Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Mamoru was quite excited for class as Mako started her lesson. Mako did a little trick with the ball that even Mamoru knew, though only because Mako was making a lesson about how villains would act. Bad guys didn’t fight fair and used dirty tricks, but so did Mamoru. And she’d hardly consider herself villainous. Reckless, short-sighted, stupid, sure. But not villainous. To Mamoru a villain was someone who’d do whatever it took to get what he wanted, often with means that will harm people or break laws. Someone who’d get things he wants not by working hard and buying it, but just stealing it from others who have it. Someone who has been treated unjustly by someone and resorts by trying to kill them, instead of talking it out or something. Villains were all about the mind, not the method. At least that’s what Mamoru thought Mako was trying to teach.

The important thing was that heroes can use “villain” tactics too. She started handing out newspapers with some heroes Mamoru recognized using some pretty tricky tactics. Tricking the bad guys into an ambush or even just torching the place when there wasn’t anyone else inside. Mamoru would never do these things not because she doesn’t think they’re right, but because she doesn’t have the brains or powers to do so. Though that being said when Mamoru read about Endeavor she could already see how what he did wouldn’t earn him many fans. While Mamoru certainly agreed that heroes can be tricky too, there was still a certain level of self-control that heroes needed to practice. Something which Mamoru knew she wasn’t good at, but she wasn’t going to be as bad as Endeavor. Burn the bad guys, sure, but she wouldn’t torch down the whole estate unless she’s really desperate.

These thoughts were more or less confirmed when Mako continued her lecture, reminding everyone that she isn’t trying to make the students forgo their sense of justice, but make them get rid of the mindset of fighting fairly. Mamoru nodded her head, for some people a fair fight just wasn’t in their advantage. Mamoru had fought many other kids in the past who’s quirk would beat her abilities. Fast people, strong people, tough people. Statistically mamoru was weaker than them. But she still managed to come out on top not by being stronger, faster, or tougher, but because she did something they didn’t expect or even cheap. She’s had a lot of people call her a copout or a cheat, but she won and they lost. And when she lost she’d just try again later until she won. That’s what a hero does.

But then came the horrible part; classwork. Mamoru quietly groaned at the thought of having to write out big essays about what she’d do, because thinking about stuff made her over think about stuff. She wished she could type instead, it was far easier for her to type out her thoughts than to write it down. It took too long and it made Mamoru bored. But class was class, so even if she did take her sweet time she’d still get the paper done. It was a series of five hypothetical situations that Mamoru was in and how’d she react to it. With that in mind Mamoru tried to simplify things for herself; she’d think of a “heroic” way to stop the bad guys, and then a ‘Villainous” way to stop them. Mako said there was no wrong answers, so Mamoru would use that as an excuse to do some rather silly things.

First question: Guy had an old lady at gun point. He wants to escape but he’s scared. Mamoru wrote down her heroic answer first, followed by what she’d do if she was more of a bad guy.

I would try to coax the robber to lower his gun and that he can still get out of here without any bloodshed. Make him realize that he’s about to kill an innocent old woman and that if he does so, he’d ruin any chance at getting out of here safely. I might have to lie to him and tell him somewhere safe he could go but it’ll be a trap where other heroes could capture him.

The robber probably doesn’t want to kill the old lady, so what I’d try to do is make myself seem like a bigger threat. Be scary and try to make him shoot at me instead, and then I’d use my shield to block the bullets while he’s panicking so that I can get closer and save the old lady.
Scenario 1

Mamoru felt rather proud of herself for remembering that while the robber is the villain, as a hero she needed to take care of the hostage first. Even if she would let the robber run away as long as the old lady was alive it would be fine. Heroes save people after all.

Next question would pit Mamoru against a swordsman. She felt her chances against one in a fight was pretty good, she’s fought people who’s trained in kendo and such. Assuming this wasn’t some sort of Stain-level samurai, Mamoru could take him on a straight fight. Mamoru thought about this question a little bit, and really wondered if maybe this guy was a samurai. Samurai were venerated in the past for being defenders and honorable warriors, though from what little Mamoru remembered from her history classes and documentaries, Samurais were just soldiers, and did soldier things like kill, rape, and loot. Ideally they followed a code of honor, but honor was much looser back in those ancient times than they are now. Mamoru had to write her answer down quickly before she got distracted thinking about samurai.

Accept his duel but be wary that he’s still a crazy swordsman. If his armor is tough I’ll try to disarm him of his sword using my shield and whatever else is around me, even if I have to get a weapon for myself. If possible I’d try to stall him long enough for everyone else to clear the scene and for backup to arrive.

Or I could taunt him. Make fun of his honor by saying how he’s only good at cutting down defenseless civilians than a real fighter. Get him riled up so that he uses more energy trying to fight me and maybe even chase me. I’ll lead him into an ambush or somewhere where I’d have the advantage, like a muddy location or a construction site. This way he’ll be away from innocent people and I can make him fall for a trap.
Scenario 2

Assuming of course anything like that was nearby, but Mamoru could wing it. Again, Mamoru needs to make sure this bad guy is away from anyone else he could hurt that isn’t Mamoru or whoever she could call to help her. She might be taking a huge risk leading him away from wherever he was already, but it was a gamble if Mamoru could lead him somewhere isolated or just somewhere even more crowded. She’d have to take that chance.

Next question had Mamoru tied to a chair. Her usual tactic with her shield isn’t going to work since somehow it’s been nullified. Mamoru wasn’t sure how that happened. She’s only heart of one person who could nullify quirks and that was Eraserhead. Though Mamoru was sure that there was some bad guy working hard trying to make a quirk-erasing drug or something to make it easier for him to take over the world. It was in this instance that Mamoru would have to make up bullshit.

I’d make the bad guy keep talking to me so I can stall for time. He has my at his mercy so he’ll want to use this time to rub it in my face, which would give my allies time to find my tracking beacon and take him out while I distract him.
Scenario 3

Not Mamoru’s best plan. She’s really in a bad spot if that happens, so she’d have to rely on others either way. Sure she could try to break out, and probably fail. She could also lie, if she was actually good at doing that. And she could even try to use her shield even if her quirk is nullified through sheer force of will, but that was just wishful thinking.

Next plot was more complicated. No quirk again, and now against brainwashed civilians. There’s a mastermind controlling them who claims that if he goes down, so do the civilians. Thinking about it like that, the civilians are already lost. Unless the bad guy is going to try and guilt trip them later about how we risked civilian lives to stop him or something. Which, thinking about it, Mamoru would actually try and save the civilians. Again, even if Mako is trying to make the students think like villains, Mamoru still had to save the civilians. Though she did have her own trick in mind.

My first save the civilians, even if I have to rough them up. Knock them out, disable their weapons, or just trap them somewhere they can’t escape so I can get them later. Once the civilians are safe then I’ll go after the villain by using someone he loves as a hostage. A friend, family member, or even a pet.

Either that or pretend to be a villain myself who’s after the bad guy for a completely different reasons unrelated to the civilians and make him more worried about saving himself then using the civilians as leverage. Once he releases them to save his own hide get the civilians to safety.
Scenario 4

Again lying wasn’t really something Mamoru did well. She’s just too much of a chatter mouth to keep up a deception. At best, someone could feed her lies and she’d buy them enough that she’d still believe them even after the deception is discovered. Mamoru was the type of person who’d believe in their own lies. Though thinking about it, Mamoru wondered if that would make her into a bad guy. There were always villains who thought what they were doing was “the good thing” in their own heads, but results in catastrophe for others. Mamoru didn’t think she was that type of person but did consider that she had the makings of one.

Last questions was certainly a thought provoker. It was the classic train dilemma: two groups of people were in danger, one who had people close to Mamoru and one that had strangers but with a much larger group. Mamoru’s first instinct would be to save her friends and/or family. She loved them and would do anything to help them, even if it meant letting a school bus full of children die. But Mamoru also knew that if she let those children die it would haunt her forever. Once more Mamoru would have to use some bullshit to have any hopes of succeeding this mission perfectly.

I would go save my friend/family member first and tell one of my hero friends about the school bus full of children with the timebomb. If possible I’d also try and capture someone that the villain cares for and use that person as a hostage to free to the kids on the school bus, if the villain is there to arm the bomb.
Scenario 5

Much of Mamoru’s answers relied on using others to help her, which Mamoru felt was a fairly villainous tactic to do. What bad guy worth his salt didn’t employ a horde of minions and underlings to do their dirty work? Just as well, Mamoru felt that she too could have a bunch of friends and contacts who can help her with her heroism. One thing that Mako didn’t bring up about heroes and villains fighting was the numbers. Everyone always thought heroes work alone or that they had to be strong enough to take on all the bad guys themselves. However Mamoru wasn’t that type of person; she works best in a group so they could cover her weaknesses, or at least so they can outnumber the bad guys. Sure it wasn’t the most heroic thing to do but this was Villain Psyche. Mamoru was going to learn all about how the bad guys do it.

Eventually once Mamoru finished writing her answers she went to turn the paper in. She wasn’t really paying attention about who else had finished, but she saw a few people writing so she was glad she wasn’t the last one. Mamoru hoped that Mako liked her answers, even if they weren’t really the smartest or most clever way to deal with the bad guys.

