Personality: In general, Jiro was conditioned to take things in stride and simply deal with it. Of course, the current situation is far beyond what that would be... but that won't change the response. Unsuitably sarcasm and cynicism is the order of the day, by and large, though it's not like Sif can completely escape her childish impulses and present far greater level of energy. It's just not her normal reaction to things.
Brief Backstory: In his original life, Jiro was about as stereotypically dull as it was possible for any living human to be. A middle child with no outstanding abilities or talents, he ended up working in a respectable office job and finding his way to middle management. Not one to find time for romance, he was also the type to sideline his interests to get more work in and then go out drinking. All in all, a banal but tolerable existence. Her life as Sif has hardly been one that could be construed as more exciting in concept--a child is just a child, even when they're an elf. Hailing from one of the Eastern kingdoms, one couldn't say much except that it was a comfortable family life. Uprooting to live with family in Grandia despite the risk of war--the magically inclined only increased in demand, after all--may have been one of their poor choices, given the presence of unscrupulous types who have an interest in young Alves. She's in quite a pickle right now.
Abilities: Sif has unusually high magical potential even for an Alv, but that's it--potential. She has no actual training beyond a very rudimentary "and this allows you to clean dishes instantly" deal. If she had anything more significant, her current predicament wouldn't be so bad.
Skills: In the skills department, Sif is woefully lacking in anything that would really be of use to a child. Whilst she now has the benefits of a full tertiary education, it is safe to say that a child is not going to be getting that much mileage out of office skills adapted for abundant computers and even less out of managerial ability. The most useful skill she has going for her is having learned well how to actually learn material--if presented with a chance to learn magic, she's going to do it a lot faster than her age would suggest. Though maybe she could put her skill at number-based logic puzzles to work and start writing games for newspapers?
Name: Grimlit Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Lizardman Current Appearance: In most settings however, he prefers a suit.
Personality: Grimlit, in keeping with every outward impression, is a very no-nonsense kind of guy. Over time he has entirely abandoned his tribal roots and given up any typical cultural mannerisms in favour of more 'civilized' ways. That isn't to say that he is polite all of the time, Grimlit certainly has a mean streak as wide as his tail is long.
Brief Backstory: Grimlit started his young adult life off as a guide for foreign traders in his homeland, showing them the ways to survive in the dangerous swamps and jungles. Perhaps as was inevitable he began to lengthen his trips, even into the cities of Grandia and Felbar. Eventually after one such trip he didn't bother returning to his homeland. Now the lizardman is a professional bodyguard and sometimes mercenary for hire. He has a reputation for getting the job done while adhering to the letter, instead of the spirit, of his contract.
Abilities: Strength - His subspecies is one regarded for it's brute strength. He easilly matches any Dehmel in raw power but his taller stature and greater weight gave him an advantage in leverage. Thick Scales - Grimlit's species is also known for it's extreme durability. Lead shot and pistol rounds from all but extremely close range fail to penetrate fully and even rifle rounds at longer ranges are not guaranteed to have any major effect. Focused Will - A racial trait gives Grimlit the ability to focus what modest magical potential he has into an incredibly tough barrier over his skin. This can be concentrated into variably sized and positioned areas. If need be he would be able to stand up to sustained fire for a short period of time. Acute senses - He has vision on par with that of a human but also possesses a limited amount of infrared vision and a greater ability to see at night. Grimlit can also detect scents at extreme ranges but this is hampered sometimes in busy public areas. Reptile Biology - As befits his nature Grimlit can perform such feats as holding his breath for twenty minutes at a time and only needs to eat once every few weeks.
Skills: Hand to hand - Grimlit's tribe had a long history of warlike behavior. To go more than a few months without a regional or local conflict was unheard of. As such he is proficient in armed or unarmed close combat but prefers to use his fists, claws and teeth. It is also useful to note that he fails to see how the two nations still haven't proceeded to outright war. Firearms - Grimlit prefers shorter weapons like pistols and shotguns to longer rifles. He prefers to not use them but won't hesitate once it is apparent that they might be the thing to give him an edge.
Equipment: Pistols - A pair of heavy, custom made semi-automatic pistols in a single hip holster. He doesn't have the dexterity to fire them both at once and even has difficulty reloading them under fire, which is why he has two of them. Shotgun - A custom lever action shotgun in a scabbard on his opposite hip. The larger shells are easier for him to manipulate and reload and it is his go-to weapon for more intense fire fights. Natural Weapons - His teeth and claws are both phenomenally strong and sharp, as expected of apex predator.
Personality: Orion is a rather cheerful individual. A smile is almost always plastered on his face as he talks with customers and other merchants alike. He isn't necessarily competitive so most people think he wouldn't survive in the world of merchants - but he has been doing this for quite some time already and has proved to be quite skilled in it. Understandably, he is quite the social person who rarely chooses those he interacts with before introducing a product. At the rare times that you don't see him working, he's quite the storyteller. Thanks to his years of being on the road, you get to experience a lot of things. People often tell him that he is naive and foolish because of his optimistic views in life, but he knows better than them. He believes in fairness when it comes to sales; if he thinks it doesn't deserve a high price, then he wouldn't put a high price on it. Though thanks to his good eye for products, his products never meet an all time low price tag on it. Orion loves reading books and has learned some of his magic thanks to this. When he has spare money, he buys himself a book or two which he reads for a while before trading it for another book and so on.
