Joy Hirasawa And Elrend Viridian

Joy had to take it in for a moment that her wish had actually been granted by the god she had met, so that must have also meant she did go to another world like what was said to her. Joy gazed towards herself in awe and slowly started touching her tail. It felt soft and long and even felt somewhat painful to even lightly tuck on it. The hairs on her tail were almost moving at their own according to her feelings. As she was tucking a little the hairs stood somewhat more upright and as soon as the pain left her body the hairs calmed down again. Joy slowly let her fingers slid to her ears to feel the new parts that had been added to her body. They looked the same as her fake cat ears only more real. She slowly moved her fingers past them and felt the skin that was her ears. She really liked them it only was a little weird to experience something like this. Joy silently kept gazing at the water totally taken in by the moment that she hadn't even noticed that a man had walked up to her and called her cute. When she suddenly felt the hands beneath her armpits she almost screeched out of terror. Her ears immediately laid flat against her head as her hands started covering them from the sudden weird feeling.
"W-what i-is it!"
Her tail hairs stood upright as she was shivering herself. What was this creepy man doing to her. She suddenly felt the sudden urge to defend herself and so her instincts kicked in. Two sudden kicks to the face of the man likely did the job to let go of her. Her legs kicked off from his body likely launching him backwards onto his but as Joy made a small backflip and landed on her feet again. She squated down and moved a bit away from him as she turned her body slightly away from him like a scaredy cat.
"K-keep away from m-me weirdo!"
The words were lost as the girl planted both feet into his face, more specifically the long beaked mask he wore, and tried to not drop the girl out of fear of her getting hurt from a fall but that decision wasn't his choice anymore. Both legs used him like a springboard to launch herself into a graceful flip through the air, an acrobatic move any street performer would be jealous of, but all Elrend got to see was the sky as his back hit the ground.
For many moments he laid upon the ground in disbelief as he slowly processed the information.
Elrend was back on his feet in a slow unthreatening pace, gently dusting his cloths off before rearranging his mask back to a proper fit.
Again he stared at the girl while he tilted his head to the side, examining her from head to toe, judging her in every way he could. There was a few immediate things that caught his attention about the interaction.
One; the girl was surprised by her own appearance so obviously not a native born that way.
two; her puffy tail was sticking straight up like an alley cat about to brawl.
three; She packed a wallop in that tiny frame!
"That's a pot calling the kettle black.. Pussycat gonna call me weird?" his hand came up to stroke the bottom of his mask in contemplation. Blowing a light sigh he shrugged his shoulders and continued. "Didn't mean to frighten ya, little lady. Not everyday you see a cute girl with cat parts. Got any family around here I can escort you back to?"
He meant every word sincerely.
The man was ogling over her. It was a strange thing that when Joy finally comes outside for once, weird men approach her, pick her up and telling her how cute she is. Too be honest she didn't even mind the fact that she was called adorable and cute and all but it was a tad weird for someone to touch you out of nowhere. On stream they could only watch you play games, it was impossible for them to reach out for you, you could do what you wanted.
Once the man kept his distance Joy shyly dropped her hands past her side and straightened her back, her tail had already lowered and was silently wandering around behind her back. Her head was still tilted to the ground out of embarrassment as she softly glared at him.
The man was wearing some sort of creepy crow mask and didn't seem your everyday salaryman, he spoke up at her and actually found it a bit offending for her to call him stuff like that.
"Oh um I-I'm sorry I guess..."
Joy turned her head away from him with an apologetic look on her face. Was she really being mean to another person now? Well she did kick him full on in the face so she guessed she should feel a little sorry at least. The man gave a short sigh and continued on. After all this he seemed to be pretty nice actually, he apologised to her and even called her cute. Joy fanned her hand at him as she placed her other hand on her cheek to hide her blush.
"Aww stop it you! I'm not that cute."
Her personality had taken a drastic turn all off the sudden. Her shyness and scariness had melted like the sun.
"I dunno how I got here though, it was rather sudden in my head."
Joy tilted her head to the side and placed her index finger to the side of her head with a questioning expression on her own question. It was all a little confusing to her to what has been happening in the past few minutes so she better get some help soon.
"You don't know.. how.. you got here?"
Emphasizing the word 'here' by gesturing to the sprawling town behind him overgrown with trees and shrubs, bustling with adventurers and business ventures, a gem stuck in an unfortunately drab world. This was perhaps not the most well known of landmarks among the worlds iconic roadside destinations but it was still a rarity to see and so was marked with interest. Not that Elrend had any pride to put here as this was never his home, never would likely be his home, but instead was treated like a stop on his global travel.
