Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters

So, in fairness, it wasn't usual for Alessa to freak out the way she was. However, keeping in mind the fact that she wasn't allowed to use her powers, and consciously reminding herself of that fact over and over again, was rather distracting her logical brain from the important business of not being terrified of the giant wolfman. This left her lizard brain in control, which was probably why, when informed that they weren't allowed to run away, her Krav Maga training kicked in, and immediately decided upon the least lethal move in the arsenal, reflexively side-kicking Protean in the snout quite firmly.

'...sorry!' she uttered, hands over her mouth, horrified once she realised what she'd done. Fortunately, she'd retained enough sense not to break anything, but she figured most people- wolf-hybrids- shapeshifting... most beings with snouts would have bruises after that. Whether shapeshifting helped mitigate that was a good question, but still, that had to have hurt. To his credit, he kind of just shrugged it off, and went on, as she and Ira continued running, to harass the teammates who were further ahead, before moving to the center of the room and turning into was he kidding right now? Nope, clearly not.

Okay, three riddles, the first one was fairly-

'Queue! Queue is the answer to the first riddle.'

Okay, the easy one was gone. Alessa cursed herself for never being great at them. Well, she wasn't sure about the second one, maybe she'd get back to that. So, if two coins made thirty cents, one of them wasn't a nickel... but you needed a nickel to make that amount, didn't you? No twenty cent coins existed at the moment...

'Hah! Achieved all on my lonesome. Google, where is thy sting? The answer is a stamp!'

Alright, well, that was kind of scary, wasn't it? She didn't want to dump Ira into a fight against Protean, but she also didn't want to fight Protean herself... well, maybe she should, actually, since she needed the experience, didn't she? But then so did Ira, and she was perhaps the weak link in their quin- oh, right, in their quartet... oh, wait a moment!

'The coin that's not a nickel is a quarter, and the other coin is the nickel!' she yelled, actually rather pleased with herself for that flash of inspiration. In a hushed tone, she then regretfully whispered 'Sorry, Ira,' to her partner, torn between accelerating ahead to avoid the inevitable lambasting or staying around to actually talk to her. She did not envy the person who had to fight Protean at any point, and least of all the non-fighter of the group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 21 days ago

Swarm: Rocker Warehouse

His steps were methodical, rhythmic and relentless. His purpose; simple. He needed a platform of leadership. A group of followers that would fear him more than the orders he gave. What better place to go than to a group already broken in to leadership by power and intimidation? He'd heard of their activities and was not impressed. They were little more than a joke to the criminal underworld. He would change all that shortly. He was Damien and they were Swarm.

The door, though locked, lasted only a few moments to Damien's telekinetic force. It swung open as Damien stepped in nonchalantly. His mask hid his face from view, but it did not prevent him from smoking his cigarette through the mouth hole. He wore a fancy black suit to complete his non-traditional ensemble. He turned his head slowly from left to right, sizing up the place as if it were a house for sale. The gang members were like decorations and furniture of his new home. They stared back in shock, but quickly got to their feet in anger, "Who was this guy and who did he think he was?" They would soon find out.

Before they had a chance to shoot or speak Damien raised a desk into the air with his mind. It weighed a little more than 200 pounds. At 50 mph it was a deadly weapon. He launched it across the room against a wall and it splintered into a thousand pieces with a loud crash. Then he lifted papers, dust, dirt and particles of all kinds into the air with his hands raised upward. They slowly started to spin around him in a whirling motion. He walked forward with a purpose into to the very middle of the warehouse. Within a few seconds the objects were swirling like a miniature tornado. Then he spoke with an amplified voice from the center of the whirling vortex,"There is a new master in command, now. Submit or perish!" @Eklispe
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

SpFarce - Mantis - Zach

Collaboration between @Banana@Spiffy@solokolos

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rocker Warehouse

Shatterpoint shrugged. It wasn't a big deal that she wasn't able to help with the other one and he'd expected her to have a meeting condition like this, though it would've been nice to have a phone number, even for a disposable phone. "I see, as for our next meeting place how about-" Anything Shatterpoint was going to say was cut off by the sound of splintering wood and yells from below stairs. The most distinct of which being that of what could only be the intruder. Shatterpoint grimaced, this sounded like it would be trouble. "I may have need of your services already. Whoever this is isn't a hero and sure as hell isn't a civilian." As he spoke he rapidly typed on the computer, shutting it down and standing up. "Do whatever your thing is near me." Shatterpoint confidently strode forward and opened the door to his 'office' and looked downstairs at the whirling mass of wood and other assorted objects, eyes narrowing behind his goggles. "Creep, if I can get that to calm down can you take care of whoever that is? I don't care if it's lethal or not, but do be quick about your response.", he sounded impatient, just on the edge of being anxious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Sheila Hopkins

