Batman and his allies rescued Batgirl from the clutches of Bane. After it was decided the dead Robins couldn't be saved, Slade Wilson revealed himself to be his body-jumping son Jericho and offered to help Batman save one of the Robins. When taking on Bane, Jericho agreed to help the League of Assassins in rescuing Nyssa Al Ghul who was also being held against her will like Batgirl and Deathstroke's daughter. However, Nyssa was dead when they arrived on the scene. Deathstroke was transported across the country with a dead goon of Bane's to make it look like he'd blacked out during a mission in Coast City. However the League of Assassins will be looking for him, despite him not knowing where he had been the last two months.
Jericho, now in the body of Richard Grayson and still using the Skeleton Jack alias, helps others defend Gotham while Bruce is away [likely looking for a way to save the boys]. Batman put Batwoman in command after she was such a help rescuing Barbara Gordon. He also gave the would be vigilante group an HQ of their own hidden in plain sight in Historic Gotham.
Can the team save Gotham when a group of criminals using Firefly tech decide to burn the city to the ground? What motivates the new Fireflies and why are they targeting specific buildings across town? Will Batman have any allies still standing when he returns from his trip over seas?

1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none atm] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.
Current Roster
@Member 00492 Skeleton Jack
@Metronome Wraith
@Burning Kitty Guardian
@unknown100 Batwoman
@Kazemitsu Kaze
@vancexentan Damocles
_____________________________Wrath of Bane________________________________

It was unlike any other night in Gotham City. It had been four days since Bane murdered the Robins. At least twenty-four hours since the behemoth captured Batgirl. At Batman's request, Batwoman and Batwing gathered most of the group. Some required payment. One in particular came to Batman himself. Jack liked to keep a low profile, but somehow he let on that he knew something was up and offered to aid Batman. Clearly Skeleton Jack had an agenda of his own, but what that agenda was Batman didn't have the time to think about. In their meeting on the rooftops of Gotham weeks earlier, Batman picked up specific moves tied to the training of a League of Assassins member. Jack, like the others, was instructed to meet at an abandoned warehouse purchased by Wayne Industries some three years prior.
"C'mon Batman... make your move." Jack thought as Batman explained the situation.
"Half of you will join Batwoman in a search and rescue mission. That psycho has got Batgirl somewhere in the city, we just need to find out where. Take down any of Bane's goons or anyone pushing that Venom drug, get whatever info you can out of them. The rest of you will join Batwing in combing Gotham for any other Venom junkies or dealers that may know of Bane's location. Keep your eyes open for a hunting knife should you come into contact with Bane. It is vital that we retrieve this blade as well...." Batman said pausing for a moment.
"... understand that we may have to take Bane down. For good. It's why I didn't just call the Justice League."
"Its about time you grew a pair, Bats." Jack taunted as the rest looked on.
"If anybody sees Jack breaking more than just fingers, hands, and arms... take HIM down. I'm not giving you a license to break the backs of petty criminals... JUST Bane." Batman continued.
"One of these days, Bats, we'll see who the better man is. If I had a sword or a gun I'd take down half these amateurs right now. I just have to find Bane and where he's keeping the girls..." Jack thought, not even bothering to try and look scarier to the gathered bunch.
Bane walks down a hallway with several rooms. Cells rather, for a few prisoners of his. One is of course Batgirl, the other two females? One had light blond hair, almost white... the other a brunette with a Mediterranean look to her. One was clearly older than the other two.
"When the League finds out about this.... Batman won't know which way to turn... HA HA HAHAAA HA!" Bane laughed looking at the three females without his mask on.