@Silver Carrot

More students arrived, most who were strangers, though Donny recognized Hakura. She seemed to have chosen to sit by herself though. Donny understood, somewhat. It can be rather troubling to try and sit with complete strangers. Donny got lucky that everyone he’s met so far is really friendly. He’d have to try to remember to talk with Hakura and see if he couldn’t get her to join him sometimes. Maybe introduce her to Mina and the others.

Soon after Hakura arrived class started. Donny took out his notebook and pen and tried his best to pay attention in class. A lot of what White Hat said was interesting, but stuff that Donny had already kinda knew. Anyone could google when quirks first started appearing and how society was affected by them, that’s why they need superheroes. Sure, there were those who used their quirks productively to help with their jobs or daily lives, but more often than not there were those who used their quirks to get away with crime. Then people started using their quirks to stop those people trying to commit crimes. And eventually things just got regulated and now people use their quirks for everyday life. Granted, most of what Donny uses doesn’t rely on any particular quirk, but chances are something like his cellphone was made not just by a machine, but someone who’s quirk allowed him to put it together faster than a robot could. Or some chinese sweatshop worker.

Donny gulped when he heard that this was going to be a project based class with an end-of-the-year presentation. It wasn’t as if Donny didn’t think he wouldn’t have to present his quirk to class; he knew that eventually his secret would be revealed. He just… Wanted to reveal it at his own pace. Hopefully a year should be long enough for him to be comfortable around everyone. That being said what really caught Donny off guard was when White Hat asked for everyone to introduce themselves, their quirks, and what ideas they had to use their quirks outside of heroism. This was a bit too fast for Donny and worse of all, he was the first student to have to answer.

Nervously Donny stood up stiff as a board. He took a few deep breaths and tried, and failed, to control his stuttering. ”I-I-I-I-I’m Donny Y-Y-Yang! My quirk i-i-i-i-is uh, it uh, it let’s me e-e-e-eat a-a-anything.” Donny gulped and dared not look at all the eyes staring at his back. He could already imagine how a few of them thought; that they already figured that a fatty like him had a power that just let him eat and eat and eat. But what they wouldn't realize was that his ability to eat anything was just a byproduct of what he is, rather than the only thing he could do. But Donny wasn’t in any hurry to explain this.

”I uh, I-I-I-I guess I could uh, use my quirk to… To uh…” While Donny might’ve been fine to tell Mina he was planning on using his quirk to eat garbage, he was much less interested in telling everyone else the same thing. He tried to think of anything else such as tunneling, taste testing, cleaning up disasters, but in the end it still relies on the idea that it goes into Donny’s mouth. His other options involved revealing his true form, where he could try to do something like squeeze into pipes or maybe excavate ore out of the ground, but that was just last second stuff he thought of that sounded more impressive than “waste disposal”. Although they were ideas Donny decided to just play dumb instead. ”I don’t I don’t really k-k-know what to use my q-q-q-q-q-quirk for.” Then Donny sat down and tried his best not to look embarrassed.


As more students arrive White Hat gave them the same condense speech as the others to take their seats, do whatever personal business needs to be done, and that class would be starting soon. Shortly after Donny’s arrival was Kasuke Mina, the daughter of the Seductress. White Hat was aware of the irony of how difficult for a girl with a light-based quirk to escape the shadow of her mother’s legacy. Truth be told White Hat actually didn’t think that Mina would have made it to the hero course, yet here she was. Just goes to show that even for all his experience this old codger could be wrong. While Mina’s quirk didn’t seem very impressive on paper, White Hat hopes he could help draw out Mina’s full potential as she learns from this class.

Next to arrive was Acion Nakamiji, whose sister was actually a former student of White Hat’s. He had a good idea of Acion’s quirk because of that, and had high hopes for him in this class. Flight was a fairly rare quirk for most people even though such an ability is ingrained in the minds of anyone who thinks of heroes, but there was much more to it then that. The agility Acion would have, his keen eyes to see from great heights, and the durability of his feathers were also things to consider if he wishes to pursue businesses aside from heroism.

Announcing her apology for being late was Joann Joruto, or Jojo as she was called. White Hat grinned as he understood the reference. Her quirk allowed her to generate electricity from her body. Always a handy quirk even outside of it’s use as a stun weapon, electricity and energy was something that everyone needed, and anyone with a quirk like Jojo’s could easily find herself a job to utilize it. But at the same time those with quirks like hers tend to have some sort of a drawback, which this class will also help Jojo deal with. After all this class was meant to help students learn and understand their quirks, which can improve performance and handle issues they may have once had.

The last student to arrive before White Hat’s class would start was Haruka Sanegeyama, a very promising student. Her technopathy was very similar to White Hat’s own quirk, if not outright better. It took him the better part of his teenage years just trying to make his quirk into something capable of fighting villains. If he was still a young man, White Hat was certain he wouldn’t have been able to get into Komei with his powers, even if he did fight against robots. So the fact that Hakura did get in with a quirk almost like his gave the old man hope. However she seemed rather unsocial. Not really something that White Hat’s class is suppose to cover, but students are expected to be able to interact with the people too. Even those who don’t want media attention have to work with others. ”Something they’ll learn eventually I hope.”

More students arrived just in time before the next class would begin. Once the last student showed up the door was closed behind them and White Hat started handing out two separate sheets of paper: one was the syllabus of course and another was the class project. ”Please take one and pass it to the next student. Last student with the remaining sheets please bring them to the front desk.” As students received their papers they’d notice that White Hat’s devices for class, such as his laptop and projector, all activated without him doing anything in particular. He was simply standing in front of the classroom as everything was done automatically.

”Welcome to Quirk Application 101. I am your instructor, Futaba Goto, also known as White Hat. For this class you will learn how to apply your quirk in the everyday workforce outside of direct heroism, though not necessarily away from it. Allow me to begin by stating something obvious: Every one of you possess a power that defies typical science. Even if you consider your quirk to be simple or not complex, you are all capable of something that humanity has never had before until the turn of the century.”

On White Hat’s projector was a slideshow timeline of quirks, starting from the first discovery of quirks, starting with the illuminating baby in China, followed by various other quirk empowered individuals both good and evil. ”Each one of you are capable of something that entire scientific fields would be based around, even if it’s something as simple as breathing underwater or seeing in the dark. With the emergence of quirks en masses however the ability to study an individual quirk and all of it’s potential is difficult, more so when there are thousands of other people who vastly different quirks. And it is for that reason that schools like Komei exist. Not only to raise a new generation of heroes to protect our world from those who would harm it, but to educate others how to utilize their quirks in a way that will be productive for our society.”

The slideshow then started showing various superheroes, big names like Best Jeanist, Fat Gum, and even All Might himself participating in jobs that aren’t directly related to fighting villains. Specifically Best Jeanist appeared to be overseeing a clothing factory in a foreign nation, using his quirk to fix a few broken machinery and teaching the workers how to properly design certain fashions. Fat Gum was working as a police officer directing civilians away from a natural disaster. And All Might of course was also at that same natural disaster, using his strength to assist construction workers with clearing the wreckage and repairing damage.

”This class will largely be project based. As each of you have your own unique quirk that must be taken into account much of your lessons will consist of putting you outside of your comfort zone so you can figure out how your quirk can be applied. We will also have practice sessions where you will specifically be testing out the full limits of your quirk and then trying to surpass those limits. Your final exam would consist of amassing all that you have learned from this class, and presenting it to us so that we may see your growth and your potential.” While hardly a life threatening thing to think about, White Hat was well aware how some students may react to this class as something horrifying. Not just presenting themselves in front of everyone, but also having to improve themselves within the year. Everyone says they want to get better, but the ones who will pass White Hat’s class are the ones who do get better.

And as if things weren’t already difficult enough for some people, White Hat still had one more thing he wants everyone to do. ”By no means do I expect all of you do work by yourselves. I endorse cooperation between all of my students and nothing is more powerful than teamwork. But for that to work you’ll have to know more about each other, no? So, I would like for everyone to introduce themselves and tell us a little bit about your quirk, such as how you use it and what ideas you have for it.”

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Feyblue@Eggs@Noxx
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Mako Akane

Dulga was the first to finish her worksheet, though she gave Mako a glare that suggested Mako had done something specifically to annoy her. Mina was genuinely clueless as to what this was. Dulga was fine before the sheets were handed out Maybe it was something on the sheet. She thought back to processing Dulga's paperwork, and froze. God, she was so stupid! She'd have to apologise to her in person later! She read through the sheet anyway, which was quite an amusing read. It seemed this student was of a mind that there was no problem that shooting things couldn't fix. This girl would get along great with Adriane.

Next was Kenichi, and she'd noticed that the moment she'd outed herself as a villain, he'd changed drastically. He wouldn't look at her, and he was seething with rage at all times. She might have to talk with him one on one. She wanted nothing to affect his ability to learn in her class. His sheet was measured and well thought out, with very good answers! Though he was a tad judgemental, and might struggle with the 'understanding villains' part of the class.

The third person to finish was miss meme, with her feet on the desk. Obviously liked to feel badass when alone. Her answers were interesting. She often gave two answers, the top one being nicer than the bottom one. She also relied heavily on getting backup, which was still a perfectly valid tactic. Even so, it suggested that this student might have esteem issues.

"Good sheets so far, class," she spoke to all the students in front of her, even then ones who were still working.

