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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Once it had been agreed that the three of them would head out to the fields before visiting a dungeon, Fyaira strolled over to the first quest giver she could find. She clicked on the menu button confirming her acceptance of the quest without really listening to the NPC. After gathering a few quests, she said, "I guess we should go for the boars first? Iunno where any of the crafting stuff is - maybe we'll find some as we go along - and I definitely don't plan on standing around anywhere for a day!" She span one of her daggers around her hand. "Anyway, let's just go kill stuff!"

As they progressed, Jack asked where the two girls had come from. Fyaira shot a smirk at Alisea before answering. "I dove from my bed. How 'bout you?" she said, completely aware of how she was avoiding the question. Even crowded as Genesis city was, it didn't take long for them to maneuver their way to an exit; not many people seemed inclined to delve into monster territory just yet. That was fine with Fyaira - more for her!

Once outside of town, it didn't take long to run into one of the very boars that the quest wanted them to target. The creature was milling about harmlessly, not particularly bothering anyone, but the quest said to kill it, so that was what Fyaira decided to do. "So, what's our strategy?" she said casually as they approached. "These are supposed to be, like, the easiest monsters in the game, and there's three of us, so we should just be able to kill it, no questions asked, right?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned away from her party members and toward the boar. "Either way, we'll never get anywhere if we don't just fight. I'm going in - you guys are ranged, so back me up!" And, with that, she dashed toward the boar, blades held in front of her, but her weight leaning slightly to the left. If she knew anything about video games, boars were the kind of enemy who could charge, and she was ready to dodge that attack!

@TaroAndSelia @Thecrash20 @HueMan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Noah Northwood

Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Aura @Project
Dubstepp @Leaves

"You're not gonna get really buzzed on a cheap drink, maybe after four you'd feel it."

Karma could help but go "PFFfffff I would have to take all that just to feel it affects?" Karma remarked kind of arrogantly as he follows behind them. "I think I'll hold off doing that until we turn in for tonight." He told them as he looked in his inventory to check on the second Ale he bought.

"Just from looking at our current party, Aura should be at the front and Karma will focus a majority of his healing on her.
Dub and Karma can support in the back and I will be in between to catch anything that might pass Aura. We should also focus on taking out targets on Aura's flanks to limit the damage she will take."

Larma could help but feel a bit worry for Aura well being and wonders if he should agree with Reylan plan. "If Aura believes she can handle it." Karma tells him. Karma then walks up to Aura and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Withdraw if your health gets too low, I'll heal you up the second you take any damage." Karma assured her calmly with a serious look on his face. Karma then swipes his cloak right off his right shoulder and slams his staff on the ground next to him with his right hand. Like it or not; the time to face danger is here, the time to make life or death choices was here, and the time to turn back as posted. Dubstepp had cast ...Spirit Gun? There no way that the real name of the spell.


Dubstepp had cast...Spirit Gun? There no way that the real name of the spe...nevermind! Dubsteps had attacked a nearby a nearby boar, now it was time for action. A bright green glyph then appeared below Karma feet as he points the end of his staff at the boar, wave his hand around, and begin chanting incantations. Once the spell was ready Karma would cast it at the already harmed Boar. That was his plan of keeping Aura alive in case the other boars join the battle.

"Wind Blade!"

Summary - Spell: Wind Blade at injured Boar.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Theodore Smith

Dirk Davidson

Interactions: @Achronum@Tybalt Capulet

Theo honestly felt extremely confident - not only because he was Dirk at the moment, but because he seemed to be the most experienced with MMOs in the group. He knew tackling them all at once was the perfect strategy, and doing one at a time was just making things slower. Besides, the only really dangerous quests were the boar quest and the Guard Duty. The boars were probably far outclassed by three players, and were probably weak even by the floor's standards, so those were honestly not too much of a problem... probably. Meanwhile, Guard duty was more dangerous in that it could be a trap. After all, Guard Duty seemed more like a time wasting quest than anything, and considering this admin supposedly tapped them in the game, he probably wasn't going to go that easy. And even if it was just as it said, it still wasted time, and should be saved for last. Surely, the others would agree. Aster was the first to do so, waiting for a little while to read the longer, actual requests. In all honesty, Theo hadn't even thought of doing so, and didn't really care - after all, they were probably just a rehashed "Please help, kind stranger" thing, and Theo was too anxious to start moving. Wasting time was detrimental in an MMO, at least near the beginning - they take dozens, if not hundreds of hours to grind a level 1 character to proper raiding level, and that is in games with max level caps. Talrae not only didn't have a max level, but had over a hundred floors, each being massive in size...

Theo was snapped out of thought by Aster and Kajin waiting at the door, having already accepted all the quests, silently shaking himself to alertness, he followed behind them, traveling at a slow jog to keep up with their walk. The travel time was relatively short - these were starting mobs, and were only a short walk away from the city. Just as the quest suggested, the boars were near the road, which explained how they attacked people. Kajin had been explaining the strategy, which Theo understood and approved of - pulling aggro from a distance was smart, as that would do a decent amount of damage and pull a single mob away from the group. While it most likely cost mana to launch a magic attack, Theo thought that it was worth it - after all, if Kajin ran out of mana, they could just head back to the city and rest up. Besides, a single boar could be taken out by one of them most likely, let alone 3.

“Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, I guess it’s time to get down to business! I think we should stay here and let me use Frostbite to pull aggro initially and when they get closer Dirk can aggravate them off me, allowing Aster to follow up with attacks from behind without getting in harm’s way. I’ll stay close to Dirk so the time it takes to change targets doesn’t get me hurt either. Unless you guys want to try something else, just let me know when we want to start this.”

Theo slowly stalked to Kajin's side, ready to leap in front of him the second he finishes casting his Frostbite. He nodded at Kajin's plan.

"Got it! Sounds like the perfect plan!"

Theo flashed a toothy smile and winked, before drawing his sword and preparing.

"Oh, and Aster - you don't have to, but try and finish off the boar as quick as possible. I only got 6 uses of Aggravate before I run out of mana, so make each second count."

Theo's voice wasn't cheery and light-hearted as he said this. In fact, this was the most serious Theo had been since he entered the game. He wasn't nervous in the slightest - it was almost eerie. Despite all the evidence, he refused to accept that they would die upon death. It was simply ridiculous, killing people in a game...

The only thing more eerie was that he didn't even think about being stuck in the game. Hell - Theo may actually enjoy it. He always wanted to be someone he wasn't, he constantly sought escapism and playing in another person's shoes. This was his chance. He sure as hell wasn't going to tell the other's though - Dirk was a cool football player in the real world, not some nerd who wanted to be someone else even though his life was good. Quickly, Theo shook these thoughts from his head.

The chance of death was still a possibility, no matter how unlikely. And Theo wasn't going to risk testing the theory that death wasn't real. He gripped the sword tightly, feeling the handle dig into his bare flesh slightly. it was comfortable, compared to the heavy buckler he held in the other hand. They both felt so real...

How would pain feel? Was he smart to pick the tank role? Wait, focus - Theo's eyes narrowed, and he was prepared to run forwards the second the frostbite connected.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mage
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Mage 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Wilds, Genesis.

Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Noah @demonspade64
Dubstepp @Leaves

Health: 1000
Mana: 300

The group eventually left the city and - after some time - found the fields where the boars were. Good, now all they had to do was to slaughter ten of those fatty AI animals. Internally, Aura hoped they wouldn't cry realistically or look as if they suffered because that'd make things slightly harsh for her.

"I don't mind being in front. I have a thousand health points, heh." For some reason, Aura felt really confident that she had a much larger health pool than everyone else in the party, currently. She also had high strength and agility stats, so she wasn't lacking damage, either. So, Dubstepp took the initiative and began casting a spell in direction of one of the boars. Spirit Gun? By all means, what a creative mind the developers had. Aura's action was simpler, though.

All she did was dash in direction of the boar, spinning her spear in her hand before bringing it down on the poor creature for a simple auto attack. If anyone cared to look at her right now, she had a stern expression, as if she was either taking it very serious - or just entirely focused.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 11 days ago


Health: 400
Mana: 800
Arrows: 19
Interacting with:


The first step outside Genesis City seemed to removed a lot of the fear that remained in Reylan, a quick look at the setting Sun amidst the calming blue sky seemed to shift the atmosphere entirely within him. There was not a large amount of time to capture and appreciate the vivid green landscape since finding the boars proved pretty easy. Though they were only low level enemies, Reylan hesitated in his attack as he watched their movements after moving in front of Karma and Dub. He was practically a pacifist in the real world only using violence to protect those in need. That was when he heard "Lighting Gun!" erupt cheerfully from Dub like from a anime. Not long after Aura moved in front bringing her weapon down on a boar while Karma seemed to copy Dub and shout his attack as well "Wind Blade!".

The reserve Reylan was expressing vanished in light of these comically epic statements, the mobs in this game were nothing more than a bunch of code. He knew he couldn't be so passive when his party was already making their own moves so he didn't waste a moment more. He grabbed a arrow from his quiver, moving with a speed he didn't know he possessed, and notched the arrow on the bowstring. Archery was not new to him, he had competed in a couple archery competitions, so he pulled back the string and picked his target. The arrow whistled through the air piercing a boar's hide that was about to charge unable to think of something to announce. He was unable to contain his smile despite the dire warning given not too long ago. This game even if it was a death trap...was fun "I will make sure the boars don't reach you two." He looked to the two mages, though he doubted they would get seriously hurt from this. The passive skill he selected was really good when he absolutely needed to hit something with his shot.

Reylan was keeping a careful eye on each other their health and mana to make sure there were no surprises. If each boar killed counted for the whole party, they wouldn't be out here long.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

On reflex Alisea smiled at Jack's attempt at conversation, though the smile came out somewhat grim. He really was being too casual about this; however, by no means was she complaining if that was what kept him calm enough to fight. "Sorry, Jack, but I can't see that as being relevant right now. When I've had some more time to... adjust, I'll be more talkative, I promise. Right now, I'm just too... tense." Alisea paused briefly, calculating the effect a silent march might have on their group. It wouldn't be positive. "If you're looking for something to talk about, why don't you tell me about your abilities? It will help to know what each other is capable of." And that conversation would be enough to bring them out to...

Wild boars. Admittedly, Alisea had nudged their group just a little farther from the town than necessary to find them. A part of her was worried about her reaction upon seeing the place where that swordsman had been killed. She was anxious about seeing the boars, too, but that was unavoidable. So, when the first one came into sight, the magess quietly held her breath and waited for the emotion to come.

What she felt was... excitement? The young lady had to pause and wonder why that was. Far from triggering a memory of a player disappearing into pixels, seeing the boar made Alisea's hands tingle as they thought of punching that flesh apart once again. She had expected--or maybe only hoped?--to feel some sense of loss or sadness or even rage. But what she felt was anticipation: an expectation that she would kill the boar, gain power, and earn quest rewards.

Further introspection would have to come later. Her hands were impatient--and so was Fyaira, evidently. The rogue launched toward the mob simply calling at her allies to back her up. Alisea was more than happy to oblige.

Title: -
Class/Subclass: Mage
Level: 1
Health: 300/300
Mana: 1000/1000
Strength: 1
Agility: 5
Intelligence: 14

Alisea ran through the basic stats of the first boar in her head, at least proportionally. Its health was equal to three spells, two weak punches, and whatever damage that boy's flailing had done. Its damage was high (for early game), but it's defenses were low, then. She would have to conserve mana as she had twenty casts, maybe twenty-two with Payback. Theoretically one per boar would suffice; Frostbite was for control more than damage. The rogue's daggers would deal damage much faster, and the tinker's pistol offered better damage support.

'Being a mage is hardest at the first; it will be better with a few levels,' Alisea coached herself silently in an attempt to suppress the rising irritation. Internally resolving to search out where to accrue more spells the moment they returned to the city, Alisea brought her hands up in front of her to cast. Eyes fixed on the boar Fyaira was about to attack, Alisea pictured it under her palms, the thick hide pressed against her finger tips. Then she commanded it to freeze.

The magic shot out from the magess' hands and grasped onto the boar's side. The flesh began to darken, first in the shape of two handprints and then spreading into a large spot. The boar squealed as the cold burned into it. It reared back on its hind legs and came stomping back down to face the one who caused it such pain. Idly Alisea wondered how it could know she was the cause of that spell, but had to dismiss the thought with the simple explanation, "Because it's a game."

Another thought crossed Alisea's mind just as Fyaira launched into her first attack: would attacking the frostbitten portion of the boar do more damage? Talrae was heralded as being so close to reality you wouldn't tell the difference unless you were searching for it. How far did that hold true? And how much could they use that?
Interacting with:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 600
Mana: 750 >> 650

Dubstepp moved his pupils side to side. He focused his attention on the incoming boars, but his teammates as well. Their fighting style kept him intrigued. Before getting trapped inside the game, Dubstepp noticed numerous different classes during the character creation process. So many outcomes could have determined Dubstepp's fighting prowess.

Dubstepp watched Aura and Karma fend off the pigs with their swords. The trainer might have chosen a swordsman for his class. For the rest of his playthrough, that would have meant carrying a sword and heading to the front lines. This bothered Dubstepp and took him into the process of self-doubt. What would happen if Dubstepp made a joke character? Nothing stopped the teen from creating a tank with low health and high mana.

The entire concept of him caught in this virtual reality taught him the unfairness of the developer. Dubstepp became a trainer through his love of monster-taming and the aspect of having a pet. Although, Dubstepp knew of the concerns and weaknesses in having animals fight for him. Would he initially have chosen this class if he knew the game captured him? Would he have picked a trainer knowing he would have to use for the next remainder of his life?

Dubstepp's mind went through a spiral. His finger levitated in the air as he kept it pointed at more of the experience fodder. Subconsciously, he initiated the lightning spell twice at an individual boar. Two lightning spells might have overkilled it. Dubstepp shook his head and came back to his senses. The killing of pigs woke him up in his deep thought.

"A little more and I think we may have hit our goal, guys." Dubstepp spoke. He possibly killed his second boar. Everyone else each had one under their belt. That would make five in total which meant the team was halfway toward their goal. Dubstepp hanged back and let the team finish the rest. Dividing the necessary kills, there was bound to be two boars left over. He could probably use one of the extra two to give his giant rabbit a stat boost, but Aura might need it the most. She would be the one putting her life on the frontlines.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Aster didn't bother with any verbal response, simply nodding quickly towards the two others, then pulling her katana free from its sheath for the first time since having purchased it from a surprisingly reasonable vendor in Genesis city. The blade shone in the sunlight, and its weight seemed so balanced that it rested more lightly in her hand than should have been possible. For a starting-level weapon, it seemed to be of the finest quality that could be expected. With a stern expression, she hurried forward, quality shoes slapping softly against the grassy earth. It was an incredible experience to see every action play out as she made split-second decisions. There was no delay, and she found that she could run more easily, by a good measure, than she could in the old world. She didn't have to hesitate or check for obstructions; everything was laid out before her as clearly as if she'd had all day to examine it.

All of these thoughts passed in but a moment. As the freezing spell connected, she rushed onward, circling deftly around Dirk and skidding to a stop beside him. "Alright, big guy. You deliver the first hit, and I'll finish it off while it's focused on you." Her fingers tightened on the sword's handle, gripping it more firmly than was strictly necessary, or even recommended by anyone with real experience in swordplay. For these enemies, though, it would probably be enough. She stood on the balls of her feet, long hair tied back roughly, but just barely beginning to work its way free of the ribbon that held it up.

Interacting with:
@Achronum @Duoya
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Noah Northwood

Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Aura @Project
Dubstepp @Leaves

Health: 400/400
Mana: 1200/1300


After the first boar was killed decided it was probably best to sit on his offensive spells until he needs them so he could keep his team members healed, he would only use them if a boar manages to past Aura and Raylan to protect Dubstep when he the one who draw their aggression. If Raylan, Dupstepp, or aura were to take damage Karma would immediately begin casting Healing Beam and will be careful not to actually hit the enemy with it instead of them; This was perhaps wasteful for aura case cause she had more than twice the health they had.

In between battles, Karma wondered if Dupstepp put too much of his point to stats outside his intellect pool since his spells don't seem to that much damage. It honestly if he was joking around when he made his character or didn't know what he was doing when he joined this game. Hopefully, Dub would take the death game seriously for now on and put some more point into his intelligent score so he can dish out as much damage has he doing.

Raylan, on the other hand, was doing a good job with his bow. Likely rarely missing a shot thanks to his passive, of course, Karma didn't know about his passive so he assumed Raylen was a skilled marks man. "Hey Raylan, nice shots out there!" He told commented him. Then there Aura...Aura is so brave attacking the threat head on like the danger was none existence. That sight of her fighting boar in the close quarter actually give him hope need to face his fear of combat and life and death situations.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mage
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Mage 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Wilds, Genesis.

Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Noah @demonspade64
Dubstepp @Leaves

Health: 943
Mana: 210

Aura was getting the combat aspect of the game down to boot. She wasn't taking much damage and whenever a boar managed to strike her and deal some actual damage, Karma was right there to back her up. She felt... confidence - a feeling that things could actually get right. Maybe it was the company she had found, maybe it was the fact that she was dealing with the boars rather easily. Maybe it was both. Reylan was very efficient with his bow - almost as if he had actually used a bow before. Dubstepp was funny to say the least, but he wasn't any less resourceful. Finally, Karma had quite the weight on his shoulders, keeping the whole party safe wasn't a menial task.

All the time, Aura's only objective was to ensure no boar made its way past her. She managed to keep the aggressive focus of three of them at a time, using the long reach of her spear to keep damaging them from a distance and whenever one tried to make its way past her and attack one of her teammates, Aura used the Dash action to quickly damage it.

After the eighth boar was taken down, Aura slammed the tip of her spear down and took a deep breath, turning to face her team - she beamed a wide, confident smile. "Two to go, guys. Tired yet?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 11 days ago


Health: 400
Mana: 800
Arrows: 17
Interacting with:


Every arrow had to count which was enough temptation for him to utilize his passive however the cut in damage was not worth a guaranteed hit. Instead he had to trust on the instincts that had made him a competitive archer, tracking and predicting the movement of his target with careful precision. Karma's compliment momentarily brought him out of his focus and he felt pleased that he was doing a good job "Thanks, you keep up the good work as well!" He replied back, Karma's job was to keep them healthy and alive in battle and so far he was doing great.

Reylan had been on constant watch for any boars that may slip through Aura's reach but after awhile it seemed he had no reason to worry. Aura was performing her role admirably like she was meant for it. It may have been the weak enemies but their group seemed quite solid right now. Not just in combat, but they seemed like they were all getting along at least to Reylan. Friends were going to be important down the road when things got harder and the stakes were raised "We'll have this down in no time." His reply to Dub light-hearted as combat seemed to slow down. The double-lighting strike Dub used had pretty much annihilated that boar.

He watched the spear pierce the ground as Aura turned to them, she was doing the most physical work so couldn't blame wanting a breather. After she said this Reylan spotted a single boar headed their way, still a good distance out from their position. His passive skill activated and he pulled back his bow without a word and let the arrow fly and sure enough boar fell over face digging into the ground with an arrow shaft sticking just under its neck before shattering into pixels "Make that one to go." he smirked with a tiny bit of pride before shaking his head at her question lowering his bow by his side "I think I got enough in me for another round." his smirk remained at his response.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 600
Mana: 650 >> 450

Dubstepp looked at Aura as she took a breath after slaying a trio of boars. He blinked a couple of times when acknowledging the energy being output as a tank. "Man, the energy really differs from each class," Dubstepp commented. He barely lifted his finger throughout the entire finger. In actuality, he only brought his finger to the air. Not figuratively, but literally only his finger helped him out throughout the mission objective.

Dubstepp glimpsed over to the archer. Reylan made a reasonable suggestion. Should they continue to fight boars? The goal only asked for the death of ten critters, but who would stop them if they wished for more experience points? Dubstepp did not consider this before. During playthroughs, he wouldn't waste much time to attack boars. Though since a virtual knife was pressed against his virtual neck, he was going to have to apply some effort.

"Man, we're going to be fighting boars for experience points, huh? This might be the worst thing to come out of all of this." Dubstepp complained. He then sucked air through his teeth. "Well, besides the whole "you know." Dying once the health meter goes to zero kind of thing." Dubstepp rubbed the back of his head and looked at more boars spawned in the area.

They didn't necessarily appear out of thin air. The enemies sort of just "phased" in their peripheral vision and walked into focus. It didn't really put Dubstepp out of the realism. The A.I. for enemy spawns seemed great by what was presented. "I'll guess we'll go for a few more rounds. Now we're playing for experience points." Dubstepp opened his menu and wonder if he should bring his pet out. He looked at the mana cost. "Totes can wait. It's the same price."

With a dramatic overtone, Dubstepp picked his finger up slowly and unleashed lightning repeatedly toward three boars. He must have initiated the spell at least four times.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Noah Northwood

Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Aura @Project
Dubstepp @Leaves

Health: 400/400
Mana: 1000/1300

Karma was a bit sweaty, though he wasn't using as much energy to as his teammates, supporting and keep his teammate alive was stressful. Thankfully the Boar doesn't seem to do so much damage, which makes it unlike that one of his teammates will die so long as they do not throw caution to the wind. Speaking of which Aura had a small part of her health missing. Karma then pointed his staff at her and spoke a word before stopping himself as a thought came to mind. He then looked at his mana. It was at 1000, still at 1000; not 1001 not 1050 but 1000: the point was, his mana didn't seem to be regenerating and if it was it was regenerating back very slowly. Karma was pissed off by the inconvenient. "Seriously my mana will not regenerating back fucking hell-" Karma Cursed out. He figures he must get it back Final Fantasy style and return to town to speak to an NPC or something.

After completing the quest Reylan and dubstepp seem to want to grind a little bit...seriously...grinding...then again. "Though i believe we can get more experience points but doing more quest...Gathering pork may cheapen our living expenses until we can get out of here. Cause the food back in town is expensive....and i don't feel like paying 10 Reni for a Dried Biscuit...that just...ludicrous!" Karma ranted calmly, almost mocking the developers on that part. Then the developers likely plan this, in order to force the players out of town to play their little death game of theirs. Karma probably did the right thing by joining a party early before most of the player decided to take a risk by leaving the town area. "I still have 1000 mana, so at should least be able to heal you guys at least 5 more times before i have to go back to town to regain my mana." Karma told them.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jack made a frown to Alisea's response , but she wasn't wrong. He didn't have an answer for her.He jumped into the game with out any knowledge and only picked the class he had due to it being able to wield a gun and some Idea of being a Pirate came to mind when he first started building his character. As for Fyaira, he could tell she didn't want to talk about it. With a sigh, he kept himself quite following the two to go hunt Boars. Maybe he could find out about himself anyway...

Class/Subclass: Tinker
Level: 1
Health: 600/600
Mana: 500/500
Strength: 4
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 5

As the his two team mates quickly began to attack the Boar. Supposedly the easiest creatures in the game. He was surprised to see that it didn't instantly die. With the mage attack, but maybe it wasn't meant for damage? Maybe if he could shoot the frozen part it would do more damage. Like in the movies and games when frozen people break by toppling them over. Now what would happen if he shot it with a gun! Aiming hard, looking down the barrel to get a aim for the shot. He never really had to do his own aiming before and he had never really shot this kind of weapon in real life so this was all very new to him. Keeping one eye closed tight, he fired at the bore. Send a round shot straight to the frostbit section of the Boar.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fyaira sidestepped the boar's first charge with ease, and once she was out of the way, she held her dagger out to the side and allowed the monster to charge right through it.The blade pierced its body with a glow of red and its health bar inched downward. The boar turned in her direction, but before it could make another move, it was slowed by an ice attack of Alisea's. That distracted the beast and turned its attention away from Fyaira. Smirking, the rogue decided the distraction was just the opportunity she needed to stab the boar where it hurt most - in exactly the place the patch of frostbite remained. It seemed Jack had a similar idea, 'cause he ended up shooting the same place.

The attacks had two effects on the boar. For one, they lowered its HP considerably. More interestingly, the boar turned from one assailant to the next, as if confused. Fyaira figured at least two of them must have earned an equal amount of aggro. But she was the only melee player present, so it was her job to hold the boar's attention! So, when it turned away, she stabbed it right in the neck. it squealed and, to her surprise, jerked its head to the side, hitting her wrist. Fyaira winced as her own HP gauge dropped a little.

