Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Mako Akane

Mako was surprised when Dulga chucked Mamoru out of the window, and headed straight to the window nearest her whilst looking out at the rest of the class. She could see the pink haired girl in her peripheral vision, and saw that she was ok. By the time Dulga had thrown Jett out, Mako was starting to walk towards her, taking note at the same time that several of the other classmates were watching her, waiting for her to make one mistake.

Mako knew exactly what Dulga was doing, but she was applying what she'd learned and executing a good strategy, so Mako figure she'd reward that by playing into her hands and seeing what she'd do next. Mako was grinning, but it was no longer friendly, and her golden eyes were open and burning intensely. Not gonna lie, Mako felt a pang of challenge from Dulga when she threw her number one fan out of the window.

In response to Dulga's threat of 'you're next', Mako smiled an unnerving smile, as her muscled flexed in preparation, and her thigh and calf muscles could be briefly seen through her jeans.

"Try it, kids." she responded, her eyes darting around the room. She really stressed the plural when she said that. She knew that more than one student was about to try and hit her.

@Norschtalen@Aerandir@Lucius Cypher@liferusher@rechonq@pkken

Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi listened to Fumika's mutterings, and then watched her disappear into some sort of trance. She didn't try to snap her out of it. She was patient. The sheep girl waited, and watched. And as she watched, she noticed the change in Fumika, almost like she was shivering, and her face was one of...not quite sadness. But the discomfort of pain. Hitomi still didn't try to snap her out of the trance. She didn't know this girl's quirk, and what the consequences of that action would be.

When she came back, and apologized for thinking to much, Hitomi beamed in a friendly manner and giggled. "It's quite alright, really! Though I wonder wh-"

Before Hitomi could finish, Fumika had noticed that nobody had stood up, and and gone to introduce herself to the class. Her quirk seemed very interesting! Though Hitomi now started to make connections in her head. Was the reason for her trance because she has a photographic memory so vast that she can get lost in it? Or did she just get lost inside her own thoughts sometimes independent of her quirk?

After Fumika finished, Hitomi stood up, and went to the front of the class. "Hello! My name's Maeda Hitomi. I'm a second year support student who took this class as an elective. It's very nice to meet you all!" Hitomi smiled sweetly and bowed, before continuing. "My quirk is simply that I have several properties in common with sheep and goats. I have sheep ears, goat horns, and my hair is wool-like and grown very quickly. My plans for the future are to design and make Hero costumes, though I don't know how my quirk can help me achieve that. That's...why I took this class."

With another bow, she sat back next to Fumika, and noticed the look on her face. Concerned, she leaned in closer. "Fumika, what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mamoru wasn’t surprised that Mako made it clear that they’d have to be able to take on villains on their own. She knew this, but she also knew her weaknesses and limits. As much as she likes to play the part of the unstoppable warrior, she knows all too well how easy it would be for most enemies to defeat her. So Mamoru not only wanted to get stronger herself, but also have allies to back her up when Mamoru’s best isn’t enough. That’s why she’s been friendly and even willfully ignorant of how some people might think of her, hoping that if she just keeps trying, they’ll get along eventually. ”Hai, Akane-sensei.”

After giving everyone a comment Mako promised that everyone would have a vastly different viewpoint by the end of twelve weeks. Then she asked if anyone could land a hit on Mako. ”Eh?” That was a strange question. Was she being rhetorical? Was this another quiz? Mamoru thinks she could hit Mako, whether or not she can or she should is another matter entirely. For a moment Mamoru’s brain short circuited, and wasn’t really back online until she felt something pick her up. Eh!? What are you-” Then tossed her out of the window.

Mamoru didn’t really think about what she needed to do next since she had about two seconds before splatting on the ground. She materialized her shield and threw it to the ground, right on top of her landing spot. She hit the shield however her Aegis’s powers stopped her momentum dead in it’s track, and not even with a moment of whiplash. Mamoru simply dropped a few inches onto the ground with a huff. ”What the hell was that all about?” Shortly after Mamoru was launched so was Jett, though he quickly climbed back up to the window. He looked like a monkey when he did so. ”Right. This must be another test! Now how to get back up to class?”

Mamoru could walk, though that’ll take her some time and she might be late by the time she arrives. She could try to climb up like Jett, but while Mamoru was confident in her abilities she’d have a bit of a harder time trying to get a hand-hold. But then Mamoru remembered one thing: She was in villain studies. Surely this was another test by Mako to see how well the students could apply a “Villains” mentality to problem solving. The ideal option was for Mamoru to run back up stairs or even acrobatics up to the classroom like Jett, however one would take too long and the other wasn’t something she could do well. But Mamoru is skilled at using her shield.

Running up to the wall as fast as she could Mamoru ran up as far as she could go until she felt like she was about to fall. But before she did she reached out and manifested her shield into her hand, right next to the wall. Just like before with the car brake Mamoru’s shield would materialized fully, even if it has to break anything that would stop it. Including the wall. Once her shield was lodged into the wayy Mamoru used it to get up to the next level, jumping and smashing her shield into the wall again until she could reach the classroom window. She would have gone in the same way she gotten out, but Jett was at the other window. ”Knock knock!” Mamoru said as she knocked on the window with her hand. If no one opened it for her, it looked like Mamoru was about to open it herself.

After the embarrassment of introducing himself Donny listened to the others. While he knew most of them and their quirks thanks to the team fight this way he could get a better understanding at what they did. After Donny was Mina, who he was already familiar with. As was Acion who came right after, though Donny noticed that Acion was speaking weirdly. Or differently. Donny just shrugged it off as Acion being quirky again. Next was a purple-haired girl who didn’t really introduce herself, but her powers were electrical related. Donny already felt nervous about her since she seemed to be a rough time, and electrical attacks can hurt Donny. Not as bad as fire or ice, but most than just punching and stabbing.

