
Character Summary
Name: Xuan'Wu Shen
Aliases: Genbu, Dark Warrior, High Warrior
Titles: Star Knight General
Age: 32
Time of Death: 7200 Years ago
Place of Origin: Wudang (Now Bervenia)
Gender: Male
Physical Attributes
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Day To Day Attire: His pursuit of perfection and a higher state calls for less. He only wears some old cloth pants and occasionally some armor.
Strengths: Endurance, Perfectionist, Lotus Heart
Weaknesses: Restlessness, Repentant
Psychological Attributes
Determined * Caring * Heartless * Unhinged
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Genbu can be hard to read at times. Mostly because his personality can change quite often. He has a dark side that he tries to keep squelched as he pursues his Tao, but that's not always the case. He tries to be caring, thoughtful, selfless and kind as much as possible, but occasionally times of carelessness and even hatred slip through.
No personality of his cares for stupidity though. His kind side may give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they just mistaken in that point, but other times he may completely write someone off for doing or more often saying something he finds stupid.
Tao requires a lot of thought to delve into and decipher the universe's messages and teachings. Genbu spends a lot of time meditating on the aspects of everything and their lessons. If he has experienced it, there's a good chance he's meditated on it. He makes a great advisor in a lot of situations. He tries to see things from all angles and at times he can almost end up arguing with himself as tries to find the true path.
Skills & Abilities
A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking and abilities or magic. You can have a total of ten, but temper them to not be overly powerful - except one can be noticeably more powerful, usually the one skill/ability/magic/item that makes them recgonizable.
- Tao of Motion (Master): This Tao allows him to sense and understand movement. He understands how his own. Body moves and can bring out its peak performance. This also allows him to understand how other things and people can move. He can't predict people, but by knowing what they can do, he can form plans and make educated guesses as to their actions. He can make accurate predictions of how objects will move.
- Tao of Surrounding (Master): The Tao of surrounding allows him to understand what is around him. He can sense everything about five meters around him at all times. He can even sense their energies.
- Tao of Acceptance (Master): This Tao allows him to absorb energy from the things around him. It also allows him to manipulate the energies within objects. He can slowly pull things to himself, and he can slightly redirect already moving objects.
- Tao Understanding (Master): Even though he is a master of understanding, it does not mean he can perform everything at a master's level. In fact, a lot of things are barely equal to an apprentice. This Tao allows him to see and know how powers work. If the power is common, then he can practice and perform it as well. If the power requires something like a special magic affinity, then he cannot perform the ability, even if he fully understands it.
- Tao Burst (Initiate): The Tao Burst utilizes all of the Tao for a powerful ability. Surrounding is used to sense the energies. Acceptance is used to collect it. Motion is used to control it. Understanding is needed to be able to use all of Tao in sync. Currently he only uses this ability for energy shields and bursts, but as he grows he may find more uses for it. He has a lot more to practice if he is going to master this though.
- Generals Wan Gong and Wan Ma (Artifacts): The Generals are Genbu's spear and shield. The spear representing the snake and the shield representing the turtle. The Generals are physical manifestations of Genbu's haunted beginnings. A great negative aura that could drive any man mad from being near it, is controlled by the power of Genbu. They may look ragged, but underestimation is a dire strength of theirs. Their power lies more in the aura that gives strength to their physical qualities. They are incredibly sharp and even more durable. If allowed they will release an aura that can drive people mad.
- Lotus Heart (Blessing): Genbu was blessed with a powerful heart by Guanyin. The Lotus Heart is an eternal fountain of blood. What this means is that he will never die of blood loss. He can still be killed, but he is able to recover from a lot of injuries with time. The eternal blood also gives him amazing stamina.
- Gutless (Status): He literally no longer has a stomach or intestines. He purged himself of them into a river as a part of getting rid of his evils. They ran downstream and manifested themselves as his Generals. He now no longer needs to eat and only needs to drink a tenth of what he used to drink.
Genbu's story is certainly one of change. He shows that anyone can choose their own path. If anyone had a path of wretchedness forced upon them, it was Genbu. His father was a guard of the town during a time of war. He was also a heavy drunkard and regularly beat Genbu and his mother. Genbu took out his frustration on animals. He hated his father and wanted to kill him, but was so scared of the repercussions. One night his dad was more enraged than usual and wouldn't stop beating his mother. Eventually, after hours of crying, he snapped, and stopped his father with a knife in the back. Genbu was so shocked at everything. So many emotions boiled inside of him, but one boiled stronger than the rest, and that was happiness. He enjoyed killing his father and was happy now. It was like the worries were being lifted away. It felt so much better than killing an measly animal.