Rocker Warehouse

Wisp listened to him before suddenly the sound of the crash downstairs sent her flinching towards the wall. Wait, what? She was in a blank state of panic when Shatterpoint issued his commands. Wisp held herself against the wall. This was too quick. She hadn’t mentally prepared herself. This was too much!

With the words the being had spoken… he’d kill? The man would break the unwritten rules and kill? Perhaps he’s thinking that if he’s just killing minor goons in an organization he intends to take over he won’t be bothered for it? Frighteningly easy to imagine. This was a real villain, with a powerful power, and real experience. He did not come here without a plan.

It was with a frightening quiver she realized her unique opportunity. She could help the Rockers take him down, end this threat to the city in its infancy. But could she? She was scared and inexperienced. While invisible, she had no talents for taking hits. If he hit her, even by accident or so, she was dead if he so willed it. She couldn’t make Viola live through that. She just couldn’t.

Yet… she just had to go down there, regardless. Shatterpoint’s orders led her to move. She stepped softly near him, and he gave his request. Could she take him down?

i can

It was not a lie. She wouldn’t guarantee it, but she could. Wisp communicated by writing with light only directed at Shatterpoint’s eyes right in front of him. No light leaked out elsewhere. She considered if she should tell him how, as that would give Shatterpoint insight into how her powers worked. … She eventually decided on a minimum. She had to give away that she had a range. Otherwise he’d question why she didn’t do it from a distance.

i need proximity
i will be around, and neutralize him if i get the chance
but i will not approach unless i wager it safe

relatively safe

She added the last part when she realized there was no way Shatterpoint could guarantee it would be completely safe. Then, she drifted away from Shatterpoint, intending on entering the room before him so she could not be in the staircase when Shatterpoint came down and drew the opponent’s eyes to him. She’d try to simply… float around the warehouse, where it was safe.

It was a good thing she didn’t have to talk, because her voice would break from her fear. It was a good thing she was invisible from curving light around her, so nobody could see her shaking. It was a good thing she had no attachments to this place, because if she decided to, she could simply bolt. For now, she kept out of the way with silent steps, hoping the enemy had no way of locating her.

So yeah, uh, she couldn’t do a thing against a guy in a tornado of debris. Shoot some light at him with hope of blinding him, get killed by things shot in the direction of the light, and that’d be it. However, shooting light and blinding was Wisp’s trademark. She’d like to avoid doing that as Creep if at all possible. She had to come up with other ways to use her abilities. This was going to be difficult.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sofia Stien: Highway Robbery

Wow Chatterhead didn't seem phased at all by what was going down. It seemed like they were basically at gunpoint but he was still just chatting away. Well that was kind of his thing after all. Sofia was kind of surprised that he hadn't starting just shooting them but that was really more of Weapons and Headhoncho wasn't it? Sofia wondered how they were doing. Well Weapons was hiding apparently but Sofia wasn't sure about anything that was happening. Trusting Chatterhead to toell her if she needed to do anything Sofia contented herself with holding onto him and pondering the situation. Could they really be put in jail? Was it possible to put her in jail? It'd be pretty hard to capture her too if she wasn't caught unawares. Chatterbox and her could just walk away from anything, but then again they'd probably follow her so it was kind of a stalemate. This was not at all what she'd expected, she'd been given the impression that things would go a lot smoother. Were was that Gamble guy anyway? Still stuck in cuffs or something probably. Maybe they should look for him and walk away under the effect her power. If she had someone guiding her and the ability ignore anything Sofia could probably shake whoever was following them. Hmm...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arsneal - Highway Robbery