Next was Fumika, who was definitely a weirdo. The way she talked and acted made Donny really unsure what was going on in her head. He could sense the loneliness, but he wondered if there was something more or even worse going on inside his head. He wasn’t sure if that was something he could deal with. Next was Hakura, Donny’s cooking partner. Turned out she was a technomancer or something. She could make power armor and robots, which Donny thought was pretty cool. He wished he knew how to make robots. He also noted that Hakura sounded just as nervous as Donny did, but instead of stuttering the entire time she just kept rambling. It was kind of… Cute. Lastly was the girl that Donny never met, Medae Hitomi. She was a second year meaning that she was pretty much everyone’s upperclassman. She seemed pretty nice though. She was from the support class too, so Donny didn’t have to worry about running into her with the A2 gang. Her quirk gave her the power of a goat and sheep, which wasn’t really that impressive. But who knows, maybe there’s more to her then meets the eye. Goats can be pretty badass.

White Hat continued on the class and mentioned how most everyone only offered combative applications to their quirks, while a few actually thought of how to use their quirks outside of combat. Donny already had a few ideas how to use his quirk aside from fighting, but he was just too embarrassed to say he wants to be everyone’s dump truck. White Hat then showed a disaster area on a projector and wanted the students to write down how they’d handle repairing and taking care of the stuff there. The disaster was already gone, but there were still people that needed saving, as well as a few trouble makers that could be handled.

When Donny received his pen and paper he immediately started writing things down. Though he didn’t mention it he kept in mind that if he was in his “hero” form, he’ll probably scare people. He’ll take advantage of that to scare off the civilians and looters though. If he just shows up and makes some threatening noises they’ll leave the area so they don’t steal anything or get themselves caught into danger. Next was the practical application stuff. Because he was writing it down instead of saying it out loud Donny had no problems writing that he would eat the raw sewage that flooded the street. It wouldn’t make him sick and it would give him something to eat all day. Who knows, maybe people would even thank him. ”I hope he doesn’t read these out loud.”


White Hat listened to everyone introduce themselves and speak about their powers, noting that Joann did not actually introduce herself. He also noticed that many of the students seemed to only think about their quirks in relation to heroics or emergency, with only two who actually had an idea of how to use their quirk otherwise. But that was to be expected; he was certain that many students here also had limits on their quirks that makes them unable to utilize it regularly, which often builds the mentality that they can only use their quirks during such drastic moments. This class would teach them how to use their powers under far less duress however.

”Wonderful, just wonderful. I’m happy to see so many of you who knows the strengths and limits of your powers. But your quirks, much like knowledge itself, can always be expanded and improved. I can’t help but notice that only a few of you actually had an idea what your quirks could be used for outside of a combat or emergency situation. As they say, practice makes perfect. And if all your practice is how to fight with your quirk, you’ll be useless in any other situation.”

The projector changed again to a set of questions with some images up next to them. It showed a rather rundown looking area, as if there had been an earthquake or a huge fight between powerful quirk users. ”After catastrophes it is not only a hero's duty to save lives and minimize the damage, but also assist in the repairs afterwards. While professionals and other heroes more suited to reconstruction are always sought, they are also in high demand and short supply. To that end, other heroes with quirks or abilities not considered "suitable" may be called in to assist in any manner they can. This can be as simple as just lending a helping hand, or utilizing their quirks in an unconventional fashion.” After White Hat finished speaking there was some information underneath the disaster area, giving some information about the location.

Civilians have been evacuated, however there are still unreported civilians who may have no escaped or casualties hidden in the rubble.

Water and power to the entire area is gone, forcing workers to rely on water trucks and portable generators.

The train tunnels underneath the area is also without power, partially collapsed, and there is a gas leak due to the damage sustained.

Damaged sewage pipes flood the streets with waste and other toxic waters.

Many buildings that are still standing are nearly about to collapse.

There have been reports of civilians entering restricted area to find lost friends, family, and possessions, as well as those taking advantage of the situation to loot and steal.

A shelter has been established nearby for civilians who have lost their homes as well as the injured. It is crowded and supplies are in high demand.
Disaster Area

Once each message has been displayed White Hat gave everyone a moment to mull on it before he spoke again. ”Professionals are hard at work to do everything in their power to restore this damaged community. But as heroes you too have been called in, and must use your powers and abilities to assist in repairs and safety.” White Hat then started handing out papers for everyone to write on, even a pen for those who didn’t have one or just wanted to get a new one. They were black pens with a white fedora hat near the end. ”Write your answers about what you can do or would like to try and do. Be creative, but also be realistic. Also in this situation, assume that each of your in this same area.” White Hat wanted to mention this to see how many students would try and utilize each other and how many would try to fix everything themselves. He could already imagine many who would try and save the city themselves.

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot@Feyblue@Eggs@Noxx
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago


After Acion's introduction were a few more. One of whom was the girl he had carried halfway to the nurse office. She had some sort of electrical-related quirk, which she mentioned was incredibly short-ranged. Good information actually, for the winged boy had a few ideas of what it could do, and potentially knew how to counter it in combat exercises. But she did not mention how she would use it practically outside of fighting villains, along with a few more. Nevertheless, their quirk were also interesting. Haruka was capable of making robotic suits and deal with techno stuff while the pretty girl with sheep feature, Maeda Hitomi, who was from support class, was...sheep-like. Entirely according to her words.

After the intro, White Hat continued on with his lecture by showing pictures of a disaster area using the projector, and distributed the handouts, telling the students to write down what they would do in this situation to help the citizens.

Acion's first impression on the handout was that it was very practical, and real. Although it did not cover the whole detail of the disaster, for example which disaster was it, but the incidents and circumstances were like the real thing. However, incidents like citizens trapped under rubble, and the train tunnel, he couldn't really help them. First of all, he wasn't that all strong to lift rocks and debris. Going underground was also out of the question, as despite how neat he could wrap his wings around him, it would still take a considerable amount of spaces. And in a place that could potentially collapse at ANY moment, it's best not to touch anything, even accidentally.