He tended to his mother, but she had been crippled and couldn't work anymore. Genbu did his best to support her, but he struggled to make enough money. He continued killing animals to stave off any stronger desires. Three men knew he couldn't support his mother and confronted her while he was away. She refused their proposal, but they forced themselves on her anyways. When he returned, he found them raping and beating her. He merely began to cry again. The men were going to leave when one of them threw some change at him. He snapped again. He caught two of them off guard with his dagger and after a long struggle finally killed the third. His mother didn't survive these beatings.
He had no one left. Hiding his dead beat dad was easy, but people would ask about these men. Genbu merely ran away. He traveled several cities away and lived as a street rat. Occasionally, some less savory men in the city would disappear and sometimes be found later. Typically in a garbage pile or buried somewhere. He ventured into other methods of pleasure, but nothing was as satisfying as this.
He did find one woman who satisfied him. He actually came to love her deeply. He took care of her and provided for her. Everything she cooked was absolutely amazing. She was the best cook in the city and he was proud to have her. Everything was going great for him. He was even going to have a child. He never did cease his vigilantism though. On the day she was giving birth, there were complications with the delivery. The whole time he couldn't think of anything, but his past. Everything that had happened to him and that he had done. It felt like karma was pounding down on him. Both his love and the child died in birth. His gut wrenched with an unimaginable pain. It felt like his desire to kill literally emanated from his stomach. He didn't want anything like this to happen to him again though. He didn't want to hurt anyone else. He didn't want anyone to hurt like this anymore. In all that pain he didn't feel himself tearing open his stomach. He saw what he had done and saw his insides with their black aura. He pulled them out and dropped them in a river.
Now surely he should have died, but the woman he came to love and care was Guanyin, a woman known as the goddess of mercy. She didn't actually die and saw his powerful repentance and granted him a blessing. She gave him a Lotus Heart and resealed his stomach. He awoke a few days later under her care. He felt like a new man. He practically was a new man. His urges paled in comparison to before. He felt healthier and more alive than he had ever felt before too. He knew his new life needed to be dedicated to helping others. He knew he would never make up for his past, but his future was now his to decide. He would take what Guanyin had given to him and make the most of this new life.
A few weeks after waking, rumors of two men causing chaos in a city down river spread to him. One of the men was massive, and couldn't be stopped. Whereas, the other man was quick and nimble, and no one could keep up with his speed. Genbu suspected these men were a result of his actions. He traveled down and confronted the men. His suspicion was true. His negative energy took form. After a long fight, where he tired the two men out, he finally defeated them. He couldn't completely destroy them, but he was able to control his negative energy and turn them into objects. The large man he turned into a shield and the quick man he turned into a spear. He can be seen talking to them and soon they became known as his Generals. He now lives with the burden of his vices, but they are his burden to bear. Anyone else that tries to control them goes into a murderous rage.
News of the Black Turtle and Snake had risen all the way to the Jade Emperor. He was very grateful to Genbu for stopping the heinous men and did grant him the title of High warrior. He wanted to live up to his Tao and thus began down his path. His first title was merged with the title the people began to give him of Dark warrior. The Dark High warrior traveled the lands helping people and thus spreading his legend. No job was to big or small for him. He helped with everything from simple farming chores to fighting of bandits and monsters. He sought growth for himself in the form of power, but found the greatest source of growth came from helping others. The universe had a lot to teach him and it has even more to teach him now.
Genbu is commonly depicted as a large turtle with a snake for a tail. There is also a man named Xuanwu who is associated with this story. Xuanwu grew up evil, but one day while delivering a baby he made a life change. He purged himself of his evil by cutting out his stomach and intestines and releasing them into a river. His stomach and intestines manifested with the evil as two men that began to cause chaos in a city downriver. The pregnant woman turned out to be the goddess Guanyin. She blessed him with the Lotus Heart and he went on to stop the men and made them his Generals, his spear and shield. The Jade Emperor then gave him the title 'Dark Heavenly Highest Deity' and Xuanwu dedicated himself to Tao.
* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other *
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Extras (Optional)
Character Quote: "What does that matter?"
Theme Song:
Anything Else: