"I bet you that your chicken is going to run of your plate...... told you so!"
Basic InfoName:: Renard Sournois
Nickname/Alias::Gender:: Male
Age and date of birth:: 15, April 1st
Guild:: Harpy’s Wings, his guild sigil is on his left collarbone
Rank:: B
Personal InformationPersonality:: Renard is cheerfull, playfull and generally an upbeat fellow. People often describe him as immature because of his joyous nature and love for pranking people. Renard hardly ever takes live seriously and has a habbit of challenging any form of authority. He is rebellious by nature and often goes against the commands of the guildmaster and the higher ranking wizards of the guilds. Renard simply feels most alive when he's breaking rules and crossing boundries. Needless to say that he often gets himself into trouble.
His rebellious nature doesn’t mean that does not care about the guild, his friends or that he's a bad guy by nature. The fact is that he deeply cares for the ones he loves and will not stand idly when they suffer. Renard shares his food when his friends go hungry, and when he has no more food to share he will steal it with no second thought. Renard is not easily infuriated but if you mess with his friends, the guild or the town Renard will show a totally different side of himself. If angered enough he will show little mercy and even less regard for his own safety.
Renard gets easily bored and frustrated. He’s addicted to action and when bored, he will often go around pranking people. His favorite victims are ofcourse members of Golems Hand. However the townspeople and even Harpy's Wing members are often at the receiving end too. Much to annoyance of them.
History:: Renard does not know his parents. As a bady he was left in front of the Cresent moon orphanage. Nobody know who dropped him but old lady Aryah took care of him none the less. As Renard grew up, he soon realized that there was just so much one old lady could provide for a few dozen orphaned kids. Food, proper clothing and other necessities where always short in the orphanage. So one day Renard decided to do something about it and stole a few bread from the market.
Coming home, the old lady scolded him for stealing the bread and forced him to return it to the baker. That night, once again the children would go to bed hungry. Renard could not let this go and the next day, he went stealing again. Rather then telling it this time he would simply distribute the food back on the street, out of sight of the old lady.
This would continue until the day that Renard picked the lock of some fancy home. Rather than taking food, money or clothing, he Felt himself being drawn towards a bookshelf. Going through it, he picked up a book called “The art of illusions”. It was a book about illusion magic. As Renard read through the papers, he soon discovered he had a talent for illusion magic and soon started to master spells of it. With this new skill, he now could even get what the orphans needed more easily than ever.
At the age of 12, Renard returned to the house he stole the book about magic from years ago. This time he found a book about Heavenly body magic, written by a person named jellal. But when he was about to leave the building, wizards from Gollems Hand where waiting for him. The owners had put up a job to catch the Illusionist thief. At first, Renard could throw them off just to have enough time to hide the book but he was eventually cought. Handed over to authorities who convicted him to 1 year in jail.
After 1 year the authorities decided that rather bring him back to the orphanage, it would be better to ask Harpy’s Wing guild master Anwen if she would take this young delinquent in and teach him the proper way of wizards. A task she accepted. Harpy’s Wing would soon find out that they had a little trouble maker on their hand. It took some time but eventually Renard fit in and found his new familily and all went reasonably well until the incident.
3 months ago Renard took up a job to protect a town agains an evil wizard who had pledged to destroy the town. A battle was fought and during that battle, Renard attempted to use Heavinly body magic from the book he stole earlier. As he casted Grand Charriot, beams of steller light destroyed everything in its path. The town was left in ruins and the evil wizard walked away. Since that day, Harpy’s Wing guildmaster forbid the young wizard to use Heavenly body magic and go on jobs for a while. For now, Renard is confined to the guildhall to do chores in order to repent for his wrongdoings.
Magic Name:: Illusion magic
Description:: Illusion magic alters the sensory information of the victims. It can add, withtrack or simply alter how people perceive the world around them. This magic works on all senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste. It can even alter the sense of magic power. Illusion magic can affect an individual target or a large group. Regardless of what effects Renard produces, it is always fake and cannot do any damage. Illusion magic works through the imagination of the user. If Renard can paint the picture in his mind, he can insert it into the world of his victims. How well an illusion works is often determined by how clear Renard can envision the details which he often has to recall from memory. Especially when creating illusions based upon real world persons, magic or places details that he cannot clearly remember might be off.
Victims of illusion magic can become aware that they are under a spell by various ways. High ranking wizards often sense a feint but disturbing magic aura that lower ranking wizards generally miss. However noticing details that are off is a matter of observation. Once a mage notices that an illusion has been cast upon him, he can combat the illusion by releasing large amounts of magical energy.
known Spells::Black Coffin: Black Coffin shuts down the victims senses. It replaces sight with darkness, sound with silence. It effectively puts the victim in a state where no sensory information is received.
Impersonate: Renard can cast an illusion where he impersonates a person he has met. The illusion effectively replaces the sensory information of himself with the picture in his mind of the person he tries to impersonate. How clearer the picture, the better the illusion.
Reversed world: This illusion reverses the dimensions of the world. Front becomes back, up becomes down, left becomes right. The victim will see something coming from the opposite direction.
Clone army: Renard creates an army of illusionary clones.
Mimic magic: Renards create the illusion of magic he has seen. This way he can pretend to know and use kinds of magic that he does not actually masters.
Mass illusion: Renard can create a large scale illusion that affects a large group of people.
Bend reality: Renard creates an illusion where he displaces the environment, changes the sensation of the gravitational pull or even have the world close in on itself like a book.
Magic Name:: Heavenly Body magicDescription:: Is a powerfull form of magic that allows the caster to use the properties of many astronomical object in battle, preferably in an offensive way. The user can channel the energies and object from the heavens and use it to trash its opponents. However Renard does not have proper control over this form of magic. Often trying to cast a spell simply fails and when successful, the effects are often not what he’d intended.
Known Spells::Meteor: Renard powers his body with energy from the heavens, greatly boosting his speed. However using this spell boosts his speed beyond what he can control. He’s more likely to crash into something rather then effectively using it in combat.
Grand Charriot: Renard summons 7 magical seals that connect together to make what appairs to be a constellion. From the seals powerful beams of light are shot at the opponent.
Altair: Renard crosses his arms above his head to begin casting the spell. All nearby shadows are drawn towards his hand, forming a ever increasing black orb of incredible gravity. Effectively it becomes some sort of mini black hole.
Sema: Renard bows down and points his hands downwards. As the spell is cast, the clouds above become a swirling cyclone while the sky darkens. Eventually an orb is formed at the center of the cyclone and grows ever larger until it becomes a large asteroid and is launched towards the earth. As it impact it creates a big explosion leaving a crater in its wake.
OtherRenard is rather small for his age. He stands at 5.3 feet and is often teased by his lack of height. However he never found his small statue a hindrance and is remarkebly agile.
Renard is skilled in unarmed combat. He's stronger than his height and build would suggest. Utilizing quick punches and kicks, he can often overwhelm a foe with a flurry of blows.
Relatives:: Renard does not have any relatives by blood. At least none that he knows of. However there are a lot of people he cares deeply about such as old Lady Aryah and his fellow guild members.
Possessions:: Renard wears a silver neckles with a lacrima crystal on it. It was a sort of gift from guildmaster Anwen. The neckles acts as a seal that effectively seals off Renards access to heavenly body magic as long as he wears it. He can always take it off but it takes an action before he can cast spells. This gives him just a moment of time to think before he does anything stupid.
Renard still has his lockpick set from the time before he entered the guild and knows how to use it.
Theme Song:: Circle Jerks - Question Authority