Brief Backstory: Hailing from the land to the East, Yashima, the Tanbei family have once been restricted to trading within their own country. As Beastkins, they proved to be quite excellent in protecting themselves from thieves and bandits. As years turned into decades, the Tanbei family had established quite a name as one of the leading merchants in Yashima. Figuring that they should expand their range, they began sending out travelling merchants who trade exotic goods from Yashima for coins or even exotic goods from their country. The Tanbei family became well-known for their success in the trading industry, making them one of the richest families in Yashima - an impressive feat for a Beastkin.
Orion was born in Yashima and trained to become a travelling merchant himself. He was taught how to properly handle a rifle and whatnot. However, he rarely used that since there were less bandits around the area. He sometimes conscripted the help of mercenaries when passing through shady areas just in case something goes wrong. As he continued travelling, he found himself in the countries of Felbar and Grandia and has quite the surplus of trading there. However, it became increasingly obvious to him that tensions were increasing and that there was an impeding war. Unsure on how to feel about this, Orion simply stayed to continue trading and see what happens. Perhaps a foolish decision on his part, but he is quite curious on what would happen. He hoped that he wouldn't die because of this.
Summoning - Though it doesn't have as much variety as other summoners out there, Orion could at least summon a guard or two to protect him when he needs it the most. These appear as corporeal beings, the only difference being that they are slightly transparent if you stare at them for quite some time. He is still studying how to summon other creatures. His summons are limited to animals for now.
Enhanced Senses - Being a beastkin, he has a rather acute sense of hearing and smell, attributed to his wolf-like features. They're better than that of a normal human's and he's usually careful when he begins to hear the small signs of trouble brewing up.
Animal Instincts - He's quite hypersensitive to the world around him. Shifts on the planet that results to Earthquakes, explosions and whatnot are usually felt by him.
Art of Trade - A genetic trait from his family of merchants, traders and shopkeepers, Orion, himself, is rather good when it comes to selling his supplies to the right people. He charges fair price, yes, but it always rakes in good income despite the fairness of it all. Whether or not people would believe that he isn't robbing them blind is up to them; he doesn't care either way. He has the goods and he just wants to sell it.
Cooking - He loves to cook and he's quite good at it
Marksman - Another skill he picked up to try and protect himself from bandits that would try to attack his mobile caravan.
His trading caravan is an altered machine created by his family's local smiths. It can open and close its window to allow access to the merchandise inside. It's fairly intricate and rather complicated to explain the full extent of its capabilities.
He owns a rifle that he rarely uses but is still there for sentiment reasons. It runs mostly on magic power, translating magic into a bullet which it then sends out as ammunition. It can be loaded with real bullets but it has been known to be less effective.
He does have claws and fangs that can be used as a means for attacking.
He stands at a height of 5'11 and is built with the body of a typical frontline grunt. He has green eyes, brown hair and pale skin.
•Personality: Dustin is a cool headed man when off of the field and can be a source of entertainment for his fellow soldiers. He cares for his brothers in arms and will put his life on the line for them without a second thought. On the battlefield though he is cold towards his enemies and will take pleasure in killing them, though he does well to hide his joy when in combat.
•Brief Backstory: Dustin grew up within the slums of the Grandia Empire and lived along side his fellow street urchins and little sister. They stole, fought and cheated to ensure their survival. Though at the age of twelve he allowed himself to be caught by the authorities when trying to rob a rich citizen to let his sister and fellow urchins escape. He was thrown in prison and suffered its harsh and neglectful conditions seeing as how the guards saw him as just another rat that dirtied their homes. Through merciless beatings and cruel starvation Dustin grew to hate his homeland and was ready to curse its name. That is until Emmett Frederick, a captain within the empires military did his monthly browse of potential soldiers. They were much cheaper this way. Dustin despised the man once he picked him out along side a handful of other imprisoned thugs and dragged him to the nearest military base for training. Dustin had arrived at that base with hatred for his own homeland, but the first night there he was fed, bathed and given proper treatment. Hell, even Emmett arranged for meals of their choosing to be made for them. Dustin and the others who were picked simply questioned the man with hesitation. Emmett simply smiled and said, "I treat all men with great potential as if they were my own." They were all confused and somewhat shocked. They had potential in this mans eyes, even though they were just your common criminals. Dustin saw the man in a new light and decided to give this military life style a chance. Years have past now and Dustin and the original band of thugs and criminals have grown into fine soldiers. Dustin was even able to house his past street urchins and sister with the help of Emmett. His love for his country has now changed and he is prepared to give his life to protect all he has earned.
•Abilities: Dustin is known to use little of his magic, but when he does it is clear there is potential. There is even talk of moving him and his men to a Greatarmor unit just because of how talented he is.
•Skills: More than excellent when it comes to marksmen ship, has what some would call a 'hawks eye' when it comes to spotting things from a distance, can raise moral without even trying and is finally quick thinking and resourceful in desperate situations.
•Equipment: A standardized semi-automatic rifle of the imperial army, a pistol gifted to him by Emmett, trench knife, grenades, backpack to carry the essentials and a watch given to him by his sister.
