A description or cool quote of some kind from your character
-Picture or reference goes here-

[Character's age or aproximate age| Race | Game of origin and place| Gender]
[youtube] Character Theme Song here [/youtube]
Describe what your character looks like. Their height, physical build, body type, eye color, hair color, hair style, any noticeable marks or scars, est. If they aren't human make sure to mention any additional limbs or physical features they might have. Throw in some descriptions regarding their starting attire, provided they have any.
Normally I prefer long descriptions regarding personality, but here I want the characters actions to speak for them. So just list out your character's personality traits.
I don't need to know what your character ate for breakfast every morning. Describe what your character's life has been up to this point, what shaped them into who they are now, and how they arrived at the 'town' of 2Fort.
The knowledge and proficiencies your character possesses. Some people (and or robot-demons) are go with long ranged weapons. Others are highly skilled in melee. And a select few are true experts in scratching their ass and watching everyone else do all the work.
Magic spells, plasmids, cybernetic augmentations, signature moves, special attacks, honed techniques, if it's strange then put it down and explain it here.
Perks are special little advantages and privileges that your character can have access to. Unlike special abilities which are powers your character simply has, Perks are something they might not otherwise have or get. Having a little passive ability, starting with a particular item or a good chunk of money are examples of possible Perks.
Perks are not mandatory. Players can start with up to two perks and gain more through random in game events. HOWEVER for every Perk a character takes they must also take a...
Faults are the exact opposite of Perks. They are penalties, negative downsides, or outright consequences your character suffers from to offset the benefits of whatever perks you chose. Faults MUST be genuinely negative and have a meaningful downside. You can't have a neat weapon as a perk and "Gently smells of lettuce" as a Fault.
Here's an example of a good Perk and Fault setup:
For a Perk you decide you want your character to start with a good amount of spending money they otherwise wouldn't have. For a Fault you pick Debt Collectors. Despite suddenly having a lot of cash your character is in debt and despite the end of all reality the people they owe still want their money. This means that a group of very tough enemies can show up at any time during the course of the roleplay.
Get the idea?
Everyone has chinks in their armor, holes in their smiles, and burn marks on their soul. Tell us what your characters failings are both as a combatant and an individual.
All characters in this roleplay start with the most minimal amount of gear possible. With claimed Canon characters they will begin with bare bones loadout (Example: Samus Aran starts with just her Zero Suit and Emergency pistol) while OCs have the choice between starting with a small selection of items related to their background/profession OR the player can choose to have their starting gear rolled by the moderator. The results could be bad or hot garbage, it's a matter of luck.
Since this roleplay revolves around survival, adaption, and making due with limited resources I encourage players to start with as little as possible. After all there's no sense of progression if you start things off with a ton of customized gear and powerful weaponry.
What your character is currently wearing/using in regards to equipment.
A general list of a character's inventory with descriptions regarding the items. Players will be expected to post an Inventory up on the OOC and update it as their character finds, loses, and modifies items.
Leave this blank. As the roleplay goes on I'll award characters for the interesting, stupid, dangerous, funny, and heroic things they do. Just for fun.
For anything else.
[hider=Character Name Here]
[center][img] image link here [/img][/center]
[b][center] A description or cool quote of some kind from your character [/center][/b]
[center] -Picture or reference goes here-[/center]
[Center][img] -picture- [/img][/center]
[center][h2] [b][Character's age or aproximate age| Race | Game of origin and place| Gender][/b] [/h2][/center]
[center][youtube] Character Theme Song here [/youtube] [/center]
Describe what your character looks like. Their height, physical build, body type, eye color, hair color, hair style, any noticeable marks or scars, est. If they aren't human make sure to mention any additional limbs or physical features they might have. Throw in some descriptions regarding their starting attire, provided they have any.
Normally I prefer long descriptions regarding personality, but here I want the characters actions to speak for them. So just list out your character's personality traits.
I don't need to know what your character ate for breakfast every morning. Describe what your character's life has been up to this point, what shaped them into who they are now, and how they arrived at the 'town' of 2Fort.
The knowledge and proficiencies your character possesses. Some people [i](and or robot-demons)[/i] are go with long ranged weapons. Others are highly skilled in melee. And a select few are true experts in scratching their ass and watching everyone else do all the work.
[b][u]~SPECIAL ABILITIES~[/u][/b]
Magic spells, plasmids, cybernetic augmentations, signature moves, special attacks, honed techniques, if it's strange then put it down and explain it
Perks are special little advantages and privileges that your character can have access to. Unlike special abilities which are powers your character simply has, Perks are something they might not otherwise have or get. Having a little passive ability, starting with a particular item or a good chunk of money are examples of possible Perks.
Perks are not mandatory. Players can start with up to two perks and gain more through random in game events. HOWEVER for every Perk a character takes they must also take a...
Faults are the exact opposite of Perks. They are penalties, negative downsides, or outright consequences your character suffers from to offset the benefits of whatever perks you chose. Faults MUST be genuinely negative and have a meaningful downside. You can't have a neat weapon as a perk and "Gently smells of lettuce" as a Fault.
Here's an example of a good Perk and Fault setup:
[i]For a Perk you decide you want your character to start with a good amount of spending money they otherwise wouldn't have. For a Fault you pick Debt Collectors. Despite suddenly having a lot of cash your character is in debt and despite the end of all reality the people they owe still want their money. This means that a group of very tough enemies can show up at any time during the course of the roleplay. [/i]
Get the idea?
Everyone has chinks in their armor, holes in their smiles, and burn marks on their soul. Tell us what your characters failings are both as a combatant and an individual.
[h3] [b]INVENTORY & EQUIPMENT [/b][/h3]
[u][b]~STARTING EQUIPMENT~[/b][/u]
All characters in this roleplay start with the most minimal amount of gear possible. With claimed Canon characters they will begin with bare bones loadout [i](Example: Samus Aran starts with just her Zero Suit and Emergency pistol)[/i] while OCs have the choice between starting with a small selection of items related to their background/profession [b]OR[/b] the player can choose to have their starting gear rolled by the moderator. The results could be bad or hot garbage, it's a matter of luck.
Since this roleplay revolves around survival, adaption, and making due with limited resources I encourage players to start with as little as possible. After all there's no sense of progression if you start things off with a ton of customized gear and powerful weaponry.
What your character is currently wearing/using in regards to equipment.
A general list of a character's inventory with descriptions regarding the items. Players will be expected to post an Inventory up on the OOC and update it as their character finds, loses, and modifies items.
[h3] [b]MEDALS AND ACCOLADES [/b] [/h3]
Leave this blank. As the roleplay goes on I'll award characters for the interesting, stupid, dangerous, funny, and heroic things they do. Just for fun.
[h3] [b]EXTRA[/b] [/h3]
For anything else.