@Zeroth@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher

Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi shook the hand of the Fumika clone. This girl was certainly odd, but there was an adorable fragility to her that just wanted to make Hitomi hug her, wrap her up and protect her from the confusing world. She was muttering a lot, and her topics were things that Hitomi had often wandered herself. If she was a sheep girl, why did she had ram's horns? Then again, her father was a goat man and her mother was a sheep woman. Maybe she got the horns from her goat side. Thinking about her parents saddened her briefly, so she forced her mind away from the subject.

"It's nice to meet you too!" she gushed, noting as she did so that the clone had vanished. It wasn't organic, then, just a recording. Fumika then sadly exclaimed that her friend wasn't coming, but said that she shoukld be the 'main character' in his stead. "Awe, I'm sorry your friend isn't in this class, but I could also be your friend, if you'd like, I could be the ever-happy side character to your main character!"


Kasuke Mina

Mina had to admit that the lecture so far was making her feel good about her quirk, and she had definitely made the right choice picking this class. The idea of pushing the limits of what her quirk was capable of as well as learning new uses for it was especially interesting to her. She did not regret her choice for even a second. Her mom had already taught her a little about facing villains and criminals. This class will do her far, far more good.

However, the teacher stressed that teamwork was important to this class; the first negative point between her and the class, though that in itself was something that she could improve upon; she hated working in a team. Teams just slow you down and hinder you. Donny went first and was so nervous, she really wanted to go and help him, but decided that this really was something everyone needed to do alone.

Mina went next, standing in front of the rest of the class, she stood aloof and haughty. "My name is Kasuke Mina, and my quirk is the ability to emit light from my body. I use it for blinding and distracting my foes, and seeing in the dark. I hope that in the future I can quickly focus the light so that a lot of energy is magnified onto a single point, creating a laser beam. I can currently do this to a degree, but it is too slow to be a viable combat option, and takes up all of my effort and attention." After speaking, Mina sat down.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Kaida Baeumont

Kaida followed Roy over to the seat he picked, and thankfully it was next to Dulga, so she could sit next to her and him.. He Jett and Ezra started bantering back and forth till Ms. Mako put a kibosh to it. She smirked a bit on how she worded it. But she said nothing. She started to rub her arms, a chill had run through her. While it was for sure not cold for anyone else. She rememebred Roy’s offer and looked over to him. After a few moments of debating it over in her head, Kaida leaned over before the class started and quickly asked in a hushed tone. "Could you please make a small pillow... so I could wrap my arms around it?"

When Kaida had ask Roy for a pillow he paused for a second, he then noticed how she was rubbing her arms trying to make herself warm.. Roy hadn't really noticed the temperature in the room, "Yeah sure that's no problem". Roy held his hands together as he focused to make the pillow, obviously the pillow would have to be soft in some wa so he decided to fill the inside casing with raw energy. The boy made the outer shell first before filling the middle with his raw energy. The makeshift pillow radiated with Roys energy. The temperature was much warmer to the touch than the rose from before. "Here you go Kaida" he said with a smile.

She gave a big smile as she felt the warmth as he made it, then when he gave it to her she looked him in the eyes and said, “Thank you so much Roy.” She took the pillow and squeezed it to her chest with both arms and placed her chin on it. A clear and audible sigh came from her lips as she hunched over, trying to catch every piece of that heat she could get. It was much hotter than the rose, and even more surface area. She did not once pull away, as it touched her skin. She glanced up as the teacher began her lesson. Still holding onto the pillow.

Moving on she was surprised to find out that she was a villain. So much so she literally sat up in her chair more. Not out of fear or confusion. But hope. If a supervillain could change her ways and become a teacher at a School for heroes, she could certainly become a hero despite her father.

She was intent on every word, appreciating the lesson she shared with the class. The dark haired kid looked really bored while doing it though. He had a certain...air to him, he looked more mature than he looked. He had a more hardened look than most, if not all the other students here.

She then went on to explain the exercise and looked down at the paper that she handed them. Picking up her pencil, She was slightly nervous...if she wrote down anything about her quirk… would Mako read it in front of the class? She sighed and hugged the pillow in her lap with her free arm as she started to work.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

I would try to reason reason with the man. Explain that if he harms the woman it would only get worse. Slowly working my way towards them. Explain more that he puts the weapon down and walks away I would put in a good word with the judge. Also offer to be his hostage.

If anything distract him long enough to make a move. He probably doesn’t have a good reaction time because of his mental state.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

I would not give him the pleasure or honor of giving him a bow back. I would engage him and lead him away from the group. Defeat him as fast as I can, and if necessary end it as fast as I can. The man is clearly to dangerous to be among the public if he is massacring innocents.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

She sighed at this one… she would have to give a clear answer for this one. She decided to add a bit more to this one.

Well if my quirk was nullified I would return to my normal state… I don’t know if I would have my stregth, but if I did, I would snap the ropes after distracting him with talking. Or if I didn’t have my strength, my nails would be sharp enough to cut the ropes while still talking to him and trying to buy time. Please don't tell this to the class…
Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.
I would quickly get around the civilians, again my normal body is stronger and faster than my current one. and knock out the enemy with a quick hard jab to the chin. I will not hurt the civilians in anyway. I’m quick enough to get past them.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.
I would use my strength to free the one I care about quickly, and take them with me as to protect them from the villain but race to the children as well.

She frowned at her answers...but she couldn’t really think of more fluent answers. She walked up nervously, still hugging the pillow to her chest before placing it on Makos desk and nodded to her before walking back to her desk.

@pkken@Aerandir@Silver carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago


So far, the lecture of his teacher proved to be a lot more interesting than he thought it would be. As it turned out, the ideology that a hero class student must be capable with their quirks did not truly exist in this place, this academy. Also, the mentioning of being productive was also one of the reasons Acion did not regret taking the class. What could be better than a man who could use all of his strength and ability to serve the humankind. And he was sure that it was the intention of the divines when they create humanity. They never wanted villains, they never wanted hatred, nor sadness. They wanted people to use whatever we have to assist each other in our lives. It was actually us, our jealousy, arrogance and hatred that manifest caused all the heroes and villains to exist. Such a shame that there were some who just couldn't see that. That's why their path only came down to nothing but destruction and predicament.

White Hat then mentioned both limit breaking and team cooperation, something in which Acion were completely fine with. In fact, he was very willing to cooperate with others so that both could achieve what they desired. Then came the introduction part. Donny's introduction was rather rusty, as he was extremely nervous during the presentation. Poor guy. Whether he didn't really have anything in mind about implementing his quirk into reality or he was just too shivering to say it, Acion felt pretty bad for such an introduction. But that's something he could not help with. He'd have to man up and be more confident on his own.

After Mina's turn was Acion's turn.

"Good afternoon everyone. I am Acion Nakamiji, and my quirk, as you can see clearly, allows me to possess six steel sharp wings at the same time. It is, yes, inconvenient, but I consider it a blessing, since it allows me to take to the sky, and grants me power powerful enough for complex aerial combat maneuvers. And I can always recover it if necessary...For application, I also believe it is applicable in many situations, such as cargo transportation, or coast guarding. That is currently what I have in mind." Acion did have to pay attention to his pattern of speech this time, not letting it becoming too awkward, now that he had somewhat becoming aware of it.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Roy Kusayanagi

Roy leaned over on his arm as he chuckled to himself at how much Kaida loved the heat, personally Roy thought that it gets annyoing after a while. Mako soon sushed the boys as they messed around, Roy watched as she began teaching. Mako explained that villains fight dirty, something which the boy agreed on. She did an example with another boy that Roy didn't exactly know. following thath she handed out worksheets for the class to do.

As Roy read over the questions he was confused as to whether some of these were trick questions because of the example that happened prior. He felt as if she was prepping them to be prepared for anything.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Roy thought a bit about this question, I would talk to them calmy and try more to get to the root of why exactly he is taking such actions. A shaky hand on the gun wouldn't end well for anyone, it would be best that he relaxed. Once he is relaxed enough I would make my way over to the man one step at a time in order to get a clear shot to render his gun helpless with my quirk.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

This question was probably one of the easier ones on the test. It would be strictly business once civilians are cleared,
I wouldn't take my eyes off him the whole time and once the battle starts,
no mercy will be taken in immobilizing him.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!

Roy chuckled a bit at this scenario, Well surely if I get myself into this situation I was extremely careless. Though I would try and talk with the villain and stall hoping something or someone can come to the rescue.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

The boy smirked, I would firstly evaluate my surroundings to see if there is anything I could use to defend myself. Though surely I would have to knock out the civilians as quick as possible before I make my move to immobilize the villain. Those who manipulate others to do their selfish biddings are never really all that tough.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

Probably the toughest once, thoughthe only family he every really knew was his mother. Sadely I would save the children over the cherished family member because that is what that family member would want me to do. Though surely that villain wouldn't be left off the hook.

Roy could have spent all the time in the world trying to answer these questions because of the endless possibilities though he made his answers short and to the point. He got up from his desk and placed it at the front with a small grin. he turned around and made his way back to his desk before taking a seat and leaning back in his chair thinking about the questions more.

@Silver Carrot

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yashiro, Takeshi

Takeshi understood what she was getting at when she explained how two hero’s did something unheroic like, but still pulled it off and got the villain. This resonated well with him. Being raised as he did, He wasn’t one for flashy Heroics.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

He was about to write his response when he noticed the wording. Them Narrowing his eyes and looking towards Mako for a moment. This word changed the situation entirely. Could be a spelling error, or most likely with the lesson plan... intentional. He wrote both ideas that popped in his mind just in case it was an Error.