Until he did find home again.
The girls tail kept flicking from left to right and his eyes were drawn to it, like moth to flame, his attention was always focused on things that were worth money; Shiny objects, magic items, heavy purses, and cute animals. That last one only because of his time out of civilized society, a fellow walker of the world who had taught him survival and many other useful tricks.
Snapping out of his hypnotic and momentary trance, he turned his attention back to the catgirls face.
"Doesn't matter."
Elrend moved to the side and sat on the wall of the bridge, chin in his hand and the other on his elbow with both legs crossed casually infront of him. With his dark clothing and stance, he looked very much like a crow waiting for a piece of bread or corn. His mind was occupied with what to do with the girl. If he should do anything at all, really. As a street performer, he could use a showpiece like her to bring in a crowd curious about the oddity of her being and fawn over the girl. The coin they would make from that alone!
But could she perform? Tricks and tumbles through a hoop, juggling, feats of agility to woo a crowd.
Would she be willing?
"You got anywhere to go? Lost in a city you don't know, no food or coin I assume. Only a matter of time before something happens. Mmm." Thinking out loud now, he rambled off whatever came to mind that might cause her trouble. "She could be kidnapped and sold as a slave pet to some crotchety old royal, killed by wolves when she laid down to sleep in the alley, could have to get a job as a waitress at a local tavern and suffer the lustful stares and hearty handslaps to her tail region by its drunken patrons... Mm. None of those seem the right fit for you."
Elrend took a step off the ledge he had been sitting on and moved infront of the cat girl.
"Got a better idea. Travel with me instead. I'm a street performer of sorts wandering the globe, town to town, city to city, living free. Names Elrend Viridian," One hand extended to his side, the other crossed over his chest, he bowed politely to his hopefully new associate before offering his hand out to take. "Travel with me and together we shall see the sun and stars on a thousand different horizons. You need only tell me your name and take my hand. If not, I will see you somewhere safe."
Joy quietly shook her head from side to side looking rather interested in the man all of the sudden, she wondered if the man would be able to do something with this information, like lead her home or help her. In patience she waited for the man to give her answers but it didn't seem like he was really focused on that right now. He was looking at something else more towards the ground and not saying anything at all. Joy bend forward a bit till she was in line with his sight and tilted her head in concern. It seemed to have gotten him out of his trance as he moved himself towards the side of the bridge and sat down seeming to ponder about something. Joy moved herself more towards the middle of the bridge in front of the sitting crow. Her upper body was slightly tilted forward with both her hands behind her back. The people that were watching her for a while had started to move on with their life after seeing that she was acting more casually with her new traits. They didn't understand why she was so freaked out but she apparently was fine now so there was no reason to keep waiting.
Joy tilted her head as she listened to the man talking to her. If she had anywhere to go, well home was the obvious answer but she doubted she was any close to that so she refrained from telling him that answer. No food, she shook her head, no coin, her head jolted up with a somewhat nice smile on her face. She started digging through her hoodie but there was nothing in it, the smile on her face slowly disappeared becoming somewhat more terrified on what had happened with her stuff. Her money and cards were normally in that hoodie but she obviously forgot them on her desk or they had been stolen while she was asleep. She rummaged through the cotton shorts but it was obvious there was nothing in it. Her phone... Her phone was suppose to be in there. All her pockets were turned inside out now with a disappointed defeated face plastered on her head, her ears were drooped flat against her head.
"Eeeeehhh, my stuff is gone >.<"
The man continued with what appeared to be thoughts of him, COULD SHE MINDREAD NOW THAT SHE HAS BECOME A KITTY! KITSUNES HAD THESE POWERS! Wait she only had one tail... most kitsune didn't start off with only one tail... maybe she was a very weak one that is why she can't use her powers to her will probably. Kidnapped.. slave pet... wolves eating her... spanked by old geezers... WAAH THIS POWER IS TERRIBLE! Joy looked a little freaked out by what she had heard. She was speechless for but a moment as little tears formed in her eyes while the same expression stayed frozen on her face. Elrend had stepped up from his seat again stepping closer to her as she swiftly slapped both arms around his waist and started hanging onto him barely touching the street with her knees.
Joy was crying in comedic manner begging the man to take the catgirl after hearing all those terrible things that could happen to her. The man had clearly told her she could come with him during the time she had winningly begged for him to take her. This man had been keeping nice to her from the beginning and he clearly liked her till now. Joy had her chin rested on his belly as she looked up at him with begging with sweet big cat eyes.