling style.
Channeller category: Wavecaster
hehDescription of power: Bradley can control and manifest water. While he is able to manifest water, he can’t manifest a whole lot, and his abilities are more effective when he has a source of water available. They are most effective around large bodies of water, such as the ocean.
In terms of how he can control water at his current level, he can walk (not run) on water while concentrating, hurl orbs of water at people, or just splash some in their face to give them a bad time. Later on, he could fire jets of water with the power of a fire hose, create water whips, which can possible grab some things, and make the act of splashing water into someone’s face a whole lot painful, and make walls of water to shield against projectiles to some degree. At higher levels, he could create enough water to sort of surf on while on land, using it to propel himself around, and could also create jets of water strong enough to blast through some forms of metal.
And no, he will not use pee. That is gross.
Names/descriptions of moves: (I’ll only be describing Bradley’s currently known moves, and add more onto it as he learns more. You get the gist of what he can do in the future above)
- Tidebringer: Bradley's signature ability. Sheathing his cutlass in water, Bradley shapes the water into a large blade, making a cleaving slash with his cutlass. At his current level, this allows him to give a painful splash along with his normal cutlass slash, and can use this to hit multiple targets. At higher levels, he can make a larger blade, and can even enhance his cutlass’s cutting power.
- ****!: Bradley puts his hand in front of someone’s face, rudely splashing some water into it, and briefly stunning them. If you’ve been
splashed hard in the face before, you’d know this feel pretty well. - Slippery When Wet: A situational ability, Bradley fires an orb of water to a slippery piece of ground, for his enemies to slip on. Comic relief, mostly.
Character theme song: maybe later, not now.
Other: He prefers being called Bradley, and considers Brad to be his father’s name only. Also using Wave as his appearance because I'm lazy and unartistic yay
I tried making him as unsimilar as other characters. Also my writing is shit ;w;