I finally present to you, Adam Langford!

║ Camper Name ║
║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║
║ Address ║
║ Allergies ║
║ Medications at Camp? ║
║ Activity Restrictions? ║
║ Emergency Contact ║
║ Nicknames ║
║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║
║ Appearance ║
║ Personality ║

║ My Dreams ║
║ Fears ║
║ Likes ║
║ Dislikes ║
║ Brief History ║

║ Suit Assignment ║
║ Do you want to be here? ║
║ Extra information ║
Of course, if you see any discrepancies, please let me know.

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♠ ♡ ♢ ♣
"When people ask me, ‘what are you looking at, when I’m staring at space, I always tell them the same thing; ‘ A New Life.’"
Camp Registration 2022
║ Camper Name ║
Adam A. Langford
║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║
» October 21
» 18
» Male
» 18
» Male
║ Address ║
1304 E Washington St, Boston, MA 41089
║ Allergies ║
║ Medications at Camp? ║
║ Activity Restrictions? ║
No Restrictions
║ Emergency Contact ║
Dianne Langford, Mother, 418-539-2264
This is Me
║ Nicknames ║
None, really. At least not yet.
║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║
Straight and Single
║ Appearance ║
Adam isn’t the most intimidating-looking guy around. Actually, he’s pretty scrawny. Adam’s physical build can be described as lean and unimposing. Adam neither had any interest in playing sports or going to the gym. Thankfully, his natural metabolism at least keeps him from gaining any unsightly weight. At a height of five-feet and nine-inches, Adam’s at least not too unnaturally small, though some guys in middle and high school would beg to differ. Adam has slightly pale skin, and no outstanding abnormalities. Adam keeps his hair short, and he’s not afraid to add some gel to at least keep appearances up. Adams normal attire is comprised of simple t-shirts and blue jean pants. He abhors anything too flashy. So Adam sticks with a simple analogue watch, comfortable jeans, and practical shirts. Adam wears comfortable sneakers and solid, black, square-framed glasses.
║ Personality ║
The Positive:
- Intelligent
- Great Listener
- Patient
- Creative
The Negative:
- Short-tempered when annoyed
- Near antisocial
- Easily manipulated
More in depth:
A man lost in his own mind. Adam Langford would much rather imagine himself flying in space rather than try and carry on a pointless conversation. While Adam isn’t afraid to have a chat with anyone, he easily gets bored through small talk; on top of which, recent years of bullying have made him standoffish during new encounters. When confronted with either uninteresting conversations or too awkward of moments, Adam retreats into his own mind and imagines himself performing out-of-this-world adventures. As long as someone else can hold his attention and keep him thinking, Adam will happily add his two cents
As far as relationships go, Adam doesn’t have much experience in the matter. While he’s not opposed to being in a relationship, no females have shown any interest in him, and Adam’s practically given up on the notion. At this point, Adam’s more focused on his future and attaining his goals and dreams, rather than finding a girlfriend. Adam also doesn’t have too many friends in real life. Online chat rooms and boards are where most of his actual friends can be found. Adam doesn’t let too many people get close, but those he does will find an unwavering spirit that will stop at nothing from fulfilling his dreams.
After the incident in 9th grade (See History), some might try to keep their distance from Adam. However, before that time, Adam never had a violent day in his life. A person can only take so much before snapping. Ever since, Adam has had a low tolerance for any kind of bullying, whether it be aimed towards him or someone else. Adam’s also had a low tolerance with bullshit and is quick to call people out on it. If people need to know one thing about Adam, it’s that he’s not a violent man, nor is he a sociopath. He simply wants to have interesting conversations or be left alone.
A man lost in his own mind. Adam Langford would much rather imagine himself flying in space rather than try and carry on a pointless conversation. While Adam isn’t afraid to have a chat with anyone, he easily gets bored through small talk; on top of which, recent years of bullying have made him standoffish during new encounters. When confronted with either uninteresting conversations or too awkward of moments, Adam retreats into his own mind and imagines himself performing out-of-this-world adventures. As long as someone else can hold his attention and keep him thinking, Adam will happily add his two cents
As far as relationships go, Adam doesn’t have much experience in the matter. While he’s not opposed to being in a relationship, no females have shown any interest in him, and Adam’s practically given up on the notion. At this point, Adam’s more focused on his future and attaining his goals and dreams, rather than finding a girlfriend. Adam also doesn’t have too many friends in real life. Online chat rooms and boards are where most of his actual friends can be found. Adam doesn’t let too many people get close, but those he does will find an unwavering spirit that will stop at nothing from fulfilling his dreams.
After the incident in 9th grade (See History), some might try to keep their distance from Adam. However, before that time, Adam never had a violent day in his life. A person can only take so much before snapping. Ever since, Adam has had a low tolerance for any kind of bullying, whether it be aimed towards him or someone else. Adam’s also had a low tolerance with bullshit and is quick to call people out on it. If people need to know one thing about Adam, it’s that he’s not a violent man, nor is he a sociopath. He simply wants to have interesting conversations or be left alone.

“These moments of escape are not to be despised. They come too seldom.” - Virginia Woolf
We Are Infinite
║ My Dreams ║
To be among the stars and escape to a new life and world; that is Adam’s dream. Either become an astronomer or astronaut, and be among those leading humanity into space. He dreams of leaving Earth and, if possible, being among the first of settling a new world.
║ Fears ║
- Falling into a rut
- Never experiencing space
- Becoming the center of attention
║ Likes ║
- Science Fiction
- Anything space-related
- Most novels
- Acoustic music
- His own room
- Silence
║ Dislikes ║
- Loud and obnoxious music
- Loud and obnoxious people
- Parties
- Crowd-size groups of people
- Being bored
- Losing his glasses
║ Brief History ║
Born to an upper-middle class, New England couple, Adam grew up not wanting too many things. His father, Carl Langford, was an instructor at MIT, while his mother also worked at MIT, though as a local nurse. Due to his father’s position, Adam grew to have an interest in space at an early age. So much so, that his room was decorated in a space-themed manner. He would always run around pretending to be an astronaut. As he started school, Adam began to show an above-average intelligence. He would ace most tests administered. Soon enough, Adam was reading novels and his fascination with space and science grew exponentially. By the time Adam entered high school, he already had a firm idea of what he wanted for his future; making science-fiction a reality.
However, his childhood and even early high school years weren’t always bright. From a young age, Adam was bullied for his scrawny build, and once middle school went into full-swing, for his more intellectual pursuits. At first the bullying never really bothered Adam, however when months turned into years, the constant bullying started to break him. Before what Adam would come to call “The Incident,” he was as normal as could be. The bullying finally came to a head and Adam just had enough. Adam finally snapped, and when his bully said another shitty joke, Adam turned on his heel and sent a hay-maker straight to the guy’s chin and jumped on him, beating his face in. Two guys pulled him off and a bloody, swollen face was left in his wake. Adam was suspended and his parents had to pay for the hospital bill.
After the incident, Adam grew more recluse. His parents never really noticed, and the friends he did have simply moved on. While initially, the shock and attitude change bothered Adam himself, he slowly healed, though with scars. Adam may now be cordial when spoken, though he’s not as open and friendly as before. He’s instead devoted his time and energy into making his dreams a reality and become either an astronaut or scientist working at NASA. His parents, however, wanted him to experience a little more than his room and the occasional trip to his father’s labs. So they signed him up for camp to try and help him get out and meet new friends and hopefully live a fuller life. Adam begrudgingly agreed to the idea, and while he would rather not be here, he will at least try to make progress with the time he has.
However, his childhood and even early high school years weren’t always bright. From a young age, Adam was bullied for his scrawny build, and once middle school went into full-swing, for his more intellectual pursuits. At first the bullying never really bothered Adam, however when months turned into years, the constant bullying started to break him. Before what Adam would come to call “The Incident,” he was as normal as could be. The bullying finally came to a head and Adam just had enough. Adam finally snapped, and when his bully said another shitty joke, Adam turned on his heel and sent a hay-maker straight to the guy’s chin and jumped on him, beating his face in. Two guys pulled him off and a bloody, swollen face was left in his wake. Adam was suspended and his parents had to pay for the hospital bill.
After the incident, Adam grew more recluse. His parents never really noticed, and the friends he did have simply moved on. While initially, the shock and attitude change bothered Adam himself, he slowly healed, though with scars. Adam may now be cordial when spoken, though he’s not as open and friendly as before. He’s instead devoted his time and energy into making his dreams a reality and become either an astronaut or scientist working at NASA. His parents, however, wanted him to experience a little more than his room and the occasional trip to his father’s labs. So they signed him up for camp to try and help him get out and meet new friends and hopefully live a fuller life. Adam begrudgingly agreed to the idea, and while he would rather not be here, he will at least try to make progress with the time he has.

Welcome to Aces High!
║ Suit Assignment ║
Fill this out when we give you a suit: Hearts, Clubs, Spades, Diamonds. That will determine your cabin assignments and teams for the ten weeks at camp
║ Do you want to be here? ║
Not really, no.
║ Extra information ║
Nicholas Hoult, Burly Wood DEB887
Of course, if you see any discrepancies, please let me know.