You know, Arsenal was feeling pretty silly for not only targeting two dummy targets that allowed the heroes to sneak up on the team, but also the fact that the villain was hiding behind a car afraid of being enveloped by some shaving cream by some trigger happy bitch. He was hoping for some kind of opening, Chatterbox could do that with his power... Right? It would take a second and Arsenal could pelt her until her skin color was purple! Ah, but that chance never did arise, as much as Arsenal wanted to kill the hero it seemed that Chatterbox had something else within his mind as he heard his voice calling out to the cyborg to stand down. The young man sighed to himself, rubbing his eyes at the tomfoolery of Chatterbox's scheme of brainwashing a hero and in his situation had to comply to try to get out of these mission alive and out of super hero jail. Grimacing just for a few seconds, a giant frown beneath his bandanna, Arsenal flexed his back before slowly raising himself out into this vulnerable position. As the cyborg stood tall among the rubble, all sets of his arms were now pointing at their best towards the sky with his surprisingly resilient sombrero still perched upon his head. "Ya got me, I surrender, just try to tell your trigger happy friend to lay off the murder bullets."

Artificer - Denver Skyline

As things started to conclude, the masked man in swat gear called Jaunt teleporting away as their slightly villainous schemes were brought to everyone's attention, the Endbringer being rather a parahuman than an Endbringer, and Furnace the supernova star flying away to save people with his rather awesome power. All that was left was the person they saved and the rest of the Minutemen with the Endbringer parahuman sticking around to maybe join the team. That was until Kyoshi, the new member, had suddenly told the team that there was a girl in trouble that needed to be saved from... The Rockers. Artificer hasn't heard much from those people, a gang that isn't really much into this territory but since they got this call the faction must be expanding into Denver! "Yeah... yeah! I'm sure we can do this. They are a low-tier gang so I think with everyone here it shouldn't be too hard to deal with some thugs."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rocker Warehouse

Shatterpoint nodded. "I'll try to give you an opening. Tommorow we will meet where we first found you." It seemed Shatterpoint suspected they might not get a chance to chat after this, perhaps he was aware that Wisp might just run away? Well he didn't seem very worried about it either way. Shatterpoint descended the stairs, stopping as soon as he took his first step on the floor. "Stand down! What does submitting entail torando-man?" He asked, projecting his voice loudly but speaking calmly, he was standing rather passively. From first glance it seemed he was willing to consider surrender, but cornered rats seldomly went down without a fight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The PRT Building

Jackson put his hands up defensively, "Aw don't get so riled up. I gotta do something if I'm gonna figure what yer power is. I think I've got a vague idea. You saw through my magic tricks like I was some 12 year-old showing off for his friends and it didn't look like you've seen them before either am I right? But you didn't see the punch coming. Makes me think its got something to do with your eyes. You see stuff and something clicks in your brain. That's just a theory of course and I'm not sure how to go about proving it. Maybe we could show you some old boxing fights I've got recorded: but you might not be able to work with that. Got any other ideas?" Jackson asked as he pondered the situation. He seemed quite dedicating to figure out just what Ruben could do, though his methods were certainly rather unscientific at best.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Protean certainly had a great deal of fun messing with the Wards as they trained! It was cute the way Margrave recoiled when he was slapped in the face by a tail, and Messiah's attempt to assault him was nothing short of precious. Once they had been good and stressed out, the real entertainment began. Their bodies focused on the running, their minds still reeling from his suddenly attacking them, it made for the perfect level of stress to really test their reasoning functions. So as a sphinx he gave three riddles. Much to his surprise, though he didn't show it, the first of his riddles was answered near instantly by Tulpa. Damn, and he thought that was going to be the hardest pone, too! "Fantastic, Evelyn! You get to take a break! Everyone else, keep running your laps! Now who will be the one to fight me?"

A few moments passed, and the second riddle was provided an answer. The senior hero gave a hearty laugh for Margrave. "Yes, you are correct! A stamp! Now keep up your laps, my boy!"

That left one unanswered riddle, and two Wards. Messiah, the newly appointed leader, and Epsilon, the largely non-combative tinker. Using a long, serpentine tongue, Protean licked his lips and tasted the air. If things turned out how he thought they would, this would be a most interesting situation indeed. "The coin that's not a nickel is a quarter, and the other coin is the nickel!" Ah, there was the recognition in Messiah's eyes! Just as he had anticipated. "Yes! You got it, Alessa! Keep running, girl! And that leaves..." The sphinx man turned his eyes to follow Ira as she ran her own pace around the gym, keeping his eyes locked onto her. "The weakest link. Exactly as I thought. Good news is you can stop running. Bad news is..."

The sphinx-like body began to bubble over, boiling once more into the primordial ooze that made up Protean's form whenever he shifted his body structure. This time he grew tall, lean, but muscular. He appeared mostly human this time. Mostly. His body covered itself in a thin layer of black fur, while his head grew horns and took on a distinctive bovine appearance. For all intents and purposes, Protean had become a minotaur.

"Bad news is you're going to take some boxing lessons from me, 'contact' style." Now the real test would begin. The question remained though, would they figure it out?

Noble watched and observed silently as Chatterbox engaged her. The soldiers around them kept their weapons trained on the heroes, but as he went on attention seemed to be diverting ever so slightly. Noble kept a watchful eye on the two her weapon was trained on, naturally, unable to get any kind of vantage on the sniper mercenary currently preoccupied with cutting himself loose higher up on the hill. Once Arsenal stepped out into the open, the heroine looked rather relieved. The soldiers relaxed a fair bit too.

“As to how things should proceed, Ms. Noble. Perhaps we could discuss this over dinner?”

She actually cracked a smile at that. His words, and more importantly his power, were making headway into her psyche. Though her response sounded pleasant (or as pleasant as can be coming from a woman holding a gun of unknown capabilities at your face), her guard hadn't dropped. At least not enough to make any drastic or sudden moves.

"I thought it was common knowledge that I'm spoken for. You wouldn't want to piss off Inkscape. He always tells me I've got to work on my temper, but the last time a villain got the upper hand on me... Well, let's just say they should be glad they regenerate." She followed that up with a chuckle.

“Though, in all seriousness, I'm sure my comrades and I would rather not go to jail, which would surely be the result of this encounter. However, that's not really up to us, so what did you have in mind for how things go, moving forwards, mmm?”

"Pretty much just the jail thing, sweetie. If you're lucky you won't end up in the Birdcage. None of you look familiar, so I'm guessing this is your first offense? If you all surrender now, I'm sure you can get a decent plea bargain. Fuck, I'll even put in a good word."

"21,786 to 1!" A new voice called out from the sidelines. Noble jerked her head to see who had spoken just in time for a large hub cap to smack her in the chest, knocking her back several feet and onto the ground where she fell unconscious. The hub cap bounced from her body and flew through the air like a discuss, striking the nearest PRT soldier across his helmet-protected face. It continued to ricochet, bouncing to the next soldier and knocking him on his ass. Finally, as though it were some sort of crazy, high tech homing boomerang, flew toward the armored transport truck to be caught by a young man. He was only a few inches taller than five feet, blonde hair with blue eyes, and dressed in prisoner transport garb. Gamble had gotten free, and with his power created a situation of the greatest unlikely outcome: That he would single-handedly defeat Noble and the remaining PRT soldiers in one fell swoop.

"21,786 to 1. That was the odds of me taking out that hero and her goons. 31 to 1. That was the likelihood I'd survive the crash without any major injury." He pointed to a small cut on his forehead, barely a scuff. "Probability that I'd get out of that truck before they got me to the birdcage: 5001 to 2. Thanks for being my 2. I'll ask who the fuck you are once we're out of here. Now I assume you've got a plan to get our asses gone before more heroes show up? 7 to 1, in case you were wondering the odds."

The Minutemen and Others - Denver Skyline

While Kyoshi conversed with a mysterious caller, G4M3R tapped his unique ear implants, doing his best to concentrate on two conversations at once. Outsider being here, and even better actually considering the offer, was pure joyous. What Kyoshi was discussing on the phone though, that was business. Important business. Saving someone's life, just just their actual physical life, but acting as an inspiration to do better? That was the perfect kind of PR that his Minutemen needed! Getting to beat up on the weakest gang in the Norther Colorado area to do it? That's just a bonus.

"Alright Minutemen, sounds like we've got ourselves our first honest-to-goodness hero request! Let's make sure we do this right so everyone knows that the Protectorate aren't the only force for good in the world, am I right?" G4M3R held his hand up for some high fives from his team. "Outsider, I'd love for you to come along. I know we can handle the Rockers, hell just one of us would be fine against those dopes, but if things get hairy I'd bet you could make them surrender on sight alone! Hahaha!"

