Name: Cecilia Rousseau
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Her muscles are more tone, and looks more cheerful. She is 170 cm and binds her chest.
Rank: PFC
Class: Shocktrooper
Weapons and Equipment:
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Her muscles are more tone, and looks more cheerful. She is 170 cm and binds her chest.
Rank: PFC
Class: Shocktrooper
Weapons and Equipment:
- T-MAG 1
- B-Type M1
- Ragnaid
- Shocktroop armor
- Revolver
Cecilia is a tomboy. Rough and tough. Sticks to the guys and doesn't mind a good old brawl. Pretty simple actually. Courageous, and outgoing, not easily hated, and a strong sense of justice. She isn't interested in girly-girl stuff like make-up and dresses, but she doesn't mind hanging out with some of her friends as they do that stuff. She gets along well with everyone, but her sense of justice can be overbearing. Or is it just her sense for violence?
Growing up, Cecilia was a daddy's girl. Always looking up to her father. He was a martial artist and part of the local police. With a strong sense of justice, he taught her little girl martial arts and how to fight. Inheriting that sense of justice, Cecilia would fight off all bullies.
The boys and the girls got along with her though. She may have been strong, but she was outgoing and did all sorts of fun, crazy and dangerous things. But whenever it was time for her to 'defend' for someone, they backed away, keeping some distance. She doesn't really realize it herself too much, but she loves to fight and violence. She won't act on it until it can be used for 'justice', though.
Her family was fairly average, and her town was fairly peaceful. As she got older, she became stronger and more independent. Eventually it was her time to enroll for military training. With the training drills and hand-to-hand combat, she was fully in her element. She would charge in, gun on full auto, spraying the fake enemy lines. In cases of hand-to-hand beating people senseless. Yet, there was no sense of justice. She was excited, but felt it was lacking something. So, finishing off her training, she went back home, and followed her father's footsteps.
Eventually though, the war had reached Gallia, and with her sense of justice, she volunteered to fight for her country and get in on some of the action. Her father gave her his prized revolver and her mother gave her some ragnaid both of them to protect her and wish for her safety.
Personal Potentials:
Cecilia is a tomboy. Rough and tough. Sticks to the guys and doesn't mind a good old brawl. Pretty simple actually. Courageous, and outgoing, not easily hated, and a strong sense of justice. She isn't interested in girly-girl stuff like make-up and dresses, but she doesn't mind hanging out with some of her friends as they do that stuff. She gets along well with everyone, but her sense of justice can be overbearing. Or is it just her sense for violence?
Growing up, Cecilia was a daddy's girl. Always looking up to her father. He was a martial artist and part of the local police. With a strong sense of justice, he taught her little girl martial arts and how to fight. Inheriting that sense of justice, Cecilia would fight off all bullies.
The boys and the girls got along with her though. She may have been strong, but she was outgoing and did all sorts of fun, crazy and dangerous things. But whenever it was time for her to 'defend' for someone, they backed away, keeping some distance. She doesn't really realize it herself too much, but she loves to fight and violence. She won't act on it until it can be used for 'justice', though.
Her family was fairly average, and her town was fairly peaceful. As she got older, she became stronger and more independent. Eventually it was her time to enroll for military training. With the training drills and hand-to-hand combat, she was fully in her element. She would charge in, gun on full auto, spraying the fake enemy lines. In cases of hand-to-hand beating people senseless. Yet, there was no sense of justice. She was excited, but felt it was lacking something. So, finishing off her training, she went back home, and followed her father's footsteps.
Eventually though, the war had reached Gallia, and with her sense of justice, she volunteered to fight for her country and get in on some of the action. Her father gave her his prized revolver and her mother gave her some ragnaid both of them to protect her and wish for her safety.
Personal Potentials:
- Ammo Refill - Always could use with more shots
- Big Sister - I'll protect those close to me
- Bloodthirsty - There's killing to do!
- Challenge Lover - Justice will prevail!
RP Sample:
As a child
"Hey, what do you think you guys are doing over there? Picking on a little girl! Cecilia called out to the boys picking on a girl not much younger than her.
"What do you want huh!?" They replied.
"You guys are nothing but bullies! You deserve to be punished."
"Punished? HA! By who?"
Cecilia calmly walked up to the boys.
"Oh look at this, defending her are you? Get her!"
With that she smiled. Her face smiling a devilish grin, as she dodged the first punch by ducking low, and punching the boy below the belt. He writhed in pain, as the others started to charge in. She went to beat on the boy writhing in pain, before using him to shield a blow from the others. Continuing to smile, she threw the boy into the others and started to beat them all senseless.
As the boys writhed in pain, she dusted herself off. "Now then, no more picking on anyone, got it?" she smiled, an innocent smile.
"Hey guys, how you doing?" she called out to the familiar looking men. "Hey Cecilia."
"You guys have changed recently."
"Ha ha ... yeah ... After going through that so many times ..."
"Going through what? Justice?"
"Uh ... Yeah .... Anyway ... we got work so laters."
"Well keep up the good work."
Looks like they finally know about the power of justice. Cecilia smiled to herself walking away.