Name: Rust Mallory
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Phenotype: Faunus (Leopard)
Kingdom: Vacuo
Rust is a solidly built man, his appearance roughened by life in the harsh conditions of Vacuo. He stands just over six feet with a shock of dark red hair and an impressive musculature without being over the top. Although technically Caucasian, his skin is perpetually sun darkened. What tends to stand out the most about Rust's appearance, above all, are his bright green slit-pupiled eyes. For anyone who pays even the slightest bit of attention, they very clearly mark him as Faunus. While not as obvious as horns or rabbit ears or a tail, they're impossible to mistake when you do notice them.
Rust Mallory likes to think of himself as a hardened, bad ass Huntsman from the wastes, and likes to act the part. He can be boisterous and cocky, but absolutely focused when it comes time to take on the Grimm. Despite the harshness of a life lived in the more dangerous areas of the kingdom, Rust maintains a decided optimistic outlook on life and the future. This also tends to bleed over into his initial opinions of people, even if it's an attitude that hasn't always been rewarded. His upbringing and parents' insistence that he and his sister be able to survive and provide for themselves has given him a fairly low opinion of people who prove that they can't take care of themselves, but rather than discard those people Rust feels that it's his job as a Huntsman to take care of them, regardless of his opinion of them as a person.
Rust was born and raised in the harsh wastelands of Vacuo to a pair of nomadic travelers with no real connections to any permanent place. His mother and father gave little care to others outside of their little family group, considering anyone who couldn't survive and take care of themselves as not being worth the time and energy needed to help. Rust's older sister, Sepia, took their parents' teaching to heart as well, and has continued their survivalist, unattached lifestyle.
Rust, however, came to some different conclusions. Somewhere around his twelfth birthday, the boy became separated from his family and found himself lost. For several days he wandered the wastes, desperately trying to find his family while dodging the occasional Grimm. More than likely, he would have been dead had he not encountered the Huntress.
Her name was Onyx, and she had only recently graduated from Beacon Academy in Vale. She'd come to Vacuo to test herself and experience more of the world. For two weeks the two traveled together, eventually finding the trail of his family's vehicle / home and tracking them. Along the way Rust found himself exposed to an outlook that at times was completely removed from that of his family, one that espoused the need to protect the weak and defenseless, to help those who were not able to provide for themselves.
Rust did not forget the lessons he learned from Onyx even after being reunited with his family. His questioning of what had been standard family ways of dealing with outsiders ignited some amount of friction between the boy and the rest of his family, but never enough to cause real strife. Inspired by Onyx and his new outlook on the world, Rust enrolled in Shade Academy at his first chance, intent on becoming a Huntsman so that not only could he be the strongest survivor possible, but that he could put that strength to use to help those who truly needed it.
Despite being Faunus himself, Rust has a distinct dislike for the tactics and methods used by the White Fang. He may have supported their goals of equality in the past, but their current terrorist incarnation leaves him cold. He doesn't like bullies or cowards, which he sees them to be.
Aura Color: Crimson
Semblance: Impact Armor
Rust's Semblance has a two fold effect, both defensive in nature. Firstly, it allows him to absorb kinetic energy and channel that energy into rapid healing. The more of an impact there is the faster and more completely he heals. This typically makes him all but immune to blunt force damage as the second he takes the damage it is healed by the absorbed energy. This also gives him something of a resistance against piercing and cutting damage as the kinetic force from those attacks is also converted into healing, but typically there is less of a conversion and the healing is not enough to fully counteract the damage dealt, only lessen it. Damage from fire, electricity, and other energy forms tend to not be effected at all unless they're accompanied by a simultaneously concussive force, such as the shock wave from an explosion.
Secondly, excess energy not being used to heal is spread throughout Rust's physical form, creating a temporary barrier against physical harm. Unlike the healing aspect of Impact Armor, this barrier effect is effective against all types of physical attack. Rust's barrier tends to kick in after he takes the first hit, powering up from whatever excess energy is gained from that initial strike. Given its connection to his Aura, hits against the barrier itself only serve to increase its duration, although not its damage reducing capabilities. The barrier is not perfect and can be overwhelmed by very powerful attacks.
Savage Arms (Paired, Melee, Ranged)
Typical of many Hunstman and Huntresses, Rust's preferred weapons are variable melee / ranged armaments with multiple configurations. Rust's Savage Arms combine heavy semi-automatic pistols with the solid thunk of paired warclubs. In pistol configuration the Savage Arms fire a standard Dust propelled heavy caliber round. What they lack in the high speed fire of many weapons they make up in powerful impact and impressive stopping power. As a warclub, the Savage Arms are solid, dependable, and straight forward. Rust eschewed some of the fancier modifications his peers often choose in favor of strengthening his weapons structurally. Made of heavy rust-red metal with an intimidating, blocky appearance in gun configuration, Warclub configuration shifts components to enclose the barrel and lengthen the weapon somewhat while the pistol grip shifts to be in alignment with the rest of the weapon. Rust's Savage Arms are typically carried in their warclub configuration, riding in a pair of sheaths slanted across his back.
- A good fight
-A good meal
-The night sky
-Skilled comrades
-People who can't look out for themselves
Affinities: Rust tends to be a pretty straight forward fighter. He likes to hold the attention of the enemy and deliver maximum damage, often relying on his Semblance to keep him up and moving. He uses his mouth to maximum effect as well, focusing his enemies on him while his allies outflank and stay more or less out of harm's way. Rust's Faunus heritage also provides him with excellent eyesight, particularly at night and for tracking movement.
Faults: Rust often lacks subtlety and tact when it comes to a fight. More than once his headstrong style has gotten him in trouble. Sometimes he tends to forget the limitations of his Semblance, putting himself in the way of more harm than he reasonably should.