Beastial, savage, twisted, and powerful would be good descriptive words for Trog's appearance. His body is not proportioned regularly, having an incredibly large torso with overly large and strong arms while his legs are thicker than the norm but also shorter and more squat, forcing him into a stomping gait that he needs to consciously mind to suppress. His skin is tough and leathery but appears to be stretched around his body rather than being something that grew naturally, never mind the green tint that has taken over. However the most horrifying thing about his appearance is the sheer size of the boy as he stands at 6'0 and nearly twice as wide as a man, though he would be taller if his back hadn't forced him to slouch so much.
Trog dresses himself in whatever he can get his hands on; potato bags, old sheets, bandages, and all manner of miscellaneous fabrics that can be sewed together into rudimentary clothing.Name: Trog
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Background: As is well known throughout the lands the city of Castalia is a hub for scientific, technological, and arcane development with a reputation for lax morals when it comes to human experimentation. Trog came about as a result of a group of scientists interested in creating soldiers more capable at crushing their enemies and guarding their secrets. So began a process of selective breeding, magical bombardment of the fetus, and the invasion of toxic spirits into their minds as they grew. Unsurprisingly many of the children didn't survive this treatment and the ones who did were born twisted, but incredibly promising.
Then there was the Midwife, a woman who had seen much in her time with these
scientists but decided that what was going on was far too wrong to justify and spirited away with an infant Trog. She journeyed for many days before catching wind of a rumor of an Orphanage of sorts under the guardianship of a powerful man. Soon enough she was at the Orphanage's door and made her case before Old Man Fritz, leaving Trog into his care once she was certain he was a good enough man. She left soon after in an attempt to shake off any would be pursuers who came looking for their missing asset.
As far as Trog knows he's always been there and was just a heavily Tainted child, though there have been moments of doubt. While they have faded over the years the effects of the experiments still affect Trog to this day, like the uncontrollable anger that seeps its way into his thoughts and the way knowledge that doesn't pertain to hurting things seems to roll off. However, despite all this, Trog tries to do right by those he's grown up to. He helps in the ways he can, tries to be as friendly as his emotions let him, and truly looks up to Old Man Fritz not unlike how a child would view their father.
-Tusk, a massive blade that appears to be the love child of a meat cleaver and a machete. Crafted from leftover scrap iron and a cannibalized belt, while appearing crude the blade is actually fairly functional and highlights the craftsman' pragmatism.
-Blacksmith Apprentice Tools, hammers and tongs of various sizes all kept in a leather apron.
Level: 1
Attribute: Force
-Natural Blacksmith, While he has a long way to go to becoming a master blacksmith Trog is a complete natural to the trade, taking to it as naturally as breathing.
-Cunning, While by no means a smart man to dismiss him as an idiot would be a grave error in judgement. Trog is always watching, thinking, and calculating in his own way on how to solve any given problem, though to be fair most of his solutions
are to just smash someone into the dirt. Just don't count on it always being the case.
-Sneaky, Despite his large size and twisted body Trog is an adept at moving about "All sneaky like." and remaining hidden from view which has lead to many a startled yelps when the giant that wasn't there a second ago suddenly is behind them.
Affinity: Fire
-Frenzy, when aggression is in the air and blood begins to spill Trog begins to get... itchy. He begins to breath hard, he begins to twitch erratically, and he begins to "see red" as crimson flames burst from his eye sockets. Then the real fun starts as his strength is doubled, his pain tolerance skyrockets, and he's filled with an unstoppable urge to crush, cut, and stab at those he views as a threat. Oddly enough he isn't in control of this Gift and it only activates when Trog is hurt enough, becomes suitably enraged, or he feels something important to him is going to be lost.