Personality: Chisame is a serious and no-nonsense individual who places her duties before everything else. Dedicated and refusing to put up with any foolishness, she believes there is little point in accommodating any time for anything else. Indeed, her intentions are to serve her lord and do exactly what is needed of her, and return home. Even though she is in a foreign country, she is hardly taking any time to simply experience it(though she can make a great appearance of doing so). Chisame has something of a temper, easily annoyed by anything she perceives as a distraction or interruption to her duties. Yes, it's quite easy to to perceive her as something of a vicious, sharp-tongued little demon when she's truly irritated about something. She is also extremely stubborn and often refuses to acknowledge that she could possibly ever need any assistance with any matter at all. While she is not always vocal about it, Chisame is also extremely prideful when it comes to her skills as a counter-espionage agent and assassin. Despite her attitude, it cannot be said that she is without a softer side. She likes children and does her best to ensure that no child is placed in serious danger if she can, though she can get quite irritated when mistaken for a child herself(even if she is willing to take advantage of that fact when it comes to her duties). Something that can instantly distract her from her usual attitude is pastries, and Chisame seems to be something of a cake aficionado who quickly loses herself when confronted with delicious things.
Brief Backstory: Chisame's family runs a dojo in Yashima. She was born as the family's second child, a younger sister to her older brother Yasuo. As is her family's policy, she also began her training to to master her family's brand of swordplay as soon as she was old enough. However, on her eighth birthday, her brother had a fight with her father that suddenly became violent, ending with both family members injuring the other, her brother even attempting to kill her injured father and injuring their mother as well. He was only prevented from doing so when Chisame herself stepped in to stop him. While this normally would have made no difference due to her young age, Yasuo was exhausted from fighting their father and backed off after a short clash. The next day, Yasuo was gone, but Chisame's father later died from his injuries. Since then, Chisame has never her brother again. Not once. She still doesn't understand what happened, but has not forgiven him for lethally injuring their father. As she grew, her skills were recognized by Yashima's government, and she was recruited by a local noble by the name of Fukatsu no Yurihime. Her training became much more focused as she entered the noble's service, intent on molding her into not only an excellent swordswoman but also a deadly assassin. Indeed, not long after she became eighteen, Chisame was chosen to be part of a team sent with Lady Yurihime to a town located near the border between Felbar and Grandia. Seemingly part of a diplomatic envoy, Chisame's true purpose was part of an agreement with the Felbar monarchy to serve as espionage, counter-espionage, and assassin targeting Grandian spies passing through the town.
Abilities: Chisame is not a mage(or onmyouji as they are referred to in her home country of Yashima), but that does not mean she has not taken advantage of her magical capabilities. Her set of spells is rather narrow, but still boasts what she believes is excellent synergy with her skills as an assassin. Firstly, she is capable of 'double'- or even 'triple'-jumping by using a hand-gesture spell to create a platform in the air beneath her feet, for just long enough to spring off of and reach a higher point. She can also reinforce her legs so that she can jump higher and run faster, as she is not exactly a physical powerhouse on her own even with her extensive training. This can also be done to her limbs and the rest of her body as well, but she prefers not to rely on it. Chisame can use magic to reinforce her weapon as well, an ability referred to as Overedge. This applies a distinct reddish glow to the edge of her katana, and increases its cutting power sufficiently to slice through solid rock. However, she dislikes using this ability unless fighting out in the open, as it is very obvious due to the unsubtle glow it applies. She can silence her footsteps as well. Finally, by using paper talismans know as ofuda in her homeland, Chisame can create small explosives that can be attached to a target and remotely detonated. A similar spell can be used to created a smokescreen to allow for her escape.
Skills: Her whole life dedicated to honing a specific set of skills, Chisame is excellent in Yashiman swordplay, excelling beyond many of her peers in that regard. Her ability with her straight-bladed katana is enough that she is capable of slicing bullets out of the air. She also possessing excellent skills in regarding the obfuscation of information, stealth, and indeed covert assassination. Her skills can be applied to both subterfuge and open combat. While she does have some ability with firearms, she much prefers more traditional weaponry and believes she synergizes with it far more effectively. While she speaks with a definite Yashiman accent, she is fluent in both Faranse(language of Felbar) and Dusach(the language of Grandia). Her Anglese, the native language of Albion across the channel, is much weaker however.
Equipment: Chisame carries on her person, hidden when in public, a Yashiman knife known as a tanto, a short, straight-bladed katana, a set of kunai, and an Altered Machine resembling an eyeglass that allows her to see through walls, provided they are not constructed entirely of metal. She carries another Altered Machine with her known as an autopen, allowing her to quickly write ofuda without using her hands. She also carries many strips of paper in order to make her ofuda. Chisame uses another, rather unique weapon in the form of a pair of bladed geta. Obviously not suited to stealth, these are only used when she must openly fight.
Name: Raulph Mauser Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: human Appearance:
Personality: Raulph tries to stay stoic in his job but fails constantly in doing so, his stoic behaviour comes from his training in the military which is precisely what it aims to do, make men out of boys. When he is not on the job he is quite cheerful, cracking a joke when the need arises. He carefully chooses his friends and those he stands by, he works with trustworthy people and tries to be as empathic as possible. He enjoys the company of others and is a very kid friendly person, being optimistic and outgoing he finds company easily. Brief Backstory: He was born in a low wealth family from Grandia, his father a sickly war veteran and his mother a trauma victim, he grew and found comfort in the sizeable military of Grandia. He trained as a rifleman, not being eligible for specialised roles, though, a few months after enlistment he was made to join the great-armour programme as a pilot. Now he works as a pilot for the "Mark V Titan Armour", a mobile tank capable of destroying a whole city by itself, he calls it Sascha. Abilities: - Human: He has the knowledge and power of a human also being in the majority of the populace, this means he has more freedom in racist areas. - Low magical ability: He is capable of simple magic like flight and barriers, he uses his magic mostly to aid in hand to hand combat. Skills: - Basic training: He is trained to fight and knows how to survive in the wild and in combat situations. - Rifleman: He has advanced knowledge in combat and survival, he is a killing machine. - Mechanic: He is able to repair the internal functions of the suit, he cannot do much about the armour though. Equipment: - Mark V Titan Armour, a large suit of armour or Great Armour, there are four semi-automatic cannons that fire destructive rounds comparable to artillery rounds, gunports are seen in different areas of the suit for average soldiers to sit and fire in. - Semi-automatic handgun - Mechanics kit Origin: Grandian
Personality: Raised to be well-mannered and courteous, Elami is a charming woman. A woman held in high regard, Elami is a friendly face to many. Easily fitting in places with accustomed traits and cultures, Elami is always willing to learn more during her travels for her parents' business. That being said, Elami is more so a pacifist when it comes to politics. While her Grandian ancestors roll in their graves, Elami knows more than just hell will break loose if war breaks out between the neighboring countries. People will die a bloody death, famine will ravage the everyday family, but most of all, Elami's peaceful routine of being a simple mail courier would be broken.