Taking out a blank piece of paper from his bag, he noted it down.

Thinking back to the practicality of his wings, he did say that he could transport things, as long as they are not too heavy, such as people. Then he could very much carry supplies from other cities to the shelter, or maybe transport water supplies to help the water trucks. That could be very useful, though it was to be expected. Still, it was something he could do.

He noted it down.

But how about rescuing others? He definitely couldn't dig, as he had noted in the sheet of paper. Taking out the looters was also unnecessary. Sure, they were committing bad deeds, but should he spend half to three quarters of an hour to deal with those garbage? In that minutes, dozens, maybe hundreds, could have died. Which mattered more, lives or objects, everybody should know.

Then an idea came into mind. White Hat did mention the damaged buildings. Assuming that there were still people inside, he could carry them out. By simply going to the rooftop, or any possible windows that led to the outside, then he could fly over to carry them down. But then he would have to establish contact with those inside the building. Still, a good approach.

He noted it down as well.

Is there anything else he could do? Help find lost friends and family. Maybe, but not his priority. Help other heroes. Also maybe. White Hat did say assume everyone was in the same scenario, same world, so interaction was possible. Still thinking about transportation, he could possibly carry Donny to debris sites so that he could eat them, clearing the rubbles, though carrying him would be damn hard. He could also carry others if needed, though he could not really think of anything else than transportation.

'Alright, that seems to be a lot I've noted'

He had prewritten most of it. Now to place it into the handout, in a logical order.

The first priority would be saving lives. In this scenario, I would try to save those inside the damaged buildings, assuming if there were any inside. Establish contact with the stranded, inform them to come to any open spaces like windows or roof, so that I can pick them up more easily. For those trapped under rubbles or from the underground tunnel, I unfortunately cannot help, but I can quickly carry someone there to help. For example Donny, who is capable of eating the debris.

Then comes supports. I can carry supplies and water from other cities to the shelter, or anywhere else. Or possibly be on the lookout for lost people, or any signs of an after-effect of the disaster.

After writing it all down, he placed the handout where the teacher could collect them. It was much shorter than the note, as he had left out a few details like the looters. It wasn't necessary to mention it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Yukari Yozakura

Yukari turned towards the voice of Yoshida. He said that he'd help Yukari. Nodding her head she smiled politely at him. "Thank you very much!" Unfortunately for Yukari, it seemed like her tardiness made her late on the current assignment. By the time she had thought about the questions that Yoshida had told her, Miss Mako had already moved onto the next lesson. "Oh... Thanks for your help, Yoshida-san." Yukari couldn't blame him for trying to help, only herself for letting herself get delayed. Yukari listened to Miss Mako and wasn't really sure what she was critiquing, and was rather surprised when she asked if anyone could hit her. This was a very sudden development and Yukari wasn't sure how to react to it. "Um, Akane-sensei, do you mean you want us to actually try or-"

That's when Yukari heard a sharp crack of something breaking, followed by the shouting. Yukari didn't need to look to figure out that someone just threw out another student. Yukari heard Jett confronting someone, though Yukari didn't know who exactly. All she knew for certain that it was another girl, and from what little Yukari heard, she seemed to be up to something. "I guess we're really attacking Mako. But what just happened?" Yukari stood up and tried to get closer to the action, walking towards the front of the room. She honed her senses so that she could get an idea of where everyone was standing when she heard a knock on the window. It must have been the first girl who was thrown out. Yukari went right over to the window and opened it.

"Are you alright?"

Helping the girl back, Yukari did think more about the class she was in. Villain studies was all about studying the minds and methods of villains. If Mako wanted them to try and attack her, were they suppose to use villainous tactics against her? If so, Yukari had to give it her all. It was the only thing she could do to make up for being tardy. Taking a deep breath Yukari looked towards the girl she was helping up from the window. "I'm sorry. Please have a safe landing!" Knowing where Mako was in relation to the other students, Yukari's arms wrapped around the pink-haired girl tightly. With as much strength as she could muster, she used her arms like a slingshot and threw the girl at Mako. She tossed with so much power Yukari was sent rolling but quickly recovered. She needed to listen carefully and try to get a sense of where Mako might go to next, as well as other students who might try to take advantage of the situation. Yukari wasn't going to miss this battle!

@Zeroth@Lucius Cypher@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Dulga Tarata

Mako met Dulga's challenge, though the six-armed giant was well aware that Mako may have already seen through her intentions. But Dulga would just have to take advantage of every little thing she can, from the surroundings to what other students too. And most importantly how Mako would react to Dulga. Maybe even some real nasty plots if she wants a chance to land a hit on Mako. Dulga continued to stare down her teacher as their glares meeting one another. Mako seemed eager to play but Dulga's eyes were plain and stoic. To her there was no joy or excitement for what she's about to do. Unlike some others, Dulga radiated no "killing intent". She simply acts like an unfeeling machine. When Yukari threw Mamoru at Mako, that was when Dulga acted.

First thing she did was grab a handful of chalk from the front of the class with her rear hands. As she hide them inside her cloak Dulga crushed them into a fine powder but didn't use them just yet. Dulga took a step towards Mako's, grabbing the coffee, thermos, and a few of the papers some of the other students had written. Dulga never took her eyes off Mako as she used her multiple hands to not only drink the teacher's coffee, but also flip through some of the papers that the other students had written about how they'd react in Mako's questions. She just glanced through the papers from the corner of her eyes, walking back towards the student desks. When she spotted the one she wanted Dulga stopped and took a big sip from Mako's coffee.