If the wording is correct. Scenario 1- 2 The fact he said let them escape could mean the old lady is with him. A clear use of the frail old woman, couldn’t possibly be a Villain ploy. Which could mean two things. The man with the gun is innocent, or is working with the old lady. The first is forced to be holding the gun because of some threat over him or family members. Check to see how the old lady is reacting to the situation. If still unclear I would use my quirk to manifest a cylinder from one of their shadows to knock the gun from his hand, giving me enough time to move in and subdue the one with the gun. Make sure the woman stays till police arrive, and properly investigate.

Scenario 2-2 If it is a spelling error . He’s untrained, not thinking clearly. Likely has never shot a gun before and even more so killed anyone. This will give me enough time to move in, disarm him, or use the same move as above.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

The man has no honor and is clearly insane. Rule one, never take your eyes off your opponent. This is clearly an attempt to lower my guard so he can rush forward. I will do it instead, Engage him head on, show no mercy as he clearly showed the none for those he killed.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Stall for time, asking questions and playing to his pride. While slowly working my way out of the material I’m tied with. There is not enough info to properly respond. However If my legs were not tied I would distract him just enough to jump up and smash the chair into the man, perhaps breaking the chair in doing that or jumping on top of him with it. This all depends on the stuff he tied me up in and how.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

A man who has this quirk is generally weak, and relies on using people to put distance between them. Expects the hero to not push forward through the innocents. They are not trained, disarming would be easy and moving past them. Easy to knock him him out, as he has most likely no combat training.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

Not enough info again. If they gave more info about where the bus was it would possibly change the answer. However, since it's only stated as a claim, I would save my loved one. And make sure the villain regrets for the rest of his day,

Once he was done he simply walked up and placed it on the desk.

Jett Haven

Jett listened to every word of Ms. Mako, if anyone was better suited to teach him how to truly understand what goes on in a villain's head. Though her explanations it reminded him greatly of his mother and how she operated. He heard her explanations...as well as the stories from the news. When getting the paper he immediately started.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Simply teleport behind him, grab him and teleport him out of the way before he has a chance to pull the trigger.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

This one made him a little mad… he knew things like this happened a lot. Anyone who is a murderer deserved restraint from him.

Teleport to him, uppercut while he was bowed, teleport him again and drop him off a high point near by, preferably in an empty dumpster.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a long time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Try to talk to him, work for time while trying to break free or waiting for a rescue. Perhaps use my body as a weapon.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

Somehow make it around the civilians, try not to hurt them unless absolutely necessary.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

teleport family member or loved out out of the restraints, and when getting to the kids teleport them out of the bus.

He sighed as he looked at his answers. Most of them required his quirk. But they were tough situations. And when lives were on the line, pride was not the thing to have.Once he was done he walked up, a slight blush on his face as he placed the paper on Makos desk. His answers were very basic...and it made him hope she didn’t take that a wrong way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So far the teacher had not noticed Tomoe her delinquent sleeping through class, Mako went on about newspapers on how villains are always the ones fighting unfair but that wasn't entirely true. Heroes have always been seen as nice people, the ones not breaking the rules of not cheating, always fighting fair and square against villains. Mako disproved with the following few newspapers held up before the class which definitly put heroes in another light.

The annoying feeling of having a paper pushed into your face definitly got the attention of Tomoe, her eyes opened in annoyed manner as one of her hands grabbed hold onto the paper while the other hand rubbed her eye. Her ears still caught Mako talking about how the sheet worked and what they would be doing the next couple of weeks. Did she say graded quiz? Tomoe couldn't sleep through that! She gave a somewhat annoyed pout as she placed the sheet in front of her and slowly began reading through with her hand digging through one of her blazer pockets to find a pen.

You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.
Scenario 1

The first thought that occurred to Tomoe was if it really was a real gun and not a fake or if it had blanks in it. Tomoe drew a picture next to the answer box of a gun with a crowns flag poking out saying 'pow'. As answer she wrote down the most logical action for her to do.


A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.
Scenario 2

This one was troublesome. A person not showing any mercy killing innocents with no reason, simply for his likings only most likely. She didn't have to show any mercy to him. She drew a picture of herself in the same kind of armor with a sword too looking quite mad while facing the armored person.


You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a long time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"
Scenario 3

So this villain was someone she had encountered a few times already. They were out for her for some reason. Her quirk had been nullified so sleeping wasn't gonna do anything in her benefit. The gun was likely real this time so she had to get him down and free herself at the same time. Tomoe wasn't strong or fast so this was a difficult situation for her.

'Fake sleep and try to bite him when he tries to wake me up.'

A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.
Scenario 4

Another situation without her quirk! Tomoe didn't have much apart from her quirk so she was basically useless again in this situation.


Tomoe drew a chibi picture of herself running away from a horde of zombies while crying. She couldn't do anything else from that, waiting on another hero would be wiser probably, the civilians didn't seem to have been hurted or trying to kill anyone else just only try to form a bigger horde by brainwashing more civilians.

The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.
Scenario 5

Tomoe turned silent as she read this question. She had to decide? Decided on who to save... This was cruel. There is no time to save them both, she wasn't gonna cheat on this question either by telling she was amazing and all and managed to save both anyway. In fact Tomoe wasn't gonna answer this question at all. She left the answer box blank. Furthermore she made some cute drawings around the sheet like smiling clouds and stars and a big rainbow on top like a real nice dream.

After she was done with her sheet she softly place her head down onto the sheet and returned back to sleep again while the rest finished their sheets too. She hadn't thought about having to take it to teacher her desk again, she was to lazy to walk that bit anyway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Joann wasn’t sitting right at her desk, in fact, she was leaning back in the chair far enough away from it that she could have kicked her feet up though this time it wasn’t due to general disinterest; the underside of the desk itself was metal and while normally it wouldn’t affect her charge but this time she was so depleted that even touching something that could conduct electricity would take away what little she had left. Sucking on her teeth again at the annoyance of it all, she had never felt this depleted before being that once her quirk gained enough of a charge it stayed at that constant level without assistance so JoJo was nearly always at least on a solid five percent every day. Now she was sitting uncomfortably at a whole zero with the inability to regain some semblance of a charge, it was entirely possible she shorted out her quirk when she passed out being that prior to passing out she felt like she could take on the world and win.

It wasn’t till the teacher began to talk about introducing themselves did her ears perk up, normally she would opt in to skip her turn, but knowing her quirk and how she uses it would help the teacher help her. “Oh bother” she said to herself before begrudgingly raising her hand to speak, “My quirk is electrically based and relies on the conversion from potential energy to kinetic energy and back to what the doctor calls violent potential so movement, it makes me stronger in every way you can think of and doesn’t release it so I use it for physical attacks making me useless at range” JoJo explained leaning back in her chair. “At least that’s what I thought before I tore apart the gymnasium in a big ass discharge”

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Arsenal moved with the girl and placed her in a bed in the nurses office before tipping his hat off to Kiwi. "I leave this student to you Kiwi. She has sustained some battle injuries, nothing too major." the man said tilting his head before making an exit.

Kiwi moves over to the girl and saw some bruises, though what really had her attention was how stretchy this girl was. "interesting". Kiwi opened her freezer taking out some ice packs and wrapping them around the girls bruises to reduce swelling. It was now just a matter of when she comes too.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Artymis

Artymis friend

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Ezra had listened intently to Mako since after the conversation had ended, despite interruptions from his neighbours. He was glad to have made somewhat of a squad of friends within his first days, but they for sure would be a hindrance in class, yet he didn't seem to mind. He knew plenty of those people at home, and he was able to overcome such events, and it looked as if this class would be far more interactive than any of the other subjects that he would normally participate in. This, to him looked ideal as a learning environment, one in which information is brought directly to you.

Ezra had listened to the stories that she had told and didn't bother to analyse the classroom out of focus for what was currently occurring in front of him, intently listening to Mako as she told the stories that had occurred fairly recently by professional heroes. He knew he wasn't heroic, and that was a great relief to him to know that honour was not a trait required to be a hero, as evidenced by what they exactly did. Whilst it wasn't in essence villainous, it definitely reeked of foul play and he supposed that was an aspect of heroism that was required in order to fulfil the objectives at hand, which is to apprehend the villain and prevent civilian casualties.

Perhaps the biggest surprise to him was when he received the sheets from the teacher. He wasn't quite expecting situations so far.. out there. The things that he had to provide answers for were ridiculous at best, and unfathomable at worst. They were absurd, something out of a movie. He supposed that decision making must be taken to the extreme in order to accurately gauge a response, but giving such open corridors for students would surely lead to answers of students trying to be funny. He figured he'd answer them seriously, given as he had a soft spot for Mako for what had happened earlier.

Scenario 1
You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Ezra pondered. This was probably the only realistic one that he saw among the 5, and he gathered that this could be an interesting case. He had multiple ideas to respond to this, but he figured that with such a nervous man holding a gun, it was easy to take advantage of.

Throw a rock at the mans head. I trust my throw and my quirk would reach him and knock him out before he could pull the trigger in reaction.

Scenario 2

A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

Ezra didn't really think about this one. He didn't give a shit about the ponces and dickheads with their old fighting styles and martial arts. He'd knocked every one of those cunts who spoke about them out whenever they tried to scrap him, and this kid would be no different. He'd disarmed countless people with bladed weapons, a sword wouldn't be a problem and even if it was, he could use distance to his advantage. He didn't particularly care about the armour either, everything still caved in to a good punch.

Beat the guy up until he wishes he was dead. Disarm first if possible, use range if not an option.

Scenario 3
You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Ezra had to think on this one as well. It wasn't a good situation he would be in if this were the case, and he'd curse himself if he ever got into it. But he was confident he could get out if he ever got in the situation that this was describing.

Bite the gun from the side out of his hand. If possible, break the constraints on the chair and get out before knocking the criminal out. I don't need my quirk to beat armed thugs up.

Scenario 4
A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

This one was easily to Ezra. He had zero issue harming brainwashed civilians, as long as they were not killed. He'd easily disarm and take their weapons as a puppet who is incapable of thought is not stronger than him, nor has he met many people physically as capable as him, let alone more so.

Disarm and break the arms of any civilians who are threats. Knock the villain unconscious and be extra careful not to kill him until the civilians can be un-brainwashed.

He'd been sailing through the first 4 sections with a smile on his face. He could actually imagine himself doing these events in these scenarios, it was almost like planning out his future in a sense. That was, until he got to the fourth question, where he began to frown.

Scenario 5
The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a school bus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

He was disappointed in Mako's originality. A school bus full of children? Really? He sighed as he didn't require time to ponder his answer. He swore that if the life of those most close to him were threatened, he wouldn't hold back. He'd kill the one responsible. He doubted he could restrain himself from doing so in the first place, so he wouldn't go out there and lie, even if it did seem like villainous behaviour.

Save my family member and if possible the children afterwards. End the life of the villain responsible for condemning either to their death.

He figured his answer was sufficient and lay his sheet on the desk where Roy and Jett had done so, right in front of Mako before leaving after giving her a smile. He'd had fun answering the questions however cheesy they were and they legitimately made him think, something he usually didn't do in education due to the sheer mind numbing factors of it. He sat back down and looked at Roy.

"Makes me question how people might have answered. Not going to ask you what you did, but it makes me wonder if I could guess." he spoke as he scratched his chin before laughing.

@Aerandir @pkken
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

Yukari soon awakened in the nurse’s office. She had no idea how or when she got here. There were ice packs on her body to deal with some of the soreness, but Yukari wasn’t so badly injured that she needed them. After her fight with Jojo, Yukari was just tired, not badly hurt. ”Ah… I need to head back to class!” Yukari got back onto her feet and instinctively grabbed her cane, except it wasn’t here. It was probably back at Arsenal’s classroom. Yukari’s face grew cold when she realized that she was not only at the nurse’s office, late, but also without an essential tool to get around school. While she could walk just fine without it Yukari felt that she was going to bump into a lot of people and things.

Fortunately, the school nurse was willing to led Yukari back to class. ”Thank you thank you thank you!” Yukari’s next class, Villain Studies, wasn’t actually too far from the nurse’s office. Yukari would have to remember that next time something like this happens. Yukari entered the class but it was eerily quiet. Not because there wasn’t any noise, but because Yukari could hear scribbling of pen on paper, even some people shifting in their seats to look at Yukari when she entered. She knew that she was late.

”I am so sorry sensei. I didn’t mean to be late I… I’ll try my best not to let this happen… Again…”

Slinking to an empty seat Yukari just sat there listening to everyone write. She wasn’t sure what they were working on but it made Yukari feel even more embarrassed knowing that she was going to have a hard time with a writing assignment. She knew that the world was cruel and that not everyone was going to bend-over-backwards to help her all the time. She had to figure out a way to work around her weaknesses. ”Is there anything I need to fill out?” Yukari said staring at the back of Kenichi’s head.

@Silver Carrot@Artymis@Aerandir@pkken@liferusher@Lucius Cypher@Heartfillia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Villain Psych

As the others worked, Kenichi pulled his student handbook out of his bag and tried to continue the assignment L Guardian had given them. He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of someone sitting down behind him, and realized it was the blind girl from Hero Gear. She apologized for being late, her voice full of worry; Kenichi noticed that she wasn't holding that cane he had seen her with earlier. What had happened to it? She had been part of whatever happened in the Training Room, or at least he thought so...had it gotten broken in the exercise?

"Um..." he started, glancing between her and Obsidian as he whispered, "We were doing some short-answer questions..." Surely the teachers all knew which students they would be teaching ahead of time, even if they hadn't learned all their faces, and something like a blind child would surely be some kind of special note or something for them. So there was bound to be a worksheet in Braille...right? Would it be okay for someone to just read the questions out to her as long as they didn't give her any of their own answers? But wait, if she couldn't see to read she probably couldn't see to write either, could she? He had heard of keyboards with Braille before, but how could a person write coherently on a paper without some kind of physical guidelines?

In any other situation he'd have raised his hand and asked the instructor for help on account of his fellow student. He absently ran his tongue over the cut inside his mouth.

"I'll help ya. I'm Yoshida, by the way." he said to Yukari, still whispering. He pulled a spare piece of paper out of his bag and started writing down the questions as best he could remember, and tried to make his handwriting as neat as possible so it would look more official. "Just tell me your answer and I'll write it down for you. It's all "what would you do," stuff--The first one is a bank robber with a hostage and a gun. He wants to be let go or else, but he looks scared and his hand is shaky. The second one is an armored guy with a sword who commits a spree killing, but when you show up on scene he bows like he's acting out an honorable duel. Third is being tied up, your Quirk's been canceled out, and the Villain is all gloaty about how he'll beat you this time. Fourth is a guy with a mind control Quirk who has armed several civilians and is using them against you. For some reason your Quirk is cancelled again, and the Villain claims that killing him will also kill the civvies. And the fifth one is where the Villain has your family or loved ones under a laser beam in one place, and a time-bomb on a bus full of kids in another place. They tell you that only one can be saved. You still have your Quirk in this one though, I think."

He scratched his head nervously, and hoped he had repeated all of that correctly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayato Kamina

Kamina was pretty slow in cleaning up after class. He was just barely finished putting the weapon away when the bell actually rang. He still wasn't in to much of a hurry. He walked back to the classroom and picked up some of his stuff before heading to the next class. Villain Psych was going to be interesting. Definitely not as fun, but still very important.

It seemed he was one of the later students to arrive, so he just found an empty seat and slouched in it. He was ready for this day to be over. This was the last class, but it felt like there was still a lot more. The teacher didn't take very long to show. Ms. Mako was very to the point and prompt. He started off pretty slouched and ready to be bored, but she quickly changed that. Learning that she was a most wanted villain in the past was pretty interesting too. He sat up straighter in his chair as he listened to her now.

It wasn't long before she handed out a paper with several scenarios on them. She wanted them to write how they would react to them. It really wasn't hard to think like a villain. Maybe, predicting them was difficult, but with the right information, even that seemed pretty easy. You just had to play by their rules. It would be really easy playing by there rules, since they had very little rules. He read over the paper and started answering them.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

Tell the robber that he can leave the bank or be arrested, but the elderly lady does not go with him. Also inform him that if he kills the elderly lady, he will die as well, as opposed to just being arrested. The first one seemed easy enough.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.
Wait for him to stand up, and then capture him by any means necessary, probably by shooting him. I don't know what 'etiquette' he follows, but it's obviously not important since he slaughtered several people. I'm guessing they were innocent civilians. That was pretty easy too. Although, fighting a sword master would be pretty difficult.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

Kamina had to think for this one. Assuming I couldn't escape from the chair, I would ask him what his plan was and try to continue conversing with him until either help came, or I got loose from the chair. Then I could resist, but I would probably try to hold off on that until the last possible moment. Reinforcements would be a lot better.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

If he is telling the truth, then it sounds like they are lost anyways. I would do the best I could to bypass them or knock them out until I reached the villain. If I could capture him without endangering myself, I would. Then there might be a way to force him to free the civilians or sever his connection to them safely. Otherwise, I would kill him and find out whether he was telling the truth or not. The thought of him telling the truth in this scenario was chilling, but if he took over more people it would be worse. Stopping him would absolutely be necessary.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a school bus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

I would threaten the villain. Either he could stop both of the traps or he would be killed. If he didn't care about dying, then he probably didn't have an escape planned. I think I would save the bus, and then I would arrest the villain. This question made him really uncomfortable. He paused after he thought about the villain not caring about dying. Someone who felt like they had nothing to lose. It was sort of scary. Villain's power tended to come from fear, so just using fear on them seemed to be within the rules, but if they didn't care about that fear, then it would make a really scary situation.

He wrote his name on the paper and handed it back to the teacher. It didn't seem like there were right or wrong answers, but he hoped his weren't too weird. Only time would tell.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako Akane

When all the sheets were in, and Mako had read them, she stood up. "Very good work, class! I won't read these out, or mark them, or give you very detailed feedback. i'll just give you all a few comments.

Dulga Tatara, there may eventually come a time when you can't just shoot the problem away. This class will be good for you to learn what to do when that happens.

Yoshida Kenichi, very, very good answers from you! Make sure you pay attention in the 'understanding villains' part, though, because it does matter what they're thinking and why they're doing what they're doing, and knowing that might even give you an edge one day.

Akasha Mamoru, Backup is a valid option, but this class will be teaching you how to handle villains yourself, so pay attention.