Brief Backstory: Elami was born as an only child on the borders of two great yet rivaling countries. Her mother Felbarian and her father Grandian, Elami grew up as a child with the best of both cultures. This was further supplemented by her parents running one of the custom facilities on the border, and Elami would often help her parents deliver packages with her trusty motorcycle after they were inspected. As a result, Elami has grown accustomed to the various cultures and kinks of border cities and towns, making a number of acquaintances during her travels as she delivered mail and packages.
By her second decade of life, Elami's parents made sure she was capable of protecting herself. Tensions between the rivaling countries of Felbar and Grandia were heating up, and word of an occasional skirmish passed by. Training with an old service revolver, her father taught Elami how to handle the weapon, but also when to use it. After a few months of training, Elami grew to be a decent shooter, but she had only practiced at immobile targets. While her father explained to only shoot when necessary, Elami is uncertain she could simply blast another living person, potentially taking their life away.
Abilities: Elami has some amount of magic within her as everyone else, but to her knowledge she has yet to use it. Therefore, what potential that exists inside Elami remains untapped.
Skills: Elami is a woman of culture. Having traveled far and wide around the border between neighboring countries, Elami has been subject to many different customs that inhabit the area to which she can use to her advantage while travelling. Additionally, Elami is a fine mechanic, capable of repairing some minor problems that don't require the use of an entire crew of people. Finally, Elami is an adept marksman, although she has yet to practice on moving targets, and as such, her aim might pale in comparison to immobile targers.
Age: Created 2 years ago. Appears 18-20 physically.
Gender: Female
Race: Automata
Current Appearance:
Cynthia stands at a fairly average five foot five, with black hair and amber colored eyes. She can most often be seen wearing a confident or somewhat aggressive smirk, and wears fairly simple airy, and easy to move in clothing. The only parts of her that seem not entirely human is her left arm and right foot.
Personality: So, how does one exactly expect an artificial construct to behave? Whatever the case, Cynthia is extremely lively to put bluntly. For an Automata, she seems to take great enjoyment from what some might call 'Adrenaline rushes'. She's an extremely active and energetic person, never managing to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time. Perhaps its because she was built only recently and she knows very little about the world - but whatever the case is, she wants to experience it in full. She is incredibly upbeat and positive, and doesn't really like
Aside from her energetic and somewhat loose cannon tendencies, she's fairly friendly, and seems to enjoy being praised or otherwise told she's done a good job by people. She doesn't fully understand why herself, but she tends to attach herself to people fairly easily out of a seemingly odd desire to want to serve someone else - or at least, fight for their sake. Perhaps it's because she doesn't know what she herself wants to fight for, just yet? She can be a bit naive because of this, and while she herself is a good person, those she thinks of as 'friends' could easily ask her to do something for them and she wouldn't question it whatsoever.
Brief Backstory: Cynthia was created in Felbar only a few years ago, before the new hostilities between its rival country of Grandia. The Automata herself, was in fact, created by the Felbar military as a sort of weapons test for as a combat unit. The first few months of her life was spent indoors running various tests on her systems and running combat scenarios and other such things. It seemed at least, she was fairly good at her job. There was just one problem.
She kept escaping the facility, much to the scientists chagrin.
Not that they were hostile or used her as more than a test subject - no they were actually quite warm and friendly, and she considered them to be her family. The only little snag, was that she didn't particularly want to stay cooped up in a lab all day. Eventually, she decided to 'run away from home' so to speak, and hasn't been back since. Yeah, when she gets back she's probably not gonna get away with a light scolding.
Abilities: Being an Automata, Cynthia is capable of using a select few spells in her arsenal. While she is by no means an expert mage nor will likely ever be one, she is confident in her abilities to cause cool explosions and otherwise be certifiably awesome. (In her own opinion). The only real limitation is the limit on the amount of energy her core can handle and draw. If by some chance she uses too much, it could be...well, bad.
-Acrobatics & Flight - First and foremost, she is capable of flight. A simple enough skill allowing her to clear distances in a flash. As well, despite being made of metal and magic her body is extremely light, and is capable of expelling limited amounts of magic energy from her hands and feet allowing maneuverability and some creative aerial acrobatics.
-Magic Capabilities - She is able to condense mana and fire concentrated beams of magic at a target. This can be as small as a simple beam of hot energy to burn or otherwise injure a target, or depending on the amount of energy she puts into it can be rather devastating as a long-range bombardment. Though something like that would take a lot of energy. On the more defensive side, she is able to create personal barriers for herself that can deflect bullets, and some reinforcement spells that make her own body stronger. As well, she can use magic to assist in the aim of her guns and use them to track targets.