Dulga held a paper out for everyone to see, at least anyone close enough to read it. But especially close enough for Mako to recognize it. It was Kaida's paper. Hearing that Kaida for some reason wanted to keep her paper a secret, a secret that Mako obliged, Dulga was going to recite some of it in order to goad Mako into coming after Dulga. Unlike the others Dulga wasn't trying to play defensive, but to make Mako "react" to Dulga's actions. Heroes who just wait for trouble to happen will be too late to stop it. By taking the first strike, Dulga can set up the situation however she wants. As Dulga read off Kaida's paper, she made a note of where Kaida was sitting at in case she reacts. "Kaida Baeumont. Scenario 1. 'I would try to reason reason with the man. Explain that if he harms the woman it would only get worse. Slowly working my way towards them. Explain more that he puts the weapon down and walks away I would put in a good word with the judge. Also offer to be his hostage.'" Said in an entirely stony demeanor. Dulga just kept a gaze upon Mako to see her reaction. Dulga also drank the rest of Mako's hot coffee and was surprised when she tasted the cold coffee in Mako's thermos. "You have poor taste sensei."

@Heartfillia@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jett Haven

Jett looked at Roy when he was laughing at him for being thrown out a window, then trying to offer him help when it was clear he could do it on his own. He shook his head when he said she held him like a fish. [color=007236][/color]“Kinda inevitable that she did, she does have two or three times the strength I have. Makes sense to be thrown around. Kasuke on the other hand. Just wrecked you and she tiny. I'd rather go down fighting someone stronger than me.[/color]

He had the temptation to throw him out the window himself, but instead he just used roys help to the fullest extent, all of his weight pulling on the cane which was pretty warm but he ignored it as he pulled and hopped through the window. Dulga somehow made it to the front of the class now and was reading a situation from one of the students outloud, while drinking Ms. Makos Coffee. Yukari managed to get ahold of Mamoru and fling her at the teacher. While a few students stood back.

It's a madhouse in here. He said half to Roy and Half to himself. He thought about going after Dulga again, but he decided to wait for a moment and see what happened.

Yashiro, Takeshi

Takeshi watched as Dulga continued to try and get Ms. Mako to come after her, by drinking her coffee and reading students responses. Which he didn’t get, unless it was Kaida’s. Suddenly Yukari flung Mamoru at the teacher, and he couldn’t help but smile. But he couldn’t wait either, he suddenly placed his foot on the nearest desk and kicked, sliding it towards the teacher as she was just dealing with Mamoru. He then pulled shadows from everyone around him and molded it into his hands to make a Bokken practice sword. He sped forward as this was created in his hands and when he was close enough, He would Plan on slashing five times from five different directions, right after another. that is if she managed to dodge them all. His movements were fast, yet highly controlled and precise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Kaida Baeumont

Kaida was so shocked at what all had happened in such a short period of time Dulga, such a sweetheart towards her and helping her out was suddenly throwing Mamoru out the window for no reason. Then Jett lifted her up and slammed her against the wall, which was impressive as he was closer to her height. But was handled much more roughly by Dulga after wards, enough for her to stand up and was about to do something but she threw him out the window as well. She froze. What did she get herself into??

She watched as Dulga then ignored Mako, moving to her desk drinking her coffee and picking up their papers. She then started to read them as Mamoru was flying towards Mako and Yashiro was attacking her. But she felt a chill down her spine as she heard what she read. Why was she reading hers!?!? She was going to read down the list and reveal her quirk! She shoved her desk to the side and sprinted towards Dulga, diving into her to get the paper from her hands.

NO! PLEASE! she yelled as she was in the air.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako Akane

Mako was aware of what people were saying behind her, as well as the other sounds made, and could draw conclusions from that. As soon as she heard Mamoru being thrown towards her, she ducked to the floor and let the poor student sail over hear head. When she stood back up, Dulga was gone, but Takeshi was now on the offensive. He kicked a desk towards her, which she jumped and landed on, giving herself the high ground. He then came after her with a sword made of shadows. She ducked weaved and leaned to barely manage to dodge four of the slashes, but the fifth, while making no contact with her skin, caught and ripped open her sweater at the abdomen, showing a black tank top underneath, which in contrast to the loose sweater, was moulded to the shape of her abdomen muscles. She was still in very good shape for a thirty six year old.

"Congratulations, Takeshi. I'll count that as a hit. I'll tell you your prize at the end of class." she chimed in a proud voice, before looking over to Dulga at her desk, drinking her coffee another student's worksheet. There were some things that went beyond 'application of villainous behaviour in a school setting' and straight into 'you're not getting off lightly for this'. Any semblance of even fake smiling or peace in Mako's face had gone as she ran across the tops of the desks, pushed off, flipped majestically in the air and landed besides Dulga. Her eyes was open and her face was very displeased. When Kaida dived into Dulga, she leaned clear. Even though Ms. Mako wasn't her intended target, if Kaida had came into contact with Mako trying to do that, she'd have landed a hit too.

@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen@Aerandir@Heartfillia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

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Ayato Kamina

Villain Psych

Kamina continued to stay near Ms. Mako's desk during the chaos that ensued. Unfortunately, she moved away from her desk, so he had no chance to catch her now. He took a seat in her chair. It was pretty comfortable. He didn't get much time to enjoy it before more happened. He kept an eye on Ms. Mako waiting for an opportunity to act. He had very little presence and thought he might have been forgotten.

That new opportunity was presenting itself now. Dulga had moved on to drinking her coffee and reading a students paper. He was actually interested himself to hear what Kaida's power was. There definitely wasn't time for that though. What Dulga read was useless to find out what her power was. He really only found out that she seemed sort of timid. Ms. Mako had run across the desks and landed next to Dulga. Her back was turned to him now, but it seemed the test was over. Takeshi won.

Chaos was still ensuing though. Kaida tackled Dulga to get her paper. Evidently, she wasn't that timid, or she really didn't want anyone to know her secret. Kamina quickly popped out of the chair and walked up behind Ms. Mako while she was distracted with being angry at Dulga and dealing with the tackle. He went to tap her shoulder. Once he got her attention, he asked her a question. "Umm, is the test over, or are we still trying to hit you?"

