@AngelofOctober I mean, to be honest, I'm more likely to be active if it starts in a month than if it starts in the next week because I'm moving down to Uni pretty soon. So yeah, go for it.
I know you were all looking forward to this, but I was having net issues and vanished for a while. I am back. Unfortunately, I'm in a sort of...slump...I haven't really felt like rping much, and my inspiration well is running rather dry. You'll likely still see me around the forums, as I try and get back to my normal self, but I'm going to be dropping this idea, sorta. Why 'sorta'? I'm passing it on to you lot. If you guys wish to continue and/or adapt the idea to fit whatever vision you might have, you are free to. If you want to let it die out with my passing, you can do that as well.