♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ Daniela Johnson ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣
"Hi, I'm Dani......So, um..."Camp Registration 2022
║ Camper Name ║
Daniela Johnson
║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║
» May/24th
» 16
» Female
» 16
» Female
║ Address ║
16 Colorado Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
║ Allergies ║
║ Medications at Camp? ║
║ Activity Restrictions? ║
Dani has a fear of heights, so cannot engage in any activities that involve high places, such as bungee jumping or paragliding.
║ Emergency Contact ║
Mark Johnson, Father, 871-2351
Ana Sofia Johnson, Mother, 871-2352
Ana Sofia Johnson, Mother, 871-2352
This is Me
║ Nicknames ║
║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║
Heterosexual, Single
║ Appearance ║
Some girls aren't born pretty but after make-up and a little effort, become incredibly stunning and gorgeous. Dani has the opposite problem. She is naturally pretty, but does not put much effort into her appearance, meaning that her potential is squandered. Dani doesn't mind. Nobody could ever think she is ugly or unattractive, but she's invisible, and if anybody had to describe her, they'd say she was plain, and if Dani was lucky, maybe even cute. But never pretty.
She wears her dark black hair long, with bangs long enough to cover her eyes if she looks down, which she does. A lot. Before this camping trip she was rarely ever seen without a sweater, cardigan or hoodie, but her parents made sure that she not only had no second layers, but packed vests instead of the baggy t-shirts she found more comfortable, and less revealing, so her usual outfit at Aces High is jeans and a black vest
She wears her dark black hair long, with bangs long enough to cover her eyes if she looks down, which she does. A lot. Before this camping trip she was rarely ever seen without a sweater, cardigan or hoodie, but her parents made sure that she not only had no second layers, but packed vests instead of the baggy t-shirts she found more comfortable, and less revealing, so her usual outfit at Aces High is jeans and a black vest
║ Personality ║
The Positive:
- Kindhearted
- Easy-going
- Non-judgemental
The Negative:
- Reclusive
- Timid
- Anxious
More in depth:
Daniela is a shy girl. She always was a quiet kid, in contrast to her siblings who were socialites in comparison, and was happier with one of two friends who stuck by each other throughout elementary school. Even then, she spent her holidays and weekends mostly indoors, reading books, watching movies or surfing the web.
Dani was always happy to be this way, much to the dismay of her family, but now a little something's starting to change that called puberty, and an ever-growing part of her is wondering if maybe being alone and entertaining yourself isn't the best thing for her future after all. Her mother would often reprimand her about how no boy will want her like this, and those warnings are getting harder and harder to shake off with "I don't care about boys", which isn't exactly true anymore.
Daniela is a shy girl. She always was a quiet kid, in contrast to her siblings who were socialites in comparison, and was happier with one of two friends who stuck by each other throughout elementary school. Even then, she spent her holidays and weekends mostly indoors, reading books, watching movies or surfing the web.
Dani was always happy to be this way, much to the dismay of her family, but now a little something's starting to change that called puberty, and an ever-growing part of her is wondering if maybe being alone and entertaining yourself isn't the best thing for her future after all. Her mother would often reprimand her about how no boy will want her like this, and those warnings are getting harder and harder to shake off with "I don't care about boys", which isn't exactly true anymore.

I am who I am. I am not very complicated. I am simple and an introvert. - Tiger Shroff
We Are Infinite
║ My Dreams ║
Dani's ambitions are currently to go to College, majoring in programming, and then seeing where that qualification takes her. It's also a goal of hers to get a boyfriend eventually, but there's no rush for that.
║ Fears ║
- Heights
- Social Embarrasment
║ Likes ║
- Chilling in her room by herself
- YouTube
- Computers
- Electronic music
- Fantasy, both in film and novel form
- Video games (Especially RPGs and strategy)
║ Dislikes ║
- Heights
- Travelling
- Prolonged social interaction
- Prolonged participation in social gatherings, even if she's just in a corner
║ Brief History ║
Dani was the second child of Mark and Ana Sofia Johnson, and within a year and a bit of when she was born, she was a middle child. Maybe the lack of attention she received in comparison to her siblings was the cause of her indepencance and tendencies towards being alone. Who could tell?
As a child, Dani did make two friends, but they were also introverted like her, and they never hung out unless it was at school or they were forced to by their parents. Even so, these friendships were strong, and then they stopped, it was mutual. They still liked each other, then just wanted to be alone even more as they started to get towards the difficult age between eight and twelve. Dani became addicted to books, and films, and games, and the web, and if she ever went outside, it was for solo walks, or to go to the library.
Dani is now sxiteen, and has never so much as been on a date, let alone had a boyfriend, and her parents put their feet down. This year, she would be going to this Summer Camp with her two siblings. They would all be going. And while she was there, she was told, she was going to bloody well talk to people!
As a child, Dani did make two friends, but they were also introverted like her, and they never hung out unless it was at school or they were forced to by their parents. Even so, these friendships were strong, and then they stopped, it was mutual. They still liked each other, then just wanted to be alone even more as they started to get towards the difficult age between eight and twelve. Dani became addicted to books, and films, and games, and the web, and if she ever went outside, it was for solo walks, or to go to the library.
Dani is now sxiteen, and has never so much as been on a date, let alone had a boyfriend, and her parents put their feet down. This year, she would be going to this Summer Camp with her two siblings. They would all be going. And while she was there, she was told, she was going to bloody well talk to people!

Welcome to Aces High!
║ Suit Assignment ║
║ Do you want to be here? ║
Dani does not want to be here at all. It is the last place she wants to be. But on the other hand, she knows she has to.
║ Extra information ║
Face Claim: Maite Peroni. Color code is aqua.