"You stupid pig!" she shouted, slashing the monster's back with her other hand as she retracted the injured one. All things considered, the boar hadn't hurt her that much - she had suffered far worse IRL - but, for the first time, a twinge of nervousness flickered in her heart. Once again, the boar's attention was firmly locked on her. She gritted her teeth and stood her ground. There was no way she would lose to such an easy enemy! One way or another, she was gonna have bacon for supper!

@TaroAndSelia @Thecrash20
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Admin's Timeskip

Congratulations for accomplishing your first quest. These are the following rewards everyone got. For all random values, generate it yourself with good conscience.

- 6D6 Nickel Coins
- 2D6 Copper Coins
- 1 Pork
- 10 exp

Please do remember that it is everyone's responsibility to keep track of their own items and ammunition count and EXP/Level. If you do level up, PM the GM and he'll let you know the details.

You are all done with the first quest. You all decide to come back to an inn for the night and meet each other and decide to stick together as a group. At this point, everyone knows each other's names and such. You are all filthy, hungry and exhausted. The prices guidelines are as following for the inn:

Lodging (1 night): 2 Coppers
Bath: 1 Nickel
On the Menu:
Fish and Chips - 1 Copper
Shepard's Pie - 1 Copper
Beef and Cabbages - 1 Copper
Salmon Steak - 1 Copper
Ale - 3 Nickels
Fresh Water - 1 Nickel

I shall initiate another timeskip to next day in 48 hours. Rules section is updated, kick from RP will happen from now on with inactivity over 48 hours. If anyone think this is unreasonable, let me know and I'll reconsider it.
But until then, if you don't post until the next timeskip, I'll take it as afk.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“So everybody now that introductions are done, what is everyone’s opinion on our situation? And how are you all planning on moving forward since we seem to be the only people willing to do anything in the face of this insanity?” Kajin posed the question as he picked his sewing kit back up and started working on a nicer set of clothing for himself. With the level up, he placed points in art to see if he could start adding decorative trims to the clothing.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Returning from slaying boars, the first thing Alisea wanted was a bath. It was bothersome; what kind of game developer would make hygiene a mechanic? A perverted one who wanted to force girls to take baths inside the system, that's what kind. There was absolutely no assurance that somebody wasn't watching a feed, or even recording it somewhere. But the horrible feeling of dirt and grime was winning out against the potential for a peeper. And when the innkeeper said it cost a mere nickel, the need to feel clean again won out.

When Alisea made it back to the inn's main room, a group of active players had gathered. She ordered a shepherd's pie and slid into a seat at the table to join in the deliberation. That there were more players already jumping into the fray was joyous news; and as she guessed at their classes based on their gear, Alisea was even more happy to see how much of a balance they could make.

If they stayed together, that is. That was likely the real question behind Kajin's query: can we move forward together, or is everyone going separate directions?

"We were the first to act, but we won't be the only ones," Alisea corrected gently. "I for one want to use what time is remaining tonight to search the city for NPC teachers. As for tomorrow, I believe we'll need to move farther than wild boars. Has anyone bought a map? Ah, thank you. So, here-"--Alisea pointed to the southeast corner of the floor--"is the flower garden for the runner quest. Timid players are going to grab that in the hopes they can level without risking their lives. The boars are here, and I expect most players to go there to learn how to survive. So I would propose we go this way," Alisea said, sliding her finger up to the rolling hills that lay west of the city. "It's marked as a dungeon, and if we're in a group this size I believe we can clear this first dungeon. Unless a new quest appears guiding us a different way, that's my suggestion."

Her piece spoken, Alisea sat back down to continue eating. Admittedly, everything she had was guesswork; however, one thing she knew for certain was a single experience for each boar slain was inadequate. No, it was laughable. It lent a whole new meaning to the term 'grind.' If the dungeon had monsters that gave more experience, even if they were stronger, that was where she needed to go.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Interacting with:
Reylan @Ithradine
Aura @Project
Dubstepp @Leaves
Malgoth(but not directly so it likely in vain)@HueMan


The first day is over...god damn shit!