The leader of the Minutemen turned toward Celia and cocked his head. "Hmm. Weird." He hadn't meant to say that out loud. His cybernetic ears were detecting electronic signals coming from her body. A ton of them. He decided it was best not to say anything, for now. If anything, he'd like to keep tabs on her. "Hey, you want to come along, too? You can make a name for yourself as a cape? And it'd be more appealing to the public if we had more than one female member."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 21 days ago

Swarm - Rocker Warehouse

As Shatterpoint made himself visible Swarm turned towards him. "So this is the right hand man of the Rockers; letting him get close would be highly illogical," Damien thought. After Shatterpoint asked what the meaning of "submit" was, Swarm began to slow the tornado down. It took about ten long seconds. At the same time, Swarm lit up his cigarette that had been extinguished in the whirlwind. He took a long drag and exhaled before finally responding,"What it means, is you and your lackeys will obey me and follow my lead," then he cocked his head to the side arrogantly and took another drag of the cigarette,"How you choose to respond, will determine how shattered you may or may not become," more smoke left his mouth out of the mask as he spoke. This was no bluff. He was dead serious. It was as if he'd just as soon as look at you as he would leave you crippled and hospitalized. The objects had now all become frozen in the air. Swarm had acquired them. @Eklispe@PlatinumSkink
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The PRT Building

Ruben shrugged as Jackson asked if he had any other ideas, as his mind was blank. "I have no ideas, but I'd say let's try the boxing matches," the teen said, tossing his Eye around between his hands like a tennis ball. It gave his hands something to do while he waited for whatever was coming next. "We won't know if it doesn't work until we try it out, so let's do that thing."

Meanwhile, a small little connection in Rubens's head began to spark as he felt something, though it was very small, return to him. He couldn't identify it immediately, but he felt something start to click.

Kyoshi delivered the high-five to G4M3R before she cracked her hands and stretched, preparing for a few great leaps across the city. She didn't really know where to go just yet, and sure her arms were bruised to hell when she caught Celia, but otherwise she was ready to get this show on the road. The only clue she was really given to the whereabouts of their object was that she was probably in the area of town controlled by the Rockers, which was pretty much limited to a bunch of warehouses in Northern Denver. Kyoshi knew that because G4M3R told her to study up on some things before going out today, and that was the only thing she studied aside from various costumes.

"I'm going to run on ahead, unless someone needs help getting there... does anyone need help?" Kyoshi asked, still stretching in the preparation for a hop, skip, and a jump over Denver.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Sheila Hopkins

Rocker Warehouse

Wisp drifted slowly through the warehouse floor, keeping a distance from the intruder. A suited man in a mask, smoking. She could easily imagine him being the ruler of the city underworld in the near future, with how powerful his power appeared and how ambitious he seemed. While invisible, she slowly and silently wandered on her socks to behind him. Made no sense to approach from any other direction. She drew her knife, but she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with it.

There was stabbing him and going for the kill, but she found the notion nauseating. Much worse than she had thought it would be. She could put the knife against his throat and try to make him submit… but it was all too easy to imagine him breaking her body in half with a mere thought as soon as he was aware of her. She could blind him or stab one of his limbs to incapacitate him… but then maybe he’d send a burst of kinetic energy that’d send her crashing into a wall with at least one broken limb.

The whirlwind of things slowed to a stop as Shatterpoint spoke to him. This… could be the opportunity she needed. But, how was he aware of the things around him? Wisp feared he might have a sense for detecting physical bodies around him, in which case she’d be found. … No, that’s silly, she told herself. She had to tell herself that, because this was likely the only chance she’d get. Because ten second later, she was a few meters directly behind him, and the objects had stopped.

Wisp started moving forward towards his back. She still wasn’t sure WHAT she’d do if she reached him, but she started moving. Her skill at dodging people would prove valuable as she could keep in mind all the positions of the frozen objects and maneuver through silently without touching any of them, unknowingly supported by her minor Thinker power. However, she was being careful, taking her time. She wouldn’t arrive before at least one more exchange had taken place, and by then, the situation might have changed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rocker Warehouse

"Not the most unreasonable request I've heard." Shatterpoint said flatly. At least the man seemed distractible, if he could just keep him busy for a bit longer, and Wisp kept to her part, then this should be over quickly and relatively painlessly. Shatterpoint take a step forward and knelt down. "And what is your lead?" Shatterpoint didn't mind playing the fool for a bit, as long as it helped further his goals. His minions seemed to be following his lead, practically throwing themselves on the ground to show their surrender.

