Hidden 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ignore metal arm. On his shoulder is his pet house cat Skittles...if Skittles is a cat. Look at those teeth!

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 187 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Red
Race: Human
Written Appearance: Tatsumaki has a lean, lengthy torso, and always seems to be shirtless no matter how hot the weather or how cold. He doesn’t wear shoes, walking around barefoot on sharp, hot, and freezing cold surfaces. Strokes of Red Cloud tattoos stretch from his left pectoral across his back and down to his right forearm. A white headband is always about his forehead no matter the occasion—formal or no. His appearance closely resembles Ryu from Street Fighter.
Personality: Tatsumaki isn’t the brightest of students. In fact, it’s an anomaly how he has managed to get through school with him seeming so dumb. Girls at school are attracted to him, boys worship his body, but when it comes to grades he’s not the brightest bulb in the box. He manages to skirt by with a D+ or C. He would regard a C+ as an A+ if he ever got one. Who cares about being smart when you’re this strong?
Current Story: Tatsumaki only got a job because his mother White and his father Black told him that it was about time he learned to make some money. After failing interviews for several jobs, his parents were desperate to see the boy get hired and so called on their friend, Mr. Gar. Mr. Gar was able to see through Tatsumaki’s…special intellect and offered him a job as a security officer. It seemed to be the most suitable position for one of his caliber (since he couldn’t trust him around money—the boy can’t math). Mr. Gar made Tatsumaki feel special, and so he plans on being the best security officer in the world. In high school, Tatsumaki is master of the karate club. Several of his male worshippers gather there to learn what they can from the junior, too blinded by greed and the desire for power to see that their master is a dunce. Tatsumaki’s role as Sensei of the Karate club has frustrated one of his more intellectual rivals. Kevin, an employee at Nevermore, has dedicated his entire high school existence to see that the idiot gets removed from his throne. He has tried on countless occasions to raise a coup against him, but his fellow students are too stupid to listen. One day, Kevin shall claim the seat as Sensei! Mwuhahaha!
Level: 3
Archetype: Ryu from Street Fighter
Store Position: Security
Weapon(s): None.
  • Explosive Fist – similar to Ryu’s Hadoken.
  • Rising Screwdriver – similar to Ryu’s Shoryuken.
  • Whirldwind Kick – similar to Ryu’s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.

Friends: To be added.
Rivals: Kevin from Nevermore, Viki Woods
Enemies: Nevermore baddies and thieves
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RubyOwl
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Kokuro Majokko
Nickname(s): Koko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Gold
Eye Color: Blue
Race: Kitsune
Visual Appearance:

Written Appearance: Koko looks like the typical magical girl in every way possible. Sparkles radiate from her body constantly, with her sailor-esq costume being her default outfit. A pair of fox ears perch on top of her head, though she also seems to have a pair of normal ears as well. Nine fluffy tails extend from her lower back, waving around as she walks.
Personality: Kokuro is, to put it lightly, a ditz and a klutz. Combining this with a love of all things Japanese and a monstrous appetite, you'd think she was a hero... but instead, she seems to prefer being a villain. She loves to watch people become miserable, and enjoys working at Mr. Poe's. Someday, she hopes to become more than just a henchman, and become a true villain of her own!
Current Story: Kokuro's mother is full-blooded kitsune, using her wits and charms to seduce others and steal their spirit essence. Hoping to follow in her footsteps, the teen took a job at Nevermore. Although she fangirls at other villains, Kokuro lacks any friends of her own, and typically spends her free time writing fanfiction about herself being a super villain in Japan.
Level: -1 (Turns out when your magic is The Power of Love you seem to suffer without friends...)
Archetype: Sailor Moon
Store Position: Cashier
Weapon(s): The Power of Love! A gem on her chest that grants her physical and magical strength depending on how many people support her.
Abilities: Kokuro can shoot sparkly beams out of her palms. Due to her power level, all they do is cover you in glitter. Additionally, she has a familiar named Petto, a three tailed Fox. He doesn't do much aside from looking cute.
Friends: None, unless you count Petto.
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: Her brother, Lyle, who works at Mr. Gar's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair Color: Orange & White
Eye Color: Black
Race: Cybernetic Fox
Written Appearance: Lyle is an anthropomorphic red fox, with soft orange fur and white accents. His right arm and one of his tails have been replaced with cybernetic improvements, and he has a back-mounted cannon. All are slightly scratched and dull from constant fights. He is slightly above average in terms of height, though his physical physique is a bit flabby. He constantly wears a light grey bomber jacket, under it a variety of graphic tees. He most often wears dark brown cargo-pants, though he has jeans and shorts in numerous colors too. For some reason he never wears shoes.
Personality: Lyle is kind of a jerk. He regards himself the only sane, smart man in the room aside from when his father's around. He's especially ashamed to be related to the insane failure of a super-villain that his sister is. He does hero-ing out of a mix of his father forcing him to, and to break away and dissociate from his mother and sister. Truly all he wants to do in life is laze away tinkering with his toys, but in a world where the best job option he's got is to tell customers about their cyborg leg installations, he's not so sure that's gonna happen. Besides this, he also feels lonely, though he'd never admit to wanting to spend time with people as stupid as society.
Current Story: Lyle's father, James Miles McCog, forced him into this job, knowing that his sister, Kokuro, was there. He wants the Lyle to convert her to the light side, or barring that at least stop any evil plans she might have. He also thinks that working with Clay will be a good bonding experience for the both of them. Lyle wants to avoid his crazy sister personally, but has accepted the job for two reasons. Firstly, he gets to work with more actual machines, unlike in Shop club, which he is a member of. Secondly, materials don't pay for themselves, and Lyle is saving up to upgrade his bionic limbs.
Level: 2
Archetype: A mix of both of the most famous game foxes-- Tails and Fox McCloud.
Store Position: Repairman/Tech Specialist
Weapon(s): His back-mounted cannon, which can turn into a mortar, a laser blaster, or a gatling gun. Simply flip it over the shoulder and look down the fold out sight-- it has lock-on tech and scans level too!
  • Bionic Arm - Lyle's metal arm is very powerful, able to extend long distances and latch onto objects to pull him there, or pull stuff to him.
  • Bionic Arm 2.0 - Lyle's metal arm can also transform into a chainsaw! Used with the 1.0 additions Lyle can become a long-range spinning whirlwind of death!
  • Bionic Tail - Lyle's cybernetic tail is basically a rocket, able to propel him in different directions as a sort of boost.
  • Mechanical Prowess - Lyle is the one who replaced both of his limbs, and is proficient in making and repairing machinery. He's the guy who's always fixing the electric nachos machine too.

Friends: His brother Clay is about the only friend he has, but even then they aren't particularly close.
Rivals: Same story as above.
Enemies: His sister Kokuro Majokko, who works at Mr. Poe's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spike
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Spike Lewd Dude With Attitude

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Clay McCog

Written Appearance

Clay is of average height and weight for his age, clocking in at five feet tall and weight just over a hundred pounds. He doesn't generally care much about his appearance, and so has a closet full of pretty much identical clothing. Whitish-pink shirts of both short and long sleeve varieties, and yellow sports shorts (he never wears long pants, even when it's cold). The only variation to this is his black tuxedo for very special occasions. His large, brown eyes are generally squinted in a look of suspicion, and his short fox tail always moves back and forth in jerky movements, even when the rest of him is perfectly still.
General Information

Race: Kitsune
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Archetype: Kirby
Store Position: Inventory Associate

Clay was born without the ability to speak, or more specifically, without functioning vocal cords. With relationships being built mostly on communication between both parties, this was tough on him. Not many were willing to take the time to try to understand his charades-like way of speech on a regular basis, so he never became close friends with anyone. Instead, he spent his time following his older brother, Lyle, around. At first he was a bit of a nuisance, but he eventually learned enough by paying attention to assist with his brother's projects.
Once Lyle began working at the Lakewood Plaza Hero Supply Store, Clay began to hang out there after school. However, he wasn't the only one to hang around near the Hero Supply Store without actually working. This is how he met his rival, Mutt. She was a strategic prodigy when it came to games. Especially ones such as fetch or hide and seek. Even when he completely enclosed himself somewhere and stayed entirely quiet, she'd find him. Her senses were like that of a bloodhound. Clay vowed that one day, he'd find a hiding place somewhere in Lakewood Plaza where even she couldn't find him.
After a couple weeks of hanging around the store, Mr. Gar, not being a fan of people dwaddling around and doing nothing, began telling him to do things such as restock shelves, or count up inventory. Not one to disobey someone as mighty and powerful as Mr. Gar (he could probably squash Clay with his pinky toe), Clay became an employee of the Hero Supply Store.