Karma sighed as he rests his right arm on the table and his head on his right arm looking sour as a lemon. Four drinks of Ale and a plate of sermon steak was placed near him; one of those Ales was as paid for earlier when before his party when hunting, that was was drunk first and it will not be his last tonight. Furthermore, Karma had a plate of Selmon Steak, Fish and Chips, Beef and Cabbages, and Shepard's Pie in his inventory. The bad news is...they are still here which means this death game is most likely real, and they were not getting out anytime soon. The good news is, the price of food is cheaper here for some reason. Make him wonder if the mastermind patched game to cheapen the food.

He then raised his head toward the ceiling. "Hey Mal...whatever your name is. If you truly have a heart you would let is all out of here now. Seriously i'm not going to develop Stockholm Syndrome just because you lower the food prices." He shouted out arrogantly and yet not yet prepared to beg. There was still part of him that wishes to believe that he will be let out in within an hour or two but so far hope alone has rewarded nothing. With the reality around him still, digital Karma then put his head back down on his standing arm.

Today achievement: Karma had gone up a level thanks to exp reward from the quest his party turned in. From his level up, he gains 5 attitude points and 10 skill point. Karma spent 2 points on his health so he wouldn't die so easy,2 on his mana so he could heal more,1 on his intellects so his magic would be more powerful(see note below). In addition, he added 5 skill point to his healing skill and put 5 skills into his new skill called sewing so he can make better clothes and sell them.

The money he made today also wasn't bad, after turning in the quest he had 227 Reni in his inventory, but had so far spent 32 Reni in this inn so far...plus he planning on spending 10 reni for a room and 3 for a bath. So that an extra 13 reni he be paying tonight. That leaves him with 182 gold to spend tomorrow. How he will spend it he will decide tomorrow.

(OCC note: I just notice i started Karma off with 2 extra points attitude points that Karma wasn't supposed to have yet. My bad admin)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 600
Mana: 450/650
Renn: 143 >> 137

Dubstepp and his friends returned to the Inn. He became relieved the boar quest resulted in a level up and a reasonable amount of Renn. The musician examined his inventory and found his wallet to have over 100 Renn. It was a lot promising than before we had less than 10 nickel coins. Dubstepp noticed his first level up granted him a few attribute and skill points.

Thinking to himself, he began adding the points on the menu screen. He tapped his chin as the process did become a bit difficult. Dubstepp realized he would have to reference future levels. Knowing his class is a trainer, he placed his skill points into intelligence and increased his mana bank. He slightly raised his health and strength to overcome other future tasks if it was called upon.

The skill points, on the other hand, became a giant mess. Dubstepp whined once he found himself in trouble. He added a new skill tree to his menu. The musician continued to spread his skill points through numerous branches. Fortunately, he did apply some points to his three strengths: cooking, music, and taming. "Anybody else have problems with this?" He muttered.

Dubstepp glanced up when he noticed other players enter the Inn. Even then, his group of comrades did arrive first. Dubstepp did not pay any mind to them before, but some of these individuals happened to come from the field too. It seemed everyone finished killing boars. It looked like everyone had the same idea.

Everyone became extremely friendly toward one and another. Dubstepp rubbed his chin and only reacted cautiously. Concerns did rise if all of these players decided to come together as a giant group. The trainer hoped his group would only consist of small numbers. A big crowd seemed more of a hassle than a benefit. Dubstepp listened to other people's conversations. He ordered a warm meal with a cold beverage—some fish and chips and a cold glass of water.

He heard mention of individuals talking about the first dungeon. Examining the people around him, he acknowledged the thought as far-fetched. All the players inside the Inn were novices like himself; no one could have been over level 3. Dubstepp did not play a lot of RPGs, but the few he did, party members tend to die if confronted by a boss at early levels. The chances of attacking a boss and defeating one at his current level were slim. He remembered that quality over quantity would be a major life lesson right now.

Dubstepp leaned over to his former group and whispered his plans to him. "Not sure how I feel about this whole "Suicide Squad" yet. I just got my life together." He took a pause before continuing."I don't think I want to face a dungeon boss at level 2. I saw a mission about helping a guy guard a gate for a day. That sounds like easy experience points to me. I'll go and level up and be back in time before everyone else gets settled."

He smiled as his food came out. He picked up a crispy fry and placed it into his mouth. "You guys are welcomed to join me. Or stay here with these guys. Just 'bing me' if something starts developing?"

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