The PRT Building

Jackson got a silly grin, "Boxing films coming right up." He said cheerily, managing to pull out a tv from one of the boxes and plugging it into the wall. It was an ooold tv, with a screen smaller than most computer monitors these days. As he plugged in a tape into the vcr of all things you got the feeling that this was more about him wanting to watch boxing then finding out about Ruben's parahuman traits. Oh well. The tape in question appeared to be a collection of the '100 greatest boxing matches' and as it played Jackson eagerly fed Ruben information about the fights in question, practically narrating as the film played.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 21 days ago

Swarm - Rocker Warehouse

"Curious,"Damien thought to himself. Why would the second in command surrender so easly? Something wasn't right. Swarm looked around the warehouse to spot anything out of the ordinary that didn't include himself. Nothing. He turned back to SP and said,"To prove where your loyalties truly lie, we will be heading for your former leader to establish an official line of command. Where is he?" This would be the only way he could be sure his leadership was uncontestsd. Wisp had plenty of time to move in. Though, if she disturbed too many particles that were in the air, her movement could be detected. @Eklispe@PlatinumSkink
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arsenal - Highway Robbery

As Arsenal continued to expose himself to the direct line of fire between the three still functioning soldiers and the rather dangerous Noble, the boy was starting to worry if Chatterbox was going to be able to talk his way out of this mess before reinforcement arrives to bag everyone. He actually had the half mind to just switch to his little live-fire stash and use his more dangerous weaponry to kill everyone within his sights! He didn't want to spend the rest of his life stinking up in jail without the use of his perfectly crafted weapons making human slushies out of people with his hail of fire. However, as Noble seemed to calm down from her trigger-happy state, still giving rather undesirable options of going to prison, another voice rang out of the blue surprising everyone within an ear shot of the made up numbers.

Before any could properly react to the sudden arrival, Arsenal heard a loud whiz from an object pass his ears before a loud jarring clang knocked the wind out of Noble before falling down for the count. Incredibly, it didn't stop there as it impossibly ricocheted of the body to consecutively hit each of the following soldiers with similar effects of being knocked out by this flying object. Arsenal soon looked to find the person causing this sudden turn of events, and as the object soon landed squarely within the hands of thrower, it seemed to be the person that the group was sent out to save. It was Gamble to everyone's surprise, it looked like he had somehow gotten out of his cage to ironically save the people that were trying to save him. Though, all of that aside, as Gamble was randomly blubbering out numbers with the rest of the gang getting their barrings out of the fight, Arsenal needed to do something before leaving the crime scene.

Briskly walking over towards his rear flank, Arsenal quickly went behind some chest high cover to find a certain someone that needed to be taught a lesson for their ignorance. They seemed to be knocked out from Gamble's attack, the boy would have liked to hear some screaming, but this would have to do before he made his escape. Taking off the man's helmet, exposing his face to the bright light of the sun, Arsenal looked upon the face that destroyed one of his creations. As he slowly curled up his fingers into a ball of steel and circuits, Arsenal decided to hold back almost all of his concrete destroying strength as killing a person now would just be kind of stupid after going through the trouble of using rubber ammo. So, with that decision of not murder, Arsenal placed his fist near the eye of the fallen solider and took two quick jabs towards both of his eyes. "There, that should cover the psychological cost of almost killing me and destroying one of my creations," Arsenal mocked, the two excellently placed punches would soon turn into nasty looking shiners after the group wakes up from their failures.

After walking away from his punching bag, Arsenal knew that at this point someone had told Gamble that the group would escape the same way they arrived through Chatterbox's car. He was most likely the last one in as he needed to set things straight with the PRT solider. As Arsenal jammed his way into the car, waiting for the getaway, the group seemed to have succeeded in their plans even if it had major hicks such as losing an entire member but Arsenal didn't much like Lovely in the first place.