Kaida Baeumont, very good answers. Can't really go into more detail there, on your insistence. Kusayanagi Roy, also good answers. Almost boringly so. That's a compliment.

Yashiro Takeshi, that's a very interesting way of interpreting the first question. You have a good analyitcal mind.

Jett Haven, I should have known that this exercise would be pointless to you. There won't even be many real life fights where teleportation wouldn't win the day. Still, this class might still teach you something useful.

Kishimoto Tomoe, Same with you. Your quirk will help you a lot in villain situations. However, you left the last question blank. That in itself is an answer. If that were to happen, you'd go blank. You'd freeze. And making no choice is often worse than making a wrong choice. Keep that in mind and try to work on your decision making.

Jasekade Erza, you are, as I've already told you, a rough diamond. It's a shame this class is teaching you about villains, not about civilians. Hurting them or putting them in danger should always be the absolute last resort.

Speaking of last resorts, Ayato Kamina, taking the life of a villain should only be undertaken when capturing them is either impossible or inappropriate. If Heroes went around killing Villains who should be tried for the crimes in a court of law, I wouldn't be standing here teaching these things to you. We have a justice system in this country. It's not our job to replace it, only to serve it."

At that point, another student entered the class, and profusely apologized.

"No need to worry, Yozakura Yukari. I don't mark students as tardy if they've been in the nurse's office. And yes, there is a worksheet to fill out. How do you feel?"

As she asked this, she noticed Kenichi talking to the new girl. That was sweet. He might hate his teacher, but he liked his fellow classmates enough.

"So," she spoke clearly in a loud voice. "I know know your starting points. By the end of these twelve weeks, you would give different answers to those questions, I guarantee it. Now, on with the lesson; fighting villains."

Mako suddenly grinned a devilish grin.

"Who here thinks they could hit me?"

@Lucius Cypher@pkken@Aerandir@Artymis@Norschtalen@liferusher@Zeroth@Heartfillia@rechonq@Ryonara

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

Dulga agreed with Mako's assessment. She knew that she can't just shoot everything that is troublesome. It's just the first thing that came to mind. Dulga didn't like making complicated solutions to simple problems, and as her mother always says, guns are the dumbest tools you can so. So use dumb tools to solve dumb problems. "And that's why we don't have a mailmail anymore." Dulga smirked to herself as she listened to what Mako had to say about what everyone else wrote. Most of it was pretty vague but Dulga had a good idea of what everyone must have written by what Mako had said. Kenichi probably wrote very one-sided solutions that didn't take into account the villain's motives. Mamoru seemed to think that she's working in a team. Kaida likely relied on her quirk which would have turned her into that Draconian form that Dulga saw earlier. She understood why Kaida would be hesitant to show it, even against enemies. Roy probably wrote very stereotypical heroic reactions. Dulga didn't know who Yoshiro was up until now, so whatever he wrote was probably more thought out than what Dulga wrote. Jett seemed to have relied solely on his quirk for most of his answers. Tomoe... Dulga was surprised that Tomoe was even awake to write anything. Though she was asleep right now. Ezra likely disregarded any civilian casualties to go straight after the villain. Kamina just straight up murders them, which Dulga had to admit, she'd also likely do even if she wasn't using rubber bullets. Another girl came in, Yukari Yozakura. Dulga didn't know her.

Mako claims that by the end of twelve weeks, they'd have much different answers. Dulga certainly hoped so; while she might be as thick-headed as a boar, Dulga did want to learn and figure out new, better solutions to tackling these sort of issues. Which made the next thing Mako said catch Dulga off guard. She wants the students to try and hit her. Dulga knew this wasn't going to be as simple as going up to Mako and slugging her. Not only are they likely to get into trouble if they managed to, but Dulga was almost certain that no one here could land a hit on Mako. She may have been a thief and a burglar instead of a front-line fighter, but it took many professional heroes to lay a trap and take her on directly. Dulga doubts that even if everyone in this class worked together, they'd be able to put a scratch on her. Not yet at least.

Dulga did debate taking out a rifle and shooting at Mako, but she dismissed that idea. Not only would that get Dulga into loads of trouble she'll likely miss anyways. Trying to shoot Mako at point-blank when she can obviously see Dulga aiming at her was stupid. No, Dulga had to try something else. Something... Villainous. Lacing her good hands together Dulga did think about how to approach this. Obviously Mako wanted everyone to try to think like villains, not only to understand them, but to predict their methods. Dulga stared at Mako and tried to get a read on her, figure out what she was thinking. Mako was obviously quite confident in her abilities if she thinks she could avoid everyone's attempt to catch her. Surely she knew most, of not everyone's abilities and how they'd use them. But what Mako might not know is how they think, their tactics and their methods. One thing was for certain, this wasn't an solution Dulga could solve just by shooting Mako.

But she had an idea.

Without saying a word Dulga stood up and walked towards the back of the room, right behind Mamoru. It was a window seat. The window was locked but that hardly concerned Dulga as she broke the lock and opened the window wide. She took a long, deep breath, just long enough for everyone, including Mako, to notice what Dulga was doing. Then she turned to Mamoru. "Take care of the others." Dulga then took one hand, picked up Mamoru by the collar, and then threw her out of the window. Dulga didn't take her eyes off Mako the entire time she was doing it, and she started walking towards Tomoe next.

@Silver Carrot@Lucius Cypher@liferusher
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Dulga Tarata
Jett Haven

Jett sighed as Mako gave him her two cents on his answers. His quirk, while amazing in the fact that it really didn't hinder his choices, still was hard to accept as now he couldn't teleport. And even before he didn't want to rely on it too much. But that is what his answers moved to. He honestly wish he had better answers. He glanced at Yashiro as she mentioned that he had a good analytical mind because of the first question. Did he miss something in the question? It was just pretty straightforward. Everyone else's answers were different. He was surprised that Dulga wasn't the one who didn't get mentioned about killing someone, but someone else. Ezra was pretty close to what he thought. Same with Roy. Kaida surprised him actually when Mako said she couldn't go into details because she asked. Why didn't she want to share with the group? Was her quirk embarrassing?

His mind was brought back when Ms. Mako asked who thought they could hit her. He was taken back; not many teachers would ask this in class. In training it was different. But he couldn't bring himself to try really. It's freaking Ms. Mako! Why would he want to try and hit her?! She for sure could handle herself as his grandfather couldn't capture her. But the thought of actually hitting her did not sit well with him.

He glanced over as he heard Dulga getting up and walking to the back of the class. Suddenly she broke a window open and looked to Mamoru and grabbed her, throwing her out the window while staring at Ms Mako. What the hell?! She then made her way to her next victim, Tomoe, who was asleep. He would not let that happen.

Dulga approached Tomoe after defenestrating Mamoru. Dulga was certain that Mamoru could survive the fall, and if she does she can save the other students that Dulga might throw out of the window. She wanted to make Mako come to her, instead of having everyone chase after Mako around the class. By making herself seem like a threat, Dulga hopes that Mako would try to subdue Dulga, where she could ten take Mako down without the teacher being so defensive. Dulga approached Tomoe’s sleeping, defenseless body, already annoyed that such a lazy girl somehow managed to get into this school. Dulga was going to give her a rude awakening when someone else stopped her.

Jett had sprung from his chair, placing a foot on Kaidas desk and launching himself over her landing on another desk and another before landing in front of Dulga. “I don't know what you're problem is, but you touch her I'll throw you out the window myself.” He said while looking up at her. Craning his head up to do so.

Sighing, Dulga did expect something like this to happen. Of course in a class full of heroes someone is going to take offense to what Dulga was doing. However to maintain the illusion she’d have to follow through with it, even if she has to hurt a few more people. Though in this instance she was fine throwing Jett out of the window. She even debated if she should throw him out of the closed one instead. But she couldn’t waste time fighting off the other students when her real target is Mako.

So Dulga reached out to grab Jett by the shoulders with her middle arms. She looked at him angrily and spoke quietly so only they could hear. ”Play along.” Then the lower pair of arms reached out to grab Jett by the belt and leg as Dulga shoot low towards him, almost getting to his head level. Her top hands were ready to block any of Jett’s attempts to strike or grab at her.

Jett narrowed his eyes when he thought he heard her say something. But she suddenly l reached out with her lower arms trying to make a grab for him. She got pretty low for a tall girl He knew trying to jump over her was not the smartest move because she had two more pairs at the ready. So he did the unexpected, he went low as well. Moving fast, he crouched down so low it looked like he was kneeling on his right knee. Throwing his hands up with enough force to catch the forearms of Dulga and pop them up even more out of his way, just redirecting them, not trying to actually stop them as he knew she was far more powerful than he. He then, with great force pushed forward. His elbow resting against her stomach as his head slipped through under her arms and rested against her hip. His hands then shot for her legs. Grabbing her thighs right above her knees at first, but with the explosive strength he pushed upwards, lifting her up as he did.

His hands slipped up her thigh by accident as he misjudged her weight. Almost to the point of groping her. But he tried to focus on his plan and move her away from tomoe, and he did, running her back to the wall. As soon as they hit the wall he let go of her thighs and pushed off the wall away from her.