Skills: As for skills, She is trained in the use of rifles, small arms as well as long ranged weaponry, with a minor ability to use melee weapons though she is by no means extremely skilled in swordplay. Ideally, she can keep her opponents at a respectable distance during combat.
Surprisingly, she's able to cook fairly well.
Equipment: Currently, she doesn't have much in the way of actual weaponry though when she left she managed to take a few altered machines with her.
-Light saber Magic Sword: A sword she took from the lab she was created at. As its a type of altered machine, it can condense mana into a short blade to be able to be used in melee combat. The blade is hot to the touch and can cut through most standard metals with ease, though it can only be used a few times and for a short while before it overheats.
-Service Bots: Two altered Machines which normally are kept hidden in her body, typically in her shoulders. They can do a wide range of tasks that both assist her in long range tactics, aiming assist, as well as do small time repairs and help alert her to dangers and whatnot when active.
(except also imagine her having a pair of blue-furred cat tails right next to each other above her butt) (and imagine this pic without the pistols-things floating near her either for that matter)
As much as Karina was a "mecha lover" and tinkerer in "our" world who loved to make things, so too is Vashti an engineer at heart who loves the concept of tinkering and building her own creations with spare parts and junk she finds. Like Karina, she feels pushed to not simply accept the status quo if she finds it unfavorable, and can be stubborn when she sets her mind to something like that. As the saying in "our" world goes, "curiosity killed the cat", and Vashti too enjoys seeking out those things she is interested in, even taking risks to get what she wants or to learn what she wants to learn. This being noted, she still possesses an intellectual mind, as well as a truly photographic memory that serves her well in general in learning about things and the like.
Brief Backstory:
There was a young woman in "our" world, Karina Kuznetsov, a prodigious individual who possessed a photographic memory and was the daughter of a chief engineer for the research and development area of the Russian military. An intelligent kid from a young age, she from a young age enjoyed tinkering on things with her father when her father was home, possessed high grades in her classes, watched a lot of mecha anime online, swam regularly, and generally proved to be an intelligent kid who learned very well. As her father became more and more engrossed in his work, with the growing distance so too did Karina work more on tinkering by herself, learning, and even indulging in hacking as a pastime of hers. As a teenager she also joined a newly formed local robotics league, placing highly often in it within the top two spots each time the group held a tournament.
Eventually, Karina left home after graduating a year early from school, and moved to South Korea to work with a company there that was working on developing actual mechas, having been offered an internship after winning a contest the company held online internationally looking for interns. This internship eventually, when the girl showed great potential and able to pick up quick on things to her superiors, into a full-fledged job for her that she took to rather well.
In her life as Vashti, she was born to an Alv mother and a Cat Beastkin father, being born a sort of "hybrid" who looked Alv for the most part, but possessed two cat tails. Like any normal Alv she possesses a notable magical potential, yet also has some of the natural agility of her father's people. Her father, a worker and engineer in Grandia who works in the production of greatarmor and has been for decades, was more often home than the father of "Karina". However, with her father being a cat beastkin, her mother and Alb, and herself being a "half-breed" in the eyes of some, she and her family received mixed treatment throughout her life, some hating them and some treating them like normal. Yet her father barely made enough to keep the family afloat as it was at times, due to not being paid very well, and as a result the family was living in a poorer area of the city they took residence in. While this led to Vashti herself getting into adventures and a little trouble naturally from this, she never managed to get caught with anything.
Though now even with those "other" memories from "our" world all having come back to her suddenly, or perhaps something else altogether happening for all she knows.....well, things are not going to be the same, are they? Especially in a world on the brink of war, and not knowing the truth about all of this...or if her own memories of "this" world along with that "other" one are actually real or not.
Her heritage grants her both a large amount of magical potential, whilst she only gets an amount of the natural agility of her cat beastkin father's people.
She possesses a perfect photographic memory, a thing that combined with her experiences in schooling and learning in those memories from "our" world makes her a ripe young student. Indeed, this all makes her great on the uptake and application of information as well as information recall and similar things related to a photographic memory. Albeit, to actually make use of this she has to learn things and be taught.
Further, those memories from the "other" world reltaed to robotics and such make her a prime example of a potential Greatarmor pilot and engineer. Albeit, like with her photographic memory she needs to be taught things and about these matters to make use of that great potential of hers.
Current Appearance:"As you command, master." He's roughly 5'11" tall now, and his uniform is always kept as prim and proper as possible.
Personality: Byron is a very straightforward and duty-bound individual, always following his master's requests to a T. Anything he does, he performs with the utmost care and precision to ensure the most ideal outcome—in other words, an extreme perfectionist. While he does have all the necessary knowledge to act as a run-of-the-mill butler, his expertise shines more as a bodyguard for his master rather than simply handling day-to-day activities. After a good 20-odd years' worth of memories from a different timeline popped into his head, though, Byron has become a tad more lax in terms of day-to-day proceedings (to the relief of his subordinates), but also a lot more attentive and aware of the world rather than focusing all of his effort towards his job. He's also taken to actively practicing and honing his abilities as well as gathering strange magical materials to study from the market, though the latter is more unknown to the rest of his coworkers.