Artificer - Denver Skyline

With everyone doing their own thing, Artificer climbed on top of his impossibly flying construct and settled in for the oncoming fight. At the moment, the young boy only had two weapons at his disposable with one being this great flying fly and the other being a rather large explosive device which would most likely kill anyone if dropped within range. Artificer disliked killing people, especially mutilating bodies in horrible explosions, so Artiicer could really only provide air support for the group at the moment. Still, providing air support was better than nothing as the group of misfits started to get ready for the fight ahead and Artificer waited for G4M3R to climb aboard the giant wooden fly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 29 min ago


He kept up the charade until, well, a probability was called out and then the least likely thing occurred as a single hub cap essentially took out all of their enemies in one fell swoop. Chatterbox kind of just stared in disbelief, looking confused, rather than completely befuddled.

The one responsible sauntered up and he couldn't help but feel...outdone and disappointed. All of that work for nothing. He stood up, retrieving his fallen items, before grinning. He snatched the stupid tinker gun from Noble's unconscious fingers before he turned to who he only assumed was Gamble.

“Yeah, this way,” he said, smiling, even though he really didn't feel like it. He headed away from the relative carnage and to the remaining borrowed vehicle. He got into the driver's seat and sighed a bit.

One day he'd get to show the others just how useful his power could be. Not today though, unfortunately. On that note he really hoped that no one noticed what he had briefly done to Sofia. Reflex more than anything, but it had helped them survive so he supposed that was what really mattered.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Evelyn frowned, continuing to run as she did so, though she kept an eye on Protean and her teammate. She didn't like this. He'd said one-on-one, so she couldn't intervene, she also had to finish her run, but she didn't get it. They were a team why weren't they taking him on together or something?

She glanced back at Alessa and co, before turning her attention back to running. She picked up the pace a little, unsure of what to do, and distressed because of it.

Smiling a bit at the one who appeared the leader of the Minutemen, Outsider nodded. “Alright, I'll come along then,” he responded before glancing at Kiyoshi as she spoke, “My...other form can fly, but I'd rather not cause a huge stir on the way there, anyway you could help me get there?”

He looked apologetic, hating to ask. If she refused he could just swap forms and follow along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Alessa Heather: PRT Headquarters

Well, that was certainly going to be awful for Ira. She reminded herself that, yes, the girl needed to practice, but wasn't this going a bit far for somebody who was in essence an unskilled fighter? Not to mention utterly human aside from her usual powerset - there was no way for even a highly-trained human to so much as fend off a powerful Brute such as Protean unarmed, let alone a Cape whose primary power had nothing to do with battle whatsoever.

But for the sake of the testing, she attempted to wrestle down her urge to leap in and assist Ira, continuing her run at a much more rapid pace than before. There was hardly room to intervene, and if no powers was still in effect, well, her training in Krav Maga was as good as useless anyway against such a beast. And what a pity that was...

Raymond Haywood: Highway Robbery

After much cutting and sawing, Raymond finally emerged from the steel net, largely unscathed but nonetheless alive. Whilst various portions of his body did still ache, he figured he'd recover soon enough... more relevant to the present situation, though, was the man he'd just knocked unconscious. That did need to be dealt with, unfortunately, and he didn't have the anatomical knowledge to just... get rid of a specific portion of his brain with a bullet. Even his smallest caliber weapon would at best put the man in hospital, and at worst... either way, he imagined shooting somebody in the head would make him an instant target for the Protectorate.

Speaking of which, that is technically exactly what he'd just done. And as far as erasing evidence went... well, the unwritten rules suggested that revealing another Cape's identity was out of the question. He'd just have to hope that Morales' concussion would help eliminate most of his memory of the past few minutes, alongside the hope that the damage to the helmet could be attributed to blank rounds... but it wasn't like that matters when there were several live bullets scattered around the place. Well, sometimes you just had to say "screw it".

As events played out down below, Headhunter first put his weapon back in its holster, then gathered the few shell casings he'd left behind, first from around his current position, and then back up at the top of the hill to gather the three larger casings, that being a short enough climb anyway. Then, he headed down toward his teammates. From what they and their target, Gamble, was discussing, it sounded like they were planning on getting out of there reasonably soon. But, they ought to leave a calling card of some sort... and as it happened, there blew a scrap of paper. Snatching it out of the air, Raymond used the tip of his knife to quickly scratch a note reading "Courtesy of The Jacks", before folding it neatly and tucking it into a pocket on Noble's outfit, sticking out just far enough to be noticable when she awoke.