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Villain Psych

Kenichi turned as Madame Obsidian announced that she would be making a few comments on their work so far. She praised Kenichi for his answers but said that he didn't "understand" the villains enough. Kenichi couldn't help but make a slight "tch" sound from the corner of his mouth. Villains didn't need "understanding." If therapy or a kind word was enough to keep them from doing what they did, they wouldn't have done it in the first place. In the modern day, with kids receiving Quirk Counseling at an early age and Heroes plastered over every spare ad space and TV show, the only reason that made any sense for someone becoming a Villain was simply that they were "evil."

After evaluating all the other students, the villainess then asked if anyone thought they could land a hit on her. Kenichi's first instinct was to jump at the chance...but instead he just looked down at the floor again with a furrowed brow. She obviously had something up her sleeve to make somebody look like a fool, or else he might get in trouble for going at it too hard, or...

Or the six armed girl might throw Mamoru out the window.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Kenichi shouted, but as he bolted upright from his seat Jett was already jumping over the desks. The kid with the normally blank expression bolted for the front of the room. Obsidian immediately went into a ready position. The six armed girl and Jett struggled for a few moments before the teleporter went out the window too, which reminded Kenichi of exactly which Quirks he'd seen the students use during the video recording of Training Ground Echo. Mamoru's shield cancelled out impacts or something, and of course Jett could teleport. Neither of them were in real danger by going out the window. Still, though...

Things got more insane as the others made their own attempts; at some point Mamoru climbed back in through the window, with the blind girl helping her, and Takeshi revelaed that his Quirk had some kind of ability to manipulate shadows. As Kenichi stepped away reflexively from his own shadow, which was being drawn towards Yashiro, the other boy attacked Obsidian with a series of slashes while the girl with six arms was trying to distract the teacher--though another girl, Kaida if Kenichi had heard correctly, leaped for the paper Dulga had taken from the desk. Kenichi moved to a clear area of the classroom where he thought he could take a full breath without blowing anybody or anything around.

Yashiro landed a hit, as Obsidian acrobatically landed atop her desk. She was surrounded by Dulga, Kaida, and the other kid who seemed like he was trying to erase his presence. The two girls were struggling over the paper--and Obsidian's expression suddenly changed. Something had set her off. Something wasn't right. After all, she wasn't a teacher, she was a Villain!

Any semblance of even fake smiling or peace in Mako's face had gone.

And Kenichi's killing intent returned.


A blistery wind howled around the classroom for the space of one breath, pulling at papers and loose clothing. Bangbangbang, footprints appearing on two walls and then on the ceiling directly above Madame Obsidian. Even faster than when he had used it on Isshin in the hallways. Even faster than on the training field against Fumika.

Kenichi hurtled straight down at the villainess, punching forward with his crimson vein-laced arm hard enough to drive her through the floor if he connected.

"YOU GUYS RUN!" he shouted at Kamina, Dulga, and Kaida, as if they were in some kind of danger...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako Akane

Mako looked over at the quiet boy who'd tapped her shoulder. He'd just won, even though he didn't know it. He wouldn't be getting the prize, however. She hadn't even noticed him. She knew that his success was an accident, though. Before she could answer, Kenichi shouted a telegraphed attack. Mako rolled her eyes. She'd have to teach him not to do that. His killing intent was stronger than ever, though, and he wasn't trring to hit her because she told him to. He was trying to put her down with an attack like that.

Despite how fast he was, he was still just a student, and Mako had faught, and escaped from, many fully trained, adult Heroes. She easily noticed the footprints on the roof, and twirled to the side to avoid the punch to the floor. "Does that answer your question?" she shouted over to Ayato in a voice that was neither high pitched nor sweet, before returning her gaze to Dulga. Mako's hand shot out towards the thermos, grabbed it, and the metal receptacle turned scalding to the touch in a matter of seconds, burning the skin on Dulga's hand unless she let go very quickly. It was in Mako's eyes, and Mako's actions. Dulga had gone beyond the role of a student in Mako's class trying to do what was asked of her. Mako had gone beyond the role of a teacher. Those eyes were without a doubt the eyes that Heroes stared down as they were fighting with everything they had against the wanted thief fourteen years ago. Dulga would feel real fear looking into them. Was this was fighting a villain really felt like? Did she go to far?

"I think you'd better put that worksheet back on my desk, and calm down," Mako warned in a voice like ice running down and freezing your spine.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Dulga Tarata

Just as Dulga expected Kaida went after Dulga as she read her paper. She debated trying to dodge Kaida or maybe even counter her, but as she saw Mako moving towards her Dulga decided to take advantage of it. She stood steadfast as Kaida ran into her and took the papers out of her hands, freeing up Dulga’s hands. ”Sorry. I'll make it up for you later.” It wasn't long after that Mako landed next to the six-armed giantess looking very annoyed. It was a hostile look; an intimidating one. Not like a bear's roar or a wolf’s howl, but the scold and steady Eyes of a killer. Reminded Dulga a lot of her mother.

Before Dulga could react Kenichi went into the attack, calling out his move and warning the others to run. This just got a blank stare from Dulga. ”You say run.” Mako grabbed the thermos and it started to heat up. It actually hurt quite badly and Dulga was about to drop it. However always one to take advantage of every opportunity no matter the cost Dulga gritted her teeth through the pain.

With her monstrous strength Dulga snapped the thermos in half with just a single hand. Dulga then tossed a cloud of chalk at Mako to hide her movements. The space between them soon became cloudy and white, making it difficult to see anything for just a moment. But that moment was all Dulga needed as she splashed Mako with the coffee from her thermos, as well as throwing away the hot piece of metal. While the cloud was still up Dulga charged forward, even with Kaida in tow. One hand was sent outstretched to strike at Mako if she was ahead. But the others went in different directions to intercept Mako if she tried to maneuver around Dulga. To the sides, above, even below between Dulga’s legs. And if Mako had jumped back, she'd find another surprise when her coffee cup, still full of cold coffee, was flung straight ahead of Dulga. In these narrow student desks there weren't many other places for the teacher to go without trying to hop onto a desk.