Brief Backstory: Steven was a college student that majored in recorded music, with a minor in physics to placate his parents. Much of his time as a young child was spent playing instruments, and his parents could not have been happier as they saw him take to playing them one after the other. While he could by no means be called a 'child prodigy', it was no issue for him to play any matter of instrument after a few months of practice. His desire to play one instrument would swap over every so often, but his skills would keep. In the end, all three of them found it easiest if he just decided to go after a course that would allow him to pursue them all equally. Physics, of course, was a backup plan just in case things fell through, but Steven himself was never really too worried about that... Especially since he was still being sought out during his school years to teach music or to play at concerts.
Byron, on the other hand, did not have as much of a free will. His mother had died during childbirth, and his father, of an unfortunate illness a few years later. The young, now-parentless Byron was soon sent off to an orphanage and was eventually picked up and raised at the age of 5 to become a servant. The young child did not have much in the way of autonomy or freedom; he was taught to read, write, and be particularly diligent from a young age by his instructor, a codgy old woman who had a penchant for scoffing whenever something went ever so slightly wrong, and the rest of the jobs came about as a result of life taking its course. He never once regretted it, though, even if the course was hellish; there was some modicum of pride to be gained in performing the best he could, come hell or high water. This trait is what got him his current position, and since then he has been living relatively comfortably through his everyday life. 'Relatively', of course, being the suspect word here.
The sudden clash of the memories of the two resulted in Byron having to take a few days off to sort through the sudden two decades of experience spontaneously dumped into his mind, but since most people wrote it off as a minor illness none were all too worried. None save for Byron and his master, of course—they were, and currently are, the only person he has divulged this influx of memories to (along with proof by means of becoming a one-man orchestra and physics teacher for a day).
Abilities: In terms of abilities, Byron has one very special skill: the ability to 'stop time' for any inanimate object or projectile near him. Untrained as it is now, the ability can keep up to 10 items suspended in time at once, at most; these objects, once paused, will retain their velocity, momentum, acceleration, and other such vectors, but will only resume once Byron allows them to. The maximum range of this ability is 10 meters, but Byron is only able to freeze those within five. Of course, objects can be locked in position if he so desires, but that would require double the resources of simply 'pausing' them in time.
Skills: Byron excels in all manner of things a butler might be expected to do: micromanaging staff, cooking, cleaning, handling day-to-day expenses, and, most importantly, bodyguarding. With the addition of Steven's memories, though, Byron also has the ability to play the violin (among otger things) with relative expertise, as well as having the ability to handle more complex calculations involving things such as physics in order to set up traps or abuse his special ability to its fullest.
Equipment: Knives. Lots of knives. Also a small pistol for emergency self-defense, but mostly knives. Anything else he requires, he can procure from the markets or the merchants.
Personality: Dora is a thief treasure hunter. She hunts treasure by taking stuffs from the soldiers of Grandia, scavenging those which she finds useful while selling out junks on the black market. She is surprisingly loyal to her country, as she only target treasure from Grandia, her enemy state. Her cause would stem all the way back when she was a child, where her family was killed by Grandia soldiers in the middle of an ugly border dispute. She enjoys reading children's books, like fairy tales, and one of these books inspired her profession.
Brief Backstory: Dora is born in a village near the border of Felbar. She had a carefree life as a toddler, but things changed to the worse when her village was caught in a border dispute between Felbar and Grandia. Not only that she lost her family, she has also lost her village to Grandia soldiers. Only Dora and the Village elder had the fortunate chance to survive, and the elder decided to take her in after the conflict. She lived with the elder, fetching food & tending his injuries. A few days have passed, he succumbed to his injuries and died despite her valiant efforts. From there on, she started on her treasure hunting profession by scavenging the corpses of Grandia Soldiers. The following months were spent on starting up her business at a town and finding reliable traders. Her year of trial and error in failed businesses has made her malnourished, which contributes a bit to her petite height. But, for the rest of nine years, her treasure hunting job went smooth sailing and she made a living out of it.
Abilities: Dora's magic is unrefined at best. She only uses it to add killing power to her rifle. Her magic element is Light. Elmythia Lance - By adding her magic to her rifle and thrusting it forward like a spear, Dora fires a shot more powerful than a conventional bullet. The bullet leaves behind straight trails of light magic like a Lance, thus the name.
Skills: Dora is good at stealing from her enemies. She enjoys using the cover of the dark to get to her targets unnoticed and unscathed. She is also decent in using her dagger to defend herself, and to 'harvest her treasures' from living targets. She scavenges her loots with a file & spanner. She doesn't like using rifles, but she keeps one just in case she gets caught in an open battle. For tougher opponents, she can use chainsaw & grenades to get through their tough armour.
Personality: Vivienne is a very headstrong, stubborn girl. Once she has her mind set on something, it is very difficult to dissuade her no matter what the matter is. Additionally, she is extremely self-confident and has something of an arrogance to her, a belief that if she can do it, she will do it no matter what gets in her way. Of course, this attitude might be somewhat... troublesome for those around her. For example, Vivienne firmly believes that, because the to-be Empress of the Grandian Empire is a young girl of the same age as herself, she would be able to talk to her and end the war just like that. It's what she desires do do, even, though obviously she has not been allowed to. Vivienne also claims that even though she seems small and frail now, she will obviously grow up to be mature in every sense of the word, citing her older sister as a reason for this. In spite of her demanding and stubborn attitude, deep down Vivienne does truly care about the people of Felbar, and her desire to talk to the future Grandian Empress is born not entirely about of confidence and a stubborn attitude but because she legitimately wants to prevent the war from becoming worse. The young girl looks up to her elder sister a great deal, as well.