Dulga was annoyed at Jett struggling against her and she had no time to waste with him. When her back hit the wall and Jett tried to push off he’d find Dulga right there with him. She had pushed herself off the wall using her back arms too. As she was launched forward a hand immediately reached out to grab Jett by the throat and lift him into the air, ready to snap his neck like a rabbit. However Dulga had to control herself. She tried not to crush his neck, but firmly grasp it enough to hold onto him. As she did so Dulga looked directly back at Mako. ”Enough distractions.” Dulga threw Jett out the same window she tossed Mamoru, but with more force. Dulga figured that Jett could survive the fall using his quirk, if he didn’t simply use it to get back into the class.

Jett let out an Erk, as she gripped his throat tightly. His own hands reaching up and gripping hers, trying to break her hold with no avail. He wished he had his quirk right about now. Fff...Was all he could strain before being thrown out the window like a ragdoll. He tried to reach out and grab the edge of the window to stop himself but it wasn’t a smart idea as it only slammed into his forearm as an explosion of pain. He ignored it as he twisted his body in mid air, his eyes searching for the ground so he could maneuver properly. He barely had enough time to straighten himself so he hit the ground feet first.

He didn’t land on his feet, but used them to guide his body into a front roll, back to his feet once more. Gripping his arm as he rubbed it, finding it was only bruised and not broken he raced back to the building and ran up one of the pillars. Launching himself up to grab the first ledge and pulled himself up. To the second floor almost like a monkey. However he was at the front of the classroom and had to make his way back the the open window.

Once Dulga dealt with Jett she turned back to face Mako. She craned her neck for the coming trouble, rolling back her shoulders to loosen them up. Taking all six of her hands Dulga cracked her knuckles in unison, even loosening the joints in her thumbs. She just kept staring at Mako as she did this before walking back up towards the front of the classroom. In a soft, calm, but loud enough voice Dulga spoke. ”Your turn sensei.” (Done)

Yashiro, Takeshi

Takeshi only nodded at Ms. Mako comment on his first answers. But he was hoping for more. He already knew he had an analytical mind he was raised into a family that had to be. But he understood, the teacher was trying to cover the entire class in a short time. He did find the others interesting though. Dulga, the woman who he saw shooting in the range. It was clear she relied heavily on her weapons. Momoru seemed like she was always expecting to work with a team. Kaida was strange, why would she not want hers to be explained more? Did she not like her quirk? Roy apparently gave the generic answers. While Jett Relied heavily on his quirk. Teleportation, that would certainly be a hard one to beat. And it was a Jackpot for a Hero quirk. Ezra apparently didn’t care that Civilians got hurt, Kenichi showed that he didn’t really try to think what the opponent was thinking about.

There were others, But His attention was now on Ms Mako again as she challenged them to hit her. He knew of her quirk, and knew she was a slippery one to make it away from all those heros. A simple attack wouldn’t work on her, she seemed too observant. He could try and hit her in the back with his quirk, but before he could think of it Dulga, suddenly threw Mamoru out the window. While he didn’t really Dislike this action, it was a bit sudden and uncalled for. He stood up and was about to confront her until he realized that she was staring at Mako. It was a clear attempt to goad her into protecting her students or going after her.

Jett was quick to confront her, not realizing why she did that...or more likely protecting the sleeping girl from being thrown out the window. He managed to pick up the girl almost two feet taller than him and slam her against the wall, but she was quick enough to recover and throw him out the window. He was just impressed the kid managed to even get past her arms in the first place. But surprised he didn’t use his quirk, especially since the teacher just said that he used it in all the ones he could basically.

He moved slowly towards Dulga, with everyone's adrenaline high now, it would look like he was also making a move to her as well. But what he was really doing was waiting for Ms. Mako to make her move, seeing that Takeshi wasn’t a threat before using this distraction to land a hit on her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #F50A83 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #0A8BF5

Fumika stared in surprise and disbelief. She'd answered the sheep girl - no, Hitomi's question, so she'd expected that she'd just go back to what she'd been doing. But instead, she had simply smiled and said... she wanted to be friends? It didn't make sense. No matter how she looked at it, today was definitely strange.

"Friends...? Okay... I like having friends, but... Everyone here is so weird. I'm not doing anything. I'm not even getting in their way. And yet people keep saying they want to be friends with me..." Fumika murmured to herself. She wasn't a paranoid person by nature, but... Really, how could she be expected to believe something like this? For years, everyone had only reacted to her attempts to communicate with annoyance and disgust, so she'd made a careful policy of meticulously staying out of everyone's way. She was an observer who never interfered, who was never even noticed. That was what she was used to. No, that was what was "normal." And yet, despite not knowing anything about her, and despite the fact that they surely must have realized that she was too stupid to be like them...

Fumika's attention seemed to slip, and her eyes began to wander as her focus completely abandoned the conversation she was having. Hitomi might find herself quite confused, watching as Fumika's otherwise placid expression slowly changed into one of intense concentration, her brows furrowing in thought and her lips slowly pursing themselves into a sort of contemplative pout. She thought about it long and hard, and then, suddenly, the answer came to her. Of course, there really was only one obvious conclusion. She was honestly disappointed in herself that she hadn't realized it sooner. It was probably because she'd kept getting distracted. A computer worked best when it was focusing on one problem at a time. She knew that, but she still hadn't focused on finding the answer even when it was right in front of her. Maybe she hadn't wanted to know the reason. Maybe she'd wanted to think that she had changed. But Fumika was a person who operated very heavily based on past precedents, since, after all, she couldn't forget her experiences even if she'd tried. As such, she knew well enough that she wasn't acting any differently now than she normally did. And so, if it wasn't her who had changed, then it was...

Of course. It was her environment that was different. This place was a school for heroes, and heroes were supposed to be nice, right? That must have been why nobody had asked her to stop being annoying yet. And the reason why they wanted to be friends wasn't because she was behaving differently, but because heroes were supposed to work together. She'd been thinking about it all wrong. She couldn't just work with herself anymore, and remain an observer who never got in anyone's way. She would have to work with them, one way or another, so of course they'd try to be friends with her, no matter how awkward it was. She should have realized sooner, should have understood that by distancing herself, she was only further burdening them. It was bad enough to force them to deal with her. By not understanding how much of an inconvenience she was being, she'd only be making it worse. So, then... the right answer... It must have been a balance between what she wanted and what she was familiar with. She needed to make friends with everybody, but stick to just observing and doing what she was told, like she had done when working with Luelle. They wouldn't be mad at her so long as she was useful to them and didn't interfere when she wasn't welcome. That way, she wouldn't drag anyone down like she had during the training exercise when she'd foolishly tried to decide things for herself, either. The optimal path, the path of least resistance, was right in front of her... But it felt wrong, somehow. It didn't make her chest feel warm like it had been when she was with Yoshida.

Wait. Now that she thought about it, was there any guarantee that her friendship with Yoshida was any different? He'd seemed happy to see her, had been nothing but nice to her... But now that she thought about it, hadn't he looked kind of strange sometimes? It was like he'd been sad, or angry. And he'd run off during lunch... Was that because she'd been bothering him? Her sister had done things like that sometimes. Fumika hadn't even realized she was causing her trouble, but in retrospect, she'd always taken any chance she could to leave. It wasn't until she'd finally said it that...

No. A computer worked best when focused on exactly one problem. There was no time for distraction. Besides, those things... Fumika didn't like thinking about those memories. Any time she remembered, it would only hurt.

After Yoshida had returned, he'd even said that she didn't need to follow him around... Haruka had never told her anything like that. She'd always been so excited, always wanted to tell Fumika a new story or teach her a new lesson. Because Fumika was there, Haruka had always seemed more energetic, more happy. She hadn't even had to say anything. Just listening to her talk, just admiring how amazing Haruka was... that much had always been enough. That was what it was really like to have a "friend." Yoshida was cool like Haruka was. He'd praised her, had been nice to her... He'd even smiled when he saw her. But he'd always been the one asking questions. He'd always kept her thinking about things, always tried to make her do or say things, like he was testing her somehow. And then... Since he'd left... Since he'd said those things, didn't that mean he'd realized it too?

He realized that I'm stupid. I only got in his way. That's why he didn't want to see me. He wants me to leave him alone.

In an instant, Fumika felt something change. Up until that moment, the "wanting" she'd felt had been warm. It was uncomfortable, like a fever, but at the same time, there was something consoling about it, like a warm blanket to keep the chills away. Even if she'd felt as if she was burning up, she wouldn't have wanted to take the "blanket" away, because it was better to be warm than to be shaking in the cold.

But now, suddenly, it felt as though her chest was made of lead. It was as if the "blanket" had been stripped away, and an ice pack was shoved against her shivering body. Every part of her being screamed at her, told her that this situation was wrong, that something needed to be different, that this couldn't be right. But how could it be wrong? It was just like it always was. The only difference now was that she'd learned her lesson since last time - that she'd managed to realize her mistake before it was too late. She should have been happy, or relieved. After all, she'd figured out all the right answers, and had finally determined how best to go about her life without bothering others. This was it. This was the path of least resistance. And yet, even though she knew that, still the feeling didn't go away.

She shook her head, rubbing her bangs against her cheeks to try to banish the thought. It wasn't entirely successful. Even when she didn't think about it, the strange feeling didn't go away. It still hurt. It still...

Conversation. She'd been having a conversation. But the teacher looked like he was about to start talking...

"Sorry. I thought too much," Fumika apologized cryptically, then immediately silenced herself, hardly even looking at the girl next to her. It was fine, though, because Hitomi probably wouldn't care so long as she wasn't saying or doing anything to make a nuisance of herself. It was best this way. This was the best course of action. She didn't need to think about it, didn't need to question it. All she needed to do was...