@Heartfillia@Silver Carrot
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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𝔇𝔦𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #F50A83 ||| 𝔗𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝓒𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔯 || #0A8BF5

As introductions wound down, Hitomi seemed concerned about something. She asked if anything was wrong, prompting a look of confusion from Fumika. How could she have known or understood so easily what she was feeling? Even Fumika didn't understand why she felt this way... yet someone other than her had already figured out that something was wrong with her? That wasn't good. She was being a bother. She shouldn't be dragging others into her own affairs. If she did, she'd just...

But how to answer? Something definitely was wrong, and Fumika didn't like to lie. But her second question... That was easier to deal with. She didn't want to talk about it, so, in response, she merely shook her head, and then turned her attention to the problem she'd been given: a disaster area of some kind, where they, as heroes, were supposed to do what they could to help with recovery.

Looking at each detail she'd been given, she began to think about her own usefulness in such a situation. And the more she thought about it... well, the more she realized that despite her Quirk's versatility, she couldn't do much on her own. Even if she could get to the root of several problems in the area, any solution she might have for them would only be temporary at best, and restricted to one location at a time due to the range and tangibility limitations of her projections. However... White Hat hadn't said that she had to deal with this using only her own Quirk, right? They were all supposed to be in the same area, which meant other heroes, better suited to fixing things up, could take care of that. She cringed a little at the realization that, once again, she was simply deferring to relying on those around her, but nevertheless, this was a situation where other people's lives would be on the line, right? She couldn't afford to hold herself back because of her pride, like she had when fighting Kenichi. She simply needed to address one problem at a time, and take the simplest possible solution.

She took a mental tally of the classmates around her and the abilities they'd explained.

First, there was the squishy man, Donny, whose Quirk apparently let him eat anything. Given that it had been enough to bring down a building in their earlier training exercise, it didn't seem like there was any limit to how much he could consume, either. Out of all their Quirks, his would probably be the easiest to work with.

Second, there was the shiny girl, Mina. Her Quirk wasn't particularly impressive, but, the more she thought about it, the more Fumika realized it might also be useful in a situation like the one that had been described to her.

Third, there was the winged boy, Acion. Given that he'd specifically mentioned that his Quirk might be suited for a job as a coast guard, it wasn't difficult to think of ways she could employ his abilities.

Fourthly, there was some posing girl who Fumika hadn't seen before. Apparently, her Quirk generated energy? She'd have to make a mental note not to get too close to her, or else she might end up scrambling Fumika's own signals... In any case, that was a very important asset to have.

Fifthly, there was... a Haruka? But no matter how she looked at her, that wasn't Haruka. She was too tall, and too big, and not nearly as cool-looking. Since she couldn't be Haruka, though, then what was she? A Haru? ...In any case, her Quirk apparently allowed her to analyze, disassemble, reassemble, upgrade, and power technology. Combined with the abilities of the posing girl, Fumika now had a fairly good idea what the best solutions to each problem would be.

The sixth was the odd one out: Hitomi. While being a fluffy sheep was very nice, honestly, Fumika hadn't the slightest clue how to use her Quirk given the situation... Wait, though, hadn't she said she could grow her fluffy hair really quickly? It wasn't as important as some other things, but maybe...

Now that she had her mental list of what everyone could do, it was time to address each problem. She banished all other thoughts from her mind, and focused on each individual aspect of the disaster she'd been given.

Search the area for survivors. I can use my "Recording" to send out waves of particles to analyze anything I can see. By combing the city, I could quickly locate anyone trapped in the rubble. If I can't get to them, Donny could dig his way to them, or Acion could fly them to safety. At the same time, we locate and remove any looters from the area. We could also keep searching even when it's dark, because Kasuke could provide more than enough light for us to see. Having her glowing all the time could also help us to signal survivors and let them know that help is on the way.

Meanwhile, we need to take care of water and power. I'm not sure how we could handle the water shortage, but the electrical girl
(Fumika hesitated for a moment trying to find a name, then realized that the posing girl had never introduced herself) and Sanageyama could probably restore power to the area by working together. We might also be able to use solar panels to collect power from the light that Kasuke emits.

Once the area is clear, we can begin taking care of problems. Preserving what's still intact is most important. While searching the city with my Recording, I could identify the damage to standing structures, and move from building to building, projecting supports to keep them upright so that workers could fix them more permanently. Sanageyama might be able to help here, since she said she's good at schematics and building things.

Once we've prevented further collapses from happening and worsening the damage, we can deal with the gas and sewage leaks. I could locate the source and project a temporary patch to stop things from overflowing long enough for a real patch to stop them for good. We could then use Donny's Quirk to quickly clear up the rubble in the tunnels, and to deal with the toxic waste. We could even do both at once, since I could make copies of him to speed up the cleanup.

Hitomi could manage supplies at the shelter. She said she can grow her hair quickly and that she's good at making clothes, so she might be able to make clothing and blankets for the people who need them. We could also give her any valuables we find while searching for survivors, and direct people at the shelter to approach her if they're looking for something, like a lost and found.

Fumika set down her pencil and looked again at what she'd written. This looked like a fairly comprehensive plan, and, based on what she'd been told, she didn't see any reason why it wouldn't work... But at the same time, it almost seemed more like she was just writing how best to use other people's Quirks, rather than finding ways to apply her own abilities to solve the problem. Or, in other words, she was just stating the obvious of how they'd probably react to the situation in the first place. Was this really right? The purpose of this class was to develop her own abilities... but here she was, just depending on the people around her, as usual. She sighed. There wasn't any better plan she could come up with, in any case. Her own Quirk wouldn't provide anything more than information on problems, and a short-lived solution. This was the simplest path... But still, it felt so unsatisfying that it almost hurt her to turn it in.