Brief Backstory: When Vivienne was born, she was very weak and sickly. As a result, she was often left inside and pampered a great deal, even as she began to grow more healthy and strong after frequent visits from the royal physician. Her weakness lasted until she was around eight years old, but had a lingering effect on her body, rendering her physically frail and small even as she entered her early teens. Her childhood of pampering and isolation, on top of being a daughter of the royal family, have certainly contributed to her stubborn, somewhat spoiled, and incredibly arrogant attitude. She was quite demanding about proceeding to a town near the border, insisting that she wanted to see how people were dealing with the possibility of battle not too distant from their homes. Eventually she was granted this chance, with a heavy escort and her whole compliment of employees, including her most loyal maids and her loyal butler.... However, something seems to have changed when it comes to her butler...
Abilities: Vivienne has a fairly high potential for magic, a common trait in the Croix line of the royal family. However, she is not suited for direct combat and instead has been taught several summoning and contracting spells, including one that allows her to call fairies to her location to serve her. She can also summon a flock of maids and her butler, but that's less magic and more having a bunch of maids and a butler.
Skills: Compared to her elder sister, Vivienne is quite lacking in many departments in terms of skills. However, she is actually an excellent artist, especially given her relatively young age.
Equipment: Vivienne carries a sketchpad with her rather frequently.
Name: Alto Pederson (Joshua Hart) Age: 26(22) Gender: Male Race: Human Original Appearance: Current Appearance: Personality: Alto's overbearing personality have totally dwarfed that of the more meek and passive Joshua. While he may be slightly more mild he has the same disregard for safety and audacious attitude that made him good at his job. He will follow the letter of any order given but will bend the intent to suit his version of fun, often causing excessive amounts of collateral destruction. Alto tends to avoid wanton loss of life, his demolition is an art and should be witnessed by as many as possible. Brief Backstory: Joshua hart didn't lead a particularly interesting life. No decision was really his own and even after leaving home for university that really didn't change. Even his choice of engineering wasn't really his own. Perhaps that he was reincarnated into a soldier is fitting except this soldier is far from typical. Alto Pederson is a sapper, saboteur, and a bit of a loose cannon. He'll sneak in ahead of an attack to pave the way and make things easier. The addition of Joshua's personality and memories did little to change him. Alto's personality was too strong but the newcomers knowledge helped him in his work. From sneaking into the Grandian Army at the age of 15, his career has been marked by a series of rapid promotion followed by explosions and demotions in that order. Somehow he has avoided any official punishment for his total lack of self control. He has earned the friendship of his peers by imitating and parodying any superior officer that has earned his ire. Abilities: Pressure Manipulation. Alto possesses the ability to redirect and, to a lesser extent, create air pressure. Creating pressure, of course, involves gathering air and so is much easier. moving and directing existing air pressure is much easier. This allows him to direct and concentrate the force of his explosions. Other more utility based uses for this involve deadening sound and short ranged flight. Skills: Disguise: Alto is adept at changing his appearance to suit a given situation. To further this, he has the knowledge to produce makeup to change his facial features and the willingness to steal whatever props he might need. Acting: To go with a disguise Alto has practiced mimicking people of various social roles and has been able to copy a given accent flawlessly. Firearms: He is a passable shot, owing to a career in the military. Explosives production and use: Alto is professionally trained in the use of explosives and can produce what he might need from raw materials. Engineering: Joshua brings to the pairing the benefit of a full, modern, structural engineering degree. Equipment: An array of explosives ranging from low powered distractions to demolition charges. Origin: Our World
Name: Itou Takeshi / Freyr Fridravǫtn Age: 2X / Dehmelic Cusp of Adulthood Gender: Male Race: Dehmel
Original Appearance:
Current Appearance:
Personality: Beneath a placid and professional surface, Freyr is still very much a young man unsure of his place in the world. His only desires are to not disgrace his parents and mentor or waste the opportunities they gave him, but he clearly lacks an impetus in his life. In addition, he’s a very timid person, assured only of the strength in his sword arm and the duties assigned to him. Fortunately, his self-control and guiding philosophy make him capable of rolling with the punches well – if a tad passive as well. Though he demonstrates the discipline and determination expected of his order, he possesses a rather naïve view of the world and often fails to take decisive action outside of battle. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that Takeshi’s personality is the dominant influence to his actions as of late, making him more socially aware but also more invested in the world around him. Unfortunately, they possess poor synergy between each other. A sudden influx of memories cannot eliminate years of introverted body language and poor social skills, but it can shake one's worldview with the experiences it carries. In the end, it seems that they have merely made him more lost than he was before.
Brief Backstory: Itou Takeshi was once somebody who was going places. He was born to a reputable, well-off family, and raised to become a paragon of wholesome traditional Japanese values. As well, from a young age he proved himself a good student and a better athlete, two talents which would guide his lifestyle and form the foundation for his status as the top dog of his local community. For years, Takeshi lived a life that others could only envy, and as he neared the conclusion of his high school experience, all signs pointed to even greater heights. Unfortunately, his luck ran out after being involved in a terrible crash only hours after his graduation ceremony. The damage to his body and mind was severe, and being forced into a long, painfully slow period of rehabilitation put a stop to any plans he had for the life ahead of him. The past few years have been a traumatic and depressing descent inward, but also a period of reflection for someone so self-concerned.