The teacher finished his introduction, and asked them to explain what they could do. Instructions. She could follow instructions. That was easy. That wouldn't bother anyone. She waited until most of the others had finished talking, and then, seeing that nobody else was standing up, reasoned that it must have been her turn. So, she stood up, and did as she'd been told.

"My name is Motome Fumika," She began, giving the exact same introduction with the exact same emphasis as she had when Hitomi asked her name. "Whenever I look at something, I can record it and store it in my hair. Then my body can generate a copy of anything I saved, and make it do what it was doing when I looked at it. I can also copy myself based on what I remember, which is everything. Well, everything since I had hair." She reached out a hand to demonstrate, and her eyes flashed green as her hair sparked to life, sticking up for just a moment, a thin shell of "dust" splitting off from the surface of her skin and forming itself into what appeared to be a baby wrapped in a blanket, which she caught and held up. It was rather plump, and one could just barely make out a few faint golden strands atop its head, like the fuzz on the surface of a peach. It appeared to be squeezing a rather plush stuffed rabbit, its face half buried in the toy's fuzz. "This is me from my first birthday. It's one of my earliest memories. I remember everything after that." The baby vanished into blue light, and Fumika's eyes returned to their normal azure hue, her hair flopping limply back down around her face. She took a deep breath, rubbing her eyes before pushing up her glasses and continuing again.

"I'm not sure what else it's good for, but it can be used to rescue people. Like, when the roof collapses, I can make things to hold it up. Oh... but then I got trapped, so maybe that's not a good example... Anyway... I think Yoshida called it a video camera?" She trailed off, realizing what she'd just said as her former train of thought came back unbidden, and her chest clenched in an odd sort of pain. She should have known, should have-

No. No more. A computer worked best addressing one problem at a time. She had her instructions, she'd finished introducing herself. Thinking now would be an inconvenience. So, she stopped thinking, and did as she remembered.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you."

She bowed, sat down, and then returned to silence, trying desperately to focus only on the lecture even though the pain in the back of her mind still wouldn't go away. But this was the right choice. If it meant that she wouldn't bother someone as nice as Yoshida, then...

...Then why did it still hurt?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eggs
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Haruka Sanegeyama

Haruka listened carefully as their teacher, White Hat, gave them a welcome. She perked up a little upon seeing him, having heard about some of his heroics. While he wasn't a hero she fully ingrained into her mind, she had a vague idea of his technopathic hero. She didn't think their powers worked exactly the same, though. Quirks were a varied mess of abilities that could be wildly different beneath superficially similar typings, and even two technology-utilizing abilities could branch into extremely different paths. Still, she felt an odd sense of relief and familiarity. Maybe their similarities, small as they might have been, could give her an easier time connecting with him despite the generational gap.

Donny went on to describe his Quirk, and Haruka listened with interest. Eating anything? An odder power, especially since he didn't really mention what it could be used for. But that's what this class was all about. Not everyone had the luxury of a computer nerd dad that Haruka did, nor a Quirk that oh-so-conveniently led to her already having a decent grasp of at least one application related to that. As he explained himself, she gave him a small smile when he sat back down.

Next came one of those other students that had been in the general area around Donny, one who introduced herself as Fumika. The idea of recording things was neat, though the hair part left Haruka a little confused until the demonstration came. Her eyes widened when she saw the copy in Fumika's arms. An interesting application. It apparently wasn't limited to copies of herself either, since she mentioned copying everything she could remember.

When she sat down, Haruka considered waiting until she was called upon or something, but that felt like a lazy way out. Clasping her fingers together, she began to rub her thumbs against each other again. "Come on, just stand up and introduce yourself. It's not that hard. Besides, you've got a leg up on this whole thing. You do things with your Quirk," She thought to herself, self-motivation attempts starting up. "Don't even need to look at anyone aside from the teach. Stand up, start talking, get it over with."

And soon enough, she did just that, standing up and taking a moment to straighten out her skirt. "U-uh, hey," She began, waving awkwardly to White Hat. "I, uh, my name's Haruka. S-Sanegeyama. My Quirk's like techno, uh, technopathy? Kind of." She paused, swallowing a knot in her throat before she continued, albeit with a rapidly flushing face. "I-if I look at something techy, uh, I can figure out how it works. And then I can build a better one, if, uh, if it's techy enough? I've built a lot of computers, and like, c-computery stuff." A decent start, plus a show that she knew at least one thing to do with her Quirk. But up next came her big advantage: her suit.

"My, uh, my costume is pretty cool. I-I made it with a lot of computer pieces and hydraulics and stuff. It's kinda, kinda like a robot I can get inside, and like, fight and stuff with...?" Haruka wasn't sure how to go about explaining its abilities. Surely, they'd see soon enough, but damn it she wanted to have more to it than that. She decided to run down some more of the power armor's basic capabilities. "I-it makes me stronger and faster, when I'm wearing it. A lot stronger. I could probably stop like...I dunno, a car crash, or something like that."

She figured that was enough, so she bowed and closed her eyes for a moment to collect herself. "T-thanks for listening." She sat down and scooted back up to her desk, realizing a few beads of sweat had collected on her forehead. She wiped them away swiftly, and after a few moments, the heat collecting in her cheeks started to fade. "See? Wasn't so bad. Now they know about your kickass robot suit. They're gonna love it. Now stop freaking out."

@Lucius Cypher@Feyblue
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayato Kamina

Villain Psych

Kamina listened attentively as Ms. Mako gave a brief review of everyone's answers. It seemed most of them gave typical answers or resorted to using quirks. His eagerness sank drastically when she got to him though. Evidently, there were wrong answers, and he gave them. He sank in his chair hoping his presence could disappear entirely. He wondered what the right answers were then.

Ms. Mako was right, but it seemed entirely unfair to have to follow a set of rules that your opponent completely ignored. It made him think about how heroes actually had to be a lot wittier and trickier than villains then. Heroes had to outdo people, who were potentially on their same level or higher with no disregard for anything, while following the law. It sort of scared him thinking about fighting someone, who was all to willing to kill him, while trying not to kill them. It would take a lot of power to control someone like that. The other option was his death. He really didn't like it.

Fortunately, class moved on and took a very interesting turn. Ms. Mako was asking the students if they thought they could hit her. Kamina thought about it for a few seconds before he was about to raise his hand. Evidently, other students took it that they were supposed to try and hit her. He watched Dulga as she got of her chair and opened the window. He wondered how this was going to help hit Ms. Mako, but then he got his answer. His eyes went wide as Dulga threw Mamoru out the window. Immediately, a little green light flew away from him and chased Mamoru out the window. It stopped before reaching her though. He realized this was Dulga's plan. The green light quickly darted back into his bag.

Dulga probably had this figured out, but he didn't want to be a part of it. While Jett went to stop her from throwing anyone else out of the window, Kamina got up and ran for the front of the room. He stood behind Ms. Mako's desk. He also tried to stay relatively close to her too, using both as a sort of shield from the madness. He hadn't used his quirk in any way. He was just standing there, now watching Jett get thrown out the window.

His middle finger and thumb were touching. He wasn't sure if Ms. Mako would bite Dulga's bait or not, but he hoped she might let her guard down even for a second if she didn't. A lot of people seemed to feel confident after seeing through someone's trap, and he might have a chance to quietly flick her elbow then. He waited to see if she would charge Dulga, or whether she would see through the trap. Either way, there was a chance she would get hit. 'Is a flick a hit?' He wondered as he watched Dulga in amazement.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Roy Kusayanagi

Mako gave a brief result on everyones answers, Roys being labed 'boring, Roy just leaned back in his chair and smirked. Ideally at that point there wasn't enough information for Roy to give a more detailed response. The boy propped his hand under his chin and leaned over to the left. The teacher than asked if any of them could land a hit on her though Roy wasn't exactly up for it. Him and Ezra knew how mobile Ms.Mako was. Any decent attack Roy could give would have to be well thought out. "Ms.Mako, was this worksheet your way of saying not to play by the rules and prepare for anything?" Roy asked leaning forward in his desk.

Roy's ear twitched as he heard a window crack open and the raw sunlight hit him, he looked back in time to see mamoru get launched out the window by Dulga who then after walked over to her next victim. Roy quickly got up but Jett seemed to have the jump springing into action and questioning Dulgas actions. Jett immediately took action trying to grab dulga but he was immediately over powered by the girl as she picked the boy up by the neck and held him as if he was a rubber chicken. This girl had some serious strength, giving the boy some relief as he hasn't done anything to get on her bad side. She then launched Jett out the window, Roy grabbed his cloak and quickly made towards the window the boy supermaned out of. Roy looked over at Dulga half mad and also trying to stifle a laugh. He looked down and saw Jett and opened his mouth wide, "Dude...you got WRECKED by Dulga" Roy said as he began laughing like a 40s cartoon Character. He then made a cane from his energy and held it reversed placing his cloak on the hook end of it. He lowered it for Jett to grab onto before turning back into the classroom, "Though that wasn't necessarily for anyone else. Thanks for doing that". Roy said as he looked back down on Jett. "She was holding you like she caught a fish!" Roy said busting out laughing again, having to lean against the window for support.

@Aerandir@Silver Carrot@Norschtalen
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