She sighed again, and returned to her seat, her hair drooping as her eyelids fluttered. This really had been a tiring day...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Mina handed her sheet in quite fast, with a bored look on her face. This class had started out so promising. Hopefully it picked back upm in the future, but this worksheet was more of the same things she'd been told by her mom time and time again. The sheet read as follows;

"I would begin by finding out from eyewitnesses where there are known trapped survivors/people who went back in to rescue them, and I would go in after them, using my light to find my way through the buildings, and get everybody out of the buildings who I could."

Maeda Hitomi

Hitomi wordlessly looked away from Fumika and sighed. She couldn't help her or make her open up of Fumika didn't want to. Instead, she looked at the sheet. Hitomi wasn't very strong, or fast, or useful in a crisis. Using her imagination to see where she'd be most useful, with the help of her quirk, she started going through first, what she couldn't do at all. Then, what she couldn't do better than anyone else. What was left was how she must appkly herself to make the most out of only being one person. Having stumbled upon an answer, she started writing.

"I would enter the shelter and volunteer to babysit all the children so that their parents could be free to get water and food. I'd play with the children, keep them calm, and let them play with and tug on my hair, horns and ears. I'm very good with children, and they're always fascinated by my features."

Having finished, she handed the paper in and sat back down, still half-glancing at Fumika, and wondering why she was sad.

@Feyblue@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eggs
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Haruka Sanegeyama

Haruka considered the information given by the other students in their introductions. Acion could fly. That was plenty useful for getting things and maybe even people in and out of areas otherwise hard to reach. The girl who hadn't introduced herself, who was currently sitting in quite the odd position, had electric powers. The 'discharge' comment was interesting. Maybe she could help with electrical generator construction? Maeda was a sheep. Depending on how fast her hair grew, Haruka supposed she could make emergency blankets or even tents out of it, but other than that, nothing really came to mind. Donny could eat anything, which was useful for cleanups, she imagined. And Fumika could make copies. There was an interesting selection here, to say the least.

As White Hat showed them their problems to solve in the case of a hypothetical catastrophe, Haruka memorized them and took the pen and paper that was passed to her. At the sight of the tiny hat on the end, she stifled a giggle. That was adorable, and she hoped they'd be able to keep them after the class ended. After enjoying the little moment of silliness, she got back into the serious mindset of how to fix the crisis. She wrote down the questions on the paper as she answered them, going in order.

"Okay. Let's figure out what I can do best here. Can't do much for draining the place out or evacuation. Donny and that Acion guy would be good for that, maybe. Supply airdrops would be especially good. I can do some heavy lifting and digging people out of rubble and stuff, at least? The train evacuation would be especially good." She recalled her models for air filters that she'd used in her helmet. She would be unaffected by the gas in-costume, and could make rebreathers for the evacuees. Maybe Fumika could copy them to give to others? Though whether they'd work, she wasn't sure. She also wondered if Donny could inhale the gas.

"Hmm, maybe I could fix up the generators and make them stronger. Then that zappy girl could power them up or something. Looters might be a problem, but they're not really the big focus here unless they're hurting people. In that case, all it would take is a good slap to knock them around. People looking for their loved ones should be taken to safety, and information could be given to rescue crews. The buildings are the real problem, though..." Biting her lip, she considered the options. She wasn't sure about the others' physical strengths, and while her costume was impressive, it was just above-average in terms of pure physical output. Besides, with only one of the suits, she couldn't hold up every building. "Maybe I could make some kind of deployable pillar or something with hydraulics? Just enough to stabilize things."

Haruka wrote down her thoughts as answers, albeit taking care to make them far less rambly. When everything was on paper, she set her pen down and looked around at the others for a moment. Even though this was hypothetical, she had to wonder if she'd end up working with this collection of classmates at some point.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


JoJo sat there in her chair listening to the teacher's lecture, though admittedly she stopped listening subconsciously when White Hat mentioned that quirks could be expanded and improved on. Because she was raised by her single-parent father who was quirkless she was left to figure out what her quirk could and could not do by herself and her lack of an imagination left Joann with a very basic understanding of what it could and could not do. Grunting a little to herself, she scratched under her chin and looked down on the worksheet they were given to work on, being that shes never thought of using her abilities for anything other than hero work, i.e. fighting, this was a touch one so she opted to fill out the easiest one that would allow her to use what she knew already, there was a time and place for practice but even someone like JoJo knew you shouldn’t test out things when playing with people’s lives.

I’m a whole lot faster than most people when I have a basic charge and the constant running would only let me get faster so rescuing people who aren’t accounted for would be the best solution, and I could also deal with looters driving them away from break-ins and such….I guess she noted but soon trailed off onto a completely different issue dealing with what exactly happened in the gym.

Taking out a sheet of paper she began to write down everything she knew about how her quirk worked including its weaknesses one of them being no ranged that she scratched out That discharge had plenty of range to it, she thought to herself and what exactly was the form she took wrapped up in Yukari’s rubber body, the power she felt from it was so intense like that’s what made her pass out instead of the pain of the release. If she possessed the ability to discharge could she also control how it formed like making constructs? Something to help even out the range a little I guess, she thought to herself chewing on her pencil the solidity of the object gave her an idea of how she could test it and she wasted no time in drawing out how she thought it would look. I know for a fact I can’t manipulate foreign electricity, only absorb it, but what about manipulating it after the absorption; instead of stockpiling it for power could I make a ‘bolt’ or something for range?”

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Roy Kusayanagi

Roy pulled the boy into the window, once he was inside he took his cloak off the cane construct before releasing it. As he put the cloak back on he noticed how dulga was no longer near the window but instead at the front of the class reading something and drinking the teachers coffee. Roy laughed sheepishly as Jett stated it was a madhouse, "You read my mind." the boy said as she saw the same strange boy at the front of the class conjuring up shadows.

Roys attention peaked as it turned into a sword in which he slashed at
Ms.Mako with speed and precision, the blonde boys eyes widened as he saw that he was able to land a hit on Ms.Mako. Roy just grinned while slightly gritting his teeth as he saw how similar the two were in terms of quirks. His attention was then broken by Kaida yelling as she flew the air, Roy just scratched his head at the chaos ensuing.