Freyr Fridravǫtn, on the other hand, was somebody whose life was far less blessed. He was born in Skanxia, the cultural heartland of the Dehmel peoples, to lowborn parents. Fortunately or otherwise, he would not be able to live with them long; soon after he learned to walk and talk, they left him at a monastery to be raised and educated as a monk - a final gift to ensure their son a good life rather than have him consigned to a lesser place in society. A good life, but assuredly not an easy one; the monastic warrior orders of the Dehmel are notorious for their staunch dedication to discipline and self-improvement, and Freyr was not a particularly talented warrior. So when he was not being educated in culture and the sacred texts, he was practicing katas or sparring against his peers; by his persistent efforts, he was able to keep up with, and ultimately surpass, his peers. His life would be like this for years, rarely ever leaving the confines of the temple or socializing with his fellows as he did his best to sharpen his skills to a razor edge.
He is currently undertaking his Pilgrimage, a coming-of-age rite among Dehmel martial artists, where the undertaker must walk the world, testing their character and skills to achieve a greater understanding of the universe.
The pinnacle of excellence in their field is what all Dehmel strive to achieve, be it arts, trades, academics or anything in between. For Dehmel monks who have achieved the pinnacle of martial arts, there is a special name: battle-saint, and of the innumerable aspirants to the title, there have only been eighteen who have earned it. Freyr is one of the many disciples who pursue this path each generation, undergoing years of daunting training to strengthen his mind and body in pursuit of martial enlightenment. The marque feature of this tradition is its two halves:
The external arts – the styles – encompass all physical forms of combat. It determines which aspects an individual excels at, and which weapon skill is refined to become an extension of the user's body. Taught by any willing mentor, these are not something exclusive to monks, but rather something attributed to the Dehmel race as a whole – and one of the reasons they’re regarded as the premier warrior race. The intent behind learning a style is the distinguishing factor between mere warriors and those who seek enlightenment; for the latter, it serves as the disciplinary foundation upon which an individual’s sutra is developed rather than a be-all-end-all of combat. All styles ensure their practitioners have a foundation in hand to hand combat.
The second half, the internal arts – the sutras – are something that cannot be taught. Said to take decades to develop and a lifetime to master, a sutra stems from holistic understanding, from synchronicity within and without. Though Dehmel mages are a rare commodity, by the power of one’s sutra, martial feats on the level of magic can be executed through a combination of sheer skill and connection to the world. The supernatural effects of these feats are tied intrinsically to the individual's character, affinity, and fightinh style. The perfected form of a sutra is a set of ten powers tied to paired five-line chants, but most aspirants will only ever learn two or three of their sutra's ten lines.
In terms of pure metaphysical science, a sutra turns the ambient mana into one’s own magical fuel, akin to converting the body into a biological altered machine using the mind and spirit as the functional blueprint, with the chant and techniques as the trigger. Yet despite apparently knowing the theory, modern attempts at replicating this phenomena have failed, so something about that assessment must be off.
However, the ability to use both is what characterizes a Dehmel martial artist, and Freyr has not yet expressed his sutra. Therefore, to say Freyr is a competent martial artist would be incorrect.
A lightning-fast sword style originally developed to do one thing: slay dragons. But while the skies of Skanxia have been silent for a long time, the techniques of the ancient dragonslayers remain, and are taught by an order of monks from a certain temple near the capital. The marque features of this style are its compatibility against enemies that surpass the user in power, and its brutal counterattacks, executed against exposed weakpoints at blinding speeds. Compared to others, it excels at speed and mobility, but is poor at absorbing blows and only average at controlling enemies with pressure – a dragon is neither fearful nor weak, after all.
As mentioned before, Freyr hasn’t taken a single step towards unlocking any capabilities under the purview of this sutra. Presumably tied to his affinity for water and related concepts, but who knows how the insertion of a new identity has influenced things?
While his natural strength unexceptional for his race, the total strength that Freyr boasts still far outstrips that of other races when compounded with his extensive physical training. However, the exact nature of his conditioning means that his build is lean and powerful, more akin to the agile power of a big cat than a bull-like mass of muscle.
Freyr possesses a working knowledge of the two subjects Dehmel warrior monks are expected to be educated in, namely social studies and language arts. Most notably, Freyr possesses above average knowledge of skaldic poetry, sagas and eddas. In addition, he has recently been bestowed with knowledge encompassing a Japanese secondary education with honors and the technique of a star athlete, albeit with an understandably diminished ability to recall facts. Likewise, it should be noted that applying sporting techniques in a new body is a different issue entirely.
Skanxia is a very cold, very aqueous environment; there are rivers, fjords, lakes and coasts enough to make someone sick of them, but also enough to make establishing efficient roadways relatively cumbersome. As a result, navigation by boat remains a popular method, and one that Freyr is sufficiently well-versed in as someone engaging on a worldwide journey. He still pales compared to true sailors, but he knows enough to maintain the course of a craft on rough waters. Anything more complicated than sail or oar is out of his league though. It should be noted that Freyr can't drive or pilot modern land vehicles, but with Takeshi's knowledge, he can drive a car. But Takeshi doesn't like cars, and travel by foot can be more effective for them depending on the terrain anyway.
With their monstrous strength, the Dehmel are often bereft of suitable armaments by which to battle. Normal, unenchanted blades warp and shatter under their use - a significant problem for a martial race in an era before Altered Weapons. As a result, ancient Dehmel blacksmiths have developed a steel alloy used to forge weapons appropriately resilient and wickedly sharp. While such a practice is generally unnecessary in this age, young Dehmel warriors are traditionally granted Dehmel steel arms by their masters.
Carries all the essentials for life on the road, as well as paper and writing implements. It should be that he has no money due to the nature of his travels and so has to rely on good will or hard work to get by.