Clay is a loner, at first by circumstance, but then by choice. Not wanting to feel the pain of being pushed aside again, he's become suspicious of others and doesn't put much effort into becoming friends with anyone. However, he's a very good listener (he's had a lot of practice), and people seem to enjoy telling him things. It supposedly relaxes them. Because of this, he knows a lot of things about a lot of people.
When coming across problems of his own, Clay doesn't like confronting them head on. He prefers to play intelligently, setting up every advantage he can against the threat like a game of chess. What he does may count as cheating to some, but when it comes to war, there is no law.

Clay can swallow any object whole, even things larger than himself, by shrinking them down as he sucks them in. When he does this, he stores the objects in an alternate dimensional storage stomach rather than digesting them. He can cough these objects back up at any time, returning them to their usual size as good as new. He has obtained quite the collection of various objects over the years, from an uncountable amount of pennies to an entire house (the city was gonna demolish it to make room for the new supermarket, so he thought he'd do them a favor), and he's always looking to expand his collection even further.

Lyle is Clay's older brother. Clay looks up to him and likes to work as his assistant,
though might be sometimes seen as a bit of a nuisance.
Kokuro is Clay's older sister. They're not close, but not on bad terms, either.
Their relationship can only really be described as tolerant or neutral.
Iris and Clay naturally hung out with each other as the youngest employees of Mr. Gar.
They've become rather close, though neither are likely to admit it.
Mutt is Clay's rival. She lives in the alleyways of Lakewood Plaza.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: VR-17 (Victor Ristore)
Nickname(s): VR,17,Star,Vic
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8 1/2
Weight: 220 pounds
Hair Color: Yellow
Eye Color: Green
Race: Android
Visual Appearance: I couldn’t find a proper picture for my vision.
Written Appearance: VR-17’s head is star-shaped. The color of his entire star-shaped skull is yellow. His eyes are probably the most humanistic trait about him. Fortunately, his eyes are green and match the color of his man-made body. VR-17 does have the ability to talk as his mouth still functions normally.

Most likely by first glance, VR-17’s body is odd. His star-shaped head would get stares and glances every so often, but put that on a green shell of orbs, now you are talking weird. Victor’s physique is made up of green orbs of various sizes. The orbs aren’t necessarily touching, but floating amongst each other. Despite his robotic appearance, he can put on human clothing...well, Victor is limited to only gloves and sneakers.

Personality: VR-17 is an analytical individual. He does carry equations and many different procedures into every task. His robotic components keeps him to a fair schedule. The star portion of him is more curious. By becoming part robot and part alien, he does have many things that interest him. Humans are surprisingly intriguing.

VR-17 does have emotions, he’s not a robot. He’s more of an android. Victor wouldn’t understand somebody’s emotions as he wouldn’t his own. He may come off as insensitive or come out a bit rude when he speaks out loud. That is simply because he does not know of human customs.

Current Story: Victor started off as a star-shaped alien from a distant planet. The reason for his departure included the colonization of a world. His species lived on selling other planets for profit. His initial mission involved the clearing of earth.

Things would have gone accordingly if Victor did not have a ugly landing. His ship crashed into the surface of earth and left his body severely injured. This appeared to be the end of Victor until a Good Samaritan showed up. A scientist with remarkable skill gifted Victor with a new frame and figure. By applying an invisible force field, orbs levitated around Victor to assemble his new build.

Victor can only describe his current situation as lucky; however, he forgotten all of his past memories. Knowing not what to do next, he lived with the scientist in hopes of paying him back. The technology to keep Victor alive turned out to be expensive. VR-17. as dubbed by the scientist, placed himself into a part-time job.

Workin at Mr. Gars, he hoped to make enough money to pay back the scientist for his good deed. Even then, Victor enrolled himself into high school to obtain a better education as the scientist suggested. VR-17 heard by receiving a high school education, he may be able to receive a higher paying job or a promotion.
Level: 1.7
Archetype: Vectorman/Ristar
Store Position: Bouncer
Weapon(s): VR-17 is equipped with small cannons inside the palms of his hands.
Stretchiness: Victor is enabled to stretch out his limbs to grab onto his opponents.
Head Smash: Victor’s head is star-shaped, but made of durable material. His skull is harder than steel in actuality. By grabbing onto his opponents, he attacks them by applying a headbutt. Hitting them with his own face does not cause any damage to himself.
Shapeshift: Victor’s orbs can shift and turn him into anything he desires. He has not worked out the kinks, but at the most, he can morph into a tank.
Friends: (I don’t know.)
Rivals: (I don’t know.)
Enemies: (I don’t know.)
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