Soon enough Dulga and the teacher were face to face with Dulga in possesion of Kaida, he felt the tension in the classroom begin rising, in which the boy stepped forward. "I think this is going a little too far" Roy said as he walked towards the front of the class. His ears almost began bleeding at Kenichi's yelling. The boy was so loud he could be heard coming from a mile away in which Ms.Mako dodged his attack effortlessly making the blonde boy roll his eyes. Roy jumped onto a desk before making a leap from desk to desk as he got to Ms.Makos entry way.Though Ms.Mako was supposed to be the students target, he couldn't help but feel as if Dulga was playing the role of a villain too well. He grabbed his wrist as he concentrated his a large sum of his energy into his right palm, his hand gleamed Yellow through the classroom as his right hand expanded to the size of a desk before the Giant arm construct out at Ms.Mako trying to grab her. This drained 20% of Roys energy just to pull off and it also felt like his hand was in boiling water, the boy grunted at the pain. "ENOUGH!" He shouted as he leaped in the air.

@Silver Carrot@Norschtalen@Zeroth@Aerandir
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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Ayato Kamina

Villain Psych

Kamina stepped back towards Ms. Mako's desk as Kinichi shouted and launched a telegraphed attack. She quickly dodged it with an amazing twirl. Her response made Kamina grin. He managed to poke her as the challenge was still continuing. She was well out of his reach, and students were flying and shouting left and right. He just sat back down in her chair, contemplating another strategy.

He wondered if the poke counted. Why wouldn't it count though. She never specified what a hit was. He continued to watch her as she glared at Dulga. A chill went down his spine as he looked at the villain. His eyes wandered to the cut in her shirt a little. The black material underneath clung to her and showed how fit she was. His stare was interrupted though. A flash of dust followed by a splash of coffee flew at her. Several fists flew at her. One being a large, glowing hand reaching to grab her.

Dulga's actions were surprising him. She still towed Kaida. The girl got her paper back, but now it looked like Dulga was almost going to use her as a club or projectile. With her strength, one good swing could send her flying through the air. He thought she was quieter, but right now she was probably causing the biggest commotion with her conniving moves. Several students were trying to vie with her though. Their shouts were telegraphing their moves, but they still swung and moved wildly. With so much happening at once, there was little room for him to act. There was a little green light floating around him though. If anything seemed to get serious, he wanted to help quickly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Villain Psych

Kenichi crashed into the floor with a bone-shaking impact, rattling the chalkboard and teacher’s desk. Komei’s buildings had no doubt been reinforced to handle the occasional Quirk related accident, but even so he had dented the surface of the floor and cracked several tiles all around him. He shakily got to his feet, his body throbbing from the stress of his own momentum being so suddenly brought to a halt.

The six armed girl attacked Madame Obsidian head-on as the teacher used her own Quirk to get back that thermos--from the smell of something burning and the way the metal container started to glow, it had to be something to do with fire, or maybe some kind of energy transference. Roy used his own solar-powered constructs to create a large hand, trying to grab the Villainess from behind.

“Careful, Roy-kun!” Kenichi called, as he grabbed the desk and gave it a hefty push to clear the area further--the more people got involved, the more room they were going to need to fight. Especially considering his own quirk that required so much movement to build up speed and power. “If she does stuff with heat, she might be able to absorb that!”

With those multiple limbs everywhere, and Roy on the other side, Kenichi couldn’t see any openings to try and make another attack of his own. But at this point the “exercise”--if it could even be called that anymore since a self-admitted Villain had turned that kind of expression on a student--was getting so chaotic they were going to end up with another “1-A Incident.” Idly Kenichi wondered how many classes today were going to end with someone heading to the Nurse’s office.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako Akane

Things were getting chaotic, as they always did, and Mako didn't want to get reprimanded for breaking furniture again. If she could have just one 'who thinks they can hit me?' exercise without broken furniture, that'd be great. She'd better stop this before furniture actually gets broken. Luckily, Dulga had come up with a good plan. Mako could avoid all of the students for the whole period if she wished, but she always allowed herself to get hit when she saw somebody employ a good plan, and this was probably the best she was going to get. Most of the obvious escapes were cut off, and Dulga could probably catch an amateur adult villain like this! So she tried to move backwards, was slowed by the thermos. The coffee didn't bother her, however, The moment it touched her skin, it returned to room temperature. Though it did stain her sweater.

At that point, Kenichi moved the desk out, which was a stupid move. Mako was disadvantaged from the confined space, but now she had lots of room to work with. Instead of rewarding Dulga for her strategy, she leapt backwards to right besides Kenichi, now free. "That wasn't very clever. Dulga had me trapped in the confined space, and you gave me room to slip out." she scolded him quickly. Was...was class still going on?

She was about to leap away again, when Roy's hand construct caught her around the waist, trapping her. She hadn't been looking at the rest of the classroom, using her other senses to determine if anybody new was approaching, but these light constructs don't make noise. That wasn't his strategy, however. That was just a happy accident. Still, many villains are beaten by happy accidents, so it counts. Mako smiled again, though it was a tense smile. She still wasn't back to her old, calm self.

"Well done, class! I saw some really good strategies today!....from Dulga. The rest of you, well, we'll see how well you do in the practical exam once you've learned what I have to teach you. I'm going to make you all pass. Just you watch. As for who actually landed blows on me, well, Takeshi, by sheer brute force. Ayato, by either accident or a really cunning strategy. Dulga, though you missed out on punching me, a foreign object you had thrown connected with me, so that counts. And finally Roy. So well done to all of you! The prize is detention, for laying your hands on a teacher. In Dulga's case, she gets double, for throwing students out of windows and reading confidential sheets as well as violence against a teacher. Ayato, you don't get detention at all. Good job, class! Now help me put this furniture back!"

@Zeroth@rechonq@pkken@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher@Aerandir@Artymis@liferusher@Heartfillia@Ryonara
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