And at last, chancing one final glance over toward what may as well have been Love Craft's tomb- he reminded himself to figure out what the hell had happened there, or at least to ask Broker about it- as well as what appeared to be Arsenal's vengeance against an unconscious PRT soldier, the cold sniper followed after Chatterbox, ensuring he had his eye on Gamble the whole time, just in case the punk tried to do anything... unwise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rocker Warehouse

Shatterpoint nodded. As expected, trust was not such a simple matter. "As you may know this is not our primary city of operating. Therefore taking you to my leader would be a bit of a drive. Of course I have no complaint, you however may not have such free time. Should this a problem or should we begin our trip?" Shatterpoint asked cordially. All true, even if Shatterpoint had no intention of letting this man ever come face to face with Ceramix.

Sofia Stien: Highway Robbery

Sofia waited patiently for some indication that she could open her eyes again, Chatterbox relaxing and the sound of what was presumably Gamble bragging about how he'd managed to take everybody down good enough for her. She opened her eyes, taking a brief moment to adjust to the light level. Sure enough, all the baddies were down. Apparently the surprisingly short person in front of them, presumably Gamble, had taken care of it. Sofia trotted off after Chatterbox and took a seat, well that hadn't been too bad for a first mission. It had been a little dangerous there, relatively speaking, but everything had turned out okay. As everyone filed into the car Sofia amended that thought, it looked like Loverly wasn't with them. Hm, perhaps they had some other transportation? Sofia shrugged philosophically, in the end it wasn't really important.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nattook

Nattook Lusus naturae

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Celia Clarke: Denver Streets

As the young woman finished speaking, Jaunt seemed to slowly make up his mind. He leaned back a bit on his heels, and then disappeared, reappearing a moment later directly in front of her. Her hand instinctively went to her knife, pulling it from its sheath, and pointing it at Jaunt’s right shoulder, her left hand behind the back of it. At the slightest inclination she would thrust it forward, disabling that limb. Right as she finished preparing herself he disappeared, and Celia was left with an unfortunate realization.

Celia had revealed a bit too much about herself. She kind of revealed her reaction time, but also her general speed. With a sheepish smile she slipped her knife back into its sheath, and went back to her interaction with Decoy. She watched those around her carefully, not sure what they would think.

The first step, establishing the handshake with the server proved to be very difficult. A small breath instinctively escaped her lips as she resigned another core processor to the task, and even then it took about ten seconds. Soon millions of attempts at cracking the encryption were being sent every second, but once it was cracked she began the fun. Unfortunately her best attempts only brought down their Internet connection for a second or two before the tactic failed. The moment Decoy responded Celia stopped all her malicious activity. Decoy offered up an encrypted chat channel, and she paused before responding. It had an option to choose a username, and so she did.

C17: I have information about a missing person, and I think it might interest you.

After the message was sent, a file was also sent that contained the unencrypted and encrypted version of the message Celia had intercepted. Celia checked on the conversation between Kyoshi and a stranger. A girl, who claimed her sister was Wisp, was talked to Kyoshi about a problem with the Rockers. As the conversation finished Celia looked over at Outsider, who said he would give the team a test drive. The android considered it for a second, before deciding that she would also want to try and join given the opportunity. It probably wasn’t going to be a permanent thing, but she would have to see.

Kyoshi spoke up, explaining to G4M3R who had called and what about. Artificer impressed Celia a bit by seeming eager to help, and she took a second to reconsider the label she gave him of being a coward. G4M3R suddenly turned to her, and said something under his breath about something (maybe her?) being weird. He then continued by asking if she’d like to join. Celia frowned a bit at his reasoning. She bit back a comment about how making the group sexier wouldn’t help with him present, and nodded instead. “Sure, I’d be fine with that.” She said, turning to Kyoshi as she spoke up and offered a ride, Outsider took her up on the offer, and Celia turned to Artificer. “Do you mind if I ride with you? Or will I have to follow on foot? I don’t mind either way.” She said, figuring it was a bit late to hold back everything about her powers.
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